Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L79. Two wives: a girl and a beast .38.40.-.42.46.

The girl marries a powerful, benevolent character; his first wife is a monster; he kills her or is happy to have her killed by his new wife.

Ainu, Northern Alaska Inupiat, McKenzie Estuary, Koyukon, Tanaina, Tagish, Helmet, Taltan, Tlingit, Haida, Tsimshian, Quarry, Arapaho, Kiowa-Apache

Japan. Aina Sakhalin [a girl comes to the house, an old woman is in it; she hides her; her son comes, the old woman accidentally gives the girl away; the man likes her, he does not go to the next house where he old wife; goes there in a couple of days, fights with his wife, kills her with a sword; new wife and old lady see that she is a she-wolf; the girl and that man are happily married]: Pilsudski 2001, No. 8:39; 2002, No. 8:34.

The Arctic. Northern Alaska Inupiate (Noatak) [a woman travels alone, comes to a man; his pants in his groin are wiped to holes every day; she finds the corpses of her former wives, their genitals are bloody; the woman prepares for copulation, pushes the person away, he falls on a wooden couch, the penis pierces a tree, the woman runs away; comes to another husband, he is kind; sharpens the ulu knife, asks her to kill a woman who comes to beat him every year; when she comes in, a new wife kills her by slashing her neck]: Hall 1975, No. PM152:383-384; McKenzie's mouth [woman runs away from her husband, comes to the giant; he's in her falls in love, asks him to kill two children; she sees only two adults; he explains that these are children, kills them and his giant wife; asks him to hit him on the head with a stone if a bear comes; she mistakes a fox for a bear; a bear comes, blocking the light, a giant kills him]: Ostermann 1942:76-77.

Subarctic. Koyukon: Attla 1983 [Contrary to the rule, a menstruating girl leaves her little sister in the cradle for the night; goes out to the potlach participants; a baby girl kills everyone by sucking them asleep heart and lungs, chases her sister; she crosses the river along the log; the stalker asks how the sister crossed; she shows the log, pushes it when the pursuer steps at him; the girl- the cannibal is swallowed by a pike, it turns into a pike liver; a girl comes to an empty village, gropes into the house in the dark, stumbles upon an ogre who has eaten all the inhabitants, runs away; he comes to her fire, eats up the murdered child; she sticks an awl at his head to keep him awake; in the morning she puts hot coals in his shoes, mittens and park; goes for firewood, ties the rope that the cannibal tied to her to fir; runs away; an ogre comes up, he is cold without clothes, she hits him from behind and in front, a blackbird and a snipe fly out, people don't eat them; a man comes up to her, says that his first wife is angry (she is a she-wolf ) and he would rather visit her here; he builds her a house; kills an angry wife, brings the girl to him; they have a son; the husband finds his wife killed, finds only someone's footprints on a log, which means the killer has descended from heaven ; makes arrows by splitting fir, making a chain of arrows, it turns into fir to the sky; he climbs into the sky, gives three old women ear pendants, who tell us where the killers went; kills murderers, tears off old women's pendants along with their ears, goes down to the ground, cuts down fir; his son says that he became friends with his older brother, a son from his first wife, who went to live separately when his father brought new; wolf son leaves]: 173-211; Nelson 1983 [the girl married Wolf, gave birth to him a child; he had two wolf wives, he killed them; later their spirits killed his human wife, ate her insides; so women should not kill wolves and can only process wolfskins after they lie down]: 161; tanaina [woman leaves her unfaithful husband; comes to a man with a big wife, who kills new wives by throwing a horn at them; a woman throws her horn back, killing her; a husband is happy; a woman comes to ten brothers; they have one wife for all; she is a cannibal with two faces; a woman lives with her youngest from brothers; Two-faced throws her son into boiling water; a woman cuts her to pieces, replaces her as the brothers' mistress; runs on the advice of her mother-in-law; brothers kill each other, turn into wolves; first husband finds a woman, she comes back to him]: Vaudrin 1969:96-107; helmet [two sisters eat a lot of fat; mother gets angry, tells them to go beyond the Mist; he kills his two cannibal wives, turns them into porcupine and beaver, marries girls; he is a good hunter, brings his mother-in-law a lot of meat; Mist people cut like tail fat and eat mountain sheep horns; this is their main food, they call it fat; once The fog covers her meat pantry with a mountain; when he finds out that people are starving, he takes off the mountain; mother-in-law eats fat greedily, splits in half]: Teit 1917a, No. 20:466-467; tagish [the girl went for berries, she was taken away Bears; her aunt, who has long been kidnapped by the Bears, tells her to run, otherwise she will turn into a bear; she gave a whetstone, a comb, explained what to do; the girl runs away, throws a comb (thicket), a vessel with water (lake; twice), whetstone (rock); bears can not climb, fall into the water; the girl approaches salt water, offers the fisherman a wife if he saves her from bears; directs her stick to bears, they die; explains that his monstrous wife (or mother) kills real ones; you can't look at her; a girl spies on her swallowing a seal, it gets stuck in a monstrous woman's throat she pulls out the girl's eyes; the husband kills the monster with a spear, cuts it to pieces, throws it into the water, the pieces turn into crabs; he puts the girl's eyes in her eye sockets; she wants to go home, her husband brings her to her parents Visits every year]: McClelland 2007, No. 58:302-309; taltan [Cā'kunā is a lucky hunter, his wives are Bobrikh and Porcupine; a poor woman chases her daughter who stole a piece of fat; tells her marry K.; former wives are going to kill the one who came; K. hits them with a club, drives them away forever; Bobrikha transports Dicobrazh to the island and throws them; she causes a frosty night, crosses the ice; Bobrikha wants as many winter months as there are scales on her tail; Porcupine wants four, bites off her thumb; Bobrikha has to agree; Bobrikha agrees to live in low-lying places, Porcupine - where taller; K. with his mother and new wife move to his wife's mother, they have a lot of meat]: Teit 1919, No. 26:244-246.

NW Coast. Tlingit: Swanton 1909, No. 31 [a girl picks berries, steps into bear droppings, scolds bears; a grizzly turns into a human, takes her to the Grizzly; she leaves her beads where relieves herself; Grizzlies think this is her bowel movements; the supply of beads is running out; the old captive woman tells her to take devil's club grass, a thorn of rose hips, clay, sand, stone; she runs, throws objects, they turn into thickets of grass, rose hips, swamp, sandy slope, rock; she promises a man on the boat to be his wife; his club kills grizzly pursuers; at home does not tell her new wife to look at an old Oyster when it eats; a woman watches the Oyster pouring water, the woman drowns; her husband revives it, kills the Oyster; allows the woman to return to her parents], 65 [girls are not allowed to eat in between between regular meals; two sisters break the ban; mother terribly scolds her elder, invites her to marry Mountain Man; sisters go to the mountains; Mountain Man marries his older sister; forbids look at the woman behind the curtain; the wife looks, both sisters fall dead; Mountain Man kills the woman behind the curtain, revives the sisters; allows them to visit their relatives, gives him a basket of meat; his enough for all the inhabitants of the village; it is considered good luck to hear the Mountain Man's axe in the forest]: 126-129, 222-224; Romanova 1997, No. 25 [by Swanton 1909, No. 89, two options; the leader's daughter picks berries, comes to a bear cake, swears; her basket of berries falls apart, the maids go away; a grizzly in the form of a man takes it away; she collects dry firewood, it does not burn; Bears collect raw; when they take off and they shake off their skins, fat drips on the firewood, they burn well; they teach the woman how to do it; the mouse grandmother tells her to run, gives her a branch of thorny bushes, a thorn from rose hips, dirt, sand, stone; a woman runs away, throws what she has received, prickly thickets, rose hips, a bog, dunes, a rock appear behind her back; a man in a boat (this is the son of the sun, or Gonakadet) promises to help when a woman agrees to marry him; kills grizzlies with a club; the sons of the Sun were married to a cannibal; they killed her to marry a girl, cut the corpse to pieces; it was over the Tsimshian country, so there are many cannibals among the Tsimshians; from above, the girl sees her father's house; after loading the Sun Father's boat with their belongings, his sons and woman with her child sailed to her father's house; on the way, the boat was fed; for earthly people, the sons of the Sun are moon glare, the woman's son is a ray; once a stranger took a woman by the hand at a well; the water she brought turned into mucus, her husbands immediately returned to heaven; leaving, they wanted the woman's son to fall ill; people told her to leave the village; she began to live with her son in a hut, he grew stronger; people called the boy "Man from the garbage dump; she swam at him with her mouth open, his father's copper boat; he shot, it fell apart; the young man made the first brass things out of it; married the chief's daughter; looking for a daughter, the chief found a copper house inside the hut; this is how copper appeared]: 87-91; Haida: Barbeau 1953 [five girls are picking berries; the fifth strap breaks, two men take it to their house; a woman half turned to stone warns her not to eat these people's food, otherwise it will also turn into stone; the chewing gum works around the house, runs, taking a bag of objects given by a semi-stone woman, throws them behind; a piece of wool turns the forest into a windbreak, oil turns into lake, another piece of wool causes a landslide; a man swims in the sea in a boat, she has animal heads on both ends; he takes a girl when she calls him husband; it's Saradilaw; his club kills herself pursuers, they were grizzlies; she looks for frogs in his head, she throws them into the water; at home S. tells her old wife not to offend the young woman; she does not tell the young woman to spy on her eating; the young sees that she throws a whole seal into her mouth; the old one immediately choked, killed a young woman; her husband revives her; more about the adventures of her young son (his name is Real Man) motive K52]: 286-289; Hyda (Skydegate ) [the leader's daughter picks berries, steps into bear droppings, swears; bears take her away; in the bear house, a woman, half turned into stone, warns her not to eat bears, bury her own excrement; instead, the kidnapped person leaves copper bracelets; grizzlies believe that her excrement is copper, forgive her swearing; the stone woman gives her a comb, hair, oil, whetstone; the kidnapped flees from her husband- Grizzly, abandoned objects turn into a windbreak, thicket, lake, cliff; she promises copper to the man in the boat; the boat bites off the heads of pursuers - wolves and bears; the new husband tells him to look in his head; there are frogs, a woman bites her nails instead; at home, the husband tells me to look at his first wife when she eats; a woman sees her swallowing a whole cat; a piece gets stuck in her throat, she dies; the husband cuts and powders the body, revives the wife; the new wife gives birth to a son; see the M21 motive]: Swanton 1905:336-338; Haida (Masset) [the girl's parents and relatives constantly reject her suitors; while picking berries, she steps into bear droppings, swears; her basket strap breaks off, she falls behind, two men take her to the village of Bears; there is a woman glued to the ground with resin; warns that the Bears collect not dry, but raw brushwood; she collected dry bracelets; she collected dry bracelets; she told her to pretend that her bowel movements are copper bracelets; Bears eat raw fish; taking oil, whetstone, hair, runs, the abandoned turns into a lake, a mountain, a windbreak; she is surrounded by birds (snowbirds), she throws them ocher, they pick it up, since then their faces have red paint; a woman throws a comb, it turns into a mountain; a man in a boat takes a woman, puts a club into the water, she kills all the bears herself; a man does not tell him to watch his first wife eat seals in his house; a woman watches and sees her puts a whole seal in his mouth; the first tears it apart with his claws; the husband cut his first wife in half; the halves no longer converge when he puts a whetstone between them; revives the new one; she visits her father, lives with her husband]: Swanton 1908a, No. 36:500-508; Tsimshian: Barbeau 1953:108-117 (southern coastal) [father-chief gives Rhpisunt to the grooms; she picks berries, she is taken away by Chief Grizzly's son; at his house many semi-petrified (starting at the legs) women; The mouse asks R. to give her wild sheep fat and wool (used for cosmetics and jewelry); warns not to eat crabapples berries (these are human eyes), bring a raw and green tree for the fire, not dry; advises to distract the attention of her husband's two sisters; R. loads them with firewood, quietly ties them to a tree, runs away; when the Grizzly approaches, R. hides in a tree; at the mouth of the river. Skin is called by Dzaradilaw, who sails in a copper boat; he does not respond to the promise of wealth, takes R. into the boat when she calls him husband; asks him to bite through his lice, these are frogs, she fulfills the request; kills the Grizzly with a live club with heads on both ends; D.'s first wife is friendly, but D. warns not to look if R. hears anything; R. hears crunches and chomps, spies, sees wolverine, falls dead; D. kills his wolverine wife with a spear, puts pieces of her heart on R., she comes to life; gives birth to a boy; they come to Father R.; he is concerned about the sounds that the boy makes at night; mother and son move out; son shoots birds, they turn out to be pure copper; he makes copper shields; his maternal uncle thinks that the young man is poor, refuses to give him his daughter; he dresses the girl in copper, uncle ashamed; (origin of the Copper Face coat of arms)], 129-146 (Gitsees, Port Simpson) [while picking berries, the leader's daughter steps into bear droppings, scolds bears; on the way home, the strap of her basket breaks; two men are offered to help, take the girl to the Grizzly house; the owner calls her daughter-in-law; The mouse advises that the girl hide her bowel movements by replacing them with pieces of copper (her jewelry); Grizzly believe that she had the right to despise bears for their litter; the girl quietly ties her two Grizzly sisters to the stumps, runs away; on the shore she calls Dzaradilaw, who is swimming in a copper boat; he takes the girl into the boat when she promises to marry him; kills the Grizzly with a live boomerang club with a mouth at the end; the girl sees frogs in D.'s hair; snaps them as if she chews on them, actually throws them into the water; D's first wife . friendly, but D. warns not to look at her; the girl spies, Wolverine devours her soul; D. kills his wolverine wife by cutting off her head, lubricating her neck with herbal infusion (otherwise her head grows): takes the woman's soul out of her body, she comes to life; gives birth to a boy; her brothers bring gifts; D. hides his wife, brothers find her corpse (i.e. the appearance of a corpse); D. sends his wife and son to her parents; a mature son should not communicate with people; the ban is broken, the boy is weakening; the grandfather resettles him and his daughter; a young man shoots a bird on the water, it turns into a copper boat, they make jewelry out of it; uncle gives his daughter for a young man when the slave reports how much copper that father has; the club received from his father hunts seals herself; the young man invites water monsters by sending them a live spear he has received from his father; feeds grease them, builds a totem pole]; 1961 [the leader's daughter picks berries; the strap of her basket breaks, friends go home; an unfamiliar man offers help, takes her away; The mouse says it's the Bear who took it her for cursing when she stepped on bear droppings; advises her to replace her excrement with a copper bracelet; Bears decide that the girl had the right to scold them since her own copper excrement; Mouse tells her to collect raw firewood, if dry, the Bears are angry; one day a girl hits her watchman with a stick, runs; throws a copper bracelet, then the second one; they turn into mountains; sees a man in a copper boat , promises to marry him; he kills bears by throwing a club in the form of a monster with heads at both ends; at home he tells his wife not to look into the closet; she opens the closet; there is a Wolverine woman sitting there, chewing bones seals; when he sees her, he chokes, dies; husband to wife: now her relatives will persecute us; they go to live elsewhere]: 60-62.

The coast is the Plateau. Quarry [seal hunter tells new wife not to look if she hears dogs chewing; woman watches; sees first wife in Wolverine guise; she bites her in half; husband burns her Wolverine, pushing into the earthen furnace, revives his new wife; one day he brings a white seal, asks his wife to wash the carcass; she enters the water, the marine inhabitants take it away; the husband dives, brings stones to the little fish, under with which fish live, makes blind geese sighted; Satsan cuts down a tree to make the kidnapped woman fins; the husband tells the wedge to split; repairs; for this S. pours water into the fire; the husband takes his wife; S. prevents the pursuers from leaving the house, Geese and Fish put obstacles in their way; the sea floods the earth to the sky; the husband kills his wife with an ax, throws it into the water; the water begins to fall; first the Muskrat, then the Beaver they dive, both repeatedly bring portions of clay from the bottom; man makes new land out of them]: Jenness 1934, No. 8:141-143.

Plains. Arapaho [see motive J33]: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 6 [the skull chases the girl; the man touches it with a bow, the skull bursts; the man takes the girl as his wife; the man's first wife is scary old woman; tries to drown a young wife, she drowns her herself; husband is happy]: 13-15; Kiova-Apache [a lonely poor woman finds larger animals recently killed every time she goes to get water ( rabbit, hare, raccoon, deer); now her name is Happy Woman; the stone monster Nistkre leaves them for her to get fat; she runs away; N. kills everyone in the village, pursues a woman; The Thunder kills the stalker; the former jealous Grommer's wife offers a new one to bring grass; whoever brings first will break the other legs; The mouse suggests where the grass that has already been cut lies; a woman breaks his former wife's legs, she dies; the Thunder throws her into the stream; see motive J27]: McAllister 1949:44.