Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L81a2. A demon comes to drink a girl's blood, (ATU 709A) .14.15.29.-.34.

While men are not at home, a demonic character comes to a girl or young woman to drink her blood. Men notice that the girl withers, but at first they do not know the reason.

Arabs of Morocco, Tunisia, Spaniards, Kalmyks, Abazins, Ossetians, Ingush, Chechens, Kumyks, Avars, Lezgins, Tatas, Georgians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Persians, Tajiks, Uzbeks, Yagnobs, Vakhans, Khufs, Sarykol, Eastern Sami, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Karakalpaks, Uighurs, Yellow Uighurs, Dungans, Chulym Turks, South Altai Tuvans, Mongors, (Altaians, Mongols of Ordos).

North Africa. Arabs of Morocco [a woman always tells the Moon that there is no other beautiful woman like her and the Moon; the moon replies that the woman is carrying is more beautiful; the woman tells the midwife to throw it away a newborn, to be replaced by a puppy; the husband throws the puppy away; the midwife raises the girl, her name is Lalla; the mother suspects the truth, gives L. a ball, tells her to go and unwind; she gets to the gulas; mother circumcises thread so that L. does not find her way back; L. hides on the roof, found by the maid of seven gulas; hides it at night, L. helps her cook during the day; they agree to divide everything in half; the brothers notice that the food got better; the youngest hides, finds the girl, others agree to their marriage; the maid is jealous; L. wants to share the bean she found with her, she deliberately pretends to be sleeping; the spulbob disappears; the maid fills the fire with water, sends L. for fire; a ghoul named Uncle Yazit gives fire for the right to cut her forehead; the pigeon tries to dry the blood with flaps of its wings, but L. thinks he's interfering with it, chasing it; On a bloody trail, the ghoul finds L.'s house, tells him to put his finger in the keyhole, sucks blood from it; L. is losing weight; the younger brother spies; the brothers dig a hole, tell L. to answer the gulya rude; he breaks in, falls into a hole; the maid was burned in her with him; L. asks a Jewish merchant to say hello to her mother Fulana; she asks to give her daughter a ring; L. put it under her tongue, fell into a coma; the guli put it a stretcher with her on a camel who replied that she would not wear it for a year, not 10 years, but always; the camel's name was "shoe"; the sultan's servants could not catch her, but the old woman loses her shoe, shouts "my shoe" the camel stops; the ring is taken out of her mouth, L. comes to life, the sultan marries her; she sits on her camel, returns to the ghoul brothers]: El Koudia 2003, No. 9:53-63; Tunisia [Gathered a man on the Hajj with his wife, and they left their little daughter Aisha at home, told them not to leave the house or open it to anyone, and left for a year. Aisha swept the floor, found a bob, called her cat. She didn't come, so Aisha ate it herself. Then the cat came and asked why Aisha was calling her. She told her that then the cat began to demand this bean from her, otherwise she would throw the last pack of matches into the well. Then Aisha climbed onto the roof of the house and saw a house in the distance where the fire was burning. She took small stones and began to scatter them so as not to get lost on the way back. When she came to this house, she saw Ibique Belharis roasting donkey meat on fire and his children standing around. Aisha asked for coal. Gul asked her finger to be cut off in return. She was bleeding on her way home. Gul came to her every night and asked her what she saw when she looked inside the house. She replied that she saw him roasting lamb meat and his children around him like gazelles. When the ghoul left, Aisha would go up to the roof and ask the moon when her parents would return. They came back and told them that the ghoul had cut off four fingers. My father dug a hole in front of the house, lit a fire in it and covered it. When the ghoul came in at night, she told him he was roasting donkey meat and donkey skin on it. Gul wanted to break the door, but he fell into a hole and cooked himself. Parents promised they would no longer leave Aisha alone]: Al-Aribi 2009, No. 82 in Korovkina MS;

Southern Europe. Spaniards [when daughter Mariquita is born, parents forget about their seven sons, they leave; M. gets lost, ends up in the brothers' house, secretly cleans it up; the brothers wait for her, recognize her sister by the ring ; M. forgets to feed the dog, he fills the fire with urine, M. follows the fire to the dragon; she gives a gun; the dragon comes after him, each time sucks blood from M.'s finger; the brothers kill him, at his grave Parsley grows, whoever eats will become a black bull; M. forgets about it, puts it in soup, the brothers become bulls; the prince marries M., the bulls with her; leaves; the maid turns M. into a dove, sticking her in the head is a pin, takes its place, makes the bulls work; the dove flies to the prince, he accidentally takes out the pin, M. takes a human form; the brothers are spoiled with the same pin; the maid executed]: Malinovskaya 2002:210-214.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks: Badmayev 1899 [a mare gives birth to a boy, the umbilical cord is cut off by a stone that has fallen from the sky; Haradai-Mergen and Uladai-Mergen become his brothers; a boy kills the husbands of three women; this daughters of the sun, moon, stars; he marries the daughter of the sun himself, brothers to the other two; envy the youngest, for his wife's face glows (first he stained him with ash); they leave a dagger at the kibitka, the youngest cuts off his legs; blind and armless come to him, help each other; kidnap the girl, make him his sister; tell him not to put out the fire; the fire goes out, she comes to the old woman for fire; the old woman sprinkles her in the hem of ash and coals, pierces a hole in the hem; on an ash trail comes to the girl, spoils her; cripples catch a witch, she makes them and the girl healthy, swallowing and spewing everyone; when she swallows legless, does not spew; others cut her, the sparrow screams, the little finger, the brothers find a healthy brother in the witch's little finger; the horse's son comes to the hole where his brothers are sitting; their wives are kidnapped by 15- head mousse; brothers let the horse's son down on a rope, he kills Musa, brothers pick up women, cut off the rope; he falls, is maimed; the mouse sucks his wounds, he breaks her leg, she eats leaves, recovers ; he also eats and recovers; on the one hand of the kibitki people cry (their snakes will eat them today), on the other hand they have fun (they are tomorrow); the serpent crawls on the side of the three eagles in the nest; the horse's son is killed, eagles explain to mothers who their savior is; for getting rid of the snake, people give him food for the eagle; he flies on an eagle, feeds it, finally cuts off a piece of his flesh; limps; the eagle swallows it, regurgitates it healthy; he comes to his brothers; they decide to put the arrows up; whoever is sinful, the arrow will nail him; the older brothers die, the horse's son owns everything]: 23-33; Vatagin 1964:106-115 [the mare of three brothers gets killed three times a day, but someone always kidnaps a foal born in the morning; the youngest, Burgin-Tsagan, cuts off the foal's pearl tail and coral mane with an arrow when it is carried away by a whirlwind; consistently kills three mangas, takes everyone's wife; these are the daughters of the sun, moon and night sky, who were grabbed by the mangas when they flew in the guise of swans to swim; the older brothers envy that the youngest's wife is more beautiful, they leave her sword at the entrance; the blind and armless come to the legless; they kidnap the khan's daughter, make her sister; she goes out to the old woman for him, she puts the coals in the hem, finds a house in the ash trail, drinks the girl's blood with his copper beak; the brothers guard, beat the old woman, make everyone swallow and regurgitate, they recover; B. are not regurgitated, the sparrow screams that he is in an old woman's finger; under the guise of Gelyunga, B. comes to his brothers, his wife recognizes him; they play cards for his younger brother's wife; B. cuts off their heads]; Jimbinov 1962 [an old man and an old woman want to slaughter their own three times a mare that gets killed three times a day; each time the dog burns a string, the mare escapes; runs away altogether; finds and feeds three newborn boys; flies away in the cloud, telling the youngest that his name is Kokode Wise; the brothers go to look for wives; K. meets an old woman and a girl who gives him three cakes; K. gives them to the dog a 15-headed Musa, she caresses him, he kills Musa; the same episode in 25- and 35-headed muses; the 35-headed one voice sounds in the sky, the other on the ground, one fang plows the sky, the other earth; K. kills three old women - the mothers of Musa, takes each wife, gives the elders to his brothers; they see the light coming from the youngest, they are jealous; they leave their braids at the doorstep, K. cuts off her legs; blind and armless come to him; they kidnap the daughter of a celestial, she is at home with them; enters a house where an old woman with With the only eye on the back of her head, asks to look for her head, gives ash and coals, punctures the hem; on an ash trail she comes to the house, sucks blood; friends watch, tell the old woman to cure everyone; she swallows everyone, regurgitates healthy; K. does not belch, the sparrow tells her to cut her finger, he is there; K. came to the brothers disguised as a gypsy; they made his wife a shepherdess; K. tells the brothers to shoot up, the arrows fall they kill them; daughter-in-law is tied to the tails of hundreds of horses]: 31-45; Abazins [horses disappear in the village at night; khan sends his eldest son, who hides in horror when he sees a terrible rider; the same youngest son; young servant Murat guards three nights, kills horsemen on white, bay, raven horses, hides horses; Khan is dissatisfied that the servant, not sons, has defeated enemies; adopts M., but sends sons with him, so that they return the kidnapped horses and kill M.; all three on broken horses come to the village of kidnappers, marry their widows; when leaving, M.'s wife tells them not to look through one window; he looks outside the window and golden shoes; when she returns, the wife explains that they were left by the heavenly maiden, whom her first husband tried to catch in vain; the black horse teaches M. not to stop in a hot village, where is the frost, grab the hair that causes flies to fight, exchange it for fly wings, rise to the sky in the form of a fly, bite that girl, promise to return her shoes; M. brings the heavenly girl by making second wife; brothers are jealous, they cut off M.'s legs in the forest, his wives are turned into maids; M. meets a blind, armless man, they have also been maimed by their brothers; all three bring the girl to cook and wash; the fire goes out, she sees smoke, comes to the old woman; the old woman follows the ash trail, sucks the girl's blood; the brothers guard, grab the old woman, force the girl to swallow and regurgitate, making her healthy; then but crippled; M. does not regurgitate; the bird tells the old woman to be burned, to find a finger in the ash, M. in it; the brothers return the girl to her parents; the unrecognized M. comes to the khan, where there is a feast and an archery competition; kills brothers with arrows, Khan dies of fear, M. becomes Khan]: Tugov 1985, No. 29:54-66; Ossetians (Digorans) [Bestaser-Sila died, left three sons; younger Zanbolat defeats three times the witch's tub with an arrow; she tells him to look for the kidnapper of the horse left by his father; D. asks his mother to fry the corn kernels, clamps them in her hand, she admits that there is a horse that gives birth every day stallion; brothers are frightened, D. takes a foal from a seven-headed giant who has come out of the ground; K. forges a sword and a mace for D.; D. goes underground, kills the seven-headed giant and his wife, two more giants, frees three girls; they tell them to throw millet to black birds (they are happy, they did not even give bran), two iron wolves two rams, oil the door hinges (before and greasy hands were not lubricated); they let D. pass; he kills an iron horse, a felt man, steals underground cattle; the brothers put a sword in front of D.'s bed, screams, he jumps up, is left without legs; the brothers take the cattle and girls; D. comes armless and blind, their brothers did the same to them; all three kidnap a girl, make them a sister; a witch sucks blood from her heels; D. and his companions found a witch, they and the girl climbed into her womb, got out healthy; killed a witch, released the girl; D. hired a swineherd; came to his wake; killed both brothers with one split arrow, tied their wives to horses; awarded swineherd]: Miller 1902, No. 3:78-98; Ingush [when dying, the old man tells his sons to guard the grave; the older and middle brother ask the younger brother Ovdilg ("fool") to go instead of them; three nights in advance that catches three horses, each giving him his own hairs; the prince gives him three daughters, the youngest is Harsen Nars with a golden head and silver hands; O. on three horses jumps to three towers, takes and hides three towers girls; gives the elders to his brothers, XN takes for himself; Biydolg Bare kidnaps her; O. comes successively to the son of the Sun, the son of the Month, the son of the Star; BB has a three-legged guling horse; BB asks him twice, let's catch up whether before lunch; he replies that we will catch up with everything; BB breaks O. with a free club, takes HN, the son of the Sun, the son of the Month resurrects O.; the son of the Star tells us to go to the mountain where the Guling mother fights; tear the muscle off hands, feed the wolf, otherwise he will wean the guling's leg; now O. has four-legged guling and BB has a three-legged; BB cannot catch up with O., guling goes to the ground, BB dies; wives drive O. kills three Enjal monsters; brothers put a sword in the doorway, O. cuts off her legs, brothers take the guling; blind and armless come to live with O.; while three cripples hunt, the fire goes out in HN; she comes to the yeshapyats; they give a sieve of ash, on top of the coals; on the ash trail, the yeshap mother finds a house, drinks HN blood; for promising not to kill her, the yeshapikha gives O. a bar, he cures the cripple; O. kills the yeshapiha; O. kills and revives brothers, drives them away]: Malsagov 1983, No. 8:55-71 (=Tankieva 2003:31-48); Chechens [eight brothers guard herds, notice nothing; ninth Khan Gammalt (only 10 years old) kills two robber sledges, marries their hero sister; envious brothers leave a sword in front of HG sleeping, he jumps up, remains without legs; he is joined by a blind and armless man; they they kidnap the girl, tell her not to throw the liver into the fire; she throws, the fire goes out, she comes to the yeshap for fire; yeshap children give her coal and ash in the sieve; on the ash trail, yeshap comes to the girl to drink it blood; HG hides, cuts down 8 heads; she asks not to cut the ninth, swallows and belches the handless and blind man healthy; HG does not belch, the tit screams that he is in the little finger; the severed little finger runs, but captured, HG is inside; he marries a beautiful woman]: Bagriy 1930 (2), No. 45:159-166 (Quail in Dalgat 1972:350-364); Kumyks [three brothers persuaded their mother to let her sister hunt with them; ordered do not go to Aenem for fire; the fire went out, she saw a house in the distance, E. lived there; she gives ash in a sieve on top of the coals; the next day E. comes on an ash trail, asks her to look in her head, sucks blood girls, like this every day; her younger brother is on duty, the girl dies, her brother beats E.; she says that there is white water in her brain, she needs to wipe her sister's eyes with it; E. died, the girl is resurrected from white water]: Khalidova 1984:173-174; Avars [Khan's mare gives birth to golden-tailed and golden-maned foals, but someone immediately steals them; the eldest, middle son falls asleep, the younger Muin sprinkles salt on the wound, tries snatch a foal from the kidnapper, tears off his leg; the brothers go in search, the elders stay in the cave, the youngest hides under the bridge three times, each time defeats a sledge jumping on a stolen foal; every time the horse stops in front of the bridge, but the sledge says that M. is not here, and if he does, he will kill him; the last sledge is on a three-legged foal, the fight with him is the hardest; M. takes that sledge's wife for himself He gives the other two wives to his brothers; the brothers leave their sword at the entrance to the cave, M. cut both legs to the knee, the brothers take the good and women away; the Blind and the Bald come to live with M.; they kidnap the khan's daughter for them cooked; the fire went out, she came to Hart for the fire, she gave it, but began to come to suck blood from her head; Bald, Blind remain on guard, afraid of Hart, say nothing to Muin; M. grabs hart, makes you swallow the Bald and the Blind, regurgitate healthy; warns that she will not belch him, because he killed her sledge sons; it will be necessary to cut each of her organs; Blind and Bald find M. in Hart's little finger legs, his legs are healthy; M. comes to the brothers' wedding, only the youngest girl caught from the sledges recognizes him; no one can pull a bow, pulls only M., asks Pleshivoy, shoot at chicken or rooster, he replies that the chicken has nothing to do with it, M. kills the brothers with an arrow; M. marries a sleigh girl and a kidnapped cook, M.'s friends marry two other sledge girls]: Ganieva 2011b, No. 32 : 311-316; Lezgins [=Ganieva 2011b, No. 29:288-284; seven padishah's sons leave home since they have no sister; the queen gives birth to a daughter, she grows up, learns about her brothers, tells her father to buy her iron shoes, goes looking for brothers; the shepherd teaches her how to find the brothers' house, the sister hides there, cooks; the older brother finds the sister in the chest; the brothers tell her not to let the fire go out; she takes a red bead for the coal, does not notice that the fire has gone out; comes to the house of Azhdakh for fire; he gives fire in the sieve; when the brothers are hunting, he comes on an ash trail to suck the girl's blood; the brothers dig a hole, Azhdaha falls into it, they cover him with earth; they take their sister in a chest on a white camel, chase a hare, a merchant finds a girl, gets married; she gives birth to two sons, tells them to throw ash at the frog by the swamp, say who their mother is ; brothers hear, find their sister, and return home with the merchant]: Khalilov 1965, No. 69:211-215 (=Kapiyeva 1974:54-60, but a woman gives birth to only one son; inaccurate translation?) ; tatas [three brothers, deaf, blind and legless, asked the poor girl to be their sister; one day the fire went out, she saw smoke in the distance, came to the old Aeneas woman; she gave her a sieve of ash and coals; then came to her on the trail, searched her head, put her brain to sleep, then sucked her brain, then revived her; the brothers take turns guarding; Aeneas wins, sucks the brain of the legless and blind, the deaf wins her, tells them to be cured; Aeneas swallows a blind, legless man, regurgitates healthy; the deaf does not regurgitate; the girl notices that Aeneas bit off her little finger, threw it out the window; the brothers ripped his little finger, and the third brother came out of there - already hearing; brothers killed Aeneas, got married, girl married]: Kukulla 1974, No. 5:57-60 (=Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 68:568-569); Georgians [nine brothers go hunting; mother gives birth to a girl, puts her on a spindle at the gate; an angry neighbor replaces it with a yoke; another girl tells the brothers' sister that her brothers are missing because of her; the daughter bites her mother's chest, forcing her to reveal the truth; comes to the brothers, who are not they know who is cleaning the house; they find her; warn her not to let the fire go out; the girl comes to the mother of the devas; she gives smut and cilantro seeds, finds a house on them; dev bites off the girl's finger; the next day, the brothers kill the deva; the mother of the devas asks for medicine to be added to the brothers' food; they turn into deer, run away; the prince wants to shoot, the girl asks not to do so; the prince takes her as his wife; a neighbor tells her servants to drown her, puts on her clothes, replaces her, tells her to stab a deer; he calls his sister, she answers, asks the king not to carry water, not to sharpen his dagger; servants they pull out a woman, tie the impostor to the horse's tail]: Kurdovanidze 1988, No. 54:213-218; Armenians [seven brothers tell the mother to put a spindle on the roof if a girl is born, and a plow if boy again; someone mistakenly put on the plow, the brothers left; the girl grew up; someone lost the ball; all the girls swore to their brothers that they did not take the ball, and this one swore as a dog; the mother confessed that the girl has brothers; she came to the house in the forest, cleaned and cooked, hid; her younger brother began to guard, saw her sister; one day the fire went out, the girl saw smoke, came, and there was a terrible old woman - deva's mother; she gave coal and ash, dev found a house on the ash trail; the girl refused to unlock it, but agreed to stick her finger out; dev bit him off, she fainted; the brothers killed the deva, buried it; the deva's mother watered the grave, grass grew, the brothers put it in soup, turned into rams; the prince took the girl, promised to take her brothers; the prince's relative pushed his wife into the water, put her dress on, the husband did not noticed the substitutions; the liar pretended to be sick, asked the sheep to be slaughtered; they came to the shore, asked her sister to go out; she swam out, the brothers became human again, the liar was tied to the tail of the mule, let him in flee from the mountain]: Nazinyan 1969:135-138; Azerbaijanis [mother is pregnant; her seven sons are leaving, promising to return, if a sister is born, let the mother hang a sieve at the door; if a boy is born again, let the mother hang an arrow, they will not return; Nazdy-Khatun was born, but evil neighbors replaced the sieve with an arrow; NH went to spin her wool; one woman lost her shoes; everyone swore in the name of their father or brother, that they did not take it, but NH in the name of her dog; she was told that she had brothers; came to their tent, cooked and cleaned it, hid; the next day one of the brothers remained guarded; the brothers confessed sister, she became at home with them; one day her fire went out, she saw smoke in the distance, she came, there was a girl hanged by her hair; she was Alta, the daughter of King Ugur, kidnapped by divas; NH took the fire and left, A. gave it away, but the diva went to get the ball, came to the brothers' house; began to shout that his mother had sent NH a ring, she put her finger in the crack, the divas sucked her blood; the brothers found out (the diva killed), their head was walled up in the corner of the tent, Seven flowers grew; NH put them in a chest, the flowers turned into 7 girls; the brothers married them, they gave NH poison, her stomach was swollen, the brothers drove her sister away; two shepherds argued who she owed get it, one was going to cut her in half, she vomited in fear, the poison came out; the shepherd Ahmed married her; her child is playing, made a horse out of reeds, says she drinks; brothers: is it reed Can a horse drink? boy: Can 7 brothers leave one sister? The brothers returned NH, the wives were thrown into the well, they took the good girls; three apples fell from the sky: one to the narrator, one to the listener, and one to the outside; they ate, went into the ground; you eat and live long]: Bagriy, Zeynally 1935:273-280;

Iran - Central Asia. Persians: Osmanov 1987 [seven brothers want a sister; a mother gives birth to a girl, mistakenly hangs a sling over the door, not a spindle; brothers leave; the girl grows up, finds a brothers' house on top of the mountain; secretly cooks and cleans; younger brother hides, catches it; brothers tell us not to eat kishmish berries if they find them on the floor; give it to the cat; the girl eats it, the cat extinguishes the fire, puts a red stone in the hearth so that the girl thinks that the fire is burning; the girl comes to the diva cave for the smut; the next day, the diva comes to her, tells her to stick her finger into the crack; the girl does not tell her brothers, she becomes weaker; Finally, he says, the younger brother breaks the diva's bottle of life, he dies; siblings return to their parents]: 235-238; Marzolph 1984, No. *451 (Khorasan, Azerbaijan) [signs changed, brothers they think that the mother gave birth to a boy again, not a girl, and they leave; the girl grows up, goes looking for brothers; hides, cooks and cleans for three days, then opens; brothers tell her sister not to give go out the fire; sister quarrels with the cat over the zest, the cat extinguishes the fire; the sister comes to the diva for fire; he gave fire and then began to come to suck blood from the girl's finger; the brothers killed the diva]: 92-93; Tajiks [seven brothers want a sister, go hunting; a mother gives birth to a girl Gulmokh, hangs a spinning wheel on the gate, an angry neighbor replaces her with a bow; friends tell G. that her brothers left when she was born; she asks her mother to give her hot wheat with her hand, clamps her hand, makes her tell the truth; she comes to the brothers' house, they do not understand who is cleaning; only the younger brother does not fall asleep, the guard; fire goes out, G. comes to Baba Yaga for him; she gives fire, tells him to throw wheat along the way, follows a goat, tells her to comb her hair, sucks G.'s blood; the brothers push Baba Yaga into a hole, cover himself with earth; dill grows there; after eating it, brothers and sister turn into pigeons, fly to their father's house; brothers turn into poplars, sister into an apple tree; they do not give apples to the prince, for he has not done good deeds; they give rip off an old man, brothers and sister get out of their trunks, hug their parents]: Amonov, Ulug-zade 1960:98-105; Uzbeks [Lali's mare gives birth to the Golden Foal, then the Silver Foal, both disappear in the first The same night; the grandfather has a grandson Badal; when he should be born a crow, his grandfather tells him to guard, the shadow takes the foal away, but B. cuts off a claw the size of a plane tree, it was the Black Diva; B. and his older brothers go to searches; at the crossroads it says, "If you go, you'll come back", "Either you stay alive or not", "You won't come back at all"; B. goes along the third road, brothers first; B. comes to the palace, where Okkyz is a prisoner; first on the Silver Horse, the White Diva (frost) enters the bridge, the horse stops, B. kills the diva; the same with the Yellow Diva (heat, on the Golden Horse); kills the Black Diva, who is on the Black Horse, the darkness dissipates, the sun is shining; B. misses home, finds impoverished brothers in the bazaar, puts them on the Golden and Silver horses; the brothers put their sword at the door, shout that enemies, the sword cuts off B.'s legs; an armless runner comes , the khan cut off his hands; they find a blind man, the khan blinded him, took the bride; they returned her, she cooks, the fire went out, she saw smoke in the distance, came to Admauz Kampyr for the fire, she poured grains into her hem, She came on the trail, sucks her blood, threatens to swallow if she tells men; the blind man is the first to guard, but AK locked the door; B. enough AK, makes everyone heal; for this purpose, AK swallows and regurgitates the blind man, armless; B. does not regurgitate; her brothers cut her apart, the sparrow shouts "little finger", B. in it; AK's head tries to roll, but it is cut into pieces; the wedding of a former blind man with a girl; B. comes to O. with his older brother B.; his grandfather drove away treacherous brothers]: Konovalov, Stepanov 1986:109-119 (about the same to Ostroumov 1890, No. 11:50-65; Yagnobtsy: Andreev, Peschereva 1957, No. 27 [the bear stole the princess, she stuck a thread, threw a ball out of the cave, the Grandfather Collector of Thorns found it, told the king that the princess was returned, she gave birth to a strongman; people complain about him, because in games he maims other children; he goes on a journey, his name is Hirs al-Din ("hirs" is a bear); meets, wins, companions Chanor-ed-Din (wears plane trees), Sang-ed-din (rotates a millstone on his finger); they stole the girl, did maid, they told me to always feed the cat, otherwise she would extinguish the fire; the cat was late for eating, filled the fire with urine, the girl saw smoke, came to the barzanga, she gave fire and a handful of grains; on the trail of the barzanga beans came, sucked the girl's blood; C., S. remained guarded, frightened, hid; H. cut off the head of the barzanga, but the head disappeared in failure, promised to harm; H. descends on a rope, there was a captured peri; she learns that every diva's soul is in a locked room, in a pair of pigeons, in two worms; gave divas drunk, H. took the keys, H. unlocked rooms, killed worms, divas died; peri warns that companions will cut off rope; peri agrees to marry someone who picks up a knife, gun and purse X., no one can; in the lower world, H. tells tigers not to touch a peasant's bulls, kills a fox that strangled an old woman's chickens; an old woman advises killing a dragon that devoured Simurg's chicks; in flight, H. feeds Simurg with eggs given by the old woman, lambs given by the peasant; Simurg bites off the last piece from H.'s leg, belches, puts it back; gives a white and black pen to become old or young; only H. picks up a knife, etc.; the brothers are tied to the tails of horses; a feast, the king awarded the Grandfather Collector of Thorns], 31 [someone kidnaps foals; the eldest, middle princes fall asleep, the youngest sees the dragon swallow the foal, tear off the foal's tail; the brothers go on three roads; the youngest consistently comes to three women, every wife of one of the three dragons; he fights everyone on the bridge, a woman throws jugara under the dragon's feet, a young man wins, takes women, cuts belts out of dragon skin; finds, buys Brothers who are broke; they leave a sword at the door, throw their crippled younger brother; they come to him blind and armless; they stole the girl to cook; they tell him to give the cat one of the two highlights that she will find it on the floor, otherwise she will put out the fire; the girl eats both, the cat fills the fire with urine; the girl comes to the dragon for fire, she tells her to throw barley grains on the way back; on this trail comes to suck blood; the blind, armless guard, but are afraid to stand up for the girl; the dragon is lame, tells everyone to be cured; the dragon consistently swallows everyone and regurgitates whole; the lame man does not regurgitate, he warned what would be in the finger; the former blind and armless cut down the dragon, the young man came out of his finger; the king went blind during this time, but saw the light when the youngest son put the handkerchief to wipe his eyes; ordered to tie the eldest sons to the horses, gave their wives to the youngest son's companions], 43 [the divas carry the foals of the royal mare; the eldest, middle sons fall asleep, the youngest grabs the foal by the tail, the tail breaks off; the brothers go to search; at the fork there is a stone with an inscription, the upper and lower roads are safe, the middle one is dangerous, the youngest drives medium; the elders become apprentices, the youngest meets the wives of black, yellow, white divas, kills divas; White's wife teaches to kill a herdsman, a young man takes a tailless foal and the whole herd; older brothers leave a sword at the door, the youngest is left without a leg; they come blind and armless, bring cook the girl, tell her to share the zest with the cat; the cat lingers, extinguishes the fire, the girl goes for fire to the female diva, she gives a handful of barley, comes along the trail, sucks blood; blind, armless guard , afraid; the young man defeats the diva, makes him swallow and regurgitate whole; he himself is in his little finger; the king is blind in grief, the young man rubs his eyes with a handkerchief, he sees the light; the older brothers are tied to horses; the prince returns his wife and foal, passes off his sisters as former blind and armless]: 131-138, 157-163, 192-196; the Wakhans [the cat tells the sheep that today she will be slaughtered and she will eat her fat tail; the sheep asks bring a knife to the cat, cuts off its fat tail, the cat opened the door, the sheep went to Mount Kof, gave birth to a herd of sheep and a boy May-Zman ("son of a sheep"); tells him to go to people; the Ministry of Health meets, wins, takes satellites Chinorboz ("playing plane trees"), Kuboza ("playing with mountains"), Hdorgboz ("playing with millstones"); companions come to an empty house, where food is ready; they take turns guarding; from cracks in the pole, a girl comes out, washes, paints the rest, puts a dish with food, turns into a needle, goes back; the rest stains his face with mud so that no one notices; when the MZ remains, he puts salt on the cut, grabs the girl, the companions agree that he takes her as his wife; the Ministry of Health tells his wife to watch the fire; she dropped a red bead, thought the coals were turning red and they were out; sees smoke above a bunch of stones, comes, there are Barzangi; tells you to sprinkle the road with fried lice, then the dung in the hearth will catch fire; on the trail he comes riding a goat, sticks needles into the bread, tells the girl to dance on them, she hurts legs, he drinks blood; companions take turns guarding, everyone is afraid; the Ministry of Health hits with a dagger, kills 5 Barzanga's heads, the sixth under a rock, the seventh ran away, returned with an army; the Ministry of Health burns the hairs of the mother sheep, that heals his wounds and the wounds of his companions; the Ministry of Health orders him to be lowered into the hole under the stone where the sixth head disappeared (the companions tried but failed); Barzanga's shepherd below; the Ministry of Health asks him how to count cattle (hit a tree, no matter how many leaves have fallen off, so many sheep are gone), how to cross the river (say "chuck", the waters will part), where our grandfather's soul, i.e. Barzanga (in a staff, if you break on your knee, he will die), grandmothers (in stones with which salt is crushed; hit each other, the wick will flash, blow it out), the shepherd himself (in the lice at the back of his head); the Ministry of Health suggests cleaning the shepherd's head, crushing the louse," pulls on the demand that was on the shepherd's head"; under the guise of a shepherd, he crosses the river; the grandmother asks to bring a sheep, a goat, he brings a ram, a goat; says that he has confused everything in the sun; breaks his staff, blows out the wick; sends cattle upstairs to his companions; tells them to drag themselves, but does not tie themselves; they cut off the rope; a forest has grown out of the thorn that has fallen into the leg of the Simurg bird; the Ministry of Health frees Simurg; her children think that a man wants to kill her, she explains everything; she tries to raise the Ministry of Health to the ground, there are not enough supplies, he throws meat out of her hand, but she comes back; the next day, out of her leg, they reach the land, Simurg regurges, puts pieces of meat back to the Ministry of Health; gives two feathers - turning them into an old man and a young man; under the guise of an old man, he comes to his companions, becomes young, kills them with a dagger; lives with his wife]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 12:153-163; Khufs [as soon as the king's mare gets stabbed, the foal is stolen by divas; the king consistently sends four sons to guard; each of the elders falls asleep; younger Arpamishk cuts his little finger and sprinkles salt on the wound; fights the diva, who takes the stallion, but one hoof remains in A.'s hand; he goes in search; asks the diva's wife to pour millet under his feet if a diva in the battle on the bridge will prevail; a black diva on a black horse with black dogs; slipped on a millet, A. threw him into the water, took his horse - that foal with his hoof torn off; married to the widow, a diva, brought her home; a similar episode with white, red, gray divas; A. leaves each of the widows of divas to one of the brothers; the brothers are envious that A. has a better wife and horse; they stick in knives, shout A. that enemies attacked; he stumbles upon knives, maims his legs; he comes to live blind and armless; they kidnap a girl as a wife for A.; she is at home, the fire goes out, she comes to the witch for fire, she cooks a man; a witch gives fire and asks where the girl lives; comes, asks her to look for lice, sucks blood; A. sees that her wife is losing weight; teaches her to quietly tie the witch's hair to nails; a witch swallowed the girl; A. makes the handless man and the girl spew, swallow and spew the blind man, they become healthy; she is told to swallow A., then spew; spews after she is burned with fire; A. becomes a healthy handsome man; they killed a witch, separated, A. brought his wife to his parents' house]: Sokolova 1959, No. 20:73-83; Sarykol residents [parents want to pass off three sons for three daughters; the youngest climbs on a plane tree, it goes to heaven; sticks a needle into the house of three brothers, cooks in their absence; only the younger brother does not fall asleep, the brothers make the girl a sister; they tell you to watch the fire, the bead falls into the hearth, the girl takes her for a coal; she comes to ask the old woman for fire, she gives her, tells her to bake cakes at home, comes on a goat, sticks a needle into the floor, tells her to dance, the girl stabs her legs, the old woman eats cakes, dipping them in blood; brothers guard, only the youngest one kills the witch, burns her corpse]: Pakhalina 1966:103-106; Turkmens [seven sons tell their father to hang a doll above the gate if their mother gives birth to them sister, and saddle if the boy is born again; the mother gave birth to a girl, the neighbor replaced the doll with a saddle, the brothers decided not to return home; the old man told his parents that their sons live in a cave, hunt; Pamyk grew up, came to other women, sat down in a bad place for girls who do not have brothers; she was told that there are brothers, taught how to get confession from her mother; she asks her mother to give her hot covurga, clamps her hand; her mother gave a bun, he rolled to the cave; AP cooked food, washed clothes; younger brother postered the girl, the brothers recognized her sister; the fire went out, AP came to pick him up deva; he put ash and coals in her hem; on an ash trail; comes to suck blood from AP's finger; his brothers kill him, but other devas came and killed the brothers; the old man taught AP to revive them with camel milk Ak -Maya; her camel hid AP, sucked her mother's milk and gave AP; AP rode off, the camel tells the camel to become a black stone, he's on the road to Mecca; AP revived the brothers, they got married, the wives want get rid of AP; six of them bewitched AP by making her dumb, but Bayram's wife was kind to her, left the others; the padishah's son married AP; after giving birth to a son, AP spoke again; 14 years later, Byram found AP; she gave him six bags of phalanges and scorpions, ordered him to give it to his daughters-in-law; scorpions do not bite his wife; the brothers drove away other wives]: Lebedev 1954, No. 11:136-146 (=Stebleva 1969, No. 47:257-266);

Baltoscandia. Eastern Sami (Kildin dialect) [the son grew up tall (and strong), his father could not find his clothes, decided to push him into the water; the boy fell, pulling the entire pier with him; the father drowned, and the guy - now his name is Pop Float - sailed on a log; he was picked up by a ship; the prince sails on him to marry the daughter of another king; when he returns with his young wife, he is barely alive in the morning: she crushed him, putting a river on him, then his leg; P. summons to take his place, throws his arm and leg away; tells the prince that it is now safe; after finding out who slept with her, the girl invited P. to turn over three times on the shore and touch her chest with her feet, cut off his legs with a knife; sailed back to the ship; P. crawled, got into the house of a legless and blind man; a mistress is needed; the king will give his daughter to the one who takes off her ring when she is at the window on the upper floor; the blind carries P., throws her up three times, the third time P. takes the girl away; Baba Yaga comes to her, asks her to remove the lice, falls asleep with his head on her lap; when the men return, the girl is pale; when they found out what was going on, they told her to put Baba Yaga's head on a bench; they tied her by her braids, began to beat her to give her living water; she gave it, they tried to revive the duck - it doesn't work; they beat her again, Baba Yaga gave me another water; they revived the duck; smeared their legs, arms, eyes, and were whole and healthy; P. married that princess]: Kert 1961, No. 34:120-124.

Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars: Zamaletdinov 2008a, No. 40 [Yarmukhametov 1957:39-61; =Bulatov, Sharipova 2000:49-89; three daughters of the padishah are carried away by a whirlwind; Kich-Batyr brothers (kitsch - evening), Ten Batyr ( night), Tan-batyr (morning: younger) play; the old man advises them to look for the padishah's daughters; they come to the cave where the divas have disappeared; only Tan-B. pushes the stone away; the elders do not reach the bottom of the cave, Tan-b. cuts off the rope, jumps; mice undermine the walls of the well, send Tan-B. across the passage to the copper palace; Tan-B. kills the diva, frees the eldest daughter of the padishah; the same with silver, gold palaces, middle and eldest daughters, two other divas; during a fight with the last diva, T. replaces barrels of strong and weak water, the divas weakens, is killed; the younger sister puts the palaces in copper, silver, golden eggs, gives Tan-b; brothers pull out the girls, cut off the rope, lifting Tan-B; The mouse man tells you to sit on a white goat, not a black goat; Tan-B. sits on a white goat, carried to the upper world; brothers tie There is a sword in front of the tent, Tan-batyru cuts off her legs; blind and armless come to him; they kidnap the daughter of the padishah, make her sister; her fire goes out, she comes to the witch Ubirly Karcik; she tells her to fall for ash so that she can come to visit; when she comes, she tells her to look for the girl's blood in her hair; three brothers take turns guarding, Tan-B. binds the witch, beats; she swallows everyone, belches everyone, belches healthy; Tan-B. does not belch; others chop her, see a fleeing finger, finding Tan-b in it; at home he hires a shoemaker; for the wedding of the youngest daughter of the padishah, he creates eggs on request boots, dresses, palaces; opens, marries; drives away brothers; passes off his wife's sisters as his brothers], 42 [the padishah has Aigali's youngest son; herds disappear, two older brothers go in search; A. plays, threw the golden ball, he pierced the bottom of the woman's bucket; she advises you to better look for his father's cattle; A. chose a shaggy horse, the wind; comes to the old woman, she sends to another, the other to the third; she tells to cut down two heads to the diva, and she would come to cut down the third with her sword; a fox brought a sword for the third head, A. killed the diva; drove herds home, met the brothers; they tied a sword to the legs of sleeping A.; he jumped up, was left without legs; an armless man came to him - his brothers cut off his hands out of envy; then came blind (blinded by relatives); he stole the daughter of the padishah, she began to cook for the cripples; fire went out, she came to the witch for the fire; when she went back, ash fell out of the sieve; the old woman follows the trail, sucks the girl's blood from her finger; the blind and armless guard, afraid to say A.; A. grabbed the old woman, forced them to swallow and regurgitate, everyone became healthy; the old woman did not regurgitate A., she was chopped, A. was found in her little finger; at home A. showed his father his ring, squeezed water out of the stone; forgave the brothers]: 103-127, 139 -148; Bashkirs: Barag 1988, No. 38 [the mare gives birth, but the foals disappear every time; the eldest, middle son goes to guard and falls asleep; the youngest Kyran-Batyr rips his hair off his head with a sword, does not sleep, cuts a cloud that carries a foal; follows a bloody trail to copper, silver, golden houses; each has one of the kidnapped foals and a woman; K. consistently fights against three devas, kills them; tames the piebald mare; tries to get a golden sword from the bottom of the lake; the mare explains that there is a reflection of a sword in the water, he himself is pierced into a pine tree trunk that split the sky and goes further up; K. climbs the pine tree, squeezes to the other side of the sky (after that, a pile of stars remains in the sky), brings a sword, rolls three houses into three eggs, gives two wives to his brothers; they are jealous, hang their sword in front of the entrance to tent, shouting that enemies have attacked, K. runs out, his sword cuts off his legs; he sees a deer carrying the sun on its horns, a man runs after him; says he sees only when he is near the sun; a blind man plants legless K. on his back, walks, K. sees an armless man chasing the same deer; he explains that the deer promised to bring it to people the sun, but did not bring it, people froze, the armless man's hands froze; three they decide to get companions to a female cook, kidnap the khan's daughter, tell them not to let the fire go out; the fire goes out, the girl comes to the old woman for fire; she gives coals, finds a girl on an ash trail, asks to look in her hair, sucks her bone marrow; the girl turns yellow, the companions take turns guarding, only K. hits her so that she can not withstand the blows; K. makes her swallow and regurgitate the girl , blind, armless; regurgitated are healed; after swallowing K., does not want to regurgitate him; the former blind and armless cut it into pieces; the sparrow screams "little finger", the companions cut his little finger, K. comes out, he has it again legs; return daughter to Khan; K. marries a woman from the golden house, gives the other two to companions, makes their brothers servants], 52 [Kiltyai Mergen and his sister live alone, parents are dead; KM warns sister does not offend the cat; the sister is angry with the cat, hit her, she extinguished the fire; the sister sees smoke, comes to the old woman, she gives a scoop of coals, tells her to shake it along the way so that the coals do not go out, pour ash on the ground, promises to follow this trail in the morning; in the morning she asks if KM, his sword and dog are at home, the sister replies that no, the old woman asks to look in her head, sucks blood and bone marrow; KM notices that his sister is drying, she tells him everything, he stays at home, the old woman turns into a three-headed ajdaha, KM kills him, but the sword bounced and killed him; the sister hid her brother's body in the hollow, changed into his clothes, came to the city, under the guise of a young man wins archery, gets a princess as a wife, with her silver stick; the same for the other two kings, gets a princess with a copper and princess with brass sticks; goes ahead, puts clothes on her brother's body, meets the princesses in her own form; they see her husband lying down, each hit him with her wand, he comes to life; sister feels superfluous, leaves, marries an old woman's son; KM goes in search, hears a lullaby in which the baby is called the son of a KM sister; visits his sister, returns to his wives]: 252-267, 367-373

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Tursunov 1983:80-86 [After the death of their parents, Kara-Uyrek and his two brothers separated; KU released three girls who were stabbed by their older brothers with a pin, killed these brothers ; finds his impoverished brothers; they envy KU as if he took the most beautiful girl; leave a sword in front of the entrance to the yurt, KU goes out, is left without legs; his wife hides food and weapons for him; comes blind, carries him, a speedboat comes to live with them; they kidnapped the girl Sarkyt to cook for them, was named sister; S. told the cat that she did not get her, ate the baursaks herself; the cat in revenge put out the fire; S. went to look for fire, he has seven-headed Malmouse-Kempir with one eye in his forehead; she sucks her blood through her toe, promises to eat it if she tells her brothers; gives ash, tells her on the way home says "Become a chingil"; a prickly chingil (Nalimodendron halodendron) grows on the sides, the fire lights up at home; every day JK comes to suck blood; brothers dig a hole, cover them with a nightmare; JK fails, she is cut off 6 heads out of 7; they promise not to kill if she makes them healthy and beautiful; she swallows, regurgitates S., a blind man, a speedboat; KU does not belch; he is found by killing JK and crushing little finger bone; S. returned to parents, passed off as a former blind man; KU and speedboat come to the KU brothers unrecognized; offer to shoot; the arrows of the brothers themselves, KU and the speedboat fall on their heads, kill them; KU took a wife, became a khan, made a speedboat a vizier, married his wife's sister to him], 189-191 [Asan is superior to his brothers in everything, receives wives from the khan for himself and for them; the brothers are jealous; the wife says that A. not in his body, but far away; the brothers leave the sword at the doorstep, shout that enemies have attacked, the sword cuts off A.'s legs; he comes to live armless; brings a cook girl; the fire goes out, the girl has come for With fire to the old woman Mystan, she began to come every day to suck her blood; A. followed, grabbed the old woman, let him go when she returned his legs and his arm to the armless; A. returned to his wife and son, who were tyranted his brothers; forgave his brothers]; karakalpaks [dying, bai tells three sons to divide cattle and goods; they have eaten the inheritance, are trying to work, the elder and middle did not find work, the youngest earned a lot money, married brothers; brothers' wives: kill the youngest, he is rich; you need to fix a sword in the gate, shout "the cattle were stolen by thieves", the young man will run out and die when he stumbles upon a sword; the brothers did so; the youngest his legs were cut off with a sword, the brothers left, taking cattle and property; the young man sees a noseless man chasing a mountain goat; a young man shot a goat with a bow, a noseless man offers friendship; he meets a man without hands that also chase a goat (same); a one-armed man reports that the khan's daughter is being married, they come to the one, the young man falls in love, offers to steal her; four friends live; young men go hunting, the girl stays at home; there is no fire; she goes to look for fire, stumbles upon the old woman Mastan Kempir's hut; M. asks to look for lice in her head, quietly plunges the girl into an awl; puts it into a bag of holes coals and ash, comes to her on an ash trail; asks her again to look for lice, pierces her awl again; friends notice that the girl withers, she tells them everything; friends decide to protect her, the first to remain noseless, fights the witch, she overcomes him, ties him to a tree, again pierces the awl at the girl; the same with the one-armed; the legless overcomes the witch, binds him to a tree; the witch announces that he can return a noseless nose, an armless arm and a legless leg; she takes turns swallowing friends, spewing back whole; she is released with a promise not to harm anyone; the girl marries her younger brother; they achieve their goals and desires]: Aimbetov 2014a: 26-27; yellow Uighurs: Malov 1967, No. 103 [hunter Yangysak tells his younger sister Kongyrjan never to extinguish the fire; she extinguished went to look for fire, it was at the old mangys woman; she said that she would come by herself; K. lost weight; the old woman cuts off part of her left heel, let her dog drink, part of her right heel drinks herself; K. shoots mangys, that comes at night, kills him; K. sews him together, revives him; K. becomes the boss's wife; her son comes, I find out. (much unclear)]: 106-107; Stuart, Jhang 1996 [husband warns his wife not to let the fire go out; one day she fell ill, woke up late, the fire went out; she went to look for fire, came to the old woman's cave; she gave sprinkled with ashes; on the trail she found the woman's house; when the woman's husband was hunting, appeared three-headed on a white dog; put needles into the woman's body, drank blood, gave the dog a drink; the husband remained on guard; the witch showed up, her husband hit her two heads, but she killed her, began to devour her; the wife killed her and her dog with a sword; in blue cloth she brought people what was left of her husband; since then, Yugur has been using blue cloth on funeral]: 18-19; Uighurs [the youngest wife of Kichik-hotun gives birth to a son, the eldest Jeon-hotun tells to throw the baby into the lake, replaces him with a puppy; next time she throws the girl away, replaces her with a kitten; khan makes Kichik-hotun a maid; the servants left the babies on the shore, the bear raised them; these are Chin Tomyur and Makhtum-Sula; they leave the bear; C. hunts, tells M. not to drive the chicken, dog and cat away from him , do not extinguish the fire; she drives, the cat and the chicken extinguish the fire; M. sees smoke, comes to the seven-headed yalmauz; she tells her to look in her head, puts a piece of burning dung in her mouth, into her hands grain; on the way out of the grains nettles and blackthorns grow, yalmauz follows the trail, sucks blood, threatens not to tell his brother; C. hides, cuts off six Yalmauz heads, the seventh remains, Yalmauz flies away; the king of Dzungaria finds two in the river hair M.; Yalmauz directs him to her; the king takes M.; C. returns to his native country, his father finds out the truth, leaves Jeon-hotun to the wolves, hands over the throne to C.; goes blind when separated from his sister; M. gives birth sons Akar and Chokar; runs across the river, asks her children to be thrown into the river (so that her blood does not remain in Dzungaria), M. finds C., he sees the light]: Kabirov 1963:227-247; Dungans (Changji, Xinjiang) [The old woman only has a horse; one day she came back, she is a boy, he is a Brother Horse; he went on a journey, broke a rock with an arrow, Brother Stone came out; then split the tree, Brother Elm came out; they they cultivate the land, hunt; someone cooks and clean the house; they take turns guarding, two fall asleep; when it's Brother-Horse's turn, three white doves arrive and become girls; he asks them to go beyond him and his brothers, but first become doves again; invites the brothers to choose; takes the rest for himself, the doves become girls; the cat came, stayed, mischievous; the women slapped him, for that he put out the fire and left; the women went to look for the coals; the shepherd says that the fire is owned by a nine-headed monster, let them go to him; the maids took them deep into the cave; the monster has a human body and 9 heads, all but central, blind; he orders to give fire and a bag of beans; there is a hole in it, the beans woke up on the way back; the next day the monster came on this trail, sucked the blood of women; then eyes on his others They see their heads; so many days; Brother Horse notices that the wives are losing weight, they tell him everything; Brother Elm remains first, then Brother Stone, both are afraid; The horse brother hits the monster with an arrow in the eye, he runs; The horse brother lets the shepherd go, comes to the cave under his guise, taking sheep's tongue with him; the shepherd must lick the monster's damaged eye; the horse brother strokes him with sheep's tongue, the monster hurts; he says that the tongue is rough because he has a cold; then kills the monster, cutting off all his heads; distributes the monster's property; his brothers want to take possession of everything themselves; lead the Brother Horse to look at the lotuses, push him off the cliff; he fell on the lotuses, alive but unable to get back; healed the swan's wing, which lifted it upstairs, the flight lasted three days and three nights; he returned home a year later; he was not recognized, his wife did not recognize him, he cries; he takes his bow; the brothers say that only the Horse Brother who fell off the cliff could pull it; he shoots at the stone, the Stone Brother disappears into the stone; shoots at the elm tree - Brother Elm returns to the tree; since then There are stone steps at the gate and the elm trunks are cracked; Brother Horse's wife stayed with him, and the other two women put on their pigeon clothes and flew away; since then, people near Mount Bogotá have loved white pigeons]: Shujang Li, Luckert 1994:111-118.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Chulym Turks [three swan maidens (aka ducks) fly in, clean the house for three brothers; the elder, middle brothers see nothing, the youngest hides the girls' clothes, the brothers get married; the hell comes out pipes under the hearth to drink women's blood; younger brother shoots, hell, taking the youngest's wife, falls underground; brothers lower the youngest on a rope; the woman gives the devil - the iron king vodka, that says that his soul is seven eggs in a box, a box in the stomachs of seven deer; the hero pulls out, breaks eggs, kills a devil born to a woman's son, his brothers pick up the woman, the elder cuts off the rope, picking up the younger one; he falls; sees how the mouse has recovered, gnawing on the grass, heals himself; the Kite cooks the meat raises the hero to the upper world, the meat runs out, the hero cuts off the flesh from his leg; the Kite regurgitates this a piece, puts it to his leg; the hero marries, kills his older brother]: Porotova 1980:76-80; South Altai Tuvans [Bögen Saggan Toolaj was born {not a woman, but} a husband; attacked by a terrible giant Chureldej Chaan, deciding to seize the country before B. matured; the wives of B.'s two older brothers hid the baby in a poplar hollow, putting birch roots in their mouths instead of nipples; B. grew up, found an empty freaky; fell off stones from the hearth, he found a pipe, a flint, a ball of rope with a silver end and a silver stick; found his older brothers; went west, paving the road with a silver stick, through the windbreak and through the mountain, swam across the sea; when he came to Jess Mangnai, forced her to give him the best food; DM himself easily won; came to his wife H., who was kind to him; turning to Nebu-Altai for help, B. won with difficulty H., drank his blood and grinded him in a stone mill; the houses of the older brothers' wives became jealous of B. and persuaded the husbands to place the sword with a point at the entrance to B.'s yurt; they began to shout that robbery, B. jumped out, the sword cut off his legs; brothers and wives migrated; B. managed to kill the mare, ate its meat; one day mush tried to nibble on his severed legs and B. tore off her two legs himself; another mouse brought herbs, mouse his legs grew; B. also ate herbs, the meat grew together, but the bones did not grow together; Sean Shonanung Shilvey came, whom his brothers dazzled out of envy; put B. on his shoulders, went, and B. showed the way; they met a man whose hands were greedily cut off by his brothers; in heaven, Arykcha's youngest daughter Khaan can heal a cripple; B. flew there with a falcon, then became a pacer and carried the princess to the ground; fire went out because the men looked at the girl; the girl went to get fire to the old woman Jelbag; she poured ash hot into her hem, pierced the hole to leave an ash trail; the jelbege followed the trail and drank the girl's blood; the men put the lifeless girl in a place of honor; the old woman came and swallowed her; the men grabbed the old woman, and the nightingale began to sing, "Little finger, little finger"; they cut off the little finger and the girl came out of it alive and well; the men forced the jelbega to swallow them; she spit out two, and S. was also in her little finger; all three became healthy, prettier; the old woman was released; the girl returned to heaven; men found their wives, whom their brothers and their wives were tormented by hard work; brothers and their wives were tortured and then thrown into the steppes: one without legs, the other without arms, the third without eyes; when they died, those turned into flies and mosquitoes]: Taube 1978, No. 27:97-120 (=Taube 1994, No. 5:70-88; Mongors: Todayeva 1973, No. 10 [childless old woman prays for a child; God sends her a son; her black mare gives birth to a stomach, there is a boy in it; children tease him, he tells the old woman to fry wheat, clamps hot grains in her fist, she has to admit that she did not give birth to him; he goes to look for parents, brothers, sisters; shoots at a stone, a young man Stone comes out from under it; a Tree from under the tree; three brothers hunt, someone cooks in their house; Stone, Wood fall asleep, the son of the Mare grabs three doves, turned into girls; the most beautiful smears with soot, Stone and Wood choose others, the beauty goes to the son of the Mare; women forgot to leave food for the cat, he extinguished the fire with his tail; the wife of the Mare's son comes for fire to a nine-headed old woman; she gives fire and an armful of yellow flowers, tells her to throw it along the way; in the absence of husbands, she comes to suck women's blood; Stone, Tree remain guarded, numb from fear; the Mare's son cuts off the old woman's eight heads, comes to her dungeon; she tells the boy to lick her wounds; the Mare's son tells them to stroke them with cow's tongue, the old woman screams in pain; then doggy, old woman goes to bed, says it will be warmer on the iron bed; the Mare's son and the boy put her in the cauldron, cover her with a lid, burn her; twins live well with their wives]: 289-295; Stuart, Limusishiden 1994 [y elderly childless spouses, a mare gives birth to a bale or lump, inside is a boy; he is given the name Black Horse; he grows up, goes wandering; under a stone, under a tree he meets orphans, this is Stone, The tree, now they are its older brothers; brothers hunt; three heavenly maidens in the form of doves fly in, take off their feather clothes, cook - one tea, another bread, the third meat; Stone, Wood is nothing they notice; when the Cheka guards, he grabs feather clothes; three brothers marry girls; brothers warn to always feed the cat, otherwise it will put out the fire; they forget, the cat extinguishes; only the youngest sister finds an old woman who has fire; she also brings small seeds with her; a 9-headed demoness comes along, sucks her younger sister's blood; Stone, Tree are guarded, they do not notice anything; Cheka cuts off three heads, the demoness runs away; the brothers follow a bloody trail, meet a shepherdess, who was told by the demoness to lick her wounds; Cheka goes with him to the cave; strokes the demoness's wounds first with a cow, then with a dog tongue; cuts off three heads; twins cut off two more, the last Cheka again; they all return to the Cheka parents]: 80-84; (cf. Altaians [Boodoy-Kyokshin tells Sister Boodoy-Koo not to kill the gray mare, not to go to Mount Bodiota; she stabbed the mare, put her liver on the fire, the fire goes out, she went to the mountain, comes for with fire to the wife of the seven-headed Diellbegen; she tells me to look in her head, pulls a red thread out of BK's clothes; D. follows it for BC, kills, sucks blood; brother found his dead sister, hides in a hole; at D . one head sings, the other laughs, etc.; brother kills him, revives his sister with blood; kills D.'s eldest, youngest sons, the middle one kills him; he is killed by his brother BK Kuzyl-Taadyi; sister leaves dead in the rock; he can be revived by Ai-Kaan's daughter Altyn-Tana and Kyun-Kaan Kyumyush-Tana; AK and Boodoy-Koo, disguised as brother, win competitions and gets both girls; they are surprised that an imaginary man knows how to handle a needle; ask him to make a spit; Boodoi-Koo does not know how, goes over the mountain, where her brother's horse cut a spit for her; Boodoy-Koo she goes forward, puts her brother's clothes on his body, leaves his body as if his brother fell off his horse, runs away like a hare; the girls see Bodo-Kyokshin's body, revive them with healing water, he takes them as wives; finds his sister's note, catches it, brings a hare, does not know how to turn him back into a sister; wives do not like the hare, they pour poison into his ears; the brother puts the hare in the chest on the horns of the maral; the hunter finds a maral in the chest beautiful, gets married; brother finds out about this, everyone lives in peace]: Sadalova 2002, No. 301-307; Buryats [the elderly have a daughter Nogoondar, a favorite of the goddess Green Tara, and son Sagaandar, a favorite of the goddess Belaya Tara ; he catches too many animals, his parents decide to kill him; the father makes a trap pit in front of the house, the mother prepares poison; the horse warns of danger; S. enters the house, but cannot refuse touch the poison with a finger, falls dead; the old people throw the coffin with the body into the Black Sea; after that, Bukha-Khan stabbed the old people's right eye, crushed it on his right hand, took away property, took it into slavery; Sister S. arrives N., who was preparing wedding clothes for Khan's daughter; S.'s horse tells her to dress as a man, ride to the sea; on the way she kills a 15-headed mangadhai; promises to marry a 25-headed man, for he promises to save her for this brother; he immediately kills his former wife and sons, tells him to build a tower on the island and catch the coffin, but the sea has smashed everything to pieces, and N. hid in the hawthorn bushes; sees an ice floe, she tells her voice Brother to marry only Habsargalt Mergen; 3 heavenly swan fairies pulled out an ice floe, inside a coffin, containing the baby S. had become; he grew up, but 7 pot-bellied khans killed him again; horse: he will be revived by 3 daughters of the celestial Eseren; N. arrives as a bird, overhears 3 brothers and 3 sisters praise S. and N., who are better than them; in the form of a man, he marries three sisters; so that she is not exposed, negotiates with a horse : When the elder maiden enters the imaginary man, the horse will seem to fall off and ride along the Milky Way, and the owner follows him; N. invites three maidens to swim in a lake of living water and brings her brother's body there; they he was revived, he pretended to be their husband, and N. returned in women's clothes; S. married the youngest of the maidens; one day she went to visit her father, and S. went hunting; N. did not keep track of the cattle and hearth; N. went to look for fire, went to the old woman, she drank her blood, gave smut, N. barely returned and died; S. killed the old woman with an arrow, put her sister in a box, tied her red deer to her horns; an old man and an old woman found a coffin, and a little girl in it; she grew up, married H.-Mergen, gave birth to a whiny daughter; S. comes there, enters under the guise of a beggar, his sister recognizes him, he accepts his true view; comes to Buha-khan, whose parents are enslaved; he opens to them; tells them to respond insultingly to Khan and Hansha in the morning; they run in, S. kills the hansha, becoming a snake, and Khan in a duel; returns Khan's appearance for parents]: Dugarov 1990:266-282).