Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

L81D. After competing, the cripples recovered.


After defeating the demon, two crippled people with different bodily disabilities quarrel and fight, and as a result become whole and healthy.

Tonga, Malgash, Toto, Chakma, Khmer, Marathi, Taunyo, Japanese (including North Ryukyu)

Bantu-speaking Africa. Tonga [humpback and blind picked up a porcupine stubble, a turtle, a gun; stopped at an old woman with whom two young women were; at night the lion eats those who came to the village; at night the lion looked into a hut, asks to show the hair of those who came (showed stubble), a piece of leather (they gave a turtle), to give a voice (they shot a lion in the ear with a gun); in the morning they began to quarrel about who would take the old woman and who would take two young women; the humpback lost his hump from the blows, and the blind man saw the light; both married young people]: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1986, No. 117:283-285.

Sudan - East Africa. Malgashi (sakalava) [parents leave their two sons, the Blind and the Lame, in the forest; the Lame carries the Blind Man; they find a coin, buy food; then they find a cow horn, a fan for the trend, a piece of iron; they come to the ogre Ndrimobe's house; show him a horn instead of a tooth, a fan instead of an ear, let him touch a hot iron; N. believes that the Blind is stronger than him, runs away; brothers share his treasures, come back home; The Lame gives the Blind only a third, he hits him with a stick, correcting his lameness; the Lame gives the Blind a crack, he sees the light]: Haring 1982, No. 3.2.327f: 383-384.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Toto [the older brother is blind, the younger brother is chrome; to go, the elder put the youngest on the back; they spent the night with the blacksmith (they secretly took ticks), with the peasant (they took the drum), and the other a peasant (they took a pig); in the city, the king agreed to leave them overnight, warning that demons would come to this house at midnight; the demon tells them to go out; brothers: first let's find out who is stronger; the demon showed his louse, brothers a pig; when they reached it out, grabbed the demon with ticks, he cried out and ran away; the second demon came; hit yourself in the stomach; he hits, the brothers hit the drum; the demon ran away; the third came: who He will pinch harder; the brothers laid a log, grabbed the demon themselves with ticks; he also ran away; the king kept the brothers with him; one day the younger brother caught a fish and a snake; fried and ate the fish, and gave the snake to the elder brother; after biting a snake's head, he thought that the youngest had planned to poison him, kicked him in the leg, the lameness was gone; and the elder saw the light from the snake venom; the king gave his two daughters to the brothers]: Majumdar 1991, No. 21: 275-281.

Burma - Indochina. Chakma [the widow has two sons: humpback and blind in one eye; they decided to go to the forest; on the way they picked up a buffalo head, a rope, a vessel of lime; they came to the palace and asked if anyone was there; answer: I am a rakshasa; brothers: And we are Pakshas (super-rakshasa); the rakshas demanded proof; the brothers showed a buffalo head instead of lice, a rope instead of hair, and lime instead of spitting; the Rakshas was frightened, then killed; they took possession of his treasures and miraculously became princes without bodily defects; one married a princess and the other married a minister's daughter]: A, Sattar. Tribal Culture in Bangladesh. Dacca, 1975. P. 202-203 in Majumdar 1991:191-192; Khmers [blind and lame run away from their owners in a boat; rowing all night, sitting facing each other; in the morning, the owners see their boat ashore; lame puts a blind man on his own on their backs, they run away by land; they are told that a tiger tiger is rampant in the country; the blind man replies that they are not afraid of the tiger, much less afraid of the local tiger; the tiger hears and understands this way the way that a terrible Tiger is somewhere nearby; the blind and lame went into the barn and began to take the bulls out; a tiger also climbed there; a blind man mistakes the tiger for a bull, throws a rope through his nostrils the tiger runs away in horror; the blind and lame chase him in vain; the honey collector gives them manure instead of honey; the blind hears a knock, thinks it is a collector, but on a woodpecker tree; people are forced to give the Yakka princess ( cannibal giant); blind and lame come to the Yakka house; a yakk comes, demands that the visitor show his liver, heart, hair; the blind man throws the basket, the turtle, the ropes, the yakk runs away in horror; at night Yakka's wife enters, the blind man cuts off her head with a sword; sharing jewelry, friends fight; from blows the blind saw the light, the lame straightened up; the blind ex gets the princess and the kingdom, makes the former lame chief adviser]: Gorgoniev 1973:78-88.

South Asia. Marathi [blind and deaf live together; one is afraid of lightning, the other is thunder; they come to Rakshasa's houses while it is not there; Rakshas comes, the blind man is not afraid of him; says that he himself is bakshas, and bakshas is this is the father of Rakshasa; Rakshas asks to show his face, the blind man puts the donkey's face through the door; the torso rolls the laundress's cauldron on the floor; to give a voice - lets ants into the donkey's ears, he yells; the rakshas leaves, blind and the deaf load treasures on the donkey, go home; the Rakshasa brings six others, the blind and deaf climb the tree, the Rakshasa stand on top of each other to get them; the blind man falls, clings to his ears Upper Rakshasa, thinking it's a branch; all the Rakshasa falls; the deaf screams to hold tight; the Rakshasa run away; at home, the deaf tries to deceive the blind man by taking most of the treasure; both fight, from blows the blind saw the light, the deaf found hearing; they became friends]: Frere 1868, No. 18:228-237.

China - Korea. Taunyo [The Blind and the Hunchback began to live together; at night they lay under the tree with their feet to each other; the tiger thought this creature was about two heads; all the animals gathered, the hare talked about the monster, everything they ran away; the turtle remained, the Blind man took it with him; then the Hunchback hung a harrow around the Blind Man's neck; they came to the village, when they saw them, their people ran away in horror; the Hunchback hung the Blind Man around his neck drum; they came to the land of giant cannibals, said that they were nats (spirits); hitting the drum is a voice, they show the turtle is a louse, the harrow is a comb; the giants ran away, the hunchback gained gold and silver, they began to fight; from the blows the Blind saw the light, and the Hunchback straightened up]: Zapadova 1977:286-289; yi: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1152:51-52.

Japan. The Japanese (6 versions: Tohoku, West Honshu, Kyushu and North Ryukyu) [on the way, blind and deaf find a cauldron and a horse; stay in an empty house in the mountains; an ogre comes; the blind man replies that he is his uncle; the cannibal wants to feel his uncle's head, the blind and deaf slip the cauldron; in the morning, after taking the ogre's treasures, they ride a horse; other cannibals chase them, they climb a tree, cannibals stand alone on the other, the blind man accidentally grabs the upper one by the ears, the cannibals are frightened, run away; sharing treasures, the blind and the deaf got into a fight, hit each other's eyes and ears, one saw the light, the other began to hear, parted friends]: Ikeda 1971, No. 1152:228-229