Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L85. Half creatures, F525.


The character has only half of the body (vertically). See also L85C, Half Chicken.

Hottentots, Ronga, Chokwe, Luba, Yombe, Kumbi, Ngonde, Kuta, Venda, Malawi (including manganja), Yao, Subia, Gogo, Nyaturu, Suto, Xhosa, Tsongo, Owambo, Tabwa, Lamba, Mbundu, Sukuma, Nyamwezi, Kaguru, Gyula, Hausa, Igbo, Tangale, Loma, Dan, Bulsa, Fulbe, Tenda, Hausa, Lugbara, Zande, Nzakara, Masai, Sudanese Arabs, Malgashi, Kabila and, in general, North Africa (in particular Tunisia, Libya, Egypt), Spaniards, Catalans, Portuguese, Italians (Veneto, Calabria), French (Upper Brittany, Niverne, Landes, central France), Walloons, Irish, Welsh, Palestinians, Lebanon, 1001 Nights, San Cristobal, Marshall Islands, Tikopia, Cook Islands (Iatutaki), Tibetans, Minyong, Bugun, Mahabharata, Punjabians, Bataks, Nias, Ibanas, Dusun, Ngaju, Java, Bali, Roti, Kedang, Loda, Vemale (Seram), Numphor, Sangihe, Bukidnon, Bagobo, Apayao, Igorot, Puyuma, Chinese, Koreans, Greeks, Croats, Albanians, Moldovans (Bulgarians, Macedonians, Serbs), Ukrainians, Russians (Arkhangelsk), Belarusians, Kalmyks, Abkhazians, Adygs, Ossetians, Ingush, Avars, Georgians, Turks, Persians, Lithuanians, Udmurts, Mari, Chuvash, Bashkirs, Kyrgyz, Khalkha Mongols, Ordos Mongols, Nganasans, Ents, Nenets, Mansi, Eastern Khanty, Northern Selkups, dolgans, central, viluisky (?) , northwestern (Olenek) and northeastern (Verkhoyan) Yakuts, Western Evenks, all Southern Evenks, Evens, Manchus, Nanais, Udege, Orochi, Japanese, Tundra (?) Yukaghirs, Chukchi, Koryaks, Asian Eskimos, Nuniwak, Kodiak, West Greenland, Ingalic, Yellowknife, Hyda, Bellacula, Seneca (spirit splits in half), pima (and papago?) , celtal, bribri, hissing (lightning splits the souls of the dead).

SW Africa. The Hottentots [the cannibal son was a half man with one leg; his mother brought him wives, they never returned; once brought a group of women, including the Smart Girl; they do not see her husband , just go to dig bulbs; UD deliberately forgot the digging stick, came back for it, heard a half man dancing, asks his mother if he will always lie in the bag (the mother listens to him only when There are no strangers in the house); when he saw UD, the son threw himself into the bag, broke in half; UD went home with the other women]: Schmidt 2007, No. 40:99-100.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Herero [once it rained, the sky fell; few people survived; the old people in the sky put it back, and to prevent people from climbing into the sky where it meets the ground, they put it watchmen; they have one eye, one ear, one arm, one leg, no joints]: St. Lys 1916:179; mbundu [husband and wife have three daughters, the youngest is the most beautiful; they went swimming, the other girls were surprised that the sisters don't have a tattoo; the parents let their daughters go to an old woman who is long to walk to; she has one eye, one ear, one arm, one leg; she promised to lead them to the best craftswoman, asked for her to eat; only her younger sister fed her; the other old woman also has one ear, one eye, arm, leg; returning home, the older sisters envied the younger one, whose tattoo was especially praised by the people they met; crossing the river along the bridge, they threw the youngest into the water; the parents went to look for their daughter; the first old woman said that her older sisters must have killed her; many years later, the woodcutter was walking along the river bank, saw a takulu tree, hit it with an ax and heard back: Who is there, who is there, Who is knocking? A woodcutter with an ax? Is that you knocking, Lumberjack with an ax? There were three sisters, a woodcutter with an ax, I was the most beautiful, a woodcutter with an ax, The sisters were mad at me, the woodcutter with the ax, They threw me into the water, the woodcutter with the ax, And the crocodile told me, the woodcutter with with an ax, You'll be my wife, Lumberjack with an ax, You'll give birth to me kids, Woodcutter with an ax! Say hello to family, Lumberjack with axe, Say hello to father, Lumberjack with axe, Say hello to Mom, Lumberjack with axe, Hello to Sisters, Lumberjack with axe, Bow to them from me, Woodcutter with with an ax! The woodcutter got scared, ran to his wife; she came, heard the same thing, realized that it was the missing girl's Golshos, brought her parents, they saw her in the clear water on the sandy bottom and cried; fishermen they threw nets and pulled the girl out of the water; the cleavers brought her back to life, she had sinks on her forehead; the girl was afraid to leave the house; the old people told her to never carry water and I would not push anything in a mortar; when her parents were not at home, the girl began to grind the corn, singing: I'll crush the maize, stir it with sand, Let the water come to wet the maize! The river overflowed its banks, the hut was flooded with water, a water god appeared in the form of a crocodile and said: "So that your parents can never steal you again, we'll take them with us. There they will not have to worry about their work, they will only look at their grandchildren. The older sisters were punished to be eaten by crocodiles]: Nekrasova 1975:79-82; chokwe [during the journey of all peoples from east to west, people killed a pigeon flying from the west; his goiter was filled with grain; they went further west to this pigeon's birthplace, where a one-sided old progenitor guarded the fruits of the land; she gave people grains of all kinds]: Frobenius 1928:128. 132 in Kotlyar 2009, no. 256:155; silt [one-legged Luwe rides an elan antelope through the forest; antelopes are his cattle; he is a good hunter but prevents humans from hunting]: Sicard 1966:53; kumbi [Sun-Liova created everything; the first people were halves (one hand, one eye, etc.) but with a tail; L. told his daughter Luna-MWESI to take people west to multiply; M. noticed that people were not good, and L. gave them current form]: Janssens 1926, No. 6:554; luba [Mvidi Mukulu wanted to create halves with one leg, etc.; others advised; the cripple comes to ask him to be made full, for his 9 Brothers are mocking him; MM complies with the request]: Janssens 1926:560; yombe [Manzambi p'ungu first created half men (with one hand, etc.); only one Mbende woman with a full body; warned that those born with a full body would be mortal; burned halves, left M. and her child; people were descendants of M.]: Janssens 1926:565; sakata [Makinkon lived in the village, he had one eye, one eye, one hand, one leg; half of his face, heads, bodies are rotten; all objects in his possession are halves; he has seven tails, very strong; rides in a boat, asks the Elephant, who was a watchman, to give him 50 meat centimes; The elephant is responsible that he will not give for that kind of money; M. ties the Elephant, takes the meat; the same with Buffalo; The turtle gives M. sweet nuts, offers to put his hands in her shell, clamps them, calls animals; M. they kill, eat meat themselves, give the turtle only bones]: Colldén 1979, No. 21:175-177; ngonde [jealous rival persuades a woman to throw away her weak child; (then, apparently, a journey to sky, woman gets a healthy child); the rival repeats her actions, gets a half child with one leg, one arm, etc.]: Werner 1933:96; conde [voice tells a woman to quit a child into the water to wade across the river; the water diverges, it goes dry; her husband tells her not to come back until she finds a child; she meets a lion, a leopard, a crocodile, other animals, what do they ask for; the old woman shows her lots of cute babies, the woman takes one; the rival does everything wrong, gets sick, maimed]: Werner 1933:96; Kuta: Andersson 1991:39 [humans are created in the sky, lowered to earth], 40 [completing difficult tasks, Kwatse enters a chimpanzee village, splits vertically in two, each half dancing separately]; wenda [in Half people live in the water]: Andersson 1991:41; lamba [half goblin squads roam the ground; if one such goblin moves into a person, he attacks the person he meets, hits him in the face, then falls ill and dies]: Werner 1933:236 (quoted in Schoffeleers 1991:348); Malawi (Nyasaland) [Chiruwi (half man with one leg and the other half body made of wax) called people to fight ; the loser died, the winner received medicinal herbs from C.; a large bird with one eye, one wing, one leg carries children across overflowing rivers]: Werner 1933:198-199; manganja [in In the afterlife, witches turn into half creatures (vertically); half Chiruwi creatures, whose other half is wax, walk with an ax in their hands, calling people to fight; if h. wins, a person dies, and if he loses, he gives a person knowledge of medicinal plants]: Schoffeleers 1991:348-349; yao [Chi-tove trickster has half a body made of wax; related to field fertility , heralds hunger or harvest]: Sicard 1966:52-53; subia [Chi-lube is half wax, the other leg is like an animal; feeds on honey; man meets him, wins, his ability to extract game; he spent a year in retreat, then saw vultures, realized that he had recovered, called the people, there was an animal carcass; he patronized cattle]: Sicard 1966:53; Werner 1933:200-201; tabwa [1) vibanda, or viswa: souls of those who died wrongly, victims of witchcraft, who after death exist as halves; 2) Luwe are half-spirits that help hunters; such a spirit sits on on the shoulders of an animal leader (such as an antelope) and leads the herd to those hunters who respect Luwe]: Roberts 1986 in Schoffeleers 1991:347, 349; gogo [no fire on earth; man went up to fourth heaven to God; on the way he laughed at the strange inhabitants of the three heavens (half people, etc.), chose a good vessel, containing ash and cooled coals; the woman went without laughing, chose a bad vessel, brought fire in it]: Baumann 1936:357; nyatura [Matunda created the earth, descended from the sky on the rainbow; created a man and a woman, a bull and a cow, two elephants; the rest of the animals in they scattered across the ground in fear; M. stayed on the ground, died; his brother Mapandacanya lives in the sky among the stars; his people also own cattle, but they have one arm and one leg]: Sick 1915:45-46; suto [ half men (with one eye, one leg, etc.) matebele kidnap the chief's daughter to eat her; the name matabele is from ndebele, with whom they were at odds]: Werner 1933:175-176; ronga: Knappert 1977, No. 6 [one-legged, one-armed giant Ngumba (onomatopoeic name) swallowed a shepherdess and girls; they dance in his stomach; he fell asleep; people tied him by the leg, by the hand, ripped his stomach open, swallowed out; the shepherdess married all those girls, became patriarch], 7 [the little girl cries, her sister is forced to carry her to her mother's field; on the way, two one-legged cannibals tear off and eat their legs child; then the one-legged cannibal eats what's left; the girl runs, goes through a small hole in the rock into a beautiful country; returns to her mother, gets married; one day hears a song heard in a beautiful country, goes there forever]: 128-130; tsonga [after leaving for a long time, the husband told his wife not to drive chickens; they began to peck for grain, she frightened them, they flew across the river, the woman went looking for them, came to the house where the cannibals ziniko lived; they have one arm, one leg; the woman hid in a pile of bones; they smelled her, ate her baby first, then her skulls on stakes; the husband came, followed her tracks, hid in the house; killed the ziniko entrants one by one with arrows; their leader ran to the hut, put his other hand and second leg, his husband did not recognize him; they lived together; then Ziniko is called the Hare, the story of a trickster who steals water]: Junod 1927:254-256; the scythe [woman leaves, becomes a cannibal; she has a son Magoda; her brother's two daughters went to get water, the youngest broke the jug, they decided leave; came to the house, M. warns that his mother is a cannibal; in the house, a woman with half her body vertically says that the cannibal ate the other half; the cannibal has come, the girls hear her sharpening an ax, leave pieces of wood in their place, run away, climb a tree; the cannibal resorts to cut it, but the bird tells the chips to stick back; the cannibal swallows the bird, but one feather falls to the ground continues to curse chips; children saw their father's three dogs, called them, dogs ate the cannibal, the children returned home]: McCall Theal 1882:115-119; sukuma [people live in heaven with one hand, foot, eye, etc.; stealing people's cattle from the ground; four men once returned stolen cattle]: Millroth 1965:189; ovambo [Simbaba and her sister saw a fruit tree in front of Kraal, which It was not there before; his sister climbed it, the tree took her away; S. rushed after him; the tree stopped at the chief, who sent him to bring his wife; he killed Simbaba; all wives gave birth to eggs, the chief beat them, thinking that the chickens were rushing; the new wife hid the egg, the son hatched when the leader was away; S. revived; the young man fired all the arrows at once, destroying the chase; the mother's husband was killed by his knee, he turned into a one-legged spirit; forks, a woman walked along the road of honey, S. and her nephew on manure; came home, and the woman met a one-legged spirit, he swallowed her; her son began to beat the drum, perfume came, everyone said that not ate a woman; a one-legged man said he ate, he was wearing iron pendants in the form of the sun, moon, stars; the young man cut off his head, his mother came out and everything swallowed]: Loeb 1951:300-302; kumbi [two lived in the sky men and two women, all half a man vertically, had a tail; Liova (associated with the sun) told her daughter Mwezi (moon) to send them to earth to procreate; M. said that humans imperfect, L. made them what they are now, people have multiplied on earth]: Millroth 1965:189 (=Janssens 1926:554); Nyamwezi [God created the sky, half people live on it (vertically); they are in can travel long distances in the blink of an eye, help people cross overflowing rivers]: Bösch 1929:77-78 in Millroth 1965:189 and Bösch 1930:46 in Schoffeleers 1991:349; kaguru [A one-legged man living inside a rock invites shepherd boys to put an ox on him, he can carry it; runs away with an ox, the entrance to the rock closes after him, the shepherds cannot return the ox] : Beidelman 1967c, No. 7:174

West Africa. Bulsa: Schott 1989 [man refuses to marry; meets half woman; refuses to take her, she kills and revives him, makes her marry; his parents are unhappy, he again tries to leave her unsuccessfully; his wife leads him into a tunnel under a termite mound, where the entrance to the lower world; turns into a beautiful normal woman; brings her husband to the house of her Father God; he gives to the couple slaves and cattle; they return to their husband's village, they choose him as chief; everyone wants his wife, throws him into the fire; parents hesitate to rush after him, the wife enters the fire, revives her husband]: 263; 1993 [10 women gave birth to one son, his name is the Common Son of Ten Women; he grew up hunting; in combat he defeated the demon Beard Closing the River, who became his companion; they left the animal meat to dry on stone; God sent a bull from heaven with one eye, one back, one front leg; he swallowed the meat and returned to heaven; so several times; the demon began to guard, the bull trampled on him; then he remained on guard young man; he and the bull fought for three days; after that God dragged them to heaven; there they sometimes fight, during this time of thunderstorm]: 51-57; Gyula [Shishok Frankelen is half a man with one leg, one hand, etc.; sold Spider meat, he cooked it, ate it with his wife, did not pay; every day the SF demands money, hits the Spider with a stick; his wife hid it in a bag, swallowed the chicken, the jackal chicken, the jackal, the panther jackal, the panther the jackal, the panther crocodile; SF has an idol talking through a monkey, it tells you where the spider is; SF catches the crocodile, consistently pulls out the swallowed ones, hits the Spider; the Spider and his wife find the knife; he answers how to summon it and how to sheath it back; cuts the SF into pieces; the Hyena stole the knife but forgot how to stop it; the knife cut the antelope, then Hyena itself; the Spider returned it]: Pozdnyakov 1990:87-95; tenda [Nyano girl rejects the grooms; the werewolf borrows a leg, an arm, comes with one hand, a leg; pays for N. cola nuts, picks it up, returns his busy limbs on the way, cowrie; after 4 days N. returns pick up the dowry; takes a calebass, a spoon; does not take her younger sister; she turns into a calebasa, into a spoon, N. throws them away; she is still with N.; tells me to leave the werewolf wasps in their place in the house, run; werewolf chases, sisters run home]: Ferry 1983, No. 12:81-86; dan [there are half-spirits with one eye, one leg, etc.; they are usually invisible, whoever sees will soon die]: Himmelheber 1958: 199-200; scrap [The sun carries Nyegi across the sky, having half a body (vertically); it's tall and broad-shouldered like a tree]: Schwab 1947:412; Bassa [Daggu, the chief's daughter, rejects suitors, requires perfection; a monster with one leg, one tooth, one ear, one eye on his forehead occupied the eyes, skin, teeth, legs of a deer, otter, monkey, pigeon, came to D.; contrary to her father's warning, D. left groom; along the way he gave away what he borrowed; D. stayed with the monster to death]: Pinney 1973:126-127; Hausa: Tremearne 1910, No. 9 [The spider buys seed peanuts, tells his wife he is going to plant he eats it himself; every time he comes back from work; the wife is going to go harvest; the Spider says he will go by himself, steals peanuts from the Half-Man field; he makes a resin girl , The Spider touches her chest, sticks; Half Man whips him, threatens to kill him next time]: 214-215; 1913, No. 84 [=Radin 1952, No. 67:250-253; all the girls in the village went to the forest to collect herbs; hid from the rain in the baobab hollow; the devil closed the exit; let them out one at a time for necklaces and garments; one refused to give it, he did not let it out; the hollow had a small hole at the top; the mother came, called "daughter, daughter, reach out, take food"; the daughter took it; Hyena heard it, came, said the same words, the girl found out that the voice was a stranger; Hyena went to the blacksmith, who corrected her voice, but on the way Back she ate a centipede and the girl again said that the voice was a stranger; Hyena came back, told the blacksmith that she would eat it if he did not give her the right voice; he obeyed; the girl decided that her mother had come , held out her hand, Hyena pulled it out and ate it; the mother collected the bones, carried them to the city where people are being repaired; on the way, a place where the food is prepared by herself; it asked the woman to eat, she refused; told her to go from the fork to the right; the same with meat that roasts itself; with flour that mixes itself in water; in the city, people took bones, asked a woman to get cattle; she gives the animals ripe fruits, eats herself green; the bull roars, saying that the woman is kind, let her daughter be repaired; with a living and healthy daughter, the woman returned home; the same husband has another wife, her daughter is ugly; the mother collided her in a mortar, carried bones into the city; ate greedily all three times; grazing cattle, eating ripe fruits herself; the bull ordered her daughter to be repaired badly; she was made in the form of half a man (with one leg, one hand, etc.); the mother tried from her refuse, but she came for her, began to live with her], 100 [the prince and the dog went to the lake, drank their throats, the prince climbed the tree; a half-cannibal came up (vertically); began to drink, but not I got drunk, because someone drank from the lake; cooked porridge at home; the prince took a little out of the tree with a spear, ate it and gave it to the dog; the cannibal was not full - someone ate part! The prince returned home]: 401-407, 454-455; Tangale: Jungraithmayr 2002 [see motif L106; woman with one leg and one arm is the companion of the cannibal Nanamudo]: 104-127; Scheub 2000 [woman Monje Ngumyu with one leg and one chest in the center; whoever enters her house and sees her dies]: 152; Igbo: Ugochukwu 1992, No. 35 [perfume came out at night, children were not allowed to go alone after dark; the girls went to the river to get water, one went away out of need, hesitated, the others left; began to swim, ask who would pour water on her head; a half-spirit (vertically) came out of the river, watered her head, but warned her not to tell anyone about him; she promised to catch up with her friends, sing a song about a funny half spirit; he caught up with her, but she persuaded her to let her go; so twice; the third time when the girl is already at home, the spirit caught up and tore her apart], 53 [the man has two wives, only one child; on the way to the market, the child's mother remembered that she forgot to tell the maid how to feed the child; childless the wife said that she would give everything to the maid herself; told her that after feeding the child, he should be crushed in a mortar and left in the sun; when she saw the dead child, the mother began to cry; the neighbors advised him to take him to the blacksmiths, they would restore it to its former appearance, revive it; the blacksmiths told the mother not to open the door when she heard a strong noise, to open it when the noise was weak; the mother did so, she got a healthy baby; now another wife gave birth to a child, the whole story repeated itself; the blacksmiths told me to open the door when the noise was strong; the mother found half of the child (vertically)]: 256-260, 341-345; fulbe [at the Fulbe of Senegal the spirit of water is one-armed and one-legged]: Zubko 2011:276.

Sudan-East Africa. Lugbara [Adro spirit is white, tall, looks like half a person vertically]: Middleton 1973:374-5 in Schoffeleers 1991:370; Zande [half man at night climbs the termound, screams, asks the Spider (Thur) if he saw him; T. says he did not see it, half brags that he is more beautiful than everyone else; one day T. sees him, calls him a freak, half for many years pursues T.; T.'s children have grown up, run after them, kill half with spears]: Arewa, Shreve 1975, No. 11:207-209 (translated into Katznelson 1968:321-325); nzakara [Katousoukpa has half of the body vertically; he whips women returning from fishing, takes the catch; the old woman teaches the Toûlé spider to replace his K. whip with a fake bark; T. drives K. for a whole year, beating him with a whip; K. disappears]: Retel- Laurentin 1986, No. 35:209-211; Masai, Nandi [people in the sky are asymmetric, with one leg {halves?}] : Andersson 1991:40; Maasai: Jensen 1950:24 in Schoffeleers 1991 [there are cannibals who have only half their bodies (vertically)]: 348; Werner 1933 [Mrule (Murile) came down from the sky, he had one leg and half of his body, the other was grassy; no one let him into the house, he returned to heaven]: 78; malgashi: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 154 [wanting to marry Andriambahuaca, older, middle sister they promise to weave silk clothes, the youngest Farah will give birth to triplets; A. marries, loves F.; leaves on business; F. gives birth, sends a maid slowly to bring fire; but the sisters learn about childbirth when they hear crying a baby; two boys and a girl were thrown into the river in a chest, replaced with a bull's jaw, a broom stick, and a hammer; F. was driven out of the village; the sorcerer Ranakumbe caught the chest, guessed who was in it; the children grew up they sang about their father; he came back, executed the evil sisters, returned F. with her children; near the village in the cave, a half-woman with one hand, one leg, tells the brothers' sister that she is missing 1) a necklace of teeth crocodile, 2) hippopotamus (brothers kill a crocodile with a gun; hide behind a termite mound, hippopotamus fangs (?) they pierce him, they finish it off; bring necklaces); 3) Mamukur families; they have sharp tails; the brothers say they came from the west (the Mamukurs come from there), take their children away at night, give their sister their tails); 4) the Imasuampatan drum (the brothers say they came from the south, they take the drum at night); 5) God's son as husbands; the brothers went east to the well, where they took water for God Andriamanitra; they were killed; sister herself went; ordered her brothers to be revived, A. married her]: 385-392; Korneev 1977 [=Korneev 1962:70-74; Zatuva, who had only half of his body (vertically), was not created by Zanahari, but grew out of the ground as a plant; he was zebu and sheep who did not eat Zanahari's herbs; Zatuvu lit a fire, Zanahari sent the ambassador to find out what was going on, got angry, filled the fire with rain; this is how the seas and lakes appeared; Zatuva created a mountain, sat out in the cave; Zanahari tells Zatuva to determine who is the cow, who is the heifer (the mother is mooing), where the stick is at the bottom (she threw it, it stuck in the lower end); Zanahari's daughter went to fetch water, saw Zatuva's reflection, decided that her own, burned; next time Zatuva became a fat man, married Zanahari's daughter; made clay figures of people and animals, could not revive them; Zanahari revived them, people ate everything, it came hunger; Zatuvu recognized Zanahari's superiority, who sent rain and rice; made women give birth; allowed Zatuv to take the bodies of the dead, hide them in the ground where he grew up]: 226-229; Haring 2007, No. 37 (Madagascar, Reunion) [Malagasy source, there are several records in Madagascar; where the character performs feats, saves brothers from monsters; in the bar version, he only has a neck and head; Réval wants to go on a journey; parents say that he is disabled - half his body (vertically); in Reunion, the hero also defeats monsters; runs away from them, throwing objects behind them, turning into obstacles; saves traitor brothers, brings a captive ogre; in the Antandroy version (southern Madagascar), he asks three witches to bring him water, each time he replies that they did not bring him Tom vessel; finally says he's used to being brought water with a net]: 58-61; Sudanese Arabs [parallels to the Palestinian fairy tale Muhawi, Kanaana 1989, No. 6]: Muhawi, Kanaana 1989:333-334.

North Africa. "Moors" [the king has seven wives, all childless; someone gives him seven apples for his wives to eat; the last one is rotten, the king cut off half; so his seventh and beloved wife gave birth to a boy with only the left half of his body; his name is Neççebnâdem ("Half a Man"); he eventually becomes full]: Despartmet 1914 in Belmont 2005:16-17; kabila [the old man bought 7 apples for 7 daughters-in-law, ate half of one apple on the way; the daughter-in-law, who got half, gave birth to a boy named Amar half, the rest to normal boys; the brothers went hunting; caught two lions; a good ginnia offered them black milk (supposedly, her goat is afraid to graze, because there is a predator all around, eating coals near the hearth), brought them to her; the brothers left the lions to protect the jinnia, went to clear the forest from predators, spent the night with the cannibal ceriel; she ate horses and six brothers; A. asks her to bring him water first with a sieve, ran away; calls the river a river of oil and honey, she opens a dry bottom, A. crosses, the river flows again; ceriel calls the river with swear words, tells the dog to drink it; the dog bursts, the river continues to flow; the sheikh teaches ceriel to call the river a river of oil and honey; the river parts, ceriel goes over, A. climbs a tree; ceriel cuts the trunk with an ax all day, casts a spell in the evening, goes to rest, the trunk is intact again in the morning; the sheikh teaches: I must say, "in the name of God"; she does so, the notch does not overgrow in the morning; A. asks to be allowed to shout 7 times; lions hear, come running, eating ceriel; A. warns not a drop of her blood to touch the ground; one lion drops a drop, but the other managed to catch it in the air]: Dermenghem 1945:63-67; Berbers (Morocco?) [Mqidech ("half man") is the youngest of seven (8, 10) brothers; his mother conceived him after eating half the fruit, so he is half a man or a dwarf; the brothers meet a cannibal who offers them or their horses food M. tells me not to take it; he does not sleep at night; in one way, the brothers change places with the daughters of the cannibal, who mistakenly kills their daughters; the brothers run away, the cannibal makes their horses stop, they are all ride a horse M.; M. returns to rob the cannibal or is caught by her, but kills her; options: a man gives his wives an apple, one eats half; brothers ride horses, M. on a goat; half a horse ( mares were given bread, one apparently ate half); children abandoned by parents]: Lacoste-Dujardin in Goldberg 2003:344-344; Berbers (Beni Menacer, Kabylia) [one wife is smart, the other is stupid; they they quarreled, divided the only rooster; one part fried, the other kept; the half-rooster (one wing, one leg) went on a pilgrimage; rushes at the jackal, at the lion, pulls it out by a hair, hides under his wing; asks for the stubble of a wild boar, he gives it; in the king's house he shouts that he will die tomorrow, and he will take his wife; the king orders him to be thrown to sheep and goats; he burns the jackal's hair, he asks not to burn it, calls all the jackals, they gnawed at the rams and goats; the same is to throw them to the bulls (the lions have torn them to pieces); the king orders to lock the Half-Rooster in order to kill them with their own hands; he calls the wild boar, the wild boars broke the door, Half-Rooster left, taking the gold in the room; asks his mistress to beat him, gold falls; when she sees gold, the stupid wife offers to divide the dog; the clever gives her half to it; the stupid sends the dog on a pilgrimage; she saw a yellow stone in the spring, grabbed it, brought it, ordered to beat herself; she killed her and found a yellow stone in her mouth]: Basset 1887, No. 42:83-89; Tunisia [man married to her cousin, she did not become pregnant; the same with the second, the third; the cemetery guard gave three apples - let each wife eat an apple alone; the third wife ate only half an apple and half gave it to her husband; the first gave birth to a child, and the third gave birth to half a child, but he was smart and good; when hot, all three brothers went to the forest; the eldest two were on donkeys, the youngest on a goat; he got water for the brothers from the well, and they abandoned him; he climbed a tree and got them some fruit; they reached the palace where Gulya and her children lived; she fed them and put them to bed, put them one blanket, and gave them one blanket, and her own children received a blanket of a different color to eat at night; Half changed blankets; at night, Gulya began to ask the children whether they fell asleep or not; the half always answered: "Not yet"; Gulya fell asleep herself, the children they ran out of the palace, dug a hole, made a fire in it, ran home; Gulya woke up, ate her children, and when she realized what she had done, she followed her brothers, fell into a hole and died; Half called parents live in Guli Palace]: Al-Aribi 2009, No. 64 in Korovkina MS; Libyan Arabs (Tripoli) [the old man gave the judge 12 apples for his childless wife to eat them and give birth to 12 children; she eats 11 and a half the latter, giving birth to another sister; gives birth to 11 normal sons and one half boy; they go to marry 12 daughters of their father's brother; Half warns that they did not go to an uncle, but to an ogre; he covers his wife with red and daughters with a white veil; the half put red on her daughters and white on his brothers; also changed the hats of the cannibal's brothers and daughters; at night, the ogre's wife kills instead their daughters' brothers, only the latter wakes up and talks to their mother about it; brothers run away, come to their real uncle; brothers get a bride, Half is the youngest and most beautiful of; brothers from envy tells him to go down to the well and cut off the rope; the fish gives him scales to call her for help; on the way home, the Half meets the ogre's wife, who brings him to her; he advises the cannibal first fatten; then asks to invite other cannibals to a feast, remains to cut wood to bake it; asks the cannibal daughter to help, kills her with an ax, runs away, hides in an iron tower; tells her to run up the cannibal gather all the cannibals - let them bring firewood, cover the tower, it will burn in it; when the tower was hot, the cannibals burned down themselves; and the Half above was unharmed; he began to lift the cannibal on a rope, circumcised, the cannibal fell, crashed; on the way home, Half met another cannibal; she said that today his wife is being remarried; says she will help for promising to give her first child; planted on her back, carried her older brother and his wife, Polovinka, to the wedding; became a scorpion and bit her brother to death; the father tells Polovinka that his brothers said he was killed; the boy grew up, the cannibal met him, asked him to remind his father of his promise; the boy forgot; then she put a ring on his finger; his mother asked where it came from, he told everything, his parents sent him to the cannibal; through For a year, the father went to visit his son; he says he has found a better father and mother; the cannibal promises that she will not take away new children from Half]: Stumme 1898, No. 3:93-104; the Arabs of Egypt [through a woman's prayer, God sent her daughter Shams ("the sun"); soon she was orphaned, spinning yarn and selling; one day she mistook the moon for the sun, went to the bazaar, but it was empty; saw a rooster with three chickens, admired him singing; rooster: come, you will hear the singing even more beautiful; he brought S. to the underground palace; she is trying to take food, a cauldron, a jug, etc., they do not tell you - now the lady will come; King Qamar ("month") and his wife come, the wife is rude and obstinate with her husband; when he falls asleep, went to the garden to the slave, he scolds her for being late, eats what she had brought to her, gave the woman a dry cake; S. wanted to hit the slave with a tree branch, fell into the mistress's eye; When she returns to the palace, she tells her husband that someone beat her; S. returned home; to find out the truth, K. goes to sell women's jewelry for fairy tales; S. says he knows one; ends the story twice, afraid to admit that she knocked out the eye of K.'s wife; having told everything, advises Kamara to pretend to be asleep; K. chopped his wife and slave to pieces, took S. as his wife; S. asks to let her go to the ground; K. is building a palace for her, there visits; S. cannot get pregnant for a long time, asks God for a daughter at least half a chicken; gave birth to a little girl; she goes with other girls to steal fruit from the royal garden, every time she tells the watchman turn over and stay hanging upside down while they are picking the fruit; the king fell in love with her when she bathed {meaning, throwing off her chicken skin, but it is not directly said}; marries; however, at night, the wife chicken {apparently half a chicken, but again it is not directly said}; according to her, pots and jugs go to fetch water by themselves; the jug's nose has broken off, they are talking; the groom hears, advises the king to contact his wife- half a chicken with similar magic words; she threw off her chicken feathers and became beautiful]: Lebedev 1990, No. 27:147-155.

Southern Europe. Spaniards: Malinovskaya 2002 [two women have a chicken for two; they split her chicken in half; one ate her half, the other took it to the chicken coop; half a chicken found a purse full of gold; prince borrowed it for a month, did not return it; half a chicken goes to the palace, takes a fox and a wolf with him on the way, putting them under his tail; on a rocky road he draws in stones; by the river he draws in the water with his back, went dry; servants throw him to war roosters, to stallions; fox, wolf kill roosters, stallions; thrown into a well, covers it with stones; fills it with water into the oven; the king gives him the kingdom]: 199- 201; Caballero 1918 [(English paraphrase in Boggs 1933:10-11); one of a beautiful chicken's chickens is half; he is self-confident and self-loving; goes to the king's court; his mother advises him to avoid cooks and images St. Peter; Poltsyplo refuses to help the stream clean him of branches; the wind that fell to the ground from the heat; the last spark in the fire; comes to the cooks, water, wind, fire refuse to spare him, he is burned, turned black, the cook kicked him out, St. Peter picked up, placed on the spire of the tower; since then he has been there]: 75-79; Catalans (many records, including Mallorca) [a half cockerel is born, or a normal rooster is cut in two along the body; he goes see the king or marrying his daughter; meets a river, a fox, a mountain, etc., puts them in his pants, swallows them, puts them under his wing; the king orders him to be thrown into the fire, the rooster releases the river; into the chicken coop - the fox eats chickens; sends soldiers - however, to cross the mountain; the half-cock gets wealth and the princess's hand]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 716:141-142; Portuguese [many records; rooster finds gold, money; goes to the king to recover what he has stolen from him, takes the money to the king, complains about something, runs away so that he does not get eaten; he takes with him (swallows, carries it in his pants, puts it in his ass) a river, a fox, wolf, stone, bee or wasp, owl, etc.; in the castle he is thrown into a chicken coop, into a stable (fox, wolf kill chickens, horses); they try to burn him (water floods the fire); bees or wasps bite the king in the ass; he is eaten king and alive again the next morning; stone (wood) breaks the pan (glass); he is given what he demanded, or he runs away]: Cardigos 2006, No. 715:164-165; Italians (Veneto) [pregnant woman steals parsley in the witch's garden; she catches her and promises to take half of the child when he is 7 years old; when the deadline is over, the witch cut the boy lengthways; one half remains with her, the other returned to her mother; Half grew up, began fishing, caught an eel; he asked him to let go, for which he sent him a full net of fish; half caught him again and let him go, the eel made it all his wishes would come true; the princess saw the Half and began to laugh; he wished her to conceive a child with him; when she gave birth, the witch doctor advised to gather all the noble men in a year - a boy he will name his father himself; no one was found; then the poor were gathered and the boy gave the apple to Polovinka; after the wedding, the young, together with his son, were placed in a barrel and thrown into the sea; the half wants the barrel to be carried out to the shore to have plenty of food, it would become whole, a palace appeared - all named after an eel; the former Half called kings to a feast, warning not to take silver and golden apples; two apples are not enough, they ended up in the pockets of your ex-Half's father-in-law; he explains: as you don't know why you had apples, your daughter did not know why she got pregnant; everyone forgave each other, everything is fine; they're up to still alive if they didn't die]: Calvino 1980, No. 34:99-102; Italians (Calabria) ["Half Rooster"]: Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 715:159

Western Europe. French: Belmont 2005 [4 versions in total, west in Niverne, Landes, Queyras; retelling individual fragments]: 15 (Landes) [(Arnaudin 1994, No. 27); an old man who meets him offers a poor man make him rich for promising half of what his wife wears; comes for a boy born, takes him half vertically); the rest grows up, his name is Moitié d'homme ); he cannot work, he is allowed to guard sheep], 16 (Niverne) [MS; poor spouses have two normal sons and a third Half (vertically)]; Joisten 1991, No. 43.1 [widow with two young sons came to the forest to harvest firewood; a fallen tree cut the younger one in half vertically; Half goes to herd the royal goats; the Holy Virgin gives him a whistle that makes wishes come true; the princess falls in love with half; the king tells them to be put in a barrel of nails, brought them down the mountain; whistling, the Half comes out of the barrel, turns the king into a toad, the courtiers into frogs; the wedding {and, obviously, finding the Half bodily fullness}], 43.2 [a woodcutter and his 15-year-old son go to the forest; a fallen larch cut the boy vertically, leaving one half alive; Half said he would herd village goats; shares bread with a woman who comes up, who blows a magic whistle; he drives the herd unharmed, the whistle fulfills wishes, the Half becomes full], 46.1 [western in 1957; Half-chicken found a hundred ecus ; the king asks him to lend them to him, promises to return them in a week; does not return; the Half Chicken goes to demand a debt; the Fox, then the Wolf, then the Romanche River is asked to take them with them; everyone soon gets tired, The half-chicken tells her to get into her ass; the king promises to give one hundred ecus tomorrow, puts Half Chicken in the chicken coop, who releases the Fox, who strangles the chickens; the next day, to the sheep, Half Chicken releases the Wolf; the king orders Half Chicken to be thrown into the oven, she releases the river; the king returns one hundred ecus], 46.2 [western 1960; Poltsyplo found a purse, gave it to the pilgrims to Rome; the owner says they will not return them, let them be catches up and takes it back; the river asks to take it with her, Polchicken tells her to get into his ass; then the same bees, wolf, fox; pilgrims put Polchicken in the chicken coop, he releases the fox; to the rams ( wolf), want to shoot (releases bees), want to burn (releases river), pilgrims return their purse], 46.3-46.8 [short versions]: 247-248, 248-249, 262-263, 264-265, 266-267; Restif de la Bretonne (1734- 1806) in Boggs 1933 (central France) [when dying, the poor astrologer gives his two sons a rooster from which any piece can be cut off and recovered in a day; the brothers cut the rooster in half, the elder eats his part; the younger one keeps half a cock; he finds money in a pile of manure, the younger brother builds a house; the older brother demands half a cock for himself; the younger one sells the house, gives half the money to the elder; the elder comes to steal the rooster, sees him find the pot of gold, the rooster pecks out his eyes; the dwarf prince carries the pot of gold with his older brother, the half-rooster follows; the younger brother saves the girl and her dowry from thieves, and helps him avoid death at the hands of his brother; the half-rooster meets a fox, a wolf, a river, puts it in his ass; the dwarf prince unsuccessfully tries to kill a half-rooster, is forced give him back gold; the girl disappears, the wolf, the fox, the river save her from the hands of her older brother; the wolf and the fox cut off as much flesh from the older brother as there was in that half of the rooster eaten; younger brother gives gold and a half-rooster to the girl's mother; the half-rooster was her son, turns into a handsome young man; he passes his sister off as a younger brother, destroys the property of the prince of the gnomes; the prince drowns the elder brother]: 9-10; Basset 1887 (Upper Brittany) [wife and husband shared a rooster; half of the wife finds a purse full of gold, the king takes it away; the half-rooster goes to return the gold, puts a fox, a wolf and the Seine under his wing along the way; the king throws him into the bird's yard (the fox strangled everyone), into the stable (the wolf bit everyone), into the stove (the Seine fills it with water); the king is forced to return the gold]: 187-188; wallons [The half-rooster goes to get it rent; on the way, he puts a fox in his pocket, knocks on the peasant, who throws him into the chicken coop; the chickens pecked him, the fox jumped out, strangled the chickens; next time he meets a wolf, thrown into the barn, the wolf slaughtered cows; then he puts him in the river carmn; he is thrown into the fire, he releases the river and fills the fire]: Laport 1932, no.*715A: 70-71; Irish: Curtin 1975 [Dubh, Dunn and Glasán ("black"," brown", "gray") were hired to serve Finn; they must guard during the night, one third, with them the dog Bran; Dubh notices the light, comes into the house, they drink from an inexhaustible bowl kidnapped a hundred years ago from F.; he takes it away; Dun brings a stolen knife in the same way, with which to cut bone and then meat; Glasan sees corpses, hides among them, an old woman with one leg, one hand, one tooth eats corpses; he kills her, three giants appear, he kills one, Bran the second, the third has disappeared; F. fears that he will come to take revenge; F. is hired by Fear Ruadh for 21 years; instead of paying, he asks if he dies, bury him in Inis Caol (Isle of Light); dies; F. ties the coffin to a white mare, followed by 12 fennias; in the temple they sit in chairs, cannot stand up; a rejuvenated FR appears, saying that this is revenge for his mother and brothers; F. chews a finger, understands what to do, whistles, Donogh Kamcosa and Diarmuid O'Duivne come; FR managed to kill three Fennies who came killed him; those who stuck were able to stand up]: 195 -202; Kalygin 2002:117 [one-legged, one-armed and one-eyed fomors raid Ireland on four ships (50 men and 150 women); their leader is Chicol (Keichel) Grichenchos (ach); his mother has huge lips hanging on the chest, eyes on the back of the head; it is equal in strength to the rest of the army; according to one version, they were defeated by Partholon, according to another version, they fought for a week and there was no one killed], 120 [in The Destroying Da Derg House saga meets Fer Caille, Forest Man is "a black-haired man with one eye, one arm and one leg"]; the Welsh ["a black giant sits at the very top of the hill As tall as two ordinary people; he has one leg and one eye in his forehead, and an iron club in his hands; he is a forest guardian, with a thousand wild animals wandering around him]: Mabinogion 2000:148.

Western Asia. Palestinians: Spoer 1931 [the sheikh tells the husband to give his three childless wives an apple; he gives his eldest wife half by eating the other himself; the wife gives birth to a boy with one ear, one eye, half mouth; when the brothers are grown up, the Half does not ask for a horse, but for a thin sheep, not a scourge, but a whistle, a toy gun; the brothers herd the sheep, the woman invites them to spend the night, only the Half realizes that she Transformed Wolf; lies on a camel thorn to stay awake, tells his brothers to run at night; the witch lured their horses with oats, all three sat on the sheep Halves, got home; Half puts in a big bag of lamb, comes to the witch, she bends over to get what she has in the bag, half shoves it into the bag, brings it, she dies on the way, he takes her gold, gets rich, gets married]: 150- 152; "1001 Nights" [Shikk and Nesnas - two people, each half vertically]: Hatt 1949:88; Palestinians [a man has two wives: his brother's daughter and an outside woman; both childless; the sheikh advised to go to the ghoul, he will give conception grenades; the man greeted the ghoul, otherwise he would have eaten him; the ghoul sent him to his older brother; he sent him to their sister; the man venerated her long breasts and drew a handful her torment; she tells me to go to the garden; the ghoul sleeps there - put one care under himself, covered the other; grab two grenades and run; on the way home, the man ate half a grenade intended for the wife who his brother's daughter; she gave birth to a half-boy, and the other wife Hassan and Hussein; they grew up; the brothers went hunting on horseback, and Polovinka went hunting on a lame goat; only he caught the deer, gave it to his brothers, for this they allowed them to burn his seal in their backs; at home they told their mother and showed the seals; when they went hunting again, they came to the drone; the brothers say that their horses eat barley and milk, and the Half that his goat eats chaff; says he will not fall asleep until the gulya brings him water in his wineskin; she brought it, he made a hole in it to let water drip on him; then says he will not fall asleep without a stuffed rooster; then stuffed lamb; this is how the night has passed; in the morning the Half tells the brothers to run; the gulya tells the milk in the bellies of the horses to thicken, the horses stopped; all three brothers flew home on the Halves goat; Half promises to bring the gulya herself; dressed up as a halva seller; Gulya ate everything and climbed into the box to finish eating the leftovers, and Half slammed the lid shut; she was burned in the drawer]: Muhawi, Kanaana 1989, No. 6:84-88.

Melanesia. San Cristobal [some mumu perfumes have one arm, one leg, one eye; they have long red hair; they stab and kill people with their long nails or by spitting them in the eye]: Fox 1924:139.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Uliti [the mother has 10 cannibal sons between 1 and 10 inches in height; the remaining people fled the island; the pregnant woman did not have time to get on the boat; hid in the hollow of a lying tree and gave birth to a one-legged boy; he grew up quickly, made himself a crutch, catches fish; comes to the mother of cannibals while they are away, picks up food, brings his mother; the eldest cannibal, 1 inch tall, remains to guard; a young man He cuts off his head with his fingernail, takes his food; so every day, consistently with everyone; the youngest cannibal 10 inches tall is killed by the latter; then the young man kills their mother; sails in a boat to tell people the good news refugees return to the island]: Lessa 1961, No. 13:57-59; Marshall Islands: Erdland 1914, No. 5 (Arno) [a woman gives birth to 10 sons; they sail to the island, land; at night the spirit kills them and eats them; the woman gives birth to 11 more sons; 10 of them are crippled, the eleventh is normal, but the rest consider themselves normal and he is crippled; the brothers swim, saying that they took the eleventh in vain; only he understands that the spirit is dangerous; the spirit directs their boat to the rocks, it crashes; the eleventh blows the sink, the spirit runs away in fear]: {without pagination}; Kelin 2003:92-99 (Maloelap) [the woman gave birth to 12 sons, each has 1 leg, 1 arm, 1 eye; she tells them not to fish on the south side of the island; they did not find fish on the west side, they went to the south, where the demon sent them his fish, they got scratched on the reef , went ashore to rest; the demon gave the leaf to heal the scratches, led them to him, they went into the hole, the demon fish closed it, the boys died, the demon ate them; the mother again gave birth to 12 of the same half boys; they also eaten by a demon; the mother gave birth to 12 again, but the last Lakkiñ was normal, not half; the brothers do not consider him a normal person, they do not take him with them; finally they took it; they are still the same with them, they jumped into the hole, but L. did not jump, killed the fish, took the brothers out; asked the leaf where to go - to the lagoon; hid the brothers under the ceiling of the house, heated the stones; the demon came - throw me fish; L. began to throw him hot stones, he swallowed them, died; the brothers returned to their mother], 122-124 (Mili) [the youngest of 6 brothers is half; on the other island, a terrible dog guards the bread trees; the brothers swim there, return ; next time they agree to take the younger one with them; the dog does not see him, he picks the fruits in the basket; the next time the dog eats the older brothers; the youngest steals a breadtree branch, plants it, You don't have to swim to the scary island anymore]; Tobin 2002 (Aeloninae Atoll), No. 48 [a woman gives birth to 10 sons, each with one arm, one leg, one eye, one ear; they go to catch lobster; witch screams, Give me my food; eats them when they fall asleep; the woman gives birth to ten half sons again, everything repeats itself; the third time she gives birth to nine halves, the youngest whole; others believe they don't want to take him with them; when they fall asleep, he comes to the witch, they bake and fry lobster together; he puts pebbles (shells?) over his eyes with an eye pattern, the witch thinks he is awake; he calls her a cannibal, promises to burn her, she leaves; according to one version, he throws a hot stone into her mouth, she dies], 49 [a woman has ten half-sons, eleventh normal; brothers think he is crazy, they do not want to take him with them; he hides at the bottom of the boat, they swim to the breadtree in the sea, he is guarded by an animal; they quietly shoot alone fruit, they swim back; they bake the fruit with the mother; when the beast appears, the youngest (full) throws hot stones into its mouth, the beast dies]: 207-209, 213-215; Ticopia [spirits live in one of heaven, who are lame; on the other are cannibals with one nostril, one ear, one leg, one hand, etc.]: Firth 1967:340; Aitutaki (South Cook Islands) [in the lower world Miru devours the souls of the dead; she has one chest (the other cut off), one leg (the other cut off below the knee), one arm (the other cut off from the elbow); Tekauae asked to put a coconut kernel in the grave with him; when M. gave him a bowl of the living the centipedes, he swallowed the walnut, threw off the centipedes unnoticed; M. was amazed, sent it back, telling him to remain silent about what he saw; he came to life]: Gill 1876:172-174.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [theu-ran: deities in the form of one-armed, one-legged, one-eyed creatures; born from the fat of a golden space turtle; live in the lower sky; a group of 9 brothers sends snowstorms, storms, hail, causes quarrels]: Ogneva 1982d: 535; miniong abor [Banji's older brother is tired of feeding his younger Ban-Mang, who has one eye, one arm, one leg; he left him, that rotted, pepper grew out of the gallbladder, tobacco from the nails, eggplant from the penis, which swings on the stem like the penis of a walking person]: Elwin 1958b, No. X.4:216-217 (=1958b: 196); bugun: Elwin 1958a, No. 4 [Apuphulma's wife complained on the riverbank that he was old, married by a water spirit; A. married a girl with one ear, one eye, no nose, no chin; she gave birth to strange children who the spouses threw away; when thrown away, everyone said who he was and what he would do; 1) a stone (they would build on it, it also has rivers, there will be fish in them); 2) Thunder (will fight the heavenly serpent, delaying rain; lightning is its burning smut); 3) Earthquake; 4) Rain (will send rain from the sky): 5) Wind; 6) Rainbow (this is a snake, it will live in rivers, rain will appear in the sky in drought); 7) a poisonous snake (bitten his mother, A. revived her, the snake began to live in the forest in a hole); 8) Diseases (parents fell ill, the hornet cured them); 9) Death (parents died, the son went to other people, brought death to everyone); some kids were good, others were bad because their mother was good at one half, bad at the other]: 10-13; 1958b, No. 5 [Apuphulwa and Muinini had a son, Assanga, and a daughter, Arangma; they began to live on the slope of two different mountains; the bee carried a piece of dirt from his brother's skin to his sister's skin, and vice versa, they were passionate about each other, got married; Assanga went west to look for another wife, met only an old woman with one eye, one nostril, half mouth, one arm, one chest, one leg, married her; she gave birth to 1) a stone, 2) the thunder Haklum, 3) the god of death Sakatung (he went underground, shakes her), 4) water god Khawai (Abua), 5) rain giver Chakmao, lightning daughter Halia]: 112-114.

South Asia. Mahabharata (Mhb.2.3; Sabhā Parva 3:17) [(King of Magadhi Brihadratha is married to King Kashi's twin daughters; promised that he would not give preference to one wife over another; B. there are no children, he asks for help from a hermit; he sits under a mango tree, a fruit falls on his knees, he gives it to the king, B. brings it to his two wives, each eats half, one gives birth to the left, the other the right half of one boy; they are thrown away; Jarā, who eats the corpses, picks them up to eat, but accidentally connects them, and a whole living boy emerges from them; he screams loudly, rakshasi calls B., the child is given Jarāsamdha ("united by Jara"), he receives the throne from his father, becomes a powerful ruler and tyrant, Bhimasena kills him by breaking him in half]: Kalyanov 1962:41-51; Punjabi [the fakir gives the childless Raja a stick to knock 5 mangoes off the tree first, then 2, let each of the 7 wives eat one fruit; the raja throws the third time, the stick gets stuck in the tree, mango return to the branches; the fakir allows a second attempt; half of the mango for the youngest wife was eaten by the mouse; a half boy was born (vertically: in one hand, leg, eye, etc.); goes to travel with his brothers; the other wives of the Raja give him sweets full of ash; but only he was able to crawl over the fence to eat melons; the brothers called the owner of the melons, who tied the Half to the tree but the Half told the rope to untie, caught up with the brothers; the same with the plum tree (he throws only unripe plums to his brothers); the brothers pushed him into the well, left; there he hears a one-eyed demon talking, dove and snake; snake: under me are the treasures of the seven kings; demon: the princess is sick because of me; dove: his droppings cure any disease; the camel driver pulled Half out of the well; under the guise of a doctor, he I came to the king, cured the princess; he marries him, gives him half his kingdom; the brothers say that the Half is poor; he brings the treasures of the seven kings; the brothers also hide in the well, the demon ate them]: Steel, Temple 1884, No. 41:290-297

Malaysia-Indonesia. Coastal Dayaks (ibans): Bezemer 1904 [people sat on a log, it turned out to be a huge boa constrictor; it was killed and fried; it rained, water flooded the ground; a woman and a dog escaped on the mountain; after During the flood, the dog began to rub against the creeping plant; looking at her, the woman rubbed the plant with a piece of wood, made a fire drill, got fire; she became pregnant from a fire drill, gave birth to a son named Simpang- impang; he is half a man (vertically); he took rice from a rat, began to dry it, the wind blew it away; he went to look for the Wind; on the way, people ask to know why banana and sugarcane, if planted, have only one stem; the lake asks me to know why it has no runoff; the tree on the mountain: ask the Wind to drive away the birds that have stuck to my top; the wind offers tests; 1) who will dive deeper (fish dived behind S. won); 2) jump over the house (the swallow flew over); 3) crawl through the hole in the wind gun (the ant crawled); but the Wind still does not want to pay for rice; S. took a fire drill and set fire to the house Winds; after that he agreed to pay; he has no money to pay, and instead he made S. a fat man; in order for bananas and sugarcane to grow, marital relations must be maintained, and a ban on talking with his wife's parents; the lake runoff covers the gold, it must be removed; the wind helped the tree itself; everything is fine]: 226-229; Dunn 1906 [someone is ruining the rice field; people are hiding in ambush; at midnight he descends from the sky a huge boa constrictor; a brave man cuts off his head; cooks and eats his meat in the morning; then a downpour begins; some people escaped the flood in the hills]: 17; Hose 1912 [people in the forest mistook the boa constrictor for a log, they began to cut down the collected roots on it; realizing what was going on, they cut and cooked the boa constrictor; the rain flooded the ground with a flood; a woman, a dog, a rat and other small animals escaped on the mountain; the vine rubbed against the trunk, heating it; the dog noticed this, the woman got fire; married a vine, gave birth to a half-boy (vertically) Simpang Impang; he took the rat's grain, which promised that the rats would eat the grain from people; The wind scattered grains; SI went to look for the Wind; on the way, the tree, on which birds are constantly eating, ordered the Wind to knock it down (so as not to suffer); the Lake asked the Wind to remove a piece of gold that covered the water runoff; sugarcane and bananas asked them to have branches like trees; the wind offers competition; 1) dive (the bubble immediately surfaced, the fish that dived instead of SI won); 2) jump (swift took off instead of SI); 3) go through the wind gun (ant); The wind does not give up; then SI called his father Fire Drill, set fire to the Wind House; The Wind admits defeat, in compensation for grains makes SI a fat man; as for other requests, Wind promised to fix the matter; but he won't give branches because people violate customs]: 144-147 (=Hose, McDougall 1912:144-147); Sather 1994 at Platencamp 2005 [Sanggau woman has sons Nyaring Angki; at night someone steals rice from the field; brothers watch snakes come down from the sky, kill them with sarbakan; people cook pieces, women giggle, Hearing a promise to flood the land coming from the cauldron; only Dayang Racha, Angka's daughter, was saved on the mountain; she was the first to receive fire by friction, became pregnant with a spark, and gave birth to Simpang-Inmpang (half boy); went down the mountain, found people; SI grew up, decided to commit suicide by swimming into the sea, but was taken by Indai Jabua (the Rat Goddess); asked to look after her family with children; they were rats; XI scalded her children. said that they knocked over the cauldron themselves, but the children said he was lying; DR sent him away in anger, but gave him three huge ricins; the wind blew, the ricins split into many ordinary ones; SI gathered all the gods and people, complained about the Wind; they agreed that the Wind should pay, he said it was not his fault; XI put together a military expedition, but Wind explained that he was a friend of Fire, SI's father; gave a ritual gong]: 143-154 (same myth in Jensen 1974:76-77 with the indication that these are the upper reaches of Lemanak); Dusun (Tempassuk) [a woman gave birth to a half-boy; he walked for a long time, found his half and merged with it; perhaps this happened in the village of supreme god Kenharingan]: Evans 1913:456-457; ngaju [Ranjung Mahatala Langit told a man and his wife to descend from heaven to earth ("to the banks of the river of peace" {ordinary formula}); a man became a chief, their daughter was married Djangga (Month, Chief of Men on the Moon), visits his wife every new moon; she is pregnant, at this time sex is limited, he is offended, says it's bad on earth the smell goes away, leaving seven arrows for the son who will be born; he will have to tie seven silver bamboos, climb them, release darts from the sarbakan into the sky, they form a chain, it will turn into vine, along which he will climb to the gates of heaven; D. himself rose in the same way; because his father left his pregnant wife (this is taboo), a half-son (vertically) was born, his name Silai; the mother says whoever is his father advises to go to his father's brother Sun first; S. comes to the leader of the orangutans, he sends ravens to the leader; he asks for a boa constrictor to eat on the way; S. sits on the crow, throws him pieces in his beak, which brings it to the gates of heaven; on the way, S. saves drowning ants, fish left in a drying pond, a deer entangled in vines, a monkey stuck between branches, a monkey stuck with his hand between branches, lost on land, a crocodile frees a firefly from the web; Uncle S., the sun chief (Djangkarau Matanandau) brings him to the lunar village; the Month calls S. a geek, a liar; offers tests; 1) divide water, oil, ash, sand mixed in a vessel (ants, fish separate); 2) pave a path to the forest garden without scratching (S. goes back and forth on the back of a deer); 3) climb a tall tree (monkey in S. climbs clothes); 4) win boat races (the crocodile pulls the boat S.); 5) go to the box at night in a dark house, where he, Month, sleeps (firefly shows); Month recognizes S. as son; cuts four times parts, cooks, sculpts again; for the first time S. becomes a black dwarf, then red, then a rooster, then a strongman, handsome; he is the ancestor of those Ngaju with lighter skin]: Schärer 1966:124-135; bataki [Raja Doli Martua asks the god Mulojadi to give at least one son if his brother has seven sons; Raja's wife gives birth to a half-boy (vertically) Siaji Sambola; he grows up, goes west to M. M. sends a swallow for him, S. sits on her back, brings her to heaven; M. explains that S.'s soul asked for only half of its future fate; M. suggests that S. choose again; S. believes that possible fields are too difficult, I agree to be half; but M. says he can melt it altogether and create it again; for the seventh time, M. managed to create a whole body for S., he sends him back to land]: Knappert 1977b, No. 4:154-157 (=1999:294-296); Bali [(synopsis 6 versions); Lejat scolds the gods for being childless; God in the guise of an old man gives him half a biscuit, tells him to have a wife L. ate it; she gives birth to a half-boy (one arm, one leg, etc.); he goes to heaven to look for that god; the man asks God to ask why rice does not grow on his field; the hermit tells him to grab it from behind the old man, he agrees to put the Half on his bull, the bull rises to heaven; in the heavenly temple, the Half finds a stone threshold in the form of half a man, applies it to himself, becomes whole; God explains what sacrifice must be made for rice to degenerate; when he returns to his parents, the Half (now whole) tames the cannibal giant with the power of his word, tells him to break his head against a stone, gets a Raja's daughter] : Hoikas-van Leeuwen Bomkamp 1983, No. 10:59-65; Java: Headley 2005b [The childless king of Wedarasanda is married to two sisters; a monk advises him to sit under a mango tree; the fruit falls; V.'s wives eat half, a half boy is born (each wife?) ; he is left to be eaten by a cannibal, but the halves join together, the young man becomes king of Jarasanda; he can take over the whole world if he maintains his integrity; he is placed on a meteorite, Bima separates again him]: 162-163; Kratz 1973, No. 9 [half man (vertically) goes to the Sun to ask him to give him a full body; the Sun replies that the cloud is more powerful than him, let him turn to it; the cloud refers him to to the wind, to the mountain, to the porcupine that digs a hole, to the dog that the porcupine is afraid of, to the man the dog is afraid of; the man says that it is necessary to ask the Lord; the half meets Haji, who is all life sat on a stone and wiped it; he asks him to know where in paradise is prepared for him and how many gurias he is entitled to; meets a penitent robber, who asks him to know what place hell awaits him; a man who cuts bamboo senselessly, he drives Half away; Half wants to pick a grenade, but all pomegranates vied with each other, Half cannot choose, leaves; two ponds are full, and between them dry, fish jump from one extreme pond to another without noticing the dry one; the Lord shows a place in paradise prepared for the repentant, a place in hell for the Hajji; at the entrance, scissors that cut the incoming to hell to pieces; two ponds - rich who do not notice the poor; chopping bamboo does useless work; grenades are people serving rulers; tells you to walk without looking around a long bridge ; Half reaches the ground, finds a full body; tells the thief and Haji what the Lord showed him]: 57-66; Roti [the youngest of the two sisters is half (vertically); rusha rice, forever she touches her sister's pestle with a pestle; she screams that she is terrible, sees nothing, you know, beats; Half complains to her mother, but the mother confirms that she is really only half a man; Half went to look for her half; the old woman advises you to follow a narrow path from the fork; then the buffalo, horse, ant show the way again; the ant explains how to enter the Lord's house; he tells you to cut the Half into pieces, make in a ball, cover, three days later the girl is reborn as a fat person; the Lord gives her wealth, sends her to her parents; the older sister also wants to get rich; she goes the same way, but answers not that her sister insulted her and that she wants her share in heaven; the Lord turns her into a black dog, the current ones come from her]: Platencamp 2005:137-141; kedang [ruha kuba is a spirit that may not have an arm and leg on one side of the body; sometimes also headless]: Samely, Barnes 2013:577; loda (Halmahera) [the first man and woman have a son; when the wife is pregnant with the second, the rain washed half of her garden into the river; she cursed the rain, she had a half son (vertically); he went up to the heavenly god, who ordered to swim in the pond, the young man became handsome, came home; his older brother wanted to be just as handsome; God told him to bathe with a white handkerchief around his neck; he became a dog with a white spot on his neck]: Baarda 1904, No. 13:444-446 (eng) . retelling in Dixon 1916:215-216; French translation in Platencamp 2005:129-134); vemale (Seram) [the girl works in the field, it starts to rain, she curses him; becoming pregnant, gives birth to a boy Taunala, he is only the right half of his body; T. comes to the upper world to God Daniai for his other half; D. cooks both halves in a cauldron, sculpts a new T. from the boiled substance, revives; tells him to convey mother, so that she does not curse the rain anymore; after seeing his mother, T. comes to heaven again; chooses people's food, D. gives him a human leg; then animal food; hides rice in a wound on his leg, brings it to the ground; D. furiously lets mice eat rice on a rope, but T. cuts off the rope, the mice scatter around the world]: Jensen 1939:83-84 in Prager 2005:107; vemale (Seram) [woman curses the sun, gives birth to a boy Haumala, he has only half his body; he comes to the upper world with the Tuwale sun for his other half; T. shows him the tree on which she hangs, glues the halves together; shows the gardens planted human bones and hair; Tuniai (Tuwale?) shows bats hanging on a tree; these are people's souls; chooses people's food, D. gives him a human leg; when T. is angry, devours these mice, people die on earth; T. sends H. back to earth tell people not to question the deeds of the gods]: DeVries 1927:182-183 in Prager 2005:107-108; Kay Islands: Barraud 2005:49-51 [the girl is given everything in full, and when she He grows up by himself, he always gives only half to others; gives birth to a half-son (right); he goes over seven mountains to God to look for his left half; he turns him into a normal person; explains what to do be generous], 51-53 [a woman dries beans and lentils; then it rains and then the sun again; she tells God he probably wants to split people in half; gives birth to a half-son; he asks his mother to give him bow and arrow, he goes to God; those he meets ask for questions about their problems; 1) one goes to get water all the time, does not have time for anything else; 2) the second waits for palm wine to pour out, it still does not pour; half stays at the Raja, God comes there, becomes whole, tells the mother not to blaspheme anymore; wine must be poured through a pipe, water must be carried in a vessel]; Sangihe Islands, Numphor, Nias [the main motif of a half-boy who becomes whole like a lod]: Dixon 1916:337 (note 20).

Taiwan - Philippines. Apayao [Sibbara-yonnan leads his daughter Dommaria to tear the bark, leaves her in the forest; arranges a wake; D. gets to the snake, takes off his skin, becomes a young man; brings her home again in the guise of a snake ; they are greeted by a rooster with half a body (one leg, one wing, one eye); they are married, the groom finally turns into a young man]: Wilson 1947b: 135-138; bukidnon [Juan Pikas ("The One-Sided") is a half boy (vertically); went to God to see if he could become a normal person; on the way, a well-fed horse asks why he is tied to such a short rope; then skinny horse: why am I skinny, although the rope I am tied to is long; the man at the crossroads feeds everyone who passes by; asks if he will be saved by doing so; the other, whose house is above the waterfall, kills everyone passing by; asks if he can be saved; God told Juan that he wanted to test him, and now gives him a full body; the first horse is righteous, the second is not; the food distributor will be saved, the killer is not; when Juan said this to the person who distributed food, who replied that of course he would; for his arrogance he is now doomed to death and the murderer will be saved]: Demetrio 1972, No. 2:8-10; bagobo [constellation Marara is a man with one arm, one leg; creates cloudy weather so people don't see his ugliness]: Cole 1913:108; Igorot [after the death of his mother, Dumagid cuts his son in two vertically, it turns out lightning and thunder; the part left with heavenly father comes down to revive brother's decayed body; both produce thunder]: Beyer 1913:110 in Headley 2005a: 41; puyuma [half man with one He holds the ground with his hand and one leg; his hand rests against the sky and his foot against the ground; his movements cause earthquakes]: Yamada 2002:65.

China - Korea. Chinese: Riftin 1980 [mountain spirits - one-legged, one-eyed, three-legged, two-headed, etc.]: 655; Yuan Ke 1987 [people in the Soft-Bodied Land had one arm and one leg each, their arms and legs were soft, bent in different directions; further to the west lay the Land of the One-Eyed; its inhabitants had only one eye in the middle of their faces; there were many terrible monsters nearby; to the south, in the One-armed Camp, the inhabitants had one hand, one eye, one nostril]: 202-203; Yanshina 1977:97 [(Western Overseas Catalogue); The realm of the one-armed is located north of the Three-Torso Kingdom; people there have one arm, one eye, and one nostril; ibid. there are striped horses with one eye and one front leg], 186 [in the realm of one-armed people with half their torso, one eye, one nostril, one leg]; Koreans [a woman gave birth to a boy- half (but has two legs); he is very strong; he took the rich man's daughter, tumbled over, became a normal person]: Choi 1979, No. 203:60-61; Cho 2001, No. 101 [a woman gave birth to a half-boy (but he has two legs ); he is very strong; his brother left him in the forest tied to a tree, he brought the tree home; the Half promises to marry the daughter of an official; his mother warns him, but the Half first besieges him household ownership, then puts everyone to sleep, ties their hair, ties various objects to the legs and hands of the owners, takes the girl away; turning over, becomes handsome]: 183-188; Kontsevich 1992 [Tokkebi, Tokkakkvi ("one-legged demon"), Hoju ("master of emptiness"), Ymhogi ("spirit of darkness and emptiness"), Mannyan is a quisin evil spirit in Korean mythology]: 517.

The Balkans. Greeks [a childless woman asks God to give her at least half a child; a half asks her mother to give him an ax and a mule, goes to the forest for firewood]: Hahn 1918, No. 8 in Belmont 2005:16; Croats [a demonic character lives in a cave, locked half people there; they move fast in pairs, hand in hand; they are not born, but forged; in Tomsk Gubernia their name is braids; in Croatia - Polovainiki, they are connected to the devil there]: Afanasiev, "Poetic Views..." in Belmont 2005:17-18; Albanians [old man and old woman shared property, old woman took cat, old rooster man; the cat caught birds for the old woman, the old man was starving; cut off half of the rooster and ate it; The half-rooster went to earn money; met, took with him a frog, a fox, a wolf, a mouse that had swallowed water, each of them climbs into his womb; the half-rooster climbed into the king's cabbage, began to crow; the king ordered him to be seized; he was found in the last head of cabbage, thrown into the oven; he told the frog to release water, it flooded the fire; The half-rooster was thrown to the horses, the wolf lifted them up; the fox strangled the geese; locked in a chest of gold; the half-rooster swallowed gold coins, told the mice to gnaw through the hole, ran away; told the owner to feed him well and hit the back every day; a gold coin popped out to the old man for life; the old woman is envious, she sends a cat to get money; she finds a gold coin dropped by a rooster, as well as insects, salamanders, snakes and mice; she also told her to feed her and hit her on the back every day; only on the first day did the coin fall out, the loan was only reptiles; the old woman killed the cat, died of grief herself]: Lambertz 1952:187-193 (=Elsie 2001, No. 15); Moldovans [the woman gave birth from the infusion of grass collected on Ivan Kupala; named her son Basil Green; the princess was kidnapped by a serpent, the king promises her and half the kingdom to the one who will return her daughter; BZ comes, successively kills dragons - from 6 to 24 heads; Half-man comes (vertically), he is not vulnerable to the sword, kills BZ, makes the princess say that he killed the dragons; wedding in a year; mother BZ I found the remains of my son, saw how one ant revived another with grass; BZ revived the same grass; he went to look for Half Man; St. Friday sends to St. The Trinity, which summons birds, only the dove knows that the power of Half-man in 9 worms in a golden apple in a chrome hares crevice; gives a pipe that makes them dance; BZ hardly swam across the river where snakes (dropped the pipe, found it, began to play, the snakes began to dance); made the hare dance, killed him, took out an apple, began to crush worms; came to the king under the guise of a doctor to treat his son-in-law, finished him off, married the princess]: Moldavian tales 1968:302-312; Romanians: Kúnos 1901 [when dying, the king forbids Aleador's son to cross the border of the possessions of a Half-man riding half a lame horse; A. accidentally violates the ban; A half-man tells him to get the daughter of the Green King; on the way, A. throws a pike into the water, bandages the crow's broken wing, does not step on ants; he must hide three times if the daughter of his Green King he will find him, his head will be put on a stake; the pike turned A. into a shell, the crow into a crow, the ant into a flower seed in the folds of the princess's skirt; the first two times the princess finds him, the third time she recognizes him her defeat, ready to marry him; when she saw the monster, the princess surrounded herself with a circular groove and became invisible to the monster; he burst with anger, and A. married the princess]: 209-221; Nortines 1935 [after the shepherd's death, his three sons drove the sheep to the mountains; once they spent the night in a remote place, but there was no fire; the elder climbed an oak tree, saw fire in the distance; came - there was a half man; demanded to tell him one the truth and one lie, otherwise it will be tied to the horse, she is also half; he did not know what to say, the monster tied him; the same with his middle brother; the youngest says that his father was a potter and broke the pot on his head monster; that one: a lie! the brothers came back, cooked and ate their hominy, fell asleep; at night the monster came up and started screaming: who hears and does not answer? contrary to the younger one's warning, the elders responded, the monster tied them up; released them for promising to give him the youngest; the monster brought him to his place, fell asleep, telling them to fry the fish; the guy burned him with his fish only eye; he gave his ring; the guy loaded the monster's property on the wagons, drove him, found himself in an unfamiliar place; on the road, a skull promised to take him to a familiar road; when he disappeared, the ring on his finger began to scream; Half came to his voice; the guy cut off his finger with a knife, threw the ring, the monster followed him, fell into the water and drowned; the boy returned to his brothers; the elders married, the youngest also went to look a wife; that skull appeared during the wedding; but bread and wine talked to him, noon came and the skull was gone; the wedding continued]: 238-246; (cf. Bulgarians [there are 77 and a half diseases; 77 can be cured, but half has no remedy; except by squeezing half a flower]: Marinov 2003:292-293; Bulgarians, Macedonians, Serbs ["Karakonjul is a supernatural creature whose beliefs are known only to Serbs, Macedonians, and Bulgarians who have been in contact with Turks and Greeks. K. is considered a predominantly seasonal, Christmas demon <... > West and South Bulgaria, Macedonia and the South Serbia K. is a man with various anomalies: overgrown like a bear; with glaring red eyes, long teeth, or one-eyed, one-legged, with horns and tail; filled with water <... > In the forest, at intersections, on roads remote from the village, K. attacks people, rides them on horseback, and because of his weight, a person goes to the ground"]: Sedakova 1995:466-467).

Central Europe. Ukrainians: Lukashevich 1909 [the chicken has one chicken and a half body (vertically); he was nicknamed Polpetushka; he grew up and thought he was better than others, although he was laughed at; decided to go see on the king and queen; the mother advises cooks and cooks to take care of; the stream asks Half a Cockerel to clean up the children's dam, the wind to lift it off the ground on a hot day, a sparkle in the ash to throw straw on her - that arrogantly refuses; in the capital he is not afraid of the cook, he grabbed him; Half a cockerel calls for help from water, wind and fire, they refuse; the wind throws him on the spoke over the palace, he stayed there]: 3-15; Chubinsky 1872 (Ushitsky y. Podolsk governorate) [there are people with one arm, leg and one eye called raw foodists and live in "Turetchina beyond the Danube"; they cling to each other and run very fast; if they catch one of ordinary people are then cut and eaten; there was one soldier who got to them; he worked hard for them, and then ran away]: 212; Nowosielski 1857 (2) (Kyiv region) [There are people with one hand and one leg who will once join hands, will come and conquer the whole world, after which the world will end]: 15; Russians (Arkhangelskaya) (Shengursky y.) [the earth rests on seven large and six small whales; when they move their tail or ridge, they make an earthquake; on the east side of the earth there is a warm side where they live closer to us Orthodox Christians, followed by Arabs, followed by small (dwarfs) and one-legged people, and in the west, the cold side is the same as in the north, where all non-chryst lives - Germans, British, French]: Efimenko 1874:185; Russians: Afanasiev 1897 [father rejects daughter's suitors; tells her to wait until next winter, when the enemy comes for her, they have three children; while his wife is away, husband cuts one of his sons in half vertically, takes half to his world; the remaining half is named Polovnyak; he magically makes a pregnant princess, becomes bodily fullness] in Belmont 2005 : 17; Afanasiev, "Poetic Views..." [the demonic character lives in a cave, locked half people there; they move fast in pairs, hand in hand; they are not born, but forged; in Tomsk Gubernia theirs they are called Opletai; in Croatia they are associated with the devil there] in Belmont 2005:17-18; Belarusians (Chaussky u., Radomlskaya vol., d. Chernavtsy, 1888-1891, from a peasant Gavrila Minin, 60 years old, illiterate) [An old man and an old woman live. They have thirty-three and a half sons. They are given 33.5 versts for mowing, they collect 33.5 ricks. A mare and 33.5 stallions from across the sea are used to it, and none of the sons can catch them. Only half of the ricks remains, her youngest son, the True Half (PI), goes to guard her, asks his father for three twigs of three poodies, jumps up on the mare with a fly, quilts it with twigs and drives her and everyone stallions to my father's house. They share horses: a mare for his father, 33 stallions for 33 brothers from older to younger, and half a stallion for PI. The king calls 33 sons to his service, and they are leaving. PI cries, his stallion comforts and catches up with his brothers. PI sleeps three days, brothers leave without waking him up. The stallion is catching up with them again. PI sleeps for three days again (same). PI sleeps, his brothers wake him up, and they reach the king. The king makes all brothers bosses and PI a groom. He wants to send someone to God to find out why the sun has faded for three days. 33 brothers refuse and offer to send PI. He cries, his horse comforts him and sends him on his way. On the way, he meets two crows stuck in oaks, a fish that everyone takes across the sea, a man and a woman rolling a hot stone to each other, a man holding an iron gun, a woman who pours water from a well into a well. They all ask PI to ask God how much more they have to suffer. PI comes to God. God answers the questions: the sun does not shine because the girl gave birth to a son and drowned him, crows will be able to get out if they live according to the Gospel, the fish can free themselves if they spit out a ship that swallowed, a man and a woman committed adultery when they were going to Christ, the man said how he would die, so even though they could help them, the woman stole milk, they would all suffer until the light changed. PI returns to the king, giving everyone God's answers along the way. The king praises him, plans to marry him, wants to send matchmakers. 33 brothers refuse and offer to send PI again with an assignment. He cries, his horse comforts him and sends him on his way. On the way, he meets three people who want to go with him and promise to help. They come to the fortress, the first person breaks the gate, the second defeats dogs. The king gives them plenty of bread and tells them to eat it overnight, and a third person eats everything. The king gives them plenty of wine and tells them to drink overnight, and the third drinks everything. The daughter sends PI to her grandmother for the harp. PI steals them, runs away from Baba Snake. The king orders to dig a hole with fire at the gate and cover it with a badge. The groom must cross this hole. The tsar himself steps on the badge, the princess pulls out the plaque, the tsar falls, the princess and PI get married]: Romanov 1901, No. 31:276-286.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks [old woman Nalkhan-Tsagan-eeje gave birth to a hero son named Naikhal; her 7 brothers persuade Zagir-Bogdo Khan to destroy him; he sends a Crimean cauldron and tripod to bring him; N. cuts the musa with a staff, the lower part falls into a hole; N. goes down, where the kidnapped daughter of Hormust-Tengri explains that parts of Musa's body are now held together with steel, it remains to make one eye, one ear, one hand ; N. kills Musa and his mother, if Musa's body became full, he would be invincible; you can climb to the ground on a hairless horse, N. takes off on it, but towards the mousse, N. beats him, but falls and breaks him thigh; the mice want to eat it, he broke the mouse's thigh, the other brought white clay, cured it; N. ate clay himself, recovered; mousse arrives every day, people don't know who he will eat tomorrow, who today; seeing N., he turns into a hare, N. into a dog; grain is a chicken with chickens; the mousse takes its form, N. defeats him, cuts his stomach, live people and cattle come out of there; the yellow-headed snake always eats chicks eagle; N. kills the snake, the eagle swallows it, the chicks tell her to regurgitate; she takes N. to the upper world, which feeds it with horse meat and koumiss, cuts off the last piece from its thigh; the eagle applies this a piece back; N. kills a hare, but the guy takes him away; N. wants to kill him, he says that N.'s mother suffers from Zagir-Bogdo Khan; N. covers Khan and Khansha with a Crimean cauldron, they die]: Basangova 2002: 67-81; Abkhazians: Inal-ina 1977 [Sasirkva asked his mother if there was anyone stronger than him; met a plowman without an arm and without a leg ("half dried"); he put him and his horse in his pipe, plugged him in his belt (or put it under a block of earth); the wife who came (in one case she is called Satanei-Guasha) was ordered to capture "some unfortunate Abkhazian" for the children's amusement; his wife carried S. in a trough on his head, he grabbed a tree branch on the way, ran away; the hostess urinated at home, the current picked up S., he was caught in the net; the returning owner told S. how he and a hundred companions spent the night in the cave, it turned out to be a lamb (horse) skull; the dog brought the skull to the shepherd, who threw it with a stick on the mountain; everyone died, the narrator was crippled; S. returned home, now knew that many were stronger than him]: 20-21; Salakaya 1976, No. 17 [Sasirkva plays by throwing up his horse; his mother Sataney-Guasha says this is not heroism for strongmen; S. meets a plowman who has only half his body; he crushed him with a lump of earth, tells his mother to take it away, let the children have fun; she carries it on her head in a bowl, he grabs a branch in the forest; the giant's mother made her snare out of her hairs, urinated, caught S.; the giant told how he hid with his brothers in a cave; another giant threw a stone in which there was a cave at a wolf; the ploughman was crippled, others died]: 211-214; Adygs (shapsugi) [forest "half-men" ( Mezylienyku) naked, covered with hair, with an ax on their chest, one-legged and one-eyed; they are dangerous not for their anger, but for their philanthropy: they rush at the people they meet to hug them, and a sharp ax pierces the victim]: Lavrov 1959:211; Ossetians: Britayev, Kaloev 1959 [the hunter fried the roe deer, the carcass and kebabs came together, the roe deer came to life, ran away; the hunter came to the house half a man; he tells how with his family his sons came to a one-eyed giant; he stabbed a goat, ordered not to damage his bones; when he leaves, he closes the exit from the cave with a rock; every day he eats a horse and a person; the narrator roasts on a spit, half of his body burns down; the narrator manages to escape; the hunter decides to go to that giant; he again tells not to damage the bones of the slaughtered and cooked goat; revives the goat from bones; the hunter overcame the giant, forced to get the bones eaten from the cellar, revive; buried the giant himself in the cellar; the hunter and the lively revive other people and animals eaten; hitting half a man with a whip, the hunter does his whole]: 275-281; Libedinsky 1978 [Soslan brags about his strength, throws the bull across the river, goes to look for an equal; the mother of three Waigs hides him under a sieve, releases him at night; the Waigi chase him; one-armed and one-eyed waig hides it in his mouth, ties three pursuers with his hair; tells how he and his father and six brothers entered the cave; she turned out to be a horse skull that the giant faked a stick and threw the goat against the horns; the skull crashed, the giant killed the Waiga father and brothers, the narrator tore off his arm and knocked out his eye; S. returns to the sledges]: 123-127; Ingush [man raises the cow by the tail, the neighbor's wife says that there are stronger people behind the mountain; there fishermen throw the bragger to each other; he runs away, the one-armed and one-eyed giant hides it in his pants, ties it up pursuers with hair; tells how seven brothers, including him, climbed into a horse's skull; the dog brought it to a one-eyed shepherd; he roasted six brothers on a spit; the narrator burned twirling his eyes to the sleeping giant, put on the skin of a goat, stole the herd, called out to the blinded man; he threw the rock, tearing off the narrator's hand and knocking out his eye]: Dalgat 1972:280-281; Avars [at Half-chicken there was one eye, one wing, half a crest, she was limping on one leg; the other chickens offended her, she left, came to the field, waited for the harvest; the khan's horses began to trample on the field, she drove them to the khan; the fox, the wolf swallowed the road, drank the lake, began to demand compensation from the khan; he ordered the geese to throw it; she spit out the fox, it strangled the geese; the horses spit out the wolf, he lifted them up; khan ordered her to be thrown into the oven, she filled the fire with water, pecked out the khan's eye, then swallowed the khan, took the wealth, drove the vizier in front of her]: Khalilov 1965, No. 44:104-105; Georgians (Kartli) [poor half a chicken stabbed his leg, asks the baker to pull out the thorn, he pulled it out, threw it into the oven; P. demands the thorn back, threatens to smash everything, the baker gives him bread; he shares bread with the shepherds, demands it back, gets a ram; lets a ram be slaughtered at a wedding, demands back, gets a bride in return; sees a flute player, exchanges a pipe for a bride, plays the flute, sings about what he exchanged for]: Chikovani 1954, No. 93:402-403 (=1986:35-36); Turks: Boratav 1955 in Muhawi, Kanaana 1989 [parallels to the Palestinian fairy tale Muhawi, Kanaana 1989, No. 6]: 333-334; Mészáros 1906 [to Suleiman A 250-year-old woman comes with a child in her arms; says that she was childless, and now she has given birth, but the child is sick; S. calls on all living beings, they answer that they do not know the reason; The winds report that in The destroyed temple was seen by Arym Adam in the form of half a man with one eye, one ear, one leg, half a body; S. tells them to bring it, he confirms that he is guilty of the child's illness]: 56-57.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians: Osmanov 1987 [the dervish gives three Shah's wives an apple along with the seeds they have planted; she forgot to eat one polablock; each gave birth, but the forgotten child Nimekun ("half"); the brothers went to get firewood, N. followed him; he was tied to a tree, left to die; he uprooted the tree and dragged his mother to make a barbecue skewer; the next time he was pushed into a hole and crushed with a stove; N. picked it up and brought it to the palace; the brothers went to Mazandaran, where the shah of divas, he does not pay tribute to their father; on the way, the shepherds offer them to separate the goats - the brothers cannot; camels - the same; the old woman offers to eat the Turi trough - they cannot; when the brothers approach, the Shah asks his daughters how they eat carrots; the fruits in the garden (quietly, carefully); the brothers were thrown into prison; N. rode a rooster; scattered goats and camels, ate the turya, greedily ate carrots and fruits; killed the diva, freed the brothers, but burned their seat with a seal; ordered the Shah's daughters to indicate where the treasury was; the brothers lowered him into the hole, to leave it there, but he quietly sat in an empty chest; the brothers said that they had killed the Shah diva; N. came out of the chest, the shah handed him the throne; diva N. gave two daughters to his brothers, and took the third for himself]: 153-163; Lorimer 1919, No. 18 (Kerman) [The childless king goes to the desert; the dervish gives him an apple for each wife; three wives eat a whole apple, the fourth half, the other is carried away by a crow; a daughter is born, two sons and a half-boy Nim Tanak; he and his mother are kept with the servants; the divas carry the princess; the king sends an army led by the eldest son; divas: what does the leader of the army do? wife: drinks water; how? slowly down his sips; the diva laughs, easily defeats the prince, hangs him in the cave by the hair; the same with the middle son (hangs by the eyelashes); NT goes to the diva alone; drinks water from the stream along with the mud, eats grapes in clusters along with leaves and stems; the divas does not dare to go to battle; NT cuts them in half, the divas asks to finish them off, sister: do not hit, after the second blow, the divas will come to life; NT returns the brothers and sister, made heir]: 108-112; Bakhtiyars [the childless husband of seven wives leaves home; meets a dervish at the crossroads; he gives seven apples for seven wives; six eat an apple each, the youngest half, the other was eaten by a sheep; everyone gave birth to sons, the youngest Taling (half), aka One-legged; the elder brother goes with a caravan; a long beard crawls out of the ground by the cave, then the diva himself; he shackled a young man in a chain was thrown into a cave where the kidnapped beauty and other prisoners; the same with each of the five brothers; when T. began to fight the diva, he called God, cut off the diva's head, and his head rolled into the cave; T. followed her and freed the prisoners; the brothers are jealous of T.; they descend into the abyss for treasure chests, intending to cut the rope, lifting it back; T. heard them negotiate and hid in chest; at home tells how it happened; brothers are ashamed]: Lorimer, Lorimer 1919, No. 38:251-255.

Volga - Perm. Udmurts: Akhmetyanov 1981 [pales - piece, half; murt - man; palesmurt is more male]: 48; Vladykin 1993 [(in the list of spirits); Palesmurt - letters. half person]: 233; Perevozchikova 1988 [Palesmurt is half man; if you go to the fire, you have to remember Inmar, he will leave; you can hide from him behind mountain ash]: 98; marie: Akzorin 1991, No. 116 [the man went into the forest, the dogs put him in a hole; they have one eye in the middle of their head, one arm, one leg; they fed him nuts; he pushed back the stones, ran]: 178; Toivonen 1937 [ by Ödön Beke, Tscheremissen Texte zur Religion und Volkskunde 8; pi-nereške ("walking") with one leg and one arm live in the Siberian taiga; they will be saved from one person, not from two, sniff and eat]: 99; Chuvash [arçuri forest spirit (vărman iyi; upăte) from ăr (man, man) and çurri (half) - with one leg, one eye in the forehead; resembles a head. yarymtyk, Tatarsk. shurale, Kazakh. kuldyrgysh, Central Asian gulbiyaban, common among Albanian Turks]: Egorov 1995:117; Bashkirs: Rudenko 1925 [the goblin has one eye in the forehead and one leg; his wife and daughters are extraordinary beautiful]: 303; Khisamitdinova 2011 [whirlwind one-legged, one-armed, one-eyed]: 217; Khusainova 2014 [the task giver promises the hero to place him in a room with one-armed, one-eyed, one-legged, if not will bring Tsar Bire's daughter]: 116; Balynguz (Bashkiria) [a bronze figure of a one-legged, one-armed, one-eyed naked man with a conical helmet-shaped head, a through hole on his chest, a noticeably protruding pointed chin (cf. Data for Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan)]: Spitsyn 1906:145-146; Khalikov 1981:13.

Turkestan. Kyrgyz [there is a birch tree next to the old people's yurt, it gives them food; the old people want a son; a beautiful woman comes out of the birch tree, promises a hail of fire; then a black stone will appear in the clearing, split, out of it a gold-haired boy will come out; he grows fast, a great hero; he demands a horse from a birch tree, he takes him 70 miles away, he puts a bridle on a half-alive foal, which turns into a heroic horse; an old woman I saw a golden cradle in the lake, wearing a silver girl with golden hair; the hero tells me to take her back, the old people are angry; she is a hero in the guise of a one-eyed, one-armed, one-legged witch in an iron fur coat; the hero cut her ear for the first time, the second cut off her finger; the old people do not believe, tell her son to clean; the hero fights with the spirit riding a two-legged, one-eyed, iron horse; the last episode: the hero takes the form of a falcon, the spirit is an eight-headed eagle; a falcon kills an eagle; a woman on a liberated beauty; returning to visit her parents, finds them in a hole, everything around is burned; a beauty in a birch tree became an old woman; a hero forgives her parents; kills an evil spirit sister and her husband]: Muchnik 1944:75-87.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khalkha-Mongols: Neklyudov 1982 [demon teren and witch Almas (cf. Turk. diamonds) are one-legged and one-handed; A., in addition, has one eye and one chest, which he throws behind his back]: 174; Neklyudov, Tumurtseren 1982 [Gilban Shan (Shining Yellow) falls into the Mongolian epic category of female demonic characters: mothers, wives, or daughters of monsters; when viewed the front is "only half of her body" and a "half-mowed head" - an obvious contradiction with the many heads and breasts described below, just on different sides of her body; cf. Ordos the idea of the witch Almas (Potanin 1893:351; cf. Mong. alman sar - half moon)]: 65; Plano Carpini 1911 [the Mongols during their campaigns "met monsters in human form, but they had only one full arm, that is, both to the elbow and above the elbow, and then in the middle of the chest, and one leg, and two shot with the same bow; they ran so fast that the horses could not catch up with them, for they ran on one leg, and when they were tired of it walking, then they walked on their arms and legs, so to speak, with a wheel" (quoted from Samoilovich, Faleev 1915:18)]: 26; Khalkha-Mongols [V.A. Kazakevich's report on a trip to Gobi in 1924; there is a lonely one standing alone Mergen del White Hill, which has the shape of a yurt; passers-by sometimes see a shadow running around it in the form of half a man - talá hün, guarding the treasure in this place; during its lifetime it is indiscriminately killed all living beings, so after death she could neither enter nirvana nor reincarnate again; such shadows have their usual presence near human bones or corpses; if a person is pure life will put a cup of vodka next to her, the shadow will come to drink it, weaken it, and then you have to quilt it with a belt; she will promise to get anything and become a loyal servant; you can distinguish tala hün by no shadow; these creatures appear as normal Gobi vortices and tornadoes]: Nosov 2014:216-217; Mongols (Ordos) [there are Almas creatures that have one eye, one nipple, one arm and one hand and one leg; diamond wears his only chest, throwing it over his shoulder]: Potanin 1893, No. 20:351.

Western Siberia. Nganasany: Gracheva 1976:52-54 [if ten years later the deceased dreams, his sydangka (shadow) will no longer be in its entirety; she will have one arm, one leg, one eye; through some time after death, s. may turn into an evil being ngamter'u, and after a longer period, into barusi, which eat the heart and brain of living beings; in barusi folklore they are also one-legged, one-armed, one-eyed, hairy evil creatures with long nails], 60 [one of his close relatives (or local owner Momde) who has arrived in the land of the dead cuts with a knife in half; the dirty part is thrown into the water, clean with one hand, leg, etc.]; 1983 [barusi (apparently, from the Nenets century - "dirt") - half people]: 30; Long 1938 [poor the guy comes to an empty hut; he plays cards there with a one-eyed, one-armed, one-legged Susedka (from the Russian name for brownie); a Russian blacksmith gives the guy sheets of iron, he covers his head with them when S. snaps his finger like a loser]: 125-131; 1976, No. 32 [someone steals meat; China-Baranguy watches, shoots at the barousi (half a man); follows the bloody trail until he bumps; hears his mother and six The brothers of the victim agree to destroy people by luring them across the river and sending a blizzard; three people drown at the crossing; the god of water refuses C. to return them, since then people have been drowning], 34 [Moriche's wife is a barba cut her hand, threw a bloody bandage into the corner, a barusi appeared with one eye, calls herself a woman's daughter; M. pushes the barusi into the ice-hole, she comes back, brings fish; puts her on a pointed a branch, she brings firewood; locks her in a log house; meets a man named Saner, they wander together, S. kills M., takes his wife; barusi revives M., fights S. for three days, kills him]: 121-125, 130-135; Enz: Long 1961 [Dia has Baruci's brother with one arm, one leg; rips the skin off the deer's feet so that they do not soak their shoes at the river crossing; D. decides to get rid of him, invites step into the ice-hole; he returns three days later with fish; D. ties B. to the top of the tree, he returns with firewood; picks up Sigio's nets; disguises his mother as Satan (idol), brings him on a sled "Satan" broadcasts that his nets, B.; Shaitan S. is silent; S. agrees to give the nets; B. finds an awl, a strap, polyheads, a pestle, a fish bubble, a mouse; they all agree to go to war with S., hide in his house, kill him; S. no longer kills people]: 32-36; Prokofiev 1953 [headless one-armed divya people (Nenets. ngevaseda); the one-armed, one-legged evil spirit of Varochi-Baruchi lives in the forest, chief assistant to female shamans]: 204; Sorokina, Bolina 2005, No. 22 [the youngest sees a girl in red park coming out of -underground with a water boiler; makes an appointment; the elder secretly follows when he sees the girl screams, she is frightened, she is left with one eye, one arm, one leg, she hides underground; younger sees an interboat with Baruchi (freaks) coming out of the water; it sails away, Baruchi was no longer in this place]: 121-123; Nenets: Alekseev 1935 [(Novaya Zemlya); going north and passing the ice, you will get into a land whose inhabitants are not at odds; they have one leg at a time; they cannot walk alone, love and walk hugging and loving; if they stop loving, they stop hugging and die]: 157; Zhitkov 1913:242 in Golovnev 1995 [Vylka sees that some people are half a person (1 arm, 1 leg, 1 shoulder, 1 eye); others walk upside down, others face in front and back]: 414; 2004 [omulik y Forest Nenets is the spirit of the Lower World, similar to the god of death of the tundra Nenets a; he is a one-eyed and one-legged giant who moves on water as easily as on land (Lekhtisalo 1998: 34, 49)]: 316; Lehtisalo 1998:16 [the sorcerer Vyrir rose to heaven alive and now travels with thunderstorm spirits; he said that thunderstorm spirits have one arm, one leg and one eye; during a thunderstorm, they oppose A bull in the northern country, but they cannot kill him, and their arrows hiss into the water; the Ox fights them with water; when the spirits of a thunderstorm are hit, the north wind drives them with rain in the form of rare clouds into the warm country; if the Ox is defeated, the spirits of the thunderstorm allow the stuffy air to rise; then there is a bad year and many illnesses], 28-31 (Yamal) [The voyage chased the polar bear, he was carried on an ice floe, then on a drifting tree; 40 years later, he crawled to the ground along the yellow ice; two giantesses brought him to their place in a mitten, cured him; their old father went to chase thousands of deer to people; women teach V. tell the old man that he took his eldest daughter; V. and the old man come to the plague; half people in him; some walk upside down, others are naked, stand on top of each other, have faces in front and back; V. s wives come to people who have bone shovels on their heads like antlers, they eat reindeer moss; two guys grabbed a beautiful girl for V., began to strangle her; V. asked to give her to him alive; she tries escape, afraid of fire; in another village, the owner strangled his wife for a treat and offered V. a fat piece; V. runs away, the owner's son is chasing him, V. stabbed him, others are happy to eat; V. returned home; the giant wife cut herself into seven pieces, became normal; cut a wild girl, she came to life, became normal; V. became a shaman], 33 [a giant with an overgrown ass only smells food; this half a man; shouts with a bird so that people do not recognize him; a person who comes out of the plague bites off his nose], 129 [the sorcerer eats two and a half fly agarics; he sees spirits running away by the number of fly agarics eaten; the last - half, runs slowly, looking around as if waiting for the other half; the sorcerer keeps up with him]; Tonkov 1936 [older brother and sister go hunting, his wife, father, younger brother remain; younger goes looking for them, turns into one-eyed, one-legged, one-armed; the sister cut her hand, threw a bloody rag at him; the elder and sister do not recognize him; they tell him to climb a tree, tie him up; he returns, brings moose; the elder pushes him into the ice-hole - he brings fish; the elder makes a log house, closes the youngest in it; at home, the elder's wife says that they did not recognize his brother and now the trouble is; the elder opens the log house - the inside is empty; at this time the enemies ravaged the plague; the wife and child ran into the forest, began to live with a one-eyed man; the sister remained a slave, the older brother froze in the tundra]: 140-148; Mansi [floor u Mansi humpal ("half a man" - Kannisto 1958:231-232) is unclear]: Akhmetyanov 1981:48; (cf. Lukina 1970, No. 105 [see motif A4, B3A; Taryg-Pesch-Nimala-sov (aka Mir-Susne-Hum, "man watching the world") travels to get wives; his aunt says his wife (whom he does not yet know) Paraparsekh stole; teaches one-eyed people to answer that they are herding blue sheep not P., but T.; the same one-armed ones whose cows are herding; one-legged ones whose end; every time he blows on their eyes, arms, legs, those they recover, find lost chens; on horseback, slipping through 30 converging and diverging aspens, they touch, hangs on an aspen; his aunt frees him; in the sky she takes the daughters of the Month and the Sun; where the sky is hangs down, a rock with a hole; covered with an iron advantage; T. slips a pike through him, but the old man catches him in an iron net; tries to kill, but only beats himself and his wife, T. escapes; flies like a goose to the south land; The southern old woman killed, cooked two teals, T. ate them; she threw the bones into the lake with living water, the teals flew away; T. gets the daughter of the Southern old man and the old woman; migratory geese and ducks are her dowry; wearing T.'s skins are a goose, she is a swan, flew into our world through a rock with a hole; T. returned home, went to bed with six wives]: 258-272); Eastern Khanty (b. Trom-Agan) [two women live in two adjacent houses; one decided to go looking for people; very tired, an old woman came to the house; she moves some of the cradles to one half of the house, the other part to the other; she teaches me to walk in the morning along the path without looking back at voices; enter the house with her face covered; take a thin suitcase, not a gilded chest; do not look back on the way back; a woman violates all regulations; from those who are hers called out, half eye, half mouth; at home puts a chest next to her; in the morning a neighbor sees a one-eyed giant frying the bones of the first woman; runs away; comes to the same old woman; complies with all regulations; in the morning, instead of a suitcase, a glowing golden man next to him]: Chepregi 2015, No. 4:64-68; northern Selkups [in the young shaman's primary belt and on later caftans shamans in drawings and metal depict anthropomorphic figures of freaks spirits: headless, legless, armless, halves of people, three-legged; all of them were called quecha, not vines; they helped to a shaman in search of a sick person's soul]: Prokofiev 1981:61.

Eastern Siberia. Dolgans [see motive L72; one-eyed, one-armed and one-legged abaas fights with another over a woman; Er-Sogotoh frees the woman, takes her away; the abaas pursues them, E. throws a comb, a forest grows; E. kills abaas, marries a rescued woman]: Popov 1937:232-237 (quail. Efremov 2000, No. 2:79-135); northwestern Yakuts (Olenek) [Suchunaa tundra trait, with one arm, one leg, one eye and one finger, jumps, hunts deer and people; his weapon is a sharp iron ring or a loop of talcum rods inside; if a person looks at or touches his blood, he will go crazy]: Gurvich 1977:177; Central Yakuts (2nd The Nahar legacy of Megino-Kangalassky ulus) [a person falls into the lower world; sees a one-eyed man there with one hand, one leg, mouth in the middle of his face; when he tries to molest a local girl, she does not sees him, but experiences an attack of illness; a local shaman returns him to earth]: Alekseev et al. 1995, No. 50:249-255; Yakuts (central; Taragay nasleg of Megino-Kangalassky District) [ Siberian land is formed, on all sides of the sea and mountains, rivers, lakes, forests with fish, birds and animals in Siberia Land. In the middle is the sacred Aal Luuk Mae tree, which has 8 branches. Aal Luuk Mae ejects yellow ilte, which is the life-giving moisture for animals, birds and inhabitants of this land. The sacred tree plans to reach its top land of the Upper Abaas and destroy them, but abandons this sinful idea and grows into the land of the horse deity Joshogyop Ieyehsita, turning there for the best horse riding. Jyoshogyoy Toyon does not offend the sacred tree against the abaasa. With its lower roots, the tree wants to grow to the lower abaas and destroy them, but also abandons this sinful idea and grows into the tract of cattle deities, the host spirits of the Middle World, becoming hanger for white milk products. The spirits that own the land do not offend the sacred tree to the lower abaas. The sacred tree is surrounded by a fertile valley with a crystal house. Its owner is a lonely hero Dyyray Byögyo (DB), the son of a Horse. One morning, when DB goes out into the yard, the wind blows, and a black cloud appears that looks like a bear's skin. It splits above DB's head, and an exhausted, almost naked man falls out, calls himself, asks to hide from the persecution of Abaasa. This is Ayyi hero Erbehtey Bergen (EB), who lives in a country so far away that birds fly there, laying eggs three times along the way. He has been persecuted by Sollong Tuigun abaas for 9 years. Until now, he has run away from it, turning into a hundred species of fish in the Lower World, a hundred species of four-legged fish in the Middle World, and a hundred species of winged fish in the Upper World. DB doesn't know what to do with a person. To hide is not to find peace, to allow the Abaasa to kill the hero of Ayya is an honor to lose. He stomps his foot on the frozen ground, makes a hole, hides his EB there. He puts on armor and waits for an abaasa. A whirlwind came from the south and it became dark. A three-headed bird arrives with three eyes and claws like a walk, flies around the DB country three times, sits on a sacred tree, and demands that electronic devices be issued. After shedding his skin, he turns into an iron hero abaasa with one leg, one hand, and one eye. DB is frightened, but does not show fear and replies that he will not betray a person and is ready to fight. They fight for a month, at the end of the second DB, the Abaas wins. The heart and liver are sacrificed to the goddess of war Yrya Biebeideen, the daughter of the Cloud, and scatters the ashes over the sea. Three crows fly out of the ashes that floated on the waves. They shout that in the future they will harm DB, they soar into the sky. DB bathes after washing himself from the evil spirits of the Abaasa. He goes to that place, pulls the EB out of the hole. They live in peace and friendship and sleep in the same bed. DB wakes up one night singing EB. He sings that DB is illegitimate, that he has only one mother and 50 fathers, that his homeland is much worse than the homeland of EB, that he, EB, came here well done, and at work for DB he lost weight and I fainted that it was time to go home, and if DB followed him, he would kill him. He's leaving. DB decides to follow him and asks Joshogy Toyon to specify the horse intended for him. A fresh wind is blowing, and a saddled horse descends from the sky. The hero passes through his land, another one is visible. He remembers that he did not say goodbye to his native places. He turns his face towards the house, blesses the arrow to stick the point into the main horse riding, and shoots. He appeals to the spirits who are the owners of the hearth and native land. He sends the horse to the south. The land of Ayia is ending. He passes through a country inhabited by shamans and shamans, a country inhabited by dead sorcerers whose ashes were not accepted by the holy land, reaches a country blazing with fire. It's a fire burning, whole bears, deer and moose are roasting around in horns. DB jumps off the horse, turns it into a tree and kicks it aside. Eat better pieces, sleeps. He sees an almost naked man with a huge head and a huge belly. The ragged man says that his name is Ukumal, the son of the Beggar, reproaches the alien: such a hero took away from the poor beggar food sent to him by the spirit master of the taiga; he will tell eight about this shameful act countries, seven uluses. I'm ashamed, he wants to catch the ragged man, he runs away. DB is going further south. The horse got up. He says that he comes from the best stallion and best mare, Yuryung Aiyi Toyona, and was born to become a DB horse. And DB himself was born to Yuryung Aiyi Toyon, the youngest of three daughters, and his father is Khaardiyr Mokhsogol, the hero of the sky. When DB was in his mother's womb, his grandfather Yuryung Aiyi Toyop arranged a ysyah in honor of the deity of horses and cattle, and when he was presented with a yellow ilge choroon in the womb the boy kicked the goblet with his foot: the yellow ilge splashed by one quarter - many calves, foals and newborns died this year. We thought, if this boy is still so naughty in his mother's womb, what's next? Shamans caused the mother to give birth prematurely and settled the premature baby in the Middle World to become the ancestor of humans. DB is happy to listen: their fate is patronized by celestials. It's going further south. In one country, he is greeted with wine and food by three beauties. As soon as the horse sees them, it releases golden wings, flies between the clouds, says Dyyray Bøge that this is the witchcraft of a murdered abaasa, from whose ashes three crows flew: they turned into women and now they lure the owner into the abyss. The horse also overcomes the second obstacle - the Sea of Fire. He calls for help from his brother, a horse named Aiyi Dutuy, and his owner Kyun Tuygun. With their help, the Sea of Fire flies over. When they fly, a stone ball falls on top of them - it almost killed them. The sea is starting to cool down and there is no trace of it. It's all raven magic. Kyun Tuigong blesses DB, promises to help him, and flies to the Eastern Sky. DB continues his journey, sees EB, but does not kill, and goes after him to look at his sister Aptala Kuo. They see the sacred Aal Luuk Mae tree and nine horse riders. The DB horse is heading to the first one. At this time, cowgirl Simehsin Emeehsin Emeehsin looks out of the house and tells her owners Hangyryyr Haan Toyon and Kyngyryyr Haan Khotun about the arrival of the heroes. Those who thought their son was dead, EB parents don't believe at first. When they see the heroes, they hurry to receive them honorably. The celebration begins, but EB sits gloomy. The DB thought he was plotting a bad thing. The elderly Hangyryyr Haan Toyon and Kyngyryyr Haan Hotun ask the servants to lift their eyelids that have fallen from old age. A boy and a girl pick up silver hooks and raise the elders' eyelids. The old man and the old woman look at the visitor and share their impressions. The husband compares him to himself when he was young and strong. The wife says that a visitor is much better than her younger husband. DB is offended and tells EB's parents about his ingratitude. Hearing threats from a visitor, Kyngyryyr Haan Hotun asks her husband for advice. Old Hangyryyr Haan Toyon: Let the young people figure it out for themselves. The old woman asks the hero to calm down, gives a drink of koumiss. The hero calms down. The old woman pulls out the pz happahchy, the closet where the girls sleep, a folding golden table, a gold plate, golden forks and spoons, walks around DB three times and begins to put it all in his bosom. Then he takes a puppy from Happahcha. "As a thank you for saving our son, we give you a puppy that is dear and close to us. Let DB live happily with the puppy, let them light up an unquenchable hearth, build a house, and put up a golden horse ride." DB: It's like not giving a puppy, but marrying her daughter. The hero goes home. Halfway through, he thinks: "I went to a distant country, suffered a lot and what did you get a puppy in return?!" Decides to throw the puppy away. But the puppy does not lag behind, whines. The hero again puts him in his bosom. He returns to his native places. His wealth did not decrease, but increased. DB releases the horse into the wild, and puts the puppy in happpakhchi. When he wakes up in the morning, the house is cleaned and the food is cooked. Dinner is prepared in the evening. The next morning, DB pretends to hunt, but turns into a fly at the edge, comes back, hides on the ceiling by the beam. A puppy comes out of the happahcha, runs around the house, sniffing the hero's trail, kicks into bed, sheds his skin, turns into a girl. Starts cleaning and cooking. DB turns into himself, wants to hug a girl. She slips out, puts on her skin, turns into a puppy. DB is going hunting. The next day he turns into a fly again, comes back, hides, grabs the girl, manages to throw her skin into the fire. The girl wraps her arms around the pole with her legs and sits like this. The DB house is crystal, rotating around an axis. A handsome man arrives from the east and cannot open the door. He says that his name is Toyon Joburuoptai, a hero, he is the son of Erian Toyona and Ebiriechin Hotun, his country is far away, birds reach it, laying eggs seven times along the way, and runners multiply nine times. Asks me to open the door The girl doesn't pay attention. DB hears a voice and comes back. The hero says that DB took away his name, Aitala Kuo, for which he paid dowry to her brother Erbahtey Bergen. DB: I earned the right to Aitaly Kuo not by paying dowry, but by a heroic feat. The heroes fight and swear that if one dies, the rest will not answer to Yuryung Aiyi Toyon. They shoot with a bow. The first is a visitor, but the DB turns into a triangular prison, the arrow flies by. When Dyyray is shot, the visitor turns into a bird, and the arrow also flies by. For the second time, the opponent's arrow passes below the heart, above the DB liver, hitting an artery. DB aims upwards, an arrow hits Toyon Joburwantai's heart and liver. DB has a hard time entering his house, lying down, falling asleep in a dead sleep. His horse takes the form of a hawk, flies into the sky, tells the heavenly messenger about the death of his owner, and asks Yuryung Ayyi Toyon and Jilga Haan to tell about it. Yuryung Ayyy Toyon orders to call three heavenly scribes, the younger heavenly shaman Aiyi Jargyl and three execution heroes. Three heavenly scribes establish: Yuryung Aiyi Toyon had three daughters; the youngest Egiliene Kuo was married by the heavenly hero Khaardiyr Mohsogol. In the ninth month of his daughter's pregnancy, Yuryung Aiyi Toyon celebrated the deity of horses and cattle. The choroon, filled with yellow ilge, was presented to Father Egiliene Kuo. The baby in the womb kicked the goblet, and ilge splashed. Three days later, horses and cattle began to die as a result. The unborn child was convicted of an unworthy act, and fearing that such a mischievous man would not live, his mother was brought to the Middle World. There she was given permission as a premature baby. Egiliene Kuo left her son in a horse pen and returned to her homeland. The boy was found by the spirit mistress of the land, Aiha Michil, gave him the name DB, the son of the Horse, because she found him in a horse pen. His opponent Toyon Joburuontai hero is the son of Erien Toyona and Ebiri-Echchin Baay Khotun, who come from the deities Iei-iehsit and Aiysyt. Aitaly Kuo, predestined by Odun Haan and Tyiys Haan, should become the wife of DB. Toyon Joburuontai must not die; he must be saved. A younger heavenly shaman is sent to the Middle World, accompanied by three heavenly heroes. The shaman camlates to revive Joburontai the hero, sends him to the Eastern Sky. Aitaly Kuo still sits the same way, with his arms and legs tightly wrapped around the pole. He looks at the wounded hero, regrets it. He gets up, prepares the balm to treat DB. The ceiling opens, a bird of prey grabs Aitala Kuo and flies to the sky. DB's wound heals, gets up, sees traces of a bird of prey, drives north, recognizing autumn by bad weather, winter by snow, summer by heat. He approaches the Sea of Fire, decides to propitiate the spirit of the owner of the sea with a victim of horse hair, but the victim is not accepted. He guesses that these are the intrigues of Har Suorun, known for his greed. He asks him to open his mouth wide. The Sea of Fire is gradually beginning to fade, and something like a wide mouth opens up. Riding a horse, a hole slips through his jaws and reaches Icchi's stomach. Together with the horse, they destroy the inside of the monster and get out of it. After that, the Sea of Fire disappears. The Second Sea of Fire. You can hear the singing of Oblak's daughter Yrya Biebeideen, whom Dyyray once treated with the heart and liver of Abaasa Syung Jaasin, who was killed by him. In gratitude, she says that Timir Nuoracin, the kidnapper of his wife Abaasa, lives across this Sea of Fire, and he will be transported across the sea by the sea carrier Otorulla, a shaman. Dyyray sends the horse home and waits for the carrier. Otorulla shaman scolds ungrateful Timir Nuorajin, who did not donate anything for the transportation, asks DB to feed him. DB takes three hairs out of his pocket, talks them to turn them into three bald black bulls, and gives them to the carrier. Old Otorulla rejoices, transports DB across the Sea of Fire, blesses him for exploits. DB goes north, reaches stone mountain, black smoke is coming from the top. He understands that this is the kidnapper's home. He turns into a Yeokseku bird, goes down to Timir Nuoracin's house through a chimney, turns into himself, sees Aitaly Kuo chained to the wall. After consulting with his wife, he turns into a triangular jail, hides behind the stove. When Timir Nuorajeen arrives, Aytali Kuo lulls his incredulity with flattering words. He makes the Abaas repeat the spell after her so that the prison kills him, gives the abaasa prison and tells her to throw him into the sky. When it falls, it kills the abaas and the DB turns into itself. Ayyu people turn into birds and fly to their homeland. The DB country became even more beautiful while he was driving. DB and his wife bow to the sacred tree Aal Luuk Mac. Aitala Kuo propitiated the spirit mistress of the earth with eight horsehair. Then mares are milked, koumiss is cooked, and ysyakh is arranged. Aitaly Kuo turns to feed the spiritual owners of the land, hearth and taiga. DB and Aitaly Kuo become human ancestors]: Yemelyanov 1980, No. 3:22-33; Verkhoyan Yakuts [=Ergis 1964, No. 51:172-177; short old woman (Ergis: old woman Bayberikaen) with five cows she brought horsetail with five shoots from the field, puts it under the pillow, it turns into a girl, her body is transparent (you can see the body through the dress, the bone through the body, the brain through the bones); Harah Haana Harzhit-Bergen's son ( Ergis: Haardyt Bergen) marries her, giving her a lot of cattle in dowry; takes her home, hunts foxes, tells her to go along the road where the skin of a lynx, a sable is hanged, not to go where the bear's skin is; she forgot I went, where a bear's skin, a devilish daughter from an iron yurt with one leg, one hand, one eye, puts on her skin; kings blow her nose in the HB house (?) , everyone disgust (Ergis: green beads fell in her husband's house, where she blew her nose, where she stepped, gray ermines ran, everyone was disgusted); only red skin-haired sables run; old woman finds horsetail, brings her home, he turns into the same girl; tells her what happened to her (the dog dragged her heart and lungs, left her, and horsetail grew there); the horse tells HB's father about what happened; says that if his son does not take her Ayyi mistress (revived from horsetail) again, she will complain to Ürüng Ayyi Toyona (White Creator Master); the son should be kept in for 30 days running water, then ventilated; the son himself tells his father that the horsetail girl is one of the seven Siberian daughters of ÜAT's younger brother; her wings were cut off, sent to the ground; a false wife tied to a horse, scattered across the field, her body and blood became worms and reptiles; her true wife was returned; when she blows her nose, expensive kings fall, sables run when she steps]: Khudyakov 1890, No. 4:80-89; Yakuts: Yemelyanov 1980 [a three-headed bird with eyes and claws like a foot flew in; shed its skin, turned into an iron hero abaasa with one leg, one hand and one eye]: 23-24; Illarionov et al. 2008, No. 18 (Western 1950, central, 2nd Nakhalinsky Nasleg of Megino-Kangalassky Ulus) [old Bayberikaen with five cows saw how a golden grass stem grew and silver; B. dug it up, brought it into the house, the stalk became a baby girl, she grew up quickly; Kharajin Mergen's arrow hit B.'s house, he went in, B.'s daughter fired an arrow; XM fell in love, took the bride, told she drove her cattle with her, went to her relatives himself; the wife meets an old woman, who seems to have half her head scorched, her house is half a house, the stove is half a stove, etc.; began to take out the young lice, blew, depriving her feelings, threw her feelings into the ice abyss, put on her clothes, came to her husband's house; she does not take off her clothes, says that her mother tells me to take it off at the end of the month; when the new month has come, HM and his imaginary wife come to B., and She has a new daughter; in the evening she begins to tell her story; XM tears the skin off her imaginary wife's face, which is iron with one icy eye; XM asks if she wants a palm spear or an immense stallion; she chooses a stallion; he scattered it to dust; drops of the syphilis turned into willow trees, blood into squeaky trees, fat into oak trees (oak does not grow in Yakutia}, brain into talnic trees; it was Jae Baab; XM's home is completely broke; he asks how to get his real wife back, he is told to ask for daughter B. again, the same girl; the girl refuses, then agrees; abundance returns ]: 195-219; Ksenofontov 1928 [the shaman's soul was brought up by the shaman Burgestey-Udagan, who had one leg, one arm and one eye; shifted the shaman's soul into an iron cradle, fed blood clots]: 27; Popov 1936a (place of recording not specified; Vilyuisky?) [Er-Sogotoh conquers the demonic maiden Nika Kharakhsyn, the daughter of Lord Abaasa Arsaan Duolana, for the wonderful blacksmith who made him armor; wins her brother's duel - one-legged, one-armed giant with one eye in his forehead, with iron hair and eyelashes]: 48-53; Yemelyanov 1980 [brief retelling, the appearance of the son of AD is not described]: 102-103; northeastern (Verkhoyansky) Yakuts ["All devils in fairy tales have only one eye in their forehead, which looks like "a mica window of a Russian man"; he also has the same arm - right from the middle of his chest, and only one leg, right from the middle of his lower back. This is how it was created. His dwelling is an ice mound with a hole at the top"]: Gorokhov 1882:39; Sivtsev, Efremov 1990 (no place of recording) [rich elderly spouses are childless; the old man begs for a child from Icchi (women - the spirit of a birch tree coming out of his trunk); a boy falls from the sky in him; he grows up to be a hero; an old woman picks up a golden cradle floating on the lake with a beautiful girl; the young man knows that these are abaas, They don't believe him; he asks Icci for a horse, finds a foal, which becomes a heroic horse; an iron abaasa with one hand, one leg, one eye comes to his brother, he whips her; parents they drive him away; he lives with the elderly; pretends to be dying, digs a passage from the grave to another world; from the Raven he learns about a prisoner languishing with Abaasa Hara Bekerdyan, whose wife Nagei-Tugut lives with a tar seas; he defeats both in their iron world; all abaas are half a man, their cattle are two-legged, the cows have one horn; with his wife and son born on the way, the hero returns to the old people who sheltered him; visits parents, they were sheltered from the abaasa by the aged Icchi, everything around was burned; the Abaas sister was NT; life is gradually recovering, the wife gives birth to the hero eight daughters and eight sons]: 47-64; Ilympic Evenki village Chirinda): Yermakov 1988:24-26 [western 1979; the waves threw big chips on the lake shore; people in the boat sailed to the other side to look for heroes; Chulugdy, with one leg, one hand, one eye, fried on a spit of the fattest Evenk, ate it whole; when he fell asleep, people heated a spit, burned Chulugdy's eye; he knocked out the door in his house blindly, called other chulugds; people swam away, the Chulugds threw stones at them a boat, but they didn't hit; they themselves don't swim in boats, they can't row with one hand], 43-44 [(western 1965); Chulugdy, with one leg, one hand, one eye, tracks Charchikana; he puts himself under bark in the park, pretends to be dead, Chulugdy thinks his ribs are broken, brings him home; while collecting firewood, Charchikan dug a hole with two exits; calls Chulugdy from one end and then from the other; says he cooked himself; Chulugdy climbs into a hole, Charchikan gouges out his eye, closes the exits from the outside; Chulugdy died in a hole]; Evenki (Podkamennaya Tunguska) [Chulugdy with one eye, one hand, He wants to take the sister of brothers named Ngoputoy and Petrush with one foot; they disagree; he threw them in a barrel into the sea; the brothers promised the sea a deer, the barrel was washed ashore, they killed the deer and threw them into the sea; brothers C. was killed, but he turned their sister into a butterfly - white with red spots; she still flies]: Suvorov 1956:24-25; Ilimpic Evenks (Turukhansk, 1999) [A man and a woman lived on the river bank; There used to be cannibals with one arm and one leg ("one-sided") [1] stealing young children; one day a man went to check the nets, and when he returned, he and his wife found that the child had disappeared from the shaky - only the dust wrapped in cloth lies; the husband and wife followed the trail, came to the dense forest and found the baby eaten; then they came back, saw that the cannibal had also eaten the second child; went to chase and found the ogre; he slept near a tree; the husband and wife cut and burned the cannibal, then went to argish; found other people, began to live with them]: Duvakin 2013; Angarsk Evenks [Chulugdy - Evenk enemies with one left hand, one right leg, one left eye; small, live in stinking pits]: Tugolukov 1985:45-47; Upper Zean Evenks (Algoma) [the old woman finds on her boy's bed; this is Hurugochon; he fights Salontour, who comes from the lower earth, has one eye, one arm, one leg; defeats him, S. falls into his world; a woman promises to marry H. he will get the ring she has lost; he comes to the nest of the three-headed eagle, hides the eggs, returns them behind the ring; kills an elk for the eagle]: Vasilevich 1966, No. 6:234-241; Uchursky Evenks [to the middle hero the lands come from the upper earth, the son of the sun Dergaldin, and from the lower earth Horon-Devir with one arm, one leg, one eye; D. wins Kh.]: Romanova, Myreeva 1971, No. 19:208; Evenks [Chulugds (half-hearted people with one eye is the only vulnerable place) lived on the Engdekit shamanic river; gasha cannibal birds and other monsters]: Vasilevich 1959: 172; Ingarigd Evenks (Barguzinsky Range) [one-legged Chulugdy pursues a man; he lured him into the ice, drowned C. himself first, then his wife]: Vasilevich 1936, No. 49:66-67; Evenks on R.See [see motif K24; Huruguchon wants to marry the daughter of the Sun; she is guarded by a one-legged, one-armed Avasi; he eats half a berry with half a spoon; H. flies in (the text breaks off)]: Voskoboynikov, Menovshchikov 1951:185-191; Evenks on the Yudukon River [the land was flat, inhabited by a mammoth, a dyabdar serpent and other animals; the one-eyed, one-armed, one-legged creature of the chulugda began to pursue them; mammoth and others fought with him; where the mammoth stepped, lakes and swamps formed; where they dug the ground with tusks, throwing clods - mountains; d., crawling, laid riverbeds; the heroes pushed H. into the abyss of the underground peace, they went to the ground themselves]: Anisimov 1951:195; Tungiro-Olekmin Evenks [dukai are people with one hand, one leg; towards Chinana, he threw a mitten at them, they fell, said that the bird with the kukshas flew; they attacked C., biting him with his teeth; he threw them off his feet against larch trees, killed them all]: Kozlovsky 1936, No. 8:232; Evenks of the Chita region. [(zap. 1949) Pinegina); children were dying in the family; a stranger arrived, received him coldly, was not allowed to eat; at night he came from Avagi Lake with one hand, one leg; the stranger grabbed him by the red hair, began to ask the owners had a knife; the avagi managed to escape, a piece of hair remained in the stranger's hand, they gave off a special smell; the children stopped dying, the stranger stayed in the family]: Voskoboynikov 1980:35; Amur Evenks [ When leaving, Hurukochon sticks a knife into the poplar, tells his three younger sisters that if the knife falls, he is in trouble; giant Sekakchan, with one arm, one leg, one eye, takes his older sister away; H. returns , does not ask about her; the same from the middle, from the youngest; C. goes to look for them; the old teal woman throws three eggs into his mouth, he becomes a hero; indicates in which side of his sister; C. comes to the edge of the lower one land, tears off the shepherd's head, puts on his clothes; comes to the older, middle, younger sister; each has a half child in her arms, they themselves are halves; C. kills all devils with a bow; old woman throws the women an egg, they take on their former appearance; the sisters marry the three sons of the Month; H. goes to the sunset, shoots an elk in the stomach, follows her, but sees no traces of blood; flies into the house without holes when a woman comes out; becomes a man again; the girl says that her sister is worn against a tree if X. cures her, marries her; H. pulls out her arrow, heals the girl, takes her in wives]: Bulatova 1987, No. 2:111-116; Evenki Orochons [the third tier of the lower world closest to earth is owned by khargi; instead of his right hand, he has a human head with grinned teeth, There is a huge claw on his left; some believe that instead of legs, his legs are right below the knee, left to the knee; others think that he has one leg in the center of his body, straight like a stick; he rapes girls with it, unviable freaks are born; hargi set a trap on the enekan bug trap; but she carried him to his path; he got off his deck with nails, his legs began to rot, and kultyshki remained]: Mazin 1984: 17; Evenks of China: Sem, Osokina 1986 (salons) [Alturde ("hewn, severed", fig. I.4, II.3; the image is flat) is the anthropomorphic one-legged spirit of the shaman; he was bitten in his left leg by a poisonous spider; the thunder Agdi compartment it; Halturde ("split in half", Fig. I.5, II.4) is an anthropomorphic character who was bitten on his left side by a snake; Agdi cut off his entire left half of his body; Alturde and Halturde are assistants to the evil owner of the Malo forest (see motive L19B]: 89, 98; Bä cker 1988, No. 24 [When Altyn Buto was born, his parents were taken away by Dalai-lama-takan with a horn on their heads; father tied at the main gate, mother at the side doors, they must open and close them; parents they managed to put AB in a pot of broth; he ate broth, grew up, got out of the cauldron; he learned to hunt himself with onions and arrows, made his clothes out of his skins; chased a half doe (two legs and half body); she said that AV should not shoot at her, but save her parents; we should ask the fir growing near the house, she saw everything; AB knelt down in front of the fir, called her father; fir replied that parents AB 17 years ago, he captured D.; indicated where the cattle, horses, clothes, weapons hidden for AB were; the mare gave birth to a foal with him, he immediately allowed himself to ride; surpassed the rest of the horses; carries AB, stops at the stream; AB hits him; the horse replies that he has not drunk milk since birth, asks for permission to drink water; drinks and grows; next time stops: there is a gate with sickles in front; let AB three times He will whip him and close his eyes; they flew through the gate; in front of the sea, in the middle of the palace; D. noticed those who had arrived at the shore, sent servants; the horse barely woke up to AB, ordered to throw manure at the attackers, AB threw it, After killing the majority, one returned to D.; D. ordered AB to be called to him; AB refused to go in the boat, fired an arrow across the sea, the horse and rider flew over the arrow; D. released AB's parents; they warned his son about AB cunning; AB had a feast, gave AB his daughter to lull his vigilance to lull his vigilance; pretended to be sick; to supposedly cure him, the shamans ordered AB to get the hearts and heads of wild animals; but he easily killed tigers, leopards, bears and snakes; then D. asked to make a coffin for him the size of AB's body; his wife warned him to lie face up in the coffin, not down; AB he lay face down, the servants threw toads and snakes there, they boarded up the lid, threw the coffin into the sea; the wife rides along the shore on horseback, asks if AB hears her, if toads and snakes have harmed him; he first replies that they are eating his legs; then his body; there is a cliff in front, the wife can no longer follow the coffin along the shore, remains on the cliff with her horse and dog; the coffin brought Mangiä to the top; when he discovered it, she saw toads, snakes and a human skeleton; daughter M. wants bones for herself, the father says he will donate them to the spirit; the daughter hid behind the figure of the spirit, said on his behalf that the father should give the bones to his daughter; she let the dog lick them, revived them with an amulet, AB was reborn; first she hid it from her father in a chest; said that man's smell came from bones; then she opened herself to her father, who recognized AB as his son-in-law, gave him an amulet; the wife and AB arrived at the cliff, the second wife revived first, her horse and dog; AB's horse ran himself - he escaped from the stable and hid; AB came to D., began to fight him, but to no avail; the horse explained that D.'s life in three iron files in a helmet in more often than the forest, they are guarded by a hawk; the hawk drove the wind towards him with his wings, but AB hit him in his beak; came to D., broke the files, D. died; AB freed his parents and other prisoners, became ruler]: 169- 182; Evens: Kozlov 1956 [someone demands that a man marry his older sister; he refuses, someone hides the sun for three days, has to give it back; the same with the middle and younger; man goes looking for them, marries a girl; she forbids entering the barn; a man comes in; one-legged Cholare, chained to a pole, asks him to be released; the man frees him, he takes his wife; the man finds sisters, each says that C. was chained by their husbands; a man helps a deer, a burbot, a cowshed builder; they help him, he kills C. and his mother]: 286-296; Novikova 1987 (Olsky District of Magadanskaya areas) [a person does not kill a duck, it promises to help; his dog tells you to see what is crawling on it; cut it into six parts; a man presses a flea, the dog dies immediately, he cuts it, these parts eaten by two bears, two wolves, two foxes, become helpers; Cholare, with one hand, one leg, one eye in her forehead, asks the man's sister how she crosses the river; girl: brother has a handkerchief, he waves - land is formed; C. asks to steal a handkerchief; she steals, C. goes over, marries; persuades her brother to be sent to the barns for yucola; the doors of the barns cannot be opened, bears are sitting in the barns, wolves, foxes; when a person returns, sees C.; he tells him to wash himself in the bath first, then he will eat it; the animals tell him to call C. to the bathhouse; tear him apart, the man burns the remains, leaves his sister tied to a tree, two cauldrons under her eyes; if the right one is full, then she mourns her brother, if the left one is C.; leaves, marries; when the ropes are rotten, the sister picks up C.'s teeth, comes to her brother, puts his teeth in bed; he dies; his sister offers to burn the deceased, the wife to leave the coffin in the tree, bury the animals nearby; foxes, the bear break through the way out, the duck pushes the coffin off the tree, the wolf brings living water, the rest lick the owner's wound, he comes to life]: 66-69 (=1958:60-65).

Amur-Sakhalin. The Manchus [one-eyed and crooked Dohoolo Age ("The Lame Brother"), rowing half an oar, transports souls across the river to the realm of the dead]: Gimm 1982:109; Nanais : Sunik 1958, No. 3 (Kur-Urmi dialect) [there were two female sisters, the youngest was half (vertically); the good man who came asks half for permission to marry her sister; she allows, subject to condition that he and his relatives will move in with them; he moves; a good man who has sailed in a boat along the river asks his older sister for his half sister, receives it with the same condition; half mixes water with her blood, tells the maid to give everyone a drink, everyone falls asleep, she rolls over 9 maras, 9 glades, dives 9 times into a lake in which half of the water is clear, half red, becomes full, goes down to the barn, gets gold from there, returns to her husband; dies three days later; the sister confesses to her husband that she should bring a huge bear, give her 10 servants, 10 maids to eat; he's all performs, wife comes to life; began to live richly]: 129-131; Shimkevich 1896 [confrontation between a "lonely man" (marga) and Gagdanchu Marga ("half a man") trying to kill him and take him away women; in the house where Marga sleeps, the girl feels someone touching her; in the morning, Marga pulls a man out of her tub about one arm, one leg, one eye and one ear]: 70-75 (retelling to Ostrovsky 2009:23-25); Udege, Orochi, Nanai [taiga dwarf Bagde/Bagze/Bashgdyhe Gorbat, one-legged, covered with hair, including his face; lives in a cave or in the remote taiga; about his presence can be recognized by the trail of one ski or one strip in the sand]: Arseniev (archive) in Bereznitsky 2003:267-268; Udege people: Arsenyev 1926:33 in Ivanov 1954:344 [one-legged and one-armed humpback dwarf boko lives in a swamp; thanks to his intrigues, people can get lost in the forest], figs. 202, 203, 205, 206 [profile images of one-legged, one-armed dwarfs on shamanic skirts], 223 [on birch bark tambourine covers], 230-232 [on birch bark boxes for storing shamanic accessories]; Arsenyev in Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 90 [a hairy dwarf bagduhe lived in the mountains; his voice was an echo; his trace was a ski track from one ski]: 458, 493 [comm.: name may mean "having a leg"]; Gorbacheva, Solovyova 2006 [wooden image of a shaman's assistant spirit - anthropomorphic humpback and one-legged figure (1970s); such the hunchback, Bohoso, was considered a guide to the world of the dead]: 240; Orochi: Aurora, Kozminsky 1949 [in the north of the universe there is an icy sea, with a shaggy, one-armed, one-eyed anthropomorphic evil spirit with pointed head]: 328; Arseniev 1930:96 in Ivanov 1954 [a dwarf like the Udege is covered with wool; the trail of his one ski can be seen in the sand; created an echo that leads astray hunters]: 344; Gorbachev, Solovyova 2006 [wooden image of Savohi's spirit is an anthropomorphic one-legged figure (32 cm high; 1914 camps); Savokhi was the patron saint of hunting, his figure was made for hunter at the direction of a shaman]: 45.

Japan. Japanese [obake demons include yuki -nyud ō, a one-eyed, one-legged giant who appears early in the morning during snowfall (Takayama , Hida, Honshu Center), yukinbo is a one-legged and child-looking demon who appears at night after a snowfall (Ito, Kishū, South Honshu), hitotsu -tatara is one-eyed and a one-legged robber defeated by a warrior (Kumano, Kishū, South Honshu), sanki (yamachichi, yamajijii) is a one-eyed, one-legged demon looking like an old man who lives on a mountain (Tosa, Shikoku), the spirit of Mount sanrei is a one-eyed and one-legged demon that kills people (Sobudake, Ecchū, Honshu Center)]: Kawakami 1981:55.

SV Asia. Chukchi: Bogoras 1902, No. 19 [lightning is a half man who drags his half sister intoxicated by a fly agaric by his leg along the ground; thunder is a gnashing from a dragging body, rain is urine sisters (=Bogoras 1907:323)]: 628; Bogoraz 1939 [janra-varat intoxicating fly agaric tribe; very strong; when they grow, they crush stones with their heads, cut through tree roots; they are in a strange humanoid uniform (one-armed, one-legged, stumps, etc.); intoxicated sees as many human fly agarics as he ate; show a person a different world, their tortuous ways; visit the land of the dead]: 5; Siimets 2000 [old people they talked about the fly agaric people; these are people with one leg and one hand; fly agaric spirits who have eaten fly agarics can lead the dead to meet their ancestors]: 232; Koryaks [Koryaks make wooden images of half spirits]: Jochelson 1905:367 in Hatt 1949:87-88; Russified, probably tundra Yukaghirs: Bogoras 1902, No. 44 [a girl comes to a half-man's house; he's good a hunter, brings deer in bundles; according to another version, three sisters want to marry him; the youngest finds the food cooked, the skins scraped out; finds various insects in the box and fills them with boiling water; her husband scolds her, now she has to do all the work herself]: 662; 1918, No. 21 [a group of Zyrians go traveling in a leather boat; they sail to 1) Arctic foxes they see as people; those ask them to leave their island faster so as not to step on them; 2) half people who from time to time unite into whole people; halves dive with fish on each finger; tree with first drowns in the sea with many branches, then rises, on each knot, fish; 3) to people who do not have anus and urethra; they kill deer, cook, absorb the smell through their armpits; then meat becomes unfit for eating; the old man agrees to eat with the guests, who pierce the necessary holes first for him, then the others; 4) to cannibals; guests are given "berries", which are the fingertips of children and women; the notable tells his comrades not to eat, to let food under their clothes; puts the owners to sleep; the guests run away and come home to their wives; they have been gone for three years]: 86-90; Gogolev et al. 1975 [(resume); the fool releases to the freedom of all living partridges caught in the snare; the mother kills, because "everything black that comes his way must be killed", rips off the skin and skin of the deer, because "they say, afraid of getting his feet and skin wet, the deer does not want to enter the river and swim across to the other side", kills the older sister's daughter, piercing the crown; tears the mother's funeral clothes to pieces and gives them to talniks, because, they say, "they tremble from the cold"; older brothers run away from him, get to hell; a fool, catching up with them, kills the devil; brothers go to a feast of one-eyed and one-armed, destroy them, save the residents of three cities from death; the fool becomes king]: 241.

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos: Menovshchikov 1985, No. 79 [the husband gives his youngest wife whale meat, eats venison with the eldest; the youngest kills the eldest, runs away with the baby; someone brings her by kayak to unknown land; the local owner says that he sent killer whales for her; she gives birth to him a son, her first son has grown up; her husband forbids me to look into a small dugout; she looks in, her children are sitting there, and half woman cooks, sews, scrapes skins; children cry, half fell; next time a woman violates the ban on touching bags; the skins of fur animals fall out of them, the flame burns her hand; husband knocks on the tambourine, the skins come back, the burn disappears; the husband lifts the stone slab in the dugout; through the hole, the woman sees her house on the ground; cries, it rains on the ground; the husband lowers her on deer from the eldest son is on the ground; she has many fur and reindeer skins; the earthly husband takes her back], 80 [three younger brothers disappear one by one; the elder went to look for them, went to heaven; the old woman gives him a staff hit a worm lying across the road; the man wants to push it into the hole where he pushed his younger brothers; the elder puts them in a bag, runs away; the old woman removes the whale shovel from the aisle of the dugout; under it a hole opened; the old woman lowered the brothers on a rope to the ground; below they filled the bag with food and sent them upstairs; the old woman gave food to her husband; he was a half man]: 178-182, 182-183; Rubtsova 1954, No. 13 ( Chaplino) [the girl does not marry, her father drives her away to look for a groom; she meets five brothers, marries an older one; gives birth to a son and a daughter; her husband's brother bothers her, she swings a knife, accidentally kills him; hides the corpse on the scaffolding; blood drips, the husband finds the corpse; the Spider warns that the brothers feed the caterpillars with deer meat in the pit; tells them to grab the web when the husband hits the pit; a woman rises to heaven; she is taken by a man whose objects move at will; when he leaves, he tells her not to untie the bag, not to look into the small yaranga; fox wool falls out of the bag (do not shove back, the husband puts it back when he returns); opens boxes, there are whales, walruses; there are half (vertically) of a woman in yaranga, she immediately falls, the fire burns the heroine; the husband returns everything to place; a woman gives birth to a son, a daughter; a husband pushes a stone, conversations in Chaplino can be heard through a hole; a woman cries, it is raining on the ground; a husband lowers his wife and daughter on a belt to the ground to her parents, son keeps it for himself; supplies his wife and daughter with meat]: 183-191; Nunivak Island [the chief sews his mischievous nephew into an empty sealskin wineskin, throws him into the sea; nails him to the shore where they live mother, daughter, big eagle; the young man takes his daughter as his wife, the eagle brings them lahtaks and caribou; the hero asks the eagle to take him to his uncle, he swims in a kayak, his nephew drowns him; asks the eagle to bring his wife for his grown-up son; he brings the chief's wife; two half men come with one hand, one eye, half mouth; begin to break the house; that woman kills them; she had a slate nose and wings from walrus bone]: Lantis 1946, No. 12:281; Kodiak [the chief's daughter rejects suitors; two come to her at night, take her away in a boat, make her their wife; three days later they lock her in a house without food; old woman invites her to marry her son; carries to heaven in a basket; the husband, like all Stars, has only half the man (vertically), with moss and mice on his head; the woman gives birth to the same son; the stars give her see the ground, go down in a basket; she visits her parents, returns to heaven]: Golder 1903, No. 3:21-26; West Greenland: Essene MS [dwarfs, half-men and monster kids are common in Western Alaska and Greenland's Eskimo folklore; dwarfs are generally harmless] in Lantis 1953:156; Rasmussen 1921-1925 (2) :164f in Hatt 1949 [half man visits people at night to entertain them stories; runs away when fish is served; if he eats fish, his wounds will bleed]: 87; Rink 1875 [igdlokoks - creatures in the form of a person cut in two vertically]: 49.

Subarctic. Ingalic [four siblings and three sisters live together; all married except younger sister and brother; Raven lures his younger sister into his boat, takes him up the Yukon; his enemy Norka finds The brothers of the kidnapped, leads them to the village of Raven; the entrance to the house is guarded by two Raven brothers; each is only the right half of the man; Mink hides under a pile of wooden plates, the part, the girl, the girl, the comes to pick them up, Norka whispers to her not to sleep at night; the guards still notice, but the Raven believes his wife that they react to mice; at night, the Raven's house turns into a solid stone; the brothers find a crack, kill the Raven with arrows, break the roof; one of the guards soars into the sky, the other disappears into the ground; the brothers release his sister and other kidnapped women; the youngest marries one of them, Norka to rescued sibles' sister]: Nelson in VanStone 1978:47-51; Yellowknife [the giant gives two brothers male and female arrows that hunt males and females; tells them not to pick them up, they they come back on their own; the youngest shoots a squirrel, climbs a tree for an arrow, she takes him to heaven; he comes to an old woman; in the vagina of her eldest daughter a caress, the youngest a mouse; the old woman stains his face with soot, but in the morning he washes and his sisters ask him to lie between them; he falls down; the sisters go to look for their guest, meet a monster with one eye, one hand, mouth from ear to ear; this is Eziel is death; he promises to spare the young man if one of his sisters marries him - E.; E. is carried away by an eagle; the sisters take the arrows given by the old man to the lower world; the Thunderbird brings them to the seashore; their mother predicts that two brothers will marry them; Thunderbird brings a young man to earth; giants help sisters; both brothers and sisters come together]: Petitot 1886, No. 4:352-370.

NW Coast. Haida [two Geese take off their feathers, turn into women, swim in the lake; the chief's son hides their clothes; the eldest offers to marry her, he returns her feathers, takes the youngest; she does not eat food people, puts on hidden feathers at night, stings grass; during hunger, her father sends geese with edible roots; someone calls a woman a goose, she is offended, flies away; an old man, a mouse, a woman help her husband; in the form of a mouse, he climbs a pole into the sky; a half-man (Master-Hopper with one arm, one leg, etc.) harpoons salmon; a young man, turning into salmon, steals his harpoon; when he returns, he shows the way; a man comes to two people who cut wood; chips are thrown into the water, they turn into coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch, Coho salmon, Silver salmon); he makes their wedges split, give them what they brought with them in return; for this they tell them where his wife is; his wife and father-in-law welcome him warmly; his wife accepts her husband; he begins to miss home; The raven carries it, gets tired, throws it off, it turns into a seagull]: Swanton 1905a: 264-268 (a brief retelling in 1905b, No. 13:192-193); bellacula [Kasana's man had half a head, one hand, one leg, etc.; carved his wife out of a tree, named Culems; planted her as if she were weaving a blanket; Chief Heiltzuk sent his two daughters to marry Kasan; they entered the house, they knocked down a wooden woman, hid; Kasana came in, angrily told his wooden wife that he did not need her because he could not sit; one of the girls laughed; he did not marry both, each of them child; went with them to their father]: Boas 1895, No. 11:256; 1916, No. 17 [retelling 1895]: 745.

Northeast. Seneca [brother does not tell her sister to leave the house, his dog brings everything to her; one day her sister goes out for a drink, she is carried away by the cannibal Gakga; brother scolds the dog, it turns into stone; young man Skagedi warns that tomorrow G. will eat her, tell her to run, first hide behind the cauldron hook; G. breaks his hand on hook, loses time; S. takes the girl away in the boat; every time he enters the boat, S. splits vertically: one half on the bow, one at the stern; on the shore both connect; a woman gives birth to two twins; her mother-in-law throws them into the water three times, they swim out, become strong; they find an old man, they recognize an uncle; he marries S.'s mother; a petrified dog is revived]: Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 102:472-473.

The Great Southwest. Pima: Olmos Aguilera 2005 [The Shaman of the Earth (Chamán de la Tierra) poured water into the bowl, it froze, he threw this piece of ice into the sky, the sun appeared; he also created the moon; he threw both first to the west, then to the south, but they went too fast; when I threw to the east, they swam across the sky like now; sprinkled water from my mouth - stars appeared; broke my magic crystal, threw shards, they turned into bright stars; took his staff, sprinkled it with ash (colocando cenizas en la orilla), drew the Milky Way in the sky; made people out of clay; they did not die, they multiplied, they began to kill each other; The Earth's Shamn decided to connect Heaven with Earth, as husband and wife, as well as the Sun with the Moon; picked up the sky with his rod, pulled it up; everyone on earth died, he created a new race Rsasanatc; the Moon gave birth to a Coyote, Earth - Big Brother (SB); people multiplied again, the SB promised to destroy everyone; created a young man who began to be consistently combined with all women; the first child was born in 4 months, the last - immediately; came to the wise Shaman of the South; the flood began, SHU made a hole to the other side of the earth with a rod, some people left; others and SHU climbed the mountain; the dog brought people to the top; after humans and animals began to make the flood; the Coyote had snakes and birds (the SB told him to throw them into the water); the SZ sculpted a animal with one leg, huge ears, holes in the body, boils on his knees; on the ground diseases have spread]: 172-180; Russel 1908 [creator (Earth-Doctor) tells earth and sky to copulate; earth gives birth to Big Brother]: 208-209; Shaw 1969 [after the flood Big Brother, Coyote, and The Earth Wizard molds people; the Sorcerer's people have one arm and leg; in anger he falls into the ground]: 4-5; papago (or pima) [The creator, our sister, decided to destroy the earth by the flood; herself sat in a vessel made of wood latex; the fox found out, sat in an empty tree trunk, but did not know how to seal the hole; she showed him; the blue bird, the red bird, and the little bird clung to in the sky; the sister's deer swam east, the Fox deck to the south; the water wet the tails of the birds; after the flood, the Fox said that he was the first to come out, the birds that they were; the sister kept silent; the fox and sister began to sculpt people; The fox made half men with one eye, one hand, etc.; the sister said that these people should be placed overseas into another world; she revived her own people; the Indians call the fox brother for laughter]: Neff 1912:52-53.

Honduras-Panama. Bribri [Sorcula wants to kill Sibo, but Sibo kills him, changes his appearance; other spirits do not recognize their leader, dismember his body; Sibo throws up pieces Sorcula's bodies go into the air, they turn into evil spirits; one of them looks like half a monkey cut vertically - with one leg, one arm and no head]: Hidalgo Solis 1997, No. 2:152- 153.

Eastern Amazon. Hissing [coming from the crossroads not on the left but on the right path, the soul will enter the house of Thunder (Našipá); when he sees the soul, he opens the door, lightning splits the soul in half; souls who have chosen this path, become ghosts]: Nimuendaju 1922:368.