Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L85B. A woman who offended God gives birth to a freak. (.11.) .22.24. (.37.) .38.

A pregnant woman scolds the Sun, Rain, or another powerful character. Because of this, a child is born physically disabled. He has magical powers and usually regains a normal body.

(Xhosa), Burmese (boy with finger), Arakan (boy with finger), monks (boy with finger), Karen (little boy), Bali (half), loda (half), vemale (half), (Negidals [wife and half face]), Japanese (boy with a finger).

(Wed. Bantu-speaking Africa. A braid [a childless woman goes to a healer, she asks for calf fat, a woman brings a calf without horns or tail; a woman says that a boy will be born without arms and legs; but a woman first gives birth to a normal girl; knowing that a son should be born, the father tells her daughter to be thrown away (he thinks she is a son); the girl herself grows up in an anthill eating honey; Simbukumbukwana's son is without arms and legs speaks from birth; his sister comes, tells him to open it, tells S. to grow arms and legs; cleans the house; tells him to answer that he has cleaned it up; tells his legs and hands to disappear again; next time sends S. to get water; he goes to the hills, she orders his arms and legs to disappear; his parents wait, brought him, his arms and legs finally grew; the boy followed his sister and her friends, who went for red clay; she beat him and left him; it rained, but not a drop fell on it; the sister apologized; S. moved his house, hearth, cattle to this place]: McCall Theal 1882:68-73).

Burma - Indochina. Burmese [every time a pregnant woman takes out a basket of rice to dry it, the Sun hides; she scolds the Sun; for this she gives birth to a son the size of a thumb; the son grows up and goes look for the Sun; takes the Boat (it stayed on the shore when the river dried up), the Bamboo Thorn (its brothers and sisters withered in the sun), the Moss, the Rotten Egg; tells them all to hide in his stomach; they spend the night in the Ogre's home; The thorn hides in the bed, the egg in the hearth, the Moss by the water jug; they hide the chair; the ogre is pricked with a thorn, the egg explodes into his eyes, he slipped on Moss, broke his neck; they they fight the Sun, the Rain comes to their aid, the Boat saves them when streams of water flow; people celebrate the defeat of the Sun]: Aoun 1957:69-72; the Arakan people [woman left her skirt to dry in the sun and forgot her for 7 days; the insulted lord ordered the woman's children to be no more than a finger; Ngalem√° ("as tall as a thumb") was born; N. goes to fight with the lord; reduces and puts a fox in his bag, tiger, paddle, boat, wooden canopy; began to play the pipe where Vladyka's seven daughters came to swim; they told their father; Vladyka sent a rooster - ate a fox; a tiger ate a bull; a wave - N. sailed in a boat with with an oar; began to burn the sun - N. took refuge under a canopy; Vladyka made N. a wonderful young man, gave gold and his eldest daughter; N. and his wife returned home, and his companions returned to themselves]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 60:183- 191; monk [the pregnant weaver spread the yarn to dry, and the sun came out and then hid behind the clouds; the weaver scolded him, the Sun made the boy born as tall as a finger; he leaves fight the Sun, meets, comrades a pestle and mortar, a hammer, a duck egg, a corner; the sailor promises to take them to the Sun if they defeat the evil Bill, who bewitched the sailor; in Bill's house a mortar and pestle took refuge under the stairs, an egg in the kitchen, a hammer in a vat of water, a needle in bed, the boy hid outside the door; Bill pricked a needle, went to light the fire, the egg splashed ash into his eyes, In a vat of water, he hit a hammer, fell into a mortar, the pestle finished him off; when he arrived at the Sun, the boy called for wind and rain for help, returned home victorious, became a handsome young man]: Zapadova 1977:206-208; Karen [as soon as the pregnant woman hung her clothes to dry, the sun disappeared behind the clouds; got angry at the Sun and he cursed her; she stayed pregnant for three years and gave birth to a son Ta-ywa the size of yuyuba fruit; it is voracious; becomes monstrously strong; makes onions; comes to a spring from which the children of the Sun take water, threaten them, they have to ask their father to make T. larger; Sun sends different animals against T., but in the end he has to comply with the requirement; people are afraid of the strongman, they try to get rid of him; he leaves, meets, companions the Long-legged, then the Long-Handed , Big-Eared, Three-Toothed, Empty; they quarreled sharing fish; T. went one way with Long-armed and Long-legged and others to the other; T. and his companions decided to cook rice, there was no fire; they came for with fire to Shie-oo; he offers to fight: the loser will support the ground; they knocked him down and drove him into the ground; when Shie-oo moves, earthquakes occur; come to an empty house; under the floor, where T. lies down, there is a girl; she stabs him with a needle; he thinks that someone is biting, picked up the floorboard; the girl says that the eagle ate her parents and siblings, and her parents managed to hide her; T. hid the bamboo iron roof, the eagle could not break through the roof; T. asked for permission to shoot it with an old bamboo bow, but shot an iron bow and killed; then killed the other two eagles; T. took out swallowed bones from the eagle's womb, spread them out in groups (men, women, buffaloes, pigs, etc., hit each with a rope and revived them; revived the girl's parents; left Longlegged there, telling him to look at planted plants: if they wither, he is in trouble; goes on; the same episode with another girl, where tigers instead of an eagle; T. kills them, leaves the Long-armed one there; with the third girl, three snakes; killed two T. the third swallowed it; the plants planted by T. have dried up, Long-legged and Long-armed understand that T. is in trouble, they come, kill the snake, revive T.; he returned home and saw his brother cook live fish; he shot him in anger; repented; fired an arrow into the sky to hit him; the tenth arrow hit him; he weakened; sent a monkey-tiger (?) bring the Karen and the tupaya to him - bring the Burmese; gave the first flint to cook the shrimp quickly; the tupaye gave two pieces of bamboo: it is difficult to get fire with them, let him hesitate; but monkey-tiger decided that the shrimp was still raw, since it was red, waited, and the dumaya quickly came to the Burmese, who were the first to come to T., asked him for elephants, horses, oxen, and their dogs asked for ears of rice the size of the ends of their fluffy tails and three harvests a year; the karen came when T. had already died and was burned, with baskets and wicker fans; only a trace of the patterns remained on the ash, the karen remembered him; buffaloes and The Karen couldn't catch elephants, they only caught a pig; that's why the Karen have pigs]: Mason 1865:178-187.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Bali [(synopsis 6 versions); Lejat scolds the gods for being childless; God in the guise of an old man gives him half a biscuit, tells L.'s wife to eat it; she gives birth to a half-boy (one hand, one leg, etc.); he goes to heaven to look for that god; the man asks God to ask God why rice does not grow on his field; the hermit orders to grab the old man from behind, he agrees to put Half on his bull, the bull rises to heaven; in the heavenly temple, the Half finds a stone threshold in the form of half a man, applies it to himself, becomes whole; God explains what sacrifice must be made in order for rice ugly; returning to his parents, Half (now whole) tames the cannibal giant with the power of his word, tells him to break his head against a stone, gets a Raja's daughter]: Hoikas-van Leeuwen Bomkamp 1983, No. 10:59-65; loda (Halmahera) [the first man and woman have a son; when the wife is pregnant with the second, the rain washed half of her garden into the river; she cursed the rain, she had a half son (vertically); he went up to the heavenly god, who told him to swim in the pond, the young man became handsome and returned home; his elder brother wanted to be just as handsome; God told him to swim with a white handkerchief tied his neck; he turned into a dog with a white spot on the neck]: Baarda 1904, #13:444-446 (English retelling in Dixon 1916:215-216; French translation in Platencamp 2005:129-134); vemale (Seram): Jensen 1939:83-84 in Prager 2005 [girl working in the field, it starts to rain, she curses him; when pregnant, gives birth to a boy Taunala, he has only the right half of his body; T. comes to the upper world to god Dunai for his other half; D. cooks both in a cauldron half, sculpts a new T. from the boiled substance, revives; tells the mother not to curse the rain anymore; after seeing his mother, T. comes to heaven again; chooses people's food, D. gives him human leg; then animal food; hides rice in a wound on his leg, brings it to the ground; D. furiously lets mice eat rice on a rope, but T. cuts off the rope, the mice scatter around the world]: 107; DevRies 1927 [ a woman curses the sun, gives birth to a boy Haumala, he has only half his body; he comes to the upper world by the Tuwale sun for his other half; T. shows him the tree on which she hangs, glues half; shows vegetable gardens planted with human bones and hair; Tuniai (Tuwale?) shows bats hanging on a tree; these are people's souls; chooses people's food, D. gives him a human leg; when T. is angry, devours these mice, people die on earth; T. sends H. back to earth tell people not to question the deeds of the gods]: 182-183 in Prager 2005:107-108; Kai Islands [a woman dries beans, lentils; it starts raining, then the sun starts again; she tells God that he probably wants to split people in half; gives birth to a half-son; he asks his mother to give him a bow and arrow, he goes to God; people he meets ask for questions about their problems; 1) alone all the time goes to get water, does not have time for anything else; 2) the second waits for palm wine to pour out, it still does not pour; half stops at the Raja, God comes there, makes it whole, tells his mother to I no longer blasphemed; wine must be poured through a pipe, water should be carried in a vessel]: Barraud 2005:51-53.

(Wed. Amur - Sakhalin. Negidals [Nevkhan brings fat every day; his younger brother Ivchan follows his trail to a house full of moose; The elk roasts his leg, fat drips from it; I. beats him, moose run through the forest; N. brings Jukola; I. follows in the footsteps, robs old Koseri's barn, she catches I., tears his stomach with her claws; next time he puts a cauldron on his stomach, makes claws, kills an old woman, brings her to the barn; N. comes to the old man, who gives him a cat, tells him to feed him whole cakes; at home, the cat turns into a beauty; I. does the same, but feeds the cat halves; his wife has half her face]: Cincius 1982, No. 30:150-157).

Japan. Ikeda 1971, No. 425A [I. Because parents wanted a child too hastily (C758.1; T553), he turns out to be a boy with a finger (F535.1); he leaves his mother's body in an unusual way, through the thumb or lower leg (T541; V52); in some cases, the son has been silent for many years (L124.1). II. It is easy to control the horse while sitting in its ear (F911.3.1), and when the father is fishing, he finds his son in its belly (F913). III. (1) After staying overnight in a wealthy house, the boy enters the master's daughter's bedroom or asks him to be left there, smears her lips with chewed rice, accuses her of stealing his rice, forcing him to marry him.