Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L85D. Without an arm and leg: a crippled ploughman. 29.31.

The hero meets a giant and a strongman (usually a ploughman) with one hand, one leg, one eye. He was crippled by a character who was much bigger and stronger than him.

Abkhazians, Abazans, Ossetians, Ingush, Lithuanians, Karelians.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians: Inal-ina 1977 [Sasrikva asked his mother if there was anyone stronger than him; met a plowman without an arm and without a leg ("half dried"); he put him and his horse in his pipe, plugged him in his belt (or put it under a block of earth); the wife who came (in one case she is called Satanei-Guasha) ordered the children to take "some unfortunate Abkhazian" for fun; his wife carried S. in a trough his head, he grabbed a tree branch on the way, ran away; the hostess urinated at home, the current picked up S., he was caught in the net; the returning owner told S. how he and a hundred companions spent the night in the cave, it turned out to be a lamb (horse) skull; the dog brought the skull to the shepherd, who threw it with a stick on the mountain; everyone died, the narrator was crippled; S. returned home, now knew that many are stronger than him]: 20-21; Salakaya 1976, No. 17 [Sasirkva plays by throwing up his horse; his mother Sataney-Guasha says this is not heroism for strongmen; S. meets a ploughman who has only half his body; He crushed him with a lump of earth, tells his mother to take him away, let the children have fun; she carries him on her head in a bowl, he grabs a branch in the forest; the giant's mother made her snare out of her hairs, urinated caught S.; the giant told how he hid with his brothers in a cave; another giant threw a stone in which the cave was at the wolf; the ploughman was crippled, others died]: 211-214; Abaza [the man came to ask for sour milk; the owner stabbed two bulls, made wineskins, the one who came carried them; the person he met asked for a sip, drank everything in one sip; they got into a fight, the rider put them behind He brought the bootlegs to his wife; his wife told him not to wear his boots, her father did more; he went to look for his father-in-law to kill him; by the fire, Ainizh and his wife; the man threw a stone at the woman, she decided that a fly; then he killed her with a bullet, ran away, the ploughman hid it under a basket of wheat seeds, shouted at the Ainizh, who ran away in horror; the ploughman told him how, dying of his wounds, his father told her not to go to hunt to the east of the sun; the seven sons still went there; the one-eyed Ainizh took them into the cave, closed the entrance with a rock, first ate their horses, then ate one of the brothers every day, frying them on a spit; The narrator managed to get out of the fire, but one arm and one leg burned down; he put on a goat skin, burned the Cyclops's eyes with a spit, went out with the sheep, but was left without an arm and leg; the man returned home, getting rid of his pride]: Tugov 1985, No. 59:176-179; Ossetians [Soslan brags about his strength, throws the bull across the river, goes to look for an equal; the mother of three Waigs hides him under sieve, releases at night; Waigi chases him; one-armed and one-eyed waig hides it in his mouth, ties three pursuers with his hair; tells how he and his father and six brothers went into the cave; it turned out to be a horse skull, which the giant faked on a stick and threw it against the horns of a goat; the skull crashed, the giant killed the father and brothers of the Waig, the narrator tore off his arm and knocked out his eye; C . returns to sledges]: Liberinsky 1978:123-127; (cf. Ossetians [the wife tells her boastful husband that Andurzak has repeatedly removed people like him from the saddle with the end of his whip; the husband goes to look for A., meets the shepherds of his innumerable herds, who guide him further; the same shepherds of cows and horses; a man without an arm, eye and nose replies that A. is dead; agrees to show the guest the places where A. (he himself is A., but he confesses later); goes across the river to steal the herds of Turk-Turk; if the water turns red, A. is killed, if the white foam is alive; A. killed everyone, the river turned red, the guest ran away in horror; A. found it, divided the cattle into three parts, gave all three to the guest (his share, guest share, gift); A. reluctantly tells how he became crippled; he smelled a man from his wife's room, waved a dagger, and It turned out that his wife had given birth to a boy and now he killed his wife and son; cut off his nose (he smelled it), gouged out his eye (they didn't see it properly), cut off his arm (hit him); the guest crawled on his knees to the mound under which A. buried his wife and son, they came to life, everything is fine]: Britaev, Kaloev 1959:227-233); Ingush [a man lifts a cow by the tail, a neighbor's wife says that there are stronger people beyond the mountain ; there fishermen throw the bragger to each other; he runs away, a one-armed and one-eyed giant hides it in his pants, ties his pursuers with his hair; tells how seven brothers, including him, climbed into the horse's skull; the dog brought it to the one-eyed shepherd; he roasted six brothers on a spit; the narrator burned the sleeping giant's eyes with a spit, put on a goat skin, stole the herd, called out to the dazzled man; he threw the rock, tearing off the narrator's hand and knocking out his eye]: Dalgat 1972:280-281.

Baltoscandia. Lithuanians [the strongman went to look for someone to fight with; came to the old people, who said that the sons would return now; one brought two plants of firewood, and the other one, but on top of the elk; at night, the strongman on purpose farted to be released from the hut, rushed to run; climbed into a hole, there was honey; the bear put his tail down there, the strongman grabbed him and got out; asked the ploughman for one arm and one leg hide it (in one way, the ploughman puts it in his pocket); when the pursuers ran up, the plowman killed them with one hand; the strongman returned home and did not fight anyone else]: Kerbelite 2014, No. 39:91 -92; Karelians (Olonetskaya, 1938) [after the death of his parents, the son went to find a wife in another kingdom; he brags to her how much firewood he cut and brought; she each time replies that there are many such fellows, but they don't brag; the husband leaves, rolls a stone up the mountain, hears someone plowing 300 miles away; the ploughman has one arm, one leg, one eye; says that he was the youngest of 12 brothers; they looted gold and silver; the girl - and this was the boy's wife - promised to transport her across the river for gold and silver, which she would hold with her little finger; she held and took everything; stamped her foot, her leg went to the ground, the brothers fled, hid in the skull of the murdered hero; the girl kicked the skull, 11 brothers died, and the narrator was crippled; the boy returned to his wife, promised everything listen to her]: Concca 1959, No. 32:149-152.

(Wed. Volga - Perm. Bashkiria (Balynguz) [bronze figure of a one-legged, one-armed, one-eyed naked man with a conical helmet-shaped head, a through hole on his chest, protruding noticeably pointed chin (cf. Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan data)]: Spitsyn 1906:145-146; Khalikov 1981:13).

(Wed. Turkestan. Uzbekistan, southern Kazakhstan [bronze figures of a one-legged, one-armed, one-eyed or one-eyed naked man (cf. Volga data)]: Levina 1968 [bronze figure from near the Aral Sea railway station (the same as from Bashkiria)]: 172-175, Figure 2.1; Pugachenkova, Rempel 1955:155, Figure 135 [statuette from the South Fergana Canal: a one-eared and lame character riding a wolf, holding a child in front of him; another statuette (not pictured): a one-eared lame naked man with stumps instead of arms], 136-137 [bronze wrought iron plate in the form of a man with a conical helmet head, without one arm, on one leg, without one eye, with a hole in the chest]).