L85E. One-legged.
The character has only one leg (and one arm), which does not prevent him from moving around. Unlike the L85 motif (half creatures), the character has a full body that is not divided in half vertically.
Swazi, Kpelle, Nandi, Zande, Socotra, Uliti, Russian written tradition, Western Sami, Setu, Karelians, Lithuanians, Yellow Uighurs, Oirats, Mongols, Shirongolas, Eastern Khanty, Kets, Nivhi, Negidals, Tundra Yukaghirs, Japanese (Hokkaido, Tohoku - Ainu substrate?) , Tlingit, Halkomel, Puget Sound, Upper Chehalis, Klikitat, Kalapuya, Modoc, Cous, Menominee, Steppe Cree, Maidu, Nisenan, Salinan, Tseltal, Guajiro, Araucanas.
Bantu-speaking Africa.
Swazi [god Umlenzengamunye ("one-legged") is the messenger of the Great Ancestor, takes care of children and women]: Kuper 1947:191 (quoted in Schoffeleers 1991:370)Western Africa. Kpelle [the girl only wants to marry someone who has no scars on her body; the forest devil was handsome; contrary to her mother's warning, the girl went with him; he took on his appearance: with one with an eye, one leg, a huge abscess on her body; from the fork in the 12 trails they went to his house; the girl was accommodated separately; her mother gave birth to a boy, he was born with a handbag and a horn in it; the boy went save his sister; threw a horn at the fork, which showed which path to take; the sister hid the boy under the bed; the hell began to sniff, but the sister said there was no one; her brother told her to cook rice, on for the fourth day he climbed onto the rock, called the devil; he threw spears at him, but he dodged; said he wanted to take his sister to see his family; hell: I'll go with you; brother: let's eat rice first; hell wanted Put your hand in a bowl, your hand went through the rock; the brother ate the rice, hit the line on the head with an empty bowl, he stayed crying, and the brother and sister returned to their parents]: Westermann 1924, No. 12:137-139.
Sudan - East Africa. Nandi [the evil spirit Chemosit, a child eater, has one leg and nine buttocks; his red mouth glows at night; he moves with a stick]: Scheub 2000:18; Zande [Thur (trickster spider) burned down a section of the forest, began to poke a stick into hollows and pits, looking for prey; a one-legged man got out of one and chased T.; he drove him for many years; T.'s children went looking for him; they ask people, everyone calls everything the shorter period that has passed since Thur and one-legged ran; they saw, killed a one-legged; the body was dismembered, refreshed; went home, Thur carried his head; climbed a tree for fruit; one-legged came to life: throw it to me; Thur jumped, ran, one-legged after him again; Thur's children killed him again; father: told you not to carry his head]: Evans-Pritchard 1966:284-286.
Western Asia. Socotra [ginnia is a genie woman; there is a ginnia "on an iron nail" (mismar); she has one leg that looks like an iron nail, you can't run away from her]: Naumkin 2012:424-425.
Micronesia-Polynesia. Uliti [the mother has 10 cannibal sons between 1 and 10 inches in height; the remaining people fled the island; the pregnant woman did not have time to get on the boat; hid in the hollow of a lying tree and gave birth to a one-legged boy; he grew up quickly, made himself a crutch, catches fish; comes to the mother of cannibals while they are away, picks up food, brings his mother; the eldest cannibal, 1 inch tall, remains to guard; a young man He cuts off his head with his fingernail, takes his food; so every day, consistently with everyone; the youngest cannibal 10 inches tall is killed by the latter; then the young man kills their mother; sails in a boat to tell people the good news, refugees are returning to the island]: Lessa 1961, No. 13:57-59.
Central Europe. Russian written tradition [the Russian version of Serbian Alexandria (a list made at the end of the 15th century by Kirillo-Belozersk monk Efrosin): "And ten days later, we met people one-legged, and their tails were sheep. And many of them were captured and brought to Alexander. He asked them, "Who are you?" They also said: "Alexander is a king! Take pity on us, son of Philip the king, let us go, because of our ugliness, and we settled in these deserted places." Then he ordered those people to be released. But when he let them go, they climbed a high mountain and, jumping on the rocks, began to laugh at Alexander: "Oh stupid Alexander! Why did you let us in: after all, our meat tastes better than any meat, and our skins are stronger than all others, so iron cannot penetrate them, and we have a lot of wealth, pearls and precious stones." Alexander laughed, saying: "Every birdjay dies from its tongue." And having said this, he told his soldiers to go unarmed to them and catch them from both sides of the mountain. Two thousand of them were captured alive, brought to the camp, and Alexander ordered them to peel off and dry them. And Persians and Egyptians allowed their meat to eat, and they say that there was no meat tastier"]: Botvinnik et al. 1966:47-48, 112-113.
Baltoscandia. Western Sami [pädnaknjunne ("dog-faced") find people by smell, devour; the girl got lost, came to P.'s house, his wife hid her, her husband came back, smelled it, his wife told the girl ran; the girl hid under the bridge, P. ran by, lost track; P. also has only one leg and one eye]: Læstadius 2002:233-235; seto [pininõnaga rahvas ("walking") on They run faster than a horse with their only leg]: Toivonen 1937:99; Karelians (Olonetskaya, 1938) [after the death of his parents, the son went on a journey, found a wife in another kingdom; brags to her how She cut a lot of firewood and brought it; each time she replies that there are many such fellows, but they do not brag; the husband leaves, rolls a stone up the mountain, hears someone plowing 300 miles away; the ploughman has one hand, one leg, one eye; says he was the youngest of 12 brothers; they looted gold and silver; the girl - and this was the boy's wife - promised to transport across the river for gold and silver, which she she will hold it with her little finger; she held and took everything; she stamped her foot, her leg went to the ground, the brothers ran, hid in the skull of the murdered hero; the girl kicked the skull, 11 brothers died, and the narrator remained crippled; the boy returned to his wife, promised to listen to her in everything]: Concca 1959, No. 32:149-152; Lithuanians [someone tramples peas; father sends to guard the eldest, middle, youngest daughter, a monster in one eye, he drags them away with one leg; the father goes to look for them, meets them, takes an acorn, a rope, a baton as his companions; he finds daughters in a forest hut, they cook porridge for the owner; the old man lies down on the stove, a baton on a lintel, a rope on the doorstep, an acorn hides in a pot of porridge; vjycnh enters, an acorn jumps into his eye, a monster clings to the rope, a baton hits him to death]: Lebite 1965:144-145.
Turkestan. Yellow Uighurs [Teyran looks like a man; he has one leg; lives in a deserted steppe; there is a crest of red hair on his forehead; if a person collects small stones, saying, This is yours, and let this one if it will be mine, one-legged T. will appear; we must tear out his hair, for which he will then bring gold and silver; if anyone understands his words, he will die]: Malov 1967, No. 52:35-36; Uzbekistan, southern Kazakhstan [bronze figures of a one-legged, one-armed, one-eyed or one-eyed naked man]: Levina 1968 [bronze figure from the Aral Sea railway station area (same as from Bashkiria)]: 172-175, Figure 2.1; Pugachenkova, Rempel 1955:155, Figure 135 [statuette from the South Fergana Canal area: a one-eared and lame character riding a wolf holds a child in front of him; another statuette ( not pictured): one-eared lame naked man with stumps instead of arms], 136-137 [bronze forged plate in the form of a man with a conical helmet-shaped head, without one arm, on one leg, without one leg, without one eyes with a hole in the chest].
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Oirats (durbuts) [Tengri rides a lu (dragon); when he pulls the lead, Lou gets angry and screams like a camel; T. throws an ayungo arrow at a one-legged tyrin who runs like this on one leg fast that the arrow barely reaches him]: Potanin 1883, No. 2.1:138-139; shirongols (Sichuan) [there are people with a dog's head and one leg; they walk around hugging two at a time]: Potanin 1893:351; Mongols ["four strangers" are the Data Center people with one leg, the people are girls, people with an eye in their chest, people with a dog's head]: Shara Tuji 1957:178 in Zhukovskaya 1994:80.
Western Siberia. Eastern Khanty [Vasyugan's domestic demon is one-legged, humanoid kat-lumi-ko; knocks death to a family member]: Karjalainen 1995:279; Kets [among hostile people - Kolebylemys', a one-legged creature that frightens people]: Alekseenko 1967:170.
Amur - Sakhalin. Nivhi: Bereznitsky 2003, No. 74 [the teenager is missing, people found his boat; he showed up, told how two one-legged men dragged him into a cave and smoked him in the smoke from dog feces; this guy I ate a lot of dogs in my life]: 261 (=2005, No. 134:514); 2005, No. 136 [ge nivguns are one-legged sharp-headed people, their home is like a den, love to steal people]: 514; Negidals: Nadein 1982 [( literary work; self-taught author, father of the Sakhalin Evenk family der founded by the Yakuts, non-gidal mother; cf. Cincius 1982, No. 28:144-147); the older sister goes for fish, the youngest stays at home; Silavun ("spit") comes in, sings that his leg is a spit, his head is a hammer (it has one eye on it), his hands are mites, his chest is furs; he lets her breath, fanning the fire, the girl laughs, S. searches in her head, asks let him put the louse on her tongue, pulls it out (he feeds on female tongues); the older sister comes to S.'s house, his sister hides it, S. goes to bed in a trough; both women throw him into the fire, ash turns into mosquitoes, midges, wasps, gadflies]: 43-45; T. Sem 1990 [one of the shamanic spirits (responsible for fishing the Ayampi squirrel) is depicted as a one-legged figure without arms with a bear's head, wrapped in squirrel skin]: 95; Cincius 1982, No. 28 [older the sister goes for firewood, the youngest stays at home; the devil comes in, saying that his legs are trouble, his head is a hammer, his hands are mites, his stomach is blacksmith's fur, his eyes are sparkles; puts her breath on the bowls so that they they split; the girl does not laugh, the hell does not find her; next time the older sister stays, laughs, looks in her head, asks for permission to put a louse on her tongue, pulls out her tongue and eyes; the youngest comes into the house, finds a fresh tongue and eyes among the many hanging there; the sister hides her, tells her brother to go to bed in a mortar; the girl pushes him there; he turns into mosquitoes, midges, wasps, gadflies, flies], 30 [Nevkhan brings fat every day; his younger brother Ivchan follows his trail to a house full of moose; The elk roasts his leg, fat drips from it; I. hits him, the moose run across to the forest; N. brings jukola; I. follows in the footsteps, robs old woman Koseri's barn, she catches I., tears his stomach with her claws; next time he puts a cauldron on his stomach, makes claws for himself, kills the old woman, brings her to barn; N. comes to the old man, he gives him a cat, tells him to feed him whole cakes; at home, the cat turns into a beauty; I. does the same, but feeds the cat halves; his wife has half of her face]: 144-147, 150- 157.
Japan. The Japanese (mostly Hokkaido and northern Honshu) [Yukionna ("The Snow Woman") is often one-eyed and has only one leg, as evidenced by the strange footprints in the snow]: Sadokova 1998:108.
NW Coast. Tlingit [four brothers go to the end of the world; One-legged salmon harpoon; younger brother climbs into salmon skin; One-legged harpoon pierces him, he swims away with it; One-legged comes for with a harpoon, kills three brothers; the fourth revives them, lowers the dog, it kills One-legged]: Swanton 1909, No. 3, 31:22-23, 101.
The coast is the Plateau. Halkomel (Szealis, lower reaches of the Fraser River) [1) Shals (Kels) meets One-legged, who is fishing; S. kidnaps and returns his harpoon (like other coastal salish); turns it into the stone on which the wind depends; 2) The one-legged does not allow the Converters to stick near his house; one of them turns into salmon, steals a harpoon; they compete with One-legged in witchcraft power (who will catch more fish); turn it into stone]: Boas 1895, No. 1:23-24; 1916:607; Puget Sound [Norka sees her whale lover coming out of the water to the sea chief's daughter; sticks sharp stakes, Keith steps on them, dies; everyone feasts; Norka says that the chief's daughter eats her lover's meat; she kills herself with an awl; Norka takes her corpse to various creatures, asks them to revive her; Frogs, Snakes, Stadokva (creatures with one arm and one leg) and others can't; The tops revive; Norka takes her as his wife, they swim to her father; she sees him diving, eating shellfish with their shells, throwing his son away, Sails away without him; Norka and her son visit various people]: Ballard 1927:66-69; upper chehalis [the girl's first period; her parents did not tell her to swim in a specific place on the lake, but she went; a one-legged man came, took her clothes, grabbed her, started pointing to different parts of her body, asking what it was; every time she said, "my neck," "my chest," etc., he repeats ("my chest, my wife"); when she reaches the genitals, the girl stumbles, the one-legged takes her away; at night she copulates with her, inserting her big toe into her vagina; each of her 5 brothers goes in search; finds a sister, and On the way back, the one-legged man catches up with him to supposedly give him skin, swallows him; when he returned, after eating the fourth, he laughed, his wife saw hair in his teeth; by this time she had given birth to a son and a daughter; the woman took her daughter, and burned the house in which the one-legged and son remained with them; playing with the other children, the one-legged daughter pulled out another child's eye; the woman's mother and uncle put her in a bucket, thrown into the river; she was picked up in another village, where she also pulled out the child's eye, she was thrown into the river again; like this three more times; she sailed to a giant, who raised her, made her a wife]: Adamson 1934, No. 58:121-124; clickite [see K8A motif; Coyote travels to destroy or transform monsters; defecates, his two excrement sisters say, a man with one leg and one hand harpoons salmon; Coyote turns into salmon, but One-legged knows it's a Coyote; hits him with a harpoon, pulls him ashore, lets him go]: Jacobs 1934, No. 28:68-69; kalapuya [One-legged salmon harpoon; comes every time Coyote gets one salmon out of two caught, one out of three, two out of four, two out of five; gets angry that with an odd number of fish caught, he gets less than the fisherman himself; turns into a big salmon, lets himself harpoon, takes the tip away; The one-legged brings him dried salmon home; the wounded Coyote returns the tip to him]: Jacobs 195, No. 3:92-96; modoc [(quail in Lévi- Strauss 1971:48-51); the red-haired Tekewas has a husband and five brothers; the eldest is married, his mother hides the youngest named Tutats from her; T. finds out about him by finding his hair; makes her accompany her to her house. arranges an overnight stay in the woods, lies down with him; he leaves a deck instead, runs to his brothers; the old spider raises his brothers to the sky in the basket, does not tell him to look down; the younger one looks, the basket falls into the house set on fire to T.; the mother pulls her sons' hearts out of the fire, they turn into mountains (the youngest's heart is in St. Shasta); the mother finds the corpse of her daughter-in-law, next to her two living babies; turns them into one boy; he notices that he has a double shadow, fires an arrow, chipping off his younger brother; secretly She brings him up, asking his grandmother for things and food as if for herself; she notices that now he has only one head; he confesses, brings his brother; the brothers want to kill the duck, which tells them about their fate parents; T. swims on the lake like a monstrous duck; brothers cut off her head, turn it into a duck whose meat is inedible; they ask for help from water, fire, trees, onions and arrows, all household utensils, but they forgot about the awl; they go through the hearth; the grandmother finds her daughter's head, the awl tells us where the brothers have gone, the grandmother follows them underground; they go west; the Duck is their other aunt, she has a bloating on her head; they press him down, since then birds and animals do not carry cubs on their heads; they kill Snake, Duck's husband, turn his remains into rocks and snakes; turn live pebbles into ordinary pebbles; younger brother would like serve the Month, the eldest to the Sun; the elder defeats the Bald Eagle, turns him into a bird, his servants Raven and Louse into a crow and a louse; they meet a one-legged giant, defeat him five times, kill him, he now wanders through the mountains, dreaming of shamans; brothers turn into two stars appearing in the sky before dawn in early spring]: Curtin 1912:95-117; cous [hunter dries his eyes animals, tells his wife not to eat them in his absence; their one-year-old daughter ate them; a one-legged man comes up, promises to pick up the one who ate the eyes, takes the woman and the girl; in the evening he fried the child on a pointed stick; husband came after him, started shooting arrows; first one-legged thinks sparks fall on him, then dies; the couple buried the child]: Jacobs 1940, No. 20:168-169.
The Midwest. Menominee [the chief's daughter with three girls goes traveling; protests when they find a skull, kick it and urinate on it; at night, the skull flies into the teepee through the chimney; one girl calls his brother, another uncle, a third father, he eats them; the chief's daughter calls her husband; he tells her to carry him on her back; easily catches and cooks geese and swans for her; she invites him to take a steam bath; closes the steam room, leaves the comb responsible for himself, runs; a one-legged man calls her sister, hides her in his pocket, his two dogs carry his skull to the ends of the earth; One-legged's house is inside a cliff; he whistles bisons appear; when going hunting, warns not to open the door when a person of the same appearance and voice asks for it; the girl forgets the warning, opens the door; the impostor whistles at whistle, bison break in, take the girl away; One-legged at this time married, leads his wife to the house; she hesitates, he turns her into a frog; kills buffalo, revives the girl; the impostor turns out to be a rabbit, lying around with his stomach ripped open; One-legged goes south, sends the girl east]: Bloomfield 1928, No. 104:429-441; Steppe Cree [older sister wants a bright, younger dim star as her husband; both wake up in the sky; the husband of the youngest young, the eldest gray; at night, the stars leave home; the old woman advises the sisters to dig a root that grows where the bison droppings lie; under it there is a hole in the sky; sisters go down rope; the old woman tells the eldest to blindfold not to open them before reaching the ground; she peeks, the rope breaks, the sisters fall to the top of the tree; Bear, Lynx cannot take them off, they do not want them to be wives; Wolverine takes off, but the older sister falls, breaks her leg above the knee; the sisters turn Wolverine into a wolverine; at night, by the fire, the eldest cuts off her leg, sharpens the broken bone, calls the youngest My Husband; Tit tells the youngest to run north; Bear, Lynx, Great Serpent cannot help them, the older sister kills them with her sharp leg; a one-legged man cuts ice-holes in the lake; agrees to help her younger sister when she calls him brother; kills her older sister by dropping a stone on her; see the story Bison Kidnaps a Woman]: Bloomfield 1930, No. 34:326-332.
California. Maidu [one-legged people live in the river; sometimes they steal women's underwear; those who catch one-legged ones fall asleep for two days]: Dixon 1902, No. 20:102; Nisenan: Beals 1933 [Hu'ital are one-legged people, live in caves near water or in bodies of water]: 381; salinan [Raven and Hawk threw a one-legged ogre into the resin and set fire to; he runs; where burning resin dripped, mezcal grew]: Mason 1912:194.
Mesoamerica Tseltal [Mr. Sun sees our sins, especially copulation on a mile, wants to destroy us; our grandmother Luna is afraid that those who appear after us will have one hand, one leg and not will be able to work; wants everything to stay as it is; fighting the Sun is eclipses]: Nash 1970:200-201.
The Northern Andes. Guajiro [One-legged overtakes the traveler many times, asks for cactus fruit; man has only one fruit, One-legged attacks, man defeats him, lets him go for promising not to attack again; asks him for a deer, a deer immediately appears, a man kills him, returns home]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986, No. 24:542.
The Southern Cone. The Araucans [Quetronamúu is a dwarf jumping on one leg; meeting him portends unhappiness]: Latcham 1922:812.