Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L87. The licked blood becomes a cannibal.

.23. (.29.) .

The character accidentally tastes blood, and then devours himself and/or others.

South Asia. Santala [the sister of seven brothers cut her finger while making a salad, blood got into it; the brothers found the food particularly tasty, they decided to kill and eat her sister; the youngest did not shoot her at in a cornfield, did not eat his share, but put it in an anthill; bamboo grew there, a man cut it down, made a violin; a woman came out of the violin, he married her; the brothers were in that house, the sister told his story; the ground parted, the brothers jumped down; the sister tried to grab the youngest by the hair; the young man went to the ground, but his hair turned into Pollinia eriopoda grass]: Bodding 1929, No. 85:297-303; ho: Bompas 1909 [the sister of six brothers cut her finger while cooking, blood fell into the pot; the brothers found the food particularly tasty, they decided to kill and eat their sister; the younger Lita does not want this; The brothers brought their sister a seven-colored flower, took her to the forest, where there were such flowers on the tree, the sister climbed the tree, the brothers started shooting at her, did not hit her; they told L. to shoot, he hit, his sister fell dead; he was sent to get water, he began to cry by the pond; the frog gave him a big fish, he replaced his sister's meat with it, hid parts of his sister's body; then said that he forgot the arrow, came back, buried the remains; for a while the sister came out of the grave alive; the Raja married her, gave Lyta half the kingdom; the brothers became impoverished, came, were guilty; the sister forgave them, but the earth swallowed them; their hair remained above the ground and turned into sabai grass]: 466-467; Halder 1918, No. 27 [the sister of six brothers is married and lives separately; came to visit her father; began to cook and cut her finger, blood fell into the pot; food the brothers found it especially tasty, they decided to kill and eat their sister; volunteered to accompany her to her husband; spent the night under a tree, and placed her sister in a tree; she knows everything and sings a spell to make arrows The brothers were not hit; everyone flew by; the younger Kundra did not want to kill his sister, but he was forced to shoot; although he was aiming by, his arrow hit his sister; six brothers ate his sister, and K. hid his share in an anthill hole, and ate crabs and fish, which he slowly caught; the husband went to look for his wife and saw a tree growing on an anthill; it had only fruit; he reached out to pick it, but a branch moved higher; he heard a voice that the fruit would only be reached if K. cut down the tree; when he cut down the tree, he heard his sister's voice, cut it carefully; a living sister was inside the trunk; she returned home with her husband]: 336-338; birkhor [the sister of 7 brothers cooked and cut her finger; wiped the blood on the leaves she cooked; after tasting this food, the brothers tasted extraordinary; the sister confessed what was the matter; the brothers decided to kill and eat her; the younger one was against it, but kept silent; the brothers started shooting, but the arrows flew by; told the youngest to shoot; he pointed the bow in the other direction, but the arrow pierced sister; the brothers sent the younger one to bring firewood, but forbidden him to tie it with a rope; the snake tied it with its body; gave a leaky jug to bring water; the frog plugged the hole with its body; ordered to bring fire - in his own palm; Singbonga lent him one of his own hands; the brothers fried his sister's meat, and gave the youngest his legs and giblets - let him fry him; he also fried crayfish and fish, and the remains of his sister buried it unnoticed; bamboo grew in this place; the elderly couple came to cut it down to make a guitar (kendrār); when the old man started chopping, I heard, "Don't cut me down, don't cut me down, old man, this my brother planted bamboo!" (original in local Hindi); but his wife insisted on cutting down and making a guitar; meanwhile, all the older brothers got married and had families; the elderly couple came to their house, but the guitar sang, "Don't play, Don't play, oh kendra, this is the house of your enemies, oh kendra!" ; the old men left in fear and came to their little brother's cabin; there the guitar sang, "Play, play, oh kendra, this is my brother's house, oh kendra!" ; when he heard this, the younger brother gave the old people a drink and replaced them with his guitar; since then, when he went to look for food, his sister got out of the guitar and cooked food, and by the time his brother arrived she returned inside the guitar; her brother waited for her, grabbed her hand, said that he did not eat her flesh, they were happy; he called her brothers to his sister's wake; when they ate well, her sister appeared; in shame, the brothers asked the earth to open up, so that they could hide their shame in her; a crack in the ground swallowed them up; her sister tried in vain to hold them by her hair; bundles of hair remained in her hand and turned into Sābai (Ischaemun grass) angustifolium)]: Roy 1925:427-429; Oriya [Kanchan, a merchant's married daughter, came to visit her seven brothers, cut her finger while cooking spinach, blood fell into the food; younger brother thought the food especially delicious; he volunteered to accompany his sister home, killed him, ate it, buried the leftovers; a kanchan tree with flowers grew in this place; a barber sees a tree, wants to break a branch, the tree talks about what happened; Ishwara and his wife Parvati felt sorry for K.'s husband and parents, revived her]: Mohanti 1975:73-75; Agaria [parents married five sons, daughter stayed with them; sons found, brought home the dead ox; parents gave the liver to their daughter, and daughters-in-law wanted to eat the liver themselves; the brothers asked her sister to drink; she cut her hand, blood dripped into the water, the brothers liked the taste; the brothers took her sister into the forest picking mangoes, killed; her dog brought home his head; the father thought that he killed his daughter, beat the dog to death; the brothers brought home their sister's sliced meat; when they saw the head, they were frightened and ran away; the parents realized who murderers; carried the heads of the daughter and dog to the sadhu on Mount Elephants; he woke up, got scared, told their heads to become what they were, leave; the girl and the dog came to life, stayed on the mountain, got married; the dog lived on the mountain, get married; fight; the girl and the dog would cheer their heads home; the father thought that the dog was dripping into the water, the brothers would catch the brothers who had come; they went to another village, and the sister and husband, the dog, began to live with their parents ]: Elwin 1944, No. 2:375-376; baiga [four brothers are married, the fifth is still single; their sister has cut her hand, thinks what to wipe the blood off, wiped it on the rhizome she has prepared for food; brothers they force her to say what she added to the food, making it tastier than usual; when they learned that blood, the elders decided to become cannibals, took her sister into the forest, killed her, brought meat to her parents under the guise of dead game; the dog tried to protect the girl, she was also killed; the younger brother did not want this, the elders threatened to eat him too; he secretly hid the meat, did not eat; the girl's fiance comes to the scene of the murder, where red grew a flower, the groom picks it up, hides it in a flute; at night the flower turns into a girl, she cleans, cooks; so several times; the groom hides, grabs her; the wedding; her brothers came, but she met only Jr.]: Elwin 1944, No. 1:374-375.

(Wed. Caucasus - Asia Minor. Turks [the hunter has a second wife; stepmother tyrannites stepdaughter and stepson; the partridge caught by the hunter disappeared; the wife is terrified; cut off one breast, cooked; the hunter liked the meat; when he found out What's the matter, he decided to eat a man; the wife offered to fatten the children and eat it in 40 days; the girl hears, counts the days, laying stones; tells her brother to run; the father chases; the old woman gives a mirror comb and clay; sister threw clay (swamp); comb (thorny bush); father almost caught up, the mirror fell - the sea, the father stayed on the other side; the brother was thirsty; the rider indicated three sources; when you drink from the first, you will become a fish, the second a lamb, the third is safe; the brother has become a lamb; the son of the padishah drove up and saw a girl in a tree, decided to marry him; galloped home to return; An arapka came up, said that the padishah's son sent her, pushed the girl to the first spring, put on her clothes; the padishah's son was surprised that the bride had fainted; after the wedding, the arapka fell ill, asking for lamb meat; the padishah's son is watching him; he comes to the source: you were swallowed by a fish, and an arapka wants to eat me, butchers are sharpening knives; the fishermen pulled the fish, took the girl out of her womb; the arapka was torn by four mules; three apples fell from the sky; the lamb ate one, became a boy, his sister put another on his chest, she woke up; the third will find a child who will read a fairy tale]: Aganin et al. 1960:122-130).

Eastern Siberia. Sym Evenks [the girl cut her hand with a knife, the bird advises her to lick the blood; the girl likes the taste, she eats her mother, younger sisters; the older brother runs away to Namelon 'e (decapod deer); the sister throws the ax, which consistently cuts off all the legs of the deer; the brother continues to flee, becoming a moose, a bear, a wolverine, a fox, a ferret, an ermine; when she becomes a mouse, the sister loses track ; breaks his scrapers and leathers, dies]: Vasilevich 1936, No. 45:55-58.

Japan. Japanese [a young priest accidentally tastes flesh or blood when he shaves another priest or corpse; becomes an ogre, digs up fresh corpses; expelled from the temple; rises into the air and crashes; according to one version, he turns into a famous cannibal thief in the Kyoto area (10th century)]: Ikeda 1971, No. 780A: 185.

The coast is the Plateau. The cannibal eats his brother, comes to his wife; she says that she will wash the child (alive or killed) before eating it, runs; the ogre is pushed off the shore, he falls into the water, dies. Vasco [a man makes an arrow, cuts his finger, sucks blood, liked the taste, he ate himself, leaving only flesh on his back, where you can't reach it; devours people, you can't kill him; wife with young son runs to tobacco people who feed on tobacco smoke; the old man pierces the heart of the skeleton with an arrow, which turns into a pile of bones; the boy grows up, knocks tobacco bags off the cliff with an arrow like locals; the old man gives him his daughter; he fires an arrow into the sky, reviving the dead]: Curtin 1909b, No. 3:246-248; coutene [a man cuts dried meat; accidentally cuts two pieces off his leg, throws it on coals, eats; eats on; devours her younger brothers, comes to eat his wife and young son; she says she will go out to wash the baby, runs away with him; people push the ogre chasing her off the cliff into the lake, he dies]: Boas 1918, No. 76:273-279; ne perse [the eldest of five brothers hurts himself while hunting, tastes blood, eats his flesh; each of the three brothers throws a lasso from his guts, eats them; the fifth steps on the lark, heals his leg, he teaches him to tie flints to his leg so that the lasso breaks; the wife runs away with a living child; the Crane pushes him off the cliff]: Aoki 1979, No. 5:36-38; upper coquill [the young man ran into something spicy, began to suck blood, then began to eat flesh from his leg; ate everything from his bones, left the skeleton and head four times larger than before; ate everyone in his village; people sent his sister to lure him to another village; she said that there were a lot of people there, he would eat well; brought him in a boat; in the house he was asked to sit between two girls, these are his wives, he fell into trap (boat overturned above the hole); when died, exploded]: Jacobs 2007:237-239.

Northeast. Seneca: Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 46 [wife does not feed her husband's dogs; cutting meat, cut her finger; sucks Klrov, she likes the taste, she cuts and eats her flesh; eats her little daughter; chases dogs, devours people in the village, chases her husband; he with his dogs swims across the river; she jumps after him, falls into the water, drowns; a man with his three dogs stays in a poor home; the chief calls him 1) race (the dog in his form wins), 2) play ball (the other dog wins, cuts off the chief's head); the man becomes the chief], 100 [the spark burns the woman's finger; she puts it in her mouth, feels blood, eats her hands and feet; tells the dog to warn her husband and others that she is now a cannibal; the husband turns the dog into a rotten hollow; gives the old man fish by the river and peanuts; he stretches his neck like a bridge; the husband crosses the river, runs to his aunts; the wife eats the brain out of her bones, puts pebbles inside, her bones rattle when she chases her husband; she scolds the carrier, he turns his neck, she falls into the river; aquatic creatures devour it; the stomach remains; her husband's aunts catch him and crumble him, finally killing the cannibal]: 231-236, 464-466.

Southeast USA. Chirokee [the hunter has three dogs; the Little Dog tells him his wife doesn't feed them; he tells the dogs to do whatever they want with her; the wife bit her finger instead of meat, she liked it, she cut off her chest, ate her little daughter, chases dogs; her husband is on a raft, pushed her away, she drowned; a man with dogs settled with old couple; they say they have an evil leader- player; Player offers running competition; Little Dog in human form wins; ball game, Little Dog wins again; hunter became chief]: Kilpatrick, Kilpatrick 1966, No. 4:418- 420.

California. After licking his blood, the character begins to devour his flesh until only his head remains; it devours people; dies. Wailaki [(the text is difficult to understand); for the girl (the first?) periods; (does it break the food taboo?) ; she dreams that she is eating her flesh; she is, the skeleton remains, then she eats relatives and other people; the bird tells her to throw herself into the sea; she becomes a killer whale]: Goddard 1923, No. 13:110-111 ; screw: Dubois, Demetracopoulou 1931, No. 38 [the couple has two daughters and two sons; the teenage son stays at home, the youngest daughter has her first period, she stays in the menstrual hut; comes to brother, tries to copulate with him; he rejects her, tells his older sister; the youngest climbs a maple tree to tear the bark to make an apron; hurts her finger, sucks blood, she likes it, she devours herself, stays head; head rolls around the world, eats people; her relatives climb to heaven; she grabs her younger brother, he falls between her legs, she devours him, hangs his heart around her neck; rolls in the evenings to the pond; the rest of the relatives climb into the sky; the hummingbird tells the older sister to weave the cooking basket, boil water; the boy kills the head with an arrow, the older sister grabs his brother's heart, puts it in hot water; he comes to life, but soon dies again], 39 [the girl has her first period; she does not stay in the menstrual hut, but goes with everyone to tear her maple bast; hurts her finger, sucks blood, eats herself, the head remains; it devours people, the last is the older sister; the man puts a bridge over the river; when the head is in the middle of the bridge, pulls the bridge, the head falls into the water, swallowed by a pike]: 360-362, 362-364; Maidu: Curtis 1976 (14) [the girl has her first period; she does not go to the hut, but goes with her husband for cones; he climbs a pine tree, sheds her bumps; to see if they are mature, she splits the bump with a stone, hits the finger, licks the blood; she likes the taste, she devours herself from foot to waist; the husband quietly jumps to the ground, leaving his voice responsible for him, runs away; the girl hits the pine tree with thunder, then catches up with her husband, strikes again; the husband is thrown into the air, he falls dead; both rise to the sky, turn into thunder; when Mosquitoes bring blood to the Thunder woman, they say they extracted it from oaks; that's why a thunder woman hits trees, otherwise she would kill people]: 176; Dixon 1902, No. 14 [a person dreams that he is devouring himself; he is scratched by a nut that he throws with his son of wood; head and shoulders remain]: 97-98.

The Big Pool. The Western Shoshones [after licking blood from his wounded hand, the eldest of the five Moose Brothers eats himself up, turns into an ogre]: Smith 1993:69.

Chaco. Chamacoco: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 41 [Cordeu 1984, No. 6:238-239; Axnérexet (Falconidae, small eagle) cut wood, injured his leg with an ax; when he bandaged, he tried a piece of meat, he became cannibal; gave my son a try, he also liked it; both grew wings, both carried people away; told the grandmother to cook human beings for them; she asked to bring a pregnant woman so that the embryo would not deteriorated; prepared the placenta, raised the boy, gave him a weapon; he first met A.-Son, he turned into a snail; when he was running away from his father, the trees parted in front of him, and the pursuer was stuck in branches; the young man killed him, called his grandmother and people, it turned out that the corpse was lying on the ball court; the grandmother sang, who liked it and who did not; cleared the corpse of feathers; those who liked the singing received many feathers with pieces of leather, who don't - broken feathers; feathers were made of jewelry that is worn when playing ball; a man who received only three feathers pretended to be sleeping; birds, small the kirincho hawk pulled out his nipple, flew away; the man grabbed the heron of the finest flowers; the falcon told Kirincho about it, he had to return his nipple; other people gave him feathers; Polyborus plancus plancus gave a pipe and tobacco to a person; told him not to tell, otherwise he would die; people passed the pipe to each other and died until it was gone], 43 [a man named Withara has a little son Deigab; he does not want to eat honey, blackheads and other fish; V. injured his leg with an ax, blood flowed, D. rushed to the wound and began to suck blood; then V. began to kill people for his son; at first he did not eat himself, but then, like D., became Anarhat (cannibal); D. asked his grandmother to cook for him the unborn son of a pregnant woman; she hid the boy, D. gave the woman's giblets; D. grew up; the hidden boy also grew up quickly; V. looked like an eagle; D. noticed traces ; grandmother: these are mine; V. and D. flew far away; the boy asked the old woman to make arrows for him; began to cut down trees by shooting at them; the old woman answered W. and D. that the trees had fallen from the weak wind; answers to the boy that his mother ate V.I. D. and she hid him in a vessel; invites the boy to shoot her with a bow, with a sling an arrow, the stone falls before reaching him; when he gives him a gun, the bullet kills his grandmother; the boy revives her; hides in the snail's shell; V. and D. find him; he pushes D. into the hole, he became a duck and flew away; ran away from V., hid in a tree, it pinched V.; the boy found his body - it is light like a hummingbird; the boy began to be called Anarhat-Jurit (anarchate cannibal killer); told his grandmother the magic word: if someone speaks ill of her, let him say it; everyone snatched beautiful Anarhat red feathers, and the man whose wife spoke ill of his grandmother could not; his son was left without feathers; then the man pretended to be dead; a vulture and a kite came down; a vulture tore off a piece of meat; a kite decided to call the vulture chiefs; the man grabbed them - the vulture and the royal vulture; forced them to return and fit back the torn flesh and bring beautiful feathers from heaven; royal the vulture made a belt and headdress for the man from duck feathers, and the vulture from heron feathers; the royal vulture gave the man tobacco, but told him not to show it to anyone; another saw, demanded to give and to him; both died]: 131-143, 148-151.