Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L88. The demon comes to life by touch .59.61.-.63.66.

A man kills a demon, and when he touches his remains over time, he comes to life.

Guiana. Waiwai [an old woman at home, Opossum (anthropomorphene) comes and asks for food; promises to eat an old woman; she melts tar, pours Opossum's outstretched hands for food; since then, possums have been wrinkled paws and muzzle, bare tail; the corpse of the Possum is thrown away; later the old woman's son comes to pick up his teeth for amulets; the Opossum comes to life, the rotten bushes of his body flock, join; he leads the hunter towards him; he He sees the house for the first time, when he returns, teaches house building; before that, waiwai lived in bird feather huts; Opossum gives the guest yams, who brings it to people]: Fock 1963:74-75; aparai [hunter kills monkey; spends the night in the forest in a hut; the forest spirit of Ashipolia wants to eat him; he gives him parts of the monkey's body; after all, his head, asks A.'s head in return; A. cuts off his head, dies; through for a while a person comes back, knocks on A.'s skull, he comes to life; leads to himself, marries a daughter; the man leaves her, returns to people]: Rauschert 1967, No. 15:189-190; trio: Magañ ; a 1987, No. 35 [a spirit without an anus and penis asks a person to make his anus; he pierces him with a sharp stick, the spirit dies; a man comes to take a bone to make a flute, the spirit comes to life; dies again after eating uruku; the old woman revives him]: 138; 1988b, No. 1 [a person makes holes in the garden, plants cassava; Vulip (forest spirit) does not understand what he is doing, what it means to eat, defecate; he has no anus; man shows how to defecate; V. asks him to make an anus too; the person pierces him with a digging stick, he dies; after three months the body is still without signs of decay; the person wants to cut off V.'s leg and make a flute out of bone; V. comes to life, thanks, wants to marry a person's relative; V.'s soul is in his knee; he comes to an old woman making red paint from uruku; wants to eat paint; she suggests he has boiled fruits, he swallows them hot, dies again; the man revives him again; V. invites him to his village, gives him something like manioc soup; thanks the man for now he has an anus and a penis; a man comes home]: 574-576; oyampy: Grenand 1982, No. 67 [the hunter sleeps in a hollow; the forest spirit demands that he let him eat parts of his body; he gives parts the bodies of a killed monkey; asks the spirit for his liver; the spirit gives, dies; when he returns to this place, the hunter finds his skeleton; takes his jaw, the spirit comes to life; leads to himself, gives an arrow that kills game itself; tells me to keep silent about her; relatives solder the hunter, he says, the arrow loses its strength]: 393-394.

Western Amazon. Aguaruna [the hunter gets lost, sleeps under the roots of a tree; the forest spirit Ivianch demands that his head, leg, and other parts of his body be given to eat; the hunter gives the body parts of the dead monkeys; lets winds, I. wants too; the hunter pierces his anus, I. dies; the hunter returns to this place, sees I. lying on his back trying to take his teeth, he jumps up; in martial arts, a person throws three times to the ground of I. and other spirits; I. leads him to his house; asks why he has a shiny top of his head; the man takes off I.'s scalp, runs away; ambushes birds on a tree; I. climbs there, his man pushes into a ravine, I. dies]: Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1979, No. 77:637-639.

NW Amazon. Mestizos (Leticia) [the hunter sleeps under the roots of a tree; the Mistress of the Forest comes; he gives her a leg, the heart of a murdered monkey, demands her heart in response; she dies; the hunter returns in half a month ; the corpse is firm; he tries to pick up a tooth, she comes to life, thanks him for waking her up]: Rodríguez de Montes 1981, No. 8F: 105-107.

Central Amazon. Rio Branco [the hunter gets lost, sleeps under the roots of a tree; the forest spirit of Curupira demands that his hand, leg, heart be given to eat; the hunter gives the body parts of the dead monkey; asks K. for him heart; he gives, dies; a year later, the hunter comes to take K.'s teeth as an amulet; takes a jaw, K. comes to life; gives a person a snake arrow that kills game itself; tells him not to tell anyone; people traced, an arrow was stolen; it hit the target and returned, killing the boy; he died like a snake bite; people left the place]: Barbosa Rodrigues 1890:32-34; Middle Amazon [like Rio Branuc; people killed a man, cut him to pieces; K. revives him, waxes the pieces, tells him not to eat hot; his wife gave him hot food, he died again]: Barbosa Rodrigues 1890:38.

Montagna - Jurua. Urarina [after shooting monkeys, the hunter sleeps under the roots of a tree; Asage's forest spirit asks for his liver, then his leg; the man gives the monkey's liver and leg, he eats them; asks for A. to give him his liver; A. rips his stomach open, dies; in the morning, the hunter hits A. in the face with his machete to knock out his teeth (they are like a jaguar); A. jumps up alive; in gratitude that he was woken up , gives a person a bow and arrow that always hits game (without continuing)]: Bartholomew 1995:304-305; a shipibo [a young hunter finds rain in the forest, he hides in a hollow; this is a forest dwelling Simsy's spirit; he comes and asks where the guest has beautiful hair; the young man sends him several times to bring a sharp tooth; scalps; tells him to sit underwater for an hour; runs away; first trees, then The Aguchi woman hides it; Aguchi sends wasps to S.; he rubs his penis against pubic hair, gets fire, drives the wasps away with smoke; later comes to a tree where the young man ambushed the birds; climbs the tree with his feet forward; a young man kills him with an arrow; two weeks later people come to this place; the corpse has not rotted, but is overgrown with mushrooms; when people cut off S.'s lips, he comes to life, thanks those who woke him up, disappears ]: Gebhaert-Sayer 1987, No. 6:354-356.