Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

L91. The Long Serpent. 46.

Two or four young men go camping or coming back. Their path is blocked by a long creature that cannot be avoided. They burn a passageway through it. One eats baked meat, turns into a snake, or dies. See motif L28.

Plains. Blackfooted (piegan) [four young men go to war, spend the night in a hut; in the morning, a hairy creature blocks the entrance; you can't cross it, you can't crawl under it; they burn it; one eats baked meat, dies; the next night a skeleton comes; one young man shoots at him; he turns over his head, leaves; the shooter dies; the other two see wolves and bears acting like humans; bear revives a dead bear cub; both young men become healers]: Josselin de Jong 1914:101-103; assiniboine; grovantre; hidatsa; crowe; mandan; arikara.