Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L93. Discarded axe. .31.-.35.61.


demon, an ogre, cuts down a tree or rock on top of which the hero hides. While he is resting, the animal throws his axe into the water, carries it away or spoils it. See motif L92.

Udmurts, Maris, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Uighurs, Altaians, Tuvans (Khemchik and Southern Altai), Buryats, Oirats, Mansi, Northern and Southern (?) Selkups, Shuars, Aguaruna.

Baltoscandia. Lithuanians [an orphan boy inherited horses, bulls, dogs; after feeding them, he sledges down the mountain, sings a song; limes make a big sleigh, also ride and sing; make a bag, they catch the boy with a sledge, bring him home to fry; the boy cut the bag with a knife, put the sleeping lime in his place; it was fried; the boy runs, climbs a tree, the limes begin to cut him; the fox offers to sharpen axes, blunt them; limes gnaw the trunk with their teeth; the boy calls his animals; horses, bulls, dogs come running, tear lime, crush them into powder; since then, the snow sparkles in the sun - it glitters lime fat]: Lebite 1965:111-114.

Volga - Perm. The Udmurts [the man leaned over the ice-hole, Vu-peri grabbed his beard, ordered him to give his 12-year-old son; the father ordered him to take the horse that looked at his son, which was the skinniest; V. chased him on a good horse, did not catch up, ate it; the boy came to one, to the other to his sister, each gave a puppy; came to sister V., there V.; V. became a fire in the oven, one of the dogs was lying in snow, extinguished the fire; V. became a feather bed, the dog lay down on it; V. locked the dogs in the barn, chases the boy; the boy's horse became a tree, V. began to cut him down, went to bed; The bear put chips back, threw an ax into the lake, ran for the dogs; they killed V. in the lake, where he rushed for an ax; V. was burned, the boy returned home]: Klabukov 1948, No. 27:69-73; Marie (meadow) [(=Aktsorin 1984:133-139); old man Yangelde leans to the river for a drink, Black Water grabs him by the beard, tells his youngest son to marry the old man's daughter Srebrotoothed Pampalcha; she paints over her silver teeth with resin, runs away; the road sees Verny Vodyanoy on horseback in a luxurious outfit; the Water Old Woman, carrying wine to the wedding, sings; P. laughs, the resin bounces off her teeth, the old woman recognizes her; A. climbs a pine tree, the old woman cuts the trunk with an ax; the hare offers to chop it instead, throws the ax into the lake; the old woman drinks it, cuts it again; the same episode with the Fox; with the Bear; when the pine falls, sister P. lowers her down the mountain silk swing; this older sister is already married to Vodyanoy; she puts the youngest in a bag, tells her husband to take it to her father as if there are cakes in a bag; when he sits down to try cakes, the girl screams, I see ; returns to his father]: Sabitova 1992:87-93; Chetkarev 1948 [the old man bent over to the river for a drink, the waterdevil grabbed him by the beard, let him go for promising to give the lamb with the silver head; at this time, his son, a silver-headed Pazi, was born; grew up quickly, rode a horse, does not stop meeting girls, men (that's all hell), climbs a pine tree; hell made an ax out of a tooth, out of a finger axe, began to cut; The bear offers to chop it for him, throws an ax into the lake; the devil drinks it, cuts it again; the same episode with the Wolf, the Fox; the squirrel climbs with an ax on the pine tree; the devil makes a new one another tooth and finger; The squirrel tells P. asks Aktavia to lower the iron chain; P. climbed into the sky, left one hair; the hell ate it, said it was tasty, but not enough, went into the water]: 8-10; Genetz 1889, No. 3 {not quite clearly, this is the same text as Chetkarev's, or very similar} [the old man and the old woman are childless; the old man went to the forest, leaned over to the water for a drink, grabbed him by the beard; let him go for promising to give he had a silver-headed Pazi; when he returned home, the old man found out that he had a son; he grew up to be a young man in three days; the young man chooses a thin skate among his father's horses, leaves; meets many women, but not draws attention to them; meets a crowd of men - the same; to get away from the water, he climbed onto the fir; the waterman made an ax out of his finger, an ax out of his tooth, began to cut; tired, the bear offers chop for it; the water fell asleep, the bear threw the ax into the lake; the waterman woke up, drank the lake, found his ax, began to cut again; the wolf offers to chop for it (the same); fox (same); squirrel; water does not believe her, but she persuaded him; she did not throw the ax into the water, but climbed into the fir tree with it; the waterman drank the lake, did not find an ax, made a new one in the same way as the first ax, began to cut, the fir is ready fall; the squirrel tells the silver-headed Pazi not to wait, but to pray to Aktβi; the young man asked A. to lower the iron chain; the young man climbs under it, leaving a lock of his hair on the fir; the fir fell, the water ate hair, said it was delicious, but it was not enough and returned to the lake]: 83-84; Bashkirs [the boy Altyn-Saka ("goldgrandmother") has a goldgrandmother; his father brought cattle to the lake; the witch has enough water animals by the beard, by the lip; lets go for a promise to give what the old man has one; this is a son; the old man migrates, burying his son's goldgrandmother in an old camp; the son goes after her, choosing a thin foal; that became a good horse; the boy asks him to give his grandmother, she tells him to get off the horse; the horse picks up his grandmother himself, jumps away; followed; her horse (before that it is said that the user is chasing in a mortar with a pestle) calls the boy's horse a brother, asks him to slow down, he refuses; when he hears that her horse speaks, she ate him; the boy's horse tells him to climb a tree, he hides in the water; he coughs up a sharpener and an ax, cuts the trunk; the fox offers to rest, throws the ax and sharpener into the water, the felling overgrows; the same is the second, then the third fox; the crow refuses to call the boy's dogs Akkulak and Sakkulak, because he wants to drink his blood; the sparrow calls, pecking the lead poured into the dogs ears; the ubyr rushes into the water; dogs say that if black blood comes up, they kill the ubyr, and if red blood, it says that if black blood comes up, they kill them; the blood is first brown, then black; dogs come out of the water, one ear has been torn off; then the horse comes out; the boy returns home on it; they live richly]: Zelenin 1991, No. 98 (108): 428-431.

Turkestan. Kazakhs; Uighurs.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians; Tuvans; Oirats; Buryats (Unghin, Nukut District) [Uliger Episode: Maiden Khan Sagta Abhay climbs one of the four aspens; Mangadhai rushes after her but the aspens rise higher and higher; the mangadhai, having made an ax out of his tooth, cuts an aspen; a fox comes and says, "Sorry for you, old man! Because of an alien girl, you cut off floors on a bush, wiped your soles on the sand. Have a rest, smoke!" ; takes an ax from him and cuts a tree; when the mangadhai turns away, he hits his butt; when he looks, he cuts it with a point; the mangadhai smokes and falls asleep; the fox throws the ax into the sea and runs away; mangadhai, taking out a tooth, does the axe and continues to cut the aspen; Khan Sagta Abhay jumps to another tree; the mangadhai begins to cut it; the wolf comes and says the same thing as the fox (the situation repeats); the mangadhai does again an ax out of a tooth and cuts an aspen; Khan Sagta Abhay jumps over to another; a bear comes and pretends to sympathize with mangadhay (the situation repeats like a fox and a wolf); mangadhai cuts the fourth aspen, is going to knock her down; two dogs Khan Sagta Abhay come running; mangadhai jumps into the sea; dogs are poisoned after him, punishing the hostess: "Give us plenty of food! If we are defeated, the sea will turn red, and if we win, the water in the sea will turn black!" ; Khan Sagta Abhay throws pet meat; the sea turns red; Khan Sagta Abhay cries, throws meat into the sea again; the sea turns black; dogs come out of it slightly alive; explain that the sea turned red when their ears were injured; Khan Sagta Abhay feeds the dogs and returns to the palace to Khartagay Lomon Khan]: Burchina 2007, No. II.3:113-114.

Western Siberia. Muncie; northern and southern (?) Selkups.

Western Amazon. Shuar; Aguaruna.