Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L93B. Helper hare. 11.-.13.21.-.


hare or rabbit, using cunning, helps a hero or heroine, saves them.

Ambundu, Laadi, Congo, Suto-chwana, Gusias, Nyamwezi, Kaguru, Guro, Mosi, Songhai, Fulbe, Dogon, Bari, Tibetans, Northeastern Tibetans (Amdo), Eastern Tibetans (Sichuan), Burmese, Khmer, Banar, Khao, Zyaray, Viet, Cham, Zao Vietnam, Oriya, Namuzi, Chinese, Koreans, Azerbaijanis, Salars, Uighurs, Tuvans, Mongols.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Ambundu [Nianga dia Ngenga hunter saw a leopard stuck at a fork in a tree; he asked him to be released; then said he was hungry; ate two dogs and prepared to eat N. himself; The hare promised to resolve the dispute, but must see exactly how the Leopard was trapped at the fork; told N. to shoot the Leopard, which he did]: Serauky 1986:138-139; laadi [the crocodile ended up on land; asks young Kundi to carry it to the water; go deeper; is going to eat it; a cow, a bull, a horse, a donkey say that good is paid for evil; the hare pretends not to believe that K. could pick up and carry a crocodile , asks to show how it happened; tells him to kill the crocodile and his cubs - there will be meat at home; in the village, the sorcerer says that K.'s wife will recover if she is given hare skin; K. wants to grab the hare, he runs away dogs tore off his tail; var.: boa constrictor instead of a crocodile]: Koutekissa, Koutekissa 2003:65-76; suto-chwana [python crushed a stone, the monkey agreed to release it, the python is going to eat it; the hare says he can judge the matter if he sees it all with his own eyes; the monkey and the hare ran away, leaving the python lying under a stone]: Olderogge 1959:39-40 (=Pozdnyakov 1990:71-72; =Klipple 1992:80); geese [the childless Leo stole his 12 children from the Monkey, made him his own; the monkey father gathered all the animals, they went to Leo, but no one dared to talk about this matter; the next time the Hare came, said that he is in trouble - his children are gone; Lev: you do not have a wife, where the children come from; Hare to Leo: you are also a bachelor, where do you have children; Leo had to return your children to the Monkey]: Vinogradov 1984:315-316; Nyamwezi [the cow owner and the bull owner graze their cattle together; the cow brought twins; the owner of the bull smeared blood on his ass, took one calf, said his bull also calved; the old people said that the bull was calved cannot give birth, but the owner of the bull began to look for another judge; hare: I am looking for a remedy, my father gave birth; the owner of the bull: this is a lie; hare: bulls never give birth]: Vinogradov 1984:332-333; kaguru [y The lion is a bull, the Ox has a cow; when he saw that the Ox's cow was ready to give birth, he sent him for medicine, and when the Ox returned, he said that the calf had given birth to his bull; the leader ordered the calf to be given to the Ox, but Leo insisted on his own; the hare met Leo, said that he was in a hurry to bring water - his father gave birth to him; Leo: this cannot be the case; the Hare brought Leo to the leader again, Leo was forced to return the calf]: Beidelman 1974b: 250-251.

West Africa. Mosi: Tauxier 1917, No. 8 [the hare saw a man in the tree; he explained that the animals wanted to kill him, he was trying to hide; the hare promised to save him; brought a calebass with bees and threw him into the animals gathered; they smashed it furiously, the bees attacked them, the animals ran away; the man brought the hare home and rewarded with a goat], 10 [while the goat was not at home, the hyena ate its goats, leaving only heads; the goat dug a hole, covered it with a cloth, put its heads on top, the hyena jumped, failed; asks the passing donkey to pull it out, promises not to harm him; he lowered his tail; the hyena got out, got ready eat a donkey; the hare says it does not believe that the hyena could get out holding the donkey's tail; the hyena descended into the hole; the hare told the donkey to go straight to the house, but the hyena stayed in the hole]: 421, 422; songhai [pullo (fulbe) herding cows, saw a crocodile, who asked him to be carried to the river, then brought him into the river; was going to eat a man; hare: I can't judge without seeing how it started; pullo carried a crocodile into the steppe, tied his mouth; the hare offered a pullo to solve the matter with a knife]: Rozhansky 2005:136; guro [after the flood, the crocodile remained on land; begged the young man to take him to the river; said that too weak to swim out - let him place him in the middle of the river; he is going to eat it; the woman who grazed the cows agreed that good is paid for evil; the same one who grazed oxen; the hare pretends that he wants to understand exactly how it happened; the young man brings the crocodile back and comes with the hare to the village; his brother dies there; the doctor: the patient will recover if the skin removed from the hare is applied; the question is So what should I do? Let's look for the North Star while waiting for the right decision]: Tououi Bi 2014:211-214; Fulbe: Koval 2005:366-367 [the hunter found a crocodile in the sand, agreed to move it to the river; a hungry crocodile is going to eat it; the hare is ready to solve the matter, but wants to see how it happened in the beginning; the hunter is going to carry the crocodile into the water again; the hare: you have your lunch and dinner in your hands, and I'm going to take my share after I'll come], 388-389 [the crocodile ate the child, ran away, hid in the forest; after a while he asked the boy to take him to the lake; he is going to eat the boy there; the cow, the horse agree: they pay for good evil; the hare tells me to show how it was; when the boy tied the crocodile, the hare tells you to take it home and eat it]; catch-up [the hyena fell into the well, the monkey agreed to pull it out, the hyena gathered it eat; hare: it is unclear how the hyena fell into the well, let it jump there again; the hare and the monkey left, leaving the hyena to die in the well]: Arakelova 2005:169.

Sudan - East Africa. Bari [when leaving, a woman tells her daughter to take care of her father, she forgets that her father is thin; her mother sends her sycamore for fruit; she climbs a tree owned by animals; animals stop under with a tree, decide to eat the girl in the morning; the hare offers to save her for promising to give him chickens; takes him home, gets the chickens, eats them, collects blood on a tray, smears the face and paws of a sleeping hyena; in the morning not everything they believe that the girl was eaten by a hyena; the hare offers to make a fire in the pit, jump over, the fallen one is guilty; everyone jumped and fell, the hare did not jump, ran away; together with the fox began to steal fruits from the tree; the owner made the girl's sticky figure; the hare, then the fox hits her, stick; the owner beats them, the fox screams, is killed; the hare is silent, pretends to be dead; the owner carries them in the basket along with the fruits; the hare eats fruits, pretends to be dead again; a man puts a fox and a hare to cook in the cauldron; the hare jumps out and runs away]: Basset 1903, No. 52:142-146 (=Meinhof 1921, No. 78:310-312).

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans: Cassis 1962 [The tiger was trapped, the traveler Basan agreed to let him go; the Tiger prepared to eat it; B. begged him to ask the people he met first if this was fair; the Tree replied that people are unfair - they hide under it from the rain and then cut branches; the hare says he must first look at everything for himself; tells the Tiger to put his paw in the trap again; wait for the hunter]: 73-75; Komissarov 1997 [the wolf persuaded the goat to pull it out of the hole; he was going to eat it; the hare towards him; says that the wolf and the goat are both right, but we must see how it happened; the wolf jumped into the hole and stayed there]: 239-239; Krapivina 2001 [Zhijingma has 7 sheep, he took care of them; a raven flew into the yurt to drink milk, could not fly out, died; C. laughed so much that his liver burst and he died; 7 sheep decided to carry his body to Lhassa; they came across on the wolf; promised to come to him with the lambs on the way back; the wolf missed them; on the way back, 7 sheep and 7 lambs met a hare; asks why some cry and others laugh; sheep: we know that the wolf will get it, but the lambs do not know; the hare tells the sheep to carry it, picks up a ring that is put into the nose of the yaks, a bed of black goat hair, a piece of paper; when he reaches the wolf's area, the hare tells cover the ring with litter, stands at it and, looking at the paper, supposedly reads out the emperor's decree: whoever harms the sheep who went to Lhassa should cut his head; the wolf runs away; the bear leads him back, ties a wolf by the tail so that he is not afraid; hare: why did he bring a skinny bear, and not a fat bear, as promised; the bear ran, dragged the wolf with him, he died]: 115-123; northeast Tibetans (Amdo) [the wolf persuaded the sheep to pull it out of the hole; was going to eat it; agreed to wait for her to give birth to a lamb; sheep and lamb come; rabbit: how a clever wolf could fall into the hole and how Could a weak sheep pull it out? the wolf climbs into the hole and stays there]: Kajihama 2004, No. 14:51-53; Tibetans (Amdo) [the old lady went for firewood, the wolf wants to eat her, she asks to leave her until the evening, come to her house; the rabbit promises help; tells you to turn off the lamp, put the needle on the floor, a heavy stone above the door, cow droppings on the threshold; the wolf comes in, asks where the lamp is, the old woman says that at the hearth, from there a dove, a wolf flies out shies away, sits on a needle, slides on cow dung, a stone falls, kills a wolf]: Kajihama 2004, No. 17:66; Eastern Tibetans (Sichuan) [the hare poisoned the old woman's bread; ta namazada stone with glue, the hare stuck; the old woman promises to execute the hare with the most painful death; he offers to put it in a pot and throw it off the mountain; the pot crashed, the hare ran away; the old woman again smeared the stone with glue, the hare again caught; promises to marry the old woman's son to the youngest of the three princesses; the traveler goes to the nunnery to make a sacrifice; the hare: they are allowed there only naked, leave the horse and clothes here; who came naked they were beaten badly because they mistook Aku Tambe, who had just run naked; on the way, the hare stole silk from his idol, put it in the guy's boots instead of insoles; threw away silk in front of the princess's eyes and put a new one in front of the princess's eyes; ordered to send the bride; in the house, the devil sambo said that an army was coming to him, let him hide in the cauldron; the hare covered the cauldron with a lid, made a fire, the devil melted; the hare fed the guests with this broth; shows chambers; gold and silver - dowry for the bride of the deceased older brother; bones - those ignorant people who were drunk drunk at his wedding and were executed; half-alive prisoners - they got drunk at the middle's wedding brother; the drunken guests left the bride and rushed to run; to check if the old woman's son was grateful, the hare pretended to be sick, sent the owner to the llama; ran ahead and pretended to be a llama; "We must cut it out the son's heart and feed the patient"; the owner brings the knife, the hare gets up and stops him; the old woman's son and his family lived happily, and the hare ran into the forest]: Potanin 1910, No. 19:416-419 (reprinted in Komissarov 1997: 240-244).

Burma - Indochina. Burmese: Aung 1957:17-19 [people caught the Tiger, the boy pulled him out of the hole, the Tiger is about to eat it; the buffalo skull, the tree say people are ungrateful; the Rabbit demands that the Tiger show how it was; Tiger died in a hole], 19-21 [Stupid's mare gave birth to a foal, Smart's cow a calf; Clever changed newborns; Rabbit promised to resolve the dispute, came late; he flooded the burning all day sandbank, carrying water in a basket; Clever: it's a lie; Rabbit: cows do not give birth either], 21-24 [seeing a fat Crocodile, the Raven offered to take him from a shallow river to a large one; when they departed far from the river, the Raven told the Crocodile that he would now die and he would eat him; the driver felt sorry for the Crocodile, brought him on the arba to the river; in the water, the Crocodile grabbed the buffalo's leg; the Rabbit shouted for the carter hit the Crocodile with a whip, he let the buffalo go, the carter escaped; the Crocodile waited for the Rabbit, pretending to be a log; the Rabbit said that the logs floated downstream and the crocodiles went upstream; the crocodile swam down with the flow; the next day, the Rabbit said the opposite; but the Crocodile did not swim up, but stayed there; the Rabbit came up to him, found himself in the Crocodile's mouth; said that the Crocodile did not know how to laugh; The crocodile said "haha," the Rabbit jumped out, pulling out the Crocodile's tongue; gave it to the Cat; he found a new plant in place of the tongue called Cat's Tongue]; Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 85 [after the death of his parents, the brother took the bull , and the sister is a cow; the cow calved; the brother took the calf away, put it under the bull; the judge reprimands the rabbit, who protects the sister, for being late; he justifies: the ground caught fire, he dragged the basket water from the sea; the judge praised the rabbit and ruled in favor of his sister]: 244-245; Khmer: Gorgoniev 1973 [one man set a trap under a tree and another on a tree; this second man pulled the deer out of the first traps were dragged into his own; he gave some of the meat to the parrot judge, who decided in his favor; the hare promises to help; comes to the judge at the end of the hearing, says that he hesitated because he watched the fish fly and they pecked tamarind leaves; parrot: this can't be the case; hare: deer do not fall into the tree trap either]: 147-150; Marunova 1972 [the crocodile is on the road, the man agreed to take him to the pond; he is going to eat his ox or himself; the hare acts as a judge, pretends to understand the circumstances of the case for a long time; when the crocodile is tied up, he tells the person to hack him with an ax]: 177- 180; Nikulin 1990 (Mekong Delta) [the doctor saw a sleeping tiger bitten by a snake; smeared the wound with medicine; the tiger woke up to eat the doctor; the wolf, tiger, monkey, hawk decide in favor of the tiger ( they are afraid of him, they use the remnants of his prey, they are offended by people); the hare tells us to show how it was; the tiger lay down in its original place, the snake stung him again, the doctor did not heal him, the tiger died]: 228-230 (=Gorgoniev 1973:133-136); Milne 1972:17-20 [the coyote went to an almost dried body of water, full of fish, shrimp, etc.; one shrimp advised him to take them to a clean pond, wash them there, and then only eat them ; once in clear water, the fish, etc., sailed away; the coyote called all the animals and birds to drink the pond, and the snakes built a dam out of their bodies to prevent new water from flowing; the carp advised to ask for help rabbit; he found a leaf gnawed by a caterpillar, pretended that it was Indra's letter demanding that the water be returned to the reservoir; the animals were frightened, ran, trampled on the snakes, the water poured in, the fish were happy; since then the rabbit is considered the smartest], 47-48 [parents promise a daughter to someone who will stay neck deep in the water for three days; one young man agreed; on the third day he saw a fire in the distance on the hill; the bride's parents said he warmed up by this fire, refused to give his daughter; after receiving gifts from them, the judge sided with them; the Rabbit promised to help: triple the feast and call him, cook all the food unsalted; when the invited to the feast The judge noted that the food was unsalted, Rabbit said that if a fire on the mountain could warm a person standing in the water, then salt far away was enough to make the food salty; the judge ruled in favor boys]; banar [the hunter saw the raven carry a piece of meat from under the tiger's nose; the tiger promises to share the prey if the hunter keeps silent and, if he tells him, kills him; the hunter tells his friend the tiger hears, promises to eat the hunter and his family; he asks for a 7-day delay; the hare dresses up as a mountain spirit Yangkong: this arrow will hit the guilty; gives a bow to the hunter; tiger: of course, he will kill me; Yangkong : if innocent, there is nothing to fear; a hunter kills a tiger with a poisoned arrow; animals run in horror, many are trampled, the hunter picks up prey]: Nikulin 1970:216-220; khao [the tiger began to fight with a drink , she dodged, the tiger was tired, admitted defeat; the shepherdess saw it; for promising to remain silent, the tiger began to give him fish; parents think that their son is stealing it, he has to tell it; the tiger wants him to eat, the shepherdess asks for another 6 days; he tells the hare everything; he mocks the tigers, says that they can't even run around the tree (tigers collide with each other and stumble); makes a stick something like a bittern's beak, pretends to swallow and regurgitate it; tigers admit defeat, leave; shepherdess parents invite a hare to visit, put dogs on a chain; about one puppy forgot, he chased the hare, bit off its tail, since then the hare tail is short]: Nikulin 1990:230-235; zyaray [the elephant complains to the hare that it lost the argument with the tiger and will eat it tomorrow; the hare sits on a tiger's back, chews something and screams: I've eaten elephant meat, now I want a tiger; the tiger runs away]: Nikulin 1990:247-248; tyamy [the tiger began to scoop up the pond to catch fish, grab fish He cannot use his paws; the vulture came down, pecked all the big fish; the tiger began to return, the vulture began to peck at his nose; the tiger was powerless, the man called for help, he drove the vulture away; the tiger he promised to bring goats to the man, but warned him not to tell anyone about what happened - otherwise he would eat it; at night a man tells his wife, the tiger hears, tells him to come to eat; a man meets a hare, he promises help; asks the tiger to give him a man; he does not want to; then the hare promises to release a flock of vultures from his body; the tiger runs away]: Landes 1886:63-66; viets [the elephant suggests to the tiger: whose voice He would scare the birds, he would kill another; the birds were afraid of the tiger's voice; he promised to come to eat the elephant in 3 days; the hare promised to help, told the elephant to lie down; when he saw the tiger, he said that the elephant was for food, and dessert was like if it was not enough; the tiger runs away; the monkeys lead him back, and so that he is not afraid, they contact them with a vine; the hare: mean monkeys, you promised me three fat tigers, and you lead one skinny one; the tiger runs away dragging monkeys; seeing their faces grinned after death, the tiger thinks they are laughing at him, ate them all]: Cadière 1901:188-189 (=1955:242-243); Viets [one hunter set up a net on the ground, and the other at the top of the tree; seeing the deer in the first's net, the second dragged it into his own; the judge did not listen to whether the deer could be on the tree - whose net, that's the prey; the hare undertakes to help; lingered said he could not take his eyes off the fish that ate tamarind flowers; the judge agreed that the deer could not get into the net in the tree either]: Vazhdaev 1982:104-108.

South Asia. Oriya (dombo) [when a Parsa woman {low caste?} came to sell mushrooms, a peasant's wife refused to buy it; then she became pregnant and asked her husband to get mushrooms; he went to the forest, started picking it; the tiger was going to eat it: why are you picking it in mine in the forest; the peasant promised him a cow, he refused; then his daughter promised to send her to buy pumpkin; when a peasant tells his wife about it at night, their son Kumaro hears everything; in the morning the father sent his daughter for the pumpkin, K. followed quietly; a tiger appeared, K. shot him with a bow; brother and sister decided not to return home; went to someone's hut; the owner asked for the dead calf to be thrown into the river; in the river the calf came to life, they brought him back, but the owner gave them to him; they also picked up a dog; K. hunted with the dog, and his sister and calf stayed at home; one day K. wanted to kill a hare, but he said he was sent to his uncle to him; the hare began to live with K. and his sister; once invited his sister to put pork on fire; he buried fat, the fire blazed and went out; it is not clear where to get it; the hare ran to the monster and asked for fire from his daughter; she gave it, but then a monster appeared; the hare killed him, brought his daughter to K., he married her; everything is fine].

China - Korea. The Chinese (Hubei?) : Riftin 2007 {is this the text Eberhard mentioned?} [the goat agreed to pull the wolf out of the hole, he was going to eat it; the goat asks the hare to judge them; the hare asks to show how it was; the wolf jumped into the hole and stayed there]: 48-49; Eberhard 1937, No. 15 (Hubei) [ungrateful wolf - brief summary]: 27; Koreans [the traveler pulled the tiger out of the hole; he, contrary to his promise, is going to eat it; pine, ox decide in favor of the tiger; rabbit asks the tiger to show how everything happened; the tiger jumps into the hole, the rabbit tells the man to leave him there and leave]: Choi 1979, No. 101:33; zao Vietnam [the lame tiger always takes the prey of a young hunter; he is fishing; tiger interested in how to fish; young man: there is a huge dangerous fish in the river; it is better if a tiger climbs a big top - the big fish will not swallow it, and the little fish will swim inside; the tiger agrees a young man pushes him into the river, the tiger can hardly get ashore; the hare promises to help escape from the tiger; when the tiger is about to rush at the young man, a terrible cry is heard from somewhere above: I am sent by deities, to put you to a terrible death; the tiger asks the young man to take the trouble away, he promises; answers the hare: this is not a tiger, but a rotten stump; a hare: if it is a stump, I command him to fall to the ground; the tiger falls and rolls on grass; hare: if it's a stump, why does he roll on the grass; young man: this is my rice basket; hare: if it's a basket, then tie it closer to a tree; the tiger asks me to tie it; the young man ties it tightly, takes it off the lower branch of the hare, both leaving]: Nikulin 1990:219-222; namuzi [The rabbit promises the orphan to make him rich; distracts merchants, tells the orphan to pick up the rich clothes they have left; buys for clothes the youngest of a man's seven daughters; tells the king and his family that soldiers are coming, telling them to hide in a hole where the orphan put his spears sticking out; everyone jumps and dies, the orphan goes to the palace; after birth Son Rabbit pretends to fall ill; orphan learns to sacrifice his son; sharpens a knife; Rabbit explains that he tested his loyalty; everything is fine]: Lakhi 2009 (2): 135-160.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Azerbaijanis [the peasant has grown an unusually tasty melon; the khan noticed it, asked him to take care of it for three days, and call him for the fourth; the peasant and his son Aliyar take turns guarding the melon; a hare with a black ear bit her; A. drove him away, but thought that now neither the khan nor the hare got the melon, ate it himself; the peasant told the khan that the hare had eaten the melon; he was beaten, A. Khan ordered to be beheaded; the hare promised to help A.; ruined the Khan's garden; he could not be caught; the khan went by himself, fell asleep under a tree; the hare pulled out his eyes, wild animals and birds were torn to shreds]: Akhundov 1955:302-305.

Turkestan. Salary (Ujirem, Xunhua-Salar Autonomous County) [a white hare was cooking glue at the foot of the white mountain; a wolf came and the hare said to him: "If you spread this glue on your eyes, you will be able to eat a lot of sheep !" ; then he smeared the wolf's eyes; the wolf went to catch the sheep, the shepherds beat him; the hare settled under a red rock; the wolf did not recognize him; the hare made a saddle and said: "With this lower back saddle you will be able to eat a lot sheep"; the wolf demanded this saddle, the hare put it on his lower back; the shepherds beat the wolf again; the hare decided to pick poisonous grass on the river bank; told the wolf who came that he could not pull it out; the wolf tore the grass and flew into the river; the hare met a lamb that the wolf wanted to eat; they found a white string, then a black one, a piece of white felt and a piece of paper; when they met the wolf, the hare told the lamb spread a white and black nightmare and give him a letter; began to read: "The wolf, so-shakoy, is largemouth, in different places all the wolves died, but you are the only one left," and told the lamb to bring a white and a black chain for the wolf; the wolf ran away, told the fox about what had happened; she offered to go together; they tied their tails and went to the lamb and the hare; the hare said to the wolf: "Sell me what you promised. Is that your yellow cow?" ; the wolf and the fox ran away; the hare came to the tiger, asked if he had an enemy in his house; then he pointed to the river and said: "That (that is, the enemy) will now eat you in the river!" ; the tiger rushed after the one in the river and fell into the water; the hare and the lamb went to the bear's house; the hare told the bear that someone was coming; he was frightened and said that his silver was hidden behind stove, and gold was under the cane; the hare told him to throw himself into the river; the bear did this and died; the hare dug up gold and silver, got his wife for the lamb; the lamb was not a lamb, but a young man]: Tenishev 1964, No. 13:30-32 ; Uighurs [the husband went to herd camels for the whole tribe, and the wife stayed to look after the baby and the sheep; one day he saw a fox chasing a rabbit and sending a herd of sheep there, she drove away the fox; she held her anger, snuck into the yurt, ate the baby, and put her head under the blanket as if he were sleeping; in the evening, the woman tried to take the baby in her arms and her head rolled to the floor; the next day, the woman drove the herd again, and the fox ate the lamb in the sheepfold, put its feces under the woman's pillow; in the dark, the woman took it in her mouth, she vomited; the next day, a hare, a bunny whom the woman was sleeping, taught her to take revenge on the fox; the woman dug a hole in the sheepfold, made a fire in it, covered it with branches; the fox failed, and when she jumped out, she had no hair or skin left; hare offered to cure her, led her to the river, told her to ride along the icy bank, and then jump into the water; the fox was dragged under the ice]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001a, No. 266:381-383.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tuvans: Vatagin 1970, No. 28 [old Myoge-Saryg found a bag on the road, untied it, a wolf jumped out of there, was going to eat MS; the ox says he cannot resolve the dispute, sends him to the hare; he wants to know how it happened; when the wolf is back together, the hare tells him to leave him there]: 184-185; Kalzan 1964 [old More-Saryg found a bag tied with a rope, untied it, and a wolf jumped out, is going to eat the old man; he suggests asking the three people he meets if this is fair; sarlyk, the fox answer that they do not believe that a man could save the wolf, and that's not their business at all; the hare pretends that he needs to figure this out, let the wolf take the old man and him to the place where the bag was; let him show how he was in the bag, and let the old man tie the rope; let the wolf now starve to death] : 123-127; Mongols: Mikhailov 1962:162-164 [when dying, the old horse tells the young not to walk along the forbidden road, not to untie the gray bag; the young man untied, the wolf jumped out, is going to eat the horse; the hare pretends not to believe that the wolf could fit in the bag; the wolf got into the bag, the hare tied, the horse returned home], 165 [=Hodza 1954:24; the sheep has broken off the herd, the wolf is about to eat it; the hare He asks him to try sheep meat, but asks him to wait - he will finish his business in the village; returns with a piece of paper: the Dalai Lama announces that he will sew a blanket from the skins of 70 wolves; the wolf ran away.]