Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L94D. A fairy tale with a tail .33.34.

The demonic character accuses a person of stepping on the tail (tore off the tail) of a fairy tale. Cf. K100E motif, "Dangerous Tales".

Kyrgyz, Khakas, Teleuts.

Turkestan. Kyrgyz [a man named Sarban had 5 sheep, 5 camels, 5 cows, 5 horses; one day 5 sheep went missing, the other 5 camels, the third 5 cows, and the fourth 5 horses; S. heard that the cattle stole Sarah's pelvis (Yellow Bald Bald); S. came to him, and he was telling him a fairy tale at that time; S. waited, tired and interrupted Sarah's pelvis: You took my cattle, bring them back; Sarah's pelvis jumped around his neck, began to fiddle: you cut off the tail of my fairy tale; S. promises to give his wife, then all the cattle - Sarah Taz does not let go; promises her daughter - Sarah's taz jumped to the ground; will come for her in three days; daughter: I'll figure it out myself; she embroidered a skullcap and a felt rug "shirdak"; sent her parents out of the house, sat in the corner by the folded mattresses, started sewing; when Sarah's pelvis arrived, she put a skullcap over her head; Sarah's basin: where your skullcap with the sultan (i.e. front door)? ; girl: Where is your hair? Sarah's pelvis crumples, decided to sit on the rug; girl: Where you sit, you'll break the mouse's horns! - Do mice have horns? - Do fairy tales have tails? Plesivets is gone]: Irisov 1972:90-91.

Southern Siberia. Khakas [the old man was fishing for three days; going home, he went to a hut to warm up; there were three mokhsagals {cannibals with cow horns; a "dog beard" from the common Turkic "sagal" and Mongolism "moss, moss" - dog, from Mong. "nohoy" - dog; comm. Ruslana Doutaliyeva}; "Oh, when you entered, you stepped on the tail of our fairy tale!" They tied him to the leg of the bed for three days; released him for promising to give his only daughter; when the Mohsagals arrived, her father's girlfriend hid her father behind the curtain; the first one came in, asked where his father was; - Went a pen for Make an ax out of frog horns. - Do your frogs even have horns? - Do your fairy tales have tails? Then the same with the other two mohsagals (the father went to make a spear shaft from the snake's horn; the knife handle was made of lizard horns); the Mohsagals left, and the girl ordered three poplars to fall on them, so that thunder in they were hit; a thunderstorm began and the Mokhsagals took refuge under the poplars; three poplars fell on them and a strong thunder hit them; they died]: Torokova, Sychenko 2014, No. 33:513-515; Teleuts (recorded by G.M. Tokmasheva, first quarter of the 20th century) [Ker-Sagal's three brothers {"piebal/brown beard"} lived richly; a poor old man brought home a shot bunny; told the old woman to cook it, and went to the COP to ask for a hoop to dry his skin; when he went into their house, he accidentally heard their conversation; the COP began to beat him and say: "We told each other fairy tales, you, scoundrel, stepped on the tail of our fairy tale"; the old man began to make excuses; CS: " You're an old man, they say there's something at home that you don't know or see. Give us that - I don't know what, and we'll give you a hoop. If you don't give what we're asking for, we'll hit you again!" ; the old man agreed; the COP gave him a hoop; the old man returned home; saw that the old woman had given birth to a son; noticed how the younger COP came home; ran into the forest, leaving the boy; the COP asked him where his parents were; boy: "My father has gone to forge an ax from the frog's horn!" ; KS: "Why does your father need an ax?" ; boy: "Ker-Sagal will come to us today (so) to cut off his head!" ; CS: "What, is your frog horned?" ; boy: "If our frog doesn't have horns, then where did your fairy tale get its tail?" ; The COP ran away, told the brothers about the boy; they take turns going to the old people's house; the situation repeats itself ("My father left the ram's horn to forge his sword!" , "My father has gone to forge a spear from the snake's horn!") ; the CS did not return again; the old man and old woman returned home; the boy grew up, hunted and fed them]: Funk 2020:178-181.