Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L95B. With a demon against a child.


Having promised to give the demon the child, the mother or father does not try to save him, but they arrange it to fall into the demon's hands. Against all odds, a son or daughter is saved.

Isanzu, Nyanja, Tonga, Ronga, Luba, Tonga, Lamba, Zigula, Safwa, Kongo, Isanzu, Shona (Karanga), Wolof, Fulbe, Songhai, Mukulu, Tenda, Sandave, Sakho, Malgashi, Tibetans (Amdo) Stavropol Turkmens, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Siberian Tatars (Tyumen), Khakas, Altaians, Tuvans, South Altai Tuvans, Buryats (Chita), Oirats, Mongols of Inner Mongolia, Tundra Nenets, southern selkups.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Isanzu [an animal gives a man a drug for his wife's infertility; for this he must give him his first child; the father tells the beast that the boy will go fetch water with a jug; but with him the other two with the same jugs; the father tells the beast that the boy's name is Masarakulangwa; the beast calls, the boy replies that all three of them are called that; the father shaved off his son's hair half of his head, he shaved off his hair and other boys; the father tied a ribbon to his son's leg for the night, but he took it off quietly and tied it to his father; then the father leaves his daughter in the forest instead of his son; she runs, calls for help; brother hears, throws in front of the house a sheep, an animal devours her thinking it's a girl; brother talks about all the elders of the village, who execute their father]: Kohl-Larsen, Allenbach 1937, No. 36:48-51; Nyanja [woman asks for Tiger (Leopard?) do not eat her, but take her son in the evening; at home, to make her son wise, she placed him in a pot without water, put him on the fire; when the Tiger came, the boy became a mouse, the Tiger did not notice him (or could not grab); the next evening, the mother tells her son to go to the terrace, because a mouse has fallen into his trap; the son says loudly that he will leave if he hears the trap shut three times; the Tiger emits three times such a sound; the boy says he will not work because he has set only one trap; the third time the mother tells Tiger that she will tie him with straw and ask her son to bring in an armful; the boy says he will pick up an armful If she gets up and lies down three times; the Tiger does so, the boy refuses to approach the straw; the fourth time the mother sends her son with a basket to collect the fruits where the Tiger hid, but the son turns into a bee; then hides in the tree, the Tiger cuts him down, the bird flying by tells the tree to recover every time; the boy calls his dogs, the Tiger eats them one at a time, falls asleep; the boy kills him]: Holland 1916:122 -124; ronga [when hungry, a pregnant woman promises an unborn child to a lion if he gives her an antelope; the Mutipi boy grows up with two feathers invisible to others on his head; a lion in the form of a person comes for the boy; feathers tell the boy to become a mouse, chew on food prepared for the lion, escape; next time his mother sends M. to pasture, wearing a necklace; the lion must recognize him by with a necklace; feathers tell M. to give all the boys a bead; the mother sent him to the forest for brushwood, M. became a beetle; M. runs to another leader; feathers say that he wants to poison him, M. throws him unnoticed poisoned meat to the ground; the leader's men must kill M. when they go with him to the forest for stakes; M. prepares his share of the stakes ahead of time; they want to kill him in the grass, the killer freezes, cannot move; everyone died from thirst and hunger; M. revived his friends with a scourge of lion skin, became a chief]: Knappert 1977, No. 16:54-58 (about the same Junod s.a., No. 10:92-98); luba, bena is drunk [for being in the forest Tshilumi- Tshikulu helps a pregnant woman pick up a bunch of brushwood and put it on her head, who promises to give her future daughter to his wife or boy to be eaten; the children tell TT that their names are all Kabutondo (woman's son's name); mother tells me to come tomorrow, her son will have a green leaf behind his ear; K. tells all boys to put leaves behind his ear; mother says she will send her son to climb a palm tree; K. tells TT close his eyes, open the bag, he will jump there; drops the top of the palm tree, TT carries it away, thinking that K. is in the bag; 10 boys and K. decide to go to the god Fidi Mukulu; K. tells the spider to build a bridge across river; elephants make their way through the forest; the dog eats a mountain of excrement blocking the path; FM closes the boys in the house, sets them on fire - if they are his children, they will not burn; K. tells the antelope dig a way out; boys escape, FM recognizes them as its people, builds a village for them]: Frobenius 1983:122-124; luba, Batwa Kaloshi, Bena Mpatu [by the river, woman can't put a full pitcher on her head; asks for help; Tshilumi-Tshikulu helps for promising to give her son, who is at home; a woman says she will send a son, he will have a pen in his hair; tells all young men put a pen in her hair, go out with spears; TT ran away; the next day, a woman tells TT that her son will have vegetables in his hands; sends all the young men again with vegetables and spears; for the third time, the woman brings TT to the village, the boys almost killed him, he ran away]: Frobenius 1983:124-125; Tonga (Zambia) [a woman stole a piece of dried meat from the barn; when she was caught, she promised to give her child back (perhaps promised an unborn child); sends the child to where he should be grabbed, but he feels the catch and runs away; finally he was captured; he asked permission to climb the tree and throw it away berries; both men got them in the throat and they suffocated]: Torrend 1921, No. 9:183-185; lamba [pregnant woman went with others to get water; asked for help picking up a jug to put on head; the companions refused, left; the cannibal agreed to help if she gave him the child to be born; when the cannibal came, his mother told him to wait in ambush, she would send her son Kantanga; sent a son to bring fruit, but the son became a wasp, brought it, but the cannibal did not notice it; asked the mother to shave her son next time, then he would identify him; K. told the other boys to shave off their hair too; next time The mother told the cannibal to hide in the grass, sent her son to bring herbs; he told the boys to take their spears and hit a pile of grass together; the cannibal died; K. said he was the first born, and Luchele was not yet born] : Doke 1927, No. 93:175; Tonga (Zambia) [a woman stole a piece of dried meat from the barn; when she was caught, she promised to give her child (she may have promised an unborn child); sends the child is supposed to be grabbed, but he feels the catch and runs away; finally he was grabbed; he asked permission to climb a tree and throw berries from there; both men got hit in the throat and they suffocated]: Torrend 1921, No. 9:183-185; zigula [a man traps a rat, Leo demands to give him giblets; next time a man offers Leo to take his son; said to his son to eat fruit near the house, but the Cunning Son noticed Leo, went into the house; the father sent his son to the steppe with a chain in his hand; but Leo saw six boys, each with a chain; asked which of them was the Cunning, each said that he; the father promised to cut his son's hair, so Leo would recognize him at night; the son waxed his hair, cut his father at night, Leo took him away; cut off his mother's breast, let his sister eat, said that she ate; she promised to kill him; he ran to the river, climbed into the sink; his sister ran, grabbed the sink, said she would drown her brother like this shell, threw it across the river; brother went out on the other side, escaped]: Dammann 1937, No. 1:139-143; safwa [a woman asks a lion to bring her firewood, promises a child for it; the son grows up, the lion comes for him, the young man manages to deceive him, arrange him so that the lion eats not the young man, but his mother; the young man makes a belt out of her skin; the chief demands that the young man show his magical abilities; does not let him go down from the tree, tells him to cut down a tree; the young man throws him a belt, the leader puts it on, the belt cuts it in half]: Arewa 1961, No. 3228:136-137; Congo [a pregnant woman takes one of Leopard's newborn babies; he tells me to open the basket, sees the cub; the woman asks her to let go, promises to give up one of the children he will give birth to; the leopard comes for him, the woman asks him to wait until the boy grows up; the boy does not want to go with the Leopard; his mother sends him to the river to have the Leopard there grabbed him; the boy's amulet tells him to jump into the water, he escapes; next time his mother sends the Leopard to a peanut field, secretly takes her son's amulet; the boy has to leave with the Leopard; on the way he suggests testing his father's trap, playing, putting each leg or hand in a trap for the other to free him; the leopard remains trapped, the boy returns home]: Laman 1968:131-132; isanzu [a beast gives man a drug for his wife's infertility; for this he must give him his first child; the father tells the beast that the boy will go fetch water with a jug; but with him two others with such But with jugs; the father tells the beast that the boy's name is Masarakulangwa; the beast calls, the boy replies that all three of them are called; the father shaved off his son's hair from half of his head, he shaved off his hair and others boys; the father tied a ribbon to his son's leg for the night, but he took it off quietly and tied it to his father; then the father leaves his daughter in the forest instead of his son; she runs, calls for help; the brother hears, throws a sheep in front of the house, the beast devours her thinking it is a girl; the brother talks about all the elders of the village, they execute their father]: Kohl-Larsen, Allenbach 1937, No. 36:48-51; Shauna (karanga): Sicard 1952, No. 24 [woman with Hazirebwi came to fish with her little daughter; water snake: what do you want here; the woman promised the snake H. when she grows up, let her fish for it; the snake agrees; every day H. comes for fish; once a serpent told H. that she was already big; H. ran to the village, the serpent after her; the men killed the snake, and when they found out from the girl what was wrong, they killed her mother], 172 [the wife is pregnant, asks her husband to bring it to her a certain bird; the husband climbed into a hole so that only one eye can be seen through a hole in the soil; a bird flying by thought it was a snake, went down to grab it, but the man grabbed the bird by the legs himself; now the husband asks his wife to do a favor: to bring water from a pond where there are no frogs; the woman met a leopard; he showed such a pond on a rock, but in return she must give him the child she will give birth to; the child born from a woman's foot, holding a bow and arrow; said his name was Cigana-gana; the woman promises to send her son to the leopard at night to check the rat traps - let the leopard come and snap at night, as if a rat is caught; S. asks his cigana-gana {apparently this is not only a name, but also an amulet or inner strength} whether to go out; SG replies that it is not necessary is a danger; next time the mother sends her son bring peanuts from the field; SG tells him not to go, but to send a scarab for peanuts; now the mother has hidden the leopard in the house in a basket with a lid; SG tells her son to sit on the lid - then there is no danger; finally, the woman pretended to be sick, asked her son to spend the night in the house, and left the door unlocked; SG advises to exchange clothes with her mother; she agreed; the leopard came in and ate not the son, but his mother]: 39, 346-349.

West Africa. Wolof [a woman has collected firewood in the forest, but is unable to lift a bundle to put it on her head; calls for help; a warrior comes, she says he can't help; a lion comes for his help she promises him what she carries under her heart; her son Samba grew up to herd cattle; his mother told the lion; when he tried to eat S., the young man killed him, pulled him out and took his claw with him; put his mother in food, a claw stuck in her throat; at the last moment, when she was almost suffocating, S. hit her mother on the back and her claw jumped out; S. said whose claw it was, the mother was ashamed]: Reuss-Nliba, Reuss-Nliba 2018 : 130-132.

Sudan - East Africa. Sandave [the pregnant woman went to buy firewood, was tired of carrying a bundle, asked the lion for help; he said it on the condition that she would give him his share of flesh; when she gave birth to a boy, the lion demanded him; agreed to wait for the boy to grow up; came again; the mother told her son to go to the trap; he gathered his peers, they shouted together, a lizard went to the trap instead of the young man, and he went to bed; the woman told the lion to hide in a large roll of grass; the young man told his peers to pierce the parcel with spears, the lion ran away; the woman to the lion: come at night; son: sleep at home, not with other boys; he lay down at the door, but at night by force The mother carried the witchcraft to the door, and he found himself in the back of the hut; the lion ate the woman; the son found the top of his mother's body, made a belt out of her skin; the chief sent to bring the young man, accusing him of killing his mother; magically created a mountain and a river with reeds on the way; the young man told the spider to make a bridge, crossed the river; told the rat to make a passage in the reeds; the chief invited the young man to climb the tree to break off the branches; he climbed with his mother's leather belt; the leader's men began to cut down the tree; the young man threw the chief's belt, who cut it in half; the leader's men ran away; the young man went down, returned home, everyone became afraid of him]: Arnold 1984:190-193; sakho [hell fell in love with a girl; helped her father drink the cows; asks what he will give for help, father answers - yes, whatever; damn asks daughter, father agrees; hell teaches go with her daughter to the river, intentionally leave sandals by the river, halfway back, as if to remember, send her daughter for sandals; when she saw the devil, the girl ran home, but the door was locked; she consistently asks the father and all relatives to open it, they refuse; the maid Neschiba opens; gives a bag of flour, tells him to run, throw the flour to the line; the girl threw part, then the rest, and while the hell ate the flour, ran to her lover's house, married him; her relatives became impoverished, came to her; she drove them away, took only N., passed them off as her husband's brother]: Reinisch 1889, No. 20:152-156; malgashi: Korneev 1977 [the couple promise the cannibal Rabibiba an unborn child if he allows them to pick plums; Kifundri's boy grows up, R. comes for him; the mother says he recognizes her son by his white clothes; R. tears clothes apart, gives them to all the boys; mother tells R. to come at night, she will put K. at the hearth; K. puts her younger sister in her place, R. takes her away; fearing his mother, K. runs away, builds a hut; steals on R.'s garden, who catches him; K. says that his meat will deteriorate if he is pierced with a spear, hacked with an ax; advises putting a stone on his head and not turning around if something falls; jumps down the road, R. brings only a stone to his wife; next time K. advises him to carry it in a closed basket; R. and his wife went home for firewood, K. persuades R.'s children to open the basket; pushes them into the fire, cooks; shouts to cannibals what they ate; runs away; cooks meat, treats R. who comes; says that meat is delicious if you put hot iron in your eye; R. dies; R.'s wife comes, chases K. around her husband's corpse, dies of fatigue]: 195-200; Haring 2007, No. 80 (Sakalava) [a childless woman turns to the sorcerer Rakakabe; he gives a drug on the condition that she gives him her first child; a woman gives birth twins indistinguishable from each other; R. comes, the mother tells them to come tomorrow, promises to dress the elder in red; the young man cuts the cloth into pieces, gives each of his comrades; the same with the black cloth; then R. sends one young man, then the second, to bring water in coconut without splashing it; takes the one who has managed to do this with him; at R.'s home, an old woman teaches the young man to push R. himself into a boiling pot; a young man takes R.'s property, sinks into the water up to his neck, his body becomes gilded; leaves, kills a snake that is about to eat two mighty bird chicks; she gives him a female; the same with two donkeys (takes female donkey); the same lioness, giraffe; he leaves animals in the cave; puts on rags, smears himself with resin as if he were a leper; then comes to the lepers, then to the cave, where he takes on normal shape; daughter the chief chooses the groom by throwing a lemon; lemon hits a young man who looks like a leper twice; the chief's daughter takes him as her husband but does not sleep with him; the king is sick, he will be cured by donkey milk; the young man gives it four young men, but for this he burns their legs with a poker; a neighboring leader attacked, the young man in his true form smashes enemies with animals; next time he cuts his finger with a sword, the leader bandages the wound with a handkerchief; the wife tells the maid to wash her husband to treat her with herbs, the dirt and resin come off, everyone is happy; he appears all over the celebration, the chief recognizes his handkerchief; the younger brother follows in the footsteps of the elder, with him all the same; the elder finds out about the beauty who wins against those who come to her, goes to look for her; the youngest comes to the elder's wife, she takes him for her husband, but he puts a sword between them at night; the older brother lost, imprisoned; the old woman gives the younger woman mice - you have to play at night, release the mice, the cat will chase them, knock over the lamp, you can quietly pick up her chips; the woman offers herself, but the youngest only orders the elder to be released; when he learns that the youngest slept with his wife, the eldest kills him; after learning from his wife about the sword, the eldest returns to the body of the youngest, the bee revives the victim, everything is fine]: 207-220.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Amdo) [when the boy is 15, his favorite ram says he will be slaughtered tomorrow, tells him to keep his two knee bones; one is yellow, the other is white, the boy calls them golden and silver; the cannibal grabs the boy's father, he promises to give his son for himself; deliberately leaves both bones in the old camp, tells her son that he has forgotten them; the boy rode his eight-legged mare; the witch says that it is difficult for her to get up; the boy dismounts, takes the bones, jumps away, but the witch takes it out, throws the sickle, cutting off the horse's legs; says that today he will eat the horse and tomorrow the boy; sends the boy for firewood; the dove says that tomorrow he will arrive and carry him away; in the morning the witch cuts off the pigeon's wing with a sickle: today I'll eat the pigeon, tomorrow you; the insect promises to become a bull tomorrow, carry the boy away; the bull rushed, the old woman did not throw the sickle, chased herself, did not catch up; he would go to the village, people loaded him with a lot of food, he ran away, brought it to the boy; said that he was the ram the boy was talking about cared for him since childhood; ordered him to be slaughtered, his red, white, faithful hair scattered around the villages; put his legs on 4 sides of the world, put his intestines around them; head in the middle, heart in front of his head, kidneys along the edges; cut the meat, scatter it around; the village, where white hair is thrown, is full of sheep, where black is yaks, where red are horses; head is a palace, legs are four gates, intestines are an iron fence, heart is queen, kidneys - two ministers, pieces of meat - people; boy became king]: Kajihama 2004, No. 25:103-108.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Stavropol Turkmens [the old man pulls the human liver out of the well, throws the dog; pulls out the old woman; she demands her liver back; does not agree to take the liver of the old man's wife, agrees to take his son's liver; the old people migrate, leave golden alchiki in the old place, send their son for them; a stunted foal is called to take him, turns into a horse; teaches him what to do; the young man says he can't get down, the old woman cannot serve; the young man says that his father is coming, he will give it; while the old woman looks around, grabs the alchiki, jumps away; stops three times, each time the owner's dog is born a puppy, the young man takes it; not knowing whether he stays with the old woman's son; he asks to leave the dogs at home; an old woman appears, the young man climbs a tree, the old woman pulls out two a tooth, turns them into an ax and a chisel, cuts a tree; a fox calls to cut for it, carries an ax and a chisel; an old woman pulls out two teeth, they turn into an ax and a chisel; the same episode with the Wolf; an old woman cuts again; the boy ties bells to the crane, tells me to fly to the camp; three dogs come running, tear the old woman apart]: Bagriy 1930 (2): 114-119.

Volga - Perm. Bashkirs [the boy Altyn-Sak ("goldgrandmother") has a goldgrandmother; his father brought cattle to the lake; a witch in the water grabs animals by his beard, by the lip; lets go for a promise to give the fact that the old man has one thing is a son; the old man migrates, burying his son's goldgrandmother in the old camp; the son goes after her, choosing a thin foal; he has become a good horse; the boy asks for his grandmother, that tells him to get off the horse; the horse picks up his grandmother himself, jumps away; after him; her horse (previously said that Ubyr is chasing in a mortar with a pestle) calls the boy's horse brother, asks him to slow down his run, he refuses; when she hears what her horse says, she ate him; the boy's horse tells him to climb a tree, hides himself in the water; Ubyr coughs up the sharpener and axe, cuts the trunk; the fox offers a rest throws an ax and a sharpener into the water, the felling overgrows; the second, then the third fox; the crow refuses to call the boy's dogs Akkulak and Sakkulak, because he wants to drink his blood; the sparrow calls, pecking lead poured into the ears of dogs by an old woman; ubyr rushes into the water; dogs say that if black blood comes up, they killed Ubyr, and if red blood, it is them; blood is brown first, then black; dogs come out water, one loss tore off his ear; then the horse comes out; the boy returns home on it; they live richly]: Zelenin 1991, No. 98 (108): 428-431.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Ethnographic materials 1898, No. 1 (Turgay) [rich Ablai had a daughter, Ai-Khanym, when he was 42 years old, and his son Khudaibergen 10 years later; Zhalmaauz Kempir grabbed A. at the well; refused to take horses, daughter, wife, agreed to let her go for promising to send her son; A. specially left the golden alchik at the well, with whom H. played, migrated; H. sat on the foal, he became argamak; teaches you to approach the LCD on foot, say "here's a red mouse running", grabbing an alchik, running up to the horse and jumping away; the LCD knocked out its tooth, threw it at the horse, he limped on one leg; the same - the second tooth; the horse went quieter, fell; next to an ox with a golden saddle; the LCD could not catch up with him, the abandoned tooth did not hit the ox; H. got off the ox and walked to the holy mountain, where the LCD could not climb; the ox disappeared; the LCD began to dig in the mountain; the fox offered to work for it, buries the dug it herself; H. asks the San Kar falcon to fly to his father to send dogs; Kara-It and Ak-It ("black dog", "white dog") came running; they bit to death LCD]: 1-9; Miropiev 1888 (Syr-Darya region) [the rich man went to water his horses, his lung swam on the water, he pushed him, it became a zhalmaus kempire ("voracious old woman"), she grabbed his beard, ordered to give her youngest son; taught him to leave the golden grandmother in the old place when migrating; the boy came for his grandmother on horseback, grabbed him, galloped away, the LCD after him, pulling out his tooth, turned him into an ax, cut off the horse's leg, pulling out the second or second; the boy climbed a tree, the LCD began to cut it; the geese agreed to call the boy's two dogs, they ran, killed the LCD]: 32-35; Potanin 1972, No. 1 (east) [at Bulat- Paya were horses that ate people; people avoided him, he took a hundred horses, migrated, leaving nine sons at home; horses flew away like birds, he held one by the tail; his 70-year-old wife became pregnant. ate the tostyuk (brisket) of this mare, gave birth to a son Yer-Tyustyuk; people ask why he is not looking for his nine brothers and nine thousand horses; he clamps his parents' thighs, makes them tell the truth ; comes to nine brothers, takes an eight-legged horse; the youngest, then the rest of the brothers recognize E.; the brothers return to their father, now he is rich again; they put him on a sixth horse, tell him to find ten sisters brides; the old woman indicates where to look; B. and nine sons take the brides home; the youngest is Kenjackay; the old woman warns not to stop at the Bai-Terek tree; B. stops, sees on the water light, hits with a stick, it turns into an old woman (kempir), grabs B. by the beard, lets go for promising to give E.; K. asks E. where his goldmoney is; he thinks he is left by the Bai-Terek tree; K. talks about an old woman, gives a chain mail she took from home, a horse; E. grabs the money, the old woman chases him, he falls into the ground with the horse, there 80 old women promise to let him go if he brings gold Khan's braid; on the way, E. takes as companions a mountain raising, drinking a lake, finding out fate; the khan tries to burn them in an iron house, drinks the fire; in another house, the knowledgeable says that they are wearing them they will throw the iron mountain, catch it; the khan tells him to get the cauldron out of the well; they take it out, he gives his daughter; E. cuts off his head, brings him to the old women, they let him go; the young birds of the Alyp-Kara-gush bird cry for Bai-Terek tree; the dragon (Azhdagar) is approaching, E. kills him with a sword; the cubs say that his mother will arrive with the storm; she swallowed and regurgitated E.; raises her to the upper world, he gives her water and feeds her, at the end cuts off the meat from her thighs; on the ground she regurgitates the meat, puts it back, gives a feather; the man in whose house E. stopped dug a hole, E. fell through there; burned the feather, the bird carried it upstairs; E. returns, his wife is the first to recognize him, everyone is happy]: 104-116; Sidelnikov 1958 (2) (southern Kazakhstan) [Mundybay sees blood in the well, the old man grabs it, tells him to give his son; deliberately leaves gold and the boy's silver grandmother on an old nomadic; the horse helps the boy grab the money, the old woman throws a braid under the horse's feet, cuts off one leg, then all the legs; takes the boy underground, tells the cattle to herd; the cow reports that the witch's strength is in her braid; he asks the braid to drive the heifer, runs away, climbs ashore; Mystan pulls out his tooth, digs the ground for them; the magpie offers help, takes it away; the same with the other three with his teeth, they are carried away by a wolf, a fox, a hare; the boy kills the witch with her scythe, frees the prisoners]: 25-28; Tursunov 1983 [by brought the horses to a watering hole, there is a lung in the water, he shoved it, it turned into Zhalmauz- Kempir, she grabbed his throat, demanded a son; he promised to leave the boy's golden bat at the place to sleep, he would come back for it; the boy takes a two-year-old scabies, he turns into a heroic horse; becomes low, the boy grabs the bat without getting off the horse, jumps away; the LCD pulls out one or the second tooth, throws one or the other leg, the horse on two legs jumps to the bayterek (poplar), the boy climbs on it; the LCD digs up a poplar using the third tooth as a spade; The fox offers to work instead of the LCD, throws the tooth into the river; so twice (Lisa says she is another fox); the LCD digs fifth tooth; the boy asks the crows, the ducks to convey the message to his wolfhounds, they refuse; the swallow transmits; the dogs tore the LCD; her daughter went to look for her, the boy killed her with arrows, knocking out her eyes]: 143-145; Kyrgyz [the bay has three sons, the youngest is a strongman; his father gave 60 horses for his weapon; asked his son to find a place for a new parking lot; an old woman by the lake; advises not to migrate here, otherwise he will take either a young man or his white camel; the son chose a place far from the water; the father was angry and led to move to the lake; at night, his beloved white camel disappeared at the bay; bai went to look for her, found her in a hole, tells the old woman give the camel; she refuses to take all the bay's cattle in return, but agrees to take his youngest son; bai promised to leave by the lake the weapon that the blacksmith made for the young man; the son will remember the weapon and will return; when they migrated, the father said he paid off the old woman with his son's weapon; the young man came back and persuaded the old woman to give him his weapon for a while so that he could hunt and not starve; then the old woman advises not to go to the mountain where her sons live; she was afraid not for the young man, but for them; he killed both the old woman's sons and herself; went to the steppe, met and accompanied the moving mountain; the overflowing lake; called his father a traitor and never returned to him]: Muchnik 1944:65-67.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Siberian Tatars (Tyumen) [was bai Tokpay-bai, he has 9 sons; they drove herds, at which time his mother became pregnant; wanted a horse sternum (tyustyuk); gave birth to a son Ir-Tyustyuk; playing with money , he hurt the lousy guy; he: you'd better find your brothers; IT gave him all the money, including gold, asked his mother to cook wheat, pressed her hands against the cauldron, she had to tell him; IT found the brothers , the follower became unrecognized, living with everyone, eating everything; they got to know each other, the brothers agreed to return to their parents; IT tamed the foal and the mare, began to ride them; the older brother asked the father marry him to 10 sisters; he stayed in a fisherman's yurt; when he saw 5 hats, he cried, the other 5 laughed (at first he thought there were only 5 brides in the house, and then realized that there were 10); the fisherman gave his daughters to bay; the youngest Kunjakei tells him to spend the night on a waterless hill; bai got angry, stopped by the water, his lung swims there; bai hit him, it became an old woman (kempir) with seven heads, began to strangle him; refused take horses, 9 sons, IT demanded; Bai promised to leave her a goldgrandmother and send IT to pick her up; after the wedding, IT asked about her grandmother, IT was going to follow her; K. told Shal to sit on a white horse guiruk, take Ak-Polat's white sword, Ak-syrmal white chain mail; S. says IT that Kempir-jalmouth is sitting in place of the yurt; she replied that she could not get up; S. became huge, then small, IT grabbed grandmother, galloped; they began to fight with the old woman, both fell into the ground; S. left IT one hair to call her; IT meets, companions 1) hitting one mountain against another, 2) drinking the lake, 3) a runner who catches animals easily, 4) hears from any distance; they came to Ulmis Khan (it was his daughter who sent those comrades to IT to marry her); they said that a fugitive had allegedly fled to the village of UH, demanded daughter UH; he orders 1) to overcome the strongman (the thief overcame the mountains), 2) overtake the old woman (the runner overtook); the khan put IT and his companions in an iron house, put firewood, set fire (water bread flooded the fire) ; the listener said where the daughter UH was hidden (on the ground); IT went home with the girl he took; Choyun-gulak came out to him, invited him to his place, joined the fight; IT defeated him, but the saber did not take him, CHG defeated him; Sh. ran to his comrades, who saved IT; IT asked ChG's wife to find out where his soul was; she made their child cry, explained to CHG that the child wanted to add his soul to his father's soul; CHG: on top of the mountain There is an iron box at the bottom of the well, with 4 quails in it; IT killed them; everything is fine]: Radloff, Proven, IV, 443 in Potanin 1916:89-93; Altaians: Katash 1978 [Delbegen came down from the moon to swim, old woman scooped it up with a bucket; promised a son for her life; migrated; her son Chalma found her; she said that his toys remained parked; a plain foal offered to ride it; C. grabbed the toys, C. set off in pursuit; cut off the foal's hind legs, he rode on the front legs; cut off the front legs; C. climbed the tree; the fox invited D. to cut down the tree, threw its ax into the lake; D. drank lake; C. sent Magpie (refused, You called me glutton), Tit for his dogs; they killed D.; C. returned to his mother, dogs howl at the moon at night]: 84-86; Sadalova 2002, No. 17 [man grabbed felt floating on the river, it turned out to be Diellbegen; the man promised a son for himself; migrated, leaving his son's bow, he followed him; dismounted to pick up the bow, D. chased him, cut off the horse's leg, the boy (Yoskuus-Uul) sat on a roe deer that offered himself; D. consistently cut off all her legs; E. throws D. twice in the face of her giblets, climbs an iron poplar; D. spends time wiping himself off; begins to cut the poplar; the fox offers help, cuts a stone, throws an ax into the water; D. drinks the lake, pulls out an ax, cuts; the fox, pretending to be another fox, repeats the trick, D. pulls out the ax again; The crow, the Magpie refuse to tell the parents of Ë., because he called them names; The goose says that two dogs came running, tore D.; he managed to cut off one finger; the dog tells E. no later than three days bring food; YE. brings in seven, the dog became a wolf]: 147-153; khakas [the old man threw a net, pulled out a monster; promises his wife, eldest daughter, youngest daughter in exchange for his life; the monster lets go him when he promises to give his son; the old man leaves the Astragalus cue ball at the summer camp, asks his son to come back for him; at the horse riding, the boy meets a monster; enters into a conversation with him, refusing to leave from a horse; shouts that his mother is coming with a scythe, his sister with a leather, the monster runs away]: Ungvitskaya, Mainogasheva 1984:193-194; South Altai Tuvans: Taube 1994, No. 22 [=Taube 1978, No. 54:268-269; on a man pokes a swimming lung with his sixth watering hole, it turns out to be an old mangysikha; the man promises to give her his son, for this purpose he will leave his gold money in the old parking lot; the boy feels dangerous, not the horse gets off and picks up the money at a gallop; the mangysikha interrupts the horse's leg with a stick, the boy rides a cow across the sea, climbs a tree; the crow and other birds fly by, only a cinder (red duck, Tadorna ferruginea) promises to convey the message to the dogs Gezer and Bazaar; they tear the old woman apart], 23 [at the watering hole, the rich man leans to the water, the jelbag grabs his beard; he promises to give her his son, leave him on his bow and arrow in the old parking lot; his father tells him to go there on a horse that does not look at him, his mother on the one that looks and stops; he does so; picks up a bow and arrow, jumps away; jelbege consistently interrupts the horse's four legs with a leather stick; the horse flies; she cuts the horse in half, cuts the neck, takes the boy's head, throws it on the poplar; the fox suggests sawing while the jelbege rests, throws her leather into the sea; she drinks the sea, saws again; the Raven and others refuse, the Eagle brings news to the dogs; they fight the jelbag in the depths of the sea; first the red one rises, but then black blood; dogs pop up, one leg is broken; the boy leaves her, she becomes a wolf]: 205-206, 206-210; South Altai Tuvans [Bai Nasar's 8 sons drove 800 horses and did not returned; when BN and his wife ate horse breast, his wife gave birth, a son was named Er Töstük ("brisket man"); he grew up; an old woman was weaving, he stepped on a thread and tore it; the old woman told him it is better to look for brothers; the father said he has no brothers, he was deceived; another old woman's grandson pulled ET's bow, ET hit him, the boy died; and this old woman told him to find better brothers; ET found first brothers and then horses, they returned home; BN went to look for nine sisters to marry; found them; their father did not tell them to spend the night at the Chushurlug Chuduk on the way back, but BN did not listen warnings from her younger sister destined for ET and spent the night there; she sent a man to her father asking her to give her a hemp shirt for ET and the best mare and camel; he did not want to, but gave it away; There is no mare in the morning; BN went to the Saltwell for the night: the mare is there, and next to the jelbege, covered it with one ear, put the other under her; BN asks to give the camel; the jelbege says she cannot get up, let BN come by himself; he comes up, she grabbed him, threatens to eat him, refuses to let him go in exchange for his 8 sons, for 800 horses, agrees to let him go if he gives ET; BN promises to leave jelbig is his son's triangular file, with which he sharpens arrows; says he forgot and will send ET for him; the bride tells ET everything; he asks his father which horse to ride; BN: sit on six-legged and take an eight-legged with you; bride: no, sit on the horse my father gave me, wear that hemp shirt; 8- and 6-legged horses won't last 6 and 8 years; when ET sits on a horse, he says shout to jelbig: What kind of kids are behind you? she will look around, grab the file and jump away; they run away and find themselves in the underworld of the serpent Bobbuk Khan; the horse tells you not to be afraid of snakes that crawl inside ET and go out; because ET was not afraid, two snakes turned into khans; ET says he came to get Temir Khan's daughter for Bobbuk Khan; he is happy and lets him go; ET meets people, everyone answers (at first not understanding who is in front of him) that he would like to become ET's companion; the first knows how to catch birds on the fly; the second hears everything; the third eats a lot; the fourth drinks and pours the sea back; T. will give his daughter to the winner; ET the mare wins the run; the mountain carrier wins the fight; eats the most; drinks three sips, but the sea level has fallen by only three fingers; the ET horse dives: if black blood flows, he died, and if colorless, he took out a cauldron; first colorless blood rises, then black blood rises, but then the horse swam out, brought a cauldron; the listener heard that T. was going to burn the heroes in the house; a mountain raiser turned the house upside down, they went out unharmed; T. ordered to serve the poisoned meat, the heroes changed their portions and portions of the khan's subjects, they died; ET brought daughter T. Bobbuk Khan; he gave a girl to Chünkee and five men in return; on the way, the men died; ET and her girl spent the night under the larch; it rained, and Khan Gärdi birds in a tree A snake crawled; ET shot the snake with a bow; in the morning hail began and Khan Gerdi flew in; when she found out what had happened, she carried ET with girl S. and the horse to the ground; but Jeelbege's son Schojun Gulak (SG) was already waiting there; he took C. and the horse and pushed ET into the hole; the horse managed to throw a flint into the pit; ET cut out the fire, burned the pen given to him by Han-Gerdy, who appeared, lowered its wing into the hole, and ET got out of it; ET and C. agreed that ET will hide under the cradle in which C.'s son is from SG; she will stab the baby, he will cry, SG will begin to ask why; C.: the baby says he is ET's son, not SG, since SG does not want to leave him around with him his soul (the receptacle of life); SG whispers to the baby (and ET hears) where his soul is; 70 moose will come to the Saltwell, inside a brown box, in a shower box; ET is waiting (moose are afraid to approach, but SG calms down: he killed ET), ripped open the brown man's stomach, 9 birds in the box; he killed 8, left one, came to the SG, began to fight him, ordered C. to kill the ninth; there were 9 birds in the box again, but C. killed everyone and SG died ; his son jumped up, but ET threw him into a 70-planted hole; when ET returned home, making a camel, as predicted, gave birth to a camel; the bride waiting for ET became 15 years old again; holiday]: Taube 1978, No. 37:192-206; Buryats (Chita) [old Sholmos woman wants to eat a rich man, he asks his daughter to eat better; he will leave three goldmoney at the camp, his daughter will return for them; a seemingly bad strong point volunteers to take the girl; teaches: he will turn into a calf, rub against the yurt, he must ask for money, then the old woman will ask him to drive away the calf, he must jump on it; the goby becomes a horse again, carries a girl; they live by a sandalwood with 12 branches; the girl has a gold file, he gives food; the khan takes her third wife; leaves; the eldest promises to prepare a sable hat for his return, the middle one a silk robe, the youngest - to give birth to a son with a golden breast, a silver ass; the older wives threw the newborn into the hole, then the dogs, under the feet of the herd, under the feet of the camels, he was unharmed; threw him into the sea; replaced by a puppy; Khan tells her younger arm to be broken, thrown by the sea; she sees wounded birds eating grass, recovering; she also eats, her hands are intact; a boy comes out of the water to play; the woman grabs him, he says that his father is a cliff, his mother is a seal; she gives him her milk; leads him to that sandalwood; the son comes to his father, tells everything; the khan returns his youngest wife, makes the elders cleaners garbage and dung]: Barannikova et al. 1993, No. 4:85-91; Oirats [the old woman went on the water at night, scooped up Telbegen with a bucket; promised to give her son to Chalma; sent him for berries with a box full of holes, herself with a box of holes She migrated as an old man; Chalma found his way back; then his mother said that his toys were still in the old yurt; a thin horse told him to take it; an old man was sitting by the old yurt, saying he could not serve toys; the horse tells you to grab them yourself, run; T. throws an ax, cuts off the horse's hind legs, then the front legs; C. climbs a tree; The fox invites T. to cut for him while T. sleeps, throws the ax into the lake; T . drinks water from the lake; C. asks Magpie to call his dogs, she refuses, because he called it glutton; Tits fly and tell; T. hides from dogs in the lake; they fight him until night in the mud; black blood splashes to the moon, dogs come out alone with a broken leg; dogs howl at the moon at night; spots on the moon - T.]: Popov, Basangov 1936:32-35; Inner Mongolia Mongols (Chakhars, Khoshun Shand) [ the rich man watered his herd of horses from the well and saw something like a liver in the watering deck; he took it out and began to hit it with a stone; she turned into a humpback old man who was a mangus, a monster about twelve heads; the mangus said, "Will you give me your herd of eight hundred heads, or would you prefer to give me your son? If you do not comply with my request, I will swallow you"; the rich man decided to give his son and replied: "My son likes to play ram dice. It has one gold bone and one silver bone. Before I migrate, I will try to forget his two talus bones and leave them in the place of his nomadic. The son in the new place will want to play with his bones and will look for them, and they are forgotten in the old place. I'll make him go there to pick them up. That's when you'll grab him"; the rich man's family migrated to a new place; the boy asked his father where the bones were; the rich man replied that they were left on an old nomad, told his son to go pick them up on horseback about eight legs ; the horse told the boy to take with him a comb, a mirror, a bar, a bag of lice and a bag of nits; the boy listened, set off; arrived in the nomadic and saw a humpback old man sitting near the bones; the boy guessed it was a mango, grabbed the bones and rushed away; the mangus chased him; threw a stick at the horse and tore off one leg; the horse told the boy to drop his bag with lice; the boy did it, the mangus fell behind, busy collecting and destroying lice; after the mangus continued to pursue, threw the stick and tore off the horse's other leg; the boy threw the bag with nits, the mangus stayed a little longer, collecting and destroying nits; then continued his pursuit, threw his stick and tore off the horse's other leg; the horse told the boy to throw the bar; the boy did it, A rock appeared in front of the mangus; he overcame it, continued to pursue it; once again took out his horse with a stick and tore off his leg; the horse told the boy that he had thrown the comb; the boy did it in front of the mangus a dense forest grew; when the mangus crossed it, the boy threw down the mirror; it turned into an ocean, the mangus drowned in it; the horse said: "Your parents are rich people, but they care more and love their livestock than kids. When you get home, you call your father "Wolf's Heart," your mother, "Wet Eyes," and your sister, "Between Two Fires (Letters. in ticks)"; the boy returned home, began to call his parents and sister as the horse ordered]: Todayeva 1981:102-104.

Western Siberia. The Nenets (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) [see motive L94; old man Tirniy-Vesako (Universal Old Man) quarrel with an old woman, who is older, diverge in different directions; the old man cuts down a spruce to make boat, it turns out to be the meta on the top of the head of the plague Yandey-Vesako (Old Man of the Lower World), they fight, Y. wins, T. buys his life, promising to give up his son, for this purpose leave his knife, for which his son will come; at this time an old woman comes to the lake with rejuvenating water, drinks, becomes young, brings the old man (both have now returned home), who drinks, is also getting younger; says that he has forgotten his knife, sends a son; the son did not exist before, now he has appeared as a young man from under his mother's yagushka (?) ; Y. takes the young man who has come to the lower world; promises life if he brings him the Daughter Tsar-Wind]: Pushkareva, Khomich 2001, No. 1:89-109; Southern Selkups: Dulzon 1966, No. 50 [Damn enough man, makes him promise what he does not know at home; a son is born, grows up, his father goes with him to the forest, sends him for a whetstone that was specially forgotten where they made the boat; the Devil meets the boy (text breaks off)], 52 [a man makes a boat, Damn grabs him, makes him promise that he does not know at home; a boy was born at home; when he grew up, his father sends him to the forest for a forgotten bar, Damn enough of him; he replies that his mother's name is "She will wake up in the morning - she will cry", his brother's name is "She'll wait for me outside", his father's name is "Forest Wolf"; explains why he called them that; Damn upset, let him go boy]: 137, 141-143

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[1] L85 motif "Half Creatures, F525" (the character has only half of the body (vertically) or only one leg, which does not prevent him from moving) [AKB]. See also text No. 35.