L96. The changed look is sold and returned (ATU 325).
.13.-.16. (.21.) .22.23.26.-.34.38.
The character has the ability to transform into animals or objects. Being sold in this form, he achieves his goal and becomes human again.
West Africa. Mosi [the father of three sons laments that he is so poor; the chameleon gave him a ox's tail; if you touch someone with the end, he will become a horse or a bull, and if the base, he will regain his former appearance. a man turned one of his sons into a horse, sold it, he came back and became a man again; the man became rich; ask his son to turn him into a horse, but not sell it to a healer; but he bought the horse just in time the healer, locked up, began to starve and thirsty; the horse turned into a dove, flew away, the witch doctor into a hawk, chased the dove; the dove flew to the blind leader; he was going to give it to the hawk, but the dove promised to restore the leader's sight; but the hawk promised the leader to restore his potency, and he gave him a dove; taking the form of a man, the healer carried the pigeon in a leather bag; the dove became a rat, gnawed through a hole, ran away; the healer rushed after the rat, it crumbled in grains, the witch doctor became chicken; the last grain became a cat, she strangled the chicken; when he returned home, the man scolded his sons for selling it to a healer and burning it oxtail; but its descendants use oxtails and horse tails in witchcraft]: Tauxier 1917, No. 64:463-465.
North Africa. Arabs of Morocco [the mother gave her son to study to a magician; he locked him in a room, the servant brought food; 8 days later, the magician asked what the young man had learned; he replied that he had not been taught, magician He beat him; the second time the young man noticed books lying on the desk and learned them; the girl living with the wizard told him to run; he told his mother that in the morning she would find two hounds in his room; let him sell the vizier, but without a leash; the vizier paid a lot of money, the young man returned; next time he sold a mule at the bazaar without a bridle; the magician picked up that it was a young man, took the bridle; the mule was forced to carry stones; but then the Sultan called everyone to a feast; the magician also went, leaving his son for himself; he brought the mule to water to the spring, took off the bridle, the mule threw himself into the water, became a fish; the magician followed, became a net; the fish - with a razor, cut the net, flew like a dove to the Sultan's palace, turned into a pomegranate and crumbled into seeds; the magician followed the falcon, became a rooster, began to peck seeds; one of them became a stone, took off and fell on the rooster, killing him; both took on human form; after learning the story of the young man, the sultan gave him his daughter]: Bushnaq 1987:166-169; the Arabs of Egypt [the Maghreben gives the childless the king two candies on the condition that he gives him his first child; let his wife eat the red one, and the king himself eat the green one; the son Mohammed the Reasonable was born; after a while Ali Razumny, and then the third, a fool; when The dervish came, Ali went with him; the Maghriban asked if he wanted to eat and drink, Ali says no; the Maghriban takes him back, demands his first child; M. answers properly (if you are hungry and thirsty, that's what I am); the Maghreben tells you to memorize the book in a month, otherwise he will kill; not a word is clear in the book; on the penultimate day, M. goes to the garden, where a girl is hanged by her hair; she explains that she hangs because she learned the book; taught M., but told him to answer that he had not learned it; told him to hang it back before the Maghreben saw it; he cut off M.'s right hand and gave him another 30 days; M. read three words and his hand grew back; M. and her girlfriend found three leaves {wood or books?} in the garden , which the Maghrebin lacked to master all the magic; both sat on horses, the girl rode to her home, M. to her mother; tells him to sell him as a ram, not to sell the rope; the ram dived into the vessel of water was gone; the buyer was held for a madman, and the Maghriban realized that it was M.; the next time he sold it in the guise of a camel; the Maghrebian gave so much money that his mother sold it with a bridle; M. flew away like a crow, the Maghreben chased in the guise of a falcon; M. became a pomegranate in the Sultan's garden on a pomegranate tree; the Maghriben asks for a grenade (the sultan does not believe that he has grown up, it is not the season), the pomegranate burst, the seeds rolled, the Maghreben became a rooster, began to bite seeds, the latter became a dagger that cut off the rooster's head, the dagger became M.; the sultan's daughter was the girl M. saved; wedding]: Spitta-bey 1883, No. 1:2-11.
Southern Europe. Spaniards [when asked by a widow what craft he wants to learn, her son Periquín replies that it is black magic; the sorcerer sets the condition that in a year the widow must return for her son and identify him, otherwise he will not get it back; on the eve of the expiration of the term, P. flies to his mother in the form of a dove, teaches him to identify him among other pigeons: he will not bite the grain, but fly over other pigeons; the widow points to the son and explains that since childhood he wanted to jump above others; the sorcerer allows him to be taken away, because the student has surpassed the master; the son tells his mother to sell him as a cow, but not to give him the bell; returns; next time, in the form of a horse, not to sell the bridle; the mother sold it with a bridle; the sorcerer who bought the horse took him to the stall and told the sons not to feed the horse or remove the bridles; so sorry the horse, they removed the bridle, the horse turned into a trout, sailed along the river; the sorcerer chased the snake; the trout turned into a pigeon, the sorcerer into an eagle, the dove into a mosquito, flew to the princess, became a young man; said that he will turn into a ring, let the princess wear it; a man will run in, ask for a ring, we must agree to give it back, but drop it; the ring will crumble into pieces, you have to press down the biggest one with his foot; the one who enters became chicken, began to bite pieces; the biggest was a fox, it bit to death a chicken; the young man took on a human form, married a princess]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 325:118-120; Portuguese: Cardigos 2006, No. 325 [the father has sent his son to train as a sorcerer or the magician only takes illiterate students; the young man pretends to be illiterate and secretly reads arcane books; is released home or teaches his father, how to identify him among several identical birds; returns home, having mastered the skill of transformation; tells his father to sell him as a hound, but unleashed; as a horse, but without a bit; father sells with with bits, the buyer is the magician; someone removes the bit from the horse, the young man runs away; consistently takes the form of different creatures, and the magician pursues, taking the form of stronger creatures; in the end, a young man turned into a ring, then into seeds or pomegranate seeds; when the magician became a chicken to peck the grains, the young man became a fox and bit to death the chicken; (the magician asks for the ring, for which he promises to cure the king) ; a young man marries a princess (during the day he has a ring on her finger, turns into a young man at night); {there are clearly many different options, it is impossible to single them out from a brief summary}]: 74-75; Braga 2002:122-123 ( Algarve) [(short story version)], 123-126 (Azores) [(only episodes of selling the hero as a dog and horse and running away with transformations)]; Coelho 1879, No. 15 [Ourihe]: 31-33; frets: Uffer 1973, No. 14 [=Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 100:264-267; two brothers are smart, the younger is a fool; the father gave each a coin and a piece of bread, sent them to work; at the fork, the brothers broke up; the youngest was hired by a man who told him to keep books clean in his closet for 7 years; then hired him for another 7 years; during his second term, the young man began to read books and became a sorcerer himself; returning to his father, ordered him to sell he was in the form of a horse, but not to give the bridles; but when the master (he was that sorcerer) offered as much money for the bridle as for the horse, his father gave it; the sorcerer brought the horse to him, was going to hack with an ax; the horse turned into a dove, flew out the window; the sorcerer chased the kite, the dove became a ring, fell at the princess's feet in the garden; told him to put himself on the table, roll; the ring fell to the floor, crumbled millet seeds, one fell into a crack in the floor, became a fox {apparently missed the sorcerer turning into a rooster who bites millet and is killed by a fox}; the princess gave birth to a son; the king put the princess in a tower on island; the fox brought her food to the window; 7 years later, the king sent her daughter to pick up her bones; but she is alive and the boy is with her; the fox did a great job, the king took all three to his palace], 31 [=Brunold- Bigler, Widmer 2004, No. 48:280-282; a young man in the sorcerer's service is obliged to turn one page of the magic book every day and mix money in the chest where it was kept; the magician thought the young man could not read, and he could and learned magic better than his master; when he returned to his father, he ordered him to be sold as a dog, but not to sell a leash; when, in the form of a horse, the magician bought a horse with a bridle; he freed himself and flew away as a bird; the magician chased his coccyx; the bird let the princess catch her, put her in a cage; the cat flew in, knocked over the cage, the bird fell out, turned into a pearl, fell between with floorboards; the cat wanted to peck it, but the pearl became a pig and bit to death the cat; the young man took on a human form and married a princess]: 42-44, 118-120.
Western Europe. The Irish [a fisherman and his son see a boat, a stranger gets out of it, asks to send his son to study for a year and a day, promises to return it; he is Gruagach na g-cleasan ("Gruagach of tricks"); in a year and a day asks to give it back for the same period; the father forgets to promise to return the young man; G. shouts that he will not see him again; the father comes to G.; he tells him to recognize his son among the 12 pigeons; at night the son comes says he will avoid other pigeons, and he has a speck under his wing; the father identifies his son, gets it back; the son says he will become a horse, tells him to be sold without a bridle, wins the race; being sold, returns; next time he becomes a hound, but the father forgets to take off his leash; G., who bought the hound, ties the young man in the cave, poison drips on him; the young man asks the maid for a sip of water and loosen one knot; turns into an eel, slips into the river; G. and his 11 sons followed by eels; young man - salmon, pursuers - otters; whale - killer whales; swallow - hawks; young man falls to his knees in a ring daughters of the King of Ireland; G. and his sons hold performances in the palace, ask for the ring; the young man teaches the princess to throw the ring into the fire, cook a barrel of millet with alcohol; G. and his sons - ticks, young man - spark in a barrel; G. and his sons - roosters, pecked, drunk, fell asleep; the young man was a fox, strangled them; married the king's daughter, he handed over the crown to his son-in-law]: Curtin 1975:85-98; the British [motive known]: Shaw 2012; Bretons [=Luzel 1887 (2), No. 5:78 (or 79: the book is short of pages) -95; poor son Euen replies to Mr. that he went to school; he says he is not good for him then; unrecognized E. comes out to meet him again, says that he is illiterate; when he leaves, Mr. tells E. to take care of birds and horses for a year; one of the horses turns into a Spanish princess, explains how her identify, teach magic; a year later E. receives a salary, chooses this horse, leaves; the horse turns into a princess, tells her to come to her father for her in a year; E. turns into a bull, tells his father sell it without a bridle; he sells it, the son returns the next morning; the same with the horse; when he sells a donkey, he forgets to remove the halter; the magician is going to shove the donkey, he asks the children to untie him, runs away a hare; a magician chases a dog; a dove is a hawk; a dove arrives in Spain, turns out to be a ring on the princess's finger; the magician has healed the king, asks for this ring as payment; E. tells the princess to drop the ring; it turns into a pea, a magician into a rooster, a pea into a fox, gnawed the sorcerer's throat; E. marries a princess]: Lopareva 1959, No. 43:184-183; French (Lower Loire; versions throughout France) [ a poor man with many children does not know what to call another one; three came, offered to pick up the newborn, let the father receive the money and come for him in 12 years; after 12 years he went; crows arrived, one called him father; after 8 days, a pack of pigeons - the same; the son says he will hide his leg under his wing; the father recognized and received the son; (the narrator often forgets about the "three sorcerers", only one appears); the son suggests sell it in the form of a dog, but not sell the collar; returns; but sold the horse with the bridle; the sorcerer tells the servant to feed the horse but not to give water; the servant felt sorry for the horse and brought him water; the horse turned into a frog, a sorcerer into a trout; then the swallow is a hawk; an orange, the princess picked it up; the sorcerers promise to cure her king father, but let him give them an orange; she threw it on the ground, it crumbled grains; sorcerers became roosters; the last grain became a fox, she turned the heads of the roosters; the young man returned to his father]: Delarue 1957, No. 325:279-283; Germans [=Grimm, Grimm 1987:207-208; Jan went to church to ask God what craft to teach his son; a clerk stood next to him repeating: stealing, stealing! Ian decided that his son would become a thief; he came to a house in the forest, there was an old woman; her son agreed to teach stealing for free, but in a year Ian must identify his son, otherwise he would pay dearly; a year later he ran out to meet him little man, warned that the son would be a bird, would look out of the cage; the son became a greyhound, the father sold him, the son returned; when the son became a horse, the father forgot to remove the bridle from him before selling it; in the stable the horse asks the maid to remove the bridle; turned into a sparrow, then a fish; the sorcerer is also a sparrow, a fish, they fight; the sorcerer became a rooster, the young man was a fox, bit off the rooster's head]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 68:246-248.
Wed. Tibet is the Northeast of India. Mustang [two older brothers went to seven brothers to learn wisdom; the youngest stayed to look after the cattle; then came to the brothers to find out how things were; seven made them their slaves; the youngest took the witchcraft books and learned them right away; seven made two say who took the books, came to the young man; he became a foal inside the mare, telling neighbors not to sell either the mare or foal; seven persuaded her to sell it, brought the mare to their place to kill; the young man jumped out of her mouth and became a fish; seven were fishing birds of prey, the young man was a dove, seven were chips that hunt pigeons, a young man asked the llama to hide him in his wreath of roses; seven persuaded them to bless them with a wreath, beads fell out of it, seven became roosters, began to bite beads; the young man took his appearance, cut off the heads of the roosters ; in redemption for the fact that the young man has disturbed the llama, he tells him to bring a dead body with golden hair from behind two passes; the young man came there, corpses hanging in the trees, gold-haired at the very top; the young man began to cut down the tree, the demon in his dead body asked not to do so, went down; the young man put him in a bag, carried him, his knee hurt, he stopped, the corpse ran back; the young man returned to the llama, who sent him again; although the corpse was getting heavier, the young man carried it; the llama reached out his hand, but the corpse flew away, the llama only managed to pull out three hairs; if he pulled everything out, there would be a lot of gold in the world]: Kretschmar 1985, No. 42: 234-237).
South Asia. India (translated from Hindi) [the king tells the adviser to learn magic; he goes to the old woman, from her to the wizard; in his absence, he summons his daughter from the lake; she replies that she does not know why the father is keeps it there; the counselor has learned to turn into animals; asks the old woman to sell it as a horse, but without a bridle; next time he sells a camel with a leash to the wizard; he starts hitting the camel, he escaped, ran to the lake; the magician caught up with him, but gave him to his daughter because he had forgotten the stick; the daughter let go of the camel; it became a kite, the magician falcon; a flower necklace, fell on the king's neck - a singer, king put a necklace on her; a bird with a cat; a dog strangled a cat; again as an adviser; the king rewarded him for his art]: Zograf 19643-449; northern India, Mirzapur, Hindi [poor brahman led two the sons to study; in the forest, the ascetic took both on the condition that he would return one later; he taught the elder, but kept him hungry, did not teach the youngest, but fed him well; when the father returned, the elder advised him to take him, although the ascetic said it was a stupid choice; on the way home, the young man turned into a horse, ordered himself to be sold; when he became human again, the ascetic noticed him; he became a fish in the pond, the ascetic became a bird that swallows fish; but the fish was swallowed by an ox that came to drink; the ascetic bought an ox, began to cut it into small pieces; one bone flew off, the hawk grabbed it, brought it wound; the ascetic complained Raja that his rani was stolen by bone; the Raja orders the bone to be returned; the young man turned into a scattering of sesame seeds; the ascetic became a chicken, pecked at them, the young man turned into a cat and killed the chicken; took his brother and that's it ascetic treasures]: Crooke 1892-1893, No. 578:155-156; 1895, No. 70 (Gazipur) [(approximately like Crooke 1892-1893, No. 578]: 46-47; Santals [the king's seven wives are childless; the hermit tells wives to eat mangoes, Let the king eat the peel; the firstborn must be given to the hermit; the youngest gives birth to twins, the hermit takes them away; the cattle given to them by the father die along the way; the youngest surpasses the hermit in knowledge; the hermit returns the brothers home, immediately takes the youngest back; turns him into a horse and other animals, sells him many times; then the young man sells him, who warns him not to give up bridles; the hermit refuses to tell you how to become human again, the young man learns about it from others (all wizards in the land of a hermit); runs away; a hermit chases like a leopard; a young man turns into a dove, a hermit in a kite; a fly is a dragonfly; a fly sits on the princess's dish, the dragonfly is driven away; the hermit becomes poor, asks for rice from the tarek; the young man turns into a coral bead from the princess's necklace; the hermit asks tear the necklace, pecks beads in the form of a chicken; the young man is a cat, kills a pigeon; becomes human, leaves, carrying the head of a pigeon; the hermit's head follows, the young man throws the pigeon's head at blacksmith's horn, the hermit's head falls in the same place]: Bodding 1929, No. 70:17-37; kannada [enemies took the king's kingdom; he fled to another and became beggar; he has sons 7 and 8 years old, he taught them a magician; he taught the eldest to count and sent cattle to herd, and the younger one learned all the wisdom; flew to his father as a bird and ordered him to choose not the eldest son, whom the wizard would present as smart and knowledgeable, but him, the youngest, although he will be wearing rags; helps his father earn money; to do this, he turns into a rooster who defeats the king's rooster during cockfights; turns into a purebred horse; a magician He bought it, rode it to torture it; when he brought him to the river, the young man became a fish; the magician ordered poison to be poured into the river; the young man moved into the dead buffalo, it came to life and galloped; the buffalo was caught, the knife was brought, the young man moved into the dead parrot and flew away, sat in the arms of the princess, who put him in a cage, and at night he became a young man and slept with her; the magician became a hawk, did not catch up with the parrot; the magician came and demanded parrot; the princess, as the young man taught her, twisted the parrot's neck in front of everyone's eyes, tore off the necklace (now a young man wearing it) from her neck and threw it on the ground; the beads became worms, the magician became a chicken, became peck, the young man with a cat; the king did not order to kill the wizard - he will improve; and so it happened; the young man married a princess and received half the kingdom; brought his parents and brother to live]: Ramanujan 1997, No. 37: 102-108; Tamils [after 50 years of rule, the king had a son and then a second son; the enemies captured the city, the king and his family went to another, began to beg, and taught his sons to the brahman; he told the elder to herd cattle, and taught the younger one the secret sciences; the youngest moved into the dead kite, flew to his father, explained how to deceive the brahmana; when the king came, the brahmana dressed the elder as befits and boasted about his knowledge, and called the younger one stupid; but the king chose the younger one; to earn money, the youngest ordered him to be sold in the form of a chicken to the king of the city, who could not find a mate for his an extraordinary rooster; the young man became a chicken, at night he became a rat, dug a hole out of his cage, returned to his father as a man; next time the young man ordered him to be sold as a horse to a rich man; but the brahmana realized that the horse - this is his disciple, bought him; began to beat him; by the pond, a young man moved into a dead fish; a brahmana orders to drain the pond, the young man moved into a dead buffalo, then a parrot; a brahmana in the form of a kite (garuda) chased him; the parrot flew through the princess's window; she ordered him to make a precious cage; at night, the parrot becomes a young man, eats food prepared for the princess, smudges her with incense; the third night opens to her, knowing that she is still awake; teaches her what to do when a brahmana comes to ask for a parrot; the parrot's neck is twisted, he will move into the princess's necklace; he must be torn; thrown into the garden, the pearls became worms; the brahmana became a rooster, began to bite worms; the young man became a cat, attacked a rooster; he became a brahman and swore not to harm again; the young man marries a princess, the brahman returns his brother; the conqueror returns the city, the younger brother educates the elder, puts him on the throne]: Natesa Sastri 1886:1-18; the Sinhalese [a scientific mentor persuaded the widow to let go her two sons are with him; the elder has only learned to cook, the youngest has mastered science; tells his mother to choose him; tells him to sell him as a bull, an excuse not to sell; the bull returns, becomes a young man again; the mentor found out, told the buyer to buy a leash for any money; becoming a leopard, he bit to death a bull]: Volkhonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 135:321-322.
China - Korea. Koreans [a young man learned the ability to transform from a priest of a Buddhist temple; when he returned home and saw that his family was poor, he turned into an expensive vessel, telling his father to sell it; he returned back; when did the old man buy the vessel {the same priest?} , he put the vessel on fire; the vessel turned into a bird, the old man into an eagle; {probably a few more transformations}; when the old man became a rooster, the young man turned into an eagle and killed him]: Choi 1979, No. 374:157; meo Vietnam [when the younger brother goes to the bazaar, the older one teaches: if people throw away the cakes, collect them and eat them; the elder turns into a flock of crows, they stain the cakes with droppings, the merchants throw them away, and when the youngest picks up, the cakes are clean; next time the eldest tells me to eat cucumbers; became a fox, the merchants chased her, she ran to the cucumber garden, people started throwing cucumbers at her, their younger brother picked it up; the elder turned into a horse, tells the youngest to sell it to the king, and that he feed him not grass, but rice soup; the king led the horse to the river, he disappeared; a man came down from the sky, promised to return horse; became an otter, chased the fish; the fish became a cloud, the otter became the wind, the cloud became a mouse, the wind became a cat, the mouse whizzed into the hole, the cat waited at the entrance; the mouse became an ant, he got out, the cat did not understand that it is a former mouse; the ant became an older brother again, brought boiled beans to the hungry cat, it began to eat and fell into the bag; the older brother began to beat it; the cat promised to remain a cat and catch mice]: Nikulin 1970a: 282-285.
The Balkans. Ancient Greece [Erisychton does not sacrifice on the altars of the gods; decides to cut down a sacred oak tree in the grove of Demeter; the servants refuse to cut, he cuts himself; hears the voice of a dryad promising from the trunk punishment; oak falls; D. sent Oreada Selskaya to the goddess of Hunger, who lives on the outskirts of frozen Scythia in the Caucasus; she appeared and, when E. was sleeping, breathed into him a feeling of insatiable hunger; E. ate all his property, sold his daughter to Triopeid; she had the ability to change her appearance; ran to the seashore, appeared to be a male fisherman, the owner did not recognize her; E. began selling T. as a mare, deer, cow, bird, helping out money for food; finally began to devour his own body]: Metamorphoses, VIII 738-878 (Ovid 1977:215-217); the Greeks [the father sent his son to study to be a hatter, he did not learn; decided to take away far away; sighed at the source; Oh (Of) appeared: why did you call? promised to study, he must come for the young man in a year; daughter Okha tells the young man to answer her father that he has not learned anything; on the way home, the young man turned into a lamb, a donkey; told his father to sell him in an image camel; bought Oh, paid separately for the bridle; daughter Okha let the camel go; Oh chased the hare; then the sparrow and the hawk; the sparrow became a rose, the hawk became a dervish, demands a rose from the king; the princess threw a rose to the ground, it crumbled in barley, the dervish became chicken with chickens, the seed became a fox, bitten them; the young man married Okha's daughter]: Dawkins 1916:365-369; Moldovans [childless old woman asks her husband find her a baby; he brings a snake, the snake grows; gets the name Stan Polozan; tells him to study; the old man asks to save his goat from the wolf, SP killed the wolf; the old man indicates who teaches wisdom; when the father goes for his son a year later, let him go to him; but the old man forgot to go in; could not identify his son among three pigeons; dogs; in the third year he remembered; the old man teaches to identify his son among three horses are average, he will immediately turn into a young man; on the way home, he tells him to sell him to the boyar when he turns into a greyhound dog; next time he turned into a horse, ordered him to sell it without a bridle; the innkeeper's daughter, who was washed by the purchase, let the horse go, he flew away with a dove, the boyar chased the falcon; the dove turned into a wheat field, the falcon into a reaper; the wheat became a loaf, it was in the oven; the falcon became a poker, pulled out the loaf; the loaf crumbled with poppy seeds, the poker became a lark, began to bite the seeds; the poppy became a cat, swallowed the lark, one feather was left, became a wolf; the cat jumped gold with a ring on the finger of the innkeeper's daughter; she screamed, people with axes drove the wolf away; the ring turned into a boy; when he entered his parents' home, he became a snake again; the girl told me to throw off snakeskin, SP did so; the skin thrown out of the window grew a palace; wedding]: Botezat 1981:300-304; Albanians [the man took his son to hell to teach him what the hell; when he returned, the young man tells him to sell him in the form of a horse, but without a bridle; next time as a mule; devils want a bridle; while his father argues with him, the mule boy runs away, becomes a hare; devils are dogs; the young man has become with an apple and fell to the queen on the table; the devils came in the form of two dervishes; the queen reluctantly threw an apple at them, it scattered with millet on the floor; the dervishes turned into chickens, one seed into a fox, she ate the chickens]: Dozon 1881, No. 16:135-137; Croats, Bosnians, Romanians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 325:208; Bulgarians [mother or father leaves son to study Ohu; his daughter (sister, wife, other woman living in the house) advises to answer that he has not learned anything, otherwise Oh will kill him; the young man has learned to turn into animals; returning to his mother, he asks to sell him in the form of a dog, ox, horse, but without bridles, leashes, etc.; but the mother sells with a bridle; running away from Och, the young man turns into a hare, pigeon, hawk, sparrow, and the sorcerer into a dog, wolf, eagle, falcon, hawk, pike, etc.; the young man flies up to princesses and turns into a ring or an apple; thrown to the ground, it crumbles into millet, then the grain becomes a fox that covers the chicken or rooster, i.e. Okha]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 325 : 120-123; Serbs [a young man is going to study, someone in green clothes suggests following him to the bottom of the river; there an old woman warns him to answer to the devil that he has not learned anything; the son warns that the father, when he becomes a horse, he doesn't sell it with a bridle; next time he sells goods, but sells without keys; the sorcerer gives a lot of money, his father throws the keys on the ground, the shop turns into a dove, the Turkish buyer becomes a cat; the dove descends with a ring to the princess, the cat becomes a man, offers to serve for the ring; at night the ring turns into a young man, tells the princess not to give him to his servant; the king gives the ring, the princess throws it on the floor, it turns into grains, the servant is a sparrow, the grain is a cat, kills a sparrow]: Karadzic 1854, No. 6:54-60 (=Dmitriev, Volkonsky 1956:30-33, =Arkhipova 1962:95-99, = Golenishchev-Kutuzov 1991:132-134); Serbs [the widow took her son to study; at the fair, the devil in the form of a shopkeeper offers to give the boy to him and pick him up in a year; dives into the water with him; sister devil advises Tell the boy that he has not learned anything; the devil returned his son to his mother; he tells him to sell him without a bridle - in the form of a horse, an ox, a goat; he returns every time; the widow and son are rich]: Eschker 1992, No. 8: 53-56; Gagauz people: Moshkov 1904, No. 40 [the father takes his son to work, he says at the well, Oh! hell comes out, his name is Oh, takes his son to study; tells him to recognize among three bulls, three pigeons, the father finds out; the son has returned, became a dog, tells him to sell, but without a bridle; next time he is a horse; the father sold with a bridle, the buyer was hell, the bridle became a bird, a devil a falcon, a bird a hare, a devil a dog, a hare a fish, a dog a catfish, a fish a millet, catfish a chicken, I didn't find two grains, they became a fox, she bit a chicken; the guy returned to his father], 40b [the father takes his son to work, says at the well, Oh! hell comes out, his name is Oh, takes his son to study; in two years, the father must recognize his son among pigeons, the son warns that he will tie a thread over his leg; the father gets a son, he turns into a horse, tells him to sell he, the hell became a master, bought a horse, tied him up; the other devil asked for a horse, he threw himself into the sea, swam away, and the imp drowned and now lives at the bottom of the sea]: 59-61, 62-63; Syrf 2013 [the old man leads his son to study craft, stops at the well, sighs; Oh asks why his name was; the old man gives his son, Oh takes him to the well; there the girl advises him to answer that he has not learned anything; the father takes his son, he will become a pair of oxen, it must be sold, but without a rope; the father sells, the son returns; the same - becoming a greyhound dog; a horse; the father agreed to sell and check; the hell drove the horse, he dodged, turned into a bird, hell an eagle, a bird into a flower in the girl's room, hell, well done, wanted to pick a flower into a millet seed, hell a chicken with chickens, the guy became himself, killed a hen and chickens]: 165- 167.
Central Europe. Poles [gives his son to teach a warlock; in a year or three he must recognize his son among the same animals or birds; the warlock gives the young man or he runs away as an animal; the son commands sell it as a hound, ox or horse, but not sell a bridle; however, his father sold it in bridle and bought it as a warlock; after running away (with the help of a girl), the young man takes the form of a bird, a hare, a fish, etc., and the warlock chases, taking the form of a stronger bird (animal, fish); the young man turns into a princess's ring; the ring falls, crumbling in grains; the warlock becomes a rooster and bites grains; one the grain turns into a bird of prey or fox and rips off the rooster's head]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 325:102-103; Poles [poor woman leads a boy through the forest; she has no money to feed and teach children; a man under an oak tree asks why she cries; undertakes to teach the boy a craft, he is a tailor, but in fact a sorcerer; three years later, the son meets his mother in the meadow; teaches him to distinguish him among pigeons: he He will not peck peas, but will wave his wing; the sorcerer let the young man go; he promises his father to turn into a cow, an ox and a sheep - let him sell it, and he will return; but he cannot turn into a horse; but his father turned it into a horse, the sorcerer bought it, put it on a chain, starved and whipped it; the horse's maid let go; the young man flew away as a starling, the sorcerer chased, becoming a crow, the young man into a king, the sorcerer into a starling, the young man in the ring jumped on the princess's finger; she had a young man in her room again; the next day, the sorcerer appeared as a prince, asked to show the ring; after agreeing with the young man in advance, the princess dropped the ring and it crumbled into peas; the sorcerer became a flock of pigeons; one grain remained in the princess's palm, crumbled into poppy seeds, the sorcerer summoned the starlings; the young man became a crown and killed the sorcerer's starling; wedding; down the chin flowed but didn't get into my mouth]: Woycicji 1820:64-67; Luzhitans [{a sketchy retelling of 8 typical versions of tales about a sorcerer named Krabat mentioning individual details and episodes}; parents they deliberately give their son to study to a magician named Kravat; the young man spends 3 or 4 years with him; this is the devil's mill or the school of black magic; 12 students; every year one disappears, but a new one appears; the father or mother must identify the son among the 12 crows; at his suggestion, they succeed; parents sell their son in the form of a bull or horse; (they should not give bridles, but they give it away); K. takes possession of the horse and leads shove; the young man frees himself, turning into birds and animals, and K. chases him, turning into others: a dove is a raven, a lark is a hawk, a mouse is a cat; a fish; or an accidental assistant removes the bridle from the horse; finally, the young man turns into a ring that hits the girl; when he falls, the ring crumbles into grains, one of which is made by a fox and kills the rooster wizard; in the 1880 version. a girl kills a rooster]: Troshkova 2019:1028-1034; Czechs [pretending to be illiterate, a young man is hired by a sorcerer, secretly studies books; receives three unchangeable pennies for his service; tells his father to sell himself in the form of a horse, but without a bridle; the father sells the horse to a sorcerer with a bridle; goes to the blacksmith, his daughter lets the horse go; the young man runs away with a hare, the sorcerer chases the dog, the nightingale is a hawk, the nightingale flies into the window of the master's daughter, hides under the bed; the master's daughter sweeps the ring out of there; at night the young man is a man; the sorcerer is hired as a cook, asks for a ring for payment; the young man tells the girl to throw it on the floor - grain, chicken and chickens peck him, the young man turns into affection, kills them, marries his master's daughter]: Bogolyubova, Talova 2000:179-183; Slovaks [father leads his son to study; in the forest a sorcerer takes him for seven years; will return if after 7 years the father identifies his son; the young man has read all the witchcraft books; tells his father that the sorcerer tells him to be identified among pigeons, he will lower his wing; the sorcerer promises to let his son go later, but he returns to his father himself; tells him to sell him in the form of a horse without a bridle; the father sells to the sorcerer with a bridle; the sorcerer tells the blacksmith to shove the horse with hot horseshoes; the horse asks for the passing loosen the girl's bridle; frees herself, flies away with a dove, the sorcerer pursues a hawk, the dove falls ring at the princess's feet, the sorcerer comes to her sick father disguised as a doctor, asks for a ring for treatment; the ring turns into wheat grains, the sorcerer turns into a pigeon, bites them, the last grain becomes a hawk, kills a pigeon, becomes a young man, the king gives the young man a daughter, he inherits the throne]: Nmcová 1970:104-111; Russians (Arkhangelsk, Karelia, Vologda, Novgorod, Tula, Ryazan, Voronezh), Ukrainians (Ugric Russia, Transcarpathia, Eastern Slovakia, Galicia, Bukovina, Volyn, Podolia, Kievskaya, Poltava), Belarusians: SUS 1979, No. 325 [cunning science: a father gives his son to a sorcerer; gets back after recognizing him three times among equally turned into animals (birds) young men; sells his son who has turned into a horse several times until he is bought by a magician; after a series of transformations, the student defeats his teacher]: 112, 118; Russians ( Arkhangelsk and Kandalak Bay of the White Sea) [Three brothers went to cut firewood, the younger Ivan cannot find large enough trees twice, and the third time he has prepared a lot of firewood. Someone steals, brothers take turns guarding. The elders fall asleep, I. grabs the thief, he pays off with magic flint, I. clicks the raft on the flint, two fellows pop up, ask what is needed. I. orders to cut off the thief's head. Brothers can't lift their bodies and throw them into the lake. I. orders the fellows to do this out of flint. They are building a city, and brothers and father move there to live. Well done, I. bring horses and a carriage, dress them as a "prynets", I. goes to marry the king, receives consent. The princess's former fiancé is at war. I. helps: well done, they cast fog on the army, the soldiers killed each other, the king's army is feasting. His wife gave I. a drink, found out the secret of his cunning, changed the flint, and sent a letter to the former groom to go to war again. The king's drunken army dies, his wife flies in bed with her beloved. I. teaches the king a curse and orders him to turn him into a stallion, sell his daughter to his current husband, but without a check; the king forgot, sold him in bridle; the ex-wife recognizes her former husband and orders him to be killed. The horse is hung by the neck and suffocates; asks the girl who comes to feed the horses to cast off her blood when he is killed under the queen's window; pluck the upper apple from the tree that grows (in it) wedding ring), wrap it in a handkerchief, pinch off a piece of bark when the tree is cut. The girl does everything, throws a sliver into the water, the sliver turns into a golden-fin goose. The king (i.e. the current husband of I.'s wife) undressed, climbed into the water; the goose lures him further from the shore, takes off, grabs the flint left in his clothes, regains his human appearance, forgave that king, He tied his ex-wife to a stallion, marries a girl who helped him]: Onchukov 2008, No. 58:187-189; Russians (Arkhangelskaya: Pechora) [the son advises his father not to cut firewood, but to give it to work, taking money from the owner; gave it to the old man; he burns and revives the guy three times - this is learning; the guy chipped in as an ant, came to his parents, said that he would need to be recognized among 6 fellows: he has the right one eyelash will be longer for the eye; the next day the same (6 pigeons, one has a longer kitten); then 6 roosters (he will jump taller than the others); the father took his son, went to cut wood; the father asks what Is the raven screaming? son: that you will wash my feet and drink this water; the father kicked my son out; he tells me to sell him in the form of a bay horse, but for no reason; the old man (that sorcerer) bought it, but the horse ran away; next time the same (gray horse); on the third, a black horse, the old man sold it with a reason; the old man hits the horse with an iron whip; they reached the hut, the old man tells her to turn the gate to him, to the forest with windows; the old man hung the horse to beat him death; the old man's sister let him go; the guy turned into a loon, the old man became a teternik (i.e. a hawk); the ruff hit the princess's bucket, turned into a ring; at night he becomes a guy, sleeps with the princess; teaches : when the old man arrives, drop the ring on the floor; it turned into 7 ducks {?} , the princess stepped on one; becoming a rooster, the old man pecked the rest, choked on the last one, burst, disappeared; the guy married the princess; one day they came to his parents, they were almost blind; the father got up at night drink water and drank the one in which her son washed his feet]: Karnaukhova 2008, No. 165:405-410; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Pomors) [the widow took her son to study; sighed for her husband - Oh! Human: Why do you remember me? He took his son to study, tells him to come for him in three years; the widow cannot recognize her son among 12 rams; a year later, 12 pigs; a year later the son comes - he has become more cunning than the teacher; I will be the fourth on the edge a horse of 12; the widow received a son; he orders him to be sold as a horse, but without a bridle; the widow sold him twice, the son returned, and the third time the buyer snatched the bridle from her hands; the sorcerer chased the horse, tied it, went to the tavern; the horse asked the groom to let him go to the watering place; disappeared into the water with perch, the sorcerer followed the pike; the perch ashore in a ring, the princess put it on her finger, at night a young man next to her; warns that a man will come, call himself the owner of the ring; we must throw it on the ground, the ring will crumble with grains, let one press down with his foot; the sorcerer became a rooster, pecked the grains, the princess released the last one from under her foot, it became a hawk, he pecked a rooster, became a young man; wedding]: Razumova, Senkina 1987:216-222; Russians (Arkhangelskaya) []: Efimenko 1874, No. 4:228-230; Russians (Vologda, Vologda Oblast) [the father took his son to study: if only he would take an unclean spirit! an old man comes up: I take it for three years; when the father returns, let him recognize his son among 12 pigeons; son: I'll put out the right wing; the same: pigeons ("I'll fly along artily"); the same - well done (I'll drop my handkerchief); son at home advises to squeeze it in the form of a horse, but without a bridle; but the second time that old man snatched the bridle from the old man's hands and rode away; the sorcerer's sister untied the horse, brought him water; the horse became a ruff, the sorcerer chased pike; the ruff sailed to the Turkish state; the maid came for water, he was in the bucket with a golden ring, the maid gave it to the princess; at night the ring turns into a good job; the sorcerer came, demands a ring, otherwise the whole kingdom will burn; well done, tells you to throw the ring, crumble with wheat, the dove will bite, you need to hide a few grains under your foot; the dove flew away, deciding that he was done well, and well done married that princess became tsar]: Burtsev 1895, No. 13:86-92; Russians (Vologda): Gura 1965, No. 23 [the man gave his son to study in the forest; he has three daughters; he tells each to heat the stove, throws it into it boy; after two times he replies that he knows nothing, after the third he knows more than Lesovoy; Lesovoy told the man to come for his son; he warned: 12 guys will be taken out, everyone will get handkerchiefs from his left pockets, and he from his right pocket; the father got a son; on the way home he asks what the crow is screaming about; son: I will wash my feet and you will drink this water; the father is angry; the son tells me to sell him as a stallion, but without a bridle; the second time his father sold him with a bridle, the forest began to drive him; when he went to eat, the stallion asked the princess to pour a bucket of water on him; became a ruff and swam away; the forest chased the pike; the ruff became ring, jumped into the princess's bucket; she wears the ring on her hand during the day, and sleeps with a good man at night; Lesovoy told the king about it; the guy taught the princess to throw the ring on the floor, it fell into five parts, one under the princess's foot, the forest turned into a rooster, pecked four parts, but did not find the fifth; the guy married the princess; the father came, did not recognize his son, drank water in the hallway at night; son: I washed my feet with this water; opened father, took him to live]: 236-237; Smirnov 1917, No. 24 (1880s) [the father takes his son to study; the old man tells him to come for the guy in three years and get to know him; a pigeon arrives, becomes a son: it will be 40 a young man, a scarlet ribbon will come down from his sleeve; the old man gave his son to his father; he tells him to be sold in the form of a horse, but without a bridle; the police order to sell in bridle; on the way, the old man whips the horse with a whip, gives him instead eating a pot of hot coals; the sister freed the horse, brought her to the ice-hole for a drink, the horse left with a ruff, the sorcerer followed the pike; Princess Anastasia scooped up water, the ruff became a ring, ended up in a ladle; at night turns into a guy; the sorcerer made A. sick, asked the king for his daughter's ring for treatment; A. threw the ring en floor, it became grains, the rooster began to bite, A. stepped on one, the grain jumped out as a guy, he stabbed a rooster; the tsar gave him his daughter and throne]: 143-147; Russians (Novgorod, Cherepovets, etc.) [the grandfather gave his son to the forest to science; he consistently tells three daughters to throw the guy into the oven; after the third time he knows more than the forest himself; teaches his father to recognize him among 12 snotty guys - he has there will be a handkerchief not in the left pocket, but in the right pocket; having received his son, the father asks what the crow is screaming about; son: that I will wash my feet and you will drink this water; tells me to sell him as a stallion, but without a bridle; the second time I bought a forest with a bridle; when he tied it and went to eat, the horse asked the princess to pour water on it, swam away with a ruff; the forest chases pike; the ruff is chasing a ring in a bucket to the princess; she walks with a ring during the day, and at night sleeps well done; the guy tells me to throw the ring on the ground, it crumbled in grains, the grandfather {must be: the sorcerer} became a rooster, the princess hid one grain under her leg; married the guy; not recognizing her son, the father came; went out into the canopy at night, drank water, my son washed his feet with this water]: Smirnov 1917, No. 72:285-287; Russians: Karnaukhova 1948 [the old man took his son to school, sighs on the way; Oh appears with a tall pine tree, takes his son to study, tells him to come in a year; a year later a fly flies in, turns into a son, teaches him to recognize him among 12 roosters, males, stallions (he stamps his foot, moves his ear, waves his tail); the old man gets a son; he will become a dove, tells him to sell, but without a cage; a dog without a leash; a horse without a bridle; the father sold with a bridle; Oh began to beat the stallion, he fell off, Oh chases the wolf; the ruff and the pike; the ruff became with a ring, on the finger of a merchant's daughter; the pike became a young merchant, asks to return the ring; the ring to the floor with barley; Oh, the rooster, I didn't notice one grain, it became a hawk, he beat the rooster]: 195-200; 2009, No. 44 (Arkhangelskaya: Pinega) [the old man took his son to school, sighs on the way; Oh appears, takes his son to study, tells him to come in three years; three years later a mosquito flies in, turns into a son, says that the owner has 11 more workers, whom his parents did not identify; among the 12 pigeons he will fly higher; among the horses he will stomp his right foot; among the fellows, a fly will sit on his right cheek; the old man gets a son; he will become dove, tells me to sell, but without a cage; a dog without a leash; a horse without a bridle; the father sold with a bridle; Oh began to beat the stallion, he fell off, Oh chases the wolf; the ruff and the pike; the ruff became a ring, on the princess's finger; the pike became a rich merchant, asks to return the ring; the ring on the floor with barley; Oh, a rooster, I didn't notice one grain, it became a hawk, he beat the rooster]: 128-132; Russians (Moscow) [father took his son to study; sat on a stump, sighed, Oh! old man: what do you need? takes to study with the condition of identifying his son in three years; three years later the dove knocks on the window; becomes a son; there will be 30 horses, he will beat him with a hoof; the man took his son; he orders him to be sold as a horse, but without a bridle; the third time the father gave it with a bridle, and bought Oh; the maid let go of the horse, he became a dove; Oh chases a kite; fish and pike; the fish became a ring, the royal daughter washed and picked it up; at her house the young man took his form: Oh, ask your father for me, throw the ring on the ground; it crumbled into millet, Oh became a rooster, it bites; one grain under the princess's heel became a fox, bitten to death a rooster; wedding]: Vedernikova, Samodelova 1998, No. 31:79-81; Ukrainians (Poltava, Gadyachsky U., c. 1878) [The poor have a lazy son (they will eat, they will not let them eat, they will not let them do, lie on the stove "without pants"). His mother offers to send him to work so that he can learn something, they give him to a tailor - he returns in 3 days, gives him to a Swedish man, and runs away to a blacksmith. Father wants to send him to another realm, believing he won't run away from there. The path lies through the forest, the father sighs down to rest on a stump - a wrinkled grandfather with a green beard knee-deep comes out, introduces himself as King of the Forest Och, asks why his father called him, said" Oh," when I sat down. Oh, he asks him to study for a year on the condition that he stays in service for another year if his father can't recognize him. Oh takes the guy to the next world, to a hut where everything is green, including Okha's wife and children. Oh sends the guy to cut wood, he falls asleep, Oh ties him up and puts him on firewood, sets him on fire, the guy burns. Oh splashes live water, the guy comes to life and becomes handsome. A year later, Och's father comes to pick up his son, Oh scatters the measure of millet, the same roosters run, the father can't find his son, he stays for another year. A year later, Oh shows the sheep "one by one", but his father doesn't know again. In his third year on the way, he meets an old white man (clothes, white beard), tells his story, who suggests that his son can be distinguished among pigeons - everyone will eat millet, and he will be the only one who will sit down under a pear - with the help of a hint, the father recognizes his son and takes him home. Having turned from a bird to a person, the guy becomes even more beautiful. The father grieves that they are poor, the son turns into a greyhound, catches a fox, predicts that the pan will want to buy it for 300 rubles, but forbids his father to sell the chain. A dog is bought without for a hundred rubles, it turns into a human being and returns to its father. The guy turns into a falcon, his father sells it to gentlemen without a hat for 300 rubles. At the fair, the guy turns into a horse, his father forgets about the ban and sells Okha, who turned into a gypsy, halfway. He leads the horse into the steppe, leads to the hut, the horse becomes a perch, swims away, Oh becomes a pike. The perch swims to the shore, turns into a pomegranate ring, and is pulled out of the water by the princess. Oh turns into a merchant, asks the king to return the lost ring, the girl does not want to give it back, throws it "neither to you nor me", the ring hits the floor, crumbles with millet, the merchant wraps it in a rooster, pecks all grains except for the princess who has rolled under her leg. Millet turns into a guy, the princess falls in love with him, persuades her father and marries him]: Rudchenko 1870, No. 29:107-114; Eastern Ukrainians: Chubinsky 1878 (Poltava, Pereyaslavsky District), No. 102 [the man decided to give his son to someone; on the way they saw a grave above the road; they went to rest; the man sat down and sighed: "Oh!" ; an evil spirit jumped out of the grave, asked why she was called; the old man replied that he did not call; the evil spirit said her name was Ohom; Oh asked where they were going, and when he found out, he said he wanted to hire a boy for a year; a year later, the man came for his son, called Och; he said he would give all the money, but if the old man did not recognize his son, the boy would stay for another year; brought the old man to the grave, there were three roosters; the old man did not recognized a son among them; a year later he came again; Oh said the same thing as the first time; they look - three drakes were walking; the old man did not identify his son this time; took the money, went home; a year later he began to gather go again; the son knew what time he would come; ran to meet him in a whirlwind; the father said that Oh warned: if he did not recognize his son a third time, he would take him away forever; the son said that Oh would make them pigeons; whoever has a right wing bulging is the son; the father came to the grave, called Okha, identified his son; Oh gave his son and the money; the father asked his son if he had learned anything; the son replied that even Okha will hold it; said he would become a horse during the fair, and told his father to sell it to the one with the most money (that would be Oh); warned him not to give the bridle; the fair began, the son turned into a stallion "sribna wool, gold wool, and if you look at his hair"; his father brought him to other horses; came Oh, paid the most; the father gave the horse, but without a bridle; went to wash, Oh stole the bridle; the horse galloped fast to throw Och off; decided to run to the church; ran past two crosses - Oh held on; at the third church the horse stopped at the cross; Oh sensed frankincense, ran away; the horse turned back into a man, returned to his father; "here is the song and live"], 103 [the woman told his grandfather to take her son to school; the grandfather took him, climbed a big mountain and said: "Oh!" ; pan came out, asked why his grandfather called him; when he found out that he was taking his son to school, Oh offered to give his son to him; promised to learn, asked for a pile of spoons in a year; the grandfather did it, came to Och; he brought three hawks and let them eat; told the grandfather to recognize his son; he did not know; Oh said to make a pile of plates; the grandfather did, brought it; Oh took out three roosters, poured them to eat; told them to recognize the son, the grandfather could not; Oh said to do it again spoons; the grandfather brought him, Oh brought him to the stable, ordered him to recognize his son among the three horses; the grandfather said he would not know; Oh told him to make spoons; the grandfathers son cut firewood and told the Naimichka to give it to his grandfather: when he would come , the son will stand on his right side and stomp his foot; the grandfather came, the namichka told me how to recognize his son; Oh called the grandfather to the stable, he identified and took his son; went home; began to think about how to make money; son turned into a hawk, said to sell himself for a hundred carbonavtsy; his grandfather sold him to his lord; the hawk brought him quails; one by one he flew to the yar and turned into a hare there; he ran to his father, took the form of a man; we found out about the fair, the son said that he would become such a horse that "one wool is short, and the other is gold"; told his father not to sell it until five bags were filled with gold, and forbade giving the bridle; Oh came, paid in gold, snatched out the bridle; tied the horse tightly to the stable; his grandfather's son's comrades were there; he asked them to loosen the rope, as a result he ran away; Oh rushed in pursuit, turning into a wolf; by the sea the horse turned into a perch and the wolf into a pike; they saw the royal daughter and the maid; the son turned into a ring, Oh into an old man; the princess said that she would give up the ring after seven years of service, Oh agreed; at night the young man He lay with the princess, and during the day he was a ring; said that when it was necessary to give it back, let it be sown with poppy seeds; one top would roll, the princess should step on her; they did so; the grandfather turned into a rooster, poppy began to bite; the top under his foot became a hawk; he killed the rooster; the young man and the princess got married; "live and chew, but they don't let us"]: 368-375; northern Ukrainians (Volyn, Novograd-Volynsky y.) [the grandfather had no children; the woman asked God for a child; he gave them a boy; in a few years he grew up big; the woman told his grandfather that there was a lot of money, but the son could not do anything; the grandfather sent the boy for horses, he He did not find them; his grandfather took him to town, sat on the deck on the way and said: "Oh, moss"; a warlock jumped up and asked him what his grandfather wanted; he replied that he wanted to teach his son a craft; the warlock said that he would learn; a year later, the grandfather brought money; the warlock played the horn, two rams came running; the warlock asked if the grandfather recognized his son; the grandfather replied that he gave the man and he was shown cattle; warlock ordered to bring another hundred rubles a year later; when the grandfather returned, he played trumpet; two stallions with silver manes came running; the grandfather did not recognize his son again; returned a year later; on the way he walked through the city, there met a girl; she asked where he was going; said that his son's grandfather would not help him out and that she would teach him, but the owner would bake her in the oven; the grandfather replied that if she told me, he would go to the oven himself; the girl warned that the owner would put millet on the table and a pigeon that would not bite would be his son; the grandfather came to the warlock, who poured millet, clicked pigeons; the grandfather pointed to his son, the son became a man; the warlock let him go; at home, his son made a mill that had milled so much flour day and night that there was nowhere to go; the woman sent his grandfather to ask if her son wanted to marry; he replied that until he earned money; said that there would be a fair and he would become a silver ram; ordered to bring a lime branch; made a gold cord out of it; said sell it (i.e. a ram with a cord) for three hundred rubles; the grandfather sold to the lord; the ram turned into a pigeon, returned home; said that tomorrow there would be a fair again; ordered to bring a fake branch, made a bridle; said that he would become a stallion with a golden mane and tail; forbade selling the bridle, otherwise they would buy it forever; a warlock came up, bought a horse, stole a bridle; at home he tied it to a cast-iron gutter; a girl was walking to help his grandfather; the horse asked him to untie; turned into a dove, flew away; the owner took the form of a starling, flew after him; the dove fell into the water, became a roach; the starling turned into a pike; the young man jumped ashore, became a ring; the royal girls washed there; one put a ring on her finger; the young man said, When the king orders to give it back, he would become a pea, let it step on one pea; they did so; the owner became a rooster, began to peck peas; from a pea under a kite appeared with his foot, killed a rooster]: Chubinsky 1878, No. 104:375-379; Ukrainians (the place of recording is not specified; M. Wozniak, book 3) [parents died, Grytsko went on a journey; reached the thirtieth kingdom; the viper is in the hole, asks to pull it out, G. threw it away at the end of the whip, she turned into a beauty; asks if to be her sister or wife; G.: sister; she cut their fingers so that everyone could taste the other's blood; she shows her countless herds and endless lands; suggests removing the poker from her garden; the first twice G. cannot raise a poker; the third time he has so much strength that he raises and throws it away; the Snake suggests choosing a horse; G. puts his hand on the backs of the horses, each falls; only the horse, stuck in the swamp, withstood; The snake gives a shirt, tells me not to take it off, it has strength, and not to trust his wife if she marries; G. reached the city, there is mourning, the princess is given to the cannibal; G. killed the cannibal, the princess married G.; took the young as a lover popovich, whom G. adopted after the death of the priest; convinced G. to take off his shirt to wash; Popovich put it on, hacked G.; became king; parts of the body were put in a bag, tied to a horse and let him into the field; horse came to the Snake, she revived G. with dead and living water; he has no former strength, but he is capable of metamorphoses; under the guise of a merchant, he stayed with the elderly; she threw out the foal from them; the old men sold it to the new king for a lot of money; he tells the maid Deer that in fact, it is not a foal, but a former king, deceived; when he is killed, let his handkerchief soak in blood, bury it, and grow an apple tree; they will cut an apple tree, let her hide a sliver and throw it into the river; the cheating wife realizes that this is not a foal, but her first husband; tells me to kill; O. does everything as taught; the sliver has turned into extraordinary a bird; the new king undressed and climbed into the water for it; the bird flew ashore, turned to G., he hacked the impostor; cut off his wife's head, burned it, scattered the ashes; wedding with O.]: Pankeev 1992:316-330.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Stavropol Turkmens [(zap. A.N. Gren, from materials by L.G. Lopatinsky); The Mouse and the Rat are fighting over prey; the Eagle tries to reconcile them, they gnaw on it; the hunter shoots the wounded Eagle three times, both times a misfire; agrees to bandage his wing; the Eagle carries him to his wives; throws him off and catches him three times to make him feel how afraid the Eagle was; sends a man to each wife as a fortuneteller; the first two are dissatisfied with what they are promised the return of her husband, the third is happy; the Eagle throws the first off the cliff; the Eagle gives a box, does not tell you to open it along the way; the man opens, the herds run away, he says, Ah; The old man appears from under land, returns the herds to the box for promising to give his son Azerbaijan; Aha's son tells B. not to admit that he has mastered science, A. lets B. go to his father; B. knows how to turn into animals, tells his father to sell him like a horse, but without a bridle; A. buys with a bridle, wants to kill, son A. tells him to run; B. turns into a hare, A. into a greyhound; the lark is a kite, the father is a chicken, the fox grabs the chicken; A. gives B. property, leaves to another country]: Bagriy 1920 (2): 77-84; Abazins: Kapiyeva 1991 [veal shepherd asks his father to marry him the Shah's daughter; the shah promises to think if the shepherd is skillful; son and father go, get tired, father sighs, Wow appears from the mound, takes the young man into teaching; daughter W. tells the young man to say that he does not understand science, otherwise his father will kill him; in a year Wow returns the young man, he turns into different horses suits, the father sells them, the young man is at home every time; tells him not to sell bridles; the father was greedy, sold them, Wow brought him home, the young man flew away with a dove, Wow chased a gyrfalcon, flew to the Shah; in the series The young man won reincarnations, killed Ukh; took the Shah's daughter and daughter Ear]: 35-40; Tugov 1985, No. 37 [the old men drove away the silly son; the one-eyed giant brought him to his cave; four are already sitting there; the cyclops feeds them with nuts, roasts them on a spit, eats; the young man gouged out the cyclops who fell asleep with a spit, he began to rush, pushed back the rock, the young man ran away; chased the lame fox, fell into the lower world; there are two the kidnapped girls explain that the fox is Jiba-Ju; he will teach wisdom, we must answer that he "did not understand", because he eats those who learned; DD swallowed the girls, but did not eat a fool, returned them to the ground; the young man became a sparrow and then a stallion in his father's stable; tells his father not to sell it halfway; he once sold it, the buyer was DD; DD went to sharpen his teeth for a sharpener, at which time the young man became human, grabbed DD's whip and returned to the ground on his horse; flies like a sparrow, DD is an eagle, the young man hides in his father's hat with a fly, DD has become a spider, the young man is millet, DD is a chicken with chickens, one seed is not I noticed that he flew like an eagle; the young man became a man, shot an eagle, it fell into a well, the young man fell asleep]: 93-100; Abkhazians (Western 1934) [the father leads the bad son to teach the craft; by the sea he says, Hite (an expression of annoyance - the son stumbled); Hite comes out of the sea, inviting his father to come for his son in a year; a year later, at the bottom of the sea, H. He orders to identify his son among many; the son warned that a fly would sit on his cheek; at home, the son tells him to sell him in the form of a horse, cow, buffalo, not to sell the halter; he sells; buffalo asks H. to give him get drunk, rushes into the sea, swims away with fish; H. is a cormorant; a dove is a hawk; an apple on the princely's daughter's lap is a knife; millet is a chicken; the last grain in the needle, H. is a thread; goes into the needle, but she rushes into the needle fire, thread burns; young man marries princess]: Khashba, Kukba 1935:114-119 (=Shakryl 1975, No. 39:204-208, =Bgazhba 2002:182-186); Ossetians [the old man leads his son to study; sighs, crouching on the mound; from The mound comes out Oh oh; takes his son for a year; a year later he invites the old man to recognize his son among two identical boys (the son warned that he would scratch his ear); the son orders to sell him as a ram; comes back; in the form of a trotter; the father is tempted for money, sells with a bridle; Oh, oh, torments the horse with work, he runs away; Oh oh, the hound, the horse, the fox, then the dove, the stalker, the eagle; the dove is an apple, Oh -oh - boy, needle - thread, thread into the fire - the needle burned; the young man returns to his parents]: Britaev, Kazbekov 1953:41-44 (=Britaev, Kaloev 1959:219-222); Terek Cossacks (v. Borozdinskaya) [the old man leads his son to send him to study; the sorcerer suggests: "Give me your son, I will teach him; give him away for three years and come here every year: if you know your son, it will be yours, and If you don't know, it will be mine"; the old man agrees; the sorcerer tells the boy to see his father off; the boy warns: "When you come to recognize me in a year, we will be pigeons: we will be twelve pigeons, and I I'll pinch my comrade"; the father returns, identifies his son among 12 pigeons; the sorcerer tells him to come again in a year; the son tells his father: "When you come, we will all sit on the lake in the cliffs: I will wake up - you will recognize me"; the father identifies his son among 12 ducks; he says: "When you come in a year, we will stand as suited stallions; I will lie down a friend, and you will recognize me"; the father identifies his son among 12 stallions, takes him home; the son says he will turn into a stallion and orders him to sell himself without giving a halter; the old man follows his instructions, receives money from the merchant; the son turns into a sparrow and returns to his father; he sells it again; the son returns home, turning into a dove; becomes a stallion; the old man sells it to the sorcerer, forgets to remove the halter; the sorcerer rides the stallion home, hangs him upside down from the matitsa in the stable; the sorcerer's wife unties the stallion; he turns into a pigeon and flies away; the sorcerer goes to look; the dove falls at the well and becomes a ring; the girl carries him to his home; he warns: "When a rooster comes to the yard, take me off, hit the ground - I will crumble with millet, and you step on one seed"; the girl does; the rooster bites the grain; from under the girl's foot A hawk flies out, kills a rooster; turns into a man, marries a girl]: Butova 1889, No. 2:125-128; Ingush [the princess promises to marry only a guy who knows how to do what others cannot do; the father leads his son to study, sitting on a stump, groans, Uffay appears; tells him to send his son to study for a year; daughter W. advises him to answer that he has not learned anything, otherwise W. will kill; a year later the father took his son; he orders sell it when he becomes a horse, but not sell the bridles; the first time the son was sold, returned; the second time W. bought him with a bridle; the daughter let him go; the young man flew like a dove, the father behind him was a hawk; the dove sat on the girl's lap; the hawk fought so much that the girl gave him the dove, but it became an apple; the hawk became poor, asked for an apple; the apple crumbled into millet, the beggar became chicken with chickens; the grain became a rat and bit them to death, then the young man took on a human form; the princess married him]: Tankieva 2003:360-362; Avars [the poor man's son asks his father to marry the khan's daughter; the khan agrees if the son-in-law smarter than others; son and father stop at the mound, the father says, uh, Uh, Uh, Uh jumps out of the mound, offers to give him his son to science for a year; daughter W. tells him every time that he did not understand science; W. lets the young man go, he turns into animals, tells his father not to sell himself in bridle; W. buys with a bridle, his daughter lets go; the young man flies away as a dove, W. pursues gyrfalcon; apple - old man, millet - chickens, cat kills chickens; all this in front of the khan; the young man marries the daughters of Khan and Ufa]: Mazaev, Kasumov 1997 (1): 118-122 (=Saidov, Dalgat 1965:281-286); Tabasarans [poor the young man asks his mother to marry the princess; the king demands that he learn a non-existent skill, otherwise he executes him; the young man goes on a journey, sighs "Akhchi" at the spring, Azhdaha drags him into his world; there the kidnapped girl teaches him how to transform; he flies away in the form of a Simir Gush bird, Azhdaha is chasing an eagle, the young man turns into a horse, Azhdaha shouts that the horse has run away, the horse tells the poor man to sell it, himself returns to the owner as a bird; tells him to sell it in the form of a buffalo; Azhdaha came, began to demand keys, the key became Simir-gush again, Azhdaha an eagle, the young man fell on the padishah's knees with flowers, Azhdaha became a vagabond, begged for flowers, grain for flowers, a tramp for a chicken with chickens, the last grain for a fox, she ate chicken and chickens, became a young man; the padishah had to give him his daughter, the young man magically built palace, brought Azhdakhi prisoners]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 55:499-502; Aguly: Maysak 2014, No. Sh2 [One mullah taught students well, but killed those who were superior to him in knowledge. A boy from a poor family went to his apprentice and studied well, but the mullah's daughter, who fell in love with him, warned him not to show his knowledge. Mullah kicked the young man out, who returned home, turned into a horse and asked his mother to sell the horse at the market. The mullah bought the horse when he recognized
it as a young man. Turning into various animals, the mullah tried to kill the young man, but he managed to defeat the mullah]: 473; Shahumyan 1941 [the young man went to study with a mullah; the mullah's daughter fell in love with him; said that the mullah kills those students who had surpassed him in knowledge; the young man surpassed him but pretended not to read; the mullah kicked the young man out; he returned home and told his mother that he would turn into a horse that he would be able to sell it at the bazaar; ordered not to give the bridle; the mother took the horse to the market, where the mullah bought it; when he came home, he tied a horse and went up to the house; the horse turned into a young man, he went home; the mullah went in pursuit; the young man turned into a partridge; the mullah turned into an eagle and chased the partridge; the partridge went down to the Khan's house, and the eagle went down to the same place; when the eagle descended, the partridge turned into pomegranate fruit fell on the Khan's table and crumbled into millet; the mullah turned into a chicken with chickens, they pecked all the millet; only one grain was left under the leg of the table; this grain turned into a jackal, he ate chicken with chickens; then the young man went home]: 119-120; Megrelia: Mingrelian Tales 1890:No. 2 [the old man put his little son on his shoulders and carried him to study; crossing the river, he staggered and exclaimed, "atu!" ("ah!") ; A man appeared on the shore: I'm Atu, what do you want? promised to learn his son, in a year his father should recognize him; a year later the old man went for his son; old woman: when you enter the house, your son will sit by the hearth; by the hearth, a mustachioed man; the old man pointed to him, Atu I had to return my son; on the way back, the son ordered him to be sold as a boat (horse); bought him Ata, spurred him and galloped; the horse became a rooster, Atu a hawk, a rooster a fish, a hawk a fishing rod, a fish a needle, the fishing rod with a thread; the needle went through the fire and the thread burned; the boy returned to his father]: 322-324; Teptsov 1894, No. 10 [the old woman ate an apple, gave birth to a lazy son; the old man took him to study, crossing the river, fell, said, "Oh!" , an old man jumped out of the water, asked what his name was; a year later the father returned; must recognize his son among 500 boys (son: I will have a stick in my hands); when I return home, the son tells me to sell him in the form of a bull , but not a red-bearded ass without front teeth; then into boats {some pet}; into a horse; father sells a red-bearded toothless ass; he brought the horse to him; the horse to the mouse, the sorcerer to the cat, the mouse in a swallow, a sorcerer into a falcon, a swallow in a needle, a falcon in a thread, a needle in the stove, the thread burned down; the boy returned to his father]: 23-26; Georgians [a peasant woman asks her husband to send her son to study; the husband goes looking for a master to teach his son; drinks water, says Ahkahar ("Oh, how good"); a devil with this name jumps out of the water, takes his son for a year to study; a year later, the son warns his father that the hell will turn his disciples into pigeons, he will fly first, then last; the young man has to return the line; along the way he shows his father how he can turn into a golden egg, chicken, rooster; a peasant sells his son in the form of a hound, a falcon, a horse; he warns not to sell a bridle; the devil buys a horse with a bridle, locks him in a stable; the young man slips out with a mouse, the devil is chasing a cat; a fish - a man with a net, a pheasant is a kite, an apple in the king's basket is a knife, grains are a chicken, a needle is a thread, a needle jumps into the fire, the devil burns]: Chikovani 1954:141-144 (=Dirr 1920, No. 4:13-17); Armenians : Ganalanyan 1965:80-83 [a peasant leads his son to study, drinks from a stream, says Ojay; O.'s water spirit takes the boy to study; after a while, at the request of the peasant, gives him a tablecloth- magic; Melik's wife replaces her; O. gives pumpkin, cavalry jumps out of it, went to melik, he returned the tablecloth, the peasant hid the cavalry back in the pumpkin; O.'s daughter tells the young man to answer that he has not yet He has learned, otherwise the father will cut off the head like other students; the young man knows how to turn into animals, tells him to be sold like a horse without a bridle; O. buys with a bridle, his daughter lets the young man go, he flies away as a dove, O. chases a hawk; a dove fell like a rose among the feasts, the hawk became an ashug, crushed a rose; millet, a chicken, a fox; the young man began to feast with everyone], (cf. 84-86 [the mother forgot to buy a dress for her youngest daughter, says Oh; the old man from the spring tells me to bring his daughter, he will give her a dress; the daughter marries an old man's son; visits her mother, her husband flies to her at night with a partridge; the sisters placed razors, the husband is injured, decided that his wife was to blame; E., in the form of an eagle, grabbed and left his daughter-in-law in the desert; she hears the dervishes talking, finds out the cure for a razor wound; comes to the spring, heals her husband, opens to him, they again live together]); Azerbaijanis: Bagriy, Zeynally 1935 [Kaffar, a peasant son, fell in love with the princess; the king promised to give his daughter if K. learned an extraordinary craft; father and K. went to wander; after drinking from the spring, the father said, Ohek; the red-bearded man jumped out: why was his name? promised to teach K. an extraordinary art in two weeks; at the bottom of the spring, the girl teaches not to say that she has learned anything, otherwise the cannibal will eat; cut off a piece from his dress and sew it to yours, you will find the ability to transform; Ohek let K. go, who turned into a horse; when he became human again, he told his father to sell him as a camel, but not to a red-bearded man, and if to him, without a bridle; but the father sold it to him and with a bridle; the girl took it off, K. flew away as a swallow, which became a bouquet of roses, fell at the princess's feet; the dervish tells me to give the rose; the princess threw him a rose, it became millet seeds, the dervish - chicken with chickens; one grain became a fox, she ate chicken and chickens, became a young man; the tsar gave his daughter for K.]: 249-255; Nabiev 1988 [the poor man leads his son Ahmed to study; drinks from the spring, says, Okhay, what kind of water; O. takes his son to study, tells him to come for him in a hundred days; takes him to a spring; A. sees a wall of skulls; one skull tells her daughter O. to ask for help; O. forbids him to look into the fortieth room; in her daughter O. ; she tells A. to pretend that he has not learned everything; O. swears but lets A. go; he turns into a horse, tells his father to sell himself, but without a bridle; once sold to an old man with a bridle, A. disappeared; daughter Oh . teaches A. to wave his head to make the bridle fall; A. runs deer, O. behind as a hunter; the fish is a fisherman; the apple hides in the chest; the bird is a kite, the grain is a chicken, the jackal strangled the chicken; daughter O. agrees to go out for him, if he solves the mystery of white diva apples; he goes on a journey, she tests him; 1) tries to seduce him in the guise of a peri; 2) threatens in the guise of a hero, A. is not afraid; 3) becomes an old woman, her the lower lip sweeps the ground, the upper lip rests against the sky; asks which apple is one-, two-, three-year-old; A. puts them in the water, the annual one sinks, the three-year-old floats up, the two-year-old in the middle; the old woman turns into O.'s daughter; they spell the people killed O., marry Father A. (=Seyidov 1983:21-33)]: 23-33; Kurds [the firewood collector asks the mother to marry the padishah's daughter; he tells her to come when her son learns from the wizard; the wizard's daughter replaces the knives at the bottom of the pit with pillows , when a young man steps on the carpet and falls into a hole, she teaches him wisdom; when he returns home, the son knows how to turn into animals, tells his mother to sell him without a bridle; he becomes a horse, a camel, a mule; the magician bargained a mule with a bridle from her; the wizard's daughter hides a knife, an ax, throws a bridle on the roof, she flies away with a dove, the magician after the kite; the dove in the roses at the padishah's feet, the magician in dervish, begged for roses; roses are millet, dervish is a hen with chickens, the last seed is a fox, ate chickens and a hen, became a young man; from him, the padishah and the vizier learned magic, became gazelles, the vizier returned, slept with the padishah's six wives, the seventh did not work; the real padishah turned into a partridge, caught, the vizier gave it to his wife; the partridge husband persuaded her to ask the vizier to become a chicken, the padishah became fox, ate chicken; the young man married the daughter of a padishah and the daughter of a wizard]: Rudenko 1970, No. 60:223-228.
Iran - Central Asia. Turkmens [padishah will give his daughter to someone who learns tricks from a deva; bai brought his son to a deva; he put the young man in a chest for 40 days - if he survives, I will return it; the deva's daughter unlocked the chest every day and fed the young man (and apparently taught him tricks); on the last day she gives only a bunch of grapes: when the dev asks what he ate, we must answer that a brush like this fell from the sky every day; dev returned son; on the way he turned into a ram, a horse, a camel; told his father to sell him as animals, but not to give him the ropes; when the father sold his son in the form of a camel, a dev bought him, the father forgot pick up the rope; Dev told his daughter to hold the camel while he went to get the knife, she let him go; the young man turned into a bird, flew to the padishah, who promised to give his daughter to someone who would learn the tricks of a deva; demanded a girl; but the padishah wants 40 more tales; in the end, the padishah shouts that this is a lie, the young man gets the girl]: Kekilov, Kosaev 1962:118-122; Persians: Osmanov 1958:75-84 [rural daughter the headman asks the bald shepherd to help her raise the jug; the shepherd kisses her; sends her mother to marry her; the elder demands that the groom first become rich; he meets the dervish and goes down with him into the spring; The dervish tells his daughter to teach him; she taught him, but told her father to pretend that he had not learned; the shepherd returns to his mother, tells him to be sold as a camel, but without a bridle; then as a mule; each comes back once; sells a ram with a collar, a dervish buys it, tells her daughter to bring a knife; she always brings the wrong thing, the dervish goes for the knife himself; the ram flies away as a dove, the dervish chases the hawk ; a dove is a bouquet of flowers on the hem of the merchant's daughter; he demands flowers, the girl throws a bouquet at him, it turns into millet; the chicken and the chickens are pecking, one seed is a fox, ate a chicken with chickens; becomes a young man; marries the elder's daughter], 152-160 [in Balkh, a lazy Bu-Ali asks his father to send him to travel; his father Abdullah takes him to study somewhere; they drink from a spring, father Says Oh! the beardless man jumps out of the hollow, asks if his name was credit, takes B. to study; the beardless's daughter advises B. to pretend that he does not understand anything, otherwise he will be put in a barrel of acid; gives his father's books to him; the beardless leaves B. in the desert; he returns home, tells him to sell him as a deer, a horse, but without a bridle; the beardless buys a horse with a bridle; the daughter helps B. escape, he flies away dove, then falls like a diamond into the crown of the padishah; the beardless flies like a falcon, in the form of a dervish begs for a diamond; the diamond turns into grains, beardless into a rooster, the grain into a jackal, kills a rooster; the padishah gives his daughter to B., marries his son to a beardless daughter], 240-248 [poor boy Boo Ali asks his father to let him go to look for work; he sits down at the spring to eat a cake, sighs, hey-wai! Hey-wai is as tall as an elbow, a seven-cubit beard comes out of the spring, takes him to study; E.'s daughter cuts B. into pieces, cooks it, pours cold water, turns him into handsome; so several times; after each B. replies that he has learned to turn into a horseshoe, a pigeon, etc.; the girl does not tell her father to admit that he knows more than becoming a pigeon and a horseshoe; the year then consisted of three days; Father B. will come on Sunday and must identify his son among the many pigeons; the girl explains that B. pigeon will fly to his feet; the rest of the pigeons are not identified by their fathers; the father takes the son; on the road, he turns into a hunting dog, tells him to sell himself off a leash, returns; turns into a horse; E. buys it with a bridle; borrows shahzadeh, telling him not to let the horse drink; the young wife reproaches Shahzade is cruel, the horse drinks, turns into a fish, swims away; E. chases a big fish, then a falcon after a pigeon, a dove flies to the padishah's daughter, talks about the chase, turns into a golden ring ; a mason asks for a ring for work; the ring turns into grains, E. into a rooster, one grain into a young man with a sword killing a rooster; B. young man marries a padishah's daughter]; (cf. Borshchevsky 1967 (Isfahan) [the merchant went to buy gifts for his daughters, the youngest asks for a crown of pearls; remembering that he forgot the gift, the merchant says at the spring, Oh, Oh comes out of the water, gives a crown, tells him to give him his daughter in 40 days; takes the girl to the garden, where the young man picks fruits for her, she pulls a piece of cotton wool from under his arm, he falls with his head severed, the girl finds herself in the desert; climbing a tree, overhearing the conversation of sparrows, finds out that the tree heals crazy, bewitched, with their heads severed; replaces the box of the supposedly blind daughter of the ruler, makes her sighted, heals the ruler's mad son, the voracious son of a merchant, revives that decapitated young man, happy with him]: 57-64); Tajiks: Amonov 1972 [the bald grandson asks his grandmother to marry him the daughter of the padishah; he tells him to bring an incomparable flower; the young man goes to the city, in Cosim's underground house, bodies hang upside down; daughter K. teaches the young man to turn into animals; he tells his grandmother to sell him in the form of a bull, a horse, camel, reason not to give; K. bought a camel with a reason, ready to slaughter; daughter K. distracts his father's attention, the young man flies away with a dove, K. pursues a falcon; the young man is a rose in the padishah's garden, K. is a cow; gardener chases a cow, brings a rose to a padishah; K. is a calandar, begs for a rose, a young man for grains, K. is a hen with chickens, the last grain is a fox, grabbed a chicken; that rose was an incomparable flower, the young man gets padishah's daughter]: 137-141; Tajiks Sistana [the sorcerer cooks halva, putting his legs under the cauldron instead of firewood; the old man gives him his son to teach; the merchant hangs him in the well for 40 days; the young man he got out, the sorcerer's daughter feeds him; the sorcerer let the young man go; he tells his father to sell him in the form of a horse, a camel, but without a bridle; returns safely; when he became a ram, the sorcerer bought him with a bridle ; the sorcerer's daughter let go, he flies away like a dove, the sorcerer chases a kite; falls with a needle into the sand, the sorcerer sifts the sand through a sieve; flies away with a falcon, the sorcerer chases a hawk; the young man became a bouquet of flowers in his hands a king, a sorcerer in the guise of a dervish asks for flowers; the king is forced to throw a bouquet that turns into grains, the sorcerer into a chicken with chickens, one grain into a jackal, he gnawed everyone; received the king's daughter and daughter sorcerer]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1981, No. 6:76-81; Uzbeks [the Shah promises to give his daughter for the son of a farmer if he learns an extraordinary craft; a Kashmiri takes a young man to study, but only kills students starve; his daughter teaches the young man herself; at home she becomes a horse, orders herself to be sold, returns; when he became a camel, a Kashmiri bought it; his daughter let him go, he flew away as a dove; a Kashmiri is chasing golden eagle; frog - heron; quail - falcon; rose in Shah's garden - nightingale; Shah's daughter cut off a rose, offered it to her father; the musician began to play, asked for a rose; the rose became millet, the Kashmir became chicken; millet - with a cat, killed a chicken; the Shah passed the princess off as a young man]: Afzalov et al. 1972:12-14 (=1984:89-91); Bukhara Arabs [the emir promises to give his daughter for the son of bay if he learns the art of Nestar Jahon; he locked the young man to starve him, but his daughter fed him, taught him art; Bai took his son; he became a cow, taught him to sell himself, an excuse to leave him; when he became a camel, that man bought a camel with a bridle, led to slaughter; the daughter let go of the camel, the son of bay became a dove, that man became a hawk; a rose in the hands of the emir, the dervish asked her for himself; millet seven chickens; the last grain was again a man, tore off chicken heads; told the emir that Nestar Jahon had learned art; received the emir's daughter]: Vinnikov 1969, No. 16:103-104; Yazgulyam [the tsar put his son in school; the teacher hid one spell from the student, but the teacher's daughter fell in love with the young man and told him; when he returned to his father, the young man ordered him to be sold when he turned into a horse, but not sold to the teacher; the same to the bull; this time his father left him on rogaz a rope; the teacher bought a bull, began to beat him with sticks, went to get a knife; the teacher's daughter let the bull go, which flew away with a dove; the teacher chased the falcon; the dove became millet, the teacher became a chicken; two grains fell into a turban passing by a judge; the chicken cackles, the judge hit her with a turban, one seed rolled to one corner and the other to the other; the chicken rushed after one and the other became a cat, it tore off the chicken's head ; the cat became a young man again, he married the teacher's daughter, took his silver, returned to his father]: Edelman 1966, No. 14:209-210; the Wakhans [the sorcerer asks the lumberjack to send him his son for training; daughter the sorcerer tells the young man to answer that he has not learned anything; the sorcerer gives the lumberjack a magic tablecloth; he invites the king and the vizier to visit, they replace it; the sorcerer gives a pumpkin, an army in it, the king has to return the tablecloth; when he returns to his father, the son turns into a horse, a camel, tells him not to sell the bridle; the sorcerer buys a bridle, tells his daughter to bring a knife to slaughter the camel; she untied him, he ran away with a hare, the sorcerer is chasing in the form of a dog; the dove is a hawk; the dove turns into a flower, the king's daughter drops it, it turns into millet, the hawk turns into a chicken, bites, the last grain becomes a cat, she has killed a chicken; the young man married the sorcerer's daughter]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 39:349-353; Sarykoltsy [the magician Shadod hired an employee, but after the expiration of the term the father took his son; the son knows how to turn into animals, tells his father to sell it in the form of a ram, but not to sell ropes, a Kashgar buys a ram, his son returns; the same is a bull; the Kashgar complains to Sh.; Sh.: now he will become a horse, he must buy it with a bridle; the father sold, S. took possession of the horse; once sent a servant to drink the horse, he became a fish, swam away, S. became a crocodile; the dove was a falcon; the dove fell into the princess's hem with a flower; the king orders to return the flower to the traveler; she threw mutilations, he became millet, the traveler became a rooster, the last grain became a cat, a rooster was enough; S. promises to become a young man's apprentice himself, he takes the place of Sh.]: Pakhalina 1966:134-136; Baluchi: Zarubin 1930 [the prince asks his father to marry him his father's brother's daughter; she requires the young man to learn the art of a magician named Neki-Dar-jian; after a year of teaching, N. kills students; N.'s daughter secretly teaches a young man; he returns to his father; turns into a camel, tells him to sell it without a bridle; he sells it in exchange for 50 camels, which then turn into thickets; N. brings the camel home, wants slaughter; daughter N. hides the knife, asks her brother to remove the harness from the camel, which turns into fish, N. into an otter, the young man into a pigeon, flies to his uncle, his garden immediately bloomed, N. flew in as a falcon, became poor, asked to give the flower (the young man became a flower); the king threw a sesame flower, N. was a flock of chickens, the young man was a jackal, ate chickens, became human, married daughter N. and his uncle's daughter]: 677-679; 1932, No. 1 [son asks father to marry the king's daughter; the king agrees to give her if the young man brings the knowledge of a mullah; the father leaves the son to the mullah, but he does not teach him; the young man watches the mullah perform dhikr (magical rituals), land a man opens up, below; when the mullah leaves, the young man does the same; the mullah's daughter explains that the young man found the mullah's feast, took away his knowledge; advises him to leave when his father comes for him; along the way home, the young man turns into a hare, a gazelle; explains everything to his father; becomes a camel, orders himself to be sold, returns; the mullah becomes a falcon, flies to the young man; he turns into a melon, the mullah asks the gardener sell it, the melon flies away, the mullah becomes a falcon again, the young man becomes a flower, the gardener takes it to the king, the mullah asks him to give it, the flower crumbles with grain, the mullah becomes a chicken, one seed has rolled into the royal shoe, turned into a jackal, who killed the chicken; the king gives the young man a daughter]: 1-10.
Baltoscandia. Norwegians [father decides to make his son a master craftsmen; meets a man named Master Stormy Sky (GN; Farmer Weathersky), who undertakes to teach the young man, flies away with him; the father goes to searching; an old woman with a long nose pulls water from a well, summons animals who do not know the way to GN; she sends them to her second sister, so to the third; she calls birds; the eagle is called to deliver a person to the GN; an eagle pulls out a pen, a man sits on the Eagle where the feather was, the Eagle arrives when the GN is sleeping; teaches him to snatch three feathers from his head, take a hare, a stone, three chips with him, carries it back; followed by crows, the Eagle orders to throw feathers, they turn into crows, drive away crows; GN himself is chasing, the Eagle orders to throw chips (fence), stone (mountain); climbing the mountain, GN injured his leg, stopped chase; at home, the hare turns into a man's son; tells him to be sold as a horse, but without a bridle; the third time GN solders a man, he forgets to remove the bridle; GN goes to the tavern, hanging him under his face the horse has hot nails, and oats are under its tail; the girl frees the horse out of pity, which jumps into the pond, turns into a fish, followed by GN pike; the dove is a kite; the dove flies into the princess, tells everything; she tells him to become a ring on her finger; the GN makes the king fall ill; the GN heals him, demands the ring for payment; the princess says she has the ring from her mother, the king tells her to give it back anyway; she throws a ring in the ash; GN shovels ash with a rooster, a young man becomes a fox, turns a rooster's neck]: Dasent 1970:285-295; Danes: Clouston 1887 [in the Danish version, the troll's apprentice first turns into a dog, asks his father to sell him; turns his father into a hare, rushes after him, then turns his father and himself into people again; then into a hog, tells his father to throw a leash in his right ear, returns; into a bull (through the right horn); into the horse; the troll manages to take him away before his father puts the leash over his ear; keeps the horse without water and food; the horse asks the maid to loosen the leash, turns into a hare, runs away; the troll chases in the form of a dog; a dove is a hawk; a dove flies into a window, turns into a gold ring; a troll into a prince, asks the princess to show her rings; one falls into the hearth, the troll grabs him, drops him - grain; chicken is a hawk; after killing a troll, a young man brings his father the treasures of the victim]: 423-427; Holnek 1987 [version of the same]: 562; Seto [the old woman leads her son to study, a forge on the mountain, a blacksmith takes a boy, tells him to come for him in three years; when the old woman comes six months later, there is no forge; he comes three years later, the blacksmith orders him to identify his son three times among 12 chickens, 12 horses, 12 young men; each time the son warns what sign he will give (move his tail, etc.); the blacksmith has to let the young man go; he offers his mother to sell him in the form of a purebred dog, but unleashed; birds, but without cages; a horse, but without a bridle; the horse runs away, turns into a ring, the princess finds it in the spring; at night the ring turns into a young man who sleeps with the princess; a merchant (this is the blacksmith) comes, offers for the ring is a lot of money; the princess gives the ring, it falls under her leg; the merchant turns into a kite, the young man into a rooster, pecked the kite to death; marries the princess, inherits the throne]: Sandra 2004:154-159; Sami, Estonians, Finns, Karelians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 325:208; Lithuanians: Kerbelite 2014, No. 150 [father leads son to study, pan offers to give him three years; three years later For years, Mr.'s maid teaches how to recognize her son among 12 stallions (he will hit the ground with a hoof the longest), bulls (he will cry louder), pigeons (cook loudest, drag his wing along the ground); the father received a son; he orders to sell it in the form of a bull, but not sell the rope; in the form of a horse; the father was tempted by money, sold it with a bribe; the buyer brought the horse to the blacksmith; the horse asks the student to remove the bridle, became a hare, ran away; the sorcerer chases the hound; the hare becomes a rudd, the hound becomes a pike; the rudd became a ring, asking the laundress to wear it; the sorcerer tried to take it away, the laundress threw the ring to the ground turned into a poppy; the sorcerer became a rooster, one grain was left under the laundress's foot, became human], 151 [a rich man took his son to learn bird language; a year later, a laundress by the road teaches how to identify her son among 12 bulls (one will be sad), 12 horses (same), pigeons (same; on the way home, the father asks the son to say that the crow is screaming; son: that when the son washes his feet, the father will drink this water; the son tells sell it in the form of a bull, a horse; but without a bridle; the father sells a horse with a bridle; the sorcerer told the Jew to give the horse hot coals; she felt sorry for the horse, she took off the bridle; the young man runs away with a hare, then a dove, perch, the sorcerer chases him with a dog, a hawk, a pike; the perch jumped a ring on the royal finger; the ring tells him to throw him under his feet and step on the shard; the sorcerer became a chicken, the young man became a hawk, killed him; took Queen and became king; the father became impoverished, came to sleep poor; the king washed his feet with wine, put wine under the bed; the beggar drank at night; when he learned that the king was his son, the beggar fell to his knees]: 390-393, 393-397; Latvians [father is dissatisfied that his son does not know why the raven croaked; sends him to Voronov's school; a year later, the son arrives as a crow, explains that he will first be the third, then fifth among the students, then a fly will fly by his head; the father identifies his son among other crows, he turns into a man, they sail on a ship; the son refuses to say what the raven that has arrived croaks about, for the father will throw it away for this he is at sea; an angry father throws his son away; he swam to the shore with fish, settled with an old man; tells him to sell him in the form of a bird, not to sell the cage; as a bull without a rope; a horse; a sorcerer begs and bridles, takes him home, tells him to feed badly, but the groom releases the horse; the young man and the sorcerer swim across the sea with fish; the first fish became a ring, the younger princess picked it up, brought it home, young man became human; musicians (including a sorcerer) ask for a ring to play; a girl throws a ring, musicians peck at it with crows, the ring becomes a hawk, drives away the crows; married a princess]: Aris 1971:127-129.
Volga - Perm. Komi: Novikov 1938, No. 41 [at her husband's grave, the widow says, Oh, oh! Oh oh tells her to teach her son, come for him in three years; she cannot identify him among 12 pigeons, 12 geese in the next three years; one day at the church, a horse (this is her son) tells her that will be sixth on the right side; she takes her son away; sells him several times, he comes back; one day he forgets to remove the check, sells Oh oh; his fiancée takes off his horse's bridle, Oh oh and the young man turns into different animals, birds, kills the enemy], 42 [about the same, the old man gives his son to study Okhma (=Doronin 2004:76-84)]: 146-148, 149-153; Udmurts [the widow sighs, Oh oh! Oh asks why she called; offers to take her son to study; the widow comes to see her son, must find out among the nine wolves; she did not know; next time the son warned that he would be on the far left; returning to his mother, he tells me to sell himself in the guise of a horse without a bridle; returned; Oh managed to persuade him to sell in bridle; Oh went to the pub, tied the horse high; the old man untied it out of pity; the horse in the ruff, Oh in the pike; a woman caught a ruff, agrees to sell Okha; a ruff in poppy seeds, Oh in a rooster, a seed in a hawk, killed a rooster ooh]: Aldan 1936:45-47; Mordovians: Evseviev 1964, No. 35 []: 254-258; Samorodov 1972 [ Curious Yurtai's father replies that at least the hell would take him to study; Damn appears, tells him to come in three years, get to know Yu among other students; the old man does not recognize among dogs; the next year among kites; for the third time, Yu says he will be the third on the right among the stallions; the father sells Yu in the form of a dog; a hawk; the horse sells with a bridle; the devil's servants lead him to a watering hole, he swims away with perch; Damn - pike; turns Y. into a ring; many years later, the merchant's daughter finds him in the river; Damn comes to buy it; the girl drops, it breaks, the devil did not notice one shard; he turns into Yu, marries]: 306-311 ; Chuvash: Chuvash tales 1937:17-16 [the father sends three sons to spend the night in a new log house, asks them to tell us what they dreamed; the elder sees sheaves, among horses, the youngest, that the father drank water, with which he washed his feet; his father wants to drive him away, but then teaches him to a sorcerer; in a year he must identify his son among 10 soldiers (the son teaches: he will wave a handkerchief), 10 horses (he will hit a stone with his hoof), 10 fish ( splashes his tail); the magician returns his son; he orders him to be sold in the guise of a greyhound, but not to sell the collar; in the form of a falcon, keep one feather; both times the son returns; the horse, the father sells with halter; the magician buys him, the sorcerer's daughter leads him to water, the guy swims away as a fish, but the magician becomes a pike, catches up and returns him to the underground stable; the guy became a mouse, got out, flew away like an eagle, became a bracelet, the princess picked it up; the magician comes to buy it, the princess throws it on the floor, the bracelet turns into grains, the magician into a rooster, the grains into a hawk, he kills the rooster, becomes handsome; the king gave he has a daughter and a throne; the new king summoned his father, who did not recognize him, got up at night, drank the water with which the king washed his feet; the son opened to his father, everything is fine], 177-186 []; Eisin 1993 [father leads Yuman to study, Yu. He sits on a stump, Chadukh drags him to him; tells his father to come in a year; a year later, the father comes, C. takes him to his place, there is the same world as ours; the son warns that the father must recognize him among the 12 pigeons (he will touch the floor with his wing), 12 dogs (his left ear will bend), 12 beauties (there will be a ring on his middle finger); C. lets Yu go; he will turn into a trotter, tells his father to sell him without a bridle; a black horse; while his father was counting the money, C. took the horse by the bridle; C.'s servants felt sorry for the horse, loosened the fetters, the horse dived into the water with a pike, C. chased, becoming a catfish; Yu rolled a golden ring into the girl's bucket, says not give the ring to the old man, and throw it on the ground; crumbles with grain, the rooster pecks, one girl pressed her foot, Yu became a hawk, pecked C.; took his wealth, married a girl]: 49-53; Tatars [the father leads his son to study; the old man tells him to give it to him, to come in a year; a year later the father comes to the same place; a pigeon flew in, became a boy; teaches him to recognize him among many pigeons: he will walk, with his wing down; the mullah sorcerer gives the boy; at home he orders him to be sold in the guise of a stallion, not to sell the bridle; for the third time, the mullah buys with an Uzbek woman, locks him in a barn; his three daughters are asked for permission harness the stallion; take off the bridle, the horse jumped into the water, became a fish; the mullah chased in the guise of another fish; the young man turned into a ring, fell into the girl's bucket; tells her, when the old man comes, to throw the ring on floor; became wheat, the old man became a rooster, the girl hid one grain, it became a golden eagle, which killed a rooster; the young man married a girl, brought her home]: Zamaletdinov 2008b, No. 13:123-127.
Turkestan. Karakalpaks [to marry a rich man's daughter, a poor young man seeks someone to learn intelligence and cunning from; he is taken as an apprentice by a werewolf butcher; when he returns, the young man tells his father to sell him in the form of a ram, then a camel; a butcher buys a camel with a bridle, wants to slaughter; the butcher's daughters let the young man go; he runs away with a hare, the butcher chases the hound; then the sparrow is a hawk, the fish is a pike, the pearl in his father's hat The beloved young man is a singer, millet is a chicken, a fox eats a chicken; a young man marries]: Volkov, Mayorov 1959:56-58; Kazakhs [the eldest, then the middle son is hired as an employee for a rich man, he makes him lie down in the chest, the young man dies of hunger; the rich man tells the younger brother to eat meat from the tibia of a ram; the daughter of a rich man warns not to eat, tells him to kill a dog that runs up to the meat; the young man missed, the dog the man himself was rich; he locks the young man in a chest, his daughter secretly feeds him; when the father comes, the son calls him, returns home; tells his father to sell him in the form of a ram, a horse, a camel, not to sell him bridles; the father gives the camel to the rich man with the chain; the rich man's daughter lets him go; he runs away with a fox, the rich man chases the dog, then the duck the hawk, the lark the kestrel; the young man turns into a rag by the yurt , a rich man wants to grab her, he becomes a grain, a rich man becomes a rooster, a young man a cat, bitten to death a rooster; married a rich man's daughter]: Daurenbekov 1979:136-137; Kyrgyz [parents cannot place their son in workers; on the way out of town, the old man sits on a stone, sighs; Okyush asks why he called him, takes his son to study, asks him to come in a year; a year later O. asks to know his son among seven black cats; the old man cannot; in a year too, seven foxes; etc.; the seventh year is the last; daughter O. tells the old man that among the seven horses, the son will be the third on the right; the father returns the son, he tells sell himself at the bazaar; one day O., under the guise of a merchant, buys a horse with a bridle; his daughter releases it, O. chases him in the guise of a horse; the young man buys a leopard, O. a tiger; the young man turns into a ring, puts it on finger is the daughter of bai; O. in the guise of a horseman tells the girl's father that this is his ring; she takes off the ring, it turns into wheat, O. into a sparrow, a young man into a cat, kills a sparrow; frees the prisoners O. marries his daughter]: Brudny, Eshmambetov 1963:187-192 (=1981:41-44); Kyrgyz [parents decided to starve their son to raise; the old man led him, sat on a rock, sighed "Oh!" ; a white-bearded old man appeared, asked why his name was; said that his name was Okyush; took the boy and told him to come for him a year later; O.'s daughter began to teach the boy to surpass O.; when his father came, O. ordered to identify his son among 7 black cats; the old man did not try, returned the following year; 7 red foxes - the same; 6 years old; seventh year - last chance; son in the form of a black horse suggested that would be third from the left; O. returned the young man; he told his father to sell him as a horse, but without a bridle; next time O. bought a horse for a lot of money with a bridle, told his daughter to tie it; she let the horse go; O. he became a horse himself, followed him; the young man became a leopard, O. became a tiger; the young man fell like a golden ring at the feet of two beauties, one put it on his finger; the old man said that the ring was his; the Baja daughter took it off, the ring crumbled into wheat grains; O. became a chicken, began to bite; the last grain turned into millet, O. turned into a sparrow; one millet grain became a hawk, he killed a sparrow, became a young man again; freed prisoners O. and married a Baja daughter]: Sulaimanov 1998:49-58; Kyrgyz (Lobnor) [{the story is clearly omitted}; the man gave his son to study as a shoemaker; when he took it back, the son went forward, He turned into a dog, barked his father, but he did not understand anything; then the son turned into a horse, his father sold it to that master; the master told his daughter to bring a dagger to slaughter the horse; the daughter said she could not find it; the father went by himself, and the daughter let the horse go; the young man disappeared under the mill; the master became a hawk and the disciple became a falcon; the falcon flew into the royal garden, became a flower; the king carried it into the house; the master saw, turned into a fool, asked for a flower; the king did not give; the flower crumbled in barley; the master became a chicken; the student grabbed and ate his teacher]: Malov 1956, No. 3:40-41.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Mongols (Khalkha) [the old man sends three sons to study; at a fork in the road, the eldest learns to steal and run fast, the middle to reincarnate, the youngest to listen to what is being said in the sky and on the ground; when he returns, the middle offers the elder to sell him in the guise of a pacer, but remove the rent (bridle?) ; he forgets, the Chinese keep the horse in an iron cage; he turns into a bird, the Chinese into a falcon, he's a hermit's rosary seed, the Chinese into seven pigeons, they bite the rosary, they don't notice that the head is rosary remained with the hermit; the hermit says he will no longer become a burkhan; the young man promises to fulfill his assignment - to silently bring Shitythur-Burkhan; the hermit goes to heaven]: Potanin 1883, No. 158:531-534.
Wed. Eastern Siberia. {Clearly Russian borrowing}. Yakuts (summary of several archival texts, no place of recording) [the old woman sends her son to the sorcerer to study; in 13 years she should recognize him among 13 identical ones; recognizes him among foals, birds, bees; the son turns into a bird in a cage, into a horse; the old woman sells it to the sorcerer; the sorcerer's daughter frees; the sorcerer chases the boy, who turns into a bear, a wolf, a fish; a ring on the younger one's finger princesses; the sorcerer demands a ring, it crumbles in grains, the rooster sorcerer bites, one grain becomes a hawk, kills the sorcerer]: Ergis 1967, No. 106:183).
Japan. The Japanese [children torment the chanterelle, the old man buys it and lets it go; she comes to help him; turns into a cauldron, tells him to take it to the temple where the cauldron crashed; runs away, carrying the beans boiling in the cauldron; turns into a horse, tells him to sell to a rich man, the old man gets a lot of money; turns into a girl, tells him to marry a rich man, he also gives the old man money, the fox runs away at night]: Markova, Beyko 1956:84-86.