Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L97. Ingrown into the ground. .34. (.36.) .42.-.45.

Seeing a character who is deprived of the ability to move (nailed to the ground, the bottom of his body has grown into the ground, petrified, completely absent), the hero himself manages to avoid such a fate .

Buryats, (Far Eastern Evenks), Haida, Tsimshian, Bellacula, Uvikino, Kvakiutl, Lower Chinook, Menominee, Western Ojibwa, Mikmak.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Buryats [in old age, Tsar Bogdor has a son, Khan-Khuzhir, the upper body is golden, the bottom is silver; brother B. Zoton-Hara tames his horse for him; XX goes to marry Gonok-Gohon-duhe, daughter of Guli Khan (GH); wanting to test the groom's insight, the bride gives poison, XX does not drink; GH demands 1) defeat the 58-headed mangadhai; that comes out of the sea, his dog, mutter and kite sense danger, he kills them in anger, XX hits him with an arrow; 2) bring the dog Gunir; XX comes up when she sleeps, puts on a collar, leads, GH is terrified, XX lets the dog go, it promises to help; 3) the feather of the Han-Heregde bird; its chicks say that a 25-headed snake will come out of the sea to eat them; XX turns into a birch tree by the sea; the snake comes out, XX becomes human again, a snake hits all heads with an arrow; a drop of blood the size of a tick chases him, catches up, XX dies; the dog Gunir comes running, swallows XX, spews out a living, and dies from poison; the bird gives a feather, GH is terrified, the feather remains with XX; 4) Naral-Garel's liver, which contains edible oil; on the way XX, he sees Khokhodoy-Mergen, who fought NG, and now he has only the upper half of the body, and below only the bone; XX turns into a poor veal shepherd, comes to NG; he sends him to bring the knife that remains under XM's body (he himself is afraid to get closer to it, fearing this knife); XM gives a knife, XX cuts through NG with them, takes the liver, revives XM oil, he flies to heaven, promises to help; 5) get back from the heavenly Esege-Malan-Tengir what GH has been to him for all the years sacrificed; immediately lightning destroyed GH, the ashes scattered the wind; XX takes the bride, goes to her father, falls asleep; the monster stole half of the subjects and cattle, flew away; XX woke up from the bride's tears, let him go an arrow and followed; the sky beats on the ground, cutting the swallows in half; the XX slips, only the horse's tail has been cut off; the servants in the palace answer that the hostess returned with an arrow in her back, died, her four sons went to bury her; XX won and killed them, took everything; four younger brothers are looking for him; XX fire an arrow: if brothers read his name on it, if strangers, an arrow will hit them; they caught an arrow; all is well]: Dugarov 1990:223-244.

(Wed. Eastern Siberia. Far Eastern Evenks (probably Uchursky) [in the depths of bygone years, a young man appeared at the mouth of five deep-water rivers with thundering valleys and blazing capes, under a sprawling tree Tyvgunay; he does not know where he came from; he made a bow, saw two ducks, but does not shoot (maybe they belong to people, it will be bad if I kill); they fly away, sing: grateful they did not kill; one says left a thimble on the hummock, tells him to take it - it will help; T. came to the camp, there is a rich leader; promises a daughter to someone who pulls a pierced bow out of the ground; no one can; T. did not try, returned under his tree; a man is sitting there, saying that he is his older brother (his name is Cholbon Chokuldai), looking for it for several years; T. talks about the leader, his daughter and bow; CH: enter my horse's left ear, there's food; go to the right - there are clothes; T. gained strength, dressed in armor, both drove on a huge heroic horse; HC pulled out his bow, the shaft broke, the arrow flew to the sky; the brothers flew on horseback to the upper world find out where the arrow hit; there are people like mosquitoes, cattle like spiders; smoke from the ground, there is half charred old man and old woman; old man: liver disease, give me some liver; old woman: for dressing they gave it to me, if I give it to you, I will be hit on the head with a gold poker; then the same about the brain (they will hit me on the head with a poker); then the old woman: when you were young and you were defeated by heroes, flew to the upper world, taking us with me, I left a two-year-old boy HCH under the larch, and a six-month-old T. under a branched tree; when I heard the brothers break into the plague, the parents were happy; mother: this country has invincible heroes; they are now lying because some death from the middle world tore half of their bodies off them; they roast us on fire and they ask who we left in our homeland; gathered shamans to find out who could not predict were being killed; the brothers fed their parents, came unnoticed in the plague of heroes; the shaman began to spin: young men who released death, are here; the heroes do not believe, they want to cut off the shaman's head; she asks the young men to show up not to be killed; two heroes Singkeltuken Eden (SE) and Begaltukan Eden (BE) ask the brothers give them back their full bodies, because it is shameful to kill cripples; they did; during the battle, HC sees nothing, begins to weaken; his horse tells him to hit him with a silver hatchet, then he will see a raft with a smoke smoke attached to the SE horse; it was divorced by an old woman, she must be killed; HH did it; SE offers to take a break, leads to him, offers to sit down; HH fails and flies down; SE turns to to someone below: I let you down the strongest hero; in response: if he drives cattle in front, they would keep them alive for several days; HCH throws lumps of clay, they turn into cattle; HCH leads to a plague, where they smoke and eat people; the old woman says to HC: if you smell this country, you won't return to earth; HC and the local leader look at each other for 30 days without closing their eyes; then the leader closed his eyes, three days later day two; HC saw a bell above him and a hole in the upper world far above; became a spider, then a bird, crawled, flew; jumping into the hole became human again, then the bell thundered; the monster I leaned out: and let the people of the middle world come to me with their cattle, then sometimes they will be able to return; so shamans pay for cattle; HC led SE to fight against the rock where heaven and earth come into contact; there the sky is like scissors; HF was the first to jump, the sky cut off the tip of the horse's tail; when SE jumped, he was cut in half; HC found T.; he was barely alive, his enemy BE too; BE fired an arrow, telling him to hit a fish in the sea and bring him; the arrow did it, the fish is the soul of HCH; T. sends an arrow to the larch for a little swallow; it is about to slip into the hole in the upper world; T. remembered the thimble, threw it, he shut it up a hole, an arrow brought a swallow; BE: none of us will win, we will not fight anymore, we will exchange souls; T. and HH took their parents and returned to earth; T. married the girl who gave the thimble, and HH - on the daughter of a hero whose bow he pulled out]: Myreeva 2009:128-145).

NW Coast. Hyda [five girls picking berries; the fifth strap breaks, two men take it to their house; a woman half turned to stone warns her not to eat these people, otherwise she will also turn into stone; the girl works around the house, runs, taking a bag of objects given by a semi-stone woman, throws them behind; a piece of wool turns the forest into a windbreak, oil turns into a lake, another piece of wool causes a landslide; a man swims into the sea in a boat with animal heads on both ends; he takes a girl when she calls him husband; this is Saradilaw; his club she kills her pursuers herself, they were grizzlies; she looks for frogs in his head, she throws them into the water; at home S. tells her old wife not to offend the young woman; she does not tell the young woman to spy on her eating; the young sees that she throws a whole seal into her mouth; the old one immediately choked and killed the young one; her husband revives her; more about the adventures of her young son (his name is Real Man) motive K52]: Barbeau 1953:286- 289; Hyda (Skidgate) Swanton 1905:7-15 [Salmon take the boy in a boat to their country; on the shore he eats salmon caviar; children say it is their bowel movements; in the chief's house he sees a woman, down whose bodies are petrified; she tells him to burn salmon bones after eating; the chief's son and another salmon man fall ill; the young man finds seeds that he forgot to burn, burns them, the sick recover; salmon they return with him; the path lies under the edge of the sky, which rises and falls; the boat is crushed, some of the sailors are saved; the mother recognizes her son in the form of salmon by the necklace hanging on him; cuts off his head, puts his body on the roof, it turns into a man; he becomes a shaman; a year later he kills salmon; it's his own soul, he dies], 336-338 [the leader's daughter picks berries, steps in bear droppings, swears; bears take her away; in the bear house, a woman, half turned into stone, warns her not to eat bears, bury her excrement; instead, the kidnapped leaves copper bracelets; grizzly believes that her excrement is copper, forgive her swearing; a stone woman gives her a comb, hair, oil, whetstone; the kidnapped runs away from her grizzly husband, abandoned objects turn into a windbreak, a thicket, a lake, a cliff; she promises copper to a man in the boat; the boat bites off the heads of pursuers - wolves and bears; the new husband tells him to look in his head; there are frogs, the woman bites instead of them her nails; at home, the husband tells me to look at his first wife when she eats; the woman sees her swallowing a whole cat; a piece gets stuck in her throat, she dies; the husband cuts and powders her body, revives wife; new wife gives birth to son; see motive M21]; Hyda (Masset): Swanton 1908a, No. 36 [the girl's parents and relatives constantly reject her suitors; picking berries, she steps into a bear droppings, swears; her basket strap breaks off, she falls behind, two men take her to the village of Bears; they take off and wear bear skins as clothes; there is a woman glued to the ground with resin; warns that the Bears collect not dry, but raw brushwood; she collected dry wood, for which it was glued; tells her to pretend that her bowel movements are copper bracelets; Bears eat raw fish; taking butter, whetstone, her hair runs, the abandoned turns into a lake, a mountain, a windbreak; she is surrounded by birds (snowbirds), she throws them ocher, they pick it up, since then their faces have red paint; a woman throws a comb, he turns into a mountain; a man in a boat takes a woman, puts a club in the water, she kills all the bears herself; a man does not tell him to watch his first wife eat seals in his house; a woman watches sees her putting a whole seal in her mouth; the first tears it apart with her claws; the husband cut his first wife in half; the halves no longer converge when he puts a whetstone between them; revives the new one; she visits his father, lives with her husband], 40 [bears steal salmon, the owner of the summit scolds them with "raw foodists"; two men in bear capes take him to a bear village; a man is shown that bears bake salmon ; a woman whose bottom body is petrified orders to collect wet deadwood for fuel; in the village, bears take off their bear skins as clothes; when the chief takes off his own to swim, the man runs away, grabbing this skin; throws data from a petrified woman with hair (windbreak), liquid (lake), so twice; a man sails away in his boat; the leader of the bears on the shore melts, and the skin in the boat is filled with flesh, is made bear carcass; at home he feeds people with bear meat; Bear people (black), -Grizzly, -Beavers, -Wolves, -Deer go to war against people; people surround the village with a palisade, many animals are killed by arrows, all people intact; the animals go away], 41 [the chief's son loves his young wife, the old one, out of jealousy, quietly puts otter tendons in his ears; he comes to the village of Otter; his aunt, partly petrified and glued to the ground with resin, orders to collect only wet deadwood for fuel (she collected dry wood, Otters came, the fire went out, it was glued as punishment); a person collects wet, Otters are happy; a person is brought to the leader's house, there his other aunt (episodes repeat); in another place, his third aunt explains why he is at the Otter (his elder wife put her tendon in her ear); Otters take him from place to place for a long time, tell him not to look; he violates prohibitions; pierces something hanging with a bone, this is the Otter leader's musk bag; a man is driven away; he swims on a log, dies; the people of his village find him; revive him, he becomes a shaman; him the young wife married another, tried to return to him]: 500-508, 518-523, 523-532; Tsimshian (southern coastal) [the chief father gives Rhpisunt to the grooms; she picks berries, her son takes her away Chief Grizzly; there are many semi-petrified (starting at the feet) women in his house; The mouse asks R. to give her wild sheep fat and hair (used for cosmetics and jewelry); warns not eat crabapples berries (these are human eyes), bring a raw and green tree for the fire, not dry; advises to distract the attention of her husband's two sisters; R. loads them with firewood, quietly ties them to a tree, runs away; when the Grizzly approaches, R. hides in a tree; at the mouth of the river. Skin is called by Dzaradilaw, who sails in a copper boat; he does not respond to the promise of wealth, takes R. into the boat when she calls him husband; kills Grizzly with a live club with heads on both ends; D.'s first wife is friendly, but D. warns not to look if R. hears anything; R. hears a crunch and chomping, spies, sees a wolverine, falls dead; D. kills his wolverine wife with a spear, pieces of her heart He puts on R., she comes to life; gives birth to a boy; they come to Father R.; he is disturbed by the sounds that the boy makes at night; mother and son move out; the son shoots birds, they turn out to be pure copper; he makes copper shields; his maternal uncle thinks the young man is poor, refuses to give him his daughter; he dresses the girl in copper, the uncle is ashamed; (origin of the Copper Face coat of arms)]: Barbados 1953:108-117; bellacula: Boas 1898:88-90 [the girl begs her mother for mountain sheep fat, cries; her mother threatens to kick her out of the house to be taken by Sneneik; the girl calls S.; she promises her fat, puts her in basket, takes away; at S. a woman with a root from the back explains that S. will not give mutton fat, but lard from the dead, not berries, but insects; if you eat this, a root will grow from the back and grow into the ground (with a woman this happened); while S. goes after the girl's younger sister, the woman tells her to put a mountain ram horn on each finger, clench and unclench her arms and scream Yi! ; S. rolls down the slope in horror; the girl burns the corpse, the ashes turn into mosquitoes; the woman gives the girl baskets with meat, grease, blankets; shows where the bast and dance masks are hidden; the girl easily brings it all home, there are many men unable to lift their baskets; bast and masks are now used for winter dance], 100-103 [the woman picked berries, got lost, Stump took her home, married her; a woman who has grown into the floor of his house gives her an awl, tells them to pick up toads that Stump has in her hair instead of lice, bite her nails, pretending to bite through the toads; says that Stump's night pot is his watchman; gives a bubble of urine, a comb, a whetstone; a woman drills holes under the whisk; when the pot screams, his voice is weak, but the Stump still hears, rushes in pursuit; the woman throws objects, they turn into a lake, thicket, mountain; a woman runs to heaven to the Sun, who burns a pursuer; a woman gives birth to the Sun an ugly son; wants to go home; mother and son descend on the eyelashes, the rays of the Sun; children laugh at a boy; he shoots, makes a chain of arrows, goes up to his father to ask for permission to perform his duties; lights all the torches at once; the ground is burning, the rocks are cracking, people die, only in his house mother's cool; The sun throws her son to the ground, makes him a mink]; McIlwraith 1948 (2): 446-450 [two var.; father says to his crying daughter: Shut up, or Snik will take you away; S. pretends to be a grandmother girls, takes her to a cave; a woman sits there, her roots grow from her body; she tells the girl not to eat S., gives her gloves S.; when the girl moves her fingers, pointing her gloves at S., she falls into abyss; girl cuts off her breasts, cooks broth; sons S. (it's Wolves), eat it, die; the girl returns home], 489-494 [see motive F51; a woman goes to Stump, who marries her; a legless old woman in his house tells her what to do, gives her the necessary items; the wife must take out the lice from the Stump and bite them; these are toads; the wife kills them with a knife, snapping her teeth as if she is biting; holes in the vessel that guards her; he is silent, does not raise an alarm; throws behind is oil, a comb, a needle, a whetstone; they turn into a lake, a thicket, a lot of sharp needles, a mountain; she runs to the Sun, which burns the pursuer with its heat]; uvikino [Azi cannibal caught the children and teenagers, carried it in her basket; the girl with a broken tooth had a knife with her, she made a hole, the children got out, ran away, but the eldest girl could not get out; in A.'s house she sees an old woman who has grown to the ground; she explains that she came here when she was a girl; grew into the ground when she ate fat (tallow); tells me not to eat the first portion of fat that A. (you can eat fat further); gave a basket in which the girl quietly hid her fat; when A. went to collect clams, the old woman ordered to put a sink on each finger, point her fingers at A.; she died in horror; the old woman ordered A. to boil her breasts, hide them in the back room; A.'s sons, who returned from hunting, ate them, thinking they were eating the girl; when the girl told them so, they fell, she cut their throat; the old woman told them to take a small box of fat with her; in the village, the girls opened it, it had an inexhaustible supply of fat, everyone ate]: Hilton, Rath 1982:69-85; quakiutl [at the Ogre -At the North End of the World, the body is covered with mouths; the smoke above his house is multicolored; the wisest's grandmother gives Full the Fool (the eldest of her four grandchildren) a comb, a bottle of oil, cedar sticks, a stone; in the house The cannibal brothers find the missing sister; her child licks the blood from the wound of one of the uncles; a woman who is rooted in the ground tells the brothers to flee; their sister calls her husband to catch meat; A fool throws objects, they turn into bushes, a mountain, a lake, a thick cedar; brothers run into their house; their father calls the Ogre to come with his wife and child to eat his sons; they cook a hole with hot stones; they pretend to be dead, their father covers their bodies with giblets of dogs; puts guests to sleep with a story; they are pushed into a hole, the ashes turn into mosquitoes and gadflies; in the Ogre's house, the Wisest and his sons find a box with masks (Ogre Head, Ogre Head, Crow Ogre Head, Hook-nosed Cannibal Head; also whistles, cedar bark ornaments); the Ogre's wife teaches her husband's songs and customs; Full Fool becomes the first Ogre impersonator at the winter festival]: Boas 1910, No. 29:385-401.

The coast is the Plateau. Lower Chinook [Chief Blue Jay marries the daughter of a woman and a bear; she never laughs; promises to laugh if he gets on all fours in the forest; laughs and devours all men; the husband's legs below the knees disappear; she keeps him in the basket; does not tell two sons to go down the river; they find the bones of people who regurgitated by their mother; find the basket with their father; that says their mother has become a monster; brothers turn her into a dog, their father is put under water]: Boas 1894a, No. 1:19-20.

The Midwest. Menominee: Bloomfield 1928, No. 108 [the boy's grandfather is always lying on the floor, overgrown with moss; the young man finds a brother whose bottom is wooden; the brother says that his grandfather did it, that he wants him too kill, warns of dangers; grandfather sends a young man to bring his wives; he gives tobacco to Cranes, Cougars, they let it pass; he enters two women, runs back, Cranes, Cougars do not detain him, women for it is them who are being killed; he, after him, women run into the house, he takes them as his wife; the grandfather shoots at him, he dodges; he shoots, kills his grandfather; turns into a feather, flies (to heaven?) , cuts off the bottom of his brother's body, the bottom falls, the brother becomes whole again; the young man goes to look for the Stupid Girl; on the way, the old man stops him, they smoke, the old man lengthens the day, the young man falls asleep, the old man changes from in his guise, takes his ear jewelry - live hummingbirds; the impostor throws a young man into the water; marries the Stupid Girl; her younger sister picks up the abandoned man, takes him in husbands; impostor says it's his dog; kills lynxes and young man turns decks into bears; spits, turkeys appear; impostor spits, bugs appear; Stupid Girl steals one a bear, he becomes a deck again; the young man climbs into an empty log, regains his appearance; gives the impostor his appearance, turns his head into a hawk; returns to two wives, gives a new one to his brother]: 469- 483; Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. II.5 [the young man's grandfather lies in a teepee like a moss deck, wakes up every four years; the young man finds the upper body of his older brother attached to the stump; he explains that their evil grandfather will do the same to him, teach him how to win; the grandfather tells him to kill the polar bear; the young man runs without looking back, at the entrance to the house the bear falls dead; the grandfather takes the pot out of his side to cook meat; the young man gives the bear the head of two old women, they disappear; these old women cut their older brother; now hostile creatures play ball in the sky with the lower half, hang it in the chimney; the young man goes up to heaven, cuts off the rope, the lower half falls to the ground, joins the upper half; cranes, horned snakes guard the house of two dangerous sisters; the young man scares off the guards, takes sisters; the old man breaks the sleeping young man's back, changes from with his clothes, pushes him into the thickets, marries his eldest wife; the youngest finds a young man, takes care of him; he turns sticks into bear carcasses, grass into beavers and turkeys; when the deceiver steals carcasses, they turn back into sticks, dung beetles; the young man climbs into the deck, regains his former appearance, turns the deceiver into a hawk; gives his elder wife to his brother]: 317-327; Western Ojibwa (chippewa) [the young man lives with his aunt; sees girls bathing, they turn into frogs, he brings them to his bed; the aunt hears giggling at night; throws frogs away in the morning, tells his nephew to marry women; on the way, the young man stumbles upon his younger brother, turned into a stump from the waist; he says that their uncle killed their father and other brothers, explains how to follow the path leading to women; a man gives tobacco to two snakes spewing flames on the sides of the path, calls them grandfathers; shows two swans a red cloth; reaches women and turns back; they kill snakes and swans for that they let the alien pass; they follow the young man themselves, become kind after the father's power; the uncle pretends to be dying, demands to bring him a bear, two otters, to recover; the young man gets them; to a feast perfume collects; uncle's sisters cry for his dogs to eat; uncle shoots his nephew in the chest, he turns into a squirrel, unharmed; kills his uncle with an arrow; heals his stump brother, gives him one of his wives; younger brother forgot that you can't mention an uncle, he immediately appeared; brothers and wives ran away, got rid of their uncle]: Barnouw 1977, No. 45:64-68.

Northeast. Mikmak [Spruce Partridge died of hunger in winter, Birch Partridge took his family; he cannot find game, feeds homemade meat cut first from his snina and then from his feet; the wife is surprised that the meat has neither bones nor fat; spies on him cut off strips of his own flesh, makes them a lot of meat; sits in a teepee, falls into the lower world, comes to Marten's house and his grandmothers Bear; Marten sends a woman to the chief's house, marries the chief's son; her son and daughter come down to her from the ground; her mother is reluctant to give them meat, they go to Marten and his grandmother; her comes to the woman Partridge's ex-husband, she tells the dogs to be lowered on him, his skin pulled over the door frame; the game disappears, people believe that those two children are to blame, they are hung by the heels of a tree, left; grandmother- The bear hides the fire for them; the marten burns the tree trunk; when it falls, puts a pile of moose hair, the children fall on it; the marten gnaws through the fetters, catches up with the departed; the boy hunts successfully, and the departed are starving; the boy on the arrow sends the Grandmother Bear a moose skin to indicate that he is alive; the crow flies to peck the corpses of the children, but they feed her; she brings meat to her children; people refer to The crow is a girl, but she only sees the mushrooms she cooks; the brother asks the Month to make him and her sister adults; when she goes hunting, she tells her sister to go out only when she hears his voice three times; every sister the day greases her hair, goes to the lake, where the Big White (white, not polar) Bear licks her fat; brother wonders where the fat goes; sees her sister and Bear from the mountain; she explains that otherwise the Bear will eat them both; brother pierces his heart with an arrow; Bear: shoot in the paw! brother pierces his paw, Bear dies; people come back; brother and sister greet grandmother and marten, do not want to see the mother; after eating Bear meat, both people die; brother and sister come to the sea; people believe that they have dispersed the game; they put the horn of the Horned Serpent on the young man's head, which grows through it and around the tree; the sister tries to saw off the horn with a shell; the Killer Whale takes her away, she gives birth to him a son; Killer Whale's sister tells him to make a circle on the horn with red ocher; the killer whale is first sent for ocher, then for a piece of red cloud; the killer whale chases his wife, sister and son; he is thrown pieces of the boy's clothes, then his cradle, he picks them up, wasting time; the woman frees his brother, the Killer Whale's sister marries him; one day she returns to sea, taking his son and the woman's son from the Killer Whale ]: Whitehead 1988:24-43.