Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L99. Bring a skewer! .

After grabbing the character, the ogre tells him to bring firewood himself or a spit to fry it. The character deliberately hesitates, brings the wrong thing, or an animal helps him escape.

Western Sami, Altaians, Buryats, Koyukon, Kuchin, Upper Chehalis, Lower Chinook, Western Ojibwa, Steppe Ojibwa, Western Marsh Cree, Steppe Cree, Malesit, Sarsi, Assiniboine.

Baltoscandia. Western Sami [askovis went, got to Stallo; he fed him, sent him to the forest to bring a skewer stake to fry him; askovis brings fresh crooked willow twigs every time; S. goes by himself, a. then asks what he is most afraid of; S. replies that hissing fish (i.e. snakes); a. ties woolen shoelaces to a bag of silver owned by S., throws willow branches into the fire, they wriggle and hiss; S. returns, takes the branches for a snake, runs; grabs the bag, but takes the shoelaces for snakes, runs away without a bag; a. takes silver]: Læstadius 2002:241-242.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Altaians [the father sends three daughters for berries, holes the youngest's tuyaski; while they found the hole, they filled the tuyas, evening came; the girls came to the seven-headed Tielven hut; that sends them for skewer branches, they bring them unusable ones; he goes by himself, they run away; they tell Beaver that his back is round, his teeth are white; he drinks the lake, they cross to the other side; T. says that the back is flat, the teeth are yellow; the Beaver orders to make a raft out of reeds, rock in the middle of the river; T. drowned; the girls climbed the fir; after urinating, they betrayed themselves to three passing merchants; one promises the future for the husband to sew clothes from lice skins, the second to bake a thousand pies from one wheat, the third to give birth to a gold-headed son; the husband and wife leave the husband's newborn mother; she throws the baby into the sea, lulls puppy; mother exposes her breasts, says, shuyut smayit (My Milk River), eventually lures her son out of the water; grandmother is tied to an immense stallion]: Kandarakova 1988:125-127; Buryats [a rich man was surprised why cattle come to the water but did not drink; hit the water with a pole to catch horses, an old water woman grabbed the pole, agreed not to eat it if he sent her 17- a summer son; a rich man told his son to look for a place for a new camp; an eight-legged horse warns of danger: the old woman waits, throwing gold bones; we must ask them to be thrown higher, grabbed and run; the old woman chases, consistently cuts off with a knife and eats a pair of legs; the legless horse turned into a tree, she knocked it down, sends the guy to the forest to make a spit to fry it; red- a motley poroz tells you to ask the old woman for a knife to cut off a branch, takes the guy away; tells you to bend the knife over her right knee (the old woman injured her right leg), over the left (left), break it and throw it (the old woman cut, scattered); poroz tells him to be stabbed, in the morning the guy wakes up in a yurt, a girl by the hearth, an eight-legged horse at the horse riding, around the herd; came to his father, where two wives beat his father to death, the guy took them home]: Dugarov 1990:282-291.

Subarctic. Koyukon [the old man tells his two sons that it is better for them to go alone; they raft on an ice floe down the river; they see a porcupine crying, he does not answer them, they kill it, fry it, eat it; they come to a village where only young women and an old man; his older brother insists on competing in archery; tries to dodge, but women's arrows easily hit him to death; the youngest comes to the nest huge birds; the chick replies that the parents will bring clouds and thunder; the mother will arrive with the rain, the father with hail; the young man kills the chick, then with arrows and a club of both birds; kills a giant porcupine; catches him Lynx tells me to bring firewood to fry it; he goes farther and farther to buy firewood; the ermine brings it to his parents; they give the ermine a shell necklace (white neck stripe)]: Wright 1908:33-34; kuchin [man laughs at his reflection in the water; Bear thinks he's above him; tells him to bring brushwood to fry it; man asks Ermine help; he jumps into the Bear's mouth, hurts his heart, goes out; the man makes Ermine a beautiful white fur coat]: Camsell 1915, No. 13:256-257.

The coast is the Plateau. Upper chehalis [the cannibal giant grabs XWαnä'xwαne and the Crane, when they were swimming, takes them away in her resin basket; washes resin at home, fattens them, tells them to bring them skewers to fry them alive; the Crane makes all the sticks crooked; after the fifth time, the cannibal agrees that S. and the Crane show their shamanic art, they put her to sleep, cover the house with resin, burn; S. tells that no one should disturb bathers from now on]: Adamson 1934, No. 77:143-144; lower chinook [the cannibal puts the Coyote, Crane and Heron in her basket; the Heron clings to the branch, runs away; The Coyote advises the Crane to bend or straighten its neck, the cannibal cannot find the right skewer (straight or crooked); the cannibal and her daughter make Coyote and the Crane their slaves; they burn them with the house]: Boas 1894a, No. 7:110-111.

The Midwest. Western Ojibwa [The bear wants to eat Nenabojo; tells him to bring a skewer; he brings unusable ones, is sent again; asks caress to get into the Bear's ass, cut him off heart; for this he makes caress white in winter, brown in summer; cooks bear meat; trees creak, he sticks his hand, it is pinched; wolves eat everything N. has prepared for himself]: Josselin de Jong 1913, No. 10:16-18; Western Swamp Cree: Brightman 1989:30-31 (stone crees) [Wīsahkīcāhk follows the trail, sees excrement with human bones; a giant appears, tells V. to bring a skewer, on which he will fry it; V. goes, cries, asks caress to climb into the giant's anus, gnaw his heart; the giant died, V. took out a caress, washed it in the lake, revived it, said that people will call this beast a caress], 40-44 (stone crees) [Wīsahkīcahk sees smoke, comes to the fire, there Wīhtikōw {cannibal giant, windigo from the Eastern Algonquins}; he tells V. to collect firewood for the fire and 12 skewers for each part of his body; V. asks caress to climb into the cannibal's anus, gnaw his heart; the cannibal dies, V. gets a caress, revives and cleans it on the snow, makes it white with a dark tail in memory of what happened, gives the name "weasel"], 44-45 [as in p. 40-44, in short]; Clay 1978 (northern Manitoba) [Wesukechak meets the Wetikoo cannibal; he tells you to make a skewer, bring a straight stick to prick V. on it and fry it; weasel advises to bring a crooked stick; sent again for a straight line; the caress bites the vetik in the heart, he dies; V. rewards her , making the tip of her tail black]: 64-67; Steppe Cree: Ahenakew 1929 [the cannibal Vetico tells Vesakaicak 'u to collect firewood, wants to fry it; V. asks for an ermine ( Ermine) get into his mouth, gnaw off his heart; the cannibal dies; V. paints the caress with clay, since then it has been white; the tip of the tail and eyes remain black]: 352-353; Linderman 1920 [Old Man {this is the name of the trickster Blacklegged, apparently, Linderman transferred this designation to the Steppe Cree trickster; the black-legged do not know the plot} meets Win-to-Coo; he tells him to collect firewood, makes a fire, then tells him to bring a skewer, on it he will fry it; falls asleep; the old man asks the caress for help; she rushes into the mouth of the sleeping cannibal, gnaws out his heart; the old man gives the caress a protective color: white with a black tail in winter, brown in summer]: 59-68; Skinner 1916, No. 1 (7) [Visukejak meets the Ogre, who tells him to bring eight skewers to fry him; V. brings seven, sent again; asks for affection help; Laska climbs into the Ogre's ass, killing him from the inside; for this, V. paints the caress white with a black spot at the end of his tail]: 350; steppe ojibwa [cannibal Windigo tells Bring a spit to fry him; N. brings crooked sticks, asks caress to get into V.'s ass, bite off his heart; V. dies; N. rewards caress, making it white; to the tail ties an eagle feather, so the tail is black]: Skinner 1919, No. 11:290.

Northeast. Malesit [Fisher is going to marry Whistler; Poktcinskwes herself would like to marry Marten; sails with him to an island to collect bird eggs, leaves it there; Lisa replies that he can't help, the Heron tries to raise the Marten, unable; Keith carries him; sitting on Whale, Marten sings that he is being lucky by a bald eyed; Keith thinks that fish are singing, asks Marten, what they sing about; Marten replies that they tell him to take his grandson faster; throws four pebbles given by Keith, which makes Keith swims faster; returning to the mainland, Marten meets his grandmother- Groundhog; they are happy with each other, Groundhog drops, loses his grandson Sable; he meets the Snake; the Snake tells him to bring a skewer to fry it; the fisherman marten hears Sable crying, advises him to bring it crooked skewer; when the Snake scolds for it, promises to straighten it, heat it, hit the Snake on the head; the Snake rushed to catch up with Sable, the Marten killed her; different animals came together to eat the snake; Turtle she was late, Marten threw snake blood on her feet, now her legs are red; Marten forced P. to stick to the tree; she cut herself out of the trunk, some of her legs were left behind her back, she wrapped herself up as if she were on Back baby; came to dance, said that Marten's child; Marten burns her; ashes turn into bees, hornets, flies, mosquitoes]: Mechling 1914, No. 11:59-62.

Plains. Sarsi [The old man knocked down the tree, saying he would do this to the enemy; I'll say the Bad Man says he'll fry him on a skewer, tells him to bring a suitable stick, he brings unusable ones; asks affection for help, promises to make him beautiful; runs, caress gets inside the cannibal, eats his heart, he runs, but falls dead, the caress gets out; the person says that when winter will come, weasel will have a beautiful white fur]: Dzana-gu 1921, No. 12:12 {sic!} ; assiniboine [the cannibal tells Sitkonsky to prepare firewood for him; S. asks caress to get into his anus and gnaw off his heart; the cannibal dies, his heart was like ice; S. washes caressed with snow, since then it has been white]: Lowie 1909a, No. 43:128-129.