Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L9C. Sharp breasts. 29.32.

The character kills others with a sharp protrusion on his chest.

Karachays, Abkhazians, Kabardian people, Adygs, Ossetians, Chechens, Ingush, Nogais, Kumyks, Avars, Laks, Dargins, Megrelians, Georgians, Kazan Tatars.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Karachays [agach kishi ("forest man") with a sharp axe-shaped bone growth on his chest; the hunter treats him with the meat of killed game; when AK falls asleep, the hunter covers the log with a burka, climbs a tree; AK rushes his chest at a log; the hunter wounds him with a rifle; he asks to shoot again, the hunter does not give in to the trick; the hunter goes to the AK lair, finds him dead, returns it parents of a woman captured by AK receives gifts from them; AK has one eye in his forehead]: Jurtubayev 1991:76 (approximately the same 2007:153-155); Abkhazians: Bgazhba 2002 [Abynuava forest man killed animals with a bone protrusion on his chest; hunter Mard-ip Mardsow was frying meat, heard a.'s voice, put the burka on a stump, hid in the bushes; a. rushed to the burka, M. shot him in the heart; in the morning he came to the bloody on the trail where A.'s two sisters mourned him; he spared them]: 31-32 (=Hvartsky 1994:46-47); Zukhba 1995 [forest man Abnahuayu cuts through the prey, pressing against it with a steel axe protrusion on his chest; in N.M. Albov's record, the forest man's chest is not an ax, but long iron needles; Chitanaa Huhu covered the block with his burka, hid in the bushes; at night, the forest man rushed to the block, CH fatally wounded him with a gun, married his widow; Var.: ChH killed Abnaouaya's wife, cut off and hid his daughter's braid (her strength is in her), brought his daughter as a maid; she remained watching a six-year-old girl I found out where the braid was, she found it, threw the girl into the cauldron of boiling milk, left, cursing the house]: 163-166; Chursin 1956 [abnaoe is covered with hair, only the palms of her hands are bare; the chest bone protrudes strongly forward, with this bone growth, a. cuts prey; N.M. Albov's message, repeated by K.F. Gan, as if A. had an ax on his chest, does not correspond to popular views]: 230; Kabardian people: Lipkin 1957 [ Imys and Uazirmes are brothers; I.'s wife met W., who went to live in the forest; a giant came out to his fire, from whose chest a sword protruded; W. silently gave him food; when he left, he put a stump on his bed, covered him burka; at night the giant fell on a stump with his chest; W. shot him, blinded him]: (quoted in Virsaladze 1969:252-253); Huth 1987 [Ismel, not the prince, kills the boar; the prince sends him to the gorge for a goat, he disappears; the same with his son named Overmes; O. descends into the abyss, sees goats at the top of a cliff; wraps himself in the skin of a fallow deer, the Eagle brings him to the rock; O. kills the Eagle, keeps the eagles; the supply of meat someone took it away, O. follows the trail to the hole, through it into the valley, stays with the old man; he does not tell me to go to the tower; next to the lake, the dove takes off its feathers, turns into a girl, swims; O. hides her clothes; Mezytlynyko, a forest man with a sharp bone protrusion on his chest, comes up; intending to pierce the edge, he stumbles, O. kills him; gives clothes in exchange for a ring; takes a girl as a wife; his wife feeds eagles; O. flies in one, kills a goat, flies home, puts a goatskin with horns on the prince, he runs away into the forest, remains a goat; flies for his wife and wealth, brings them]: 160-168; Adygs: Karashev 1957 [the hunter began to fry a goat; a forest man with a sharp bone protrusion on his chest sat down by the fire; the hunter smeared his forelock with fat, the forest man did the same; the hunter set fire to the forelock, the forest man set fire to his hair, his hair caught fire, he ran away; the hunter covered the block with a burka, hid himself; the forest man came up, threw his chest at the burka, the hunter shot him with two bullets; a sharp ledge carved, brought to the village]: 129-130; Lavrov 1959 (shapsugi) [forest "half-men" (Mezylienyku) are naked, covered with wool, with an ax on their chest, one-legged and one-eyed; they are dangerous not for their anger, but for their philanthropy : rush at the people they meet to hug them, and a sharp axe pierces the victim]: 211; Mizhaev 1973:67 [on the forest man's chest there is either an ax or a knife; Oazirmes was sitting by the fire and saw him approach creature with a sword on his chest; put a stump on the bed, covered him with a burka, hid aside; a forest giant fell to this place, plunged his sword into a stump; W. shot him with a bow, then blinded him], 69 [hunter Daushjergiy fried meat by the fire, fed the forest man who came up; he replied that when he was sleeping, his nostrils were full of flame; D. covered the stump with a burka, climbed a tree; the forest man fell on a stump with a knife sticking out in his chest; D. shot, refused to shoot a second time; in the morning D. came on a bloody trail to the cave; there a woman with a child explained that she was kidnapped by a forest man and now he was killed; D. brought a woman to the village, and crushed the child along the way]; Ossetians (Digors) [Ossetian Loch and Kabardian Pakh talk at a feast about their hunting adventures; Pach killed a polar bear around which black people danced and received grain from it; after picking up three grains, Pach put them in the gaziri and they were filled with gunpowder, put them in the barn - it was full of grain; L. killed the deer, began to fry the kebab; while he was sleeping, the forest Laxird's man with an ax on his chest ate everything; Loch covered the block with a burka, put his deer side on the skewer, hid; Laksird threw his chest on the burka, split the block, Loch shot him, refused to shoot again; followed the trail to the cave; there was a kidnapped woman and a boy; Laksird died at sunrise, Loch killed the boy, brought the woman by his wife, they have 12 sons, now adults]: Dzagurov 1973, No. 100:419-421; Ossetians [a Balkarian and a Kabardian both shot at the same deer; decided to give their heads to someone who had experienced a more wonderful and dangerous adventure; the story of a Kabardian man; he killed the beast, began to grill a barbecue; a forest man (laxird) came up with an ax on his chest; the man threw a burka over the fallen tree and hid himself; the forest man cut the tree in half with his chest, began to eat a barbecue; the hunter shot him; A bloody trail came to the cave; there was a girl; the hunter shot again, killing the forest man; the girl said that he had kidnapped her, she gave birth to a son with an ax on his chest, asked him to kill him too; story Balkarian; he carried dead game on his back; the eagle picked it up and brought it to the rock; there were guns of those the eagle had eaten before; the man loaded one of them, shot the eagle; crucifying its wings, tying guns under them , descended on a dead eagle; said that a Balkan deserved the head of a deer because he was in danger out of courage, and he himself involuntarily]: Miller 1882, No. 13:150-152; Chechens: Dalgat 1972 (Zap. 1891): 264 [=2004:87-88; in the forest, a hunter met Almas, who had an ax on his chest; asked him to bring water, at which time he put a block in his place, said that his name was I am myself; Almas stabbed The hunter wounded his ax into the block while trying to free himself with a gun; forest creatures ran; when they heard that Almas had wounded himself, they parted, Almas died], 265 [an ax on the king of animals's chest; hunter shot the gazelle, the king of beasts said that it was his game; the hunter offered to eat it together, sent the king to get water, put a block in his place; the king cut it in half, and the hiding hunter shot; the tsar disappeared, the hunter was ill for a long time]; Ingush: Bagriy 1930 (3) [zap. Ushakov, village. Bazorkino, from the report by A. Gren 1902; someone approaches the hunter's fire; the hunter replies that his name is himself; sees that the person who comes up has an ax on his chest; lowers the dog, but it stands motionless; then the stranger and the dog disappear; the dog came back, barely breathing; the hunter leaves a log together, hides himself in an oak tree; at midnight that man came, rushed to the log, the hunter shot; trees and animals began to ask whoever injured said that he was himself; they thought the stranger killed himself]: 203-204; Dalgat 1972 [in the forest, the hunter met Almas, who had an ax on his chest; asked him to bring water to this time put a block in his place, said his name was I am myself; Almas stabbed his axe into the block while trying to free himself, the hunter wounded Almas with a gun; forest creatures ran; when he heard that Almas wounded himself, parted, Almas died] (Western 1891): 264; 2004 (as Western 1891, written by the author): 87-88; Tankiev 1997 [Hyun San ("forest man") has a bone ax on his chest; HS hugs the victim, piercing her; the man who outsmarted him says that his name is "I am myself"; those who come ask HS who wounded him; thinking that he injured himself, they leave]: 45; Nogais [at the lord of the forest agash kishi ("forest kishi) man") there is a sharp ax on his chest; Arnaut has an ax instead of a nose]: Kapaev 2012:10; Avars: Gamzatov, Dalgat 1991 [(Kumyks, Laks also have ideas about a saber-breasted person , Dargins); the hunter killed, began to fry the beast; a huge Wild Man (G i alkhulchi) came up; the hunter gave him a thigh, then half a carcass, he ate it, fell asleep; the hunter covered With his log burka, he climbed a tree with his gun; G. got up, hit the burka three times with his sharp chest; the hunter shot G. in the leg, he ran away]: 300; Khalidova 1984 [four hunters split up in the forest; one killed the beast, spent the night by the fire; a wild man came out to him, with a protrusion on his chest like the blade of an ax; after eating half a carcass, went to bed; the hunter covered the logs with his burka, climbed a tree; at midnight, the wild hit burka with sharp breasts; the hunter shot him in the leg; in the morning four hunters found a long-missing woman, the sister of one of them; the wild took her as his wife; the hunters killed a wild man in his cave, took a woman from her son from the wild]: 168-169; Kumyks: Khalidova 2012, No. 92 [the hunter does not tell his wife to put her liver in the fire; once she breaks the ban, the fire goes out; she goes to look for fire, sees light in the distance; one-eyed Kilicteosh ("saber-chest") is sitting by the fire, frying meat; K. saw the woman, told her to stay; the husband followed the trail when K. was sleeping; took his wife away; he stuck his sword with the point up near the house, covered it with his burka, hid in a tree; K. rushed to the burka, ran into a sword, the hunter shot him, he ran away; on a bloody trail, the hunter came to his cave; there he had kidnapped a woman and a one-eyed child; a hunter killed a child, brought the woman back to her native village]: 119-120; Khalipayeva 1987 in Zukhba 1995 [Baltatesh is a forest man with an ax sticking out on his chest]: 169; Megrelians: Fähnrich 1997 [on the chest of the ochochi there is a kind of sharp horn or tooth on which he puts people he catches]: 44; Mouriet 1884 in Virsaladze 1969 [Gatulia began to fry the dead deer; Ochokochi, covered in hair, came up with an ax blade on breasts; G. shared dinner with him; for the night he covered the stump and the dagger with a burka; O. rushed to the burka, ran into a dagger, G. shot, O. ran away with a roar]: 253; Georgians [(= Virsaladze 1973, No. 32:75); hunter Gutalia killed a deer; a shaggy ochokochi came to the fire with a sharp protrusion on his chest; G. gave him a piece, he left; G. put the dagger under the burka with the point up, hid behind trees; chokochi came, leaned his chest on the burka, G. shot him; chokochi ran away with a roar]: Chikovani 1985, No. 142:320.

Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars [according to Votsky {Udmurt} belief, the strongest animal is arslan-kyik; according to Tatars, a krushl-rope is stronger than a lion, it cuts arslan kyik with its wing; according to another indication, the rope on the chest is a knife]: Potanin 1884:225.