Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

L9D. Sharp hands. .

The character has sharp nails or knife hands that he uses to kill people.

San Cristobal, Kazakhs, Altaians, Chelkans, Igloolik, Chiroki, Embera, Nonama, Sanema, Yanomam.

Melanesia. San Cristobal [some mumu perfumes have one arm, one leg, one eye; they have long red hair; mumu prick and kill people with their long nails or by spitting them in the eye]: Fox 1924:139.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Ostroumov 1891 [zhez-tyrnaki - women with copper claws; J. comes to the hunter's halt, then leaves; the hunter covers the block with his clothes, hides; J. rushes, her claws get stuck in the deck; the man shoots, cuts off her hands with copper nails, takes it with him]: 202-203; Tursunov 1983:141-143 [when dying, father tells Yesek-Mergen not spend the night on takyr and near the mausoleum; EM goes to the mausoleum in the steppe; at night, a gesturnak woman comes up, hides her claws; EM feeds her with a knife, she goes into the forest; he leaves her covered a block of clothes; she comes back, pierces her claws, they get stuck, EM kills her with a bow, cuts her claws off, puts her in a bag; at the mausoleum, a woman with goat legs, Tautai Lak, comes out to his bed; her tongue is like razor; when she opens her mouth, EM cuts off her tongue, she falls dead; in the morning he wakes up in the mountains; this is the body of the dragon, Brother Gestyrnak and Tautai Lak; the dragon asks for help in the fight against the Ordala dragons- aydaharami; EM destroys them, returns to their mother], 146-150 [three horsemen go from one village to another, they are told each time that the village belongs to Mamay; in the tenth, old man Mamay himself tells them his history; his grandfather and father died in Usharal ("three islands"); he went there, fried meat, Gestyrnak came to the fire; M. fed her from a knife, she left; he cut down aspen, covered her with his clothes, hid in a tree; W . rushed to the block, M. wounded her with a gun, came to her house for her, she was dead, he cut off her stone hands with brass claws, took her husband's white ax; daughter M. Bikesh asked him for a dowry; when J.'s husband entered her yurt, she killed him with it; everyone in the yurts he had gone before was dead; one day M. came to a hill where there were white yurts; there were only girls; Peri told him to look into the fire until morning, but M. fell asleep; woke up in the steppe; Peri left a note that since M. was so old that she could not stay awake, she would not become his wife]; Potanin 1916-1917 (Kokchetav) [ Jake-batyr spent the night in the woods, cooking saiga; a woman with copper nails came, he threw her meat, she left; while going to bed, D. put a log in his place, hid himself with a gun; a woman returned, rushed to the ancient, he shot her, followed a bloody trail; found her dead in a hole, cut off her hands; a one-eyed ogre came to the cave; he told him to fry the staked man, lays a way out, goes to bed; D. heated the stake, burned the giant's eye; took off the skin from the goat, pulled it over himself, sat among the rams; releasing them, the giant felt the animals from above, let D. pass; he told him that he had escaped, the giant asked him to kill him; D. cut off his head with a sword; divided the giant's wealth between people, and took it for himself] ("Cossack Kyrgyz and Altai legends, legends and fairy tales"; retelling to Zhirmunsky 2007:219-220; ZhS 2-3 (1916), 4 (1917): 162-164 in Potanin 1972, No. 8:154-158.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians [returning to the farce, two hunters find two girls; the older brother warns that this is Alwun/Alban, the youngest does not pay attention; the elder puts instead of themselves, a log, sits next to a gun; at night, the girls release their claws from their long sleeves, pierce a log, the elder shoots; rubs the youngest's body with snow, only after that he woke up]: Belgibayev 2006:232; residents of Chelny (p. Kurmach-Baigol, Turochak District, 1988) [two brothers went hunting; got to the barracks, stayed overnight; two beautiful girls came down from the top of the mountain; their sleeves were very long; the younger brother began to play with these girls; the elder did not let them near him; at night, the youngest lay down between the girls, fell asleep; the elder pretended to be sleeping; noticed that the girls were awake; asked when they would sleep; the girls replied: "When our eyes turn bright green, shine like stars in the sky, then this [will mean that] we are fast asleep!" ; everyone fell asleep; the older brother waited for the girls' eyes to shine, then put a rotten stump in his place and covered it with clothes; the girls stood up, tucked their sleeves up; the older brother saw that they had there were long copper nails; the girls clung to the stump covered with clothes so much that their nails went through; the older brother shot twice, the girls fell; the youngest was clouded by the strong smell of copper nails reason; the elder woke him up somehow, they returned home]: Oinotkinova et al. 2011, No. 88:211-213.

The Arctic. Igloolik (Repulse Bay) [Aningaat is blind; his mother points his arrow at a polar bear, says A. got into a dog; feeds him a dog, eats bear meat with her daughter; his sister secretly gives it brother; takes him to the lake; Loon dives with him, rubs his eyes three times, he sees the light; ties tench to his mother's belt, harpoons a large beluga whale, which takes his mother to sea; brother and sister come to people with with long nails; sister comes into the house to ask for water; the inhabitants begin to rip off her meat; the brother breaks in, kills everyone with an ice ax; wipes her sister's back with snow and urine, the flesh recovers; they come to the cup-and-ball players; A. picks up one device, runs away; come to people without anus; A. tells her sister to take her husband there; she gives birth; the local foreman says they now have a man with an anus and a penis; pierces his anus; the other pierced, missed, died; A. began to go to his sister secretly; she smeared her nose with soot; both came to the meeting house, there is a holiday; everyone laughs over A., seeing his black nose; his sister dips a moss torch in fat, runs away; A. runs after her, but did not dip the torch in fat, so it quickly went out; sister became the sun, A. month]: Spalding 1979:48-50.

Southeast USA. Chirokee: Duncan 1998 [A stone-dressed cannibal kills people with her sharp finger; the bird explains to the man that her heart is at the tip of that finger; he hits her finger with an arrow, cannibal dies]: 62-66; Ten Kate 1889 [cannibals dressed in flint, have pointed arms of steel; their hearts are in their hands; on the advice of a bird, people kill a cannibal by hitting her with arrows in their hands] : 54.

The Northern Andes. Cannibal forest spirits. Embera [live in trees, their hands are knives]: Chaves 1945 (chami): 196-197; Betania at Pinto García 1978:142; nonama [knife hand]: Wassen 1935, No. 9:137-139.

Southern Venezuela. A girl's nails are like knives. Sanema: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 252 [Tinimisoma had sharp claws; another woman asked her to hold the baby; T. cut it, ate her liver; then killed her brother when he went to forest, put her liver in the basket; people identified the liver, threw T. into the fire], 253 [the girl has her first period; claws like the battleship tinimi; her husband went with her to the forest, she killed him, ate meat, the rest put it in a basket; she also killed her brother, brought her liver home; then another person; people identified the liver, noticed blood on its claws; it was thrown into the fire, pelted with tree trunks]: 473-475; yanomam [at her first period, Teremë's mother tells her to keep her hands clenched; she keeps them open, her hand turns into a sharp claw; she sharpens it; kills her sister's child when she her husband climbed a tree for fruit; her sister runs away; her husband hesitates to get down; when he gets off, T. kills him, drinks blood, brings pieces of meat in the basket under the guise of meat to bakers; people recognize a man; they arrange a party, throw T. into the fire, it burns]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 251:470-472.

Montagna - Jurua. Araua [the index finger on the deity's right hand has a knife]: Rivet, Tastevin 1938:256.