Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M100. Sleeping on the cliff's edge, ATU 10***.


One of the characters encourages the other to go to bed on the edge of a cliff. At night he offers to move, his companion falls and crashes.

Algerian Arabs, Moroccan Berbers, Tibetans (Lhasa, Sichuan), Lavrung, (Lolo), Chinese (Jilin, Gansu), Serbs, Romanians, Norwegians, (Veps), Kazakhs, Buryats, Tubals, Chelkans, Tofalars, Tuvans, Mongols, Mongors, Nganasans, Dolgans, Western Evenks (Turukhan, Ilimpic, Nepsky), Sym Evenks, Baikal Evenks (Severobaikal), Evens, Kereks, Khan.

North Africa. Algerian Arabs [dupe crowded over precedice]: El-Shamy 2004, No. 10***: 4; Berbers Beni Snou (NW Algeria near Morocco) [it snowed, the lion is cold; the jackal tells us to pick up a cow, he will do the lion from her skin sandals; tells him to go out in them not when it rains, but when the sun; the skin has dried up, the lion roars in pain; the hedgehog moistened his sandals with water, they were removed; the jackal disappeared; when the lion met him again, The jackal said it was not him; the lion: but the chopped tail: the jackal: I'll bring you a hundred tailless jackals; the jackal told the other jackals to tie their tails, and then raised the alarm; the jackals cut off their tails; at night the lion jackal lay down at the edge of the cliff; the jackal got up, lay down on the other side of the lion, asked him to move; the lion thought he had moved away from the edge, but fell; the jackals ate him]: Destaing 1907, No. 5:257-259;.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [the rabbit and bear live side by side, each with a son; the rabbit was better at digging up rhizomes; the bear was jealous and killed her; the rabbit's son saw the bear and her son its mother cooked and ate it; when the bear was away, she plunged a red-hot arrow into the bear's ear, took a bag of roots and ran away; the tiger hid it in his ear; the bear began to ask about the rabbit, but the tiger threatened to kill her herself; she left; the tiger hears the ring chewing something; he says he is eating his own eyes; he gave the tiger a spine, he liked it; he agreed to have the rabbit blind him , but then let him take care of him; invited the tiger to go to bed on the edge of the cliff; made a fire; the tiger moved away and fell into the abyss; the hare to the shepherd: a dead tiger below; a she-wolf: the shepherd left the herd unattended; crow: fly to peck out the eyes of the cubs, the she-wolf went to slaughter the sheep; after doing so much evil, the rabbit fled to another country]: Shelton 1925, No. 35:141-143; Tibetans (Lhasa) [The hare asks the Tiger not to eat it, promises to find him more valuable prey; on the way he chews something, says he has his eyes; he lets him pull out his own; the Hare leads the blind Tiger to the edge of the abyss; makes a fire, the Tiger moves away, falls down, clings to the tree with his teeth; The hare asks to answer if everything is fine, the Tiger opens his mouth, falls further, crashes to death; the hare tells the person where he can find the tiger's skin; advises Crows peck the wounds of unattended horses; tells the shepherdess where to ruin the crows nest; shows the Wolf where the sheep were left unattended; seeing all this, the Hare laughed so much that his the lip burst]: O'Connor 1906:2-5; Tibetans (Sichuan) [The hare undertakes to watch the Bear's children; kills them, runs away, hides in the shepherd's bag; then in the Tiger's ear; the Tiger kills the Bear; the hare eats juma, gives the Tiger, says they are eyes; the Tiger allows him to pick his eyes, the Hare feeds him with juma, then with his own eyes; they lie down at the abyss for the night, the Hare asks the Tiger to move, he falls into abyss, grabs a tree with his teeth; The hare advises calling for help by saying "a"; The tiger unclenches his teeth, breaks; continuing to deceive the people he meets (see the Kazakh version), the hare laughs, his mouth burst]: Potanin 1914:430-432; Lavrung [Black Bear and Rabbit have a daughter; both go to dig edible roots; one day the Bear returns alone; replies to Rabbit's daughter that she will eat her if she she will never stop asking her where her mother is; she overhears the Bear talking to her daughter, realizes that the Bear killed the Rabbit; invites the Bear's daughter to shoot at each other, puts it a stone on her chest and paper on her chest; an arrow bounces off Rabbit's daughter's chest, kills the Bear's daughter; Rabbit's daughter runs; the shepherd hides her in the sheep's ear; she throws ash in the face of the Bear who arrives in time , runs on; the same with the horse; then hides in the Tiger's ear, he swallows the Bear; the Rabbit's daughter chews the roots, answers the Tiger that he eats her eye; gives the spine, then takes out the Tiger's eye, he speaks that his eye is not so tasty, asks him to take out the second one; asks him to drive him slowly along a bumpy road and fast along a smooth road; Rabbit's daughter brings Tiger to the edge of the cliff, makes a fire, asks him to move, The tiger falls, breaks; comes into the house, tells the owners that a tiger lies under the mountain, promises to look after the baby and the cows; kills them, fills the baby with ash, cows with straw; the hostess spanks the baby , tries to milk the cows, they fall apart; Rabbit's daughter invites the hostess to stand with a stone at the top of the stairs, the owner with a bow below, throw a stone at her and shoot at the signal; they kill each other]: G.yu lha 2011:369-373; Tibetans Amdo (Gansu) [the tiger kept the hare alive, he ate sugar cane pretending to eat his eyes; the tiger pulled out his own; the hare took him to the cliff, lit a fire, then persuaded him to move; the tiger fell but grabbed a tree branch with his teeth; the hare asked if he was strong; the tiger opened its mouth to respond, crashed to death]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001a, No. 257:367-368.

China - Korea. The Chinese (Jilin) [the tiger was going to eat the hare, which deceived him and took him "to eat" near the cliff; lit a fire; at night he moved the fire, told the tiger to move away, the tiger fell off the cliff, crashed to death; the hare met a hunter with fox skins, frightened him, said that a tiger was lying below; the hunter threw down his weapon and skins, went for the tiger's skin; the hare met a pig shepherd and said that A gun and skins lie nearby, went ahead himself; met a she-wolf and said that there was a herd of pigs nearby; the she-wolf left her cubs; at the edge of the forest, an eagle met a hare, the hare told him about the cubs, the eagle flew to them, leaving its nest; in the village, a hare met an old woman and told her to remove the eagle's nest from the tree; the old woman threw her yarn and ran to the tree; the hunter returned and found the shepherd the shepherd is a she-wolf, the she-wolf is an eagle, the eagle is an old woman, she returned for yarn; glad that no one is chasing him, the hare tumbled over, fell and broke his lip against the stone]: Zhou Yang 1992, No. 262:390-391.

The Balkans. Serbs, Romanians [Fox and Bear (Wolf, man, devil) sleep at the edge of a cliff; at night Lisa pushes his companion, he falls, crashes]: Uther 2004 (1), No. 10***: 25.

Baltoscandia. Norwegians [fox, bear and wolf go to bed at the edge of a cliff; at night, the fox adjusts so that others fall and crash]: Hodne 1984, No. 10:25; (cf. Veps [the fox tells the bear that it sweeps the path for him with its tail; suggests that one eye look at the ants as they drag the load more than themselves; the bear also grabs the stone, cannot lift it; fox: maybe you're weaker than me; they meet women mushroom pickers, they start screaming, the bear flees in horror, falls off a cliff, crashes]: Onegin, Zayatseva 1996, No. 4:51-52).

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Bosingen 1985 [(=Kaskabasov et al. 1979, No. 56:121); Lisa invites Tiger to spend the night by the cliff; lies down on the edge; gets up at night, lies down on the other side, asks Tiger to move, he falls]: 30; Sidelnikov 1952 [The hare offers the blind Tiger not to eat him, but to take him as a guide; stops on the edge of an abyss, makes an increasingly hot fire; through sleep, the Tiger says it's hot, Hare invites him to move away, the Tiger crashed; the hare consistently tells the hunter carrying the fox that there is a dead Tiger under the rock; foxes lie to the shepherd; the wolf is unattended sheep; the crow is cubs unattended; for an old woman, pick up a crow's nest for kindling; in the wind, take away the wool that the old woman was spinning; the Hare's lip burst with laughter]: 27-28 (=1958:177-178).

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Buryats: Barannikova et al. 2000, No. 1 [(=Dugarov 1990:340-345); aged Lisa wants to avoid death; fox burkhan tells her not to eat anyone; she pretends to repent to go to the valley happiness; The Hare, the Wolf, the Bear go with her; the Fox tells the Wolf that the Hare looks at him strangely; the Wolf kills him; the Fox persuades the Bear to punish the Wolf by taking away his meat; says that the Wolf is strange looks, the Bear kills him; the Fox lies to the Bear as if eating his ears and eyes; helps the Bear pull them out; invites the blind to lie on the edge of the cliff, asks him to move; hides the meat of the crashed Bear in cracks in the rock so that mice can come there later; praises his burkhan for his good advice (her victims killed themselves)]: 33-43; Eliasov 1973, No. 83 [The fox tells the Bear that the Hare, then the Wolf, is going to him eat; The bear kills him; the fox eats his meat, tells the Bear that he eats his ears, eyes, which will then recover; the bear tells him to tear off his ears, pick his eyes out; blind, lies at the edge of the cliff; The fox asks him to move, he falls, the Fox eats bear meat]: 347-350; tubalars [The fox invites the Bear to light a fire and warm up; tells him to move, he falls off a cliff, she eats lard and meat; runs away from the Wolf between the trunks of the talnik, the Wolf gets stuck; regurgitates bear fat and meat in front of nine Wolves, advises you to put your tails into the water, at night food will fall from the sky; tails freeze into the ice, Old Man, whose cow and horse they ate, kills them; his youngest daughter agrees to marry Fox]: Baskakov 1965:67-70; Chelkans [The fox tells Magpie to dump one, then the second chick, threatens climb the willow, eat everyone; The bear explains that the Fox cannot climb a tree; the Fox invites the Bear to go to bed on the edge of the cliff, pushes them down; feasts; invites the Wolves to compare vomiting; she has - meat and fat, they have grass used instead of onuch; teaches Volkov to lower their tails into the water, meat and lard will fall from above; an old woman beats Wolves frozen in ice, they run away without tails]: Kandarakova 1988:151 -154; tofalars [The fox says he is afraid of hunters, the Bear says he is afraid of hazel grouses when they take off; the fox offers him to fill the hole with people, promises to fill the other with hazel grouses; the bear returns wounded; The fox undertakes to heal him on a rock by the fire; asks him to move away from the fire, he falls, breaks, the Fox eats meat; tells the Wolves to sit on the ice and howl, God will send a bear; the Wolves are frozen tails; a man killed everyone with an ax, drove them on a sleigh]: Sherkhunaev 1977:237-240; South Altai Tuvans: Taube 1994, No. 49 [The fox pretends to be lame, the llama throws his luggage, chases the Fox, that runs fast, takes away the llama's luggage, there's food; tells the Bear that he ate his eye because it is sweet; the Bear asks him to pull out his eye; the fox pulls out, throws sugar into the Bear's mouth; he asks him to pull out and second eye; The fox brings the Bear to sleep to a cliff; at night asks to move, the Bear falls, breaks]: 270-271; Khalha Mongols [the fox brought the property of the deceased lama; gave the crow a rosary: read on the tree, you will be full; boots for the wolf: put on, go to the rams, you will be mistaken for a human; a bear - musical plates; the crow caught on the branches with a rosary, choked; the wolf was killed; the bear was frightened rumbled, ran away; the fox found a bundle of treats, smeared blood on his eyes, told the tiger that it had eaten its eye; the tiger asked him to pull out one eye, the fox let him eat sweets, the tiger liked it; he asked snatch the second one, the fox let him eat it, the tiger did not like it; the fox: so my second one is bitter, I won't pull it out; leads the tiger to the edge of the cliff for the night, asks him to move, the tiger fell, grabbed his teeth Karagan; fox: is this you, father? the tiger wants to answer, lets go of his grip, falls, breaks; the fox sends the old men to pick up the tiger, undertakes to watch the child, cooks it, puts her head as if the child is sleeping, fed the old people; the old man he rushed to cut the fox, she dodged, he killed his wife; he also killed a bull; he killed himself out of grief; the fox ate bacon, told the seven wolves that fat falls from the sky, if you put the tail into the water, the tails froze; the fox requires the magpie to throw off the cubs, otherwise it will gnaw through the poplar; when the last one is left, the thick explains that the fox will not be able to gnaw through the poplar; the fox went to look for a goose, saw a bull drinking water on I did not drink for a month and a month; I waited for his scrotum to fall off, starved to death]: Potanin 1883, No. 168:552-554; the Mongors [The hare pretended to be dead, he was picked up by a candy seller; in the basket The Hare ate sweets, put the rest in his ears, spoiled, ran away; tells the Wolf that he is eating his eye; the Wolf asks him to pull out his eye; the hare tells him not to scream, otherwise the eye will become bitter; feeds the Wolf sweets; The wolf agrees to lose his second eye; yells in pain; The hare puts his eye in his mouth, it is not so tasty; leads him to bask by the fire on the edge of the cliff; asks him to move; The wolf falls, breaks]: Stuart, Limusishiden 1994:124-125.

Western Siberia. Nganasany [The fox bites a piece of petrified wood, shows traces to the animals, says that this is a letter from the Russian tsar: we must compete, whoever has a weaker voice than a fox will eat them; eats them an ermine, a fox, a mouse, takes the Bear and the Wolf as friends; offers to go to bed by the cliff, lies on the edge, asks not to push her down, and if she asks to move, let them move; at night she lies down between the Wolf and the Bear, asks the Wolf to move, he fell and crashed; the Fox and the Bear ate it; the next night, the fox pushed the Bear with the same trick, ate the bear meat]: Voskoboynikov, Menovshchikov 1951:117-118.

Eastern Siberia. Dolgans: Popov 1937 [The fox convinces Myshelov's bird that the deer and the camp are strangers; he kills a deer from his own herd, kills his wife and children; later sees that Lisa did not kill her children, just bit their ears; the Mouselov lures Lisa onto thin ice; she fails, gets to the fish mother, promises to cure, acting as a shaman, tells her to put a stick, then get upstairs ice; says that the patient will scream; ate fish and ran away; sits on a woman's sledges, eats a bag of meat, replies that the area is called Polsumy, Donyshko; The bear wants to eat it, she promises get fat after sleeping; both lie down on the edge of the mountain; at night, the Fox lies down on the other side of the Bear, asks him to move, he falls; tells the man that he eats his penis; he cuts off his own, dies; the fox comes to his two wives, hides his face; in the dark, they try to cut the Fox with an ax, but cut the pregnant woman's belly; tells Wolf that he gets fat by lowering his tail into the ice-hole; the wolf's tail freezes, is torn off; others Wolves say that Lisa came, breaking her tooth on a sharp deer stomach; a lot of Fox sits by the fire; the Wolf smeared his ass in ash, began to dance ridiculously; everyone laughed, closed her mouth alone, the Wolf tore her to pieces ]: 28-33; Ergis 1967b, No. 15 [In the old days, animals and birds could talk. One day, a fox hit the fire and began to burn. When it reached the tip of the tail, the fire went out. In summer, it grew wool like a flame of fire. The fox used to be gray. The fox became friends with the mousetrap and began to hunt together. She tricked a mousetrap into killing her deer and her family. Myshelov decided to take revenge. In summer they go hunting and approach a wide river. The mousetrap flies over, the fox runs after him and falls into the water. She deceives the fish, promising to cure their mother, but eats it, and climbs up the stick that the fish put in. Lisa meets a woman and asks for a ride to the plague. On the way, she starts eating meat carried by a woman in her bag. "What's the name of this area?" - the woman asks. The fox replies: "Plating." They're going further. "What's the name of this area?" - Polsumy. They're going even further. "What kind of area is this?" - Bottom!" - the fox answers and, having eaten all the meat, jumps out of the sledge. A fox meets a bear, pushes it off a cliff, eats its meat, and ties its fat to its tail. He meets a person, deceives him, he dies. Meets a wolf. Makes him put his tail into the ice-hole to gain a lot of fat. The wolf tore off his tail and decided to take revenge on the fox. The wolf makes foxes laugh and recognizes a liar by a broken tooth. Then he attacked the fox and tore it]: 364; Western Evenks: Vasilevich 1936, No. 8 (Turukhansky, Erbogachen) [the fox invited the bear to sleep on a rock, lay down at the edge; jumped over the bear at night , told him to move "higher"; the bear rolled, crashed; the fox made sausage out of it; wolverine cuts skis out of wood; the fox eats sausage, said he was eating his tongue, let the wolverine try; he cut off his tongue died; the fox came to his house, went to bed with his wife at night, who asked, "Why is he so nimble"; the guys began to admit strangers, beat them; cut their mother across, the fox returned; the wolverine remained short], 9 (Erbogachen) [the fox invited the bear to go to bed on a rock, lay down at the edge; at night she jumped over the bear, told him to move "higher"; the bear rolled, crashed; the fox made of fat sausage, meat put on the storage shed; met a man, went together, he was tired; the fox went to bring a supply of meat; waited until the person died of hunger and fatigue, his meat withered], 10 (p. Nepa, Nizhnyaya Tunguska) [the fox invited the man to go to bed on a rock, lay down at the edge; at night she jumped over the man, told him to move, he rolled and crashed; the fox said that the man was going to have her poison]: 13, 14, 14-15; Osharov 1936a (Upper Office, Baikit District, West 1923) [The fox invites the Bear to spend the night on a cliff where there are no mosquitoes; at night he asks him to move, the Bear falls, the Fox eats bear meat]: 32-33; Suvorov 1956 (Podkamennaya Tunguska) [the fox and the bear climbed from mosquitoes to the top of the cliff; the fox lay down on the edge; when the bear fell asleep, jumped over it, asked him to move, the bear fell and crashed]: 60-61; Vasilevich 1947 (Kirensky) [Lisa invites Evenka hunt a bear, offers to spend the night at the top of the hill; lies lower, gets up at night, steps over a sleeping person, pushes him down; Evenk hit hard, says that the Fox is a liar]: 155; Vasiliev 1936, No. 5 (Ilimpic, Western 1907) [The fox and the bird Kovshichan went up the river; at night the Fox turns the shuttles, K. does not notice that they are now swimming down; they see the herd, K. does not understand that he is cutting his own deer; when he learns about this, Lures the Fox to the fragile ice; the fox sinks to the bottom to the ulcers, they say that their mother is sick; the fox undertakes to shamanize, treat, says that the disease will scream; eats eggs, runs away; is hired as a shepherd, kills deer; the old man shouts to his wife to beat the Fox; she hears poorly, the Fox explains that her husband tells her to tie a bubble of fat to the Fox's tail; runs away; tells the Wolves that he caught fat in the river with his tail down; wolf tails freeze, Wolves tear them off; Fox gnaws bones, breaks a tooth; Wolves in the plague will make people laugh, one hoots an owl, mutters a hare; the Fox covers his mouth, Wolves beat him; the Fox invites the Bear to lie on on a cliff ledge, closer to the wall; at night he lies between him and the wall, asks him to move, the Bear falls; the fox eats bear meat; the girls carry supplies, the Fox calls to show the way, eats everything on the way; hides on larch, girls make a fire; the Fox asks the Fire not to burn it to the end, becomes small as it is now]: 258-262 (quail in Bulatova 1985:154-160); Baikal Evenks: Titov 1936, No. 22 [The bear was bitten by mosquitoes, the Fox takes him to sleep on the edge of the cliff; at night he changes places, asks him to move, the Bear falls, breaks; the fox tied sausage to his tail, wrapped her intestines around his neck, answered the Wolves that she caught it by lowering her tail into the water; when they freeze, they had to drag it; wolf tails froze, the Fox hit, one tail came off], 62 [about (22)]: 189, 207-208; Voskoboynikov 1958 (North Baikal; =1960a, No. 3:43-44) [The bear sleeps on a rock; the fox lies down at the edge, changes places with the Bear at night, invites him to move, he breaks; she makes sausage, says to the man that he eats his tongue; the man cuts off his tongue, dies; the fox comes to his house; the children are surprised that the father has lost weight; Lisa speaks differently from the man, his children realize that it is not their father, they drive the Fox away]: 48; the Sym Evenks [The fox invites the Bear to go to bed near the yar; asks him to move, the Bear falls off the cliff; his buds broke to pieces, and remained; (The fox ate Crashed Bear)]: Davletin, Duvakin 2009, personal message, No. 3; Evens [The bear asks Lisa to give him a cool place; she offers to lie on the edge of the cliff; lies on the very edge, the Bear for it her; when the Bear falls asleep, the Fox lies behind the Bear; asks to move, the Bear falls, dies; the Fox eats bear meat]: Novikova 1958:29-30 (=1966:208; =1987:7-8).

SV Asia. Kereki [the fox calls the bear a nephew; offers to go to bed on the edge of the cliff; lies down at the very edge; when the bear falls asleep, lies on the other side of him and asks him to move; bear fell and crashed; the fox tells her eldest daughter named Ymynna not to throw away her vertebrae; strung them on a rope and tied them to the tail of a sleeping wolf; screams that the big-toothed are chasing him; the wolf rushed into the bushes , cut off his tail; the fox tells I. to sew white tips from this tail to all foxes, since then it has remained so; and the wolf's grandmother sewed another tail for him]: Leontyev 1983, No. 13:127.

Subarctic. Khan [The Raven warns Tsa'Wëzhaa (Beaver) that if he kills him, people will be lost; C. sleeps with the Raven on the edge of the cliff, straightens his legs at night, the Raven falls, breaks; C. hears voices people, but the villages are empty and only dead fish on the shore; he collects the Raven from pieces, collected almost everything; the raven tells him to jump on any fish, people reappear]: Mishler 2004, No. 5:152-154.