Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M102. Without head and leg.

The character believes that the other has temporarily separated his head or leg from himself, asks to do the same to him, dies or is maimed.

Bondei, Lamba, Sakata, Luba, Nyakole, Isanzu, Kamba, Digo, Swahili, Nyamwanga, Nyatura, Nyoro, Western Pygmies, Yaoundé, Rongo, Ndlau, Nzakara, Zande, Sandave, Kalenjin (kipsigis) , hopi, oriental keres (Paguate), kuna, matako, maca.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Bondeis [The Cuckoo and the Rooster go to visit each other; after the first exchange of visits, the Rooster tells his wife to pour water on him, hides by the hearth, answer that the Rooster is cooking in the cauldron; the Rooster jumps out, The cuckoo believes that it was cooked with bananas; tells his wife to put it in the pot, dies; the Rooster and the Leopard go to visit each other; the Rooster hides his head under his wing, the wife replies that he sent his head herd sheep; A rooster enters the yard with his sheep; a leopard tells his wife to cut off his head, dies; leopards have been hunting poultry ever since]: Woodward 1925, No. 15:373-377; lamba [Lurie (who is it ?) comes to visit the Bat; he tells his wife to cook sweet potatoes, climbs into a boiling pot; the wife lifts the lid, the Bat comes out, says that there is a bat with sweet potatoes for lunch; Lurie invites visit him; tells his wife to cook him with sweet potatoes; dies; his wife cut off her head, put it on a stump; when the Bat came, told him that her husband had gone to dance and left his head; The Bat returned home, told his wife to cut off his head; the wife came to complain to Lurie's wife, who replied that they were even]: Doke 1927, No. 62:117-119; Sakata: Colldén 1979, No. 155 [the dwarf antelope Mboloko calls The leopard to fish in its stream; let the fish go in advance in front of the pond; the leopard calls to fish in his stream, it is empty; the same is to hunt in the grass; M. says he killed his children, invites the Leopard to eat meat; gives meat to a killed animal; The leopard kills his children, calls M. to a feast; M. says he will cut off his head; cuts off the head of a similar animal, lets his wife show the Leopard; he tells his wife to cut off herself head; M. comes, tells Leopard's wife that only idiots could kill their children and themselves], 156 [The rooster tells his wife to tell Hawk that he went to the forest and left his head in the village; hides in a hole, with his head out; the Hawk tells his wife to cut off her head; since then, the hawks have been chasing chickens], 157 [The rooster buys slaves, they row in his boat; answers Behemoth that he has exchanged slaves for his leg; stands on One leg, hiding the other; the Hippopotamus cut off his leg, went to trade for slaves, but everyone wanted only money; the Hippopotamus died], 158 [The turtle feeds the Hawk fish, says these are the severed legs of her children; the Hawk cuts off the children's legs, they die; the Turtle and the Hawk are invited to a festival in heaven; the Turtle's wife hides it in a bag, says that the husband asked to give it to his friend in heaven; this is how the Hawk brings the Turtle to heaven; then brings it back in the same way; the turtle hides in the hole, the head goes out; the wife explains that the husband went to the forest, left his head; the Hawk tells his wife to cut off his head]: 322-323, 323-324, 324-325 , 325-326; luba [the dwarf antelope Kabuluku and the Leopard travel; at night, the Leopard sends K. to get water, cooks and eats food himself; the old woman talks to K. about this, covers his body stars so that the Leopard does not recognize him; unrecognized K. tells the Leopard to interfere with boiling food with his paws and tail; then adjusts himself so that the Leopard lets himself be thrown tied into the water, left in the burning forest, being bitten by bees; K. hides in a hole, his head sticks out; The leopard is told that K. left his head, went to Mvidi Mukul (the supreme deity) himself; the leopard tells him to cut off his head to go to MM; dies]: Stappers 1962, No. 8:34-38 in Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 91:218-221; Nyankole [The chicken bought meat, hid its leg under its wing; answers the Hawk what she bought in exchange for his leg; the Hawk cut off his leg, could not walk; hawks have been carrying chickens since then]: Roscoe 1923b:164; isanzu [seeing the Hare, the Rooster tightens his leg; says he cut off his leg, exchanged it for grain; people agree to give the Hare grains in exchange for his leg; he cuts off his leg, dies]: Kohl-Larsen, Allensbach 1937, No. 2:4-5; kamba [hyena came to the rooster; rooster's wife: husband left his head, went to drink beer; at home, the hyena husband tells his wife cut off his head, the rooster takes the widow for himself]: Arewa 1961, No. 1401:83-84; digo [the rooster has agreed with his wives: when the goat comes, I'll hide my head under my wing - say that my head will come back in the evening; in the evening he fed the goat; at home, the goat told the shepherd to cut off his head; a rooster came and said they had killed a goat]: Arewa 1961, No. 1401:84; Swahili [The Rooster wants to know if his friend Hare is retelling their conversations to his wife; agrees with his wife that when the Hare stays under their canopy, he, the Rooster, will ask his wife why she did not cut off his head today, as usual, and ask his wife in the morning bring his head back; The hare hears, tells his wife, when the Rooster comes to visit, cut off his head, the Hare; in the morning the wife puts her head back, but the Hare does not come to life; he was buried]: Olderogge 1959:92-97 ; nyamwanga [the hare came to visit the rooster; he began to dance with his head hidden under his wing; the rooster's wife explained that the rooster had cut off his head; at home, the hare told his wife to cut off his head; died; the rooster explained what was going on]: Arewa 1961, No. 1402:85-86; nyatura [The Rooster hides his head under his wing; when the Hare, the Chicken replies that the Rooster sent his head into the field and is resting; at home The Hare tells his wife to cut off When the Rooster comes, it is his head to tell him that her husband has gone to the pasture; the Rooster laughs, the Hare cries when he sees that the Hare is dead; the other Hare came to the Rooster while he was standing on one leg; the Rooster replied that bought grain, left the sellers one leg to fill the bag to the brim; the hare went, asked for his leg to be cut off, died]: Sick 1915:49-50; Nyoro: Arewa 1961, No. 479 [chicken convinces a hawk that cut off his leg; if a hawk wants to buy meat, he must do the same; the hawk cut off his leg and has been hunting chickens and chickens ever since]: 34; Belcher 2005 [The turtle offers Chief Kintu help in the war against the Snakes; tells the Snakes that at night her head and legs disappear, so she is immortal; Snakes are allowed to cut off their heads]: 179; Western pygmies (aka?) [the parrot hides its leg under its wing; tells the elephant that it sent her to watch the children playing; the elephant cuts off its leg, tells the parrot that it sent her to the forest to watch the children; dies]: Trilles 1932:327-328; Yaounde [Beme (carpal pig, Potamochoerus porcus) sees the Parrot standing on one leg; asks where the other is, he replies what he has given to his wife; B. tells his wife to cut off his leg, hold; wife strikes with an ax, B. yells, injured, wife did not cut off her leg]: Abega 2002:37; ronga [The duck tells the Hare that he will go fishing tomorrow; negotiates with his family, hides his head under his wing; the family explains to the Hare that only the Duck's head goes fishing, secretly brings fish; The hare looks for the Duck by the river, returns, sees the Duck with its head, treats himself to fish, calls the Duck to guests; before her arrival, cuts off his head, dies]: Junod s.a., No. 6:75-77; ndau [The rooster is standing with his head hidden under his wing with his leg between his legs; his wife replies to the Hare that his head and leg have gone to drink beer; at home The hare tells his wife to cut off his leg and head; dies]: Boas, Simango 1922, No. 8:180; kamba [Hyena goes to the Rooster to drink beer; he is tired, he tells his wife to answer that she cut off the Rooster head, head went to drink beer and will soon return; the Rooster quietly takes his head out from under his wing, greets Hyena; at home Hyena tells his wife to cut off his head, dies; the Rooster takes Hyena's wife for himself]: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 99:231-233.

Sudan - East Africa. Nzakara [The rooster puts his foot under his wing; replies to the Hawk that he made her a rocker arm to carry water; gives an ointment that supposedly easily separates the leg from the body and attaches it again; Hawk lubricates the leg, it really separates, his children carry beer on it like a rocker arm in the field; but the leg does not grow back; the hawk dies from blood poisoning; since then, hawks have been hunting chickens]: Retel-Laurentin 1986, No. 30:191-192; zande [like nzakar]: Evans-Prichard 1965:70 in Retel-Laurentin 1986:190; sandave [Giraffe calls Hare to visit, wife cooks millet, no gravy; Giraffe tells him to put a bowl, hit him on the leg with an ax, fat flows from there; when leaving, the Hare asks the Giraffe to come to visit; repeats everything, but fat does not flow from the wound on his leg; the friendship between the Giraffe and the Hare ends ; The hare became friends with the Dove; comes to him; the wife says that the body is at home, and the husband's head has gone to visit his mother; the Pigeon's head returns; the Hare asks the Pigeon to visit him on the third day; tells his wife before the Pigeon comes, cut off his head with an ax, put it in the chest; the wife replies to the Dove that the Hare's head has gone to visit his mother; he hears a rustle in the chest, the Hare's wife replies that it is a rat; The dove returns home, the Hare is dead]: Dempwolff 1916, No. 58:162-164; calengin (kipsigis) [the hare invited his friend Kipsongut to visit; then K. invited the hare; told his wife to tell the hare when he will come that there is only K.'s torso at home, and his head has gone to look after the cattle; he hid his head himself, only his torso can be seen; after eating, the hare asked his wife K. to tell her husband that he invites him to again the next day; told his wife to cut off his head, died, the hare's wife was crying; K. came and said that when imitating others, you should measure your abilities]: Chesaina 1997:74-75.

The Great Southwest. Hopi [Coyote does not understand who it is on one leg and without a head; the crow takes his head out from under his wing, but remains on one leg; says she cut it off for herself; teaches him to cut with all her might; when Coyote's leg falls off, Raven shows him her second leg]: Malotki, Lomatuway'ma 1984:69-95; oriental ceres (Paguate) [The crow has lost a leg; goes looking for someone to help her ; The fox makes her leg out of a cactus; the crow says she feels good and on one leg; the fox believes, lets his leg be cut off; the crow puts it on himself, the Fox is left without a leg]: Espinosa 1936a, No. 19:89-90.

Honduras - Panama. Kuna [Ñeque sees the Rooster sleeping, wonders where his head is; he explains that he cuts it off at night and keeps it in a vessel so as not to get dirty; Ñ. cuts off his head]: Chapin 1989:92 .

Chaco. Matako [Sipilah owned a bottle tree full of fish; did not tell Tokhuah to shoot fish; he shot at the dorado, the tree split; S. told T. to take the water away; stick a stick in the ground for the night, water he would stop, he would be able to sleep; told him not to look back; T. looked around, saw a water monster, drowned; before that, he offered Iguana anal sex; he said that T.'s penis was too big, but did not say that he himself has two penises; T. began to eat mistol fruits, they fell out of his ass; he covered him with grass; T. eats baby nanda, they drive him into a hole, leave their feathers at the entrance, he thinks they still here; escapes, becoming a hummingbird; in an empty village, asks a mortar where its owners are; she is silent, he throws her against a tree, she bounces into his head; asks a needle, she says, pin-pin, he steps on her, she pierces his leg; the excrement answers, Thlapapapa, he gives him his foot, covered in crap; thinks frogs are croaking in the water, diving, and there are cacti; white bird advises to dig into hot ash to turn white; T. is burned; asks the chakha birds to give him feathers, they wax them, he takes off, the wax melts in the sun, T. falls, screams, I'm a mortar, falls with a mortar, becomes human; The hawk stands on a branch on one leg, helps T. cut off his leg, shows that he has two; the Spider puts his leg back, he calls it redmouth and fat dog, his leg falls off again; another Spider heals him again; the red-eyed Pigeon advises rubbing red pepper into his eyes, T. temporarily goes blind; a bird with a white face and a long beak advises him smear clay and stick sticks into your nose; he does it]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 78:165-168; poppies: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 56 [high in the tree, the Chitimacha bird (Polyborus chimachina, Falconidae) stands on one leg; the jaguar thinks she does not have the other; C. agrees to make him like her; breaks his leg with a stick; the jaguar asks the Spider to cure him, promises his daughter; he heals The jaguar mutters that he does not give his daughter to this fat man; the wound immediately opens; the second time the Spider does not fully heal him, leaves him lame; marries the daughter of a jaguar], 57 [the jaguar thinks C. has one leg; that agrees to make it the same, cuts off his leg, runs away]: 139-140, 141.