Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M104. Allegedly murdered relatives.

.10.-.13.18. (.19.) .21.23.-.25. (.35.) .46.

The character offers another to kill close relatives (children, brothers, mother), hides his own, claims that he killed them. When another actually kills their children, mother, or brothers, it turns out that the first one has them unharmed. See motive A41 (The moon hides its child stars to provoke the Sun to kill its children).

Naron [Ostrich deceived Bustard], kung [Ostrich bird], herero [Wolf Fox], ovimbundu [Leopard Goat], bulu and beti bulu [Leopard Turtle], bass [Lion Turtle; Lion Hare], safwa [ Badger Hare], Congo [Wild Cat Gazelle; Leopard Gazelle], Sakata [Leopard Antelope], Yaka [Leopard Gazelle, Antelope, Turtle], Pygmies aka [Panther Hare], Nyatura [Jackal Hare], Lamba [Lion Hare], Bemba [Lion Hare], Subia [Leopard Hare], Ziba [Leopard Hare], Songe [Other Animal Antelope], Buba [Other Animal Marten], Bena Lulua [Other Animal Antelope], Kiga [Leopard Hare], Angola [Leopard Hare] ], tswana [Wolf Jackal], tsonga [Hare deceived Baboon], louis [one Hare to another], chagga [Lion Hare], isanzu [Pygmy Antelope Hyena], kamba [Lion Hare], Bondeis [Hyena Hare], Kaguru [Hyena Rabbit], Ganda [Crane Turtle], Maragoli [one person to another], Swahili [Hyenu Hare], Kinga [one person to another], Nyanja [Human Hare], Duala [Elephant Antelope], Quiri [Chameleon Salamander], background [Moon Sun; Hare Hyena], Eve [Moon Sun], Scrap [Moon Sun], Diola [Moon Sun], Sierra Leone [Turtle Rabbit], Manden [Hare Hyena], Malinke [Hare Hyena], Mosi [Hare Hyena], Mankana [Hare Hyena], Fulbe [Hare Hyena] Jackal], Serer [Hyena Hare], Songhai (Zarma) [Jackal Hyenu], Yoruba [Other Animal Dog], Igbo [Rat Squirrel], Mungaka [Elephant Dwarf Deer], Vute [Moon Sun], Kono [Leopard Hare (Panther)], Bassa [ Spider Hare], Ekoi [Sheep Leopard], Hausa [Hyena Dog], Banena [Leopard Dwarf Antelope], Wolof [Hyena Hare], Kotoko [Earth Squirrel Hyena], Maba [Jackal Hyena], Lango [Fox Hare], Murle [Hyena Jackal], shilluk [Vorona Vorona], tsamai [Monkey Mole], Kalengin (tugen) [Lion Hare], Masai [Hyenu Hare], Arusha [Hyenu Hare], Giryama [?] , malgashi (gelding) [one person deceives another], kulin [Emu another bird], kurnai and pitzhenjajara [Emu another bird], wilman [Emu Turkey], kamilaroi [Emu another bird], euahlayi [Emu another bird], wonghibon [another Emu bird], mara [Emu another bird], Murray River [Emu Turkey or Emu Turkey], (Aoba [Tagarpo deceives Mera-mbuto]), Taraon Mishmi [Man deceived Monkey], Apatani [Abo Tani (hero- trickster) deceived Baro Piicha (loser opponent)], oriental rengma [trickster Ichu deceives his brother], sora [Moon Sun], ho [Moon Sun], birkhor [Moon Sun], Santals [Moon Sun], bondo [ Moon Sun], bhuya [Moon Sun], baiga [Moon Sun], conda [Moon Sun], Oraons [Moon Sun], muria [Moon Sun], binjwar [Moon Sun], battra [Moon Sun], (Romanian Gypsies [Sun Month]), Semangs [Moon Sun], Senoi [Moon Sun], Malays Aboriginal (Mantra) [Moon Sun], Bataki [Moon Sun], Mentawai [Moon Sun], Java [Moon Sun], Toraja [Moon Sun], Tagaly [Moon Sun], (Mansi [ Mosne Porne]), Osage [Skunshiha Opossumihu].

SW Africa. Naron Bushmen: Kotlyar 1983, No. 31 [when she heard the voices of Ostrich's children, Drofa realized that he had deceived her by provoking her to eat his children; began to beat Ostrich in the legs], 32 [Bustard decided to deceive her Ostrich, offered to fry and eat her children; Great Bustard did so, but then heard the voices of Ostrich's children; realized that he had deceived her; pushed Ostrich into the pond, beat her with a stick; he chased Bustard, she disappeared into a hole]: 42, 53; kung bushmen (Botswana): Kotlyar 1983, No. 111 [Ostrich has many children, he came to Heisha (Tsuma-tsumane; red-eyed bird); he sent his children away and said he ate them , offered to kill Ostrich's children, they fried them all; Heishe explained that he had deceived Ostrich; Ostrich sits on the trail twice, grabs Heishe's leg, he falls, breaks water pots; hits Ostrich on the legs with a stick; both turned into birds], 125 [Tsgauva (=Kauha, demiurge) hid his children, told Straus he killed them; he actually killed his own; the ostrich sits on the trail, they fight, Tsgauwa hides in the crevices of the rock, the Ostrich grabs him by the testicles; Tsgauva advises him to run around the rock first, hides deep in it; the Ostrich kicks the rock, breaks his legs]: 232-233, 254-255.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Isanzu [Hyena and Antelope (dwarf digdig) agree to kill their children, eat their liver; Hyena kills, Antelope hides a child in a termite mound, kills a bird; Hyena is surprised that her child's liver is stiff and Antelope's baby is tender; hears Antelope calling the baby to feed him; calling in the same words, but her voice is rude; chewing bones does not help; the sorcerer advises bringing to termite calebas fat; after eating fat, Hyena speaks in a gentle voice, Antelope's child goes out, Hyena eats it, runs away]: Kohl-Larsen, Allensbach 1937, No. 17:18-19; kamba [The Hare and the Leo decide to live together; livestock begins to die; The hare assumes that cattle bewitch their mothers; offers to kill mothers; hides his mother, brings duck liver; invites Leo to try - whose liver is bitter, that mother and bewitched cattle; the lioness's liver turns out to be bitter; the hare continues to go to his mother to shave; says that he is shaved by a bull; Leo goes to the bull, he does not shave; spies on the Hare, kills him mother; he cries, says that smoke eats his eyes; offers to kill the bull, cook meat; throws meat down Leo's throat; then throws a hot stone, the Lion dies; the hare tells Hyena that Leo is sleeping; binds Hyena's tail to the tail of a dead Lion; Hyena runs, Leo after her; Hyena hides in a hole; a few days later eats the lion's corpse]: Lindblom 1928, No. 7:13-19 (translated into Okhotina 1962:221-225, brief retelling in Kotlyar 1975:134, in Arewa 1961, no. 831:52-53); chagga [The hare negotiates with Leo to kill his mothers]: Woodward 1925:266; giryama [two characters agree to sell their mothers and buy food]: Woodward 1925:267; safwa [The Hare and Badger take turns watching the cattle; The hare offered to kill their mothers; pretended to kill and Badger actually killed his mother; after learning about the fraud, killed Hare's mother; he took him to hunt for rats; prepared two rats in advance; offered to open his mouth for rats to run into him; threw a stone there, killing Badger]: Arewa 1961, No. 831:59; nyatura [ during hunger, the Hare offers Jackal to sell his mothers; the hare put a stone in the bag instead of his mother; ordered the bag to be opened only in two days, otherwise the mother will run away and return in the footsteps; in two days told Jackal that he heard that his mother had run away and now they would be chased; he took the Jackal to cover by a puddle on a rock; the Jackal took a reflection for his relative, calmed down; the hare hid in a hole, The jackal was killed; the hare took his ox]: Sick 1915:52-53; bemba [The hare negotiates with Leo to kill his mothers]: Woodward 1925:266; lamba [The hare offers Leo to kill his mother (apparently saying that he had already killed his own); hides his own; brings her the meat of Leo's mother; the turtle followed, came to the Hare's mother; The hare wanted to kill her, but his mother did not allow her; the turtle told Leo, he killed his mother Hare; The hare set fire to the Turtle's house, she died]: Doke 1927, No. 71:137-139; Kaguru [during hunger Rabbit offers his maternal uncle Hyena to sell his mothers; he in response offers to kill mothers, sell meat; Hyena's mother was killed; Rabbit feels sorry for his antelope; goes to his mother, she feeds him; Hyena dies of hunger]: Beidelman 1967a: 287-289; ganda [Turtle suggests Kill the crane and eat their mothers - they are still old and sick; they killed, cooked and ate the Crane's mother; the Hare's mother is in the hollow; when he gives a voice, she lowers the rope; the Turtle brings the crane a viscous elastic resin under the guise of its mother's meat; the Parrot tells the Crane the truth; he imitates the voice of the Turtle, the Mother Turtle lowered the rope, the Crane killed it, fried it, brought the meat to it; knowing that The turtle will understand who the killer is, moved to the top of the tree; Rabbit advised to pay Soko (Gorilla?) so that he would tie a rope to the Crane's nest and then climb it; But the Parrot told the Crane everything again; the Turtle climbed, the Crane pushed it down; so twice; then the Turtle complained to Leo, Jackal, Elephant, Snake; she climbed a tree and killed the Crane; they ate it]: Stanley 1893:188-209; maragoli [Anakamuna and Anakanani are friends; when hungry, Anakamuna offers to eat her mothers; Anacanani ate, and he hid his mother in a tree; she warms and feeds her son; when he comes up, he sings a song for his mother to pull the rope down; Anacanani followed, sang the same song, but his mother did not recognize the voice; then he told the blacksmith to correct his voice; then the woman missed the look, killed Anacanani and ate it; Anakamuna offered to go for honey, told him to climb a tree and set fire to Anacanani's tail; burning Anacanani fell off a tree and rushed into the river, but Anakamuna dried it; so with all rivers; he is Anacanani]: Kavaji 2005, No. 3:196-202; Swahili (Mombasa District) [The hare invites Hyena to eat his mothers; Hyena eats, Hare hides his own]: Werner 1915:61; bondei [The hare offers Hyena to kill her own mothers; Hyena kills his own, the Hare hides, kills the sheep; Hyena meets the Hare's mother, eats her porridge, puts her in her bag herself, tells her not to scream, otherwise she will kill her; both go to the coast, Hyena lets the Hare carry the bag with his mother, supposedly there is a calebass for witchcraft; the hare knows this, on the way she replaces his mother with a bee in a swarm; when Hyena opens the bag to heal the people, the bees bit her and the villagers to death]: Woodward 1925, No. 4:266-270; Subia [The hare negotiates with the Leopard to kill his mothers]: Woodward 1925:267; ziba [Hare negotiates with the Leopard to kill his mothers]: Woodward 1925:267; quiri [Chameleon and Salamander agreed to eat their children; Salamander poured red water paint, the Chameleon saw, killed and ate his children; all the animals came to the festival with children, the Chameleon saw that he had been deceived; the Chameleon threw a stone off the cliff, saying that if anyone dies, he would no longer will be reborn; Salamandra said she will be reborn; the Chameleon still mourns his children every night; when they see a chameleon, he is killed; the person who sees it or one of his relatives will die]: Abrahamsson 1951:10 (=Baumann 1936:279); Western pygmies (aka) [the panther is trapped, only the hare agreed to release her, they have become friends; they go to the village to buy a goat; both have mother-in-law in the village, each suggests that his son-in-law keep the goat for himself; the panther's mother-in-law offers to kill the hare; the hare offers the panther to both kill his mother-in-law; the panther kills, the hare pierces a tree with red juice with a spear; both Queues take the goat to graze; when the hare drives, his mother-in-law fills the goat with meat and bananas; the panther watches, eats the hare's mother-in-law; he lures the panther into a trap, laughs when she dies]: Trilles 1932:319-321 ; bulu [The turtle invites the Leopard to eat its mothers; presses fruits with red juice; seeing that the water in the river has turned red, the Leopard believes that it is the blood of the Turtle's mother, kills his mother; replaces a bag of Leopard's mother's meat; supposedly brings her bag as if it were the meat of the Turtle's mother; the Leopard finds fruit in his own bag; the turtle calls him a fool]: Schwab 1914, No. 3:267-268; beti bulu [after Leopard's mother ate the last piece of meat he hoped to eat himself, he invites the Turtle to kill his mothers; drags his own to the river; the turtle hides his own, cooks red berries , says he will kill his upstream so that his mother, if they are together, would not scream violently; when he saw that the water turned red (from the berries), the Leopard thought that blood cut his mother's throat; they they bake meat, the Turtle bag contains the bitter flesh of wild berries, the Leopard believes that the old woman's meat is useless, shares his mother's meat with the Turtle; the Leopard overheard the Turtle laughing his mother rushed to them about what happened, but they hid under their shells; since then, leopards have been rushing at anything that moves, thinking it was a turtle]: Binam Bikoï 197:50-54; bass: Binam Bikoï 1977 [during a famine, the Turtle offers Leo to kill and eat his mothers; says that the father advised not to kill prey while going downstream; goes upstream, hides the mother, pours it into the river is red paint; Leo believes that the Turtle's mother is killed, kills her own; before death, his mother curses him - let everyone deceive him; the lion brings packages of meat to his mother, the Turtle wraps mushrooms and clods land; both bake the contents around the fire; while the Leo sleeps, the Turtle changes the bags; in the morning he eats meat, while the Leo finds land with mushrooms; the turtle explains that Leo's mother is a witch, could have turned into something You like; later Leo finds refuge in the Turtle's mother, overhears her son talking about what happened; the Turtle's hole is too small, Leo cannot get there; but since then, turtles have been hiding in front of everyone rustle]: 13-16; Reuss-Nliba, Reuss-Nliba 2014 [during hunger, a lion offers a hare to kill and eat mothers; he pretends to agree; he threw clay with red berries into the river, the lion mistook it for blood stabbed his mother; when he opened the bag that the hare had given him, there were stones in it; hare: my mother cursed me and turned her flesh into stones; the lion heard the hare and his mother laughing, but they hid from him]: 53-60; Congo: Dennett 1898 [Wild Cat and Gazelle agree that during hunger, everyone can eat another's mother; Gazelle eats Wild Cat's mother, hides hers; Gazelle tells Wild Cat's little son carry her food; calls out to her, she goes to his voice; he tells his father about the deception; the Wild Cat imitates Gazelle's voice, kills his mother, has a feast, invites the Gazelle to eat meat; he guesses about deception; goes to live with his people elsewhere]: 85; Struyf 1936 [The leopard kills his mother at the suggestion of Gazelle; Gazelle hides his mother, kills a ram; walking from the bazaar, sings a song, mother unlocks the door; the leopard sings the same way; Gazelle's mother unlocks the door for the second time, the Leopard eats her; the Gazelle takes the form of a pretty girl; the leopard burns with passion; the imaginary girl feeds him hot pepper The leopard dies]: 39-43; sakata [the Mboloko antelope calls the Leopard to fish in its stream; she lets the fish go in front of the pond in advance; the leopard calls to fish in its stream, it is empty; the same is to hunt in the grass; M. says she killed her children, invites the Leopard to eat meat; gives the meat of a killed little animal; the leopard kills his children, calls M. to a feast; M. says he will cut off his head; cuts off the head of a similar one the beast, lets his wife show Leopard; he tells his wife to cut off her head; M. comes and tells Leopard's wife that only idiots could kill their children and themselves]: Colldén 1979, No. 145:310-312; songe [Buffalo's mother is dead; the leopard says everyone must kill their mothers now; the Kaseshi antelope hides its own, comes to eat the mother's food, other animals are losing weight; the Leopard found killed K.'s mother; K. raises a stone in a bag on a tree, promises to throw a fruit into the Leopard's mouth; the stone knocked out his teeth, almost killed him; the animals chased K., she asked for help from the Lizard, she killed the Leopard; K. refused to pay her, offered only to be friends]: Frobenius 1983:270-271; luba [Marten invited all the animals to kill their mothers, but hid hers; (she came to eat cooked food mother's food), while other animals were losing weight; the animals found and killed Marten's mother; she replied that she was crying for nothing]: Frobenius 1983:283; Ben Lulua [Gabuluku antelope invited all animals to take out put her mothers' eyes in a pot to eat; all the animals killed and ate their mothers, but G. hid her own in a hole in the stone, came to eat the food prepared by her mother, and other animals lost weight; while G. was away, the animals found and killed her mother; G. buried her eyes, two trees grew, G. invited the animals to climb on them for fruit, told the trees to fall, the animals died]: Frobenius 1983:264; bena canioca [the animals agreed to kill their mothers, but Kamundi hid his mongoose in a hollow, went to her to eat; civettictis civetta saw that the animals killed K.'s mother, fed him her meat; he took them to the savannah, set fire to the grass, hid himself, the animals burned down]: Lambrecht 1963:68-69; yaka (Angolan border) [during the famine, Leopard, Antelope, Turtle, Gazelle agree to kill and eat their own mothers; Gazelle hides her mother, gives baked yam with butter under the guise of her meat; later animals spy, find Gazelle's mother, kill, eat]: Plancqueaert 1982, No. 54:137-139; kiga [Hare Negotiates with Leopard that everyone kill their mother, hides their mother in a cave, go to her for a meal; the Leopard finds out about this; asks the blacksmith to forge a voice for him like a Hare's; imitating the voice of the Hare, asks Hare's mother opens the door, comes in and kills her; sitting by the fire, asks the Hare why he is crying; The hare replies that smoke eats his eyes; the hare kills the Leopard by throwing a hot stone into his mouth]: Wright 1959:191-192; Angola (ethnicity is not a decree.) [The hare hid by his mother, who feeds him during hunger; the leopard learns the secret, eats it; The hare takes revenge]: Hauenstein 1976, No. 60:167-169 in Retel-Laurentin 1986:252; louis [two Rabbits agree to kill their mothers, who are supposedly witches]: Woodward 1925:267; kinga [when hungry, two people agree to kill their mothers]: Woodward 1925:267; duala: Lederbogen 1901, No. 37 [ the antelope invites the elephant to kill its mothers; let him go downstream of the stream; if he sees blood in the water, which means that the antelope killed its mother; but the antelope slaughtered the goat and poured its blood into the water; the elephant really killed his mother; went hungry and the antelope was getting food from its mother; the elephant spied, accused the antelope and committed suicide; the turtle stole both the mother of the antelope and the elephant's carcass; the leopard: the turtle stole both the mother of the antelope and the elephant's carcass so cunning that she will steal anything]: 210-211; Woodward 1925 [Gazelle negotiates with Elephant to kill his mothers]: 266-267; Nyanja [The hare offers a man to kill his mothers; his man killed, and the Hare smeared the knife with red juice, hid his mother in the sky; from there she lowered the rope every day, picked him up, fed him; the man peeked, instead of the Hare shouted to lower the rope, but his voice too rude; the next time the man called in a soft voice, the mother lowered the rope, the man climbed in, killed the Hare's mother and all the Bunnies, only one hid; returning from heaven, the Hare answered the man that he was crying, because the sun dazzles his eyes; he heated the stones, told the man to lie on the road, open his mouth, close his eyes, he would throw meat at him; threw hot stones down his throat, the man died]: Holland 1916:139-140; Woodward 1925 [The Hare negotiates with the Elephant to kill their mothers]: 266; Tswana [The Jackal and the Wolf live together; the Jackal suggests that the Wolf each kill their mother because they eat too many antelopes where, and they (sons) have no choice; clarifies that both should not be killed at once, otherwise they will be reborn, let everyone kill their own in front of the other; The Jackal hid his mother, but the Wolf really killed; Wolf wonders where the Jackal puts meat and water (he takes them to his mother); follows his footsteps to the hole, says that he brought meat, the Jackal's mother goes out, the Wolf kills her; the Jackal finds the victim, replies to the Wolf that his eyes are tearing with smoke; Wolf and Jackal split]: Lebzelter 1933:73-74; tsonga [The hare offers Baboon to kill their wives; hits the basket, tells his wife to scream as if she is being beaten; hearing screams, Baboon at actually beats his wife to death; later hears the Hare talking to his wife, understands the deception]: Junod 1927:236-237; Herero [Wolf is master, Fox is servant, cattle herding; Wolf tells Fox to go bring the sheep back, otherwise they can't be seen; the Fox ties a couple of sheep to the tree; the Wolf goes, sees it, hits the Fox; he complains that he has been beaten painfully, the Wolf allows him to beat him, he hits him terribly with branches; they see black and white cows, the Fox says that the black one is his; he pokes her with a knife, fat is pouring, the Wolf pokes his own - there is a syphilis; he says that the Fox gave him one on purpose; the Fox offers to change, but the Fox still has fat, the Wolf has a syphilis; then the Wolf offers to kill his mothers so that there is someone to cry for; kills his own, and the Fox hides his own in a cave; the Fox goes to fetch water, but the Wolf once insists that he will go; sees Fox's mother in the cave, kills her; the fox finds her; tells the Wolf that he is crying because of the smoke; the Wolf says it's because of his mother; leaves the Fox to cook meat; he takes the meat away, puts it crap in the pot, leaves the insect responsible for itself; The wolf hits the place where the voice is heard, but there is only an insect; the fox on the rock, greased it, the Wolf cannot climb; the fox asks him to open his mouth, throws it there is a stone, knocking out the Wolf's teeth; in the village, the Wolf shouts not to be missed; the Fox explains that he tells him to release it; the Leo has the same; the Fox plucked his hair, the Wolf says he looks like a Fox, but the Fox denies, leaves]: Radin 1952, No. 23:100-103; ovimbundu [Goat and Leopardicha agreed to eat their children when they are born; Leopardicha gave birth, children were eaten; Goat does not give birth, finally gave birth a spear, bow and arrow, a gun, Kalitangi; Leopardich tries to eat it, but he threatens her with a weapon; kills Leopardich; god Suku takes the Goat to heaven; K. goes there with animals to bring her mother back; between S. and K. the competition begins in trickster tricks and transformations; K. on the tree asks S. to wear his belt; S. sends the tree to the sky, but K. tells the belt to shrink, S. is forced to return the tree from K. to the ground; the fly helps K. find out which box his mother is in, K. picks her up]: Scheub 2000:97-98.

West Africa. Baule [The Sun invited the Month to kill and eat it first, the Sun, the mother, and in the evening the mother of the Month; they killed and ate the mother of the Sun; in the evening, the Month refused to kill its mother; now the Sun must work every day, and the Month is often not visible in the sky and visits her mother]: Himmelsheber 1951b: 18-19 (translated into Himmelheber 1960:41); von: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010 [in drought, Hyena suggests The hare to eat her children; the hare offers to start with Hyena's eldest son; Hyena kills all children except the youngest blind man, sends meat to the Hare, and she sends it back under the guise of a hare; Hyena finds Hare's children alive; asks someone to come to help knock down the oil; only Zaychiha's youngest daughter is smart enough, Hare sends her to Hyena; she changes places with Zaychiha's son, she kills and cooks her son; Bunny's daughter runs away, they all hide in the baobab; they lower the mother's stairs when she comes; Hyena sings in the voice of a Hare; the youngest daughter does not believe, but other bunnies lower the stairs; Hyena dozed off, tied up, thrown into a boiling pot, eaten]: 212-216; Olderogge 1959 [The moon invites the Sun to throw its children from heaven to earth; hides its own, collects stones in a bag, dumps them into the river; The sun does drown its children; when the truth comes out, the Moon explains that the Sun's power is excessive and it is better for its children to become fish that humans catch; since then, the stars have been at odds]: 150 -151; Toton 2017 [The moon tells her brother the Sun that they each have many children and overshadow their parents' fame; the Sun agrees to drown the children; first the Moon threw the bag into the river and then the Sun; but at nightfall, the Sun saw that the children of the Moon were stars in place; the children of the Sun turned into fish]: 57-58; eve [Moon {the sex of the stars is not specified} invited the Sun to eat its children first and then her ; The Sun agreed, its children were eaten; the Moon hid her own in a large water vessel; then she removed the stars from there; the Sun has no children; therefore God loves the Sun, does not love the evil Moon]: Spieth 1906 : 557; scrap (loma mende) [The sun is an uncle, the Month is a nephew, everyone has their own children; when hungry, the Sun offered to eat the children; divided it in half, ate its share; the Month ate only a little and hid the rest and suggested the next day as if it were his child's flesh; the Month distributed some of its light among its star children so that the Sun could not attack them suddenly; after This Month itself has become dim, shining only at night, fearing the Sun's attack]: Pinney 1973:72; diola [the sun has as many children as the moon; the moon's children are stars, and the sun's children are hot on earth it is unbearably hot; the moon invites the sun to get rid of children to moderate the heat; throws a bag of white stones into the water, and the sun really drowned its children; when night fell, the sun saw that stars in place; decided to pull her children out of the river, but they died right away; they turned into fish; since then, the sun has hated the moon and sometimes attacks it]: Reuss-Nliba, Reuss-Nliba 2018:66-67; bass [the spider set traps in the river and the hare on land; the hare was trapped in a lot of game, and the spider got only a few fish; he took the hare's prey, put fish on it; the hare guessed who it is he did; at home he crushed fish with honey and butter, gave the spider a taste, said that he had killed and cooked his children; the spider killed and cooked his own, but they were bitter; the hare showed his children - they are alive; the spider is gone, crying bitterly]: Pinney 1973:243-245; kono: Holas 1975:208-209 [during hunger, Panther invites the Hare to take turns eating their children every day; kills his cub, along with He eats the hare; the hare hid his own, brought the meat of an animal; so all the Panther's children were eaten, and the Hare left with many children], 212-218 [The leopard invites the Hare to eat their newborns children; The hare sends his own to live with his uncle, saying that his Bunny has a miscarriage again; the Leopard offers to baptize the next children, brings one, the Hare brings everyone born recently and hidden from the Leopard; he asks the Hare to send one of the children to help with his work, intending to eat the messenger; the younger Bunny volunteers to go to the Leopard; he 1) hides behind the bush, the Bunny aims at the bush is an arrow, the Leopard asks not to shoot; 2) smears his own son with white clay, puts him to bed with himself and his wife so as not to be confused with the Bunny; he smears clay himself, changes places with the Leopard's son at night, the Leopard kills, cooks, eats his son; 3) asks his wife to push the Bunny into boiling water, he pushes the Leopard himself, hides the calebas under his clothes, pretends to be Leopard's pregnant wife for a while; he He drives the Bunny into the hole, tells the Squirrel to guard; the hare throws that pepper in his eyes, jumps out unnoticed; the Leopard makes a fire, then climbs into the hole for the Bunny, who makes a fire at the entrance, Leopard dies]; Sierra Leone (mande?) [during hunger, the Turtle offers to eat its mothers; the Rabbit hides his own, says he agrees; everyone killed and ate their own; when it is Rabbit's turn, he says that his mother has just died; hides in a hole]: Mudge-Paris 1930, No. 6:319; manden (group not specified) [the hare offers the hyena to sell its mothers; leads his own to the bazaar on a rotten rope, quietly tells him to escape, run away, hide in a hollow; The hyena brings its own on a strong rope, sells it, buys a cow, they slaughtered it together; the hare sends a hyena for fire, carries the mother's meat, buries the cow's bones, buries its head so that horns stick out; tells the returning hyena that the Earth has eaten the cow; the hyena pulls out the horns, pulls out the skull - the Earth has eaten; at night, the hare's mother eats meat, throws bones at the head of the sleeping hyena; he thinks that hail is coming; then he understands, promises to bring the ostrich; she sticks her head into the hollow to get meat, the hare throws a noose, two eggs fall out of the ostrich; hyena: one for me, one for you; the hare lets go of the ostrich, says that it was the hyena who was going to kill her; the ostrich drives the hyena into the hole, leaves a feather at the entrance; the hare and its mother take the remaining meat and two eggs, go home; the hyena is afraid to go out: seeing the feather, they think that an ostrich is watching her; an old woman walks by, saying that there is no ostrich; the hyena is hungry, she sees a lioness, she does not have milk to feed the lion cubs, says that the old woman knows the remedy; the old woman: cut off the hyena's buttocks, cook in a pot on her head; the lioness does so, the milk appears, the old woman is visiting the lioness, the crippled hyena runs away; the old woman meets her, the hyena cuts wood to burn the old woman, tells her to cut her own; an old woman climbs a tree; screams that a lioness is coming for a new dose of medicine; the hyena runs away; this is repeated elsewhere; the third time an old woman kills a hyena with an ax]: Frobenius 1922b, No. 53:110-114 ; raspberries [hyena hare: there will be a hurricane; whoever ties his mother with a strong rope and hits until she breaks the rope; and if she does not cut off, the mother must be sold; tied his mother to a fat one with a rope, but cut it in advance, the mother ran away; the hyena's mother could not escape, she was exchanged at the Fulbe for a cow; the hare offered to slaughter her, let the hyena give him only her head and skin; brought the cow to the baobaba, where his mother was hiding, sent a hyena for firewood, hid the cow's meat with his mother; shouted to the hyena that the earth had swallowed the meat, hid himself, leaving a cow's head at the exit of the hole; later the hyena came again, bringing the ostrich - let her put her head in a hole where the hyena could not reach it; the hare threw a noose around the ostrich's neck, the old man threw out the egg, the hyena swallowed it; hare: hyena eggs taste better ostriches, let me strangle you a little bit; the hyena stuck her head, the hare strangled her to death]: Monteil 1905:135-138; mosi [during hunger, the Hare offers Hyena to sell their mothers, buy millet; tied the mother with a rotten rope, and Hyena tied her with a strong rope; the Hyena sold hers, and the Hare's mother tore the rope and ran away; Hyena carried bags of millet on the donkey, saw a dead hare on the road; then one; decided to go back and pick up the first one to take the second one; the hare poured millet on himself, filled Hyena's bags with sand; Hyena found that both hares had disappeared somewhere; when she saw her husband, Hyena's wife threw away the food that was there, and when she found only sand, she began to pick it up; Hyena's wife came to the Hare for the fire, saw his mother there, she was fed porridge; she specially let the fire go out to come again and get some porridge; The hare said she is starving because of her husband's stupidity]: Sissao 2010, No. 9:22-24; mancana [in drought The hare offers Hyena to sell her mothers; Hyena brings her mother on a thick rope, her hare on a thin rotten rope; on the way she asks Hyena to hold his mother until he relieves his need; the rope breaks off, the hare mother runs away; Hyena's mother was sold, bought rice; on the way, the Hare hides the Hyena bag, leaves a trail of rice to a rat hole; they divide the remaining rice in half; the Hyena cannot cook, chews dry; the Hare's mother cooks porridge for him; the Hare brings the Aardvark to dig a rat hole; The hyena could not resist, bit the fat Aardvark, who ran away; the Hare calls Hyena to his place - supposedly found a woman who can cook rice for her, let her bring her half a bag; the hidden Aardvark bites Hyena, who runs away]: Mendelssohn 1971:55 to 58; Fulbe (Guinea-Bissau's fula) [during the famine, the Hare offered Jackal to change his wives for grain; led his own on a rotten rope, his Jackal on a strong rope; the hare cut off the rope and ran away; The Jackal exchanged his wife for grain; the hare pretends to starve to death; falls behind, then overtakes the Jackal, lies down on the road pretending to be dead; then again; when the Jackal sees the third dead hare, he leaves the bag, goes to pick up the first two; the hare jumps up, carries the grain; the Jackal finds neither hares nor grain]: Mendelssohn 1971:157-159; Wolof [during hunger, the hare offers the hyena to sell its mothers; the hyena tied her own by a strong rope, and the hare by a thin thread; the hyena exchanged her mother for a donkey with a load of grain; the hare's mother, by agreement with him, cut off the thread and ran away; hyena: one donkey is enough for two; on the way, the hyena rushed to nibble on the fallen horse; the hare took the donkey home, unloaded the grain, cut off the donkey's tail and put it in the termite mound: allegedly the donkey disappeared into termite mine; the hyena began to pull and believed that the tail was cut off; gave the hare a shovel, they began to dig up the termite mound; when they found out what they were doing, the lion also began to dig; the hare cut off his testicles with a knife and shouted that it was a hyena; at home, he pulled the skin from the lion's testicles onto the drum, began to beat and sing about what had happened; the hyena persuaded her to sell her a drum for three low shell beads; preparing to fight the lion, she began do what the hare taught her to do: beat the drum and sing about how she scoped a lion; when she heard this, the lion hit her so much that the hyena fell through the ground]: Copans, Couty 1988, No. 62:158-162; serer [ the hare and the hyena agreed to sow corn together; the hare sent a hyena for a hoe, ate a seed grain, said it was taken by a passing camel; the hyena offers to sell their mothers with this money buy corn; the hare cut off the rope for which he tied his mother to a tree and she ran away; the hyena sold her mother; comforted the hare: this money will be enough to buy grain]: Basset 1903, No. 76:187-188; ecoi [the sheep gave birth to a daughter and a leopard to a son; when the leopard was hungry, the leopard offered the sheep to eat her children; the sheep hid her daughter, bought meat, treated them to the leopard; the leopard really killed her son and she treated the sheep; the same the following year; but this time the leopard found out that the sheep had kept her daughter and kept hers as well; when the sheep came to visit, there were not two, but three spoons, and called the leopard her daughter; when the girls grew up and were supposed to spend time in the "fat hut", the leopard asked the sheep to send one of her daughters to stay with her daughter; the sheep and daughters were white and her goat slaves were black; she rubbed her daughter with charcoal and the goat's daughter with chalk, sent her to a leopard; she killed her leopard, fed her meat to her daughter; then asked for a leopard send the second daughter of the sheep too; she sent both, they gave the leopard's daughter alcohol and exchanged seats with her for the night; they ran away in the morning; one sheep's daughter returned home, and the other came to the palm tree on which The leopard climbed to get juice for the palm wine she was going to drink with her daughter; the lamb told the leopard that she killed her own daughter at night; the leopard chased; at the fork, the lamb chose one road and the leopard another, did not find a lamb; the lamb met the Nimm woman, offered to carry her amulets, and offered to bring firewood and water for her at home; she stole it at night her magic tool; Nimm set off in pursuit, the lamb ran into the door of the mouse's house; the door broke and all the stories the mouse had previously owned scattered around the world; and used to be the property of the mouse]: Talbot 1912:337-340; songhai (zarma) [during hunger, the Jackal offers Hyena to sell his mothers; tied his own by a fragile rope, agreeing that she she will tear it up and run away; Hyena chained her mother; after selling her mothers, they bought grains and loaded it on donkeys; as soon as Hyena went to relieve her need, the Jackal hid the donkeys with their luggage in the same place as his mother; tails and donkey ears, as well as legs from the skins that make the wineskins; Hyena believes that everything is drowned in a quagmire; the Jackal tells Hyena to stay away from him at night; he and his mother eat his own grain and stolen from Hyena; when Hyena tried to approach the fire, the Jackal hit her nose with a burning head, Hyena ran away]: Calame-Griaule 2002:78-80; hausa [Hyena and Dog agree to eat their children, if they don't get anything hunting, start with the children of Hyena; the dog eats them; puts their puppies on a tree; they lower her rope when they hear a hail, Puppies, sur-r; Hyena goes to the sorcerer, so that he can teach her to say the Dog's hail; he promises, but tells her not to be distracted on the way to the bones; she gnaws bones, says Shia's Puppies; goes back to the sorcerer, then says That's right, the puppies lower the rope but drop it when they see Hyena; it turns into a wooden mortar; the Dog comes, the puppies talk about what happened]: Tremearne 1910, No. 22:492-493; mukulu [ two brothers lured Death into a hut, set it on fire and she died; a flute was made out of her tibia; when it was blown, she sang about who killed Death; they told the hyena that they had killed her mother; the hyena believed stoned her mother, made a flute; but the flute is silent, the hyena cries]: Jungraithmayr 1981, No. 49:234-240; banen [the dwarf antelope offered the leopard to each of them kill their mother; leopard agreed; antelope: I'll kill mine upstream, if you see blood, kill yours; put red powder into the water; after killing my mother, the leopard put the meat in two bundles; the antelope hid its mother in a hole, in bundles wrapped sand and resin; when the leopard fell asleep by the fire, the antelope changed the bags; said that if the meat was cooked for too long, it would turn into sand and then resin; the antelope goes to her mother to turn to her mother her mother opens to her with agreed words; the leopard is surprised that he is losing weight and the antelope is getting fat; he followed, said the same words, the antelope's mother opened it, he killed her; the antelope came, the mother did not respond; The antelope called animals for the funeral, dug a trap hole, the leopard fell into it, the antelopes filled it with boiling water]: Dugast 1975:342-348; kotoko [during the famine Squirrel (obviously an earth squirrel, Xerux sp.) offered Hyena to sell their mothers at the bazaar; Belka tied her mother with cotton thread and Hyena with a solid vine; Squirrel's mother ran away and Hyena sold her]: Ruelland, Caprile 1993:117; Yoruba [during hunger, animals agree to kill their mothers; The dog hides its own in the sky, secretly climbs a rope to it, its mother feeds it, the dog shines, other animals have moved away; The turtle spies and overhears the Dog's song, hearing her mother lowering the rope; the Dog's mother pulls up the rope, but when she sees the Turtle, she lets it go; the Turtle breaks the shell; the Ants come to him glue; Turtle says they smell bad; offended Ants leave, turtles shell cracks]: Walker, Walker 1980:27-29; Igbo [animals decide to eat their mothers when hungry ; The squirrel hid her in the hollow; when she came up, sang a song, the mother lowered the stairs; the rat overheard, sang in the voice of Squirrel, the animals climbed into the hollow, ate the supplies and the mother of Belka; since then she has been living separately from everyone else on trees, does not like to go down]: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010:65-66; mungaka [dwarf antelope {apparently kanchil} suggested that an elephant kill its mothers - they are too old; and cook and eat meat; advised me to wait down the river; when the water turns red, it means that the antelope killed its mother and you can kill your own; the antelope painted the water with red paint contained in the tree's bark; cut the elephant with a knife their mother's throat; they cooked and ate meat; they should receive vegetable food from their mother; the elephant began to eat grass and became thin; the antelope's mother continued to feed her bread, the antelope remained well-fed; the ant told the elephant about the deception; the crab confirmed it; the elephant came to the antelope's house and started calling: Mother, give me bread; antelope mother: Your voice is too loud, it's not my son; the elephant changed his voice; mother Antelopes let him in, he killed her; antelope elephant: why are you crying? antelope: from smoke; the antelope dug a trap hole, covered it with grass, called an elephant, it failed, it finished it off with stones]: Meyer 1942, No. 10:228-234; vute [The Month and the Sun were friends; the Sun offered to swim, otherwise they both got very dirty in a year; he himself swims upstream, and let the Month buy it lower; when he hears that the water is hissing and boiling, let him also throw himself into the river; Sun told his people to bring firewood and termite stones; after burning the fragments of termite mite mines in the fire, the Sun threw them into the river, the water hissed, the column of steam rose up; The month believed that it was the Sun swimming and also jumped into the water; the cold water cooled down, its light faded forever; the Sun forgot about this prank, but the Month decided to take revenge; 15 years later he said that their people had become stubborn and disobedient, wouldn't it be better to exterminate them; the Sun agreed; The month told its people to cook more lumps of something red (Rotkugeln) and throw them into the river; the Sun believed that the water had turned blood, killed all its people; when it saw A month with many followers, the Sun asked why he deceived him; the Month reminded him of how the Sun made it cold; they went on different roads; (it is obvious that the people of the Month are stars)]: Siebert 1921, No. 1:54-57 (short retelling in Lembezat 196:236).

Sudan - East Africa. Maba [The Jackal offers Hyena to sell her mothers; agrees with her own that she will break the rope at the bazaar and run away; Hyena sells her mother; while Hyena sleeps, the Jackal steals her bag sesame seeds, climbs a tree, eats; Hyena complains to the Hare; he hits the tree with a stick, shouts that the Sultan ordered him to bring this tree with everything on it; the Jackal releases the bag and runs away]: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010:201-203; lango: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010 [The hare does not like Lisa's mother; he suggests that Lisa kill his mothers by putting them in a box and throwing them into the river; Lisa's box drowned, the Hare's box swam with the flow; The hare explains that his mother was thin and light; the fox is losing weight (her mother no longer feeds her), and the Hare is well-fed; the fox comes to the Hare's house, sees his mother there, kills her; the hare invites birds and animals to a feast, asks birds to light fires around; he and his children flee in a hole, birds fly away, Fox and other animals suffocate or burn]: 311-312; Driberg 1923 [The hare offers the Leopard to kill his mothers; the Hare throws a mortar into the river, the Leopard really drowns his mother; goes to bed hungry, and the mother cooks for the Hare; the Leopard watches, kills the Hare's mother; offers to kill the goat, the Leopard kills, wants to pour her blood on The hare, the Hare pours it on the Leopard, hides in the mountain, comes out from the other side, kills the Leopard with a hoe, sneaking up from behind; throws two red berries into the hole, tells people they are Leopard's eyes; when they find berries, the Hare says the Leopard killed his mother; people are leaving]: 447-448; Wright 1960 [The Hare, Leopard, Rat and Wild Cat agree to drown their mothers; the hare hides his own, throws a mortar into the river; others find out, find and kill the Hare's mother; the Hare lures the Rat and Wild Cat into the drum, closes it there, the Leopard eats them; pretends to be dead; the Hare's family is going to fresh it, Leopard jumps up, the Hare hides in the hole; the Leopard leaves the Owl as a watchman; the hare throws dust in her eyes, runs away; returns, pretends to help the Leopard dig the Hare out of the hole; throws berries into the hole, The leopard thinks it shines in the eyes of the Hare; kills the Leopard]: 102-103; the murle [the jackal treats the hyena as his maternal uncle; pretends to be only reluctantly ready to show him the tree on which honey bees - because he'll beat him anyway; the hyena promises not; jackal: find a man wearing a red leather bib and ask him to tie you to a tree; the jackal wears this bib himself ties the hyena tightly, hits the bee nest with a stick, the hyena returns barely alive; the next time the jackal fed the hyena fish: you have to rush from the tree into the pond, the fish will jump ashore; the fish have prickly fins, the hyena is wounded; some fruits at the top of the tree; the hyena climbed; the jackal: the trunk must be broken; the hyena fell along with the top of the tree; you have to put your penis in a hole by the water, the fish will stick; the fish bit off the hyena's penis, since then he seems to have been mutilated; the jackal eats sour cream, sends a hyena to milk the bull; or rather kill, then meat and milk; but first you have to kill your mothers to divide everything into two instead of four; hyena killed his mother, threw his corpse into the river; the jackal hid his own in a forest hut; sent a hyena to carry clay and water to make fish traps; at this time he dragged all his mother's meat, and dug his head and horns into the mud - the bull got stuck; when the hyena pulled out his head, the jackal explained that the perfume had taken the rest; while the hyena was herding the cattle, the jackal was feasting with his mother; the hyena revealed the deception, killed the jackal's mother, ate meat; the jackal wrapped hot pebbles in fat, told the hyena to open its mouth, threw pebbles into his mouth; the hyena asked for water, but the water was far away, he died]: Lewis 1947:137-141; shilluk [The White-necked Crow told the Raven that killed her mother; advised her to kill her own so as not to interfere; the Raven killed her mother; the crow put a white necklace around her neck, began to laugh, and the Raven was cursed, turned black, in mourning; for the summer the Raven flies to his mother, The raven, on the other hand, lives in the country of shilluk all year]: Hofmayr 1925:372; tsamai [The mole invited the Monkey to kill his mothers; threw a stone off the cliff, said he drowned his mother; he hid her in a tree himself, she did the housework, gave the Mole food; The monkey is surprised why the Mole is always full; Mole: you have to break the cow's horn with a stone, blood will flow from there, you need to drink it; the Monkey did not succeed; The Mole in advance prepared blood, poured it, as if from a horn; but the Monkey peeked; when the Mole went to herd the cows, asked the Mole's mother to give her bread; she did not give it, the Monkey killed her; the Mole says he does not cry - his cow hit the eye with its tail; Monkey: I killed your mother; The mole filled one bag with ash, the other with poison; jumped on the first, the Monkey on the second; got sick and died]: Jensen 1969, No. 10:382-383; calengin ( tugen) [the hare and the lion agreed to kill their wives; the hare told his hare to scream as if she was being killed, hid it himself; the lion and the hare share all the food, but the hare does not eat in front of the lion, but says that he is sick with his stomach, takes it with him, gives it to his wife; the lion found out about this and killed the hare's wife; he invited the lion to jump over the fire, the lion fell into the fire and burned down]: Chesaina 1997:62-63; the Masai [hare, elephant, snake, turtle, hyena herd the herd together ; the hare persuades others to kill the elephant, because it is the strongest and can take all the cattle; the snake bites the elephant in the trunk; now the hare persuades to kill the snake as the strongest - let the turtle seem to be by accident will roll down the mountain and cut off the snake's head with its shell; so it happened; the hare offers the hyena to overtake the cattle, the turtle does not have time, is left alone without cattle; the hare offers the hyena to divide the cattle: he is hornless, for he is afraid of horned ones; the hyena immediately wants the hornless, gets donkeys, and the hare takes cows; says the hyena that one watering road is dusty and the other is not; she chases her donkeys dust-free, they get stuck in the mud; the hyena tears off the donkey's tail and eats them; the hare offers to kill its mothers; the hyena throws its own off the cliff, the hare hides its own in the hut; after killing the bull, the hare and the hyena eat meat, but the hare throws the "bad ones" " pieces of "bush" (actually his mother) to eat; the mother shaved the hare and painted with ocher; he told the hyena to hit her head against the rock 8 times, you will also be beautiful; the hyena beats head, suspects deception; found and ate the mother of the hare with her leg hanging over the entrance; the hare comes up with excuses why she cries, the hyena says: because I ate your mother; the hare says as if the soothsayer told he should jump over the fire 4 times while he is smoking, and the hyena the same number of times when it breaks out; the hyena fell into the fire and burned down]: Kipury 1983, No. 16:68-71; arusha [the hare and hyena agreed to eat her mothers; the hyena ate its own, the hare hid it; the hyena found it, ate it; the hare offered to jump over the fire, the hyena fell into the fire, the hare ate it]: Arewa 1961, No. 831:50-51; malgashi (gelding) [Imahaka suggests that Ikotofetsy cry to learn if an important person dies; two months later he says that people are surprised: no one died, but these are crying; offers to kill their mothers; kills and throws them into the water a sheep, and the other really kills his mother; then shows her; a year later, Ikotofetsy offers to sow corn, then protect it from thieves; calls Imahaka's mother to come eat corn; he thinks that A thief came, but Ikotofetsy says he'll deal with him himself, Imahaka's mother kills]: Haring 2007, No. 62:124-125.

Australia. Kurnai, Pitjantjara [Emu advised others to kill her children, but refused to kill her own; Emu's neck was twisted in a fight, the wild turkey left red spots on its beak, she postpones only two eggs]: Massola 1968:66, Mountford 1964:145-155 in Waterman 1987, No. 1460 (3): 55; kulin (SE Australia) [Emu and the other bird had equally many children; Emu hid her eggs, left her eggs two, convinced a friend to throw away her own to make it easier to raise the rest; since then, this bird has been laying one or two eggs]: Massola 1968:49 in Waterman 1987, No. 1460 (4): 55; Wilman (Perth District) [Emu began to take only two of her children out of the house, told Wild Turkey that she had two chicks, but fat; The turkey did not pay attention, but listened to the advice to take the chickens far away; they died from fatigue , there were two left; the Turkey sent Long-tailed Goanna to eat Emu's chickens, but she put them on stilts, told them to run to the coast; defeated Goanna, but lost her feathers on her chest; Emu also made stilts for herself, and Turkey's stilts turned out to be thin and bent; now she has crooked short legs and lays two eggs; the emu has straight, long, many eggs]: Hassel 1934, No. 13:328-330 (Resume in Waterman 1987, No. 1460 (5): 55-56 ); Yualarai (New South Wales) [Emu Dinewan was recognized as the chief of birds; the Goomblegubbons bustard envied, hid her wings, advised D. to get rid of them too, because it is not good for the leader to have something what everyone has; D. cut off her wings, G. showed her own; then D. hid her children, leaving only two, advised G. also to kill her own to make it easier to raise the rest; G. killed her chicks, D . opened her own; since then, the emu has 12 chicks and the bustard has two]: Parker 1896:1-5 (Russian per. Parker 1965:27-31) in Dixon 1916:288-289 (=Waterman 1987, 1460 (6) :56); Kamilaroi (NSW) [Emu persuaded Brolga to kill and eat her chicks, leaving two; she persuaded Ema cut off and eat your wings]: Robinson 1956:196-197 in Waterman 1987, No. 1460 (7): 56; Mara (SE Arnemland) [another bird refused to let Am get yam tubers out of the fire, she had to reach with her beak, paws and wings; Emu persuaded her friend to eat her children]: Massola 1968:36-37 in Waterman 1987, No. 1460 (8): 56; wonghibon (NSW) [another bird persuaded Ema cut off her wings and eat her chicks, leaving only one; in a fight, Emu threw the remaining egg at her, it flew to the sky and became the sun]: Cameron 1903:47 in Waterman 1987, No. 1460 (9): 56; New South Wales [Emu is the main bird; Bustard is jealous, says that it is not good for the main one to have long wings, that she does not have wings herself and is supposed to be the main one; Emu cut off her wings with an ax, Bustard dances with joy; in response, Emu hid her chicks, leaving only two; told Drofa that if she also wanted to be large, she should not raise many children; Great Bustard kills her children, leaving two behind, Emu shows her 12; since then, the emu has short wings and the bustard lays only two eggs]: Thomas 1906:249; Murray River, NSW [Emu wanted join the dancers (or fishermen); the Wild Turkey persuaded her to cut off her wings to make it easier to dance (fish); Ema was ridiculed by others; she persuaded Turkey to eat her chickens for the remaining two to grow larger (or the Turkey persuaded Ema to eat her own so that they would not interfere with her movement); the Turkey broke Emu's eggs; the rest was thrown at the Turkey, it flew to the sky and became the sun (or it hit Gnawdenoorte's pile of firewood; he lights a new sun fire there every day)]: Massola 1968:99-102, Parker 1930:1-6 in Waterman 1987, No. 1460 (10) :56; (cf. Euahlayi [Emu Dinewan and Bralgah quarreled and got into a fight; B. grabbed one of D.'s eggs, threw it into the sky, it crashed on a pile of firewood, it burned; this is how the sun appeared; the heavenly deity with his his assistant began to set fire to firewood every day, sending the Morning Star to warn people about the imminent dawn; to hear, he told the Gourgourgah bird to start laughing and waking up the whole world at that time]: Anonymous 1907:29 in Dixon 1916:274-275 [similar myths across South East Australia]).

(Wed. Melanesia. Aoba [Tagarpo is visiting Mera-mbuto, who feeds him bad food, T. throws it away unnoticed; calls M. to his place, feeds him pork; says he baked his mother; M. baked his own; T. told M. that maybe burn it, dug an underground passage from the house in advance; seeing that T. was unharmed, M. invited him to burn it, burned down in his house]: Codrington 1891, No. 17:411).

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Apatani [Baro Piicha offers Abo Tani to kill their wives and children; he really cuts his own to pieces, and AT wraps his own in a mat, hides them in the corner of the house, tells them to yell, cuts the dog, sprays the house is in blood; they cook and eat meat, BP complains that it is tough and AT tastes good (because it's a dog); AT replies that he added pork, but BP doesn't taste good even with pork; both crush rice, AT three-membered, PSU has a two-membered rhythm of blows; AT explains that he has clamped three pestles between his fingers; PSU does so, breaks his fingers; PSU turns into a rooster, spies that AT rice is being destroyed by his wife and children; PSU makes a trough to feed the pigs - says he will give AT, he just doesn't; AT lies down to check if it's deep enough, AP closes the lid, lowers the slope; AT asks trees and herbs to stop the trough, they hold him at the very river; ask the fish, they hold the trough with their fins, preventing him from falling into the river; asks the Hawk to hatch a hole; he begins to bite, sees AT, says that AT drove him, flies away; the same with the Raven; the Badger is unable to expand the hole, ask for help from the Sun woman; she tells me to wait three days, she will heat the trough, it will burst; for her help, the Sun asks AT to look after her children. tells you not to look into the restroom, under the house, etc.; AT looks, sees tigers, bears, snakes, scorpions; the Sun agrees to lower him to the ground on a string; he enters his house, children recognize him, his wife At first she doesn't believe it; says BP has taken it now; AT hides with a sword, chases the PSU around the house and yard, it falls into the ground]: Blackburn 2008:69-73; Taraon Mishmi: Elwin 1958a, No. 15 [Chinye - older brother, Kakuwa - younger; C. suggests throwing mothers off a cliff - left alone, the brothers will determine who is stronger; C. wrapped the pestle in rags, threw it down, after which K. really threw off his mother; when he saw that C.'s mother was alive, he was furious; C. offered to shoot at the stone - whose arrows stuck to the stone were stronger; imperceptibly stuck wax to his tips, and K. bounced; C.: I meant I was in charge]: 180-181; Pandey 1999 [Chani (man) and Kora (then becomes a monkey) are cousins; C. suggests that K. throw the mothers off the cliff, throws the doll instead of his own; Having learned about the deception, K. wants revenge; he has iron arrows, and C. has bamboo arrows; he puts sticky tips on his arrows, offers to shoot at a stone, whoever has arrows stick wins; iron the arrows bounce, C. takes possession of them; adjusts that K.'s bow carries away the river; heats the stone, invites K. to sit down to warm up; he burned his ass, ran away screaming, became a monkey, his ass turned red]: 40-42; oriental rengma [Ichu and his brother live side by side, his brother's wife is more beautiful; Ichu offers to kill his wives; in the evening he hits the wall of the house, the brother believes he really kills his wife; at this time she I made beer and mixed rice, so there is hair in the rice]: Mills 1937:259; (cf. Western rengma [Iki wanted his friend's wife; asked him to beat his wives, only pretended to hit his own; wife a friend went to see Ika because she did not want to be beaten]: Mills 1937:259).

South Asia. Sora; ho; birkhor; santals; bondo; turi; bhuya; baiga; condas; oraons; muria; binjwar; battra; (cf. North India, Mirzapur, Hindi [the crow and sparrow agreed to eat each other's chicks as soon as they arrived; the sparrow pecked the crows; asked the crow to go wash first mouth; the pond asks to bring a water vessel first, the potter asks for clay, the cow is ready to dig up clay if the crow brings her grass; the crow brought it, everyone began to fulfill their promise, but when the crow came to a pond for water, the king saw her and shot her with a bow]: Crooke 1892-1893, No. 507:138); (cf. Romanian gypsies [King Sun and King Month are sons of Earth, fathers of the stars with many children who became so much that there is no place to place newborns. They agreed to eat some, but Month broke the deal. That's why there are so many stars that he is forced to drop them to the ground (shooting stars)]: Kabakova 2019:75).

Malaysia-Indonesia. Semangs; Senoi; Aboriginal Malays (mantra); Bataks; Mentawai; Java [text on the subject under consideration by A. Bastian recorded in Java (Bastian, Vö1ker des östl. Asien, Bd. V, S. 117)]: Kühn 1936:74; toraja.

Taiwan - Philippines. Tagaly.

(Wed. Western Siberia. Mansi [husbands Porne and Mosne went to the forest; both have a boy; P. offers M. twice to eat her children, she refuses; hides her son in a drawer; husbands return, son M. runs out to his father ; P. makes a clay child (she obviously ate her own), he does not run, falls; if he ran, with the onset of a long human life, a person would make children out of clay, and no woman would suffer by childbirth]: Rombandeeva 2005, No. 3:63-65).

Plains. Osage [Skunsiha offers her sister-in-law Possumiha to eat their children; Opossumicha ate, Skunsiha doesn't; Opossumiha spoiled her face, killed]: Dorsey 1904c, No. 5:11.