Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M105. Allegedly murdered mother. 11.-.13.21.

The character hides his mother (wife, mother-in-law), but tells another that he killed or sold her, or defiantly leads to sell her, but lets him run away. See M104 motif.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Kamba; Bemba; Kaguru; Swahili (Mombasa District); Chagga; Safwa; Bondei; Subia; Nyaturu; Loui; Ziba; bulu; basa; kongo; luba; nyanja; douala; kinga; giryama; bena lulua; bena kanyoka; ganda, maragoli: Stanley 1893:188-209; songe; yaka; kiga; douala; pygmies aka (mother-in-law); Angola; tswana; tsonga (wife); herero; ovimbundu.

West Africa. Sierra Leone (mande?) ; mancanha; fulbe of Guinea-Bissau (wife); serer; manden; malinke; baule; yoruba; mosi; igbo; banen; kotoko; wolof; efik - ibibio [animals starve in drought, and the leopard first demands that they bring grandmothers to eat him and then mothers; the turtle says that her grandmother is dead and her mother is dead hides it in the tree; the squirrel tells the leopard that at dawn, the turtle mother lowers the basket from the tree, the son puts food there, the mother picks it up; the leopard climbed into the basket himself; the turtle could not pick it up; then the leopard climbed the tree, could not gnaw the turtle, but threw it off the tree and it crashed; since then, the turtle has been living alone and does not communicate with other animals]: Radin 1952, No. 28:117-119; mungaka [dwarf antelope {apparently kanchil} suggested that the elephant kill its mothers - they are too old; and cook and eat the meat; advised me to wait down the river; when the water turns red, it means the antelope killed its own mother and you can kill your own; the antelope painted the water with red paint contained in the tree's bark; the elephant cut its mother's throat with a knife; they cooked and ate meat; vegetable food is supposed to be obtained from mother; the elephant began to eat grass, became thin; the antelope's mother continued to feed her bread, the antelope remained well-fed; the ant told the elephant about the deception; the crab confirmed this; the elephant came to the antelope's house and began to call: Mother, give me bread; antelope mother: Your voice is too loud, it is not my son; the elephant changed his voice; the mother of the antelope let him in, he killed her; the antelope elephant: why are you crying? antelope: from smoke; the antelope dug a trap hole, covered it with grass, called an elephant, it failed, it finished it off with stones]: Meyer 1942, No. 10:228-234; mukula [two brothers lured Death into the hut, set fire and she died; a flute was made out of her tibia; when she was blown, she sang about who killed Death; they told the hyena they had killed their mother; the hyena believed, stoned her mother, made a flute; but the flute is silent, the hyena cries]: Jungraithmayr 1981, No. 49:234-240; songhai (zarma) [during hunger, the Jackal offers Hyena to sell his mothers; tied his own by a fragile rope, agreeing that She will tear it up and run away; Hyena chained her mother; after selling her mothers, they bought grains and loaded it on donkeys; as soon as Hyena went to relieve her need, the Jackal hid the donkeys with their luggage in the same place as his mother; the tails and ears of donkeys, as well as the legs of the skins that make the wineskins; Hyena believes that everything is drowned in the quagmire; the Jackal tells Hyena to stay away from him at night; he and his mother eat his own grain and stolen from Hyena; when Hyena tried to approach the fire, the Jackal hit her nose with a burning head, Hyena ran away]: Calame-Griaule 2002:78-80.

Sudan - East Africa. Maba; lango; shilluk; tsamai; arusha; murle [the jackal refers to the hyena as his maternal uncle; pretends to be only reluctantly ready to show him a tree, who has honey bees - because he will beat him anyway; hyena promises not; jackal: find someone wearing a red leather bib and ask him to tie you to a tree; the jackal wears one himself bib, ties the hyena tightly, hits the bee nest with a stick, the hyena returned barely alive; next time the jackal fed the hyena fish: you have to rush from the tree into the pond, the fish will jump ashore; for fish prickly fins, hyena injured; some fruits at the top of the tree; hyena climbed; jackal: the trunk must be broken; the hyena fell along with the top of the tree; you have to put your penis in a hole by the water, the fish will stick; the fish bit off the hyena's penis, since then it seems to be mutilated; the jackal eats sour cream, sends a hyena to milk a bull; or rather kill meat and milk; but first you have to kill your mothers to divide everything into two, and not by four; the hyena killed his mother, threw the corpse into the river; the jackal hid his own in a forest hut; sent a hyena to carry clay and water to make fish traps; at this time he dragged all his mother's meat and her head off he dug his horns into the mud - the bull got stuck; when the hyena pulled out his head, the jackal explained that the perfume had taken the rest; while the hyena was herding the cattle, the jackal was feasting with its mother; the hyena revealed the deception, killed the jackal's mother, ate meat; The jackal wrapped the hot pebbles in fat, told the hyena to open its mouth, threw pebbles into his mouth; the hyena asked for water, but the water was far away, he died]: Lewis 1947:137-141; kalengin (tugen): Chesaina 1997: 62-63; malgashi (gelding).

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Taraon mishmi; apatani; rengma.