Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M105A. Allegedly murdered children. 10.-.

The character hides his children, but tells the other person that he killed them, he believes. See M104 motif.

SW Africa. Naron; kung (Botswana).

Bantu-speaking Africa. Isanzu; sakata; quiri.

West Africa. Background; eve; scrap; diola; bassa; kono; ecoi; hausa; wute [The Month and the Sun were buddies; the Sun offered to swim, otherwise they both got very dirty in a year; he himself swims upstream, and let the Month buy it lower; when he hears that the water is hissing and boiling, let him also rush into the river; the Sun told its people to bring firewood and termite mite; having heated the fragments of termite mite mines in the fire, the Sun threw them into the river, the water hissed, the column of steam rose up; the Month believed that it was bathing in the Sun and also jumped into the water; from the cold water cooled down, its light faded forever; the Sun forgot about this prank, but the Month decided to take revenge; 15 years later he said that their people had become stubborn and disobedient, would it not be better to exterminate them; the Sun agreed; A month told his people to cook more lumps of something red (Rotkugeln) and throw them into the river; the Sun believed that the water was stained with blood, killed all its people; seeing the Month with many followers, the Sun asked why he deceived him; The month reminded him of how the Sun made him cold; they went on different roads; (it is obvious that the people of the Month are stars)]: Siebert 1921, No. 1: 54-57 (a brief retelling in Lembezat 196:236).

Australia. Kurnai, Pitjantjara; Kulin (SE Australia); Wilman (Perth District); Yualarai; Kamilaroi (NSW); Mara (SE Arnhem Land); wonghibon (New South Wales); Murray River, NSW.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Apatani.

South Asia. Sora; bondo; ho; birkhor; santals; turi; bhuya; (cf. baiga [Sun Brothers killed]); Condas; Oraons; Muria; Binjwar; Battra; (cf. Romanian Gypsies [King Sun and King Month - Sons of Earth, fathers of stars with many children, of whom there are so many that there is no place to place newborns. They agreed to eat some, but Month broke the deal. That's why there are so many stars that he is forced to drop them to the ground (shooting stars)]: Kabakova 2019:75).

Malaysia-Indonesia. Semangs; Senoi; Malays Aboriginals (mantra); Bataks; Mentawai; Java; Toraja.

Taiwan-Taiwan-Philippines. Tagaly.

Plains. Osage.