Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M106a. "Me" and "Nobody" in the demon's house.


The character who caused the damage calls himself a made-up name like "Nobody", "I Myself", etc.; others think that the victim is to blame for what happened.

Basques, Bretons, Walloons, Germans (Austria), Scots, British, Tibetans, Ancient Greece, Greeks, Romanians, Poles, Russians (Vologda, Tver), Ukrainians, Belarusians, Karachays or Balkarians, Ingush, Armenians, Persians, Latvians, Finns, Estonians, Seto, Swedes, Norwegians, Western Sami.

Southern Europe. Basques [every day when a woman spins, a fairy comes and demands that she be fed; the husband puts on his wife's dress; tells the fairy he is tired, so the spinning wheel moves unevenly; throws it in her face hot pan; fairies gather, burnt explains that she did it to herself {the episode when her husband calls himself "I myself" is clearly missed}; the fairy did not appear again]: Webster 1879:55-56.

Western Europe. The Bretons [Job's older brother hired a job and came back with his leather belt torn off his back; Guyon's younger brother came to the same castle; told the owner his name was My Ass, the cook - that the Cat, the owner's wife - the Rug, his daughter - Fat Soup, the gatekeeper - Me; climbed under his daughter's bed, the cook told the owner that the Cat was under the bed, he answered - let it be; when he began to rape the daughter, she shouted about Fat Soup; mother: told you not to eat so much of it; when the mother saw what was going on, she told her husband that their daughter was wearing a rug; finally, the master saw it for himself, told the servants to beat Him Ass; G. ran out of the castle, pushing the gatekeeper into the ditch; he told those who came up that I was to blame]: Luzel 1887 (3), No. 7:439-442; walloons [the peasant came to work at the castle and said to the gatekeeper that his name is Sami; to the master who is holding me behind, the mistress is the Moon; her daughters are Gravy, the maid is the Cat; after dinner everyone lay down, and the new servant decided to stay in the kitchen and eat the master's meals; maid to master: The cat wants to lie by the stove; the owner is a fool, there is his place; at night the servant climbed the cherry tree, the hostess saw him, says to her husband: Moon on cherry; master: let it; the servant lay down with the master's daughter; daughter: mom, I feel bad from Gravy (La Sauce me fait mal); I told you that now it's my own fault (my daughter ate a lot of gravy); in the morning the servant runs away, and the owner screams: hold me Behind; he was grabbed clothes; the gatekeeper wanted to detain the servant, but he pushed him into a hole; he is asked who did it; the gatekeeper: myself]: Carnoy 1883, No. 2:163-166; Germans (Austria, Vorarlberg) [man cuts in There is firewood in the forest, a leshachikha bothers him with questions; he replies that his name is "I"; the leshachikha puts his hand in the split stump, the man takes out his ax, his hand is clamped; the goblin who comes running to her cry asks who She did this for her, she answers, I; the goblin laughs]: Steblova 1999:263-264; Scots: Crooke 1908 [a woman scolds a goblin named Brollichan, replies that her name is I am; B. answers others goblins that he scolded him himself]: 174; Kharitonov 2008 [Percy's boy does not want to go to bed, his mother says he will be dragged away by an old fairy; a brownie fiend comes and says his name is Sam; P. replies that his name is I-Sam; drops hot coal on his leg; his mother asks who hurt him; he answers "I am myself"; the old fairy picks him up; P. has since gone to bed on time]: 450-452; the British [ the boy does not listen and does not want to go to bed, the mother says that the fairies will be dragged away; a fairy girl appears from the chimney, calling herself My Own Self; boy: my name is also My Own Self; they play, the fairy shows various miracles; the boy interferes with the coals, the spark hit the girl's leg, she raised a terrible screech, the boy climbed under the bed; from the chimney, the mother asks the fairy who offended her; when she hears that My Own Self, says why scream then, drags her away; since then, the boy has been listening]: Jacobs 1894:16-19.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [the hare tells the monkey his name is Zad; invites him to go into the barn; after eating, he fell asleep, telling the monkey to wake him up when she was full; when the monkey fell asleep, the hare spoiled and ran away slamming the door; the owner came out to the sound, grabbed the monkey and started hitting; monkey: it's all Ass; the man started hitting her in the ass, since then he's red at the monkeys]: Komissarov 1997:236-238.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [Odysseus and his companions sailed to the lands of the Cyclops; saw a cave on the shore with fences made of sketched stones; it was inhabited by Polyphemus, who at that time was herding cattle; O. and twelve of his comrades went inside; there were goats, sheep, and cheese supplies; the comrades wanted to return to the ship, but O. decided to wait for the owner, hoping for a gift; P. came with the herd, let the queen into the cave, and left the males outside; when he saw the guests, asked who they were and where their ship was; O. replied that their ship had crashed; P. grabbed his two companions and made dinner with them; and ate two more in the morning, drove the herd out and covered the cave with a stone; O. and his comrades cut off a piece from the olive trunk, which P. wanted to use as a club; then sharpened and burned its end; Polyphemus returned, drove it into the whole herd ate the cave and ate two comrades O.; O. offered him wine brought from the ship; P. agreed and asked for a name; O. replied that his name was Nobody {Otis muoί γ nomα}; P. got drunk, fell asleep; O. and four of his comrades took out a stake, heated the tip in the fire and stuck P. in his eye; he screamed, called the other Cyclops; they they came running, asked who had harmed him; P. replied: "No one"; the Cyclops said that "no one" could harm him and parted; P. pushed back the stone that covered the cave and groped the sheep and goats coming out; O. tied three rams, tied a comrade under each middle, and clung himself to the belly of a tall sheep with long hair; without noticing this, P. released everyone from the cave; O. and his comrades stole cattle their ship and sailed; O. shouted to P., who threw a piece of the mountain and almost hit the ship; because of the waves, the ship began to return to the shore, but O. pushed it sixth off the shore; when they sailed for a double distance, O. shouted to P. again and gave him his real name; P. roared with anger - a prophecy came true that he would lose his sight because of O.]: Hom. Od. IX. 181-525; ["Leaving his entire fleet off a nearby island, Odysseus landed on the land of the Cyclops on one ship. He left the ship with twelve satellites. There was a cave near the sea, and Odysseus entered it carrying fur and wine that Maron had given him. This cave belonged to Polyphemus, the son of Poseidon and nymph Toosa. Polyphemus was a giant, savage, and cannibal; his only eye was in the middle of his forehead. Odysseus' companions lit a fire and slaughtered several goats and ate lunch. When the Cyclop arrived, he drove the whole herd into a cave and filled the exit with a huge stone. When he saw Odysseus' companions, he ate several at once. Odyssey invited him to taste the wine that Maron had given him. After drinking the offer, Polyphemus asked for more. After drinking that too, he asked Odysseus what his name was. Odysseus replied that his name was Nobody {Otis}. Then Polyphemus promised to eat it last, adding that it was a gift that he, Polyphemus, was giving him as a guest. Then Polyphemus, drinking wine, went to bed. Odysseus, on the other hand, found a stake lying in the cave, sharpened it with four of his companions, burned it at the stake, and blinded Polyphemus. The latter shouted loudly, calling the cyclops living around him. They gathered and asked Polyphemus who had offended him. Polypheus replied: "No one," and then the Cyclops parted, understanding his answer in the sense that no one offended him. When the herd began to rush to his usual pasture, Polyphemus opened the entrance to the cave and, standing there, groped the animals coming out with his arms wide spread out. Odysseus tied the sheep three at a time... and he clung to the biggest ram from below, hiding under his belly. So he got out of the cave with his herd. Odysseus untied his companions from the sheep, drove the herd onto his ships and, as he sailed, shouted to the Cyclops that his name was Odysseus and that he had escaped Polyphemus's hands. Cyclop, on the other hand, was once predicted by a soothsayer that he would be blinded by Odysseus. Hearing the name of Odysseus, Polyphemus began to break the rocks with his hands and throw them into the sea: Odysseus' ship barely escaped death. Since then, Poseidon has hated Odyssey" (trans. V.G. Borukhovich)]: Apollod. Epit. VII. 4-9; [After visiting the lotophages, Ulysses and his companions sailed "to Cyclops Polyphemus, the son of Neptune. He was predicted by the soothsayer Telem, the son of Eurim, to beware that Ulysses might dazzle him. He had one eye in the middle of his forehead and ate human meat. When he drove the cattle into the cave, he blocked the entrance with a huge piece of rock instead of a door. After locking Ulysses and his companions, he began to eat them. When Ulysses saw that he could not resist such a huge and ferocious one, he gave him the wine he had received from Maron and said that his name was Utis {Utis, from Greek Otis 'noone'}. And when he burned his eye with a burning log, Polyphemus shouted the rest of the Cyclops and told them from the locked cave: Utis blinded me. They thought he was saying it for a laugh and paid no attention. And Ulysses tied his companions to sheep and himself to a ram, and so they got out of there" (trans. D.O. Torshilova)]: Hyg. Fab. 125; Romanians [Păcăla sleeps in the damn mill; the Devil comes in, asks his name; I myself; at dinner, the Devil puts a frog in P.'s face, who hits him on the head in response the stick on which he roasted pork knocks out his eyes; when asked by his brethren who blinded him, the Devil answers, I myself]: Murgoci, Murgoci 1929:156; Greeks (Lesbos) [poor man meets three thieves, they tell him to cook a goat; he replies that his name is "Himself"; he hits them with a spit, they run away, tell the people they meet that they beat themselves ("beat Himself"); they laugh at them]: Rouse 1896, No. 2: 154-155.

Central Europe. The Poles [the cunning, calling himself A Taki), offers the Jew (devil, dragon) to gild his beard, smears it himself with resin; the victim asks others if they have seen Such a thing, they answer why haven't you seen this]: Krzyżanowski 1962, № 1138:19; Russians (only among Nekrasov Cossacks), Ukrainians [Blinding: a person named "I myself" cripples the line; the question about the offender of the devil answers "I myself"]: SUS 1979, No. 1135:266; Russians (Vologda: Belozersky Krai; Russians in Lithuania), Belarusians ["I myself" in other cases of mutilation of the trait (giant)]: SUS 1979, No. 1136:266; Russians (Tverskaya, Toropetsky District, 1935) [the devil comes to Riga, the old man refuses to go there; the wife dressed in her husband's clothes; answers the line that hers (i.e., as it were his) name Himself, who bakes his eggs (actually potatoes); damn it, liked it, cut off his eggs, screamed, other devils ran; who did it? - By ourselves; once we can't help ourselves]: Barashevich, Ponomareva 2000, No. 12:237-238; Russians (Terek Cossacks) [when meeting, the mermaid asks the man about the name; if she names herself, she will cry; friends will come running, ask who offended, tickle the offender; when asked about the name, you must answer "Herself"; the mermaid will answer her friends that she offended (a) Herself, they will leave]: Vostrikov 1907:30.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Karachays or Balkarians [a forest man approached a hunter who was butchering the murdered tour to cook meat; when he went to bed, the hunter replied that his name was Sam-Sebe-Did; what when sleeps, his eyes turn big, sparkling; forest man: and we have one eye, it turns red; when the eye turns red, the hunter put turf in his place, covered him with a burka, climbed a tree and shot into the only eye of the forest man; he cut the turf and ran into the forest; other forest people ask who blinded him; he answers what he did to himself; the forest people parted, the hunter returned home]: Malkonduev 2017:814; Ingush: Bagriy 1930 (3) [zap. Ushakov, village. Bazorkino, from the report by A. Gren 1902; someone approaches the hunter's fire; the hunter replies that his name is himself; sees that the person who comes up has an ax on his chest; lowers the dog, but it stands motionless; then the stranger and the dog disappear; the dog came back, barely breathing; the hunter leaves a log in his place, hides himself in an oak tree; at midnight that man came, rushed to the log, the hunter shot; trees and animals began to ask whoever injured replied that he was himself; they thought that the stranger killed himself]: 203-204 (about the same in Dakhkilgov 2003:147-148); Dalgat 1972 [in the forest, the hunter met Almas, who had an ax on breasts; asked him to bring water, at which time he put a block in his place, said that his name was I am myself; Almas stabbed his axe into the block while trying to free himself, the hunter wounded Almas with a gun; forest creatures ran; when they heard that Almas had wounded himself, they parted, Almas died] (Western 1891): 264; 2004 (as Western 1891, written by the author): 87-88; Tankiev 1997 [at Hyun San ("Forest Man") on his chest bone ax; HS hugs the victim, piercing her; the man who outsmarted him says his name is "I am myself"; those who come ask HS who injured him; thinking that he injured himself, leave]: 45; Armenians : Ganalanyan 1979, No. 786a [the miller replies to Sadael (the supreme devil) that his name is I am myself; when they began to work together, the miller put S. on his ass burning cotton wool; S. replies to his friends that he set fire to I am myself], 786b [the miller replies to Satan that his name is I am myself; S. mimics the miller; he pours oil on his head, S. too, the miller sets him on fire; S. answers the hell that he set fire to himself himself]: 252; Orbeli 1982, No. 43 (Mox) [Satan makes travel companions to man; he replies that his name is "I"; seeing a tree, Satan says he does not know how to hang it; man suggests hanging it first Satan, then him; Satan thinks man will free him and he leaves; roars; Satan's other come running, he says "I" did it all; they leave leaving Satan hanging]: 75-76.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians [a man tells a diva that his name is Me, adjusts that a diva burns himself]: Marzolph 1984, no. 1138:187.

Baltoscandia. Latvians [the ovin spends the night in master's Riga; answers the Devil that he wants to make a golden beard; The devil wants one for himself, brings gold; the over smears his beard Devil with resin, waits for it to freeze , replies that his name is I am; other devils say that since the Devil ruined his beard himself, they cannot help]: Aris 1971:185-186; Finns [in Riga, a person says the line that his name is "I myself" and that he can cure his only eye line; pours molten lead; hell complains to others (devils), but they understand that he has hurt himself]: Jauhiainen 1998, No. G1701:241; Estonians {same text as Grimm's?} [on New Year's Eve, rehepapp (R.) dries grain in Riga, decides to guess on molten lead; replies to vanapagan (V.) that he is preparing a medicine that makes healthy eyes even more vigilant; agrees to give and he has medicine in exchange for gold; replies that his name is Himself; ties him to a bench, pours lead into his eye; V. runs away screaming, answers his relatives that he did it Himself; R. became rich, V. is no longer with him ]: Juhan Kunder came to Põder, Tanner 2000:18-19 (=Raud 2004:177-178; =Talvet 1991:77-80); Grimm 2019 (2) [the barn cast metal buttons, the devil came up to him and asked him: "Why are you here are you doing?" ; the barn replied that it sheds his eyes; the devil: "Can you give me new ones too?" ; barn: "Of course I can, but now I don't have too much left"; agreed that the devil would come in another time; when he came again, the barn asked: "Are you big or small?" ; devil: "The more the better"; the barn put a large lead bar in the foundry, said: "To fill them into you, I need you to be tightly tied"; the devil lay on his back, the farmhand tied him to bench; the devil asked the name of the barn; he replied: "My name is Issi (I myself)"; the devil opened his eyes, the barn poured lead in him; the devil jumped up with the bench and ran away; the peasants on The field was asked: "Who did this to you?" ; devil: "Issi teggi" (I did it myself); the peasants laughed and said, "You did it yourself, and answer it yourself"; this is how the devil died because of his new eyes]: 617; Seto [the fourth son of the peasant Ants is a lazy; hell (vanapagan) offers him a job, and first measure his strength; 1) throw a club; hell threw it, fell half a day later; A. pretends to throw it on the cloud, hell tells him not to throw it; tells him to bring water; A.: the well must be cleaned first; hell went down, A. put a millstone on it, thought the hell would drown; hell: I have a ring; A. took a gun: I have a pipe; hell: let me light it; A. shot a line in the throat; hell : strong tobacco, you sneeze; A. began to melt lead: I cook eye medicine; hell: treat me too; A. told me to bring a big stone, chained a line to it and told him not to scream, said his name was Sam (Eis) ; others ask the devil who poured (pigs) into his eye; devil: Myself; A.: I told him not to scream, that's why it turned out wrong; hell sends A. to the forest for firewood; he starts weaving a rope: I'll tie the forest and I'll bring it all at once; hell: no need, then there'll be nowhere to get firewood; hell knocked down a pine tree: they carried it; A.: take it by the top of my head, I'll take up the butt; he doesn't drag it, but he goes; hell: why are you so tired, I had hard end and nothing; hell: you're stronger than me]: Kippar 1910, No. IX. 16:128-130; Livs: Loorits 2000 (5): 40-41 [a damn mother's son comes to a blacksmith who melts lead; he replies that sheds new eyes; the son of a damn mother asks him to be cast; the blacksmith says his name is "Himself"; pours lead into the eyes of the damn mother's son; the mother asks her son who blinded him, he replies that himself], 41 [the stoker in the bath tells the Devil that he lets only those who name themselves and let them shed new eyes; the devil asks the name of the stoker, he replies that Himself; fills the Line with lead; in Hell Damn answers the other hell that he was blinded by Himself; they laugh], 41-42 [three brothers climbed a tree, the devils under it are sharing money; the third (he is a fool) spoiled, the devils say that God sent them food; the fool threw his axe, it got the devil stuck in his ass; the devils ran away, came back alone for the money; the fool asked him to stick out his tongue, cut it off, called himself "Himself"; the hell ran, screaming that he cut off his tongue himself]; Western Sami: Bosi 2004 [a man gets lost, came to the one-eyed giant Stelo's hut; said that when he looks into the fire, he sees gold and silver; explained what to put in the eye to do this lead; pours molten lead into S.'s eye; blind, S. tells the man to drive the goats out of the hut, feels them; the man walks last on all fours, wearing the skin of a dead goat, calls S. from outside; replies that his name is I myself; sons ask S. who killed their goat, he says that I am myself; sons kill him in anger]: 157-158; Pollan 2005, No. 8 [Stallo killed a man, his wife gave birth child, S. asked what gender, his wife deceived him by saying that she was a girl; the boy grew up to become a farmhand for S.; he offers to compete; pretends not to know which cloud to throw a spear on; S. asks not to throw; offers to compete: who will knock down the spruce with his head; the guy sawed the spruce at night, knocked it down easily; S. broke his forehead; the guy said his name was "Himself"; S.: why do you have keen eyes? He made himself out of lead; filled S.'s eyes with lead; S. called his brother, who asked who did it? Hearing that "I am myself", brother S. left; guy: let the sheep go; S. waited at the exit with a hammer; the guy threw a ram's skin, walked between S.'s legs; offered to make lamb sausage; into sausage for S. put ash; S.: why does the sound differ when we eat? I have farmhand sausage, you have a master's sausage; S.: when do you sleep best? guy: at midnight; S.: and I'm in the evening and in the morning; the guy put stones and ash in his place, climbed onto the roof himself; at midnight S. hit the place where the guy was supposed to sleep with a hammer; hears laughter: this is me girls tickle; S.: I also want to go to girls; the guy lifted S. to the roof and threw it, S. broke his leg, so several times; next time his leg, the third time his back; the guy said he was the son of the one S. killed; finished off S.]: 59-62; Læstadius 2002 [Tonta one-eyed; came to the house where the young man melted pigs for bullets; the young man replied that his name was Jets ("himself"), that he was making eye medicine; he tied T., filled him lead eye; T. escaped, but did not catch the young man]: 297; Poestion 1886, No. 16 [the hunter got lost, went into a house in a clearing, began to cook meat; a trolich came in, asked his name; hunter: Me; splashed into her the face was boiling water; she screamed that she had scalded herself; from another mountain, the trolls replied that it was none of their business; when he returned, the hunter saw that his bag's food supplies had rotted; it turned out that he not a day, but a year was absent]: 72-73; Swedes: Klintberg 2010, № E27 [a man is sitting by the fire; a forest woman comes up; he replies that his name is "Himself"; when she bares her body to his seduce her, he burns her with his head; she runs away screaming "She burned herself"; a forest man notices that she is therefore to blame], J83 [a Lapland is in the cave of a giant shepherd; says he the name "Nobody"; that he can cure the giant's sick eyes; pours molten lead into his eyes; kills a goat and covers his skin to get out of the cave; the giant says to other giants that No one blinded him]: 103, 166; Norwegians [evil spirits do not go there; but the poor woman needed flour in the evening; she let the millstones rotate, lit a fire under a pot of resin and she waited; a stranger came and asked her name; the woman who came for the flour said her name was Sama, and then knocked over a vat of hot resin on her; she ran out and screamed: Father, father, I burned it myself! voice from the mountain: burned yourself, be patient yourself]: Stroebe 1922b: 91-92, 99-101.