Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M106b. "Last Year" at the demon's house .

The character who harmed the antagonist calls himself a made-up name like "Last Year", and other antagonists understand this as if it happened a long time ago and look it makes no sense to blame.

Eastern Tibetans (Sichuan) [Yesterday Took], Oraons [Yesterday], Sinhalese [The Day Before Yesterday], Karachays [Last Year], Udmurts [Last Year], Kazan Tatars [Past, Last Year], Bashkirs [Last Year], Kazakhs [Last Year], Telengits [Last Year], Khalkha Mongols [Last], Northern Khanty [Last Spring], Ents [Last Summer].

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Eastern Tibetans (Sichuan) [Aku-Tambe replies to the old woman his name Yesterday he took it; that the old woman was beautiful when she was young; she lets go of sheepskin from her hands, begins to smooth her hair, A. takes the sheepskin; the old woman complained to the court; the judge tells the old woman that there is no such name, drives her away like crazy]: Potanin 1914, No. 17:410 (reprinted in Komissarov 1997:204-205.

South Asia. Oraons [two deceivers come to a blind old woman; call themselves her grandson's uncles; they say they will take him to their home to meet his aunt; when they go with them, the grandson wore his gold and silver jewelry; the deceivers let him carry a heavy basket, told him not to open it - there were snakes in it; he opened food, he ate it; said that the snakes crawled out and disappeared into the anthill; The deceivers sent him to sell his gold bracelets to the oil squeezer; the young man says he wants to sell him two slaves; the squeezer wants to know if the men agree to be sold; the young man shouts to them: both of them? they think it's bracelets, they shout yes; the young man gets the money and the men are turned into slaves; the young man met a bear and fights with him; when he sees the rider, he threw several gold coins on the ground and put one bear in the ass; said that when you were fighting a bear, gold was pouring out of it; the rider got off his horse, grabbed the bear; the young man rode off his horse; sat on the shore, began to eat the sweets he had bought; told the laundresses that they were given in the village and that his name was Yesterday; they ran to the village, leaving their underwear; he took their clothes and rode away; the laundresses shouted that the clothes were gone yesterday; by the other river an old woman and niece; the young man offers to help transport the girl first, says that his name is Son-in-law; put her on a horse, crossed her, galloped off; the old woman shouts that his niece was taken away by her son-in-law, they laugh at her]: Hahn 1906, No. 11:20- 22; Sinhalese [after working on the site, the man went for millet; noticing that a woman was baking cakes for her lover, but her husband was not, he came three times instead of his lover, eats and picks up cakes; meets a woman who asks for a try; liked the cake; the person says they have all these cakes; let the woman take jewelry and outfits with her, go with him; asks if she forgot she replies that she has forgotten the comb; he sends her behind the comb, says that his name is the day before yesterday; after taking her property, she leaves; the woman complains to her husband; he beats her for not telling her about the theft the day before yesterday; a man comes to a woman whose daughter died; says that just from the dead it is his fiancée and tomorrow's wedding; a happy mother gives him her daughter's jewelry; after finding out what business, the husband follows; the man climbed a tree; the husband climbed after him, tied a horse to the trunk; the man went down, jumped on the horse and rode off; the husband returned to his wife and said that he had sent the horse as a gift son-in-law]: Parker I910, No. 6:72-78.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Karachays [a hunter who lived in the mountains met and a hunter who lived in the steppe; began to ask each other about unusual incidents; the story of the first hunter: I was following the trail and met Forest Man (Waldmann); we said hello, he offered to stay, then brought a deer and a tree; cooked meat, fed me; we went to bed, I was scared; I threw a burka over a log, and I climbed a tree myself; when a forest man asked me my name, I told him: "My name is Last Year (Vorigesjahr)"; at midnight, a forest man attacked a log dressed in a burka; I shot and wounded him; he screamed in pain, forest people ran from all sides; began to ask what had happened; he replied that Last year he was shot; the forest people replied that last year could not be found, left and took a wounded man with them; the story of a second hunter: One day I was grabbed by an eagle and taken to a cave on a rock; left it there and flew away; there was a girl in the cave who said that the eagle had brought it to be eaten, and warned that if he did not find anyone else, he would eat meat in the cauldron and fall asleep for two or three days; the eagle came back without new prey, ate and fell asleep; I shot him twice, he died; then I refreshed him, we and the girl climbed inside the skin and jumped off the cliff; gently descending to the foot of the cliff, we got out of our skin; I took the girl to her house and then went to my place]: Pröhle 1909a, No. 4:278-281 .

Volga - Perm. Udmurts: Vereshchagin 1996 [1889] [The hunter spends the night by the fire with Nulesmurt; he asks how he sleeps; "One eye is open; and both of me are closed, my mouth is foaming"; the hunter says his name is Mim ("last year"); puts a block in his place, steps aside; when N. begins to burn the block with an iron bar, the hunter shoots a lime chip at him; other spirits ask N. who and when it is offended; he answers, Mim; dies]: 178-179 (quail in Klabukov 1948, No. 49:141-142, in Kralina 1960, No. 11:53-54); Wichmann 1901, No. 13 [about like Vereshchagin]: 84-85; Kazan Tatars : Zamaletdinov 1992:44-45 [=2008a, No. 23:66; the old woman asks the Bear not to eat her, says that her daughter has at home Quiet, Hard, Now; The Bear asks everyone to open the door for him, those they say that they are already locked up tightly, they are lying quietly, now I won't leave home; when I hear the dog barking, the Bear runs away], 228-229 [=Bashirov, Yarmukhametov 1956:111-112, =Yarmukhametov 1957:182-183; =Zamaletdinov 2009, No. 68:281; the woodcutter replies to Shurala that his name is Byltyr ("last year"); asks for help to split the block - put his fingers in the crack; S. screams, other shurales reply that once he was pinched in the past year, now you won't find the culprit]; Koblov 1910 [to get rid of Shuryala, you have to offer him (her?) put your hand in a split log, knock out a wedge; say that Byltyr Kysty did it ("Last Year infringed"; when they hear this answer, other Shuryales who ran to the scream will only laugh]: 430; Nasyrov 1880 [the churals live in the forest, their breasts are thrown over their shoulders; I should invite her to put her finger in a split tree, knock out a wedge, say, My name is Bylyr Kysty ("I infringed last year"; those who ran to scream other churals will laugh - why did you call me, since it happened so long ago?] : 253-254; Bashkirs: Aminev 2008 [when a person sees Shurale, he must answer that his name is Byltyr ("past"), and he lives in the lower reaches of the river; if Shurale goes up the river, he will reach the source and will be on the other side, and if down, he will not be able to cross the river]: 11-12; Barag 1992, No. 12 [Satan suggests measuring strength; Aldar asks for help to finish the work first: put his fingers in the crack of the log, to knock out a wedge; says that his name is Byltyr ("last year"); others ran to Satan's howl; they scolded him: he pinched him last year, and now he yells; A. asks Shaitan to support the crooked birch tree, himself leaves; tells Satan that the bag of tricks is left at home, we must take the firewood first; Satan is surprised that the sleigh is going by themselves (from the mountain); A. gave the sleigh to Satan, cleaning the bottom, the sleigh went, Satan fell; (others episodes in which A. deceives Satan)]: 45-50.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [Talkanbay, knowing no other craft, cut trees in the forest and sold logs; in those places there was a simple forest and a forest in which demons lived; if anyone was there in the evening, his demons tickled to death; T. wandered there, believing that the demons would not touch him during the day, he did not notice how dark it was; a demon came out with long claws and grinned teeth, offered to tickle each other; T.: help first load the logs on the arba; the demon grabbed the split end, pinched his hands and yelled; T. tied his hands with an arcana and beat him; then tied him to a huge tree, loaded the logs and was about to leave; the demon asks him let go and command others not to harm T.; T. is silent; the demon asks at least to give his name; T.: Baltyr (last year), left; his older brothers appeared to cry the demon, asking who tied up and beat ; demon: Last Year; after this answer, the demons beat him even harder and took him with them]: Tilegenova 2011:117.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Telengits [the hunter whipped the diamond, replied that his name was Byltyr ("last year"); let Almys go, he cried, answered others that Byltyr had beaten him; others laughed: do they cry because of what happened last year]: Yadanova 2013, No. 28:181; Mongols [Balyn-Senge became a llama's apprentice; he has a pig; the llama allows her to be slaughtered only if fat flows from her nostrils; BS gives the pig not warm swipe, and boiling water, she scalded the patch, pus dripped, llama believed lard; BS asks if the llama wants meat or broth; he wants meat; BS cooks until the meat is dissolved, lamé got bones; next time the llama wanted broth, BS cooked some, ate the meat; they set off, spent the night by the cliff; the llama asked the BS to lie on his feet to warm them; intended to push them against cliff; fell asleep; BS put a llama tambourine in his place, which pushed a tambourine; BS told the lama that spirits in the area are evil: when one cuts a tree, the other must climb on it; first cuts the llama, then the BS, the tree collapsed, the llama fell and died; BS took the jewelry from the chest, put the llama there; thieves came, he gave them the chest; Yerlik sent an envoy to the BS with an order to come to him; BS pretended to be sick; in next time he pretended to be dead, put freshly brewed rice in his heads, medicinal powders next to him, stuck a cabbage sprout in his ass; Yerlik's messengers do not understand: if he died recently, how the sprout grew, if long ago - why is rice still warm, if you are hungry - eat rice, if from illness - there are powders; Yerlik tells me to bring at least the dead, he got ready himself - changed his clothes so that he would not be recognized; BS came on a blue bull, three stirrups on one side; went into the yurt, there was a girl, began to eat hurut, said his name was Past; the girl ran to her mother: The past ate all our hurut; the mother decided that the girl was fooling, did not pay attention; the counter asks the BS to deceive him; BS: harness the bull; that squabble, and the BS left, only straightened it in vain; the man carries the cauldron; BS: there is a fire in the sky; the man raised his head, the boiler fell and crashed; BS tells Yerlik that if you step on the lower stirrup, you will find yourself in a country of eight luses, if the middle one is in the Tengrian country, if you step on the upper one, you will travel all over the world; while Yerlik is trying, BS rode his horse]: Potanin 1919, No. 6.5:19-23.

Western Siberia. Northern Khanty: Lukina 1990, No. 83 (p. Big Athlym) [two older brothers disappear; the youngest comes to the hut of Kirp-Nulup-im, who swallowed them, pierces her with a hot ramrod, replies that his name is Past Spring; K. she resorts to his children, gives her name, they are surprised that the mother has just become hurt], 84 (p. Kazim) [a man spends the night in an autumn hut, a witch comes; he coats her with boiling water, says his name is Last Spring Left; she repeats this name to runaway witches; they say that in a year the offender managed to escape]: 209-210, 211; Potpot 2014, No. 2 [the person sees that all the sledges go only one way, no one comes back; entered the house; a short largemouth calls him grandson, his name is Whole The village is devastating, the whole city Devastating as tall as an inch of Hula-Mala (the spirit of illness); the person replies that his name is Last Spring, Some Spring Left; offers to feed the owner - let him lie down, opens his mouth and eyes; fills them with boiling brew from the cauldron; HM screams that he was scalded Last Spring; his comrades laugh; the man escaped]: 37-39; Ents [comes to live big in Ostyak plague hairy; eats all the catch; ostyak says his name is Last summer; hairy is going to eat an ostyak; he pours his ear into his mouth, puts a cauldron over his head, hits him with an ax, runs away; seven They come running to a giant, asking who offended the hairy man; he replies that it was last summer; those who came say that those who left a year ago can no longer be caught]: Sorokina, Bolina 2005, No. 20:115-116.