Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M106d. My name is "Son-in-law." .21.-.23. (.36.)


saying that his name is "Son-in-law" ("Husband", "Uncle", etc.), the character deceives others. Victims do not find sympathy, as a relative has the right to behave accordingly.

Mikir [Uncle (Mother)], Kachins [Son-in-law], Khmers [Son-in-law], Nepali [Husband, Son-in-law, Uncle], Oraons [Son-in-law], Muria [Husband (Daughters)], Marathi [Uncle].

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Mikir [Tenton {probably the name} came to the brahman, said he did not have a home, the brahmana kept him; they began to plow; T. said he was thirsty; the brahmana sent him to his wife - let him give him water in a bamboo vessel; T.: and if he does not; brahman: then call me; T. came to the brahmana's wife and said that he asked for a bamboo vessel with money to buy an ox; his wife did not believe it, but T. called out to the brahmana and he told his wife to give the vessel to T.; T. disappeared; came to the palace and started playing with the stolen money; told the prince his name was Ong (maternal uncle); when the brahmana came and heard that T. they turn to "maternal uncle", he did not dare to demand his money right away; fell asleep; T. said it was his slave, sold it for 100 rupees and ran away; the brahman woke up and explained everything; everyone was given shackles, when he found T., put him in them; T. saw a man with shackles, began to ask him; asked him to show how they were worn; when he was chained, he left, shouting that he had caught T.; that man beaten to death]: Grierson 1903c: 402-403; kachin [the fraudster stole the buffalo, his friends cut the carcass, he took his tail and stomach, stuck his tail into the mud by the swampy lake; went to the village to ask for a pot loan, saying his name was Maneiva ("last year"); told the owner that the buffalo was stuck; the owner was pulling the tail, the fraudster kept it in the mud at the other end, the owner fell, that the tail came off; the swindler hit the stomach with a stick, screamed, Oh, don't hit me, I'm not the only one who stole; the people who cooked the meat threw the pots ran away; the owners of the pots complained to the headman; he decided that the pots were stolen last year, drove the petitioners away; the fraudster buried the meat pots, pretended to be a fortuneteller, said where the meat was; when the meat ran out, he was beaten; he came to the old man and asked for water; he sent him to his wife to give him water; the fraudster told the woman that her husband ordered him to be given money; the husband screams from afar, Dai; while sailing in the boat, the swindler told everyone his name was Son-in-law; took him away princess; the king shouted that her Son-in-law had taken her away, people decided it should be so]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 41:136-140.

Burma - Indochina. Khmer [(episode in Aleu's series of adventures); A. met an old woman with her granddaughter, offered to help load things into the boat, said his name was Moyzyat; began to row, the old woman was happy; when he docked, that he forgot the knife, asked the old woman to go get it, took the girl away himself; the old woman calls for help: Moyzyat took her granddaughter; people think that the old woman's son-in-law sailed away with his legal wife; the girl agreed to stay with A.; towards pirates; A. says that he is a robber himself, promises to teach them magic; sails with them to the island; tells them to undress and shave their heads, build an idol, sails away with his wife himself; sails to a village where only women are pirate wives; A. pretends to be a magician again; says that women's husbands will return tomorrow, and at night the village will be attacked by naked and hairless spirits, we must arm ourselves; at night wives beat their husbands, A. and his wife return to her grandmother]: Gorgoniev 1973:211-217.

South Asia. Nepalis: Sakya, Griffith 1980:171-175 [the wife scolds the lazy man, he goes to earn money; tells the shoemaker to repair his shoes, leads to the shopkeeper - he allegedly owes him a rupee, he will give him back; The shoemaker is untouchable, cannot enter the shop; the lazy man buys sweets, tells the shopkeeper that the shoemaker who owes him will give the rupee; the shopkeeper: a rupee? he nods; the lazy man takes away the sweets, the shoemaker and the shopkeeper begin to argue; the lazy man lays out sweets, the children of the laundresses ask their parents to buy them too, the lazy man says that sweets are distributed free of charge at the temple; everything they run away, the lazy man takes the clothes washed by his laundresses; hangs it on a tree, waters it, the merchant buys a tree that brings clothes; a lazy man buys a bear, ties it to a tree, puts a bear in the ass and wakes up gold coins on the ground, sells a gold-littering bear to a merchant; lives richly in the city; when he meets the king, he calls himself Paju ("maternal uncle"); all the deceived came to the city, recognized the deceiver, but they were amazed to learn what the king called him "uncle"; did not dare to approach the charges; the lazy man fled the city and brought his wife money], 198-201 [Chattu hired to work for an old brahmana, who is young wife; he speaks to him in the nevar language: let his wife give him a shawl; brahman allows him; in Nepali it sounds like "surrender"; the wife asks the brahmana, who confirms that the woman undresses and gives himself to C.; the brahmana suspects something is amiss, but in order to force C. to leave and remain silent, he pays him money; C. is hired by the king, introduces himself as Husband (Princess), Son-in-law (Queen), Penis (King); raped the princess (she shouted that her husband was with her, no one reacted), ran away with her; the queen shouted to the guards "My son-in-law is taking my daughter away", they did not react; the king told the guards to grab the penis, everyone grabbed his own; the princess stayed with C.]; Oraons [two deceivers come to a blind old woman; call themselves her grandson's uncles; they say they will take him to their home to meet his aunt; when he went with them, the grandson put on his gold and silver jewelry; the deceivers let him carry a heavy basket, told him not to open it - there were snakes in it; he opened, there was food, he ate it; said that snakes crawled out and fled into an anthill; the deceivers sent him to sell his gold bracelets to the oil squeezer; the young man tells him he wants to sell him two slaves; the cracker wants to know if the men agree to be sold; the young man yells to them: both? they think it's bracelets, they shout yes; the young man gets the money and the men are turned into slaves; the young man met a bear and fights with him; when he sees the rider, he threw several gold coins on the ground and put one bear in the ass; said that when you were fighting a bear, gold was pouring out of it; the rider got off his horse, grabbed the bear; the young man rode off his horse; sat on the shore, began to eat the sweets he had bought; told the laundresses that they were given in the village and that his name was Yesterday; they ran to the village, leaving their underwear; he took their clothes and rode away; the laundresses shouted that the clothes were gone yesterday; by the other river an old woman and niece; the young man offers to help transport the girl first, says that his name is Son-in-law; put her on a horse, crossed her, galloped off; the old woman shouts that his niece was taken away by her son-in-law, they laugh at her]: Hahn 1906, No. 11:20- 22; muria (Raja-Muria, Bastar County, Chhattisgarn) [mother drives lazy son to work; let him earn a few cowries to marry; son digs through the trash heap, finds one beaten kauri ; mother: this is not enough; he brings two more; then more; when kauri is 5, the mother demands 10; the son decides that she is cheating on him, takes his 5 kauris and the narrow-throat basket, fills it with pebbles, puts it on top kauri; changes his kauri basket to a basket of bread carried by a woman; when she found pebbles inside, the husband beat the woman; the young man left bread under the tree, came to the river, where the laundress was washing clothes, began to eat bread on in sight of her child; he cried, the laundress asked her to share, the young man sent her to the tree for bread, said his name was Wind; while the laundress was eating bread, the young man took her underwear; the laundress complained about Wind, an official he laughed at her; the young man came to the tree, hung the stolen clothes to the branches, replied to the merchant that this tree creates clothes, we must pray; the merchant wanted to buy clothes, but his son had a wedding in six months, and young men, supposedly tomorrow; so he sold the tree to the merchant, taking his clothes; warned that if the rambi bird sat nearby, it would not work; the tree brought the pods, the merchant thought the bird was to blame; the young man the rider met; replied that he was carrying clothes from the Raja, who distributed them to all the poor; the rider asked his horse to be watched, went to the Raja, found no one, the young man rode away; he became a carrier on the river; a woman and daughter are the last to return from the bazaar; the young man says that his name is Her Husband, who cannot transport two at once; he carries the woman and takes the girl away; the woman complains to the police about Her Husband, the policeman laughs; the young man brought the goodness and the girl to his mother, got married, everything is fine]: Elwin 1944, No. 2:244-243; Marathi [Uncle]: W.E. Dexter. Marathi Folktales. London, 1938:112-116 in Thompson, Roberts 1960, No. 1541:152.

(Wed. Eastern Siberia. Yakuts (the place of recording is not specified) [the tsar announced to the people: whoever can cheer his daughter, he will give her to him as his wife; many tried, but to no avail; a young man came and told the king's wife that his name was" Red vagina" and to the king that "Horseradish Up"; they let him see their daughter; the young man told her his name was "Sweet"; began to bother her, had sex with her; she screamed, "It hurts, Sweet, it hurts." The king thought that his daughter had eaten sweets; the queen went to check, shouted: "The red vagina climbed on the girl!" ; the king did not understand what he was talking about; then he jumped up and ordered the soldiers: "Hold the Horseradish up!" ; they were puzzled, asked the guy running through what the tsar had shouted; the guy replied: "Don't hear, orders you to keep your horseradish up"; the soldiers did so]: Zhukova 2008:42-43).