M106h. A bird under a hat, ATU 1528.
A man puts his hat on the ground and pretends that there is something valuable underneath it. It's actually crap in there. Anyone who believes the deceiver loses his property.
Egyptian Arabs, Spaniards, Portuguese, Italians (Marche, Abruzzo), Kosicans, Frisians, Flemish, Germans (Mecklenburg), Walloons, French, Irish, Saudia, Koreans, Slovenes, Serbs, Hungarians, Romanians, Bulgarians, Greeks, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonets, Vologda, Novgorod, Tambov, Voronezh), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Hutsulshchina, Galicia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Poltava, Yekaterinoslavskaya), Belarusians, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Georgians, Latvians, Lithuanians, leaders, Finns, Karelians, Swedes, Danes, Mordovians, Mari.
{The reference to the Burmese text in Uther 2004 is wrong, there is no such motive; the reference to the Chinese (Ting 1978) pointer is deaf, impossible to verify; nor is the Mongol-Buryato- Lerents's Kalmyk index; it would also be nice to check the Korean text from the original}.
North Africa. Egyptian Arabs [crap under the hat]: El-Shamy 2004, No. 1528:833.
Southern Europe. The Spaniards [the rogue relieved himself and covered him with his hat; the infidel who pursues (and does not recognize) him runs up; the rogue says there is a bird under his hat; let him cry while he goes to get the cage himself]: Hern& #225; ndez Fernández 2013, No. 1528:225; the Portuguese [the crook stood by the road with a heap of crap covered with his hat; a man chasing (and not recognizing) him appears; the owner of the hat offers to catch up a crook if a person lends him his horses; for now let him wear a hat with a beautiful bird (or hare) under it]: Cardigos 2006, No. 1528:314; Italians (Marche, Abruzzo): Cerise, Serafini 1975, No. 1528:327; Corsicans [husband sent his wife to sell a cow; frogs croak, woman thinks they say "three", "three", "three", decides to sell a cow for three francs, the butcher is happy agrees; at home, the husband decides to take revenge on the butcher; in his absence, he comes to his wife, says that he is from purgatory; she gives him 600 francs to give it to his recently deceased son; when he finds out what is going on, the butcher jumps after him; the man, hiding the bag, puts his hat on the ground; asks the butcher to watch it, he will catch the deceiver himself; rode off on the butcher's horse; when he put his hand under his hat, he smeared himself in crap]: Massignon 1984, No. 40:92-93.
Western Europe. Walloons [the gardener hides the watch under his hat; replies to a passerby that there is a nest of "wink" (Clign-z-Yeux) under his hat; a feisty creature, but sings well; a passerby agrees to buy, the gardener proves that you should blindfold; the gardener's son replaces the watch with a bunch of manure; a passerby does not understand what's going on]: Laport 1932, no.* 1528:11; Irish, French, Friezes, Flemish , Germans (Mecklenburg): Uther 2004 (2), No. 1528:257-258.
North Africa. Saudi [crap under the hat]: El-Shamy 2004, No. 1528:833.
China - Korea. Koreans: Zaborowski 1975, No. 83 in Uther 2004 (2), No. 1528:257-258.
The Balkans. Bulgarians [during the service, Sly Peter (Khodva Nastredin) puts his hat on the ground and explains that there is a great miracle there. It's actually crap (or a turtle). Everyone pays to see a miracle and then is ashamed to admit to others that it was done]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 1528:487; Slovenes, Serbs, Romanians, Hungarians, Greeks: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1528:257-258.
Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Vologda, Novgorod, Tambov, Voronezh), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Galicia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Poltava, Yekaterinoslavskaya), Belarusians [Falcon (nightingale) under his hat: the master is looking for a thief; a man (aka a thief) is standing by the road and seems to be guarding a falcon under his hat; undertakes to catch up with the thief if the master watches the falcon; master agrees; the man leaves on his horses]: SUS 1979, No. 1528:310; Russians (Vologodskaya): Gura 1965, No. 53 [a ponizovite comes to the old woman, replies that he is from the dead; she asks if he has seen her Dorona's son, who died as a soldier; he replies that D. is herding Christ's calves, lost one, now they ask him for money; the old woman gives 5 rubles, the guy says that it is not enough, she gives more oil and azyam; The old man returned, chased on a horse, caught up, ordered him to hold the horse until he cut out a baton to beat the Ponizovets; he rode away; at home the old man was an old woman: Tepe Doronya was a son, and I was a stepson]: 278; Efremov 1975, No. 7 [the son died as a child; a poor boy comes to the old woman; replies that yes, he saw her son, they live together, hungry and cut off; the old woman gave canvases, butter, cereals and money; the old man came back and I went to look for someone who is even easier; if he does not find it, she will kill an old woman; comes to the lady, bows to the pig; "My pig is colorful, your pig's sister", calls to the wedding with the piglets; the lady of everyone I put the pigs in the tarantas, sent them to the wedding; the old man hid the tarantas with the horses away from the road; the master is going; the old man: you passed with the piglets, you can't catch up; the master gave the horses - catch up; I can't, I'm a falcon under my hat (there's a lot of manure there); the master volunteered to hold me; sat until dark, raised his hat; the old man returned to the old woman with his prey: it's easier to eat you]: 166-167; Russians (no place of recording) [ the soldier stopped with an old woman; says that in the next world he lived in the same upper room with her deceased son; the son herds cranes there, and they wander around the rose hips, he hung around; the old woman sends money and canvas with the soldier; her other son goes to look for people more stupid than his mother; asks the lady to be a matchmaker, she dresses her in a fur coat, puts her in a wagon and sends her; the master is back: not a fool, but you are a fool; goes in pursuit; the thief says that man has passed a long time ago; the master lets the horse catch up; thief: I can't, I have a falcon under my hat, I have to be guarded; the master gives 300 rubles for the falcon; the son returns to his mother: you're not the stupidest, I was never given three horses with a cart, a pig with piglets and even money]: Afanasiev 1958 (3), No. 391:179-180; Western Ukrainians (Hutsulshchyna) []: Zinchuk 2006a, No. 127:385-388; Poles [the rogue put his hat on the ground; a passerby asks what it means; the rogue says that there is a bird there and asks it to be seen; after waiting an hour, a passerby picked up his hat, and there was crap under it; in literature since the 17th century]: Krzyżanowski 1963, No. 1528:77; Czechs, Slovaks: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1528:257-258.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Georgians [the merchant pursues the thief; the (unrecognized) thief stands by the road, puts his hat on the ground and pretends to be a falcon under his hat; agrees to catch up with the thief if the merchant guards the falcon; galloped on The merchant's horses, and he paid him more money]: Kurdovanidze 2000, No. 1528:93.
Baltoscandia. Latvians [a man makes his master watch a shoyapa, under which a bird supposedly sits and leaves on a lordly horse]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 1528:356; Finns [the wife decided to go to the city to sell the cow so that her husband would not spend the proceeds; on the way she went to the buyer; he gave her a drink, changed her clothes to a city one, took her cow; in the morning he said that he saw a woman for the first time; she went to the stable, but her horse is afraid of unfamiliar clothes; now the woman is almost sure that she is not her; at home, the dog is also frightened; the children too; the husband goes on a journey: if he finds a woman more stupid than his wife , then he would return; went into the house, the hostess believed that he would return from heaven and there; gave food and money for his late first husband; the real husband came back and rode after him; noticing him, the man threw the bag into the bushes and went to meet them; said that the man with the bag ran into the forest; the husband asked to hold the horse; the man took both the bag and the horse; in another house he saw that there were no windows, but the hostess runs around and brings sunlight into the room with a bag; the man cut through the window, the grateful hostess paid him; he came to the castle, stood in front of the pig in the yard, called her dear aunt and asked her to come to the feast; hostess: since an aunt, let him go; when the husband returned, he ran to take the pig; during this time the man changed into a nice dress, stood outside in front of the dung beetle, covering it with his hat; said that there was a golden bird under his hat; the owner of the pig remained on guard, giving the man his horse and sending him for a net; he told the pig's owner that her husband had been captured by robbers, she gave all the money; man came home and told his wife she was not the dumbest]: Salmelainen 1947:56-61; Swedes [the cunning man puts his hat on the ground and says that there is a valuable bird under it, and the hat can only be lifted through for a certain time; he runs away; he can ask a man to watch his hat and he rides off on his horse]: Liungman 1961, No. 1528:302-303; Danes [same story as the Swedes]: Liungman 1961: 302; leaders, Karelians: Kecskeméti, Paunonen 1974, No. 1528:245.
Volga - Perm. Mordva, Marie: Kecskeméti, Paunonen 1974, No. 1528:245.