M107. The turtle bites off the penis.
. (.72.).
A small character kills or maims a large four-legged dog by clutching its genitals.
Tonkawa [bison turtle], shikuani [tapiru turtle], sanema [tapiru turtle], kariña (Guyana) [tapiru turtle], makushi [tapiru turtle], (emerillon [turtle kills differently tapira]), tatuyo [tapiru turtle], katavishi (lake. Teffe) [tapiru turtle], tenetehara [tapiru turtle], kashinahua [tapiru turtle], sinta larga [jaguaru turtle], Iranshe [jaguaru anteater].
Plains. Tonkawa [the turtle bites off the lying bison of the testicle, which dies; the turtle looks for a knife to cut the carcass; the coyote suggests that whoever comes first get the meat; while he is running, The turtle eats fat; the coyote smashed the turtle's shell, but was immediately struck by lightning]: Hoijer 1972, No. 12:42-43.
Llanos. Sicuani [the old woman loves tapir's liver; he invites her to get it out of his ass; she sticks her hand first, then her head; he drags her, she dies; the woman's pet turtle looks for her; tapir excrement told her what happened; the turtle pretends to die of thirst, asks the tapir to urinate to drink his urine; the tapir grabs his penis, it rushes into the lake, drowns; the turtle told the woman's grandchildren how she avenged the death of their grandmother]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 148:491-492.
Southern Venezuela. Sanema [Colchester 1981:95 -98; crossing the swamp, the tapir trampled two turtles into the mud; the next time they grabbed his penis; the tapir rushed into the river and died]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 327: 574.
Guiana. Carinha (Guyana) [the turtle tells the jaguar that he also hunts tapirs, he requires proof; asks the tapir for food, pepper in it, asks for water, does not want to go to the river; the tapir suggests write in her mouth, she agrees; clamps the tapir's penis with her teeth, bites off, the tapir dies; the turtle asks the jaguar to borrow a knife to cut the meat; the jaguar undertakes to do it himself, takes all the meat, leaves only giblets; the turtle makes soup out of them, praises them, lets the jaguar taste it, throws boiling soup in his face, takes the meat away; the blind jaguar asks the little crow for help; she inserts it into his eye sockets black seeds, he can see but badly; the big crow makes eyes out of resin, now he can see well; since then, crows have been pecking the remnants of what the jaguar killed]: Gillin 1937, No. 2:190-192; macushi [jaguar invites the turtle to race; its relatives placed at a distance are responsible for the turtle; the turtle claims to hunt tapirs; the jaguar suggests comparing their excrement; the turtle shows a star jaguar, at this moment replaces secretions; the jaguar believes; the turtle is the first to hunt tapirs; says a tapira that it can only drink from a vessel; this vessel is a tapir's penis; a tapir lets her take it in her mouth, the turtle bites it off; pierces poisoned arrows into the already dead tapir; throws poison into a portion of the jaguar, which dies; the turtle sings that it has a necklace of jaguar teeth; the jaguar's wife wants to kill her; the turtle replies that it will only die in the water; swims away; next time she tells the jaguariha that a tapir is running down the slope; lowers a stone instead of a tapir, the jaguariha is killed]: Soares Diniz 1971, No. 15:88-92; (cf. emerillon [the turtle was lying on the ground, the tapir wanted it too, the turtle stuck its pegs, the tapir ran into them and died]: Renault-Lescure et al. 1987, No. 5:157).
NW Amazon. Tatuyo [the woman found a turtle, she began to live with her; went to collect umari fruits during her period; saw that the fruits were eaten by a tapir and promised to bite off his testicles as punishment; a tapir appeared and offered to do it; she tried it, and he opened his ass and pulled it inside; the turtle was left alone; people told her that her mistress was killed by a tapir; the turtle went looking for him, bumping into him excrement; the first time they say that the tapir passed two years ago, then the period is shortened each time (var: the turtle immediately finds a tapir when it comes to its path); the tapir offered her his erected penis: this is what your mistress ate, try it too; the turtle clenched its jaws, the tapir tried to throw it off, but died; when you came to Maloka, the turtle showed signs where to go to pick up a tapir carcass; the same text barasana: the turtle eats the tapir's penis and testicles before returning to Maloka]: Bidou 1996:75; tarian [woman saw tapir on the site, wanted to reach for his liver; the next the tapir day came up and asked if she wanted his liver; offered to put his hand in his ass and reach it; squeezed the sphincter and dragged the woman, dragged her until she died; the turtle asked the old woman where she had gone mistress; she replied that if the turtle were a man, she would avenge the tapir for her death; the turtle came to the tapir when they were drinking chicha in his house; tapir: I'll go pour pineapple juice; turtle: I would like him I drank; the tapir went out and began to urinate, offered the turtle to drink; she grabbed his penis; he started screaming that he would kill her; turtle: I can't be killed with a stick; tapir tells me to throw it into the fire; turtle: I don't burn ; when the tapir was about to throw the turtle into the water, she cried; the tapir immersed the turtle in water, but the turtle kept holding his penis until the tapir died]: Brüzzi 1994:178-180 (quoted in Bidou 1996:76-77) .
Central Amazon. Katawishi? (lake. Teffe) [the turtle kills the tapir by biting it on the testicles; the jaguar steals meat; the turtle asks the monkeys to lift it up the tree; the jaguar tells the turtle to go down; it asks him to close his eyes, jumps, smashing his head with a shell; makes a flute out of his tibia; hides in a hole from another jaguar; makes him believe that the leg sticking out of the hole is the root of a tree; the jaguar leaves, leaving the frog as a watchman; the turtle catches that sand, runs away; the jaguar eats the frog]: Tastevin, p.265-268 in Lévi-Strauss 1966, No. 284:249.
Montagna - Jurua. Kashinahua [the turtle tells the tapir that his brother left her when she became pregnant; offers to copulate but covers his vagina with his tail; offers oral sex; bites off the tapira's penis ; turtles eat tapir; one has kept a piece of its skin; the jaguar considers the tapir his prey; after listening to the turtles talking, he finds a piece of tapir skin, tears off the turtles heads; Condor arrives There is carrion, but the turtles are alive, talking about what happened; then Condor puts their heads to their backs; from now on, the turtles are silent]: Ans 1975:71-73.
Bolivia - Guaporé. Eseeha [the tapir's penis was small; the tapir was in the water and the turtle grabbed his penis; he's been big ever since]: Hissink, Hahn 1988:180; synth larga [see full text in J12 motif; Sunkip kills a jaguariha in revenge for his mother's death; the jaguars chase him, he asks the turtle for help; the turtle invites the jaguar to write in her mouth, bites off his penis, the jaguar dies; another jaguar wants to kill the turtle, he advises to drown it in the lake; a wild cat tells the jaguar that the turtle did not drown; the jaguar goes to kill the turtle, he asks the squirrel for help; the squirrel offers the jaguar to chop nuts, injures his penis; an inambu bird offers to jump from tree to mouth, throws a nut, a jaguar is killed; a monkey offers a jaguar {to another?} jump, it crashes; the jaguars grab the Monkey by the tail, tear it off, now these monkeys are tailless; they grabbed the anteater's tail, ripped off its hair; the jaguars did not catch up with S.]: Leonel Queiroz et al. 1988 : 63-69.
Southern Amazon. Iranshe [the jaguar kills the deer; asks the anteater to go get the basket; he invites the jaguar to go by himself; transfers the meat to the tree; the jaguar throws only one bone; later Y. meets M. finds deer bones in his excrement, scratches his eyes; the bird heals them; M. asks Cayman to kill the jaguar; K. pretends to have a toothache, asks the jaguar to touch the tooth with his penis, this is will help; bites off the penis; I. dies; M. roasts pieces of jaguar skin, gives it to his wife and children to eat; runs away from jaguars]: Pereira 1985, No. 72:236-240.
(Wed. Chaco. (Some of the motives are European). Chamacoco [Doxóra and jaguar agree to shoot two tapirs; the jaguar missed, D. killed the tapir, the jaguar changed arrows, began to fry meat; told the butterfly to bring water; D. told her to wear water in a leaky vessel; the jaguar has to go by himself to drink; D. puts the meat on a platform on a pole, tells the pole to grow; the jaguar makes a fire, floods it, tries to cut down the pole, breaks the ax; D. wounds the jaguar with a bone, saying he is throwing meat at him; the jaguar is dead; D. pulled out two fangs for him, revives the jaguar; the kingfisher dives for fish shouting ëlebiché, offers to catch the jaguar; he also screams ë lebiché, falls his head into the clay, gets stuck, the Kingfisher takes out two more fangs; the jaguar takes the crab for an eel, tries to dig it out of the mud, decides to kill it by defecating on it; crab grabs it with claws, pulls out his ass {penis?} , then pulls out a few teeth; the monkey pretends to be sick, the jaguar agrees to carry it; before that, the Monkey wanted to get along with the jaguar's wife as a deer, said that the jaguar is her horse; the jaguar agrees to put a harness on him; the monkey leaves with the jaguar's wife, and he remains attached; the monkey tells the jaguar that he climbed the tree backwards, pours boiling water on it; the jaguar guards at the watering hole, but the monkey is covered with honey, pasted over with leaves, the jaguar does not recognize it; the monkey says that the whirlwind will take everyone away, the jaguar allows itself to be tied, the monkey hits it; the fox unties it, the jaguar eats it; The monkey hid in the hollow, the jaguar grabbed her tail, the monkey says he grabbed the root, the jaguar let go; he went after the stick, leaving the vulture to guard; the monkey threw dust into his eyes ran away; the jaguar found a toad in the hollow, tells me where the turtle is; the toad says it is not afraid of fire, it is afraid of water; the jaguar threw it into the water, it swam away]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 98:385-392).