Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M108A. Trickster adopter. (.31.) .33.-.37.39.

Single elderly spouses adopt a trickster. He steals them (and runs away).

(Western Sami), Uighurs (Lobnorans) [fox], Chulym Turks [fox], Altaians [fox], Tuvans [fox], South Altai Tuvans [fox], Mansi [fox], Nenets (Yamal, Taimyr) [Yembu, Yembo], Enz [Djoa], Nganasans [Dyaiku], Dolgans [Laaiku Lonely Dog], Western? ("Irkutsk") Evenks [fox], Negidals [fox], forest yukaghirs [fox].

(Wed. Baltoscandia. Western Sami [the old lady is looking for someone to whip her cream into butter, she is already strong]: Kohl-Larsen 1982:179-180).

Turkestan. The Uighurs (Lobnor) [the steppe fox asked the old woman to take her son; the sandy fox asked her to take her as her daughter; while living with the old woman, they asked her to give them the key; seized her belongings and ran away; when the sandy one fell asleep, the steppe Half of the kidnapped was buried, and took the other with her and ran away; the sandfox returned to the old woman, told her that she was chasing the steppe, asked her to feed her for 6 days, and then she would catch up with the thief; gold and silver, came to the steppe fox and sent her to the old woman now; she, entering the house, invited the old woman and her daughter to hit her from both sides with a stick; they hit and killed each other; both foxes began to live old women in the house and got rich]: Malov 1956, No. 1:30-34.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Chulym Turks [the chanterelle asks the elderly to live, will be an assistant; says that she will go to visit her pregnant older sister; eats fish stocks herself; says that the child was named Full; in next time Half a thimble; then It's over; the old man shouts to the old woman to catch the fox, the old woman does not hear, asks again, the fox explains that the old man tells her to boil water; pours boiling water on the old woman, she died; the chanterelle hides in the underground, answers the old man that she is at home; when the old man entered the house, the chanterelle is outside; the old man fell, died, the chanterelle got the farm]: Porotova 1980:82-83 (=Lukina 2004, No. 5.13: 123-124); the Altaians [the old man and the old woman went for brushwood, a chanterelle got out of the stump, agreed to be a son or daughter; goes to her older, middle, younger brothers three times; does not take it silk clothes, goes in simple clothes; the old man discovers that all the oil in the pantry under the spruce has been eaten, shouts to his wife to hold the chanterelle; she does not hear, Lisa explains that he tells him to cook food quickly (oatmeal with milk ); splashes boiling brew into the old woman's face, runs away]: Sadalova 2002, No. 12:107-113; Tuvans: Katanov 1907, No. 879 [seven Wolves ask Fox where he got the lard; (hereinafter the pass, but it is clear that The fox invited them to put their tails into the water); agrees to replace their son with an old man and an old woman; they let him herd their Yamans; the Wolves' tails have frozen, the old man killed them]: 101-102; (cf. Katanov 2011 [{same text as Radlov?} ; The fox ("one fox son") ate lard; seven wolves came; the fox replied that it had come down from above for those who loved to howl; the wolves remained sitting on the ice; the fox came to the old man and the old woman, they agreed adopt him; the fox began to herd seven Yamans {yaks?} ; wolf tails froze to the ice, the old man killed them]: 233); South Altai Tuvans [The fox pretends to be a poor orphan, childless old people take him as sons, let their seven goats herd; each one day disappears; the fox explains that the goats are left on the rock; the old man finds skins full of grass; shouts to his wife to kill the Fox, who hears hard; the fox explains that her husband tells her to bake for him, A fox, a cake in butter; hits an old woman in the face with its tail, runs away; the old man's heart is broken; the Wolf sees the Fox regurgitating fat; he explains to put his tail into the water from the sky oil will fall; the tail froze, the fox brought the old man to kill the wolf, he took the Fox as his son; the fox killed the old man's horse, the old man hung it in the chimney, went to buy firewood; the old man's children began to lick urine and feces Fox, thinking it was fat; The fox said that sugar would flow from his mouth, asked him to bring a knife to cut off their sugars, kills both boys, cooks; the old man recognizes his sons, falls into a boiling pot with grief ; The fox tells the birds that he is a llama; one hundred birds take turns to be blessed, he bites each of them, kills them; jumps on a bunny, is trapped by a hunter]: Taube 1994, No. 47:266-268 .

Western Siberia. Mansi [The fox sees the old man making a boat, there is a boy next to him; the fox advises putting the boy under the boat, the old man cut the boy with an ax; people put the Fox in the boat because he knows the land; he finds a bunch of sturgeon gills, eats; says that the reach is called a bunch of sturgeon gills; then a bunch of rolls, Half a loaf of bread; stuck to the shore, the Fox ran into the forest, turned into a boy; the old man brought it home to an old woman; at night the boy knocks on the window, says that his child's name is to baptize, eats the fat in the barn in the barn in the neck; says that the child was named Neck; then Seredinka, Bottom; the boy offers to lie down with the old man on the stove, on whom the fat will come out, he ate; the boy wiped himself with dust, smeared the old man with fat; and now the Fox lives happily and safely]: Lukina 1990, No. 194: 501-502; Nenets: Lar 2001 (Yamal) [his wife does not tell Yomba to go from the boat to the river, he does not listen; all the fish in the boat and in the house come to life, jumps back into the water; YE. grabs the last jar with caviar; says he will die, tells him to cover him with branches, leave a jar with him; a man with a dog's ass lived with YE. and his wife; in the fall he sees YE. eating caviar, saying that he has deceived everyone; a man with a dog's ass agrees with an old woman to run to the grave of Ë., supposedly from hell; Ë. screams in fear; leaves; comes to the old man and the old woman, turns into a baby, crawls under the old woman hem; old people adopt him, three days later he grows up; tells him to slaughter the last bull to eat the liver; load the meat into the boat; cuts off the rope, swims away with meat; sees the line, turns into a pike, hell swallows it, E. scratches him from the inside, the devil lets the pike out of his ass; chases Ë., he kills him with a knife; YE. digs the shaman's grave, hardly runs away from the skeleton; pees into the river, the pike grabs him For a penis, he rips it off with his penis, throws it into the water; a man promises to give his daughter for someone who makes him laugh; YE. tells his story, makes him laugh, gets a wife; brings 300 deer to old people, whom he deceived; returned to his old wife, took off the skin of a man with a dog's ass, under her was a handsome young man; YE. gave him his young wife, said that he had made the hell he was a half-dog now killed; YE. asked to slaughter a deer for him, ate meat, drank blood, turned into a seat (idol)]: 273-277; Nenyang 1997 (Taimyr) [childless old people have one deer; Yombo ("rogue") turns into the baby, the old woman picks him up, the old man suspects that it may be E.; E. hunts for the elderly; then says that he is sick, tells him to slaughter the deer; when moving, he tells him to load everything valuable in a hollow, a large boat holes, sails away with property, old people drown]: 151-154; Tereshchenko 1949 {apparently European Nenets: Tereshchenko's husband is a Nenets from the village of Telvisochnoye} [old man and old woman Wolverine are getting ready cross to the other side; the old man made a boat, was tired, fell asleep; the fox offered the old woman to transport the property, sailed away with him; the woodpecker promised to help, asked Lisa to give him a ride, did it in the bottom hole; while the Fox was looking for resin, he plugged it with a twig, swam back to the old woman; she made him beautiful suede clothes (woodpecker color), and the old man forged a strong beak]: 135-138; Ents [Deua hides in the plague; when an old woman goes out, grabs her hand, tells her husband to shout that she has given birth to a child; turns into a baby; grows up; asks her father to slaughter a big deer; migrate to another place, put meat and yukola in the boat; he will transport them to the other side, return for his parents; sailing away shouts that he is not their son, but D.]: Porotova 1982:153-154; nganasany [Dyaiku was hit by a stump , his fist stuck, then his leg, etc.; the old man brought him home, told his wife that a fox had been trapped; while the old man was away and the old woman went out into the yard, D. jumped off the crossbar, became a baby, went to the old woman under the hem; asks to slaughter the only deer, the old woman tells her husband to allow it, because this is their only son; D. loads meat into the boat, sails away, shouts that he is not their son, but D.; elsewhere the boat is full of holes, in which the foreman's three sons are supposed to swim, covers the hole with clay, the sons drown; D. returns to his mother, tells how he deceived the old man, drowned people]: Porotova 1980:21-24; dolgans [lonely Laaiku's dog saw Jige Baba, turned into a child, she decided that she had given birth; L. asked for meat, the old men slaughtered their only deer; asked them to move to the other side of the river, ride alone in a boat; He swam away, shouting that he is Laaika; the prince promises to pass off his daughter as the one who has solved the riddle; L. lies down in the grass, the prince's daughter stumbles over him, tells her friend that if she married, she would not carry water; that his father has a tire for a pack of seven lice skins; L. guesses the corresponding riddle, gets married]: Efremov 2000, No. 17:277-281.

Eastern Siberia. Evenki (Irkutsk Region) [The fox offers to be the daughter of the elderly; the old man lets her herd a cow, she bit it; the old man shouts to his wife, Hold the Fox! ; she hears poorly, Lisa says that the old man told me to give her a bag of bacon; gets into the boat, sails away with her bag; the woodpecker promises to catch up with Lisa; asks her to transport him across the river, makes a hole in the boat; The fox sends him for resin, he brings knots; he goes by himself, the Woodpecker will tar the boat, sails away, returns his property to the elderly; the old man shackled his beak, the old woman sewed a red riding hood; he sat on a knot, ripped himself apart belly, the old woman sewed it up, it remained red]: Voskoboynikov 1960a, No. 2:41-42.

Amur - Sakhalin. Negidals [The fox makes his eyes out of dark lingonberries, turns into a little boy; the old man finds him, adopts him, although the old woman suspects deception; the grown boy asks to be immersed good to the boat, let him warm up, sails away with all his property]: Khasanova, Pevnov 2003, No. 68:135-136.

SV Asia. Forest Yukaghirs [the fox was the well-mannered daughter of an old man and an old woman; they had a barn where yukola and other food were kept; the fox went there to steal, ate to the dump, and became fat; the old man went into his barn, there is nothing there; he pulled out a fox hiding under the bench, grabbed its tail and began to flog; its white skin turned blood, so the fox was red; only the tip of the tail, which is an old man, remained white held it in his hands]: Spiridonov 1996:46.