Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M11. Unclean food.

A character gives others food extracted from his or someone else's body, or contaminated with body secretions, without revealing the source of the food.

Australia. Narran [Curlew hunts for his mother Hawk and other women; he can't get game, cuts off meat from his feet, the women cook it and eat it; they feel bad, they watch Curlew, they discover deception; they hit Curlew's bleeding legs; since then, his legs are long, red, and he screams, Oh my poor legs]: Waterman 1987, No. 1725:62.

Melanesia. Monumbo [Kain ("snake") turned into a snake, lay down on the path; Daria walked along it, brought the snake to her; gave birth to a son with a human head and the body of a snake; while K. was fishing, D. killed and cooked a son, she broke her husband's weapon, crashed the boat, ran away; in different villages, many men offered themselves to her as husbands, but she went to Kamadonga; to stop her pursuers, she wrote, drew a line - a river appeared; Kam. did not have cultivated plants, D. cooked bananas and tarot for him; he did not have genitals, she made them for him from pepper tree fruit and betel nuts; let him see her genitals, met him; went to Lubou on an island near the island. Manam also gave him genitals; walked along the shore, turned the stones into fish, became a fish between the stones herself; Ngapem shot her, surprised that the arrow that pierced the fish was smeared in tarot; he brought the fish home; while N. was gone, D. (in the form of a human being) removed fire from her genitals, regurgitated bananas and tarot, baked and fed her husband; N.'s children also ate and slept; and N.'s younger brother's children cried from hunger; N. told his brother to go ashore; If he sees Daria fish, he should not converge with it; but he got together; became a Pakei tree; bananas, yams, tarot grew on it; fell and rotted; two brothers sailed in a boat with a dog; the dog jumped out, I ate by the tree, came back; they tied a rope to the dog, found a tree; they brought it home, gave it to the old woman, she became young; people sharpened their axes, began to cut the trunk, it remained intact; they broke off the sliver was burned; and so on, the trunk was cut, the tree continued to hang on the vine; this vine was the hand of a character; they sent a boy upstairs, the tree told him to call his mother to meet her; The boy's father was told by the tree to call his wife; the men left; another came with two wives; hid the beautiful one, let the tree meet with the ugly one, the tree fell; the man from Dagoi came when all cultured the plants were dismantled; Daria advised him to make tops out of vines and exchange them for bananas; people in this village do so]: Höltker 1965, No. 2:72-77; Vedau [only one person always brings a lot fish; men send a boy to follow; he sees a man take his head off his shoulders, leans over the water, fish fall out of his throat; he comes back, puts his head in place, picks up fish; at home, the boy does not eat fish; in the evening he tells others what he has seen; men follow the owner of the fish; when he takes off his head, they throw it into the bush; not finding his head, the man rushes into the sea, becomes a big fish; the first coconut palm grows out of a fallen head; an old woman decided to try nuts, everyone has been eating them ever since]: Ker 1910:92-96; New Britain [Tabui Kor cooks, her sons Tilik and Tarai work in the garden; they don't like the taste of food; one stayed to work with both axes, the other hid to spy; saw that his mother was adding seawater to her food and her food for them, their own urine; they take it and eat its food; then TC pushes the stone away, the sea water pours out, fills the sea; the brothers throw land on the water, it turns into islands]: Brown 1910:354-355 (quoted in Lessa 196:278 with reference also to Mackenzie 1930:150-151); Gazelle Peninsula, Bining, Bougainville [the grandmother cooks food for her grandchildren in plain water, and for herself in sea water or in urine; they peek, open a hole, water gushes from there, forming a sea]: Speiser 1944:49; Aoba [woman forbids her two grandchildren to go outside the house; there she always urinates on a large leaf; grandchildren shoot lizards, an arrow hits a leaf, water pours out to form a sea]: Codrington 1891, No. 8:372-373.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Ham) [the leader's black and white cow is missing; the eldest daughter sees a gray old woman across the river, asks if she has seen a cow (her horns are shells, her leash is made of silk, etc.); she says what she did not see, invites her to her place, asks if she wants noodles or pasta, the girl chooses vermicelli, the witch gives her planed human ears; the same with her middle daughter (pasta is human fingers); the youngest chooses vermicelli; the witch goes out, the dog asks for vermicelli, says that the cow and older sisters are hidden in the witch's house, and there is a cleaver outside the door; the girl hacked down a witch, returned home with a cow, dog and sisters]: Lhamo 2012:209-210; Taraon Mishmi [brother and sister Jim and Chaneya stayed after the world fire; brother advised sister to find someone in husbands; she took the Three yan bird, did not conceive; Ta-yan gave birth only to eggs; J. has a long penis, he carries it behind his back in a basket; at night he crawled into his sister's rooms, she was frightened, cut it off with a weaving with a sword, the end rotted, the penis became normal length; she married Tu-huiya (wren), Wren babler), who cooked deliciously; she spied on him cooking, dipping his dirty dusty feathers into the food; left him; two priests told brother and sister to marry; sent a storm, the sister was frightened, the wind threw her at her brother, they got together; she gave birth to a meat ball; eight years later, the brother cut it into pieces, scattered it, of them different people arose; people came together to share benefits and knowledge; aruachary lingered, he didn't get anything]: Pandey 1999:37-40; tagin [Abo-Teni marries 1) Luki-Pipi bird, she's lazy, he drives her away, she tells her to start sowing when she screams pipi; 2) Blue Jay (Pejek); she cooks deliciously, AT watched, saw that she defecated in cooking, he was hers drives away; 3) the Yurne-Tami tree; she brings a lot of fish, AT spies on her urinating in the river, stunning the fish; he drives it, she teaches her to make fish poison from its bark, fruits, leaves; 4) dry leaf; from his wife no breasts, a baby born can only suck blood, he is a leech; 5) AT decided to marry his sister Chine-Yapi, only she is human, but went to ask for advice from Dori-Wiyu, who lives between earth and sky; he ordered to put an egg in the genitals of YACH: if it breaks, you can marry, if not, you can't; the egg broke; AT and CHY have 6 children and people come from them]: Elwin 1958b, No. 13:191-193; moklum [son saw his mother salt food with her snot; drove her away; she walked and cried, her tears turned to salt]: Elwin 1958b, No. 23:231.

South Asia. Baiga [the elderly couple killed a pig that destroyed their crops; while the wife was cooking it, she ate everything herself; cut off her buttock, served it to her husband under the guise of pork, and covered the wound with clay and manure; but the cat told her husband everything; he started beating his wife and she ran to Rakshasi, asked for help to reach her {whose?} mother, because there are tigers and bears on the way; Rakshasi fed her food that emits abundant gases, gave her a vessel of ash; every time a predator came up, the woman sat in a pot and let the winds and ash dazzled the predator; but one day the wool protected the bear's face and the bear ate the woman; when she died, she managed to say that she had a plump old man at home; the bear went there and ate the woman's husband as well]: Elwin 1939, No. 12:508-509.

Taiwan - Philippines. Yami [Iratay village: wooden boxes come to Irala, each with one box nailed to Tabedeh, where Yayo is now, the second in Lyos, where Ivatas is, the third is in Iraralay; people multiplied; blindness follows incest; the sea departs; when the white coral stone was disturbed, the flood began; two brothers were saved, the supreme deity sent them two heavenly maidens, the eldest was told to go out for the elder, the youngest for the younger brother; contrary to instructions, the eldest takes the younger brother as her husband; the youngest returns to heaven to complain (what happened to the older brother is not said); the older brother is happy with his wife, because she miraculously supplies them with food, but forbids them to watch exactly how she does it; Iranmilek had another man with a heavenly wife, the narrator transfers the story to him; the husband finds out that Snakes and rats help his wife create food; after that, the wife returns to heaven; the husband goes to warn his younger brother from Iratay not to try to reveal the secret; this does not help, the younger brother's wife and child fly to heaven]: Bennedek 1991.

China - Korea. Meo Vietnam [Zey plays khen well, went to play celestials with him; on the way home he crossed a girl lying on the trail, she turned out to be a werewolf tigress; fell ill; dying, told his wife Zu Bring him water to the grave three times to wash; Zou sees him get up from the grave; after the third time he leaves, Zou runs after him, Zey takes off, carries his wife, taking her hand; they find themselves in a cave where the tiger- werewolf and other tigers; Zey passes Zou off as his sister; the tigress offers snakes instead of vegetables, worms and cockroaches instead of cakes; tigers try to kill her by hitting her off a cliff, telling her to catch snakes, Zey, half a tiger, saves her; Zey mortgages his khen to the tigers, gets permission to take Zou home; when he comes to the house, Zou calls her husband's parents; they tie him up, put him in a hole with With cow manure, he turns into a man; without waiting for Zei, the tiger monsters come for him themselves, they are scared off by fire; when Zei and Zou have a son three years later, the tigers take Zeya away]: Nikulin 1990: 189-193.

Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Ust-Tsylma) [the blind tsar has sons Fedor, Vasiley, Ivan; F. went to get live water; when growing up, one road is full - he is hungry, the other - the horse is hungry, the other is hungry, he is full, the third is not to be alive; he went where he is hungry; three girls were invited to the tower; one offers to lie on the bed, she falls into the underground, where there are already many fellows; the same with V.; I. goes along the road, where not to be alive; a hut on chicken legs, about one window, on a damp crap, and revolves around; Bab-Yaga has now feathered, supported a hundred, blew, splashed her ass, cracked her ass and made pancakes; says that the golden breast guards the living water; let the horse go to her sister; she let the horse go to the third, the third let the horse jump the strings to three wells, in which dead, living, eye water; I. filled vessels, but also small bubbles that he hid; made love to the king maiden, but she did not wake up; when back, the horse hit the strings, the bells rang, the king maiden in pursuit; every baba yaga was hers detains, inviting her to the bathhouse; I. drove along the hungry road, the tsar-maiden lost track; I. came to those girls, tells the girl to be the first to lie on the bed, she failed; the guys in her basement torn; other girls were told to release the prisoners and no longer harm them; on the Russians, the brothers threw I. into a hole in the ground, his horse and bag were taken away; in the lower world, I. went to sea, where the princess was given to eating the Snake; I. kills the three-headed, then six- and nine-headed; puts his heads under the corner of the house, each with a gem, I. took them for himself; when he slept, the water carrier cut off his head, attributed victory for herself; the princess went to wash her body, found bubbles of living and dead water, revived I.; he wants to go to earth; if so, the king will give him the kingdom (and daughter) after his death, when he enters his world; Magovay called the Bird, I. feeds her along the way, she hardly flew, fell down, and I. grabbed the edge and got out; came home, anointed his father's eyes with eye water, he saw the light; the king maiden sailed on the ship with two sons; rejects F. and V.; I. smeared himself with resin, rolled in feathers, children say it's hell; their mother: no, your father, wash him, take him to the ship; they have begun to live well and now live]: Onchukov 2008, No. 8:100-106.

Iran - Central Asia. Mountain Tajiks (Vanch) [young man sees wagers swimming; one agrees to marry him if he does not watch her, does not watch her wash her hair, cook food; he breaks prohibitions, sees that the bet walks without touching the ground, takes off his head, and after washing it, puts it in place, puts oil in food, which he pulls out from under his arm; the bet flies away]: Gornensky 2000:165-167.

Volga - Perm. Udmurts (Sosnovka Sarapulsky y. Vyatka Gubernia): Vereshchagin 1886:165-166 [In spring, a mother sends three daughters to the forest for brooms, the girls are lost. One of the sisters climbs a tall tree and looks around. He says that blue smoke comes up in the distance like a thread. The second sister doesn't believe it and climbs the spruce tree. He looks one way and says that a blue smoke as thick as a finger rises in the distance. The third sister doesn't believe it and climbs the spruce tree. He says there's a hand-thick blue smoke in the distance. Girls come to the hut. An old woman, a disgusting doll, sits on the stove and breastfeeds the baby, and the baby has a scab on his head. K. asks if the girls are hungry. The girls agree. K. scrapes the scab off the baby's head and treats the girls. The girls turn their eyes away. K. says that if they don't eat, she'll eat them herself. One takes it, she vomits; another takes it, the third one vomits too. The girls want to leave. K. says he'll let them in when they jump over their stupa. She has a large wooden stupa at the door in the corner, and she brings the girls there and tells them to jump over it. Two sisters jump and leave, and the third cannot jump over, remains with K. K. leaves, tells me to pump the child, sing: "Uh! UH! OH! OH! Sleep, fall asleep", don't leave the hut. The girl shakes the baby, cries. The rooster tells me to sit on it, the girl rides the cock, K. catches up, throws a wooden pestle at the rooster, the rooster drops the girl. K. takes the girl back to her hut. Again, the girl shakes the baby and cries. The hare comes - the same thing. A thin horse arrives, covered in mud and manure. The girl is riding it. They see that K. is chasing. They reach the water, there is a log on the water. A girl gets off her horse and walks on a log. K. is coming too. A girl goes ashore, shakes a log, K. falls into the water, dies. The girl comes home at night, when all the family is sleeping. She takes the door ring, knocks - they don't unlock it: no one heard it. She goes to bed on the canopy, where someone eats her at night, leaving only her hair. In the morning, the girl's father and boy go to the hay to feed the horses. The boy finds his hair and tells his father he found the strings. Dad lets me take them. The boy brings his hair to the hut, puts it on the table. The hair begins to cause in the plaintive voice of the girl eaten: "Father, mother! Hands and fingers were knocking on the door-you didn't unlock it." Everyone gets scared and throws their hair into the oven. In the oven, the ashes speak too. The family is not happy to live. Women shovel ash, take out leftovers, throw ash into the forest. Since then, there has been no cause in the oven], 158-159 [the man has lost his horse; he has no sons, he sent him to look for three daughters; in the forest they hear whining, then they see a bell on the spruce branch, then they go into the hut; there is a scary man with long teeth in it; replies that he saw knows where the horse is, but let the girls sit with him for a while; brings fried human fingers and treats them; girls they pretend to eat, throw their fingers under the bench; the long-toothed brings a stupa in which they push the laundry, says he will let go of the one that jumps over the stupa; the younger and middle jump, the eldest jump no; the long-toothed leaves the eldest, sends the girl to the mill; the girl sits there and cries; the hare offers to sit on him, the long-toothed chases, throws a pestle in front of the hare, the hare leaves the girl; the same with the fox; with the wolf; finally a thin horse comes, covered in mud and litter; the girl wipes her sides with grass, sits on horseback, they ride, the long-toothed catches up with them, but the horse oppressed him, and he fell behind ; girl escapes]; 1989 [A woman and her daughter go to the forest for raspberries. We got lost on the way back. They climb a tall spruce tree and see a light in the distance. They reach the hut with a Kalmyk woman with cow legs in it. Mother and daughter are frightened, but they ask for food. A Kalmyk woman cooks cabbage soup for them with human hands and legs, with lice, and invites them to eat. They're eating, they soon vomited. They go to bed but can't sleep. When the sun rises and the birds chirp, a Kalmyk woman brings a trough to the hut, where laundresses push clothes. She tells them to jump over the trough, warning them that the one that doesn't jump will remain in her service. The mother jumps and leaves, the daughter can't. It's hard for a mother to part, but a Kalmyk woman is inexorable The girl lives with a Kalmyk woman: she cooks, sweeps the floor. She longs, cries. When a Kalmyk woman leaves home, a pig comes, tells her to sit on it, and promises to take her home. The girl sits down, the pig carries her. The Kalmyk woman chases, catches up and takes her back. The next day a salt horse comes and asks to sit on it. A Kalmyk woman sees a girl with experience, but no matter how much she chases, she cannot catch up; this happens already at dusk. The girl knocks on the ring, but she is not unlocked. She has to spend the night in a sheepfold with her sheep. At night, a Kalmyk woman comes, eats it, leaves only her hair. In the morning, the mother walks into the sheepfold, and there are voices: "Oh, mama, mama! Why didn't you unlock your daughter? She ran away from the Kalmyk at dusk; she knocked on your porch and you didn't unlock it. A Kalmyk woman came to her and ate her." - "Daughter! daughter! If I heard, I would unlock it for you," her mother answers her, crying]: 185-186; Komi-Perm [Three girls go to the forest for berries, get lost, and come to the bear's hut at night. After a while, the bear comes and starts cooking porridge. She cooks and throws wool into it. When the porridge ripens, the bear tells the girls to eat. The older two eat, the youngest refuses. When the girls have eaten, the bear brings a stupa and tells the girls to jump over it: whoever jumps, he will let go. The two older ones jump over, the youngest could not and hit the stupa. The bear brings shakiness, climbs into it and tells the girl to rock it, saying: "Sleep, bear, sleep, fat!" This is how the girl lives for several days. A ram comes to her and offers to take her away. The girl sits on a ram and rides. The bear wakes up, catches up with the girl and sits down again to rock her. Another time, when the bear is sleeping, the girl runs away in a bull]: Smirnov 1891:279-280; (cf. Komi [the bear needs babysitters for the cubs; the fox advises taking the hunter's daughters; Yoma gives a basket, a spindle, a silk ball; the younger sister sees the basket, it rolls, she follows it, gets to bears; the same middle one - runs after the spindle; the ram offers to take the youngest home; bears catch up, beat, return the girl; the same with the middle sister - tried to run away on a goby; the eldest goes to the bears herself; asks to take gifts to her father; while the bear and the cubs are not at home, she dresses three stupas, puts her younger sister in a chest; on the way, the bear wants to look into it, the girl says that She sees far, does not tell them to open it; the same with the middle sister; then she sits down herself; the bears return, take their stupas for girls; then they push them, the stupas fall on them]: Plesovsky 1975:38-44).

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians [(zap. V.F. Khokholkov, 1987); when the hunter returns, his wife always puts bread, milk, and boiled meat in front of him; her husband spies on her, sees her cut off pieces of nails, pieces of flesh from her legs, heels, turns it into meat; armpit hair into bread, milk from breasts into real milk; the hunter tells others about it, who explain that his wife is Almys, she turns into a goat, runs away]: Khokholkov 1997:37; Kumandins [three brothers were fishing near the mountain on the river. Biya; he went into the cave alone, there was a girl, he met her, stayed; he did not fish for two years, there was always meat for lunch; she gave birth to him two sons; the hunter decided to spy on where his wife got the meat from - she carves it from He puts himself in his bosom, then puts himself in the cauldron; he screamed, his wife fell in fear, ordered her sons to be taken and left, died herself; she was the mistress of the mountain]: Potapov 1929:129; Tuvans: Alekseev et al. 2010, No. 65 [the hungry hunter returns to his hut; his wife meets him there; feeds him, but he does not eat enough; one day he came up unnoticed; in a shulbus hut: an old woman with copper claws, a copper nose, one eye, With two teeth, down like a bag, cuts off meat from his rib, expresses milk from his chest, fed it; fire interferes with a copper nose; the hunter shot, the shulbusikha turned into yellow felt, he burned it; at home wife is alive and well]: 165-167; Dyakonova 1976 [stories about the cohabitation of hunters with Albanians were distributed in Kara-Hola; they give good luck hunting, feed hunters with milk from their long ones thrown for shoulders of her breasts, and meat cut off from her ribs]: 284; Buryats [Gaser, unrecognized by her, comes to a mangadhaika with a sharp jaw, one tooth, one eye on the top of her head; she serves him tea - these are worms of different colors; G. makes a silver groove along his body, poison flows from his mouth, going out between his legs]: Sharakshinova 1969:291-295.

Western Siberia. Nenets (tundra) [an old shaman meets a guy, she cuts off her breasts, puts her breasts in a cup with a golden leg; the shaman does not eat; the same is a woman with half a leg, breasts in an iron cup; then but the woman is a resin giant; the guy turns into a burbot, the giant into a ruff, the half-legged into a raft, the shaman himself into a pike; all four fish are iron, the first three chase pike; the water giant catches all four into the net; burbot, ruff, raft kills, shaman pike escapes]: Lekhtisalo 1998:35-36; Siberian Tatars (p. Karagay, Tyumen Region): Kozlova 2006:415 [when people appeared, the ish (devil spirits) went into the forest; the man saw a hut in the forest, there was an old man with three daughters, gave the man a wife, the man closed and opened his eyes I ended up with my wife in the village; they have a daughter and a son; the wife does not tell me to enter without warning; one day the husband came in, saw his wife take lice from under her mice and throw it into the cauldron; she had a hole under her arm; the wife ate that's it, took her son from the cradle, flew out the window; 18 years later, the man and daughter went to pick up hay; a thunderstorm began, the wife appeared, said that she would pick up the hay herself, that their son would marry ish; and they broke up ], 416 [a hunter met a girl, brought her to the village; a young man tells her husband to shoot before entering the house; one day he looked quietly out the window, saw his wife pulling lice out of her mice, cooking them out of them soup; her husband killed her, her children remained; their descendants were called lousy].

Eastern Siberia. Yakuts: Vitashevsky 1912, No. I.5 (central, lake. Churapcha, Churapchinsky ulus) [the old man and the old woman have two daughters, he catches four hares each; decides to leave his daughters in the forest so that they and the old woman can get two birds with one stone; took his daughters to pick berries, left his clothes on a stump; but caught only two birds with one stone; the older sister was half abaasa herself; they find an iron yurt with an iron cradle; the youngest spies on the child pulling fish out of his penis, cooks; returns to the cradle; does not tell the younger sister to eat fish, she eats; the old woman tells her to go from the fork to the east; the older sister goes west, the younger sister does not want to throw it; there are no holes in the iron yurt; the eldest makes them as small as sawdust from a needle, they find themselves in a yurt; inside the abaasa woman does not bring fish, but leeches; the younger sister casts the same spell and ends up outside; the elder sticks her head; the abaas eats her body, the youngest carries her sister's head, throws it under the larch; sees an island on the lake, there is a beautiful one, this is the older sister's abaas essence (the informant does not remember further)], II .1 (central, Bayagantai ulus) [two orphans went to pick berries; the eldest found a black stone, the youngest white stone (var.: the youngest wants to take white, the eldest suggests taking black; only one stone, uniform like a person); the girls began to live in a hunting lodge, put a stone in a stone cradle, the stone turns into a child; when they return, they find baked fish; the youngest spies, becoming a piece of bark; the child tells objects to move by themselves, promises to eat both sisters, takes fish out of his mouth, bakes fish, returns to the cradle; the eldest eats fish, the youngest puts it quietly in her bosom; sisters they cover the child with a hot slide, run away; the old woman stretches her leg across the river, the sisters cross it; when the abaas cross, the old woman removes her leg, he drowns; the sisters come to the abaasa with one hand and with one leg; prisoners are hidden in her iron yurt; she locks the girls in the closet; the youngest becomes the size of a needle sawdust, jumps out; the eldest sticks her head, swells, her sister pulls, tears off his head, carries it with him; hangs it on a chicken, his head cries; on a birch tree, the same; on a tree broken by lightning, his head calms down; a frog lives in a silver yurt, asks his younger sister to sew a dress for her husband; before her husband comes, he hides the girl in a bag; the husband realizes that it was not a frog, finds a girl; invites both wives to go to their relatives for gifts; The frog brings worms, leeches; a girl in the place of the tree where she left her sister's head finds a living sister, yurt, cattle; sister married Thunder's son; hides the youngest; Thunder's son finds her, gives her cattle; presses on the way home frog worms, leeches and frogs; husband tells wives to lie on the roof; The frog put a piece of moss, froze to death; the husband stayed with the girl]: 456-458, 459-458; Illarionov et al. 2008, No. 23 (Western 1936, central Yakutia, Churapchinsky district) [parents caught only four fish, decided to take their daughters to the forest; while they were picking berries, the father put his clothes on a stump and left; the girls went to the fork in the road, there a child in a silver cradle and a child in an iron cradle; the youngest wants to take the one in silver, the eldest insists that it be in the iron cradle; the sisters live in the house when they return, there is fish in the house; the youngest is not eats; hides with a needle, sees a baby coming out of the cradle, turning into a giant, spewing an iron whorl, piercing his ass, from there boiled fish fall out; becomes a baby again; the eldest she does not believe it, she remains to see for herself; agrees to overturn a boiling pot of boiled berries on the abaas; the sisters run, the giant with a cauldron on his head is chasing; the youngest throws a needle (forest), a thimble (forest again), the eldest throws a handkerchief (a cliff to the sky); by the river, the sisters ask old Talas-Talas to lower her golden walkways; she stretches her legs like a bridge, the sisters cross; when the abaas ask for her legs, TT hesitates, then holds out one, the abaas drowns; the sisters entered the house, the exit disappeared; the youngest made a hole, came out with a needle, a thimble; the eldest stuck her head, told her head and ass to swell, got stuck; the youngest pulled, tore it off; tried to leave her head on the birch, willow, waist, pine tree, spruce - her head cries; when she left it on the aspen, she laughed; the youngest comes to the Frog's house; she asks to sew a bag for her husband, she does not know how; the same mittens, torbaza; the girl hung the torbaza high, the frog can't reach; the husband found a girl; promised to marry the one who would not freeze in the yard overnight; the husband wrapped the frog in moss, he put his wife in her bag by the chimney; in the morning she is alive, the frog froze; the man married a girl]: 253-271; Baikal Evenks (north of Transbaikalia, p. Chapo-Ologo, 1948) [two orphan girls went for berries, found an iron cradle with the baby; the youngest told me not to touch it, the eldest brought the child to the plague; when they returned, there were a lot of fish in the plague; the next day they hid and spy; the child got out of the shaky, became a giant, sat down, a bunch of fish appeared {i.e. he threw it out of himself}; when the girls entered the plague, there was again the child shaky; they knocked over the cauldron on him boiling fish soup, rode on deer; Mangi catches up, a cauldron on her head instead of a hat; one of the sisters threw a comb (thicket), Mangi made his way; threw her bag (the rock is the same); on the other side, old woman Acekai, the girls ask her to stretch out her legs, crossed them to the other side, the old woman removed her legs; when Manga asked her to stretch her legs, the old woman removed them in the middle of the river; Manga screams: make ladles out of my hands a bucket from the back, paint from the blood, a shuttle from the spine; then drowned; at this time the girls reached the fork; one tells me to follow the left path, the other on the right; turned to the left, came to plague, it has an old woman without arms and legs; turned one into a needle, the other into a thimble; cannibals came, saying that it smells like gifts; the older sister laughed, she was eaten; when the cannibals left, the youngest asks , are there any toys; the old woman gave a bird's wing; the girl flew to the top of the plague, then to the tree, then flew away; reached the river, sat on a stump, found an old bone in her pocket, began to gnaw; in the morning deer run , they are driven by a handsome guy, he married her]: Pinegina 2019:87-91.

Japan. Kojiki 1994, ch. 13 [Susanoo asks Oo-getsu-hime-no kami, the Maiden Goddess of Great Food, for food; she offers him mouth-watering things by taking them out of her nose, mouth, ass; S. kills her; silkworms are born in her head, rice in her eyes, millet in her ears, beans in her nose, wheat in her genitals, soy in her ass; Kamimusubi-no-mi-oya-no mikoto, the Holy Mother, picks it all up, turns into seeds]: 58; Nihon Shoki 1996, scroll 1 [Ukemochi-no kami turns his head: turns to the sides of the country - boiled rice comes out of his mouth; various fish towards the sea; towards the mountains - various commercial animals; all this food is presented to the gods; the month of Tukuyomi-no kami sent by Amatherasu, the sun, is offended by being fed spewed out of his mouth, kills W. with a sword; Amaterasu is angry, since then the Month and the Sun have been shining alternately; cows and horses have appeared from W.'s head, millet from his forehead, mulberry cocoons from his eyebrows, millet chie from his eyes, rice from the womb, rice from the womb, from genitals - wheat, beans, beans; A. makes seeds out of it for people to feed]: 129; Japanese: Ikeda 1971, No. 413B: [a person saves or buys fish or shellfish; a beautiful woman comes to him; cooks an extraordinarily delicious soup; he peeks, sees it (turned into a fish) urinate in a bowl of soup; refuses to eat it since then; she realizes that he knows her secret; he chases her away; leaving , she says who she is]: 105; Walter 2009 (North Honshu, Yamagata) [a girl came to a farmer and asked him to marry her; she made delicious fish soup every day; her husband saw that she was using water, in which she washes, refuses to eat it; the wife throws herself into the water, swims away with salmon]: 105; Ainu [a little woman and girl consistently come to villages, ask for a vessel and bring them filled with excrement; everyone refuses to eat it, women swear and leave; a chief in eastern Hokkaido took a vessel and smelled the aroma, ate the food; the women stayed with him overnight; these were Cardiocrium cordatum var. glehnii and ker Fddshgh mshseshkshfdshi giant lily; the Ainu have been eating these bulbs ever since]: Yamada 2014:472.

SV Asia. Coastal Koryaks: Kibrik et al. 2000, No. 10 (Alutortsy) [Sisisyn killed the Trouppe (a fabulous beast); feeds everyone with meat, gives blood, surrounded Kutkinnyak; returning home, K. fills the mitten with blood from his nose; Mitya makes soup for the children, the bad; K. admits that he makes people out of chocks, brings them to S., they beat him, take the meat; S. does the same thing, his people ("Japanese") beat K. and M., take the meat back] : 50-57; Menovshchikov 1974, No. 144 (Palana) [Aka is a good hunter, his brother Oyo is lazy; the hard-worker fell in love with the girl, began to go to her, does not bring food for Oyo; he left home looking for food, jumped into a crack in the ground, went at random; met a yaranga, an old woman in her; Oyo asked for food, the old woman started cooking, puts meat cut off from her side in one pot, blows her nose in the other; Oyo refused to eat it asked him how he could get upstairs; the old lady told me to go to the river, see a little pink salmon going upstream, cut off a piece from her hump; Oyo went and saw a river he took a pink salmon, stabbed it deeply; the pink salmon hammered, hit it with its tail and knocked Oyo down, he fell on the ice floe, froze to it, could not tear himself away; and died on the ice floe; since then people have been dying]: 459- 460; Chukchi [younger brother is smart, hunts; the elder stays at home, cuts off his buttock so that his brother can eat and cook when he returns; brother refuses to eat it]: Baboshina 1958, No. 41:108.

The Arctic. Northern Alaska Inupiate: Hall 1975, No. EH1 (Noatak) [Kinyuk hunts, someone repeats seeing hair on his shoulders; K. finds out it's a mouse, burns her face; foxes they invite him into a hole; an old man with a wrinkled face (he was a mouse) invites him to eat a lot of meat; another person (a seagull) pushes him not to eat; he puts meat in the park; it is wormy; something falls off the wall, Seagull warns not to look; K. returns home]: 71-75; (cf. Lucier 1958, No. 16 [The raven comes in rich clothes, the daughter of a rich man falls in love with a stranger, marries him; he returns empty-handed each time, but with bloody arrows; he is watched, seen how he fires arrows at the rock to break, stains them and clothes with blood from his nose; his father-in-law hangs a bear skin in the yard, it is torn; the father-in-law notices that his son-in-law has a three-toed trail; sends young people to her husband's parents; the house is empty, only pieces of caribou stomach; Raven's wife returns to parents]: 102-103); Bering Strait inupiate [son brings caribou skins, mother does not want process them; when his son sleeps, his mother throws ash into his eyes, he goes blind; shoots a polar bear, his mother does not give him meat, lies that it is over, feeds seal fat; prevents berries with beetles and worms; Loon calls him, I dive him four times to restore his sight; he ties his mother to the beluga whale's back, lets him into the sea]: Keithahn 1958:76-79; brass [the mother of a blind boy eats trout herself; gives him liver , mixing it with excrement; Loon puts it on his back, dives with him, he gains sight; harpoons salmon, asks his mother to hold tench, salmon drags it into the water]: Rasmussen 1932:204-205.

Subarctic. Tanana [The Raven takes the Seal to hunt ducks, kills him, eats his giblets; takes out his own, gives it to his wife under the guise of reindeer; he is fed caviar soup; the raven covers his ass with his son's mitten; the boy finds it and pulls it out, what he has eaten pours out; the raven flies up a tree, the boys kills him with arrows]: De Laguna 1996, No. 20:180-182; koyukon: De Laguna 1996, No. 21 [The raven takes Whale hunts ducks, kills them, eats them; takes out their giblets, gives them to his wife under the guise of reindeer; mother-in-law complains to his daughter that they stink; the crow is fed caviar soup; he plugs his ass with his son's mitten; boy finds it and pulls it out, what he has eaten floods the dugout; those in it run away, turning into birds and animals; the Raven's corpse floats down the river; the partridge has been decorating itself with feathers since then around his neck she has black peppers], 36 [The raven is a bad hunter; pulls out his giblets, gives it to his wife disguised as bears; they smell bad; he is fed caviar soup; he covers his ass with his son's mitt; he takes it out; liquid fills the dugout, everyone turns into animals; one young man escapes]: 185-187, 262-264; tanaina [young man catches a seagull; dragging a trap with him, the seagull runs away, the young man follows her, loses the road, comes to the house of the Seagulls; those are people, many are maimed by traps; the young man heals them; the seagulls warn them not to enter the house nearby; the young man comes in, the young woman leaves him with her for the night; serves a plate with human fingers; in a hole in the floor - her fat mother; a young man changes places with a young woman, runs away, the mother cuts off her daughter's head, drinks her blood; in the morning he crawls to the house of the Seagulls; a young man He throws stones on her, kills her; comes to the old woman; she has a hole in the floor of the house, the young man sees the ground from above, his house; the old woman lowers the young man on a rope, tells her to open his eyes only when he feels grass under his feet; the third time he reaches the ground, comes home (he opened his eyes twice, touching clouds or something else, was back in the sky)]: Vaudrin 1969:52-60; southern tutchoni [Äsú ya (clever, Beaver) sails along the river in a boat; ropes with human bones are stretched across the river; they rattle when touched; Ä. touches the second, Chäzhru (C., mink woman) comes out; tries to feed Ä. human, give her urine; The mouse secretly gives Ä. roots to eat; C. killed men stunned by her urine, devouring them in bed with her ass {rectum; apparently, nevertheless vagina}; Ä. asks the Mouse to hole C.'s boat, sails away in his own; C. chases, sinks; leaves these H. mittens on a branch on the island; when she wakes up, she sees C. herself there; she sleeps on her back with her legs apart to eat whoever lies with her; he pierces her ass (vagina?) with a hot spear, burns a corpse]: Workman 2000:105-106; taltan [a lazy young man marries the leader's daughter; does not know how to chase game; one day he cuts his anus, pulls out his guts, brings game instead of ; father-in-law notices that the game smells bad, forbids his daughter to cook it, tells his son-in-law to cook it; his moss plug pops out of his ass; his insides fall out, he dies]: Teit 1921a, No. 33:225-226.

NW Coast. Bellacula: Boas 1898:88-90 [the girl begs her mother for mountain sheep fat, cries; her mother threatens to kick her out of the house to be taken by Sneneik; the girl calls S.; she promises her fat, puts it in a basket, takes it away; in S.'s house, a woman with a root from her back explains that S. will not give mutton fat, but lard from the dead, not berries, but insects; if you eat this, a root will grow from the back and grow into the ground ( this happened to the woman); while S. goes after the girl's younger sister, the woman tells her to put a mountain ram horn on each finger, clench and unclench her arms and shout Yi! ; S. rolls down the slope in horror; the girl burns the corpse, the ashes turn into mosquitoes; the woman gives the girl baskets with meat, grease, blankets; shows where the bast and dance masks are hidden; the girl easily brings it all home, there are a lot of men unable to lift their baskets; bast and masks are now used for winter dance]; chickpea [see motif K19; Mink marries two sisters; they sail in a boat; he dives for caviar; wives see that instead of caviar, he pulls hemorrhoids out of his anus; leave it on an island, swim away]: Sapir, Swadesh 1939, No. 19:81-85.

The coast is the Plateau. Quarry: Jenness 1934, No. 9 [see motive H12; a shaman follows his deceased wife; in the spirit world, an old woman warns the dead not to eat food; blueberries are actually the eyes of the dead, meat is snake , lizard, frog; the old woman eats everything herself, standing behind the shaman; he returns his wife to earth; soon she dies again], 39 [Estees (trickster) is the son of a noble man; in her youth refuses the best food; eagerly eats the berries that the old woman gave, mixing them with rotting flesh from her leg; after that E. feels insatiable hungry, devours everything like a dog; runs away from home]: 143-145, 204; chalkomel (lower reaches of the Fraser River) [Woodpecker marries Kut (bird); she spits in baskets, filling them with berries; Salmon and their slave Thunderbird come to celebrate, kidnap the hostess; Woodpecker and Mink turn into salmon, caught at the top of Salmon, take K. back]: Boas 1895, No. 3:34-35; Puget Sound [Beaver wants to kill his son-in-law; cuts off the flesh from his legs, tells his daughter to give it to her husband instead of game; a man kills father-in-law and mother-in-law; turns their children into beavers]: Ballard 1929:80-81; quileut [the seal drags the boat of three brothers to the village of Seals; asks his sister to bring caviar; she puts the dish under her ass, caviar comes out of her body instead of excrement]: Andrade 1931, No. 55:163-165; kalispel [the chief has two sisters; people hunt; chief to sisters: people will bring bones, and you take them to the lake; just don't look; younger: I'll see! the eldest called; the lake is full of good (goods); {apparently they took something}; when they returned, the people left, only their grandmother was left; she scolded them for what had happened; move the stone away; there's a hole, you can see people and homes, sisters recognized their own; grandmother led them by the hands down, but someone blew and threw them back; grandmother: it's all because of you, they couldn't stand it for three days, your brother would distribute the goods; now I will go down, and you you will stay; if necessary, the stone will crack by itself; the sisters went and reached the river, the house on the other side; a man ran out of it: your aunt crossed where the top of the hill was; while the women were gone, he cut his penis, drained blood into a pot, smeared blood on his deer skin {to show that he had recently killed a deer}; offered boiled blood; the older sister did not eat and tied something under the younger sister's chin what was returning the food {which it put in her mouth?} ; in the morning, the owner: your other uncle lives upstream; the blue jay sailed there, brought his excrement in the boat to make it seem like the dwelling in this place is a long time ago; the same as with the first "uncle" (ford upstream flow, blood from the penis to the pot); this time the younger sister really ate this food and gave birth to a baby in the morning; so she could not easily run up the hill like her sister; sister: go back to your husband! the youngest threw the blue jay out of the boat and it drowned; she found a lot of food in his house; the blue jay {this time it must be a woman's child} started shouting "Dad, dad!" The woman threw it in the soup; and the older sister's name is Flawless; (the story is still long, but the informant didn't have time to tell it)]: Vogt 1940, No. 17:129-135; Takelma [Puma killed so much deer, which almost destroyed them; the deer sent him his Deer Wife; after that he could no longer get deer; his wife brings mossy firewood from the forest, and by morning they are without moss; she cuts off the meat from her legs, cooks, Eats, feeds Puma; early in the morning Puma spies, sees her eating moss and cutting meat off her leg; he shot but missed; his wife snatches his pancreas, runs away, gives it to the audience together to the Deer, now in the morning they play it like a ball (shinney-ball); no one could return this trophy to Puma; the Wild Cat covered himself with moss, crept up, grabbed the pancreas, ran, climbed on the tree, the deer surrounded him, knocked him down, but he told the tree to fall towards the house, jumped softly, ran on; the next time the deer around fell asleep, he went down, gently stepping on the legs of the sleepers, the latter woke up, but the Wild Cat ran; at home he threw her through the ribs of the dying Puma; he ran to the steam room, where the Coyote was; the Deer ran; the Wild Cat and the Coyote shot, killing the deer, the Puma killed adult males; deer are back on earth and can be hunted]: Sapir 1909:50-54; tillamook [girl marries the Raven; mother-in-law feeds her with human excrement that has the appearance of normal food; this food is tasteless; they all die]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 10:34; modoc [old Marten sends two daughters to marry Eagle; poor and weak Hawk pretends to be him ; in the evening, as always, he is invited to share meat; says to the wives, Why do they always call the leader for this? The chiefs play by throwing pieces of supplies into the Hawk's open mouth; to feed his wives, the Hawk cuts the flesh off his own feet; the youngest says the meat tastes bad; the sisters come to the eagle's house, see what's going on there; five Eagle Brothers kill five Hawk brothers; the older sister violates the ban on watching the Eagle carry Hawk's head to the sky; she falls, kills Chyatyrekh Orlov; takes sisters are back married; the eldest must carry her head in the basket; the head rolls, kills the deer; Kumush invites her to take a steam bath, walled up the exit from the steam room; her head dies; K. and the woman instead they find the corpse of a beautiful young man; they burn it]: Curtin, 1912:186-190; Takelma [The puma killed so many deer that he almost killed them; the deer sent him to his Deer Wife; after that he could no longer get deer; the wife brings mossy firewood from the forest, and by morning they are without moss; cuts the meat off her legs, cooks, eats, feeds them Puma; early in the morning, the Puma spies, sees her eating moss, cutting meat from legs; he shot but missed; his wife snatches his pancreas, runs away, gives it to the Reindeer gathered together, now in the morning they play her like a ball (shinney-ball); no one could return the Puma this trophy; the Wild Cat covered himself with moss, crept up, grabbed his pancreas, ran, climbed a tree, the Deer surrounded him, knocked him down, but he told the tree to fall towards the house, jumped softly, ran on; the next time the deer around fell asleep, he went down, gently stepping on the feet of the sleepers, the latter woke up, but the Wild Cat ran; at home he threw her through the ribs of the dying Puma; he ran to the steam room, where the Coyote was; the Deer came running; the Wild Cat and the Coyote shot to kill deer, the Puma killed adult males; the deer returned to the ground and could be hunted]: Sapir 1909:50-54.

The Midwest. Ojibwa: Jones 1916 [a man marries a girl who has long rejected him; a toad kidnaps their newborn son; gives his urine to make him an adult; when the boy's mother comes, the Toad mixes I urinate her for food; the mother restores her son's memory by showing him his cradle with traces of dog teeth; his father comes and sends the Toad to bring the carcass of the deer he killed; kills Toad's children; when they find their corpses, Toad weeps]: 378, 427-441 in Lévi-Strauss 1968, No. 374a: 49; Radin 1914, No. 27 [two brothers go to see people; fly across the lake on the backs of two birds; feed them meat; the elder is running out of stock, he cuts off pieces from his side; contrary to his father's warning, the brothers enter the first house; the woman tells the little dog to relieve himself in the cauldron; the feces turn out to be corn; the woman pulls out the penis hidden in a man's house, squeezes fat out of it; feeds brothers with this soup; they eat; they hit a woman on the head, kill her and her people], 28 [three brothers go to see the world; a woman feeds them corn soup; pulls out the penis of a man hidden in the house, squeezes fat out of it; the youngest eats soup, kills a woman; see motive K27]: 53-55.

Northeast. Montagnier [see motive L72; a young man kills a caribou; a neighbor cooks meat in her urine, the meat is tasteless; a mother tells her son to kill a caribou away; they run away; a stalker falls through the ice , turning into a beluga whale]: Desbarats 1969:16-19

Northeast. Mikmak [lazy hazel grouse does not hunt, brings his wife meat cut from his back (hazel grouses have been skinny since then); the wife puts the children in a basket, ties them to the top of the tree, tells people to migrate; The bear tells Marten to save the children; he carries the basket to the teepee, leaves the fire; the hazel grouse runs after his wife; she lets the dogs down, they kill him; the children ask the Month to make them tall, turn into a young man and a girl; they have a lot of meat and the tribe is starving; they send meat to the Bear and Kunica; people come back; brother and sister feed them poisoned meat, they die]: Parsons 1925, No. 12:79-81; penobscot [Hazel grouse is unlucky to hunt; he cuts the flesh off his hips, brings it to his wife, a jug; when only bones remain from his legs, he grows them with birch wood; the legs of hazel grouses take on their current appearance; A jug gets a lover bear; asks him to cut the meat off his legs, this is how he feeds the family; the children inform the Hazel Grouse about her behavior; he kills the Bear; after feeding his wife meat, he tells her what she ate; she runs away into the forest, still wanders there]: Speck 1935b, No. 38:83-84.

Plains. Tonkawa [the hunter cannot get game; cuts off his leg, lets his wife cook; she runs; see motive L12]: Hoijer 1972, No. 18:62-67.

Plains. Teton (oglala) [a young man kills an owl; his older brother's wife asks for it to be given to her; he does not give it; she scratches her face and hips with a sharp stone, accuses the young man of attempted rape; older brother tells his friends to leave the youngest on the island; the youngest eats berries, three tubers give him food for many days; he catches and paints the opossum, asks for help; the opossum hides in the lake; appears from the waters Horned Serpent; takes him ashore; asks him to say if a cloud appears; the young man does not speak, jumps ashore, the Thunder kills the Snake; on the way home, the young man sees a bison skull with mice in it, they sing that theirs grandfather is dead; a young man kills them; comes to an old woman, who calls him a son; at night he sees an old woman rubbing paint on her leg, her leg grows longer; he killed an old woman with a crane's beak (always with him); burned it with the house; another woman has a hole in the top of her head, she pulls her brains out, mixes it into food; the gopher helped gnaw through a hole in the pot; the old woman fell asleep, the young man threw it into a hole in her head a hot stone, burned along with the house; the next old woman has two daughters, their vaginal teeth are gnashing; a young man kills both by inserting a crane's beak into their vaginas; since then, women are not dangerous; the young man sees what animals are chasing him, pretending to be an old man, the old stalker does not recognize him; the young man comes to his sister, her husband beats her, the young man kills him; comes to his father, he dies of joy; the rest of the people eaten by birds and animals]: Wissler 1907, No. 7:196-199; mandan [several brothers live in a cave; save a girl from an ogre stalker, call her sister; bring otter skin with them untaken skull; on the way home, the girl consistently gets to two women; both give her human brains, the second also ears, calling them pumpkin; the girl does not eat this food, feeds it to the otter skull, safely leaves]: Bowers 1950:321.

Southeast USA. A woman secretes corn from her body; when her adopted children or grandchildren find out, they refuse to eat. Natchez: Swanton 1929, No. 7 [two girls (daughters?) they don't know where a woman gets corn; they watch her, see her combing and shaking over the basket, corn and beans falling; girls decide that a woman feeds them excrement, refuse from food; a woman asks to kill her, burn her; in summer, corn, beans, pumpkins grow in this place; first, hoes work themselves; girls spy and laugh, after which people have to work], 8 [ a woman sits in addition on a basket, corn falls out of her ass; her son spies, refuses to eat it; she tells him to shoot jays, chikadi and parrots, revives them, decorates his head with them headdress, shoulders and belt; gives a flute, birds sing to its sounds; tells her not to lie down with women with a toothy vagina; burn it with the house; the young man burns his mother, leaves, agrees to the persuasion of the fourth person he meets women; but his penis was like stone, his teeth were broken; the rabbit leads him to swim, steals clothes; he smears himself with persimmons; only an old woman agrees to take it dirty; he fills an entire boat with fish; Rabbit claims the same, but his wife finds only a few fish that have surfaced; she catches a lot of deer; when the Rabbit sends his wife for deer, there is only one with his eyes already pecked out; birds do not sing on their clothes Rabbit; a young man asks an old woman to part her hair, cuts with an ax, creating two young wives; the Rabbit only kills his wife; people first accuse the young man, but then the Rabbit; they tell him to bring a rattlesnake; The rabbit lies that people are arguing whether the snake is long; it agrees to measure itself, replies that its life is in the middle of her head; the rabbit hits this place, like the snake; people say that the snake should have been alive; they tell the water to lead in a straight line; the water chases the Rabbit, he winds, leaves the water to flow winding; says that the fields on the bank of the winding river are better]: 230, 230-234; shouts: Swanton 1929, No. 6 [a woman finds a blood clot, he turns into a boy, hunts; she catches corn and beans by scratching her thighs; he spies on her, refuses to eat; she decorates his hat with live jays and rattlesnakes, gives a flute, birds sing to her play, snakes rattle; tells you to go downhill, where she did not tell you to go before; tells you to burn it in the house, come to this place later; marry the first person you meet girl; on the way, the Rabbit offers to swim, steals the young man's clothes and flute; he comes to the village, gets married, the wife finds many turtles in the puddle; the rabbit was detained as a thief; when a young man appears silent birds and snakes gave a voice; the rabbit was abandoned to the dogs, but he ran away; after swimming across the river, the young man put the fish to sleep, the wife picks it up; he hits his wife with an ax on the parting, two appear; The rabbit only by accident crushed one gudgeon; killed his wife with an ax; in the place of the burnt woman, a young man and wife found all kinds of beans and corn growing], 7 [an old woman came, corn falls from her ulcers, fills her bins; from under blood drips on the roof; the old woman puts a bloody shard under the couch, it turns into a baby; grows up, hunts, spies on her grandmother, from whom corn is falling; refuses to eat; grandmother attaches a jay and a rattlesnake to his hat, gives a flute; tells him to clear the area, drag it along it, burn it, return in three months; on the way, the Rabbit invites the young man to catch turtles, steals it property; in the village, a jay and a snake shout that the Rabbit is a thief; people return the dress to a young man; he marries an old woman's daughter; washes his head in the river, putting fish to sleep; hits his wife with an ax on the parting, creating two wives; The rabbit fish does not die, the wife is killed; at the site of the burning, the young man finds grown corn and beans]: 10-13, 13-15; koasati [rubbing the body; tells adopted sons to close it in a corn barn; turns to corn]: Swanton 1929, No. 6:168; Seminoles: Greenlee 1945 [Corn women lived in the forest, were big and fat; their bodies were like a big cob; when they rubbed their feet, they fell down corn; one stole a little boy, raised it to feed him corn; he grew up strong, got married; she gave him four corn seeds; this is how people found corn]: 141; Marriott, Rachlin 1968 [two young men they live with their grandmother; they want to eat food that is not meat; their grandmother feeds them corn; they spy, they see her rubbing her body, grains fall off it; they refuse to eat it; the grandmother tells her bury it in fertile land; corn grows on the grave]: 106-111.

California. Chimariko [the hunter cannot get game; cuts off his leg, brings it to his wives; the next day he brings his entrails, then the other leg; wives suspect they do not eat this meat; they say that they will go get water, run away while the husband sleeps]: Dixon 1910b, No. 3:304, 349; Yana [Coyote says he is a leader and a good hunter; two sisters looking for Marten stay with the Coyote; under the guise of venison, he gives wives cut off meat from their thighs; it tastes bad; sisters go to Marten]: Sapir 1910, No. 10:133-135; achomavi [like Yana; Hawk instead of Coyote]: Dixon 1908, No. 3:164; screw [Flying The mouse gives its two wives their own fat instead of deer fat; they go to the Hawk; the Bat looks for them; they hide in the tree, throw resin into his eyes; the Bat makes small holes in the resin ( the origin of small eyes in bats)]: Dubois, Demetracopoulou 1931, No. 30:337; vintu [a man marries an Acorn woman; his uncle Coyote or father sees her nose blowing her nose while filling baskets with acorn soup; he refuses to eat; an insulted woman leaves, her husband follows her; uncle/father is starving; his nephew/son sends him a grasshopper who turns into food]: Dubois, Demetracopoulou 1932, No. 38 [woman always sitting facing the wall; Coyote tries in vain to see her face, causing sparks to fall on her back], 39 [father]: 464-471; chumash [grandson of old woman Momoy (Datura meteloides), and Coyotes come to the Sun; the two daughters of the Sun have skirts made of live snakes; they offer blood, pus, snot, and other body secretions to drink; the Coyote refuses; fails to play the role of the Sun (see motive A42); returns to earth; Momoy's grandson drinks, stays in the Sun's house forever]: Blackburn 1975, No. 18:131-132.

Big Pool. Northern shoshones; washo [Laska brothers Pewetseli elder and younger Damalai come to their Uncle Gnoy; he tells his wife to serve them food (in a waterproof cooking basket) puts pus into it; brothers let an elderberry tube through the wall, pour soup into it; pus thinks he put his brothers to sleep, his children scream who gets what (I have lungs, my kidneys, my liver, me my heart, my head, my back, etc.); Pus says their mother's genitals will go to their mother; P. jumps up when Pus wants to slaughter him; puts him and his family to sleep, kills him and his family; brothers leave]: Dangberg 1928, No. 4:425-427 (=1968, No. 4:81-84); chemeuevi [two Worms in Yucca Fruits sisters are traveling in search of a suitable husband; Asparagus Worm's house has tendons hung; girls are watching their husband, they see him turning asparagus stems into tendons; they leave; Poloz's house has black pudding; wives watch, see Poloz scratching his body with thorns, bringing his blood home instead of food; Bat's house has fat; he brings ice, calls it "ice fat", advises eating raw, not frying; girls find their perfect husband in the Red-Tailed Hawk; he tells him not to go in in his absence sleep in a cave; it starts to rain, the girls break the ban; the old man Grasshopper comes; rejects offers to go to bed on the other side of the fire, across the girls' feet, between them; lies across them heads; at night he straightens his legs, scratching their eyes; the Hawk inserts the eyes of a mountain goat in them; sees a giant from the mountain, when he comes down, grasshoppers; kills grasshoppers, it turns out that he killed a giant]: Laird 1976:162-168; Southern Utah [The bat does not hunt; under the guise of animal meat, it brings its kidneys and flesh cut from the back to wives; gives ice under the guise of fat; wives throw it]: Lowie 1924, No. 5 [he dies], 5a [they marry Blue Jay, he kills the Bat]: 11-13; Southern Payutes (Moapa) [Coyote sees two girls, makes his breasts out of clay, turns his penis into a baby, sits down weave baskets, tells the girls that her (imaginary woman) husband will return in the evening; the girls took the baby; at night he turned into a Coyote's penis, got together with both; the girls went to another camp, took them there a man who feeds them with some roots instead of meat; they go to Nantö-nab (some snake-shaped animal); he brings meat cut from his back under the guise of game; at the next camp they married Hawk, he brings them game every day; but they are tired of meat, they moved on; the next husband went to the mountains, lingered because of the rain; Grasshopper came, refused to lie on the girls, agreed naked ; in the morning he straightened his legs, knocked out the eyes of both girls; the husband returned, put the eyes of a deer in them; killed the Grasshoppers]: Lowie 1924, No. 13:177-179.

The Great Southwest. Hopi [girl offers hero flies, brains of dead people; turns into a skeleton, chases a hero]: Voth 1905, No. 30:121; Navajo [Coyote gives wives pus from her eyes instead of meat]: O'Bryan 1956:152; havasupai [people come to the Sun to play; he gives guests corn porridge from the eye fluid of killed people, beans from the kidneys, pumpkin from the intestines, human instead of venison, tears instead of drinking water; after tasting this, people lose, the Sun kills them; the cougar tells Coyote to collect flint arrows and fragments in a bag, throw them towards the sun; he does not take the fragments, so in the village Only old people, not children, have been reborn; two Squirrel Brothers ask Badger to dig an underground passage to the Sun; he digs badly, crooked; the same prairie dog, ground squirrel; Pocket Gopher digs; Squirrel brothers, Puma, Coyote get through the passage to the house of the Sun; he tells 1) to split the moose horn (The squirrel splits); 2) tells the daughters to supply water, porridge, meat; only the Coyote drinks and eats it (others understand that all this is from the bodies of the dead); The sun tells daughters to sharpen their vaginal teeth; The squirrel inserts the horn of a mountain sheep, breaking their teeth, then the Coyote and others copulate; 3) the Sun's antelope loses in the run elder Squirrel's deer; Coyote cuts the Sun, but does not tear out his heart, but only cuts off his hand; fire haunts everyone; stones, water cannot hide animal people from the heat; ants hide underground; Rabbit's back burned (the origin of dark spots on his skin); a fly, then a bee reports that the earth has cooled down; those who hide come out, turn into animals]: Smithson, Euler 1994:62-69.

NW Mexico. Tarahumara [an unlucky hunter brings his pleiade wives blood from his own caviar under the guise of deer blood]: Lumholtz 1902 (1): 436.

Mesoamerica Mountain Totonaki [an old woman seasons beans with salt from her armpits; beans are delicious; daughter spies; out of shame, an old woman rushes into the sea; they have been salty ever since]: Ichon 1969:19-20; Veracruz Nahuatl (Ichcacuatitla, Municipality of Chicontepec) [After the flood, a young man marries the beautiful Malintzin; she feeds her husband fish, taking it out of her body; the husband finds out about this, scolds his wife, she goes to Tamiahua, where they now find salt]: Williams García 1955:6-7 in Horcasitas 1978:184; lacandons: Boremanse 1986:97-101 [wife dies, husband mourns; mole catcher says she turned into a mule, burns in fire, eats rotten wood and wood mushrooms; tells her husband to wash his shirt in pepper, takes him to the world of the dead; husband sees his wife in the guise of a mule, finds out; returns to earth], 224- 226 [The hunter's dog comes back and cooks; he finds her, marries, they have two daughters; the dog wife is unscrupulous, puts her crap, his own and children, in atol; he kills her; marries her daughters to a neighbor in exchange on his daughter; (=1989:93-94)]; tseltal [wife dies, husband cries at the grave; a man dressed as a ladino tells him to close his eyes; he finds himself in front of the Master of the Dead; he tells him to bring a horse, but a man sees women in front of him; they are horses, they are regularly thrown into a fire pit; the wife explains to her husband that she is tortured because he did not hit her; instead of white and black corn, the dead eat brains and human flesh, pupils instead of beans; husband tries to have sex with his wife, but only bones in front of him; he closes his eyes, returns to earth, dies fifteen days later]: Chapman 1952:481; Tocholabal [Niwan Pukuj (or Niwan Winik, "big man") is the master of the lower world, K 'ik 'inal; lives in a cave, his bench is a battleship, he rides a big deer; identifies with the Christian Devil; the dead work for him, their salt is pus, they are fed not beans, but mites cooked on a fire in which humans burn bones; he's also the Animal Master]: Rux 1982:63.

Honduras-Panama. Hikake [wife does not want to feed her husband; cuts off a piece of meat from her leg, gives him paki meat brought by his mother; dies of blood loss; Guatecast comes for her, her husband asks for her him, goes with his wife, hiding under her skirt; his wife's sister (also dead) tells him not to touch anything in her house; he scattered everything, killed frogs and lizards (in another world you can't kill small animals, You can only kill game for food); he tried to hit a vulture that came to peck at his bowel movements, he scolded him; the Sun takes a man to collect crabs in the river; he goes to illuminate the world the man remains in the dark; he is brought to the ground by monkeys; he is speechless; his mother tells him to climb a tree, a tree is knocked down, the man speaks from the blow; he died a few days later; here he was a scoundrel, but he became good in the next world]: Chapman 1982, No. 60:241-242 (=1992, No. 59:244-247); bokota [a woman's body is covered with ulcers; makes chicha while lying in a trough of water]: Margery Peña 1994a, No. 15 [husband beats her; both become iguanas], note 3 (by Herrera, Gonzales 1964) [Corn's mother brings her different varieties from the sky; Tokri tells Iguana, the Wild Pig, to sow it; Iguana and Tokti they peek, see Mother Corn cooking chicha, washing the ulcers that cover her body; refuse to drink chicha; Mother Corn takes the corn with the largest grains back to heaven; makes Iguana deaf, and Tokri bird, throwing ash, gray at it]: 145-146, 147; kuna [a drink made from its excrement]: Chapin 1989:106.

The Northern Andes. Guajiro: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987 (2), No. 98 [drink and food from your urine and excrement], 104 [snake meat]: 799-800, 818-820; yupa: Wilbert 1974, No. 30 [unlucky hunter, finally brings meat; others have returned without prey, he asks his wife to invite everyone; the next day he dies; while preparing the body for burial, people find that he cut off all the meat from both legs; they all regret hunter]: 116-117; Villamañan 1982 [cadaveric liquid drink]: 13; paes [cultivated plant seeds from your belly]: Bernal Villa 1953, No. 26:308.

Llanos. Sicuani: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 6 [throws garbage into a man's food], 8 [adds cockroaches and their excrement to food], 12 [Belutuawa toad woman eats raw fish but also swallows at once the smoked one brought to her by her son-in-law Matsuludani; he eats cockroaches; he asks his wife Folore to call his mother to come to his top; he puts leaves in her, which turn into stingrays and piranhas; B. rushed to get the fish, the stingrays stung it, ate the piranhas; B.'s spirit went home carrying one fish; the daughter came to the top, released the fish, understood what had happened; her mother's spirit responds poorly to her call from afar; Kajuyali ("the one with the leg") made a hollowed boat; B. usually swallowed the chips that flew off); F. fished out her mother's jaw, attached it to the stick, making an ax; went to kill her husband, but he ran away; she created snakes scorpions, poisonous ants, but M. only combed his bites and the pain passed; as he ran past K., M. told him to be careful, attached his leaf ear ornaments to his ears; F. cut off K.'s leg, thinking that it was M.; K. painted his severed leg with his blood, it jumped into the water, became a rayado fish; M. rushed into the sea, F. followed him, he turned it into a carretero duck, the ax became a beak], 13 [ adds cockroaches and their excrement to food]: 45, 58, 70-71, 72-75.

Southern Venezuela. Sanema [Woodpecker throws blood from his nose to relatives instead of honey]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 297:532-534; Yanomami: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 133 [(Lizot MS); Opossum I was in a neighboring village, left a love remedy there, two girls followed him, he met one on the road; came back, met the second, her name was Medovaya; both came to his house; his mother The smelly Mushroom cut the meat off her thighs, gave them tapir under the guise of meat; the sisters went from the Possum to Honey; the Opossum made a witchcraft from rodent hair and vegetable fibers, sent it to Meda; also to the Lizard, but he survived, said that the Opossum was only pretending to be grieving, he was the murderer; the Opossum fled, the Woodpecker saw him in a recess on the rock; the Earthworm was sent to cover the Possum with a stone; people began to cut the rock; many axes (= beaks) broke; the rock began to fall, but it was held by a vine; the Sloth cut it, the Opossum was crushed; birds and animals stained with its blood, excrement, brain, turn into hekura spirits; Smelly Mushroom became a mushroom; ash from burned Honey became bees], 134 [(Lizot MS); two girls came to marry a handsome man, entered the house; sat to the right of the entrance where the Opossum lived and his mother Smelly Mushroom; the possum returned from his luck (pretending to be working), dressed up, cut off a piece of meat from his thigh, gave the girls under the guise of tapir meat; they saw Honey, went over to him; at night, Opossum hears their laughter; makes a witchcraft, tries on the Lizard, he survived; Honey is sick, dead; Opossum lies as if his "younger brother" bequeathed wives to him; The lizard tells the truth, the Opossum is running, the Woodpecker sees it on the rock; the Earthworm climbed, covered the recess where the Opossum took refuge with a stove; the birds began to cut the rock, the axes (i.e. beaks) became dull, bent; the rock began to fall, hung on the vine; the Sloth cut it, the Opossum crashed, the birds, the sloth painted his blood, brain, became hekura perfume]: 247-256, 257-262; Yanomam: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 111 [(Albert MS); Capito niger bird climbs a tree for honey; he was the first to cut through hollows, climb trees to get honey; wives are waiting downstairs; he hits his nose, fills a bag of leaves with snot and blood, lets his wives down the bag falls, the contents are sprayed, the wives understand that it is snot and blood, the husband turns into a bird], 112 [Little Battleship did not find honey; filled the bag of leaves with snot, gave it to his father-in-law; he tasted salty, son-in-law became a small battleship], 130 [(Albert MS); two dove sisters reject the smelly Possum, want to marry Med; their brother tells them that Med's house will have mako feathers; Opossum He puts on Meda's jewelry, throws mako feathers around himself; Honey works on the site, Opossum only pretends to cut trees; girls see mako feathers, hang hammocks in the Opossum section; he cuts off a piece of meat from the thigh, gives them tapir meat; Honey demands its mako feathers back, the Opossum has to hang motmot feathers; Honey takes his wives; Opossum burns his hair from his armpits, makes it This is a witchcraft, it kills Honey in his hammock, the girls also died; Opossum fled, hid in a hollow in a tree; two Ants got up, crushed him with a stone; bird people cut down a tree, axes dull, but it still fell; birds and animals dyed with blood, bile, and the brain of the Possum]: 206-207, 208-209, 229-234.

Guiana. Varrau [relatives of the hero's wife (they're monkeys) throw him bread soaked in their urine]: Wilbert 1970, No. 170:372; carinha (Orinoco) [grandmother removes manioc starch from a tumor on her shoulder ; grandchildren burn it in the garden (hereinafter the text is cut off)]: Civrieux 1974:84; arecuna [mother-in-law feeds Jilijoaíb fish, sitting on calebasa and pulling fish out of her womb; J., a shaman, learns about this, she scatters sharp flints covered with leaves on the shore, her mother-in-law stumbles, the flints devour her, jumps into the water, turns into piranha; her chopped liver turns into an aquatic plant with red leaves ( the heart is the heart-shaped seeds of this plant); the hero kills his mother-in-law, who feeds him fish from her womb; his wife asked J. to make a sword out of palm wood, cuts off his leg when he climbed a tree; the bird informs brother J. (Does J. turn into the Pleiades?)] : Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 19:60-61; Guyana's carinha [see motive J9; a woman conceives twins from the Sun, these are Pia and Macunaima; P. from her mother's womb promises to show her the way to father; on the way she tells her to collect flowers; she falls down, blames her sons; they stop talking, she comes to the house of the Frog Kono (bo) -aru, the mother of Jaguar; she hides the woman under a vessel, the Jaguar finds kills her; K. tells them to save the twins; tells them that the Crax bird killed their mother; they exterminate the birds, the latter reports that their mother was killed by Jaguar; brothers kill Jaguar and K. with arrows; come to another an old woman, also a Frog; returning from hunting, they find ready-made manioc cakes; they watch the old woman, see how starch falls from the stain on her shoulder; refuse to eat cakes, put the old woman on bast litter, set on fire; frog skin has been wrinkled since then]: Roth 1915, No. 35-38:133-135; tops [fish from its womb]: Magaña 1988a, No. 65:113-114; waiwai [see motif J16; woman dies in the Jaguar house; their grandmother adopts twins Mawari and Wåshi trapped in her womb; she gives them cassava made from her excrement, they don't like him; then lets them burn themselves; from her real cassava appears]; oyana [pus from abscesses on her back disguised as cassava cakes]: Magaña 1987, No. 84:51; aparai [her excrement (=cassava)]: Rauschert 1967, No. 7: 184; oyampy [see motif G16; old Alipama's body is covered with boils; squeezing pus out of them, she makes kashiri, gives it to her son-in-law; one day he sees it, scolds his mother-in-law; she asks to leave her in a hammock in the middle of the area prepared for burning, start the fire, return in three months; various cultivated plants emerge from parts of her body]: Grenada 1980:319-320; 1982, No. 22:182; curl [ the hunter brings meat cut from his caviar to his wife and mother-in-law]: Koch-Grünberg 1924:271; Magaña 1988a, No. 14, 41:37-38, 57; Roth 1915, No. 208 [the hunter, without catching game, brings his beloved mother-in-law his beloved mother-in-law a severed leg wrapped in leaves; when he rises to heaven, he turns into Orion (more precisely Orion's Belt and Sword, Mabukuli, "One-Legged")]: 262; trio: Koelewijn, Riviere 1987, No. 23 [old man (then became palm tree) makes a palm drink by dipping his penis into the liquid], 56 [cricket gives its excrement=cassava]: 98-100, 194; Magaña 1987, No. 19:135; oyana: Magaña 1987, No. 42 [see motif F62; after the flood, the Old Toad steals fish from the top of Kuyuli; he sends two birds in turn to guard, one finds the thief; K. comes to the Old Toad, finds out that she keeps the fire with her anus; K. sends two birds, but they fail to steal the fire; sends a jaguar to drive it away, steals the fire himself, but the Toad is happy to lose it; K. turns into fire himself, cooks manioc cakes from pus the abscesses that he has on his body; his friend Sica refuses to eat it; K. asks him to bury himself; this is where a vegetable garden with all cultivated plants appears], 106 [gives others fish from the anus]: 42 , 56.

Ecuador. Colorado: Aguavil, Aguavil 1985:258-260 [boar man feeds his wife worms, turning them into fish, wife getting sick], 310-312 [dead woman gives pus from her armpits and nose]; Mix 1982 [in two A man painted by a genipa came to the sisters, led them to a tree, began to shed fruits, the fruits turned into skulls, and the sisters fell into an unknown land; two sisters go to a female star; the eldest did not listens to her instructions, sees not water, but blood, not beans, but human ribs; the Star brothers are condors; Condor smelled her eldest, began to eat her, and it seems like a love game to her, she laughs; The Star tells the youngest to run; parrots refuse to help because people killed them; Iguana transports them across the river because the woman did not eat her eggs; spends the night in a tree with parrot women; returns to her mother; The star did not tell her eat people's food; her relative gave her, she disappeared]: 91-97; Imbabura [son-in-law brings bread that she extracts from his anus]: Chávez 1989:133.

Western Amazon. Aguaruna [the mother of a possum man gives pus from her son's sick eyes under the guise of crushed peanuts]: Akutz Nugkai et al. 1977 (1): 29; shuar [an unlucky hunter brings cut pieces to his mother-in-law her muscle (muzo); she is surprised that meat is always boneless; watches her son-in-law; he turns into an anteater out of shame]: Pelizzaro 1993:98; cofan [a person poisons fish not with poison, but by dipping his fish into the water penis; when he learns about this, the boy refuses to help him; the man asks him to get a parrot, pushes him into the hollow; the boy's parents cut the trunk; by morning the felling overgrows; they cut down all night, find a son, but already in the form of a tree frog; they lure a person into an area prepared for burning, setting fire to vegetation; he turns into a fish, saves himself; he is thrown to the ground; he turns into stone or finds himself in the lower world, (becomes) quanqua (race of underground inhabitants)]: Calífano, Gonzalo 1995, No. 81:140-143; sekoya [father-in-law tapir eats and gives his month-on-in-law worms instead of fish]: Cipolletti 1988, No. 3:36, 47; Koreguahe: Jimenez 1989, No. 23 [old man gives his sons cultivated plants from his anus], 33 [anaconda gives his wife and her relatives fish = his sperm]: 48, 73; Mayhuna [old man gives girls fat from his anus]: Bellier 1991b, No. 23:258-260.

NW Amazon. Pira-tapuya [the forest spirit and his wife make beer from their bowel movements]: Brüzzi 1994:196; letuama [the anaconda man pours his blood into the water, drops of blood turn into fish, he catches and gives them to others]: Palma 1984:41; Barasana: C.Hugh-Jones 1979:111 [in the world of the dead, mother-in-law gives worms to a living woman instead of potatoes, roasts them under her arms and under her knees], 187 [husband, who became an evil spirit, and his wife gives children snake soup disguised as fish soup]; kabiyari [all the water with the fish was in the hollow of the Itshuna tree, owned by old Kamatana; bathed and fished, then plugged hole; the youngest of the Mujnuyi brothers (he is a shaman) became a hummingbird, spied; the brothers did not have manioc flour, and K. took it out of her husband Mapitare (he is a white worm) during copulation (this is his sperm; var.: he copulated with a clay pot, K. took sperm from there); the brothers refused to eat it; they burned coca leaves over the worm's mink, he died; they met a howler monkey; he told them to dye in black color, come to the little jaguar Jejechu, where the holiday is; daughter J. hid one of Muhnuya in her mouth; the brothers began to cut down old K.'s tree, but the felling overgrown; began to carry the chips away; Squirrel cut from above, chips flying from him - drizzling rain; chips fell on Muhnuya's head, since then people have had a headache; the tree fell along with the Kumaka vine, which formed the river; from the branches - channels, lakes; the root is the mouth of the Apaporis River; the Ant woman (is she K.?) locked her brothers in an anthill; they turned into mosquitoes, five days later, when the exit was open, they flew away; they came to Thunder while he was sleeping, replaced his lightning with feathers from the parrot's tail (they became parrots Thunder's daughter let them in); they came back to K., asked them to cook fish; while K. was collecting fuel, one of Muhnuya stole coal; on a Cayman boat he sailed across the river, Cayman went under water, took the fire; Muhnuyi turned into a frog, lures Cayman ashore; his brothers cut his belly, the Wasp finds fire inside; masks have been made from his vertebrae and intestines - they're like fire]: Correa 1989:43-50; utoto: Preuss 1921, No. 26 [calls guests and gives them beer from her daughter's menstrual blood]: 113; Rodríguez de Montes 1981, No. 16 [manioc cakes from her urine], 24 [mother-in-law touches her son-in-law's food with her genitals]: 128, 162.

Central Amazon. Katawishi (Lake Teffe) [the forest spirit gives lost children meat cut off their legs]: Barbosa Rodrigues 1890:80-81; munduruku [the hunter falls behind the others every time, cuts off meat from his thigh, screaming, Ay, ah (which also means "sloth"), sticks a piece of deer skin to the meat as if it were venison; mother cooks it; other hunters followed him; mother brought cooked meat to manhood, exposed her son; he clung to a hammock, turned into a sloth]: Murphy 1958, No. 41:121.

Eastern Amazon. Tenetehara [an unlucky hunter brings to his wife or daughter, disguised as tapir meat, pieces of his own flesh cut off from his leg]: Wagley, Galvão 1949, No. 29:155.

The Central Andes. Uarochiri (dep. Lima) [husband is ill because his wife gives him corn grain that enters her genitals]: Salomon, Urioste 1991, ch. 5:56; Mantaro Valley (dep. Junin) [parts of a freshly buried corpse]: Arguedas 1953:139.

Montagna - Jurua. Machigenga: Baer 1984, No. 3 [Parenya has daughters and sons; she took fish out of her anus, they were also her sons; tells her daughter to let part into the river, cooks, gives her husband a Hummingbird, says what she caught; he saw where she was getting the fish, refused to eat; she turned him into a hummingbird, let him drink flower juice; her second husband, the Bee; began to lick her sweat, she turned it into a bee; the next The fly saw that she was eating crap, made it a fly; the next was the Battleship; P. made masato, sent her sons for her brother Pachákama; he said he would come; walking back, the boys climbed on a tree for pakae fruits; P. came, asked for it, they peeled him; he turned them into monkeys; together with his son I 'giane came to P.; said that her sons would come , eat fruits; they came running laughing; P. called them, they turned into little and black monkeys; they ran again as humans, then finally into monkeys; I. turned her daughters into tapir, deer and paka ; P. told Pachákam to sit down, he began to fall into the ground; tried to become bamboo, ants, did not help; The battleship took it to the mouth of the Amazon, secured it with pillars; I. turned the Battleship into battleship; P. placed I. in the upper reaches of the Amazon; when the ground shakes, Pachakama's son goes to him; the same one does not move; if he moves, the world will end; Pareni has turned into a salt rock, with her youngest daughter; fish swim up to suck their mother]: 426-429; García 1942 [from the womb]: 236; Pereira 1988b [from the belly]: 28; Renard-Casevitz 1992:138-140 [from the womb]; ashaninka ( river campas): Anderson 1985:17 [fried bats instead of birds]; Weiss 1975 [an unlucky hunter gives others pieces of his own meat (off the foot?) ; turns into a deer]: 356; amuesha [during the ancient sun, the husband is killed hunting by enemies; the wife tells the to'to bird that if he were human, he would tell where her husband is; the bird turns into the person, talks about her husband, agrees to take him to sanerr (the country of the killed); tells her not to bite through her husband's lice, not to say that she has arrived from home; there are not lice in her husband's head, but worms; the woman's child asks for a drink, the husband offers drinks from the heart, liver, kidneys; in other vessels a blood drink (fermented blood); a woman tells her husband that the child has diarrhea, runs away with the child to the forest, the huancañcho'ch bird hides her on papaya; the husband comes to his wife's station, asks the plants where she is; only a silly yam tries to tell the truth, but his speech is incomprehensible, the dead man hits him with a stick, returns to the dead; the dead they drink a bloody drink, dance, women sing; a woman spies; in the morning the dead turn into vultures, fly to heaven; a woman actually has four children, two boys and two girls; they they memorized the songs, they measured the flutes; the to'to bird takes them all home; they make a drink from corn, sing, dance, play the flutes, so people learn to sing and dance; a woman and her children can't eat, everything turns to blood for them; at their request, the woman's brother kills them all]: Santos-Granero 1991, No. 2:36-38.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana [the tapirih wife cooked chicha and the man hunted; watched the wife eat the fruits, digested them, mixed her bowel movements with corn, and began to stir and cook; the husband wanted to kill her, but the wife objected that he liked chicha; then he left; var.: the man lived with his tapir wife and brother; once chicha was especially rich; told his brother to follow; the wife pees in the potted chicha; husband drove his wife away]: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 163:297; chacobo [see H3C motive; two options; Nova Pashava, who climbed into the battleship's hole, escaped after the world fire; returns home to his mother, When he meets various animal people along the way; comes to Agouti and his wife; they give him chicha; he notices that the leaven is made from their snot; Agouti leads him to his mother's house, tells him not to laugh; NP sees his genitals , laughs, Aguti leaves him; Woodpecker leads him to his mother's garden]: Kelm 1972, No. 3, 4:223-229.

Southern Amazon. If not otherwise: the old woman gives a drink from her excrement. Rickbackza: Pereira 1994, No. 2 [foreign women put their children's excrement in chicha, offer Rickback men], 66 [old woman pulls fish out of her genitals (anus?) , gives others]: 39-46, 238; vaura [The mosquito married, but does not hunt, does not fish, the wife's parents are starving; at the insistence of his wife and mother-in-law, he went after the deer, stunned his nose, drank blood; the deer woke up and ran away; the mosquito regurgitated his blood, offered his father-in-law and mother-in-law; they refused; he left]: Schultz 1966:112-113; kuikuro [a husband who turns into a demon climbs a tree, cuts the meat off his leg, throws it down instead of honey, blood (and pieces of meat?)] : Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:163; Rickback [the toad adds liquid from its eyes to the chicha, gives the hero]: Pereira 1994, No. 3, 41:53, 209; kayabi [god travels in search of a suitable wife; beetle people treat him with excrement cakes; big butts - chicha cooked in the anus]: Pereira 1995, No. 1:16; nambiquara [son-in-law brings only pieces of boneless meat from hunting; father-in-law watches him, sees him cut his flesh off his eggs; kills him, throws him into the river, his son-in-law becomes a caiman; throws two pieces of his meat separately, they turn into two lizards]: Pereira 1983, No. 21:37 -38; Iranian: Pereira 1985, No. 4 [see motif A1; a young man goes to look for a wife; climbs a tree above the river; Mae - do - sol (Euchroma gigantea) takes it reflection for her own, wonders how beautiful she is; the young man says she is ugly; she leads him to her, gives cheech from excrement; he leaves], 8 [see motif H12; three brothers go up to heaven in the world of the dead on the skin of an anaconda; an old woman who was a deer during her lifetime offers them chicha; chicha is brewed from excrement, the brothers do not drink]: 46, 73; Iranian: Pereira 1985, No. 65 [Beetle larva turns into man; girl marries him; likes to eat larvae, he always gives them to her; she discovers that he spits them out of his mouth; she disgust, he flies away], 82 [husband does not fish, but brings them to his wife disguised as a fish, meat cut off his hand; her brother watches him; he jumps into the river, turns into a caimana, cut meat into a crucian carp]: 231-233, 248-249; paresi: Pereira 1986, No. 2 [man runs away from the vulture basket; in order not to return to his mother-in-law empty-handed, he cuts off the meat from his leg, brings it under the guise of prey], 30 [in the absence of parents, a sloth comes to the children; gives a decoction of their excrement and urine]: 70, 347-348; paresi: Pereira 1986, No. 9, 31 [while cooking chicha, star girls sit above the cauldron, dew drips from their anus]: 175, 356; 1987, No. 139 [+ from their urine]: 634-635.

Eastern Brazil. Suya [the old woman removes cassava and corn from her anus; then tells her to burn herself in the place of the future garden; cultivated plants grow from her ashes]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 48:152; kayapo [mother lets an insatiable child (white ancestor) chew on her clitoris]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 29:76; xavante [men don't return from hunting so long that women get tired of waiting for them, turn into bakers, capybaras, an old woman into a chameleon, children into parrots and other birds; men notice an old woman in a tree, tell her to go down, copulate with her, inserting her penis into all parts of her body; she dies; she is cut to pieces, each man bandages his piece with ambier fibers, leaves her in bed; when returning from hunting, the men send two scouts forward; they report that new ones that have arisen from pieces of flesh cook food in huts; lie as if one hut is empty; its owner gives the meat to another man; when he finds out that they have been deceived, cuts off a piece of his caviar, roasts, gives to his wife; she does not take, kicks her husband out; he turns into a bird to the series, screams plaintively; the wife also becomes a bird; men find traces bakers are ex-women; they hunt them to avenge them for their care]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 162:476-493.

Chaco. Tereno [a woman stains caraguat leaves (bromeliad family, leaves covered with red spots) with menstrual blood, feeds them to her husband; when he learns about this, he kills the snake, takes it out and presses it embryos, mixes them in honey, gives them to his wife; she turns into a cannibal; he climbs a tree, throws her parrot chicks; while she catches them, she goes down, runs around her trap pit; the wife rushes after her, falls into a hole, dies; this is where the first tobacco grows]: Baldus 1950, No. 2:220-221; aioreo [an old woman prepares a delicious meal by adding her snot to it; her secret is revealed, she leaves her relatives, turns into salt]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989b, No. 247-256:303-314; chamacoco [eel caviar (=lover's sperm) instead of berries]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 76, 77:264, 270; toba [ The battleship gives the fox its urine and excrement instead of honey]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989b, no,316, 317:399-400.

The Southern Cone. Yagans [people give a young man under the guise of good meat]: Gusinde 1937:1266-1268; Wilbert 1977, No. 47 [the contents of the intestines of slaughtered animals], 54 [blood from their noses]: 160.