Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M111. A monkey on a banana .

Two animals (usually a monkey and a turtle) agree to collect fruits. A person who knows how to climb trees eats good fruits, sheds one peel or rot on his companion. The satellite takes revenge.

Malgashi, Banks Islands, Reef Islands, Uliti [Rat], Assamese, Galela, Sangihe, Minahasa, Toraja, East Timor, Pampango, Ilongot, Ilokan, Visayas, Bagobo, Tagals, Tinghian, Japanese (? ).

Sudan-East Africa. Malgashi [fossa (Cryptoprocta ferus) and the turtle were friends; fossa climbed a banana, but did not throw a single one to the turtle; it came across sharp sticks around the banana, fossa fell and injured herself to death; when she met other foss, admitted that she carries fossa fat; says she cannot be shot or stabbed with spears; advises wrapping her in banana leaves and thrown into the water; swam laughing at fossami]: Rodman 1965:56-57.

Melanesia. Banks Islands [The monkey plants bananas on the shore, where there is no need to clear the land, they dry up from salt water; the turtle plants at a distance; waits for the bananas to fall; the monkey promises to dump them A turtle, but even eats its peel; The turtle sticks sharp pegs around, calls the Monkey to jump, it dies]: Codrington, p. 360 in Dixon 1916:194, 334 (note 28) [no monkeys live in Melanesia]; islands Reef [The Turtle and the Rat found a banana trunk on the shore; the Turtle took the lower part and the Rat took the upper part; they planted what they had taken; a new banana grew from the bottom, the top dried up; the Monkey asked the Rat to climb and dump bananas; The rat ate them, and threw only the skins to the Turtle; the Turtle knocked down the banana, the Rat ran away and hid]: Nss 2006:25; Fiji [The Coot climbed the banana, ate the fruit, The rat has shed only its peel; it offers to go to the reef and get the contents of the shell; Coot sticks his leg, the shell slams shut, the Rat leaves it to sink when the tide begins]: Polinskaya 1989, No. 122:319.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Snail [The Rat told the Earth Crab to wait under the pandanus, it will climb and shed its fruit; eats ripe ones, throws off leftovers and rot; after learning that Crab loves coconuts, the Rat threw off some good ones fruits, they ate them together; the Crab invited the Rat to go by boat, made a hole, went to the bottom, the Rat asked the Turtle to transport it ashore; put it to sleep on the shore, cut off her head with a shell, cooked meat , ate, smeared her shell with her sewage, called Crab to eat; when she saw the sewage, the Crab asked the Cat to grab the Rat; since then cats have been catching rats]: Lessa 1961, No. 20:69-70.

South Asia. The Assames [the fox and the monkey stole the bananas; the monkey carried them to the top of the tree, threw only the peel to the fox; the fox sat down and waits at the black arum {some poisonous plant}; answers the monkey, a hundred guards the king's sugar cane; does not advise trying; the monkey rushed to eat it, burned his mouth; next time the fox sits by the hornet's nest - the royal drum; the monkey hits the drum, all bitten; for the third time, a cobweb-woven well; the king's bed; the monkey lay down, failed, died]: Goswami 1960:82.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Minahasa [the monkey and the turtle planted bananas; the monkey ate the leaves before the fruits are ripe, the bananas have dried up; the turtle's fruits are ripe; the monkey volunteered to collect them, throwing them only to the turtle the peel; it stuck bamboo tips around the trunk, the monkey ran into, breathed; the turtle rubbed its bones, brought it under the banyan tree, told the other monkeys that it had exchanged bananas for lime; the monkeys gave turtles bananas for lime; the turtle said they were the bones of their commodity; jumped into the water; the monkeys called cows, deer, horses and pigs to drink water; the monkeys rushed to grab the turtle; she asked crabs rip the bellies of those who drank; the water spilled out, the monkeys drowned]: Bezemer 1904:311-331; galela (Halmahera), minahasa, toraja, Sangihe Islands [initially the conflict was for bananas (see pampango); the turtle tricked the Monkey into killing the Monkey, making betel out of her hair, wine from blood, lime from burnt bones, dried meat from flesh; invited other Monkeys to the feast; they heard how she talks to herself about what they eat; decides to crush and burn the Turtle; she replies that her parents did it to her; pretends to be afraid of being thrown into the water; screams out of the water about deception; The monkeys ask Buffalo to drink the sea; when he drank almost everything, the Turtle lured him with a ripe coconut, bit through a hole in his stomach, the sea spilled out, the monkeys drowned; the current ones come from a pregnant woman, escaped from a tree]: Dixon 1916:195-197, 335 (note 32, 33); minahasa [Turtle saves a monkey that has fallen into the river; Monkey plants the top of a banana stem, Turtle bottom, Monkey stalk has dried up; Monkey The Turtle eats bananas, does not give it to her; she sticks pegs under the banana, disguises them with leaves, the Monkey attacks the stakes, the Turtle feeds her the meat of other monkeys; shouts after that they have eaten a friend; says that he will only warm up in the fire, that a new turtle will appear from each piece of it, pretends to be afraid of being thrown into the water; once in the water, he laughs at monkeys]: Braginsky 1972:37-39; toraja [as in Dixon; The turtle asks wasps, the bees to bite the buffalo, it dies]: Adriani 1898:353-354; Sangihe, galela [The monkey plants bananas on the shore, where it is not necessary to clear the ground, they dry up from salt water; the turtle plants at a distance; waits for the bananas to fall; the monkey promises to throw them off to the Turtle, but even eats the peel; the turtle sticks sharp pegs around, calls the Monkey jump off, she dies]: Dixon 1916:194, 334; East Timor [after climbing a banana, the Monkey eats the fruit himself, throws only skins to the Turtle; after eating, he screams that the Turtle is stealing bananas, runs away; The turtle has been beaten, since then its shell is cracked; after a while, the Monkey asks the Turtle to ride it on the sea; it swims into the open sea, dives, the Monkey sinks]: Anonimo 1955b: 161

Taiwan - Philippines. Pampango: Rybkin 1975, No. 60 [The turtle asks the Monkey to pull a tree out of the water; it takes leaves the Turtle with roots; they grow into a banana; the Monkey climbs upstairs and throws the Turtle only the peel; the turtle sticks its stakes, screams that the hunters are coming; the monkey falls and dies; the turtle sells its meat to other monkeys, they notice scraps of hair; the turtle says it can't be burned cut, pretends to be afraid to drown; thrown into the river]: 157-159; Bayliss 1908, No. 1 (Bay, Laguna {pampango?}) [The monkey and the turtle go together to look for food; the monkey climbs the banana, the turtle sheds only its peel; the turtle sticks the ground around the banana with hard and spicy grass, the monkey is injured; finding A turtle in a coconut shell asks if it wants to be crushed in a mortar or roasted; Anything but don't throw me into the water; once in the water, the Turtle laughs at the Monkey; that jumps after it, sinks]: 46-47; ilongot [The monkey and the Turtle found a banana plant; The monkey planted the stem, the turtle roots planted by the Monkey died; the turtle can't climb a banana, The monkey climbed in, ate everything alone; the turtle covered the stem with thorns, hid under the coconut shell; when getting off, the Monkey got hurt; sat on a coconut, the Turtle pulled its tail; the Monkey grabbed the Turtle; she says she is not afraid of being beaten, that she will rush to dance from the pinches; she cries for the prospect of being thrown into the water; the Monkey throws her into the river, the Turtle emerges, says it is her home; The monkey jumps into the water, sinks]: Wilson 1947a: 50-52; ilokan [monkey to the turtle: alas, all the peasant's pumpkins have already been eaten by the other monkeys; turtle: then let's go for bananas; they took two shoots, monkey planted its own on a tree and the turtle in the ground; the monkey banana dried up and the turtle bore fruit; the monkey climbed on this banana and ate everything, and the turtle threw only unripe bananas; then the turtle stabbed there was a sharp bamboo around the banana and screamed that a crocodile was coming; the monkey jumped in panic, ran into its tips and died; the turtle cut it, salted it, sold it to other monkeys for pumpkins, and then said what they ate; monkeys think how to execute a turtle; cut it with an ax - I'm reborn, I've been cut down more than once * (stitches on the shell); throwing it into the water is not that! she was abandoned, she brought it from the bottom of the lobster; turtles: teach me how to catch lobsters; turtle: tie yourself with a rope and a rock at the other end; turtles drowned; and haven't eaten meat ever since]: Cole 1916:176-178; visayas [The turtle catches the floating banana stalk; takes the bottom, the Monkey takes over, both plants, the Monkey planted has wilted; the Turtle banana has borne fruit, the Monkey climbs up, the Turtle throws one peel; The turtle masks sharp stakes with leaves, tells the Monkey not to jump on them, she jumps stubbornly; the turtle feeds the other Monkeys with the meat of the deceased; one cub recognizes its brother's finger; The turtle hides under coconut peel, Monkeys find it; The turtle says it likes to sit on fire, pretends to be afraid of water; Monkeys ask Fish to drink water in the pond, go down to the bottom to look for the Turtle; she asks Kingfisher to peck a hole in the fish's belly; water gushed, the monkeys drowned; var.: The monkeys tried to drink water themselves, burst]: Maxfield, Milington 1907:316-318; bagobo [Turtle tries to climb a banana, the Monkey mumbles to make it fall, it falls; the monkey climbs a banana, eats the fruit, throws its excrement into the Turtle's mouth; the next time the Turtle sticks a banana around the banana sharp stakes, screams that a storm is coming, the Monkey attacks the stakes, the Turtle fried it; turned its ears into leaves that are chewed with the betel; the heart into betel; the brain into lime, the stomach into lime, the stomach basket, tail - a plant that chews in the absence of betel; divides it all between monkeys; shouts to them that they are chewing a Monkey; they catch a Turtle, want to hack it with an ax (You've already tried it, there's only one left marks on the shell), burn it (I tried it, I just turned brown); it is thrown into the water; monkeys and all animals almost drink the pond, covering the urinary canal with a leaf; red-billed batak bird takes out the leaves, the water pours out; the monkeys pluck the bird's feathers; when they have grown, the bird brings fruit to the Monkey; all monkeys, wild boars, deer, except one pregnant monkey and deer, gather in and around the tree; the bird and the Turtle set fire to the grass around, all burned down, some of the wild boars ran away]: Benedict 1913, No. 6:58-59; Tagals, Tinghian [The monkey plants bananas on On the shore, where there is no need to clear the ground, they dry up from salt water; the turtle plants at a distance; waits for the bananas to fall; the monkey promises to throw them off to the Turtle, but even eats the peel; the turtle sticks around sharp pegs, calls the Monkey to jump, she dies]: Dixon 1916:194-196, 334-335 (approx. 26, 32, 33).

Japan. The Japanese [story known]: Rizal, p.245 in Dixon 1916:194, 335 (note 27).