Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M114. Sand rope, ATU 1174.



character is asked to make (or does make) a rope or other object out of sand, ash, smoke, etc.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Bulu [a man will give his daughter only to someone who brings water in a basket; a turtle goes with a basket to the river; says he will bring water if he gives her a carrying strap of smoke; the person agrees pass off a daughter as a Turtle]: Schwab 1914, No. 6:269.

Sudan-East Africa. Kordofan (language not specified) [the mouse advises the lion not to brag about strength: the person is stronger than him because he is smarter; the lion sees the lumberjack and offers to measure his strength; man: I left my strength at home, come on tomorrow; lion: no, now; man: let's come to me then, how am I going to fight without strength; the lion agreed to wait for the man to go for strength and agreed to be attached (man: what if you run away?) ; man: now I will only use the weak power that is here in the bushes; I whipped and began to whip the lion; then went home for great strength; the mouse to the lion: I will free it if you remain my friend; the lion swore friendship and the mouse gnawed through his belts; the lion came to the man's house; he: eat first; the lion: no, we'll fight first; man: here is the city and I command; the lion has begun to eat, the man went out and supported the door boiled water and poured it on the lion through a hole in the roof; the scalded lion knocked down the door, rushed into the forest, wanted to swallow the mouse: these are your tricks; mouse: the man is coming; the lion ran to the land of lions and stayed there; the man, fearing a lion, moved to another village, just on the edge of the lion forest; when he saw lions, he climbed a tree; the lions were going to leave him alone, but scalded he explained how the man dangerous and what did he do to him; let the lions climb one on top of the other; man: well, now I'll pour boiling water on you all; the scalded lion rushed to run, everyone else fell; scalded fell into a deep hole and the rest are behind him; the lions asked them to be spared; the man demanded that 4 lions be with her at all times and obey orders; then helped them get out; so the poor lumberjack became the king of lions; he concluded an alliance with the king of the city and his beasts helped defeat the king of the countryside; then he made an alliance with him and conquered the king of the city; he blamed everything on the vizier; the king of lions ordered the vizier to make a rope out of sand; Vizier's daughter: ask for sand threads; the lion king married this girl, she taught him to read and write and he became an excellent ruler; loyal lions stayed with him]: Frobenius 1923, No. 10:91-97; Somalis: Uther 2005 (2), No. 1174:61; Malgashi (Antankarana) [the chief's two servants are looking for his missing duck; they talked to the boy Ngano, brought him to the chief; he tells him to repair the broken a pot and a mirror, N. requires a rope made of stone and a vessel of tears; the leader agrees with the audience that everyone will have an egg with them; N. crows: he is the rooster from which the chickens laid eggs ; the leader orders to milk the bull, N. says he cannot - his father gives birth, he must help; the leader orders to bring four fools, N. leads; one wonders why his wife died 4 years ago; the second himself carries firewood, although he could load the horse; the third tries to milk the bull, the fourth tries to make a rope out of smoke; the chief promises N. a reward if he stays in the water all night; refuses to give it because his mother N. made a fire on the shore at night; in response, N. pretends to cook food by placing the pot far from the fire; N. goes to the forest and sets up his own farm there; he is the ancestor of smart people]: Haring 1982, № 1.6.921:210-211.

North Africa. Tunisia [The king has seven sons, he thought they were interfering with his subjects, and he imprisoned them in a palace. A maid brought them food. Just bread and water, but she felt sorry for them and started bringing them tasty and tasty food. She once told the king that his children had stopped eating and she did not know what was wrong with them. Then the king decided to marry them. He dressed them like a king, gave them each an apple. The princes threw apples. For one, it pointed towards the vizier's court, the other towards the court of a noble man, and so everyone decided on the bride, except for his younger brother. There was no way he could find his apple. Six got married and gave them a gift from the palace king, while the youngest was left alone. One day he went hunting and saw his apple, and a frog stuck to him. He wanted to unhook it, but he didn't succeed, so he threw the apple and the frog under the bed. When he left, the frog shed its skin and turned into a beautiful girl. She did all the household chores and went back under the bed. This went on for several days. When the prince returned, he thought it was the neighbors' wives who had decided to help him. He went to thank his neighbors, but it turned out they weren't them. Then he addressed the sheikh. He advised him to hide and see what was going on in the house in his absence. So the prince saw the beauty, burned her frogskin, married her and got his own house. Once the king decided to visit his son and daughter-in-law. When he saw his daughter-in-law, he wanted to get rid of his son and marry her himself. He ordered the prince to make a burnus out of a piece of marble. The frog told her husband to go to his father, take a sandbasket with him, and ask him to make silk threads out of sand. The king admitted that his son overcame his ordeal. He ordered the army to be brought in and the entire army fed with "musarrad". The frog made a couscous, then added the king's musarrad and his handkerchief to it and told her husband to say: "For the hungry!" This is how he fed an entire army. The third task is to bring a talking baby. The frog sent her husband to his sister, who had just given birth. She said to the baby, "The one who came for you is your aunt's husband, and whoever you're going to talk to wants to kill your aunt's husband and marry your aunt himself." She said that and handed him a sword. The prince took the baby to the king. The baby said to him, "We speak and we want words over words, and we cut off your head." A baby cut off the king's head]: Al-Aribi 2009, No. 45 in Korovkina MS; Morocco [the girl speaks in riddles and will marry only someone who understands her; the young man sends her mother to marry her; gives a piece to her mother - let him make clothes out of it; girl sends a basket of sand to make threads; boy and girl exchange messages that are incomprehensible to others; wedding]: Nowak 1969, No. 475:378; Egypt, Sudan : Uther 2005 (2), No. 1174:61.

Western Europe. Scots: MacDonald 1994, No. F115C (1 entry from Inverness and 3 from the Outer Hebrides) [fairies help with the harvest, finish the work and demand more; sent to make ropes out of sand]; No. ML 3020 (1 entry from Sutherland, mentioning other versions from Highland and Lowland) [the sorcerer lent the book to another sorcerer; the servant returning the book opened it against orders and was eventually surrounded little men in need of work; they are disposed of by instructing them to weave ropes out of sand; little men fail to do this task and disappear into the sea]: 56, 60; Irish: Almqvist 1991b, No. ML 3020 [plot "Inexperienced use of the Black Book. Ropes of Sand" is very rare in Ireland]: 267; Christiansen 1959 [the hero must clean the stall so that he can roll an apple on it without getting dirty and cover the roof with feathers so flat that they are like on a partridge or grouse; when the hero is given the task of making a rope out of sand, the girl and he run away from the sorcerer]: 107; Jackson 1936, No. 1060 [the devil is ordered to make a rope out of sand and straighten the curly ones hair]: 290; British, French, Flemish, Germans (Pomerania, Grimms): Uther 2005 (2), No. 1174:61.

Western Asia. The Syrians [(The Tale of Ahikar Premudr; apparently created in Assyria in the 7th century BC; the oldest fragments of the 5th century BC in Aramaic were found on Elephantine among Jewish documents military colony; the oldest Syrian copies of the 12th-15th centuries AD; the Syrian version formed the basis for translations and alterations in Arabic, Ethiopian, Armenian, Romanian, Slavonic); Pharaoh commands the sage Akhikar solve the riddle; there are 12 cedars on the pole, each has thirty wheels, each wheel has two ropes - white and black (year, 12 months, 30 days, day and night); tells you to weave five ropes out of sand; A. asks for one rope from the warehouses as a sample; he refuses; then A. drills 5 holes in the wall, sprinkles sand into it, rays of light intertwine like a twisted rope; A. asks that these ropes be taken, and he will weave others; Pharaoh orders to sew a broken millstone; A. asks to cut off the missing pieces for the upper millstone; the pharaoh gives A. the Egyptian serve in three years]: Belov, Wilsker 1960:29-30; The Arabs of Iraq [when he learned that the tailor was bragging about her skills, the king ordered him to sew a cloak out of stone; the youngest 14-year-old daughter advises him to bring a bag of sand to the king and ask him to make threads out of it; the tailor confessed who had taught him; the king married her, but left her to live in a separate house without ever going to her, and went to Rum himself; the unrecognized wife followed him, set up a tent; when she saw beautiful, the king spent three nights with her and lost chess; she took off his ring and put it on her finger; the next year the king went to Erzerum, everything happened again (the wife received a precious dagger); for the third year, the king went to Shalham (his wife took the handkerchief); she gave birth to sons named Rum and Erzerum and daughter Shalham; when 7 years later, the king was going to marry the princess, his wife gave the children received from his gifts; the king recognized his things, everything was resolved, he is happy with the tailor's daughter and children]: Stevens 2006, No. 40:219-223.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Sikkim) [smart Minister Gar wants to find a smart wife for his son; gives a hundred rams, they cannot be rented out, sold; must be returned in a week with a hundred bags of barley; that meets a girl, she advises selling sheep wool; next time make knife handles out of their horns; G. asks if she can make a rope out of ashes; the girl weaves a rope, burns it on a stone, tells G. to tie this rope in a knot; G. recognizes her as a worthy daughter-in-law]: Krapivina 2001:165-170.

Burma - Indochina. Vieta [the peasant met the girl and immediately became rich; brought her portrait to the field; the wind carried him away, the landowner picked it up, took it to the king; to take his wife away; orders to paint the hills black (the wife orders to set fire to the vegetation); weave a rope of ants (grease with honey, the ants stuck to the rope); make a rope out of ashes (burn a bunch of rags); then the king took his wife by force; she manages to give magic rice; you have to plant it, birds will arrive, take a pen from each, make a dress out of them and come to the king in it; becoming the king's wife, the peasant's wife fell ill and numb; seeing a date seller in feather dress, laughed for the first time; the king decided to wear this dress himself and began to dance; the wife called the dogs, they tore him to pieces; the peasant distributed gold to them and his wife returned to him]: Bystrov et al. 1962:98 -102.

South Asia. Jataki [the king demands a sandrope; the wise man advises asking for a sample of such an old rope to know how thick it should be]: Jataki 2003 (Jataka 546): 308; baiga [the potter has 12 married potter sons and the 13th youngest is single, stays at home; his brothers tell him to bring 12 carts of clay without harnessing animals; he does it; the brothers got scared and drove him away; he meets and satellites 1) a baiga who plowed a tiger, 2) a lohara who bent hot iron with his bare hands, 3) ahira who forked a rope out of dust, 4) teli who hands squeezed out 12 measures of oil; the potter's son (SG) tells everyone he has never seen such a strong (dexterous), and they say that a real strongman (trickster) is SG; friends hunt and take turns cooking; when it's the turn teli, Rakshas comes in the guise of a boy, eats all the rice and beats the cook; beats ahir, lohar, baiga who came to the rescue, but SG killed him; Rakshas has 5 beautiful daughters, SG married one, and his companions they could sleep with her too; but she only liked baiga; then SG gave each one a wife; Baiga and his wife stayed in that place, and Dharti Mata gave them everything they needed; the wife washed her hair, some hair swam away , Raja Gonda's son picked them up; Raja sent Malin, who introduced herself as the sister of the young woman's mother; asked what her husband's life was like; in an arrow; M. burned an arrow; Baiga rushed home and managed to hit his wife foot in the chest, the trail remained; the baiga died; the woman was dragged to the king of the gondas, but four friends came out to meet him, killed M. and her servants, returned the woman, found a piece of an unburned arrow, the lohar revived the baiga and that's it they lived under the auspices of Dharti Mata]: Elwin 1939:489-491; Telugu [Balaramaya was a village strongman, Madhavaya is weak but smart; the village chief wants to marry his son to the daughter of a rich man; he replies that his daughter will not be able to pull the jug out of a deep well; everyone laughs at the rich man; he suggests that the elder make a rope out of sand to tie a jug for it; M. advises to say that he would make a rope if the rich man's daughter scoops water with a sieve, otherwise the rope would not stand it; the wedding took place, Madhavaya was respected; in the vicinity of the devils pishachi; M. teaches his wife to tell the children to they did not cry, for their father would soon bring them pishachi; the pishachi run away]: Zograf 1964:267-272; pardhan [the arrogant Raja throws a spear through his wife's nose ring and brags that there is no one stronger than him; The wife was advised to say that Raja is the strongest for her, but there are many stars and the earth is big; the Raja goes to look for opponents; sees a man weaving a rope out of sand for royal elephants; another harnesses tigers into a plow cobra and plows black stones; the Raja manages to call Rakshasa an uncle, but he is going to kill him at night; the Raja gave the Rakshasas a drink, ran to his wife, she smeared him with blood, swaddled him as a baby, she told Rakshasa that her husband was missing and she gave birth to a mustachioed baby; Rakshas left, Raja no longer boasted]: Elwin 1944, No. 14.13:327-329.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Dusun (Tempassuk) [the widow gives birth to a boy Ginas, leaves him in a box, who grows up in three months; kills other people's pigs; the Raja demands that G. make the waves quiet; G. sends him sand to weave a rope to catch the waves; the Raja tells him to wash his hands without soaking the mattress on which he is sitting; G. splashes water into the Raja's face, gives him a mirror; the Raja sees that he is ugly and leaves one-eye throne boy, wife, daughter]: Evans 1913:468-469.

China - Korea. Chinese [Wan San plays the flute; Qi-jie, the seventh daughter of a heavenly elder, hears the game, goes down to earth with his deer; goes beyond the Sun; father takes her back; the deer tells the Sun to sow gaoliang, leave the thick stem, climb it into the sky; the elder tells me to 1) open the wall, 2) sew a rope out of bran, 3) get a heavenly drum; sisters C. complete two tasks, send them for the drum to monkeys; the Sun is coated with clay, the monkeys take it for a bodysuit, leave it, the sun carries the drum, the monkeys chase; the Sun throws a hatchet (river), flint (mountain), needle (sharp rocks, monkeys) stop chasing); the elder hits the drum, the Sun withstands the thunder, the Sun hits - the old man falls dead; the Sun with his wife, her sisters and deer go down to live on the ground]: Riftin 1972:126-134 (=2007:124-131); Chinese (Jiangsu, Xinyi County), 1988, said an elementary school teacher [a rich man hired laborers, and when it came time to pay, he lied; hired a man named Wanda; will receive money if at the end will meet three conditions for years; 1) the floor in the room in the room that did not see the sun was damp, dry it in a day; 2) make a bran rope; estimate how much his head weighs; Wanda returned home without money; went him younger brother Vaner; began to dismantle the roof of the house; asked to twist the beginning of the rope to know the thickness; grabbed the knife as if he were going to cut off the rich man's head; he gave him all the money]: Bai Gengsheng 2007d:181 -182; Koreans: Park 1991 [the Emperor of China ordered the King of Korea to load the river water on the ship, send it to China; the Prime Minister advised to ask the emperor for sand masts]: 29; Riftin 2007 [ the landowner tells the krstjan to bring a mulenka, otherwise he will take his wife; the wife came to the landowner: the husband gave birth, is it possible to borrow seaweed - there will be milk; the landowner orders to make a boat out of river pebbles; wife: let the sand tie the rope to tie the boat; landowner: worms start in the bronze pillars; the peasant's wife: split the ax with a knife, pull the bone marrow out of it, lubricate the column]: 286-288.

The Balkans. Bulgarians: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 301A [the hero is the son of a bear, a horse, sat on a stove for 25 years, etc.; wanders, takes heroes with different abilities as companions (he can drink the sea; wraps a rope out of sand; very strong); while others hunt, everyone takes turns cooking; each time a demonic character (man, old woman) comes, eats all the food; the hero kills or injures him; according to his she goes down to the lower world; there he receives a ring from the youngest and most beautiful of the girls who own magic objects; there he kills a snake (lamia, hala), which annually devoured the chicks of a large bird (usually eagles); the bird lifts the hero upstairs, in flight he feeds her meat, cuts off the last piece from his own leg; on earth, the hero fulfills the marriage conditions of three girls; punishes traitors- sister cities; marries the youngest]: 98-99; Karaliychev, Todorov 1969 (4) [the tsar ordered the extermination of the elderly; one boyar hid his father; no one can go around the royal horse; the healer advises to live his sand rope; the king tells the boyars to bring a rope; the boyar's father tells his son to answer that the rope can be woven, but a sample (of what thickness and color) is needed; the tsar agrees not to execute the boyars; in next time in famine and drought, he orders to get grain; the father advises to dig anthills, ants collected grain; the boyar admits who his adviser is, the tsar orders to honor the elderly]: 102-106 (=Klyagina- Kondratyeva 1951:141-143); Macedonians [it was a custom in one country to leave old people in the mountains to starve; the son wanted to leave his father in one place, but he asked to take him further - in this where he once left his father; the son decided to bring his father home; the king wanted to abolish this custom; ordered everyone who still has a father, and everyone who no longer has a father, to make a chain of sand; his father the young men ordered to answer: I will make a chain if the king gives a sample; the king ordered me to tell who told the young man to answer this way; forbid killing old people]: Martin 1955:111-120; Greeks, Romanians, Hungarians: Uther 2005 (2), No. 1174:61

Central Europe. Poles [a person promises to give a line of soul if he completes three tasks: weaves a rope out of sand, straightens his curly hair, catches his breath (or "lower wind")]: Krzyżanowski 1963, № 1174:24; Czechs: Uther 2005 (2), No. 1174:61; Russians (Novgorod, Pest., Malyshevo, 1986) [Little ones are devils. They should be given jobs. One flaxseed will be thrown into the yard - pick them all up! Either count stumps in the forest, or wind ropes out of sand. Don't give them jobs, they're naughty. To hand them over, they will take a good thing out in the field and say: protect them! If anyone takes it, her little ones will go to him]: Cherepanova 1996, No. 340:89; Russian written tradition [The oldest edition of The Tale of Akira the Premudrom (two lists of the 15th century and one of the 17th century), which is probably a translation of the Armenian version: his nephew slandered sage Akir before King Sinagrip; S. ordered A. to be executed; A.'s friend, who was entrusted with this, saved his life and beheaded him instead he was another person; A. began to hide in a shelter dug in the ground; when he learned that A. had been executed, King Pharaoh of Egypt sent S. a letter: "I want to build a house between heaven and earth. So a skilled builder came to me, let them do and arrange everything as I like. And let him answer my other tricky questions. If you send me a craftsman who can do anything I tell him, I'll send you my three-year tribute. If you do not find such a wise husband or he cannot answer my questions, you will send me three years of income from your land"; S. began to grieve that he had executed A.; friend A. admitted that he had saved his life; S. is happy; A. told his household members: "Find me two eagles and feed them. And tell my falconers to teach them how to fly up. And make a cage and find my smart boy among my household members, and put him in a cage, <носимую> eagles. <с клеткой>And teach them to take off, and teach the boy to shout: "Bring lime and stones, the builders are ready"; then he went to F., introduced himself as S.'s groom; F. asked who he, F., and him looked like nobles; A.: "You, king, are like the sun, and likened your nobles to sunny rays"; in other riddles F. likened himself to the moon and tree, and his nobles to stars and blooming grass; A. guessed them all; F. ordered to build a palace between heaven and earth; A. released an eagle with the boy into the sky; the boy shouted that the builders were ready and ordered to carry stones with lime; F. did not understand how to do this; A. began to beat F.'s squad with a stick, turned them to flight; F. ordered them to leave the construction of the palace and then said: "Akir, allow me this task: when your lord's horses laugh in Adora and Naliva lands , then our foal mares give birth in our land"; A. ordered the servants to catch and beat the ferret; said F. that the ferret had reached Nalivskaya and Adorskaya lands, gnawed off the head of the rooster given to him by S. and returned back; F. replied that this cannot be done overnight; A.: "And I have heard that when horses laugh in the land of Adora, your mares give birth to foals here. But you say that there are a thousand and eighty versts from Egypt to the land of Adora"; F.: "There is one oak log, and on that log there are twelve pines with thirty wheels, and each wheel has two mice, one black and the other white"; A.: "What you call a log is a year, and then you say that twelve pines on it are twelve months a year. And what do you say about thirty wheels is thirty days a month, and what you call two mice - one white and the other black - is day and night"; F.: "Bring me two ropes of sand, five long elbows, and a finger thick"; A.: "Order your keykeepers to take the same rope out of the house for me, then I will also owl according to its model"; F. demanded that it be twisted; A. checked a hole in the temple wall for on the sunny side, and when the sun rose, he took a handful of sand and poured it into the hole; the sand swirled like a rope in the sun; A. "Send your youths to lay down this rope, and in the meantime I will owl the other"; F. arranged a feast for him and gave him a three-year tribute from Egypt; A. returned to S.; he gave him his nephew; A. punished nephew, began to reproach and teach him; his nephew puffed up like a jug and broke in half]: Likhachev et al. 2004:28-57.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks [khan wants to find an intelligent wife for a fool's son; it rained, two girls ran home, the third covered the dung with beshmet and drove the calves away from the cows (so that they would not suck milk); beshmet got wet, but I'll dry it by the fire; Khan: how many dung are there in the bag? girl: as long as your horse stepped from the palace to our kibitka; the khan orders you to make koumiss from bovine milk, sew the kibitka with ashes; the girl covered the kibitka with matting and burned it, put up a pole ( it means that someone is giving birth in the house); Khan: How can a man give birth? girl: in the khanate, where koumiss is made from bovine milk, maybe; the khan orders to ride a two-headed horse not along the road or along the steppe, upon arrival, sit not inside the kibitka or outside; daughter tells her father to come on a stallion mare, ride along the side of the road, sit outside at the doorstep with kibitki felt over his back; the khan ordered him to come next time with a bag for gold and an arcana for horses; the bag will not be filled in any way, You can catch as many horses as you want with an arcana; girl: a bag of human eyes, you have to add sand to fill it; a lasso from a human vein; to shrink it, you have to burn one end; khan married son on this girl; fell ill; told his son to catch up with the tumbleweed, ask him where he would spend the day and night; the wife ordered to answer: we must ask the ravine and the wind; the khan tells his son to bring a horse with two heads that look in different directions; wife: bring the stallion mare, the foal's head is pointing back; the khan died quietly]: Dzhimbinov 1962:149-152 (=Vardugin 1996:471-473); Abkhazians (zap. P. Shakryl, s. Lykhny) [the prince is required to finally marry; he only wants someone who can sew legs and dudes from pieces of steel and iron; his two milk brothers went to look for such a girl; in the same house the girl replies that her father sows what will be the subject of a quarrel by the road (she sows wheat, but did not make a fence); the mother went to exchange a tear (she went to mourn her neighbor with the expectation that she would come in due time mourn); when the brothers asked for wine, the girl advised me to tie the horse to the vine; there was no vine in the yard; so where did the wine come from? as for the prince's condition, let him first send her sand twine and a needle made of small stones; when he learned about the girl, the prince sent her a ram so that she would not kill him, but cooked two servings of kebab from it, and from wool made a burka and a hat; the girl emptied the ram and cooked a kebab from the testes; the prince sent her gold and diamond things through her brothers; the girl responded: small and large stars turned out to be rare; let the two mountain eagles not lose each other and the two brothers not hear hurtful words; the prince ordered the brothers to return what they had appropriated; for the wedding, the prince ordered to cook a meat dish and hominy from the cliff he pointed to; the girl gave her father a knife: do not work tomorrow until the prince arrives; when he comes, hand the knife and ask him to cut off the rock's head with your hand; the prince married the girl]: Khashba, Kukba 1935:132-135; Karachays [The fox tells the Wolf and the Bear that he can even make a rope out of the sand, promises to get food; they find a wineskin with butter; Lisa advises hanging a wineskin on a tree, waiting for the cave is the right time to attack a herd of sheep; the fox says her name is to give a name to the khan's newborn son; when she returned, she said that she named the boy Bashlamysh; then Ortamysh; Jalamysh (beginning, middle, end); The wolf offers to warm up by the fire, go to bed on the boards - under whoever the board becomes oily, he ate oil; at night, the Fox changed the boards; The Bear chased the Wolf, he ran away; Fox suggests to the Bear - let the one who gets to the den first get a piece of bacon; the Fox replaces the lard with a stone, the Bear breaks off his teeth; the Fox pretends to eat honey, advises to put his head in the hive, the Bear bitten by bees, he is blind; the fox pretends to be the Hare, tells the Bear to go to the sound of the bell, leads him to the edge of the abyss, says he is ahead of the sheep; the bird pushes the Fox into the abyss, the bell rings behind, the Bear moves away from the abyss]: https://www.arxim.ru, visiting time 02.03.13; Dargin residents: Uslar 1892 (Hyurkilins) [the Shah forbade making a fire that night; the Shah's slave orders to sew by morning chokhu; Armenian: the shah will forgive, the slave will not; the weaver and his son cut it; the son fell asleep, then refused to tell the dream to his father and then to the shah; the shah put him in prison; at night the young man went out, came to the Shah's daughter, kissed him , ate pilaf; the next time the girl arranged for him to come; the Sultan sent the Shah three chests: to find out which of them was an old woman, a woman and a girl; the prisoner promised to guess, for which he received a shah daughter, weighed the chests, in the heaviest one - an old woman; which mare is mother and which daughter; the prisoner found out; the sultan demanded him; sew a dress out of stone - make threads out of sand; the sultan also gave the young man a daughter; each boy; sultan: now tell me a dream; young man: sun under your head, a star under your feet, a star on each knee]: 255-262; Khalilov 1965, No. 78 [Khan ordered the tailors to sew a dress for him in one day; Overheard a tailor ask his son to sew for him, and he asked him to sleep - he had a very pleasant dream; when the tailors brought the job, the khan asked the young man what he had dreamed; he refused to answer , thrown into the basement; dug a way into the rooms of the khan's daughter; began to come every day; a year later, a neighboring khan sent three mares to determine which of them is older and who is younger; the girl taught the guy demand her hand for the answer; the khan promised, but asked again about the dream and, without receiving an answer, sent the guy back to the basement; the neighbor Khan sent three closed chests: which girl, which widow, which one old woman; the khan's daughter told the guy: the girl is at the easiest, the old woman is in the heaviest; the neighboring khan demanded a guessman; he came to his daughter; she taught him what to answer when the father demanded sew clothes out of stone, and ordered to answer questions only after obtaining consent to marry Khan's daughter; boyfriend Khan: sand threads are needed to sew clothes out of stone; khan gave his daughter; the guy settled in with two wives, each gave birth to a son; now he told Khan a dream: on one side there was the sun, on the other, the moon, separated from them by a star]: 243-246; Azerbaijanis [when the tailor woke up the student , he said that he had a dream that would tell only when the dream came true; the Shah overheard the conversation, demanded a dream, when refused, put the young man in prison; the young man dug and entered the chambers princess, ate pilaf, returned to the cell; the princess waited for the young man; fell in love with him; the neighboring shah threatens war; the princess teaches the young man what to do when he is called to give advice; demand her for the right answer hand; the enemy ambassador will draw a circle (our world) - put a bow in half; he will put a bow on top - put a sword; pour millet (he has so many warriors) - release the rooster, he will bite the millet; the shah sent three horses - which older? princess: let the mare go to the horses, they will follow her in order of seniority; which end of the stick is closer to the base - throw it into the water, the top will emerge first; the enemy shah ordered to send a guessman; ordered to sew a robe made of the rock; the Shah's daughter orders to demand a thread of sand; the tailor's apprentice took the daughters of both shahs, each gave birth to a boy; when the Shah came in, the son-in-law had one wife on the left, the other on the right, on both knees to son; he said he dreamed of a star on his knees and the moon falling on his head]: Akhundov 1955:266-271.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians (Farce, Azerbaijan) [the poor young man dreams that he will become king, he has the sun, moon and stars on his face; he refuses to tell the king a dream, is thrown into prison; solves riddles: to distinguish an old mare from a young mare (young eats faster); to distinguish between equally dressed men and women; he is told to sew clothes out of stone, he demands to thread a thread out of sand; he marries princesses, the sun and the moon are wives, stars are children]: Marzolph 1984, No. 725:138-139; Vakhans [Orphan dreams of the sun on one side and the moon on the other; the grandmother does not tell me to dream, it is about the royal daughters; but Orphan spilled out he was put in prison; he made a hole in the wall, ended up in the royal daughter's room; secretly eats what the maid brings to the princess; the princess cut her finger, added salt, caught the thief; teaches Orphan to decide the tasks that her father will ask, who decides he will give his daughter; 1) distinguish a mare mother from a foal (she will run from behind); 2) what is in the chest (Orphan overheard: another chest); 3) make shirts and pants out of stones army; we must invite the tsar to first thread the sand into the needle; the tsar cannot, gives his daughter to Sirota]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 49:414-418; Uzbeks [people ask Aldar Kusa to protect them from divas; he went to his married sister, took a bottle of sour milk with him, picked up a rope, a bird's egg, and a turtle on the way; when the diva appeared, AK buried a jar of milk in one place, a rope in another; he said I wonder that he is Azrail and came for his soul; offers to measure strength; 1) knock the brain out of the ground (hits the place where the krynka is buried with a stick); 2) squeeze oil out of the stone (presses the egg); 3) twist a rope out of clay ( pulls out a buried rope); the divas pulls out a louse the size of a locust, AK shows a turtle; the divas lead the AK to him, the divas offer to destroy the rocks; AK pretends to think: if he hits, it's either the mountain it will block the way for the rising sun and the world will fall into darkness; either it blocks the way for the setting sun, it stays in the sky and burns everything; or the way will be closed to the cold wind, everything will go out; or the warm one will be closed everything will freeze; either the earth will fall or the sky falls to the ground; divas ask not to do anything like this; at night, AK puts a wooden stupa instead; divas hit with a club; in the morning AK says that a flea bit; divas collected gifts, brought them home AK; AK to his wife: give roast from yesterday's divas; divas run away, meet a mullah, he leads them back; AK: mullah liar, you borrowed me 10 oil divas, and now you only drive three! The divas pulled out the mullah's tongue, fled to the desert]: Rogov 1980:193-198.

Baltoscandia. Karelians: Evseev 1950, No. 2 [Iro's girlfriend combed her hair by the sea, dropped her comb, found three hairs, put it by the cheek, gave birth to Vainäijoini, Sredny and Ilmoilini; they grew up and came to marry to Katerina, the daughter of an old man and old woman Hiishi; on the way, a sling breaks in a sleigh, an arc; I. creates an island on the sea with a song, a willow on it, makes a new sling, an arc; K. replies that the groom must 1) plow a field of vipers, with snakes (kyrmispellon, kärmispellon); 2) tie a rope out of a chaff; I. does it immediately, K. says he will marry now], 170 [the blacksmith goes to marry An'n'oi - daughter Hippo-Hiizi, granddaughter of Vyagi-Vuore (Hipon Hiijen tuttareh, Vägi Vuoregen bunukkah); he has only one of a hundred stakes without a groom's head; he requires 1) plow a snake field, 2) put up a snake fence, 3 ) make a chaff rope, 4) catch a pike (the blacksmith asks Ukko to hit it with iron hail); the blacksmith throws the pike on the table, H. swallows it in the form of that pike; in order not to go out with feces, the blacksmith makes furs out of his shirt, forges a knife with his fists on his anvil and knees, cuts X.'s womb dies; when the blacksmith takes A., she tells him to sing as he sang, killing her father; he refuses, she breaks her sleigh, turns into a ruff, invites the pike blacksmith to swallow the ruff from the tail; he does not turn it into stone (it will be kicked), into sand at the bottom (the waves will gush), makes Katerina the Seagull]: 30-32, 340-343; Tikhvin Karelians, Southern Veps [popular stories about a sorcerer who asks the devil to make a rope out of sand, but he cannot]: Irina Yuryevna Vinokurova, personal message 04.04.11; Ingrians (Toksova, D. Europaes, 1847) [the son of the sun came to Tuoni, Manala to marry his daughter; he demanded to run over needles, blades, knives; twist a rope out of a chaff, tie an egg in a knot, take a steam bath; the groom did everything and took the girl; 9 years later she ran back to her father]: Kiuru 1990, No. 17:67-70; Estonians (Saarema) [the tobacco stem grows to the sky, man goes there climbs, the wind knocks down the stem; the man asks Pitkne to allow him to pull the rope out of the chaff he found in his two boxes; one of them has rain, the other has snow; P. does not allow, but lets the person down land with rain]: Stern 1935:135 in Hatt 1949:57; Latvians: Arais 1968 [three brothers went at night, sent the elder to get fire; he approaches the old man sitting by the fire; the old man will fire if the person who comes will tell you well and lie, otherwise he will cut three belts out of his back; the older brother does not know how to tell, returns wounded; the same with his middle brother; the younger one tells how he hid from the rain in the hollow, it was overgrown, he ran to his father for a hatchet, the mare exploded, jumping over a puddle, he sewed it with an aspen stake, the stake became aspen to the sky, the narrator was at the top, the aspen from below rotted, hung in sky; the narrator ran to his father's barn, twisted a rope out of buckwheat husk, went down; the old man fires]: 408-410; Lutsi (1893; the informant heard a fairy tale from those who did not know Estonian) [the spouses are childless, her husband died, the widow cried, her tears grew peas, there was only a pea in the pod; she ate it, gave birth to it 9 months later; the boy was strong; mothers: if she waited to eat, he would be even stronger; ordered from the blacksmith threw up a five-pound iron club, threw it up, a day later it fell, he put his finger in, the club split; the 10-pound one bent; the 15-pound one remained intact, good; The pea meets, takes satellites 1) pulling oaks; 2) rearranging mountains; they hired the owner for the right to carry what they could; he ordered them to level the mountains; they began to make ropes out of sand, throw them over the mountains, pull off, now a flat field; one took all the flour from the owner, the other all the grain, the third all the cows; set up a farm in the forest; the demoness (mustabaaba) began to go to them, eat everything; stayed to guard the tree pulling; she spat in his eyes, ate everything; the one who moved the mountains was the same; G. beat her with a club, she grew to the clouds, he continued to beat, she shrunk again, he tied her to an oak tree; she pulled out an oak tree and went to the lower world; only G. decided to go down; killed the woman's five-headed son; the girl knits stockings, G. pulled the rope, both picked it up, he gave it to the oak puller, went down again; killed 1- head, gave the second girl to the one who moved the mountains; for the third time he fights with the 15-headed; drove him into the ground waist-deep, and he drove him up to the neck; agreed to take a break; G. drank strong water, and gave the enemy weak water, killed; went upstairs, but G. went down for the fourth time; the companions are sorry that G. took the most beautiful girl, threw the rope down; the thunderstorm, the eagles on the Christmas tree say who will protect them from the weather, their mother will help him; he covered them; chicks: don't leave until their mother arrives; eagle: I know G., when he was born, the earth trembled for three days; the eagle agrees to carry him across the Sea of Fire, but let him fill three days barrels of forest bird; he spit them; there was not enough meat in flight, the eagle tells her to cut off and throw her little finger first, then her calf; then the little finger of her legs; flew; G. caught the little cat, began to twist; ordered bring living water from the island in the sea of fire; my body healed with this water; came to my wife, forgave his companions, but drove them away; they began to live, they probably live now]: Annom et al. 2018:93-100; counselors [lemmyz, lemmuz: every three years, a rooster lays a large egg; there is something dark in it; you must put it under the chicken, a flying fire snake with a golden tail as thin as a thread will hatch; it will bring it to the hostess milk, butter, grain, etc.; in three years you have to get rid of it, otherwise the house will burn down; you have to give an impossible job: go to the seashore, weave a rope out of sand]: Ariste 1943 in Konkova 2009:24; Finns , Counselors, Sami, Lithuanians, Icelanders, Norwegians, Swedes: Uther 2005 (2), No. 1174:61.

Volga - Perm. Bashkirs: Barag 1989, No. 70 [when leaving, bai asks four wives what they will prepare for his return; 1) every day I will shoot a sparrow with 40 ribs, feed him meat to a hundred servants; 2) I'll sew sand boots; 3) I will sew mittens made of lice leather; 4) I will face two sons with golden heads, pearl teeth, silver hair; all fulfilled my promise; before returning, the bai replaced the babies as a black puppy, his mother and 40 servants were sent to the forest, the children were thrown under the feet of mares; the youngest wife comes to breastfeed the puppy, finds a mare that feeds her babies; returned the children, let her go puppy; babies were thrown to cows - the same; geese - the same; thrown into the water; bai ordered his youngest wife to break her arm and leg, gouge out her eye, lock him in a deaf log house; the puppy got out, the man cut through there is a hole in the log house, the puppy brought the man to the bay, he talks about the log house; the elder wife: this is not a miracle, near the lake a mare is screwing at every step, drinking on the lake at a watering hole; a black puppy asks his mother make a halter, brings a mare, followed by a herd; everything repeats itself; second wife: diamonds and yakhonts at the top of the mountain; the puppy asks his mother for a tablecloth, brings gems; the third time the traveler cut through log house door; third wife: two boys in the river, go out to play on the sand; mother's puppy: give me a nightmare, four horns of milk: goat, cow, mare, their own; the boys began to play the nightmare when they drank mother's milk, fell asleep; the puppy brings them to their mother, the bay is invited to visit, he understood everything; the eldest wife was offered 9 mares or 9 arb firewood; she likes mares more, her hair is tied to them, where the earth is touched her back, there were mountain ranges, where the hair was marsh grass hummocks, where the ass was lakes; the second wife chose firewood, it was burned; the third was tied to the tails of 9 mares]: 336-343; 1990, No. 1 [stallion Khan Turakhan started, Khan Yanebahan's mares were thrown out 60 versts from T.; Y. accused T.; bald boy Taz undertakes to resolve the dispute; crossing the river, puts on boots - not to spoil his legs against the stones; taking peers, begins to kill dogs I. - they did not come to the rescue when wolves strangled sheep 60 versts away; I demand a wiser sage, Taz exposes the bull - lives with his mind; then a goat - gray-bearded; Y. gives Tazu the name Erense-sesen; T. adopted him; E. went to look for a bride, caught up with the old man; suggests passing the time, making a cauldron out of the ground; says that the straight road is winding, and winding straight; E. comes to the old man's daughter, says that the stove is good, and the pipe is crooked (the girl has a humped nose); girl: but the craving is good; explains to his father E.'s words: he offered to start a conversation , bake a grouse in a hole; the straight road turned out to be uncomfortable; the old man asks for 6 identical mares for his daughter, E. sends 6 rays - the main thing is that they are the same; T. tells the girl to sew galoshes out of stone; girl: let will send threads of sand; T. sent a bull to let him calve; girl: my father gave birth, cannot go out; E. married a girl; for every word he receives Altyn from Khan (since he helped resolve the dispute with Y.); brother E. want to be executed for lying: an arrow hit a hare's ear through his leg; E.: the hare scratched his ear; his brother was released]: 14-19; Chuvash [patsha sent 12 stupid soldiers to skin the stone at the crossroads; they met a 12-year-old girl, she advised her to first ask Patsha to cut a stone; when she found out who taught the soldiers the answer, Patsha told the girl to weave bast shoes out of stone; she suggests making patsha out of sand bast rope; patsha tells the girl to appear day or night, naked or dressed, neither on foot nor on horseback, to stop outside or in the yard; she arrived at dusk on a goat wrapped in fishing net, stopped the goat with her front legs in the yard, with her back legs on the street; patsha marries a girl; instead of a dowry, she asks for 12 wolves and 12 hares to drive them into one barn; patsha says you can't Keep wolves and hares in the same barn; girl: a 60-year-old cannot marry a 12-year-old either]: Sidorova 1979:168-169 (=Eysin 1993:317-319).

Turkestan. Kyrgyz: Brudny, Emshmambetov 1981 [The devil is angry and hid the sun; everyone is gathered for advice; the wise Hedgehog said he is defenseless and cannot come; he is given a new skin with needles; he suggests ask the Devil to make leather out of sand, and dratva from oil and sew ichigi by noon; The line has to be freed by the sun]: 347 (=1989:370-371); Brudny, Eshmambetov 1968 [=Brudny 1954:37-47, =Ledenev 1987: 15-22; on the way, Jerence-Chechen (LC) asks Telemirza's son to cook food on the horse's mane; then shorten the path; T. tries to set fire to the mane, level the mounds with ketman; LC: you should have got food and not eat getting down; entertain with conversation; LC is looking for an intelligent wife for T.; during the rain, the girls ran away, and Karachach covered the brushwood with a robe: the firewood remained dry and her mother would not scold; Zhanybek married her son; Zhanybek -Khan came with his questions, K. answered; he tells the ZhK to come neither on foot, nor on horseback, nor on the road, nor across the field; K. teaches you to ride a goat along the steppe between two roads; tells you to pull tendons out of the stone and sew boots out of sand; K., under the guise of another woman, asked Zhanybek Khan about the same, he replied that this was impossible; then Zhanybek Khan captured ZhCH and his son; ZhC gave a letter: burn crops before winter; black Throw a blind goat into the lake; make a goat with straight horns the leader of the herd; I have a knife with a sharp blade, and there is also a worthless one, don't forget about it; K.: kill enemies, kill them and throw them into the lake Zhanybek Khan, put his younger brother Berdibek in his place, me with a sharp knife, my husband, a worthless one; everyone did so]: 87-97; Kazakhs: Bosingen 1985 [Shaitan offers his friend Khan ask for whatever he wants; the khan asks for pastures, Shaitan agrees, gives people all the land; in response he asks for the Moon and the Sun; no one knows what to do now; the Old Hedgehog comes and stumbles over her they laugh, she leaves, muttering something; the khan sends the vizier to eavesdrop; the Hedgehog says to ask Shaitan to make a rope out of butter and catch a mirage in the steppe; Shaitan cannot fulfill the condition, in punishment turns an old woman into a hedgehog]: 85-87; Potanin 1881 (eastern Kazakhstan) [Zhebreil-Zhalmauz Paygambar caught birds, pierced holes in their nose, imposed them on the lasso; baigyz (remez oatmeal) remained; Gyrfalcon volunteered to bring him in, but J. said that Gyrfalcon would catch him and hide him; he sent Hawk; he invited Remez to go out, put it under his wing, brought him; Remez says that if J. and he wants to pierce his nose, let he wove a rope out of the sunlight and go out, put it under his wing, brought it; baigyz___red oil became; Damn (saitan) volunteered, could not; J. said that Remez was small but smart, let the birds go; baigyz became bird biyem; they say that the khan is a swan, this is not true - baigyz; all birds have a hole in their noses, he does not]: 147-148 (=Kaskabasov et al. 1979, No. 13:43-44.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Buryats [khan tests the wisdom of the future wife of his son Altan-Haish, asks to bring a rope from the ashes; the girl makes straw, sets fire, remains a strip of ash in the shape of a rope; remove 13 chickens from boiled eggs; AH: to have food for chickens, take porridge, sow, grow millet; Khan is happy; went hunting with his son, tells him to do with wooden dishes; the son tries to hammer the block; seeing that the son is behind, tells you to pull the horse by the tail; the son understands literally; AH: it was necessary to fry a barbecue and drive a horse; the khan came to another, he makes riddles, the khan cannot guess, he was shackled and tied to a pole; khan promises a ransom, sends a letter to his daughter-in-law: Shajin Nomon Khan gave me jewelry for my arms and legs, a silver twisted chain around my neck; his people do not leave day or night; chase horned cows and bulls after them hornless cattle; cut down two out of three golden aspens and burn them on the spot, take one to the borders of Sh.'s possessions; let my daughter-in-law cut the letter with gold scissors; when three messengers arrive, my son tries gather cattle, and daughter-in-law orders to kill two out of three messengers and send an army; S. was tied up like a ram and brought]: Eliasov 1959:7-19 (episode with a rope from the ashes to Dugarov 1990:112); Khalkha Mongols : Dulam, Molomjamts 2010 (halha; exact place of recording is not specified) [Khan decided to marry his stupid son to an intelligent girl; called her old father, ordered her to bring horse fetters made of ashes with three an ash hobble with three legs, while walking neither down the road, nor off the road, nor in boots, nor in boots, nor day, night, inside or outside; the old man handed it over to his daughter, she explained what to do; the next morning the old man came to Khan; Khan: Where are you? old man: neither inside nor outside - between a wooden floor and a felt roof; Khan: When did you come? old man: at dawn; khan: what way? old man: along a narrow path; Khan: How did you make horse fetters with three legs out of ashes? old man: made fetters with three legs, put them on a stone, burned them; khan: I'll come to your house, give me bull milk; the girl put the old father in a yurt, went to the khan and said that the father was giving birth; khan: is Can a man give birth? girl: does a bull give milk? Khan married her son; ordered him to bring a horse with two heads; the son tried to tie two horses, turned to his wife; she explained: we must bring a mare who will soon be necklaces; the khan told his son cook meat in a wooden cauldron; the son burned a wooden cauldron and turned to his wife; she explained: it is necessary to string pieces of meat on dogwood sticks; the khan ordered to make a man who can speak out of ice; son I made an ice man, he was silent; my wife explained: I must say that my body consists of water, and water is ice; Khan was satisfied; once he went hunting, he was caught by two people who wanted to seize the throne; they allowed him to send a letter; Khan wrote: above me there is a blue vault, a green silk cloth under me, ten people support my back, I always have two wineskins of milk and plenty of lamb, I live happily, send cattle in front of you, hornless behind, drive the white hare into the pen, there are two aspens, they are local spirits, cut down one, use the other as fuel, To come here, my son has a file at his feet (? file), my daughter-in-law knows this, let her cut down the lock and open the chest; two people brought a letter, my daughter-in-law deciphered it: above the khan is the sky, there is grass under him, his hands are tied behind his back, we must send it forward those who are armed with guns and spears and leave the unarmed behind must hide during the day and move at night, two pines are two messengers, one must be killed and the other left as a guide; they did the enemies were killed, the khan was saved; when the khan was old, he decided to hand over the throne to his daughter-in-law; before that he wanted to test her: you must write a phrase without the words araq, sawar (dung stick), aduu (horse), khomil (pellets, sheep droppings), honi sheep (), huts (sheep), chono (wolf), qol (river), mod (tree species), idekh (tree species), but to mention them all; gave her a box and stick to collect dung; meanwhile, a wolf dragged a ram out of the herd, dragged it across the stream and ate it; daughter-in-law: when I carried the basket on my back, held a curved wooden hand and collected what the runners had lost, a howler appeared and grabbed my father bleating, crossed the water stream and swallowed the person captured near the tallest plants; the khan was pleased, handed her the throne]: 37-38; Mikhailov 1962 (probably khalkha) [the khan had a stupid son; officials advised : "Find a smart wife for him so she can conduct public affairs. Tell me, Khan, to draw all the animals in the world, written signs, plants, the sun, the moon and stars, put these pictures on the main roadway, and make all your subjects worship them images. An intelligent person will immediately notice the shortcomings in the drawings"; the Khan approved this, and a decree was read out everywhere: "A prayer has been posted for the faithful at the pass. I command everyone, without exception, to come to that pass within three days and pray. Whoever does not pray will be severely punished"; all subjects prayed; when the old man and daughter passed through the pass, his daughter dissuaded him from praying: the drawings are inept, the artists forgot to depict a hare, the text of the prayer lacks the "huvm" sign; the khan found out, wanted to see the girl; when she was collecting argal, he came to the old man, ordered him to milk the bull by morning, and cook tarak from milk; in the morning, daughter she scattered manure on the west side of the yurt, put her father on a mattress, and at the entrance to the yurt she drove two stakes and held a hairrope between them (this is done when there is a sick or newborn in the yurt); when the khan came for a cockroach, the girl went out and said that it was impossible to enter the yurt - the father was giving birth; the khan asked where it had been seen for a man to give birth; the girl: "Didn't you, O Your Lordship, /You saw that eccentric, /What makes yogurt/From bovine milk? /If he has appeared like this now, /Why not give birth to a man?!" ; khan returned home; when the girl went to get the argal, came to the old man, ordered him to twist the horse fetters from the ashes by morning; in the morning the girl weaved fetters out of hay, set it on fire - it turned out to be fetters of ashes; showed them to Khan , he left; she went for the argal, the khan came back, told the old man that he would come again tomorrow, and ordered the old man not to let his daughter go outside or leave her in a yurt; he came in the morning and could not find her (she stood between the wall and the felt tire of the yurt); when she went out, she returned to the palace; the girl went for the argal, the khan came to the old man again: "Ride a double-headed horse and come to me at the turn of day and night, between today and tomorrow. But you can't go on the road. If you do otherwise, don't blow your head off." The girl told the old man to catch a mare about to get necklaces and explained: "When you arrive, say: "The sun is setting there, it's night here , and it's dawning in the west." When asked which way you went, say, "On the grass between two roads." When they ask: "Did you come on a double-headed horse?" , say yes. When they look at your mare, she will already have two heads"; the old man came to the khan, answered as his daughter told her; the khan married his son to her; went hunting with him, said: "Go, son, in front of his father, so that the horse's tail moves"; he jumped off the horse, began to twist the horse's tail; the khan scolded him, beat him; killing and cutting the beast, ordered him to make a fire, prepare a wooden cauldron and fry the meat; the son made a fire, knocked down the tree, sawed off the lower part and began to hammer it; told the khan what he was making a wooden cauldron; the khan beat him again; killed another beast, the khan asked him to start a fire, fry the meat and spread the black litter; the son made a fire, roasted the meat on a spit, tore the felt off the saddle and spread it; the khan beat him; at home, the son complained to his wife, who explained what was going on; khan went hunting again, took his son with him, repeated his previous requests; when he heard the first, the son went in front of his father in a quiet trot; when he heard the second, he made a wooden spit and fried meat on it; when he heard the third, fried the meat, and when the ground from the fire turned black, he removed the ash from it so that he could sit down; the khan sent his son home, decided to continue hunting himself; went to a foreign state, was captured; for three years I was lying in a dirty yurt; when they decided to execute him, I asked permission to send a letter; wrote: "I show mercy to all relatives and friends, /I write to my homeland with a low bow /And I inform you that in a foreign country/ My life is nice and free./Will I ever come back? - I don't even like the thought of it! /It's so wonderful to sleep under a canopy blue/On an emerald silk bed! /I lie in scarlet pillows day and night, /I drink goat milk in large bowls, /And eight servants in an eight-story palace/They serve me so respectfully and important! /I live here as a master, not a guest, /I'll die, let my bones decay here./If you want to share my happiness, /Well, pick up the cattle and come./And the first person to go to my country/ Let him drive him cattle in front, /And lead hornless cattle back./Take your belongings, - it will do on the road, -/ Carry everything... Yes, I almost forgot: /The foal was scabies /And the mare in our herd./You can part with them/Leave them, scabies, in place: /A contagious horse will not bring us honor./Two my sandalwood trees/They shine with a hat of gold leaves. /You need to leave one in place, /Try to transport the other. /Go deep into my large rooms. /Gold scissors hang there/At the head of the headboard in the bedroom, for a nightma/You must definitely take them with you..."; the messengers handed the letter to the khan's son, who believed and was happy; my wife deciphered: "A great trouble has happened to me./I ask my relatives; to me show mercy. /Find out: I'm captured in a foreign country, /And I'm in danger of dying here every hour./My fate is incredible, /Will I ever come back? /I sleep and eat in the open air, /Bed is earth, and I'm completely waste./Eight guards out of an eight-walled yurt /They don't even let me into the steppe; /I won't die today or tomorrow/And bones here in someone else's the country will decay. /But if you want to save me/Then come with the army as soon as possible: /Armed in the lead squad, /And let the unarmed man walk behind. /The messenger who rode with my letter, /Make him walk behind. be a guide on the way/And if there are two of them/And kill one on the way./So that your son and khansha mother do not interfere with you/You hardly need to take them with you on a camp./There is no smarter than my daughter-in-law in the khanate./ Ask her for advice on everything, /She will always find a solution./So let her boss go camping!" ; daughter-in-law gathered an army; one of the messengers was killed, the other was forced to be a guide; they seized the lands of the neighboring khanate, freed the captive khan]: 78-86; the Mongols of Ordos [Shurguljin Khan wants marry a stupid red-faced son to an intelligent girl; gathers people, asks questions; a tree with 12 branches, 360 flowers looking up, 360 down; an old man's daughter explains to her father that this is a year; five myriads of yellow hares led by a hare with a white spot on its forehead (stars and moon); ten myriads of bushes and a red stump (mountains and Mount Sumeru); bring three measures of meat wrapped in bone, two measures of bones wrapped in bones in meat (egg and yuyuba); when he learns that the old man has a daughter, S. promises to come, tells me to cook koumiss from the milk of a castrated bull; girl: father gives birth, I am going to get a midwife; S. married his son to this girl; tells greet him on a horse with two heads (wife: pregnant mare); greet him neither in the yurt nor outside (between the bars and the nightmare); prepare ashes (weave fetters from dry couch grass, set fire, an ash trail will remain); S. decides to seize the neighboring kingdom, the son chatted everything; the enemies seized Sh., put him in a well, he eats his own lice; the neighboring king sends the nobleman to bring the people Sh.; Sh.: they will go if they find out that I live well; asks me to tell you: I live happily in a house dark as a coffin; I eat only goat meat and lamb; the carpet on which he is sitting is made of colorful brocade and striped yellow silk; I spend my days contemplating five jewels - turquoise, corals, mother-of-pearl, ruby and lapis lazuli; lying on a piece of blue silk that has no boundaries; when you come, let your cattle in front of you, and let me go ahead horned ones come, followed by hornless; there is one red ram with curved horns that is always behind everyone - kill him; there is a black rough file at the head - take it with you; there are a pair of sharp scissors at the feet - take it with you; there is no need to go in large numbers, it will be enough if three go; the daughter-in-law understood everything: the file is the wife of Sh., the scissors are herself; the ram is the son of Sh., kill him; the horned are the army; the enemy is defeated, S. released; he married his daughter-in-law to the son of his younger brother, handed over the kingdom to him]: Mostaert 1937, No. 9 in Solovyov 2014; Teleuts: Potanin 1883, No. 100 [Eren Checheng wants to marry a stupid son to an intelligent girl; it started raining, all the girls sat on their bunches {?} ; one undressed, covered the firewood with her clothes, covered her breasts with her hands; EC: why? I will have to start a fire at home immediately; my father and mother saw my genitals, but no one saw my breasts; EC married her son; Yara Checheng decided to take my daughter-in-law, ordered me to make boots out of stone; daughter-in-law collects sand: I want to make a rope; YACH: is it possible? daughter-in-law: and stone boots? YACH: let the bull give birth to a calf, treat the bull with milk; the daughter-in-law tears the grass: the father-in-law gave birth to a child, grass must be laid; YACH tells you to arrive neither in a shirt, nor naked, nor on a horse, nor on foot, nor by road, stop neither in the yurt nor outside; the daughter-in-law tells you to put on a net, ride between two furrows on a stick, step into the yurt with one foot; YACH threw EC into the hole, sent seven ambassadors to his son with his letter; EC: I'm lying on 6 layers of white silk, covered with seven silk blankets, playing checkers, drinking sweet light wine; I have 7 rams at home; kill 6, prick out the seventh's eye, break your arm, let him read the letter daughter-in-law; daughter-in-law: wine - tears, silk - snow, checkers - stars, 7 rams - ambassadors; six were killed, the seventh's eye was gouged out, he led them to YCH, they killed him, EC took his place]: 362-363; Funk 2004 [Ermen-Chechen sent his son to look for a bride; asks the girl where his parents are. - Let's go get firewood. - When will they come back? - If they go around, they will spend the night, and if straight, they will spend the night (on the road). - How many trees are placed on the horse during transportation? - One for the good ones, two for the bad ones, and three for some. ECH calls his son a fool because he does not understand the answers; if straight, then without a road; good people go one piece of meat, stupid, scooping a few; ECH sent his son to ask the girl to sew shoes made of stone; she tells you to make threads out of the sand; the girl tells the guy to come neither in a shirt, nor naked, nor on horseback, or on foot, not on the road or along the side of the road; ECH tells him to go wrapped in a net, sit on a twig, another pick up, put one leg in the house, leave the other outside; girl: why a rod? guy: with spikes, but not a tree (rose hips); the guy married the girl; ECH was captured; two people came to say hello from him: my bed is black down, the blanket is black (white?) fluff, drink - black vodka, food - horse fat intestines; there is a gold cutter under the pillow, bring it with you; two goats are coming; two eyes are pierced, take guides and bring them with you; daughter-in-law: he was in the summer captured, lying on black ground, now white snow is falling; two thumbs suck, rain-snow serves as a drink; the gold cutter is her; let those who come to poke out the eye, let them show the way; daughter-in-law won enemies, freed by ECH]: 41-43; Shors [older brother Maas ("gadfly") is rich, younger Arychak ("bee") is poor, he has a daughter Sholban ("Venus"), M. agreed to give her a calf, he gave her a big offspring, M. demanded back not another calf, but the whole herd; both brothers came to the khan, who tells them to solve riddles; M.'s wife gives stupid answers, S. - wise (mother earth is fatter than fat, sun is faster than fast) ; Khan tells Sh. to sew a fur coat out of mosquito skin, who in response demands to give her a thread of sand; Khan orders to force the bull to calve; S. collects grass, says that for the newborn, because her father gave birth; Khan marries Sh. Son to make him wiser; Khan goes with his son, tells him to shorten the road, he begins to draw on the ground; S. explains that Khan asked to talk to shorten the path]: Funk 2011 (2): 248-252; Tuvans (Toja) [old Sÿmeldey tells his daughter that he will go to Ai-Khan for a drink of milk; she teaches me what to do and how to respond; A.: 1) "In the middle of the blue lake, there is a sandalwood without a top, 15 branches raw, 15 dry"); if S. does not guess, A. tells him to cut off his arm and head (the moon in the first and second half); 2) count the years of a polar bear with a black head (the daughter sewed three dried ones each human skulls to his father's clothes on the right and left; the bear says that he is 110 years old, but he has never seen such a seven-headed creature); 3) weave a rope of ash (weave it from a sedge, pull it between poles, set fire, it will be covered with ash, but will remain stretched); A. tells S. to drive home 6 oxen, milk, cook tarak; daughter tells them to drive them into the pen, sits down in the morning to comb her hair; A. arrives, asks how much hair she has; she: how many steps your horse has taken; forbids entering the yurt - her father gives birth there; if the father cannot give birth, then how to get milk from oxen; A. tells S. to come with her daughter; writes the names of all living beings on the pole, and deliberately misses the falcon and the kite; S. did not notice this, the daughter noticed; A. passed off daughter S. as his son; came to Saryg Khan, he put him under gold and silver pillow, accused of theft, crucified on four stakes; sent four warriors to his camp; crucified A. asks for obscure words; daughter-in-law understands, orders to kill three soldiers, Let him alone be a guide, go with the army; they release A., Saryg Khan captured]: Samdan 1994, No. 9:307-321; South Altai Tuvans [Haraat Khaan and Jechen Khaan hate each other; DH does not What an inappropriate son; he left a sign on the ovaa with the inscription; the poor girl read it and said: if an eagle is drawn, why write "kite", if a woman is drawn, why write "man"; Khan decided that she is fit for a daughter-in-law; Khan: How many times did she stretch her skin under a leather stick? girl: how many steps did your horse take? khan orders to latch a rope from the ashes; the girl burned the rope; khan: make tarak from bull's milk; girl: the father is now having labor pains; since a man cannot give birth, then the bull does not milk; khan: let the father will come and be neither inside nor outside, naked or dressed; the girl tells her father to wear pants, shirt and stockings and climb between the wooden lattice wall and the felt of the yurt; the khan tells the girl's father to count years of a bear's life; daughter tells me to bring her two skulls that have turned white in the sun; painted them red and tied them to her father's shoulders; bear: there are 75,000 trees on the mountain, and I'm 75 years old, but I've never seen one; find out hare age; daughter: smear honey and sugar on trees in a hare meadow; hare: 60,000 trees on the mountain, and I am 60 years old, but I have never tried such sweets; XX married my son to a girl; was captured; two heroes and XX was tied to iron stakes, XX was given one louse a day, heroes two lice; XX said that his people were belligerent; to take prisoners, you must send his son a letter: you need to gather people with the lower reaches of a large river and from the upper reaches of a small river; the droppings of a sheep and a neutered goat are a value, it cannot be left; daughters-in-law say: let sheep and goats with horns go ahead, and without horns follow them; in front 4 iron poplars with my doors; let two cut down and uproot two and bring them here; I win, I lie on 9 blue silk carpets, lean on 4 iron backs on all four sides of the world and eat every day sheep soup; son is going to saw poplars; daube: gather warriors, they will need weapons sent to kill two at once, take two with them; the soldiers freed the khan and brought the loot]: Taube 1978, No. 50: 254-259 (=Taube 1994, No. 39:255-258).

Eastern Siberia. Yakuts (place of registration not specified; central ones?) [three brothers got lost in the forest, saw a fire in the distance, the eldest came to the fire, the old man promises to give fire for a fairy tale, the guy grabs his head, runs, the old man catches up with him, takes away the fire, hits him; the same middle brother; the younger one tells how he went to the forest before his parents were born, threw himself by the ears across the river, the raven lifted him into the sky, he made a rope out of straws, she did not have enough land, he fell on a bear; the old man gives fire]: Sivtsev-Omolloon 1976:66-69.

Japan. Japanese: Bystrov et al. 1962 (Nagano Prefecture, central Honshu) [the prince orders that those over 70 be sent to the island where they died; instead, the son took their mother to the mountains; changed their mind, returned it, hid it under the floor; the neighboring prince threatens war, if not 1) make a rope out of ashes (a hidden old woman tells you to soak the rope with salt, then burn it); 2) thread the rope through a winding hole into stone (smear the stone with honey, where the hole comes out, tie a silk thread to the ant); 3) determine which of the mares is the mother and which daughter (the young mare will immediately attack the proposed grass, old will wait); instead of a reward, the peasant asks to save his mother's life; the prince decides not to exile the elderly anymore]: 380-385; Ikeda 1971, No. 981 [the prince orders to leave the elderly in the mountains when they reach a certain age; one son 1) hides his father under the floor, 2) is unable to obey the order, 3) takes his father to the mountains, but when he sees that he throws twigs on the path so that the son does not get lost on the way back, returns the father back; the enemy attacks the prince's possessions, sets difficult tasks; listening to the father, the son solves them, the enemy refuses to attack; 1) twist the rope from the ashes; 2) thread the thread through the spiral shell, 3) find out where the log has the top and bottom, 4) find out which of the mares is the mother and who is the daughter, 5) find out the sex of two identical snakes, 6) bring a self-playing drum, 8) weigh the big bull; the prince learns that The father found solutions; choosing a reward, the son asks to save his father's life; the prince cancels the order to kill the elderly]: 220-221; Ikeda 1971, No. 922 (all of Japan, including northern Ryukyu, but are all episodes everywhere, not clear) [the ruler of the province tells the man to pick berries in winter; instead of his father, his little son comes to the ruler; says that his father cannot come, he was bitten by a snake; - But there are no snakes in winter! "Berries too; or the samurai asks the peasant how many times he hit the ground with a hoe." How many steps did you take? Among the tasks in different versions are: Bringing Mr. a pregnant bull; the son says that the father cannot come, he has just relieved himself of the burden; or bring a drum that makes sounds without touching drumstick; bring a rope of ash; which half of the cake is sweeter? which hand made a sound when clapping your hands?] : 206.