Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M114a. Stone coat .13.17.27.-.30.32.-.34.


character is asked to sew clothes or shoes from stone or iron, or to remove the skin from the stone.

Amhara, Iraqi Arabs, Bulgarians, Hungarians, Belarusians, Abkhazians, Abazans, Kabardian, Ingush, Nogais, Kumyks, Avars, Dargins, Tatas, Dargins, Georgians, Azerbaijanis, Tajiks, Vakhans, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, Chuvash, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Uighurs, Teleuts.

Sudan - East Africa. Amhara [The lion told Hyena to guard the donkeys, the Snake to guard things, Macaque to sorghum, made the Monkey a maid; she kills a donkey, smears blood on the mouth of a sleeping Hyena, scattered sorghum around Macaque, smashed things; The lion throws the alleged perpetrators into prison; they say that Monkey can sew sandals out of stone; she replies to Leo that she needs snake oil, macaque veins, hyena skin; kills Hyena, Snake and Macaque for this purpose; soaks the material in the lake, says that there another Leo does not give it back; Leo sees his reflection, Monkey teaches her to jump into the water with a tied stone, Leo drowns; Leo's son is looking for a father; Monkey gives him a hot stone wrapped in a bovine's peritoneum, Leo's son dies; gives him giblets to Hyena, asks him to drag the bag of leftovers to the cliff, ties a lion's carcass to Hyena's tail; Hyena sees a lion at the cliff, frightened, falls down, crashes]: Gankin 1979, No. 30:48-50; tiger [monkey and baboon got into a fight; the monkey could not defeat the baboon and decided to act cunningly; invited the lion to sew up the cracks this cave; lion: how? monkey: with baboon tendons; the lion killed the baboon, brought tendons; the monkey told the lion to wrap them around his neck to dry; the tendons dried, the lion died of suffocation]: Littmann 1910, No. 8:8-9.

Western Asia. The Arabs of Iraq [when he learned that the tailor was bragging about her skills, the king ordered him to sew a cloak out of stone; the youngest 14-year-old daughter advises him to bring a bag of sand to the king and ask him to make threads out of it; the tailor confessed who had taught him; the king married her, but left her to live in a separate house without ever going to her, and went to Rum himself; the unrecognized wife followed him, set up a tent; when she saw beautiful, the king spent three nights with her and lost chess; she took off his ring and put it on her finger; the next year the king went to Erzerum, everything happened again (the wife received a precious dagger); for the third year, the king went to Shalham (his wife took the handkerchief); she gave birth to sons named Rum and Erzerum and daughter Shalham; when 7 years later, the king was going to marry the princess, his wife gave the children received from his gifts; the king recognized his things, everything was resolved, he is happy with the tailor's daughter and children]: Stevens 2006, No. 40:219-223.

The Balkans. Bulgarians [the judge tells a smart girl to appear naked, dressed, barefoot, shod, or with a gift, or without a gift, neither on horseback nor on foot; she wrapped herself in a net, put on one leg, arrived riding a goat or goat, she brought two pigeons (hares) as a gift, which immediately flew away (ran away); the judge gave an egg to raise a chicken by morning; the girl gave millet to grow grain to feed the chicken; the judge marries the girl, orders him not to interfere in his affairs; in his absence, the wife resolves the dispute over who owns the foal born (calf, lamb): she catches fish on the hill and says that since an animal the male could give birth, and the fish also live on the hill; a person who was required to peel off the skin from the stone is advised to offer to slaughter the stone first; when he learns that his wife did not comply with his demand, her husband tells her leave with permission to take the most precious thing with her; she brings him sleeping to his parents' home; her husband returns his wife]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 875:303-304; Hungarians: Ortutai 1974, No. 44 [king Matyash demands to peel off the stone; the girl tells her father to ask her to release blood from the stone first; the king gave two nuts: let the daughter come when the nuts sprout; the girl understands that this is about breasts; the king orders to make bonnets for the royal court out of two hemp stalks; the girl gives two chips to make a loom and a shuttle; the king orders to come neither by road, nor without a road, nor naked, nor dressed, with a gift and without; the girl wrapped herself in a net, followed the donkey's tail, gave a sparrow, he immediately flew away; the king married her; the peasant had a horse necklace, the foal climbed under someone else's the cart, the king awarded in favor of the owner of the cart; the wife tells him to pretend to fish in the field; the king tells her to leave, she asks permission to take what she wants; she tells him to move the feather bed with the sleeping king; he faced his wife]: 412-414; Benedek 1884, No. 875 [the king tells his subjects to refresh the millstone; requires the peasant who brought the golden mortar to bring a pestle to it; rich and poor the peasant quarrels, the king will decide in favor of the one who says that the world is the fastest, fattest and softest; intelligent girl: let the king first remove blood from the millstone; warns his father in advance that the king will demand a pestle from him; says that the quickest thought, the fattest is the earth, the softest is the hand of man; the king tells the girl to weave a cloth from a handful of threads; she asks that the king is made of a piece of wood made a spindle and a spinning wheel; the king orders the leaky jug to be repaired so that no traces remain; girl: let the king first turn the jug inside out; the king tells the girl to come to him and not come, to come neither naked nor dressed, nor on a wagon, nor on foot (nor on horseback), nor on the road, nor off-road, with or without a gift, greet him and not greet him; the girl wrapped herself in a piece of cloth, came to to a donkey or goat on the side of the road, bringing a bird hidden between two bowls, at dusk, bows to the king, but does not say a word; the king marries her on the condition that in his absence she will not become interfere; otherwise he will leave the palace, but may take the most precious thing with him; one person claims that the calf (foal) did not give birth to another's cow (horse), but his bull, or the owner of the cart says that she gave birth; the king decides in favor of the owner of the bull (cart); the Queen replies that her husband is not there - he chases fish from the millet field; or advises the victim in front of the king to fish on sand; the queen leaves, but takes with her the king, to whom she gave sleeping pills; when he wakes up, he returns his wife]: 388-390.

Central Europe. Belarusians [How to remove the skin from a stone: the pan, at the request of young men, exiles their old fathers to a distant estate; orders young people to skin off the stone; without the advice of their fathers to do so they cannot; old people are returned]: Federowski 1903, No. 68a: 28-29 to SUS 1979, No. 981**: 251.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians: Khashba, Kukba 1935:88-89 [the prince tells the old man to slaughter the stone, peel it off its skin, cook food out of the stone; the old man's daughter gives his father a knife: let the prince cut their throats with a stone; the prince married a girl; she was smarter than him and he decided to divorce her; forbid her to interfere in affairs; a guest arrived on a pregnant mare; she gave birth, the foal hid under the arch; her master said that the foal had given birth to an arba; they called the princess; she was late, said that the river caught fire and she extinguished it with dry leaves; the prince told his wife to leave, allowing him to pick up what she needed; she gave him a drink, took him on an arba to to his family; when the prince overslept and found out what was going on, he returned his wife and lived happily with her], 132-135 (Zap. P. Shakryl, s. Lykhny) [the prince is required to finally marry; he only wants someone who can sew legs and dudes from pieces of steel and iron; his two milk brothers went to look for such a girl; in the same house the girl replies that her father sows what will be the subject of a quarrel by the road (she sows wheat, but did not make a fence); the mother went to exchange a tear (she went to mourn her neighbor with the expectation that she would come in due time mourn); when the brothers asked for wine, the girl advised me to tie the horse to the vine; there was no vine in the yard; so where did the wine come from? as for the prince's condition, let him first send her sand twine and a needle made of small stones; when he learned about the girl, the prince sent her a ram so that she would not kill him, but cooked two servings of kebab from it, and from wool made a burka and a hat; the girl emptied the ram and cooked a kebab from the testes; the prince sent her gold and diamond things through her brothers; the girl responded: small and large stars turned out to be rare; let the two mountain eagles not lose each other and the two brothers not hear hurtful words; the prince ordered the brothers to return what they had appropriated; for the wedding, the prince ordered to cook a meat dish and hominy from the cliff he pointed to; the girl gave her father a knife: do not work tomorrow until the prince arrives; when he comes, hand the knife and ask him to cut off the rock's head with your hand; the prince married the girl]; Abaza [the princess did not give the poor girl Fatimat salt; she grew up and, out of revenge, told the princess that the prince ordered to cook a bahsym (intoxicating drink) without malt; the prince came with guests, no one to drink bahsym became; the prince orders either to find the girl or to remove the skin from the stone, otherwise he will cut everyone; F. tells his father to ask the prince to cut the stone first; now the prince demands to sew from the hemp removed from hemp stem, hat and white mittens; F. tells you to ask for a hemp stem loom; the prince orders that whoever comes up with such answers come and not come, dressed and undressed, on horseback and not on horseback, with the chest full and incomplete; F. sewed a transparent dress, rode on a goat, tied two birds with one stone to it, put a bird in a tiny chest; the prince let the dogs down, they chased hare; lowered the last one, she chased the second one, the bird flew out - the chest was full and empty; the prince received F., she cooked the bahsyma, gave the prince drunk, brought her father to his house, in the morning that returned to himself]: Tugov 1985, No. 89:267-272; Kabardian people [returning from an unsuccessful campaign, the prince ordered the old servant to remove the skin from the stone; the daughter advised him to invite the prince to cut the stone first, so as not to take her skin off the living; the prince married her]: Aliyeva, Kardangushev 1977:37-38; Ingush [due to the fact that the little stepdaughter's stallions were on one side, the big stepdaughter's mares on the other The shore was necklaces ahead of time; then the big padchah sent the little iron share and ordered it to be made of a doodle collar; the widow's son volunteered; came to the big stepdaughter, killed seven of him with a hammer wolfhounds: they did not save his sheep from wolves; padchah: how could they know about them? young man: how could stallions know about pregnant mares? asks the stepdaughter to sew threads around the edges, gives the marble stone to make a thread; he put a bowl of water in front of the entrance (he is as smart as water); the young man put a straw over it and walked over ( I throw bridges over such padchahs); little padchah awarded the young man]: Malsagov 1983, No. 70:220-221 (=Sadulaev 2004, No. 54:141-142); Nogais [Khan Asylbek orders to peel off the stone; y old Kasym's 12-year-old daughter Shararzhan; tells him to ask the khan to cut down his head first; the khan gives wool, tells him to sew clothes by morning; S. orders to take a twig to the khan, let him make tzatsky out of it tools; khan gives an egg: let the chicken hatch in the morning, raise the chicken, grill it; S. gives a millet thimble, let the khan grow grain to feed the chicken; Khan married Sh.; when leaving, forbids reconciliation sent from two villages; S. reconciled; A. allows her to take what she wants with her and return to her father; S. offers him a drink first, brings the intoxicated khan to his father; in the morning explains that her husband is the most expensive; Khan stays with Sh.]: Nogai 1979, No. 38:159-164; Kumyks [Sergeant Sergeant Tokai: If you don't skin off the banks of the Koysu River in three days, I'll take off your skin; girlfriend Peimakhan tells T. to say: first cut the shore, then we'll take off the skin; T. sends her threshing boards - sew a fur coat out of them; P. sends him silkworm cocoons: first make threads out of them; father left P. to cut the oak; T.: How many times did you hit him and how many chips flew off? P.: How many steps did your horse take, how many revolutions did the wheel turn? T. did not bother her anymore]: Aliyeva 2013, No. 22:99-101 (the same text in another translation in Kapiyeva 1994:108-110; it is said to remove the skin "from a cliff on the banks of the Koysu River"); Avars [khan orders to answer three questions, otherwise he executes; the poor man's daughter went instead of him; replies that the most sensitive is ears, the fastest is the eyes, the fairest is Khan's anger; the khan orders to sew clothes from threshing boards; the girl sends him stones, asks him to make threads out of them; the khan gives 15 eggs, asks him to get the chickens out of them by tomorrow; the girl sends him a handful of barley: let him grow grain to feed the chickens; Khan stopped killing people]: Atayev 1972, No. 38:59-60 (=Aliyeva 2013, No. 7:56-57); Dargin residents: Aliyeva 2013, No. 31 [the poor mother's son brought the only chicken as a gift to a rich man; he tells her to divide it ; a young man gives his head to a rich man, a heart to his wife, wings to his sons, legs to his daughters, keeps the rest for himself; receives half a bag of gold as a reward; a neighbor wants more gold, brings five chickens; He does not know how to share, one of his daughters did not get anything himself; the rich man calls yesterday's poor man; he gives one chicken to his husband and wife (three), one to two brothers (three), one to two sisters (three), two keeps the rest (also three); gets half a bag of gold; the nuker says that the rich man will go broke, he goes to take the gold; asks the poor man where the middle of the earth is; he tells him to give it to him first a horse, a gun and clothes; shoots a nuker under his feet, he runs away, comes to serve another rich man; advises to demand half a herd from the first rich man: because his stallions are screaming, the neighbor's mares brought foals ; the rich man calls the former poor man; he comes to the village of the second rich man with five nukers, tells him to kill all the dogs: they dispersed the wolves of another village; if this is not possible, then the mares did not necklace themselves for the laughter of stallions; the rich man demands to sew an iron fur coat, the poor man tells you to make iron threads; rich man: you are still beardless; poor man: take a long-bearded goat; the first rich man gave it to the poor his daughter]: 144-147; Uslar 1892 (Hyurkilins) [the Shah forbade making a fire that night; the Shah's slave orders to sew chokh by morning; Armenian: the Shah will forgive, the slave will not; the weaver and his son cut it; the son fell asleep, then refused to tell the dream to his father and then to the Shah; the Shah put him in prison; at night, the young man went out, came to the Shah's daughter, kissed him, ate pilaf; the next time the girl arranged for him to come; The Sultan sent three chests to the Shah: to find out which of them was an old woman, a woman and a girl; the prisoner promised to guess whether he had received a Shah's daughter for this, weighed the chests, the heaviest one was an old woman; which mare is mother and which daughter; the prisoner found out; the sultan demanded him for him; sew a dress out of stone - make threads out of sand; the sultan also gave the young man a daughter; each has a boy; sultan: now tell a dream; young man: the sun is under his head, there is a star under his feet, a star on each knee]: 255-262; Khalilov 1965, No. 78 [the khan ordered tailors to sew a dress for him in one day; overheard one tailor ask his son to sew for him, and he asked for him to give to sleep - I had a very pleasant dream; when the tailors brought work, the khan asked the young man what he was dreaming about; he refused to answer, was thrown into the basement; dug a way into the Khan's daughter's chambers; began to come daily; a year later, a neighboring khan sent three mares, ordering them to determine which of them was older and who was younger; the girl taught the guy to demand her hand for the answer; the khan promised, but asked again about sleep and, not having received an answer, he sent the guy back to the basement; the neighbor Khan sent three closed chests: which girl, which widow, which old woman; Khan's daughter told the guy: the girl is in the lightest, the old woman in the hardest; the neighboring khan demanded a guessman; he came to his daughter; she taught him what to answer when her father asked him to sew clothes out of stone, and ordered him to answer questions only after obtaining consent to marry a khan's daughter; boyfriend to khan: sand threads are needed to sew clothes out of stone; khan gave his daughter; the guy settled with two wives, each gave birth to a son; now he told the khan a dream: with one the sun was on the other side, the moon, separated from them by a star]: 243-246; tatas: Kukulla 1974, No. 15 [a poor young man is hired by Shah Abbas's tailor; dreams of grabbing the moon with one hand, another sun, put it on his knees; refuses to tell a dream to the owner, and the Shah himself, is thrown into a hole; eats the ground and digs a passage, enters the chambers of the padishah's daughter, eats there, kisses the sleeping woman; next time the beauty sprinkles salt on the wound, does not sleep; says that Padishah Chimechina ordered to find out what apple of the present, what is the past, what is the harvest before last; if they do not guess, she will take the padishah's daughter; young man promises to guess if the padishah's daughter will be given to him; he guesses by putting apples in a bucket of water: the older the apple, the lighter; the mullah wanted to avert the wedding and get a princess for his son, but the young man quietly pushed him off the minaret; his wife gave birth to a son and a daughter; Padishah Cimechina summons the young man to her, tells him to sew beshmet out of marble; the daughter of Padishah Cimechin advises to bring pebbles, ask his father to make threads out of them, then he will sew beshmet; the young man comes back, the dream is explained: the sun and the moon are his children from the princess]: 123-129; Marchenko 1993 [the old man accidentally touched the khan with his elbow; he punishment requires sewing clothes out of stones; the daughter advises asking the khan to send a measure, to do this, cut off the sleeve of the robe with her hand so as not to make a mistake; when he learns that the old man's daughter has found the answer, he tells her get the chickens out of boiled eggs; the girl tells them to eat eggs, sends the khan stones: let her eat, and cook chicken food from the digested ones; the khan tells the girl to appear not on the road, on foot, on horseback, or in clothes, not naked, not with a gift or without a gift; she came to the roofs of houses wrapped in a net, gave a sparrow that immediately flew away; Khan forgave her father and let the girl go]: 243-246; Azerbaijanis : Akhundov 1955 [when the tailor woke up the student, he said he had a dream that would tell only when the dream came true; the Shah overheard the conversation, demanded to tell the dream, being refused, and put the young man in dungeon; the young man dug, entered the princess's chambers, ate pilaf, returned to the cell; the princess waited for the young man; fell in love with him; the neighboring shah threatens war; the princess teaches the young man what to do when he they will call for advice; demand her hand for the right answer; the enemy ambassador will draw a circle (our world) - divide it in half; he will put a bow on top - put a sword; fill in millet (he has so many warriors) - release a rooster, he will bite millet; the shah sent three horses - which one is older? princess: let the mare go to the horses, they will follow her in order of seniority; which end of the stick is closer to the base - throw it into the water, the top will emerge first; the enemy shah ordered to send a guessman; ordered a robe made out of the rock; the Shah's daughter ordered a thread of sand; the tailor's apprentice took the daughters of both Shahs, each giving birth to a boy; when the Shah came in, the son-in-law had one wife on the left, the other on the right, with a son on both knees; he said he dreamed of a star on his knees and the moon falling on his head]: 266-271; Stamboliev 1896 [the king tells the boy to sew an iron leaf cloak; that invites the king to draw a thread out of the stone to sew a cloak]: 90.

Iran - Central Asia. Tajiks [padishah ordered all shops and workshops to be closed in the evening; went to check, noticed the light in one place; asks the tailor why he works; orders three as punishment of the day to sew a marble robe; the tailor's daughter tells me to ask Padashah for a marble needle; he sent the viziers to find out who gave the tailor the answer; married this girl]: Niyazmukhamedov 1945:204-205; Vakhans [Orphan dreams of the sun on one side and the moon on the other; the grandmother does not tell me to dream, he is about the king's daughters; but Orphan spilled out, he was put in prison; he made a hole in the wall found himself in the royal daughter's room; secretly eats what the maid brings to the princess; the princess cut her finger, added salt, caught the thief; teaches Orphan to solve the problems that her father will ask, who has solved him will give her daughter; 1) distinguish a mare mother from a foal (she will run from behind); 2) what is in the chest (Orphan overheard: another chest); 3) make shirts and pants out of stones for the army; we must invite the king first pass sand into the needle; the tsar cannot, gives his daughter to Sirota]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 49:414-418.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [Girenshe married an intelligent girl; khan wanted her for himself, ordered 1) to sew stone boots; his wife tells me to ask for a butter dratva and a wax awl; 2) cook a bull to He had nothing in his guts and was not slaughtered (drive for two days, give only salt water to drink); 3) let 9 sheep be brought lamb; his wife ordered them to be slaughtered, smeared her hands covered in blood, said that J. He gave birth to a boy; the khan called J. to hunt, his wife brought koumiss from her milk with her - let the khan drink; now J.'s wife became the khan's mother]: Daurenbekov 1979:277-279; Kyrgyz [on the way Jeerenche-Chechen (ZhC) ) asks Telemirza's son to cook food on the horse's mane; then shorten the path; T. tries to set fire to the mane, line the mounds with ketman; LC: you had to get food and eat without getting off; entertain with conversation; LC she is looking for an intelligent wife for T.; during the rain, the girls ran away, and Karachach covered the brushwood with a robe: the firewood remained dry and her mother would not scold her; Zhanybek Khan came with his questions , K. answered; he tells the LC to come neither on foot, nor on horseback, nor on the road, nor across the field; K. teaches him to ride a goat along the steppe between two roads; tells them to pull out tendons out of the stone and sew boots out of sand; K. under Looking like another woman, she asked Zhanybek Khan about the same, he replied that this was impossible; then Zhanybek Khan captured ZhCH and his son; ZhCH gave a letter: burn crops before winter; throw the black blind goat into the lake ; Make a goat with straight horns the leader of the herd; I have a knife with a sharp blade, there is also a worthless one, don't forget about it; K.: kill enemies, kill and throw them into Zhanybek Khan Lake, in his place put his younger brother Berdibek, a sharp knife is me, my husband is worthless; everyone did it]: Brudny, Eshmambetov 1968:87-97 (=Ledenev 1987:15-22); Uighurs [the old man accidentally pushed the khan, he orders to sew clothes out of stones; the daughter tells the khan to allow him to take a measure and cut off the sleeve of the robe with her hand; the khan gives 20 boiled eggs, tells the old man's daughter to sit them chickens; daughter and father ate eggs, daughter sends Khan a jug of stones - let her chew for feeding the chickens; Khan demands that the girl come to him not by road or in the field, neither on foot nor on horseback, dressed or dressed naked, with and without gifts; she came to the roofs of houses, wrapped in a fishing net, holding a goat between her legs, gave a sparrow that immediately flew away; the khan forgave and awarded the girl's father]: Aliyeva, Kabirov 1989:47-51.

Volga - Perm. Tatars [the tsar orders to sew a shirt out of stone, otherwise he will kill everyone; the old man's daughter tells me to ask for a measure - let the king cut it; the king orders that the girl come to him not on the way or without a road, with with or without a gift, dressed and naked; the girl wrapped herself in a net, crossed from one side of the road to the other, brought a sparrow, and he flew away; the king married a girl; ordered his wife not to judge him absence; three people came: with a horse, with a cart, with an arc; a foal appeared - whose he is; wife: who will the foal run after (ran after the horse); the king tells his wife to leave, taking the most precious thing; his wife put her to sleep, brought her to her father; said that her husband was the most expensive; they returned home]: Zamaletdinov 2009, No. 25:92-93; the Bashkirs [Khan Turakhan's stallion, Khan Yanebakhan's stallion, 60 versts from T. the mares were thrown away; I. accused T.; the bald boy Taz undertakes to resolve the dispute; crossing the river, puts on boots - not to spoil his legs against the stones; taking peers, begins to kill dogs I. - They did not come to help when wolves strangle sheep 60 versts away; Y. demands a wiser sage, Taz exposes the bull - lives with his mind; then the goat is gray-bearded; Y. gives Taz the name Erense-sesen; T. adopted him; E. went to look for a bride, caught up with the old man; offers to pass the time, make a cauldron out of the ground; says that the straight road is winding and the winding road is straight; E. comes to the old man's daughter, says that the stove is good, yes, the pipe is crooked (the girl has a humped nose); girl: but the craving is good; explains to her father the words E.: he offered to start a conversation, bake a grouse in a hole; the straight road turned out to be uncomfortable; the old man asks for the daughter of 6 identical mares, E. sends 6 rays - the main thing is that they are the same; T. tells the girl to sew galoshes out of stone; girl: let her send sand threads; T. sent a bull, let her calve; girl: my father gave birth, cannot go out; E. married a girl; for every word he receives Altyn from Khan (since he helped resolve the dispute with Y.); they want to execute brother E. for lying: an arrow through his leg hit a hare's ear; E.: hare scratched his ear; brother released]: Barag 1990, No. 1:14-19; Chuvash [patsha sent 12 stupid soldiers to skin off a stone at a crossroads; they met a 12-year-old girl, she advised first ask patsha to cut a stone; after finding out who taught the soldiers the answer, Patsha told the girl to weave bast shoes out of stone; she suggests that patsha make a bast rope out of the sand; patsha tells the girl to appear day or day at night, neither naked nor dressed, nor on foot, nor on horseback, to stop outside or in the yard; she arrived at dusk on a goat, wrapped in a fishing net, stopped the goat with her front legs in the yard, with her backs on the street; patsha marries a girl; instead of a dowry, she asks for 12 wolves and 12 hares to drive them into one barn; patsha says you can't keep wolves and hares in the same barn; girl: 60-year-old at 12 -You can't marry a summer either]: Sidorova 1979:168-169 (=Eysin 1993:317-319).

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Teleuts [Eren Checheng wants to marry a stupid son to a smart girl; it's raining, all the girls are on their bunches {?} ; one undressed, covered the firewood with her clothes, covered her breasts with her hands; EC: why? I will have to start a fire at home immediately; my father and mother saw my genitals, but no one saw my breasts; EC married her son; Yara Checheng decided to take my daughter-in-law away, ordered me to make boots out of stone; daughter-in-law collects sand: I want to make a rope; YACH: is it possible? daughter-in-law: and stone boots? YACH: let the bull give birth to a calf, treat the bull with milk; the daughter-in-law tears the grass: the father-in-law gave birth to a child, grass must be laid; YACH tells you to arrive neither in a shirt, nor naked, nor on a horse, nor on foot, nor by road, stop neither in the yurt nor outside; the daughter-in-law tells you to put on a net, ride between two furrows on a stick, step into the yurt with one foot; YACH threw EC into the hole, sent seven ambassadors to his son with his letter; EC: I'm lying on 6 layers of white silk, covered with seven silk blankets, playing checkers, drinking sweet light wine; I have 7 rams at home; kill 6, prick out the seventh's eye, break your arm, let him read the letter daughter-in-law; daughter-in-law: wine - tears, silk - snow, checkers - stars, 7 rams - ambassadors; six were killed, the seventh's eye was gouged out, he led them to the YCH, they killed him, EC took his place]: Potanin 1883, No. 100:362-363.