Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M114b. Come naked or dressed (ATU 875)


When a character is asked to do something at the same time and not to do something or not to do them in any of the possible ways (come naked or naked, with a gift and without a gift, etc.), he finds a solution.

Zombo, Tigre, Arabs of Sudan, Morocco, Egypt, Berbers of Morocco, Kabiles, Sicilians, Italians (Tuscany), Portuguese, Spanish, Catalans, Aragon, Basques, Maltese, Corsicans, Ladins, Bretons, French (), Germans (Baden-Württemberg - Swabia, Grimms, Tyrol), Welsh, Palestinians, Iraqi Arabs, Oriya, Malayals, Croats, Albanians, Romanians, Moldovans, Montenegrins, Bulgarians, Hungarians, Greeks, Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Luzhitans, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Moscow, Gorkovskaya, Voronezh), Belarusians, Kalmyks, Adygs, Kabardian, Abazins, Ossetians, Nogais, Avars, Tatas, Georgians, Megrelians, Turks, Persians, Scandinavians (Ragnar Saga), Norwegians, Swedes, Lithuanians, Latvians, Livs, Lutsies, Setus, Finns, South Karelians, Kazan Tatars, Chuvash, Mari, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Uighurs, Teleuts, Khakas, South Altai Tuvans, Buryats (Okinsky District), Khalkha Mongols, Mongols of Ordos, Evenks (Podkamennaya Tunguska).

Bantu-speaking Africa. Zombo [irreverent son does not want to consult his father; marries a girl; her father demands to bring a half-cow; the guy had to seek advice from his father; he tells him to ask his father girls arrive day or night, when it is neither light nor dark; the girl's father realized that the guy had made peace with his father and gave him his daughter]: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010:270-271.

Sudan - East Africa. Tigre [after learning how cunning Abunuvas was, the leader told him to come neither in the sun, nor in the dark, nor on foot, nor on horseback; A. sat in a large bag of nets, tied him to the neck of a camel, and he brought A. to the chief]: Littmann 1910, No. 26:37-38; the Arabs of Sudan [the Sultan has 7 sons, his poor brother has 7 daughters; the sultan mocks the poor man; orders to bring water not well, river, or rain water; the youngest daughter Fatima teaches women to sweat well, the father brings the Sultan their sweat; the sultan orders them to bring a wineskin of milk that is not from an animal or person; F. orders to collect the milky sap of the tree; tells the father bet whether 7 sons or 7 daughters are better; let her and the Sultan's son go to earn money, whoever returns with more wealth will manage the others; they reach the fork together; The Sultan's son goes along the "Road That Is Safe", F. - along "The Road That Is Dangerous"; disguised as a man, began to live in the prince's palace, obtained wealth; the prince suspects that he is with a girl, his mother is inventing all new trials, F. dodges; leaves, leaving a note that she deceived the prince; when he returned with wealth and cattle, his father built a luxurious house; the sultan died, his sons would like to marry cousins, but F. refuses; that prince arrives; F. quickly changes clothes as a man, but forgets to take off his earring; they got married, everything is fine]: Al-Shahi, Moore 1929, No. 27:134-143; Sudanese Arabs ( jaaaliyin) [the sultan tells the man to come not naked or dressed; he has 7 daughters; the elders are crying, the youngest brought brushwood home, ordered him to wrap himself in a fishing net; now the sultan requires water, which not from rain or from a well; she tells you to grind corn in a closed room and make a fire; sweat flowed in a stream, it was collected for the Sultan; Sultan: let your son come with a sword: I will send him to bring it a pen from another sultan; the youngest daughter tells her father to ask the Sultan for men's clothes, dressed up in them, came to the Sultan; the sultan is happy, but his mother does not believe that this is not a girl; orders to take the imaginary The young man in the treasury; he says: if I had a sister or a bride, I would take jewelry for her; the sultan brought him to the armory; the imaginary young man was so excited that he broke his sword; when they gave me food, everything was quick swallowed is a sign of a man; Sultan's mother: yes, it is a man; the sultan gave the pen and let the person come; the girl left a note: I am a girl named Al-Surra; the sultan found her and married her]: Hurreiz 1977 , NO. 12:89-90.

North Africa. The Berbers of Morocco (Fez) [wife died during childbirth; the genies took care of the girl, made her a girl in three years, she is smarter; the sultan tells me what the wheel they lift from the well says water; daughter teaches her father to pronounce a poem; fire when it is flooded with water (same); to bring a vegetable garden on a camel; daughter has sprouted various seeds in the ground laid on the saddle; come neither on horseback nor walking, crying and laughing; daughter: sit on a little donkey, so your feet are on the ground; bow to your eyes, and laugh yourself; the sultan married a girl; one man has a stallion, the other has a mare; she gave birth the foal; but when the stallion's owner entered the stable, the foal was near the stallion; who gave birth to him and whose is it? The sultan decided in favor of the stallion's owner; the Sultan's wife advises the owner of the mare to complain that the fish poisoned his bread; sultan: fish do not poison fields; man: stallions do not give birth; the sultan tells his wife return to her father, but she can take whatever she wants; she put in sleeping pills, brought her husband to her place; he apologized and brought his wife back]: El Fasi, Dermenghem 1926:103-111; kabila [agelitis ( the head of the village) demands to buy 1) a shadow, 2) false mules, otherwise she will cut off everyone's heads; the old man's daughter buys a hat and wooden shoes to walk in the mud; agelite requires you to guess what a tree with 12 branches is , 30 leaves each, 5 seeds on each leaf; girl: this is a year with 12 months, 30 days each, 5 prayers every day; agelitis tells you to come to the bazaar naked or dressed; daughter to father: wrap one the thigh is skin, and the others will not be there - they will be ashamed to come; the old man confesses to agelitis that it is not him, but his daughter, who is smart; agelitis will marry her; sent blacks to bring her fabrics, two pieces of each variety, and a multi-colored handkerchief - one; the girl took a thread of different colors, tied knots, ordered her to tell Agelitis that the fabrics in the sky, but here they had shrunk; agelitis understood everything, found the stolen goods, and beheaded the blacks; agelitis tells his wife not to interfere in affairs, otherwise she will send her back to her father; in the dark, the donkey did not approach the donkey, but the mulitsa, her owner said that it was the mulitsa who gave birth; the donkey's owner came to complain; because the donkey had lived with the mulitsa for a long time, he went to her, not to his mother, agelitis decided in favor of the owner of the mulitsa; Agelite's wife gave advice to the donkey owner: let him tell him how the fish came out of the river and ate wheat on field; agelitis: fish do not come out of the river; man: mulitsa cannot give birth; agelitis understood everything, told his wife to leave, taking the most precious thing; at night, the wife ordered her sleeping husband to be put in a chest and taken to her father; agelitis laughed and brought his wife back]: Frobenius 1921a, No. 50:256; the Arabs of Morocco [the sultan calls the craftsmen to entertain him; after looking at them, veldit cut off their heads; the snake tamer asks for them another day; the sultak stipulates that he will appear neither on horseback nor on foot; the tamer appeared on a little donkey, dragging his legs along the ground; sultan: how many stars are there in the sky? - How many fur does a donkey have. - Where on earth are we? - In the center. - How much hair does my beard have? - As much as a donkey's tail; the sultan awarded the tamer]: Nowak 1969, No. 474:377; Egyptian Arabs [three daughters of a bean seller come to the Sultan's palace in the morning; the youngest does not respond to Sultan's greeting, rude; he is furious and tells her father to come to him laughing and crying, the daughter taught me to come laughing and immediately rub your eyes with a bow; the sultan tells you to come naked or dressed; daughter tells you to wrap yourself up into the fishing net; both on horseback and on foot (tells him to come on horseback); guessing that the Sultan would take revenge on her, the girl came to him in iron clothes, telling him to remain silent - she is the devil; cut off the Sultan's hair half of her beard and mustache, shaved off her eyebrows, forced them to eat something bitter and disgusting; in the morning, the sultan greets the girls wrapped in a handkerchief; the youngest asks what happened to his beard, mustache and eyebrows; was it delicious; the sultan realizes that he was spent, marries a girl to kill her; on her wedding night she put a sugar doll in bed; the sultan cut the doll, sweet splashes fell into his mouth; he repents - if the blood is so sweet, how sweet a girl would be; a hidden bride appears, they forgive each other, they have many children]: Artin Pacha 1895, No. 15:185-194 (retelling in Nowak 1969, NO. 350:304-305).

Southern Europe. Sicilians [The poor shoemaker has three daughters; he sits on a rock, exclaims, Oh! ; a young man appears, asks why his name was, takes him to an underground castle, gives him gold, tells him to marry his youngest daughter; she agrees; it was King Cardiddu; the witch bewitched him because he refused take her daughter; he forbids his wife to unlock one room; sisters come and advise her to unlock; at night she lights a candle, wax drips on K., she ends up in the woods; the king says she must now go to witch; she demands to sweep and not sweep, make and not make a fire, cook and not make a bed; every time K. appears, teaches how to make half; teaches to ask birds wash a bunch of clothes; a witch sends a girl with a letter to her sister; K. teaches to praise a river where water is mixed with blood, she will calm down; take bones from the donkey, give the dog hay, and the dog's donkey hay; praise the door, it will stop opening and closing; you can't open the box along the way; run as soon as the witch reads the letter, it says that the letter that brought the letter must be eaten; girl opens the box, it starts to ring, K. comes to fix things for the last time; the witch tells the door, the dog, etc. to keep the fugitive, but they say that the girl was good to them; the river is evil against the witch, when she runs up, drowns her; the witch gives her daughter to K.; the girl is at the foot of the bed, the witch's daughter is in bed; K. asks to switch places for a while; the witch brings down the floor, her daughter, not the girl, dies; K. and his wife run away, he turns into a vegetable garden, she becomes a gardener; a church and a clerk; a pond and an eel; a witch cannot catch him; at home she crosses her arms over her head until she opens it, K.'s wife is born; K . tells the funeral bells to ring, the witch believes he is dead, takes off her hands, K.'s wife gives birth to a son; the bells ring for health, the witch smashed her head against the wall]: Gonzenbach 2004a [1870], No. 49:324- 332; Italians (Tuscany) [=Kotrelev 1991:84-89; a peasant found a golden mortar, brought it to the king, who demanded a pestle; daughter Katerina warned him in advance that this would happen; peasant: she guessed right ! the king gives linen, let K. immediately weave shirts to the warriors; K.: three fires fell out of linen, let the king make a loom out of them; king: let him come naked, dressed, full, hungry, or day, night, walk or horse; K. wrapped herself in a seine, ate one bean, came on a goat at dawn; the king married K.; ordered not to appear in court; if he broke the order, he would return to his father, having seized the most precious thing; the peasant tied the cow to the cart, the cow calved at night, the owner of the cart said that he had given birth to a cart; the king decided in favor of the owner of the cart; the queen advised the owner of the cow fishing with a seine in a dried lake: if the cart gives birth, the fish is also on land; at dinner, K. gave her husband a drink, ordered her to be carried to her father; told her husband that he was her dearest; the king returned his wife and did not appear in court without her]: Calvino 1980, No. 72:261-266; Portuguese: Braga 2002 []: 244-245; Cardigos 2006, No. 875 [the peasant found a golden mortar, brought it to the king, he demands a pestle; either the king promises to execute the minister if his daughter does not fulfill certain instructions; or the prince marries only someone who solves his riddles; you must come naked or dressed, neither on horseback, nor on foot or on foot, nor day, neither at night, nor in shoes or barefoot; in response to the prince's tasks, the girl asks her own, showing the absurdity of those offered to her; becoming the king's wife, she settles a dispute over who owns a foal born; the king drove his wife away, allowing him to take the most precious thing; she took her sleeping husband, he forgave her]: 212-213; Catalans (including Mallorca) [the king tells the poor girl to come day or night, neither on foot, nor on horseback, naked or dressed; she appears at dusk riding a goat, dragging her legs and wrapped in nets on the ground; the king marries her, but tells her not to contradict him, otherwise she sends her back; he gives an unfair sentence and she corrects it; the king sends her home but lets her take the most precious thing; she brings the sleeping king home]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 875: 169-170; Spaniards (Murcia) [the king envies a person's well-being and wants to destroy him by offering unthinkable tasks; one of his daughters solves them; come naked or dressed (wears half of his pants and half of the sweater); both on horseback and on foot (on a goat, one leg dragging along the ground); with three pregnant daughters (they put pads under their clothes); one of the daughters marries the king because he could not cook grilled snow]: Hernández Fernández 2013, No. 875:154-155; Aragon [king (prince) threatens a peasant to kill him and his children if he fails to complete unthinkable assignments (come neither naked and not dressed; fry snow); youngest daughter gives witty answers, king marries her]: González Sanz 1996, No. 875:100-101; Basques [senor is looking for a smart girl to marry; him the daughter of a shoemaker is advised; he tells her to come to him day or night, neither naked, nor dressed, neither on horseback nor on foot; she came on horseback, wrapped in goatskin at midnight sharp; senor on her marries on the condition that she will not use her intelligence to interfere in her own affairs; the shepherd's sheep hugged under the cart and its owner announced that he had given birth to a cart; as this man regularly supplied the senor with food, and the shepherd was poor, the senor decided in favor of the owner of the cart; the senor's wife advised the shepherd to come to church with a fishing rod and pretend to fish; tell the senor that This is no more surprising than getting the lamb off the cart; the senor found out who gave the advice, told his wife to leave that night, taking what she liked, provided that four men could carry it away; when the husband fell asleep, the wife told her to take the bed out and carry it to her father's house; explained to her awakened husband that he was what she wanted to take the most for her; they returned to the castle and healed well]: Tenè ze, Bru 2000, No. 875:39-41; Corsicans [two fairies are jealous of the beauty of a girl named Pretty Fairies; disguised as beggars, they asked her to walk with them; promised if she went with them a little more, golden frog; spindle; spinning wheel; brought to themselves; tell them to return to place and not sweep the floor, cook and not cook meat, set the table so that the tablecloth does not touch the table and the table does not touch the floor ; little Giuvanninu della veritá teaches you what to do (do not sweep in the center of the room, fry on only one side, put paper under the tablecloth and under the table legs); the fairies tell bring a sieve from Aunt Luke (some terrible witch); J. teaches you to swap the straw and wafers (hosties) that are in front of the dog and the donkey, praise the water source, put something under the door to make her did not clap, put the spindle on the steps of the stairs leading to the second floor of the house where Luka; Luke stumbles on the spindles, falls, the girl grabs the sieve; Luke tells her guards to stop her, but those refuse because she did them good; fairies want to throw something heavy on the girl and J., but they throw it on them themselves, they die]: Massignon 1984, No.: 27:60-62; the Maltese [walled up old people ; a loving son hid his father; the king demands that only his fields be cultivated; father: during the day; and at night, plow his field; for violating the ban, the king offers the young man difficult tasks: 1) to come neither naked nor dressed (father: wrap yourself in a net); 2) neither barefoot nor shod (wearing shoes without soles); 3) neither on horseback nor on foot (on a donkey, dragging his legs along the ground); after learning that the young man has wisdom from his father, the king repeals the law requiring kill old people]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 981:411-413; ladins [the man found the golden bell; his daughter Mengietta: it's a pity that there is no tongue; the man took the bell to the king; he: sorry without tongue; man: my daughter said the same thing; king: let her appear neither on foot, nor on horseback, nor naked or dressed, day or night; she will be able to marry, if she cannot, be executed; M. arrived at dusk on a donkey, dressed in front and naked from behind; the king married M.; one day the cow calved, and the donkey's owner claimed that the calf gave birth to his donkey; the king awarded the calf to the owner of the donkey, not the owner of the cow; upon learning of this, M. advised him to throw the fish on the ground and tell them to swim; tell the king that the donkey could not even calve; king to his wife: you promised not to interfere; you can take the most precious thing and leave; she got drunk king, brought her in a bag to her father's house; said he was the most precious thing; the king returned her to the castle]: Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 37:106-108.

Western Europe. The Bretons [the king is worried about something all the time; he sends courtiers to find out what's unusual about the world; they come and say they've met Abbot Sans souci, who didn't worry about anything and He will not worry; the king tells the abbot, under pain of severe punishment, to come to him neither on weekdays, nor on Sunday, nor on the road, nor across the field, nor on horseback, nor on foot, nor on a wagon, nor naked or dressed; tell the king what he thinks at the moment and where the center of the earth is; the servant, for promising to give him half of his income, teaches him what to do; come at Christmas, move through the ditch while sitting on a wheel, wrapped in a fishing net, etc.; a servant appeared and pretended to be an abbot; the center of the earth is where my finger is; the king thinks the abbot is in front of him; the king is happy, invited the abbot and his servant to dinner]: Luzel 1997 (3), No. 12:370-377; the French (Haute-Brittany) [the gentleman lived happily, nicknamed Sanssouci; one huntsman wrote this name on the gates of his castle; the master told him to come on pain of death on foot, neither on horseback, nor dressed, nor naked, and answer three questions; the huntsman's farmhand came on a donkey wrapped in a net; where is the center of the world? a farmhand stood in the middle of the hall and said he was here; How many meters does the land go? - At 10, and if you don't believe it, measure it; When was Christ born? - In 1806, or if you don't believe it, ask his mother or himself]: Sébillot 1894, No. 41:283; French [600 records in Europe, the first most common; given as an example Basque version (probably from French Baskonia), see above; most likely there are also French ones with this episode]: Tenèze, Bru 2000, No. 875:41-44; Germans [the king gave the peasant a plot land; he wants to give back a golden mortar he found in the meadow; his daughter advises not to do this - they will demand a pestle; as it happened, the peasant is imprisoned, regrets not listening to his daughter, the king tells her to be brought; let her come neither naked nor dressed, nor on horseback, nor on a wagon, nor by way, but still by road; the girl wrapped herself in a net, tied her to a donkey to drag her; the king married her let her father go; the foal bothered the oxen, the peasants argued who gave birth to him, the king judged in favor of the owner of the ox; the owner of the mare came to the queen; she advised him to fish in the middle of the street with a net; if oxen gave birth to a foal, and then a fish on land; the king tortured the peasant until he confessed that he had been told by the queen; the king drove his wife away, allowing him to take what was increasingly expensive; she gave him drink and brought him to himself; the king celebrated his wedding again]: Grimm, Grimm 2003, No. 94:319-321 (=Grimm, Grimm 1987:261-263); Germans (Baden-Württemberg) [the king asks the coal miner a question, his daughter teaches him what to do answer; the king tells her to come naked or dressed, not on foot or on horseback, day or night; she arrives on a goat wrapped in a net at dusk (am Mittwoch); the king marries her on condition that she would not interfere in his affairs; the peasant's horse was necklace, the foal climbed under another's cart, who claims that his cart was necklace; the king decides in favor of the owner of the cart; the queen advises the first peasant to take a net and pretend to fish on land in front of the king's eyes; when he learns that the Queen's advice has given, the king tells her to leave with what she likes; she first suggests drink wine; the king fell asleep, his wife took him to her father; the king decides to keep his wife with him]: Hubrich-Messow 1988, No. 65:104-106; Germans (Swabia) [miller wrote on the house door: Carefree Hans ; the Duke saw this, summoned him to his place and ordered him to come not day or night, naked or dressed, not on foot or on horseback; otherwise he would take the mill; promises the worker a daughter if he helped; worker: it is necessary Come on Wednesday (Mittewoche, not another day of the week with the word -tag in their names), wrap themselves in a fishing net, ride a donkey; the worker married the miller's daughter]: Meier 1862, No. 28:99-100 ; the Germans (Tyrol) [two peasants, rich and poor, argued and went to the judge; the judge promises to decide in favor of whoever says that the world is the most beautiful, strong and richest; rich: my wife, my oxen and myself; my daughter teaches the poor man: spring, land, harvest; when he learns that the answer was given by the peasant's daughter, the judge tells her to come to him not naked or dressed, day or night, not down the street or dressed, not day or night, not down the street or not side alley; if she does, I will marry her; the girl came at dusk, wrapped in a net, across wooden bridges (über den Bretterweg); the judge married her on the condition that she would not to intervene in his affairs; one day a peasant came to her, asked for advice, and she gave her on the condition that he would not tell me who had taught him; but the judge guessed it and told his wife to leave; she asked for permission last time to eat with him and take his expensive plane with him; the husband fell asleep and his wife took him on the cart; when the judge woke up, his wife said that he was the most precious thing; they lived together for many years]: Zingerle 1852, No. 27:162-167; the Welsh (Radnorshire) [Davies has agreed on the devil that if he is taken out the door after death, carried along the road and buried inside or outside the church fence, hell can take his soul; D. was carried out through a window, carried through hedges and ditches, buried under a church fence]: Watkins 1932:427.

Western Asia. Palestinians, Iraq [the sultan calls the craftsmen to entertain him; when he gets bored, he tells them to cut off their heads; the snake tamer asks for another day; the Sultan makes a condition that he would come neither on horseback nor on foot; the tamer appeared on a little donkey, dragging his legs along the ground; sultan: how many stars are there in the sky? - How many fur does a donkey have. - Where on earth are we? - In the center. - How much hair does my beard have? - As much as in the tail of a donkey; the Sultan awarded the tamer; in the Iraqi version, the hero is a young man, receives the Sultan's daughter]: Nowak 1969, No. 474:377.

South Asia. Oriya (dombo) [King Bhromo has sons Kolia (smart and rich) and younger and Holia (poor); X.'s wife gave birth to a daughter Rongoni and died; when she was 12 years old, K. gave her brother a cow; she had a calf and K. demanded it for himself; H. said that since the cow is now his, the offspring belongs to him; the judge awarded the calf K.; the king promises it to the one who will answer three questions; each time H. answers what to him the daughter suggests; that 1) the fastest (K. is a black horse, H. is a thought), 2) the fattest (K. is one of the king's servants, H. is the earth), 3) is the best (K. regality, honor, happiness, H. is a dream after hard work) ; when he learns that R. has given answers, the king sends her 7 eggs with an order to remove the chickens by morning; in response, R. gives her 7 grains so that the king can grow rice by morning and collect grain for the chickens; the king gives a ball of cotton thread and tells you to weave a handkerchief by morning; R. asks to grow cotton from the seed by morning; the king promises to marry R. if he comes out to him dressed and undressed, with or without a gift; R. wrapped herself in a net, kept him in to the sari's hand and immediately dropped it; after the wedding, R. promised not to interfere in her husband's affairs, but stipulated that if the promise was broken, she would leave, taking with her what she cared about; one day R. stood up for the minister, who was innocently imprisoned; the king let him go, but told R. to leave; when the king fell asleep, R. ordered him to be carried on the bed to his father's house; the king returned his wife, making her his own Privy Councillor]: Tauscher 1959, No. 122-125; Malayali [Chandu has come to marry a girl named Omana; she gives a jar of mustard and sesame seeds and tells them to be separated by tomorrow; daughter-in-law { brother's wife?) C. puts a nest of ants in the jar; they ate sesame seeds, leaving mustard; now O. asks to fill the jug with dew; daughter-in-law asks the laundresses to spread their clothes before dawn and squeeze the dew into the vessel; O. tells bring 100 tender betel leaves without picking them off or cutting them off; daughter-in-law brought a parrot, which cut off the leaves with its beak; O. demands to bring the tigress's milk; daughter-in-law asks the hunters to deliver the live a tigress and put a cage in front of O.'s house: she can produce milk herself; O. agrees to marriage]: Menon 1995:20-23.

The Balkans. Croats [old people lived for a long time, so they were killed; the young man hid his father under a tub; the elders decided to choose the first to see the sun as a judge; the father advised to look towards the mountains; on the crest of the mountains, and not in the east, the young man was the first to see the sun; then his father helps to solve problems; come barefoot, shod (put on the bootlegs), nor on foot or equestrian (sit on a goat); when rye died, my father advised me to bury the sheaf from the roof; they decided not to kill the old people]: Golenishchev-Kutuzov 1991:198-200; Albanians [a childless old woman finds a snake, raises like a son; he orders to marry he is the king's daughter; the old woman is lowered down the stairs twice, the Serpent heals her with a magic ring; the third time the king demands to build, lay the road with velvet, appear with her retinue; the Serpent gets a wife at night sheds his snakeskin, says his name is Speite, forbids talking about his transformation; his wife tells his mother, S. disappears; his wife goes looking for him, wearing iron shoes, comes to the mother of the Sun, she first hides her from her son, the Sun promises not to eat what has come, refers her to the Moon, she refers her to the Wind, who says that S. has kidnapped the monster, carries her overseas; there the monster brings S.'s wife to his palace; Sh. throws a ring into the jug, the wife finds out that her husband is nearby; the monster demands that his wife Sh. 1) the house be swept in places, not in some places, 2) fill two cauldrons with tears (Sh. fill with salt water); S. pretends to be a woodcutter and a carpenter, tells the monster that he makes a coffin for the deceased S., asks him to try it on, bobs it up, burns; S. and his wife return to people forever]: Serkova 1989:21-31; Romanians [the poor man dug a hole to make a dugout, and the neighbor's sheep fell there and died; the boyar does not know who is right; promises to decide in favor of whoever says the fattest, fastest, good; rich man: my pig, my horse, the judgment of your mercy; poor man: land, thought, truth; the boyar decides in favor of the poor man; he admits that his daughter taught him; the boyar tells her to come naked, dressed, or on horseback, neither on foot, nor on the road, nor on the outskirts; the girl wrapped herself in a net, rode next to the road on a goat, dragging her legs along the ground; the boyar lowered the dogs on her, but she released the cats, they chased them; the boyar married her on the condition that he did not interfere in affairs; one peasant borrowed a cart wheel from another; his mare necklaces; the other says that his wheel was necklace; both came to the boyar; the wife says that he went to see if the frogs ate the corn; the peasants are surprised; the wife: the wheel cannot give birth; the boyar tells his wife to leave, taking the most precious thing; she gave him a drink, brought him to her to her father; said he was the most important to her; the boyar returned his wife]: Vazhdaev 1962:364-371; Romanians []: Bîrlea 1966:466-467; Moldovans: Botezat 1981 [the king orders the shepherd to sell sheep and to return back with a flock and proceeds; the daughter advises to shear the sheep, sell wool; after that, the king gave the shepherd a heifer; she wandered to the boyar, who took it for himself; the king promises a heifer to whoever answers what is fatter, faster, sweeter; boyar: our pig, our greyhound, our honey; the shepherd's daughter: earth, thought and look, sleep; when he learns that the shepherd's daughter gives answers, the king gives a spindle, hemp, tells us to hide the canvas for the whole army; the girl sends a chip to the king to make a machine, reel, etc.; the king gives 10 boiled eggs - let her bring out the chickens; the girl cooked two handfuls of seeds, sent the king to raise corn to feed the chickens; the king sent the boyar to find out about the girl; she apologizes: the house has no ears; the brother went to change the name of the seeds; he will go straight - she will be late, and all around she will come quickly; the mother went out of two old women to do one young ; explained: a house without a dog is like without ears; the brother went to the mill, the grain will be flour; if he goes past the tavern, he will stay; the mother makes two old shirts a new one; the king tells the shepherd to have his daughter came neither on horseback, nor on foot, nor on the road, nor across the field, neither dressed nor naked, neither with a gift, nor without a gift; the girl wrapped herself in a net, saddled a stick, a hare under her arm, two pigeons in her hand, one leg on on the edge of the road, the other across the field; dogs rushed at the gate, she let them out a hare; she gave them pigeons, they flew away; the king married her on the condition that he would be the first to judge the people; the mare gave birth; the other two it is said that his cart gave birth to him; his harness; the queen: first lock the foal and then release him; he went to the mare, not the cart or harness; the king decided to drive his wife away, but agreed to feast first and let him take what is most important to her; the king got drunk and fell asleep, his wife took him to her place; after that they lived together]: 325-332; Moldavian tales 1968 [the tsar wants to marry his son to an intelligent girl; she must come neither on foot, neither on horseback, nor by air, nor on the ground, nor with a gift, nor without, neither naked nor dressed; she sewed mesh clothes, sat on a lame hare, tied a dove in a handkerchief (the gift immediately flew away); the king gives three coils of thread to make clothes for all the people; the girl asks the prince to make weaving tools out of three twigs; the prince did not find a bride, and the girl married the poor guy]: 215-218; Montenegrins [the king is surprised at the wise speeches of the poor man; he explains that his daughter has taught her everything; the king sends her 30 boiled eggs, tells her to take out the chickens; she tells her father to sow boiled beans in front of the king's eyes; the king: make ropes and sails out of a bunch of linen; girl: make a spindle, a spinning wheel, etc. out of a piece of wood; king: let the sea scoop out with a cup; girl: let this tow cover all the springs and lakes; king: which is louder? girl: thunder and lies; king: how much does my beard cost? girl: three summer rains; the king takes her as his wife; the girl takes a receipt: if the king gets angry and drives her away, she can take the most precious thing; the king is angry, told him to leave; his wife gave him drink, brought him to for himself - he is the most precious thing; the tsar returned his wife]: Karadzic 1854, No. 25:157-161 (=Golenishchev-Kutuzov 1991:309-312, =Eschker 1992, No. 42:194-198); Bulgarians [judge tells an intelligent girl to appear neither naked nor dressed, nor barefoot, nor shod, nor with a gift, nor without a gift, neither on horseback nor on foot; she wrapped herself in a net, put on one leg, rode a goat or goat, brought it as a gift two pigeons (hares) that immediately flew away (ran away); the judge gave an egg to raise a chicken by morning; the girl gave millet to grow grain to feed the chicken; the judge takes the girl as his wife, tells her not to intervene in his affairs; in his absence, his wife settles a dispute over who owns the foal born (calf, lamb): she catches fish on the hill and says that since the male animal could give birth, the fish also live on the hill; He advises a person who has been required to peel off the stone to be slaughtered first; when he learns that his wife has not complied with his demand, the husband tells her to leave, allowing her to take the most precious thing with him; she brings him sleeping to his parents' home; her husband returns his wife]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 875:303-304; Hungarians: Ortutai 1974, No. 44 [King Matyash demands that the stone be peeled off; the girl orders ask the father to let blood out of the stone first; the king gave two nuts: let the daughter come when the nuts sprout; the girl understood that this is about breasts; the king orders to make bonnets out of two hemp stalks royal court; the girl gives two chips to make a loom and a shuttle; the king orders to come neither by road, nor without a road, nor naked, nor dressed, with or without a gift; the girl wrapped in a net, walked along donkeys a sparrow gave her tracks, holding on to the donkey's tail, he immediately flew away; the king married her; the peasant had a horse necklace, the foal climbed under someone else's cart, the king awarded in favor of the owner of the cart; the wife tells him to pretend to fish in the field; the king tells her to leave, she asks permission to take what she wants; she tells him to move the feather bed with the sleeping king; he faced his wife]: 412-414; Benedek 1884, No. 875 [the king tells his subjects to refresh the millstones; demands that the peasant who brought the golden mortar bring the pestle to it; the rich and poor peasant quarrel, the king will decide in favor of who will say that the fastest, fattest and softest girl in the world: let the king first remove blood from the millstone; warns her father in advance that the king will demand him to pest; says that the fastest thought, the fattest is the earth, the softest is the hand of man; the king tells the girl to weave a handful of threads; she asks that the king make a spindle and a spinning wheel out of a piece of wood; the king orders to repair it a leaky jug so that no traces remain; girl: let the king first turn the jug inside out; the king tells the girl to come to him and not come, come naked or dressed, neither on a wagon nor on foot ( not on horseback), neither on the road nor off-road, with or without a gift, greet him and not greet him; the girl wrapped herself in a piece of cloth, drove a donkey or goat along the side of the road, bringing the hidden between two bowls, the bird, at dusk, bows to the king, but does not say a word; the king marries her on the condition that in his absence she will not interfere in affairs; otherwise he will leave the palace, but he may take the most precious thing with you; one person claims that the calf (foal) did not give birth to another cow (horse), but his bull, or the owner of the cart says that she gave birth; the king decides in favor of the owner bull (cart); the queen replies that her husband is not there - he chases fish from the millet field; or advises the victim in front of the king to fish in the sand; the queen leaves, but takes the king with him, to whom she gave sleeping pills; when he wakes up, he returns his wife]: 388-390; Greeks: Megas 1970, No. 51 [the king has three sons and his neighbor has three daughters; the father of sons always mocks the one with daughters; the youngest Pumpkin (Plumpkins, Pachoulenia) teaches the father to answer; the father of the sons tells him to bring flour and not flour; milk or milk; T. tells him to send a bag of sawdust, a bottle of foam collected from his faces sweaty horses; when she learns that this daughter is helping her neighbor solve problems, the father of the sons tells her to come herself; she does not eat, says that she is used to eating eggs fried on a spit; eggs cannot be fried spit; the king invites T. to compete with his son who will bring the Parrot of Happiness; T. on horseback crossed the river, carried the Parrot away from the dragon, while the prince tried to scoop out the river with a spoon; they married]: 162-165; Paton 1900, No. 6 [An eagle flies into the princess's room, kisses her; she goes to look for him; in a house in the woods, a witch demands 1) sweep and not sweep the room (you have to collect garbage in piles ), 2) cook and do not cook the meat (cook part), 3) fill the feather bed with feathers from the sea (tell the birds that Margipontakis is dead, they will throw off their feathers near the shore in mourning), 4) separate barley from wheat ( tell the birds that Margipontakis has come to life, they will separate in joy and gratitude); each time the Eagle teaches what to do, asks for permission to kiss the girl, she refuses, because her fiancé is far away, the Eagle happy; teaches not to repeat "my son Cacothanatos" after the witch, but to say "your son Kalotanatos" (kako is ugly, Kalo is beautiful); a witch sends a girl to her sister; Eagle admits that he is the groom, the son of a witch, tells him to take the box out of the witch's sister's house, not to open it on the way; the girl opens, the demons fly away; the eagle puts them back, tells him to ask him mother's dirty daw, it's him; turns into a handsome man; wedding]: 115-117; Greeks (Lesbos) [the poor man has three daughters for marriage; the coffee maker advises not to grieve, but to throw a net in the name of his eldest daughter; the catch turned out to be unusually large and the proceeds of 800 piastres were enough to pass off the daughter as a mule driver; two years later, the same with the middle daughter (2,000 piastres, assistant greengrocer); when the net was abandoned in the name the youngest, she was in a huge lobster, he was loaded on two carts and brought home; daughter's father: this is your husband; at night a beautiful young man Melidoni is nearby; drinks and food appeared, the girl is happy; mother and sisters feel sorry for her; they see Prince Charming three times, offering to marry him instead of looking at the lobster; unable to stand it, the girl replies that this is her husband; he leaves immediately: you are unlikely to see me again ; the girl goes in search, taking three pairs of iron-soled shoes; a year later she saw a dried pond; a cannibal lies in the mud, long eyelashes cover her face; the girl put a wand under her eyelashes, cut them off with an ax, poured water on the cannibal and hid behind a tree; she could not see for 15 years; if you are a woman, I will make them queen, if a man is king; the girl left after the cannibal swore not harm her; explained that she was looking for M.; the cannibal told her to spend the night with her, tomorrow a son, common to her and her two sisters, would come; turned the girl into a button and put it in her pocket; son: I can feel the human spirit; Melidoni? I know that his beautiful wife betrayed him; the cannibal sends the girl to her sister, a year later she came, everything repeats itself; the cannibal says that M. is the son of her younger sister; gives a frying pan and three apples; it is necessary come and knock an apple on the pan, M. will appear in different guises; you can't let him kiss her; the girl did not allow herself to be kissed, but gives an apple every time; M. (he in the guise of another man) turned it into a button, brought it to his mother; took an oath from her that she would not eat his wife, turned the button again to the girl; she demands to sweep and not sweep the room; M.: litter and then sprinkle dust; cook and do not cook the meat (cook half, and chop the rest and start cooking only when the cannibal returns); the cannibal tells you to go to her sister for yeast bread for her son's wedding; M. in the form of a boy (supposedly he is M.'s son); you have to walk barefoot on the thorns and grab them for their softness; praise wormy figs; in front of the donkey bones, in front of the dog hay - change; source blood and pus: drink and praise water; grab yeast at the top of the stairs and run; the cannibal tells you to detain the fugitive, the donkey, the dog, the spring, the thorns refuse; the cannibal tells you to fill the pillow with feathers, feed the dog, bring the donkey to dance, and bring bread intact; M. summoned the birds, they threw off their feathers; beat the donkey, let him lie; at the wedding you will be given torches; do not throw it, even if they will burn their hands and then throw them at the bride; the brides' hair flashed, everyone left to extinguish, and M. and his wife returned to her parents, who by then had burned the lobster shell]: Paton 1901, No. 16:86-93.

Central Europe. Czechs: Nemtsova 1977 [Manka, the daughter of a running brother, works for a rich man for a heifer; he does not want to give it back; the father went to the judge; he asks what is faster, sweeter and richer; M. tells me to answer like eye, sleep, earth; gets a tulka, but the judge tells his daughter to arrive night or day, dressed, naked, or on foot, or on a cart; M. put a bag, a stocking on one leg, a shoe on the other, at dawn rode a goat; the judge married her on the condition that she did not interfere in his affairs; one man brought a stallion, the other a mare, arguing whose foal; M. advises the owner of the mare to fish with a net on grief; if the stallion can necklace, then there is fish on the mountain; admitted to the judge that M. taught him; the husband tells his wife to leave, taking what is most important to her; M. gave him a drink, told him to go with the bed take her to his father's house; the judge forgave her and stayed with her]: 41-48; Talova 1956 [the shepherd found a golden mortar, the daughter advised her not to tell the king; the shepherd said, the king demanded a pestle; the shepherd : My daughter told me correctly; king: Let your clever daughter arrive neither on foot nor on horseback, naked, dressed, day, night, noon, or morning, then I will marry her and forgive her pest; the daughter wrapped herself in a net, sat on a goat, walking on the ground, arrived at dawn; the king married her, but promised to divorce if she gave advice to others; at the fair, the man's mare necklaces, the foal approached the man with a gelding; the king agreed: he gave birth to a gelding; the Queen advised the first man to fish on the road; "How could a gelding necklace"; the king drove his wife away, allowing him to pick up from The most precious thing; she gave her husband a drink, brought her to her house, explained in the morning that he was the most precious thing; the king returned the Queen to the palace]: 114-116; (cf. Peachy 1957 ("Enigmaticus", compiled in Latin in the 1350s and 1360s by Master Claret, who was then a monk of the Opatovice Monastery), No. 72 [riddle: "come by road and yet not on the road, on horseback and yet not on a horse, naked and yet fully dressed. The only solution: a man riding a pig (scrofa) and wearing clothes completely covered with holes"]: 36); Poles [1) a peasant found a golden mortar in the field and, contrary to his daughter's warning, gave it to the king; he tells me to bring a golden pestle; 2) the judge asks what is the most pleasant, stronger and richest; the daughter of a peasant: spring, winter, autumn; 3) the king (judge) marries a girl who will absurd demands; appear naked or dressed (wrapped in nets); get the chickens out of boiled eggs (let the king grow millet from boiled grain); the king (judge) marries a girl on the condition that she she will not interfere in his affairs; she decides who should own the foal (advises the owner of the mare to sow boiled peas, fish in the field); an angry husband tells his wife return to her father, allowing him to take the most precious thing; she takes her sleeping husband; he forgives his wife]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 875:267-268; the residents of Luzhitans [the landowner lost his mortar, the peasant found a pestle; the daughter advised not to talk about this to the landowner, because she would demand a mortar, but he took the pestle; it happened as the daughter predicted; having learned that she was so smart, the landowner ordered her to come day or night, not naked and not dressed, not on foot, not on horseback; she wrapped herself in a net and came in a goat]: Veckenstedt 1880, No. 10:230-231; Luzhitans [the miller wrote on his door: I live without worries; "Old Fritz" (Friedrich Great) saw the inscription and went to find out how to live without worries; miller: I have enough money; then F. told me to come to him neither on foot, nor on horseback, nor naked, nor dressed, day or night; miller wrapped himself in a net, threw his right foot on a donkey, stepping on the ground with his left, and came at dusk]: Schulenburg 1882:8; Slovaks [a rich peasant has 10 sows and the poor has one thin pig; she often goes to feed on a rich man; he hit her and killed her; the poor man complained to the local manager, the rich man filed a counterclaim - the poor man's pig ate him; the manager promised to decide in favor of who will say that the fattest, fastest, cleanest; the wife of the rich man told her husband to say: our pig, which we fattened for three years, our horse, our well; the daughter of the poor man to his father: the earth, the moon (goes around in four weeks earth and sky), sun; the manager rejected the rich man's lawsuit and gave the poor man his fat pig; but he guessed that the answers were not invented by the poor man himself; gave a bunch of linen and ordered his daughter to process and sew it in three days a wedding shirt for him; in response, the girl sent a branch: to make all the weaving and spinning tools out of it; the manager told her to appear day, night, on foot, on horseback, or in a wagon, naked or dressed, with or without a gift; she came at dawn riding a goat, dragging her legs, wrapped in a net, handed her two turtles, which immediately flew away; the manager marries her on condition not interfere in his affairs; once a mare gave birth to one person, and a foal climbed under someone else's ox; the manager awarded it to the owner of an ox; his wife advises the mare owner to start at the sight of the manager wave a sickle in the water and throw a net on the shore; the manager gave him the foal, but told his wife to leave, allowing him to take the most precious thing; she gave him a drink and brought him to her father's house; when her husband woke up, the wife said that he was her dearest; the manager returned his wife and took her father to live with him as well]: Dobšinský 1970, No. 37:199-203; Russians (Arkhangelsk) [Tsar Davyd is blind brother, he has a wife, his wife has a friend; Soloman in David's wife's belly: They cover her damn hood; D. saw the light; his wife gave birth without him; she was afraid that her son would kill her, since he said so about her, took it to a blacksmith, and passed off her son as her own; wanting to test her son, D. tells him to come not naked, not in a dress and stand out, not in a hut; he does not know what to do; the blacksmith's son, i.e. a real prince, tells him impose a maticha (?) , on your feet - skis, heels to the doorstep in the hallway, socks to the doorstep in the hut; D.: this was not your idea; now D. demands that the bull calve; the imaginary son of a blacksmith advises screaming as if he is giving birth; if a man does not give birth , how the bull calves; the wind took away the old woman's flour; D.: what can I do; imaginary son of a blacksmith: give me a scepter and porphyry, I'll reason; asks who was begging for the wind at that time; sailor: me; so give me back flour for an old woman]: Onchukov 2008 (1), No. 46:164-166; Russians (Vologda) [while the tsar was at war, the queen gave birth to a son; carried straw into the pool; that night the blacksmith had a son; the blacksmith went to wash the straw wife in the oven; voice made of straw: little by little, do not powder the baby's eyes; the blacksmith brought the baby to his wife; Kuznetsk's son is ordinary, and what was found grows by leaps and bounds; grew up, his children chose him king; the foundling tells the frogs to calm down; the frogs do not obey, but when he approached himself, they fell silent; the king heard, told the blacksmith to send one son; the boy came to the garden: how would the trees be cut down and burned to make coal was it? The king orders to send the second one: not on horseback, not on foot, dressed or naked, hungry or full, with a friend or friend; the foundling asks for a sip of jelly and milk, put on muslin, He took the dog and sat on the donkey; the king called to the chambers, and he turned back: the father and mother are waiting; the king sent servants to bring the boy who would appreciate the golden carriage; boy: it is not worth this piece of bread; Tsar: this is my son; but he refused to return, since he was thrown into straw]: Efremov 1975, No. 6:164-166; the Russians (Vologda) [took his elder brother as a soldier; when he returned, he got married, his wife died, a daughter remained; the other two brothers gave him only a thin cow, and when she picked it up, they decided to take it away; they went to ask the king to solve this matter; the king made riddles: what is fatter; nicer; faster; The poor brother's seven-year-old daughter told me to answer: earth, sleep, eyes; the wife's other brothers were taught to say: our pigs, wives, horses; the king sued the cow to the poor man; when he found out who taught the answers, he ordered the daughter chickens came out of baked eggs; in response, she sent burnt millet to the king to grow millet to feed the chickens; the king came to her; seven-year-old girl: tie your horses at least by winter or summer (to firewood or cart); count as loss or profit? (roasted rooster or milk); the king told her to come not naked or dressed, shod or barefoot, or on foot or on horseback; she wrapped herself in a net, wrapped her net around her legs, arrived on a ram, released the cat, which was chased by dogs, she stopped the ram at the entrance to the yard; the tsar took the girl and the old man to him, held it well]: Smirnov 1917, No. 47:225-227; Russians (Moscow, St. Ruza, 1903) [rich brother gave her poor daughter a chick; A seven-year-old (name, not age) raised her and she brought a chick herself; S. is ready to give the chick, but the rich brother demands to give the cow; the judge will decide the benefit of the one who gives the right answer; what is the fastest (rich: my horse; poor at the suggestion of my daughter: thought); what is the sweetest (my wife/sleep); fatter (my pig/land); the judge awarded the cow poor brother; tells the Seven-year-old not to come and come, not wearing a shirt or naked, would not bring gifts or giveaways; S. wrapped herself in a net, came on a goat, brought pigeons, which immediately flew away; the judge marries her on the condition that he would not interfere in matters; once there was no judge, two men argued; one mare got necklaces, and the foal climbed under the other's cart, he thinks he his own; S.: whoever the foal will go to, that mother; the foal went to the mare; the judge tells his wife to leave, let him take the most precious thing; she offers to arrange a farewell party; she gave her husband a drink, brought him to her father: I took the most expensive thing; and I was there, I drank honey beer, it flowed down my mustache, got a little into my mouth]: Vedernikova, Samodelova 1998, No. 68:190-192; Russians (Gorkovskaya) [pregnant grasshopper and queen met at wells; quarreled; the baby from the queen's belly promises to deal with her; when she gave birth, she tells the dogs to leave the baby; the boy tells him to leave him in straw; the old man {blacksmith?} found; and the queen has a blacksmith's son; the imaginary son of the old man grew up quickly, invites the boys to choose as king the one who orders the frogs to stop croaking; when he ordered, the frogs fell silent; taught boys in military formation; the queen realized that this is her son, invites the king to make a riddle for that; the king to the old man: let your son come not naked, not in a dress, not on a horse, not on foot, stop in the yard, not on the street; he sat on a goat, wrapped himself in nonsense, the goat's front legs in the yard, the back legs on the street; there are scales in the yard, the guy puts pebbles on one bowl or on the other: he weighs a woman's mind and dog crap - the crap pulls; the queen tells him to strangle him, the king tells him to cook a gallows and three loops: the bald (?) , woolen, silk; the guy asks for permission to play the pipe; his cavalry hears, jumps; he strangled his father in a woolen loop, and his mother in the bald]: Eremina et al. 1979, No. 17:194-196; Russians ( Voronezhskaya) [the master has three fiefdoms, in two he ate old people, in the third, the son hid his father in a dugout; complains that the master demands to come neither on a cart, nor on a horse, nor sitting, nor on horseback, nor in a shirt, not naked; the father advises to ride a goat face to ass, control your tail, put on nonsense instead of a shirt; the master demands to bring a gift so that it is and not; the father advises to bring a bird and release; the master demands to get a golden jug from the bottom; the father teaches that the jug is not at the bottom, but on the wind; Fetisk's son admits that his father taught him, the master decides not to kill the old man ate old people _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________ ]: Korolkova 1969:283-290; Russians [the newborn prince is missing; 15 years later he found out that the man has a 15-year-old foundling: handsome and smart; the man said that he found the baby in a ram; the tsar orders that the foundling came to him neither naked nor dressed, nor on foot, nor on horse, day, night, nor in the yard, nor on the street; the boy put on a net, sat on a goat, arrived at dusk, the goat's front legs in the yard, his hind legs on street]: Afanasiev 1958 (3), No. 330:62; Belarusians [a rich man's chick calved, a poor man's wife gave birth to a girl; the rich man's wife decided that the calf would die and threw it away, and the poor man picked it up; After 7 years, the calf became a fat chick, and the newborn became an intelligent girl; the rich man demanded that the heifer be given to him; the pan will give it to the one who guesses the riddles: what is fatter, richer, faster; the wife of the rich man: our boar , we ourselves, our horse; the daughter of the poor man: earth, God, thought; the pan gave the heifer to the poor man; came to his house, daughter at home; asks what to tie the horse to; girl: at least by winter, even by summer (to a cart or sleigh); pan gives a basket of eggs: let the chickens be panu for breakfast by morning; the daughter sends her father to the lord with a request to immediately sow the field, grow millet and pour grains into the pot to feed the chickens; the pan orders the girl did not appear on a horse, on foot, naked, or in a shirt, with or without a gift; she appeared on horseback, wrapped in a net; the pan released the dogs, and she was a hare, the dogs ran after the hare; pan married her, telling her not to dare to judge the serfs; two men went to the fair, one's mare necklaces, the foal climbed under the other's cart; Mr.'s wife tells one to drag the cart, the other to tell the mare: Whoever the foal would run after, she gave birth to him; when she found out that his wife had begun to judge herself, the pan decided to drive her out of the house, allowing her to take what was nice; she gave her husband a drink and brought him to her father's house; the man returned his wife]: Vasilenok et al. 1958:257-261; Belarusians (village of Stovbtsy, Lisichenskaya vol.) [There were two women, one (beyond A) had wheels, the other (further B) had a mare. And they were friends. We went to buy firewood. I went And the mare gave birth to buy firewood while she was cutting. She came back, hid the foal, returned the mare. B. saw that the foal was gone and went to A.: "Where are the foal going?" - "Then my wheels are necklaces." The women also quarreled. Let's go to court with the queen. They let the wheels down the mountain, the foal escaped after them. The queen said the foal was A., not B.. A. cries and called the queen prodigal. B. replaced the queen's son with the son of a blacksmith. The blacksmith brought godfathers and priests. They baptized their son, and named him Ivan, and the cotton replies: "Give me the name Solomon!" "Name your son Solomon, his wife gave birth to him in straw." That's what they called it. My son began to grow up. He became a shepherd. He became the oldest there. Divided the cows between shepherds by color. The cows became well-fed. I began to teach them how to read and write, and he learns himself. "Who taught you," my father asked. "I'm my own mind!" - Solomon answered. The king found out about that. And he says to his wife: this is not my son, but mine lives with a blacksmith - call Solomon. He calls the blacksmith to his place: "Come tomorrow, but not on horseback or on foot, dressed or naked, full or hungry, and if you don't do it, I'll blow my head off!" Solomon fed his father in the morning with jelly without bread, dressed him online instead of clothes, put him on a goat, and sent him to the king. The king let him go home. The king sent his own son to the farrier, and he went to pick up Solomon himself, and he had already left, but it is not known where. He began to chase his son, send servants to look for. The queen found a shop, they sell chandeliers there, bought the largest one, left a receipt. The king went to that shop where Solomon was. He called his mother a harlot, and the receipt says that it would be "a sin to compose" with her son. He began to live with the tsar: he set up a school and put things in order. I've decided to get married. He went to bed with his wife, and the dove appeared to him: "Do not lie down with your wife, for you will not enter the kingdom of heaven!" And Solomon didn't go to bed with her. My wife ran away. Solomon lived without her for a year. I asked my father's soldiers to go to King Davidon for his wife. Davidon has decided to kill him. Solomon played the flute three times, and everyone fell asleep. He called his army and told them to cut everyone except the black people. Woke Davidon up. He looks - his army is dead. Solomon hanged Davidon, his wife, and the maid-all three. And he took the kingdom for himself, and went to see the tsar-father. Christ meets him. He took everyone's souls. And Solomon's in the heat. He occupied the heat, the church on the left, the Catholic church on the right, and the statue of the Virgin Mary in the middle. He outsmarted the devil by locking him and found himself in the kingdom of heaven before Christ. And before the end of the world, the devils will gnaw through the castle and the devil will be released]: Romanov 1901:447-462.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks: Vatagin 1964 [three brothers share property; the sister advises the youngest to take only her and the black cow; only this cow is cash; the older brothers complain to the khan that the division is unfair; Khan: what is the most beautiful, sharp; older brothers: mother's dress, bay horse; sister teaches younger: the moon, but the sun is even more beautiful; the wind, but the thought is faster; the youngest has to admit that he was taught sister; khan tells her to come and sit neither in the kibitka nor outside; the sister sat between the bars and the felt of the yurt; the khan married a girl; the merchant tied the mare to someone else's cart, the mare necklaces, the owner of the cart claims that the cart gave birth to him; the khan agreed, because the owner of the cart is his countryman; the wife tells the owner of the mare to ask the khan to weave a net to fish near the palace; khan: the fish does not live on dry land; merchant: the cart does not give birth; the khan makes him admit that the khansha taught him; the khan tells his wife to leave, taking the most precious thing; his wife gave him a drink, took him to the steppe - he is the most important to her; the khan returned his wife]: 235- 238; Dzhimbinov 1962 [khan wants to find an intelligent wife for a fool's son; it rained, two girls ran home, the third covered the dung with beshmet and drove the calves away from the cows (so that they would not suck milk); beshmet got wet, but I'll dry it by the fire; Khan: how many dung are there in the bag? girl: as long as your horse stepped from the palace to our kibitka; the khan orders to make koumiss from bovine milk, sew the kibitka with ashes; the girl covered the kibitka with matting and burned it, put up a pole ( it means that someone is giving birth in the house); Khan: How can a man give birth? girl: in the khanate, where koumiss is made from bovine milk, maybe; the khan orders to ride a two-headed horse not along the road or along the steppe, upon arrival, sit not inside the kibitka or outside; daughter tells her father to come on a stallion mare, ride along the side of the road, sit outside at the doorstep with kibitki felt over his back; the khan ordered him to come next time with a bag for gold and an arcana for horses; the bag will not be filled in any way, You can catch as many horses as you want with an arcana; girl: a bag of human eyes, you have to add sand to fill it; a lasso from a human vein; to shrink it, you have to burn one end; khan married son on this girl; fell ill; told his son to catch up with the tumbleweed, ask him where he would spend the day and night; the wife ordered to answer: we must ask the ravine and the wind; the khan tells his son to bring a horse with two heads that look in different directions; wife: bring the stallion mare, the foal's head is pointing back; the khan died quietly]: 149-152 (=Vardugin 1996:471-473); Adygs [Faruza is beautiful, hardworking, stepmother's daughter is ugly, lazy; I'm leaving, stepmother tells F. not to be in the house or outside the door, threatens to kill; the bird tells me to stand with one foot in the house, the other outside; in next time he orders to separate millet from barley (crows perform); sends F. for firewood, tells him to divide his own daughter's grain, the crows pecked everything; tells them to wash, sort out the wool, weave cloth; the cow ate wool, spit out the cloth; her own daughter's cow simply eats wool; tells F. to bury her bones when she is slaughtered; F. buries it under the feeder; everyone leaves for the wedding, under the feeder a golden dress and shoes, F. goes to the wedding in a phaeton; for the third time he loses his slipper; the horseman goes to try on, takes F. as his wife; stepmother and stepdaughter died from starting]: Aliyeva 1978, No. 28:233-238; Kabardian people: Aliyeva, Kardangushev 1977 [elder brother is a shepherd, middle blacksmith, younger plowman; the eldest was hired by a couple of bulls; if he gets angry, he will cut three belts from his back; the other demands to take a bench not wooden, stone or clay; eats a goat brought by the worker; he is angry, returns with a wounded back; the same middle brother; the younger takes off his hat from his head and sits on her (this is his bench), says that he brought the goat himself; the other tells the oxen to stand in the middle of the river or in the mountains; the young man made them move; stabbed them ("You said wash and clean - that's the inside and outside"); stabbed all the rams ("who looks at you, everyone looked at me"); the hoarder sneezed, the young man flew to the attic; but: what are you doing there? young man: now I'm getting even with you; flee, young man fox: hold the robber; took all the wealth of the other]: 47-52; Lopatinsky 1891a [the old woman has three dwarf sons; the first is hired by a giant; he tells bring something to sit on from the yard, but that the thing is not made of stone, wood or earth; the worker hesitates, does not know what to do, the giant alone ate lunch, and then the worker; the same with the second brother; the third brings an iron bar, quietly dumps the meat into the pit, says he would like to eat the giant as well; the giant and his wife agree to throw a stone on the worker at night; he puts a stone in his place a bunch of reeds, in the morning he says that the pebble tickled him; the giant put the promised payment in the chest and carried the dwarf home; he sat on the chest himself; the giant bent over the pear tree, and when he let go, the dwarf flew over it and fell on the fox; says that he flew over and caught the prey; ran ahead, agreed with his mother; they are discussing what to feed the guest - giant meat; when he heard this, the giant ran away]: 137 -141; Abazins [the princess did not give the poor girl Fatimat salt; she grew up and, out of revenge, told the princess that the prince ordered to cook a bakhsym (intoxicating drink) without malt; the prince came with the guests to drink No one became bahsym; the prince orders either to find the girl or remove the skin from the stone, otherwise he will cut everyone; F. tells his father to ask the prince to cut the stone first; now the prince demands to sew from the hemp removed from hemp stem, hat and white mittens; F. tells you to ask for a hemp stem loom; the prince orders that whoever comes up with such answers come and not come, dressed and undressed, on horseback or on horseback, with the chest full and incomplete; F. sewed a transparent dress, rode on a goat, tied two birds with one stone to it, put a bird in a tiny chest; the prince let the dogs down, they chased the hare; lowered the last one, she chased the second, the bird flew out - the chest was full and empty; the prince received F., she cooked the bahsym, gave the prince drunk, brought her father to his house , he returned to his place in the morning]: Tugov 1985, No. 89:267-272; Ossetians: Britaev, Kaloev 1959 [the devil gives the poor man five goats on the condition that he returns them and part of the offspring in three years; neither black nor do not cut gray, hornless or horned! poor man: I agree, but don't come to me either on Sunday or Monday.. (etc., all days of the week); hell came on Wednesday night, had to share the offspring; it began to rain, the poor man took off his clothes and put it under the stone; the wet devil came running: why are your clothes dry? poor man: give back the goats, I'll tell you a secret; hell gave the goats, the poor man advised me to take off their clothes in the rain, cover them with his body; the devil burst with anger]: 346-347; Byazirov 1972, No. 36 [hell gave the poor goats for three years, divide the offspring in half; but the shepherd should not slaughter neither black, nor gray, nor hornless, nor long-horned, nor white, nor variegated goat; the shepherd in response: you will come to me neither on Sunday nor at Monday (etc.); three years later, hell came on Wednesday night; they began to divide goats, they could not divide one; she is a stranger; since then, that night, a kid has been slaughtered in honor of the "strangers"; the hell took the rest of the goats; during the rain the poor man took off his clothes and sat on them; the hell got wet, asks how the shepherd stayed dry; he promises to tell a secret in exchange for goats; gets goats and tells how he sat on his clothes; the shepherd's goats swam easily across the river, and the malik sheep are afraid to go into the water; he tells the shepherd to give four sheep for one goat; the shepherd has become rich, has stopped honoring God; in the last cold days of March he shouted to him: "Marti Burti, everyone my herd is intact, I haven't lost my kid's ear!" March took three days to borrow from February, froze half of the herd; since then, the last days of March have been cold, and February is shorter than the other months; the witch Tarangel promised to destroy the shepherd's herd to the end; She brought a wolf on a rope, said that he was the patron saint of Falwar cattle; the shepherd gave 15 of the best sheep and goats for him; the wolf bit to death the whole herd; since then people have been praying to Falwar to save the cattle]: 248-251; Dzutsev et al. 2011 [hell gave the poor a few goats, forbid slaughtering black, gray and white goats; goats have bred; the poor man tells him to come for debt not on Monday.. (like this all days of the week); hell suggests a verbal duel; One - I'm not better than me; Two - I have two black eyes; Three - Fung (table) on three legs; Three more - Three faces at the arrow; Four - Four horseshoes at the horse; Five - Fingers on hand; Six - Six times 20 would have from your flock, I would be rich; Seven - Seven times let the enemy be unlucky in choosing a wife; Eight - Eight days I have not been here, I was in deep sea; - How did you get out? "I caught a lame mosquito, made a cinch out of bandages, a bridle out of a belt, sat on it and flew;" Was the sea small? - The eagle flew from one side to the other, sat down to rest on a rock in the middle of the sea; Was it an eagle? - It rained heavily over the large village of sledges, the eagle covered it with its wings, the drop did not fall; - Is the village small? - If the donkey was crying at one end, you couldn't hear it at the other; was it a donkey? "He carried three blocks of salt from afar to the mountain, chased the hare, kicked it with his hoof, which fell into the abyss;" Was it a hare? "If the rooster screamed at his back leg, his head could not hear;" Was he deaf? - Two ants were quarreling underground, he heard an argument; the goats were left with the poor man, the hell paid for the work]: 152-155; Nogais: Kapaev 2012 [episode; Khan tells Yirenshi Sheshen to come not on the way or not without a road, enter the yurt and stay outside; he sat on a goat, drove between two ruts, stepped into the yurt with one foot]: 181-182; Nogai 1979, No. 35 [Khan received a message: my stallion has burnt, a year's offspring from your mares - mine; old man Jenali goes to the possession of the neighboring khan, tells his companions to kill dogs there; that khan tells him to bring the biggest of the arrivals to him; J. sent a camel; khan: better - bearded; sent a goat; bring a bearded man to talk to; J. came; Khan: Why did your people kill dogs? J.: Why didn't they raise the alarm when wolves slaughtered sheep on the other side of the world? khan: dogs could not know this; J.: and mares could not get pregnant because of the stallion's nearing; khan: come not naked or dressed, not on horseback, not on the road; J. wrapped himself in a matting, came to donkey on the side of the road; then a foreign khan gave J. a wineskin of gold, and his own 40 wineskins]: 153-155; Avars [Russian tsar to the Turkish Sultan: mares laugh so much in your stable that they haunt mine stallions, silence them; the vizier went to look for an intelligent man; in one village he saw a man doing four jobs at the same time: reading the Koran, making spoons, rocking the cradle and setting in motion a pole that drove the chickens away from the grain scattered for drying; the guy demanded that the Sultan give him an old donkey, a long-bearded goat, a camel and a well-aimed shooter and send him to the Tsar of Moscow; approaching the tsar, ordered the shooter to shoot the king's dogs; the king: why did he shoot him! guy: I've come to answer the question; king: there was no better messenger, your head is no bigger than a bird's; guy: here's a donkey with a big head; king: you don't have a beard, your legs are short; guy: here's a goat and camel; and I killed dogs because when wolves attacked our sheep, I called your dogs, but they didn't come running; if stallions hear mares laughing in Constantinople, dogs should have heard mine shout; the king gave the young man gold, and the queen told her to come to her on the road and off the road, to stop in the house or outside; the young man walked along the side of the road, carried one leg across the threshold; the queen too gave him gold, and the sultan gave him at home]: Saidov, Dalgat 1965:81-85; taty [the old man accidentally hit the khan with his elbow; he demands to sew clothes out of stones as punishment; the daughter advises asking the khan to send to do this, cut off the sleeve of the robe with her hand so as not to be mistaken; when he learns that the old man's daughter has found the answer, he tells her to get the chickens out of the boiled eggs; the girl tells her to eat the eggs, sends stones to the khan: let her eat, and cook chicken feed from digested food; Khan tells the girl to appear not on the road, on foot, on horseback, clothes, naked, with a gift or without a gift; she came to the roofs of houses, wrapped in a net, she gave a sparrow that immediately flew away; the khan forgave his father and let the girl go]: Marchenko 1993:243-246; Georgians: Kurdovanidze 1988 (2), No. 109 [the peasant plowed, found a golden mortar ; the daughter does not order to give it to the king, the peasant gave it, the king demands a pestle; the peasant laments, the king orders his clever daughter to be brought to him; tells her to arrive not naked or dressed, neither on foot nor on foot on horseback; the girl wrapped herself in a net, tied her to a donkey; the king returned the mortar and married the girl; the shepherd's mare necklaced, the other stole the foal, tied his bull to his leg; the king decided in favor thief; the wife advised the victim to start throwing a net in a dry place in front of the palace: if there are no fish on land, the bull did not give birth to a foal; the king decided to separate from his wife, but allowed her to take what she had expensive; she drank him, brought him to his father's homes: you are the most important thing to me; the king did not leave his wife]: 189-193; Wardrop 1894, No. 14 [the king promised to release his close associate from prison if he brought him to him a horse that would be neither black nor nest (etc. - all suits are listed); a close associate asked him to release for this purpose; asked him to send him a groom who would come not on Monday or Tuesday ( all days of the week are listed)]: 174-175; Megrelians [Gultaazri refused to tell his father a dream, he kicked him out; the boy was stolen by slavers, sold to the Turks; he refused to tell the dream to the owner, who sold it to the Sultan; the same with the Sultan - put in a hole; secretly goes to the Sultan's daughter for food; she caught G. he was put in prison; the King of England offers the Sultan difficult questions; the loser will lose heads; 1) which of the two pigeons is royal and which is peasant; G. at first does not want to help, then orders to send smoke to the pigeons: the royal pigeon will lose consciousness; 2) which of the two boys is a prince, and who is the son of a peasant (the son of a peasant will cringe when he goes to bed, because he is used to being cold); 3) send a bull of no color; G. in response suggests sending a person neither in the morning, nor in the evening, nor in noon, not at midnight, so that it is neither light nor dark; the king is in difficulty, begins a war; two heads fight over the descended troops in the air; G.: these are two brothers who killed each other and did not go to heaven; the king and the sultan are frightened, reconcile, everyone gives G. a daughter; one wife gives birth to a son; G. tells his wives his dream: the sun is at his head, the moon is in his feet, a star has flown from the sky; these are wives and son]: Stepanov 1898, No. 10:29-34; Turks [when leaving, the padishah tells three daughters to take care of his horse; he lets only the youngest in; when he returns, the father gives the elders for the vizier and the chief mufti, the youngest for a horse; at night the horse turns into a man, the stall into a palace; the husband warns his wife not to reveal the secret, gives her three hairs to call him; at the tournament, the older sisters are proud of their husbands they laugh at the youngest; she says to her husband, he is handsome, wins everyone; the youngest told the sisters about this, the husband immediately disappeared; the wife went in search, burned the hair, the husband appeared, explained that his mother cannibal witch; turned his wife into an apple, made a promise from his mother not to harm her; mother tells me to sweep and not sweep the room; wife burns her second hair, the husband comes, explains what to do sweep in the room, but not in the hallway; next time, fill the vessel with tears (water and add salt); no more hairs, the spouses are running; the mother's sister sits in a jug, drives a snake; the husband turns his wife to the bathhouse, herself to be a bathhouse attendant, pretends to be a fool; the second sister (a spring and a person who takes water from it); for the third time, the mother chases herself; her son turns his wife into a tree, himself into a snake that wrapped around the tree; the mother does not dare to kill her son, asks for permission to tear off her wife's finger, flies away; the spouses return to the woman's father; the husband remains human, his demonic nature remains in another world]: Kúnos 1896:74-83.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians (Farce, Isfahan) [the king gives the girl impossible assignments; 1) bring cooked and unprepared (brings half-cooked fat tail; scrotum); 2) yarn and not yarn (half finished); semi-finished carpet]: Marzolph 1984, № 875:156.

Baltoscandia. Scandinavians [the son of the Danish king Ragnar sailed to Norway, stayed in a small harbor; there was a farm nearby; people went ashore to bake bread, went into the house; the old mistress Grima said that her the daughter's name is Kraka (crow); she was not her own daughter; once a rich man Heimar stayed on the farm for the night; he had a harp with him; his husband and wife killed him, but it was not money inside the harp, but a little girl; the old people were ugly and the girl was beautiful; to avoid suspicion, the old woman shaved her, smeared her with resin, put on a hood and dirty clothes, and forbid her face; but then K. washed her face and, When she came in, the servants were so amazed at her beauty that they burned bread; R. asked why this happened and they explained; R. doubted whether she could be more beautiful than his late wife Torah; if it wasn't so, he will punish the servants; he sent others to confirm the words of the former; if so, let K. come to him dressed, naked, full, hungry, alone, unaccompanied; when he hears order, G. decided that the king was not very smart; K. wrapped herself in a net and let her hair loose; ate onions, but nothing more, went accompanied by a dog; K. agreed to board the ship if she and her the companion will be promised peace; but the dog bit R.'s hand and the servants killed him, so the promise was not fully fulfilled; R. brought K. to Denmark and married her; they have several children]: Ragnar Saga; Norwegians [the prince made a deal with the girl and then lost interest in her and promised to marry only if she arrived in a cart or sleigh, on horseback, on foot, hungry or full, neither naked nor dressed; she ate a few grains of barley (without eating, but without fasting), wrapped herself in a net, riding a ram, so her feet were on the ground, at dusk; the guards did not want to let her in, but she broke off a mutton's horn, knocked on its window and became a princess]: Asbjíørsen, Moe 1960:137-138; Swedes: Suritz 1991 [the poor man found a golden mortar in the field; daughter advised me not to carry it to the king, but the father did not listen; the king demanded a pestle, put the poor man in a hole; he regrets out loud that he did not listen to his daughter; the king tells her to appear day, night, horse or foot, neither naked nor dressed, nor on the road, nor near, nor full, nor on an empty stomach; after eating an onion at dawn, the girl wrapped herself in a fishing net, tied her to the horns, which dragged her along the rut; the king let her go poor man, married his daughter; the man's mare necklaces, the foal stood next to another man's bull, who demanded a foal for himself; the queen advised the owner of the mare to stand dry with a fishing rod place; he replies to the king that it is no more difficult to catch a fish on land than to necklace a bull; the king is angry with his wife, told him to go to his father, taking his favorite with him; the Queen drank with the king, after giving him a sleepy potion, she took him to her father's house; in the morning she said that he was the most important to her; the king returned his wife to the palace]: 148-149; Klintberg 2010, No. E2 [The forest spirit (troll) has a bull that is not no hunter can kill; one person learns that you must go hunting washed and at the same time unwashed, unfull or on an empty stomach, naked or dressed; he washes his urine, eats garlic and wraps himself in net, after which he manages to shoot a bull], T5 [during hunger, the king orders the extermination of the elderly; the farmer's daughter advises to do something else: give everyone a hoe and a bag of grain, let they cultivate virgin lands; the king is impressed by the girl's mind and marries her, she is now called "Kacka-Eva"; the king tells her to come to him naked, dressed, without eating or on an empty stomach, or on horseback, not on foot; she wrapped herself in a net, chewed onions, and appeared, stepping one foot on the ground and throwing goats on her back with the other]: 98, 342-343; Lithuanians: Kerbelite 2001 [(fragment); man sees how the old man buries the money and says that whoever comes naked or dressed will take it]: 261; Lébité 1965 [the king promised gold to whoever says the fastest and fattest; the daughter of the poor man: thought and earth; he tells her to weave a hundred pieces of canvas from one linen fiber; girl: let him carve those canvases from a few twigs from a broom to weave; the king gives a boiled egg: let him bring out the chicken; girl to father: take the roasted barley to the king, let him grow grain to feed the chicken; king: let him appear neither equestrian, nor on foot, nor on a cart, nor dressed nor naked, bring with him neither what he is nor what he is what is not the case; the girl wrapped herself in a net, sat on a goat, released a hare chased by royal dogs, gave the king a pigeon, which immediately flew away; the king paid gold]: 307-309; Latvians [the guy (girl) intricately answers the master (king) when asked where the father and mother are; the master invites the guy to his estate neither in a dress, nor without a dress, nor on the road, nor off-road]: Aris, Meedne 1977, No. 921:332; the Livs [the poor man has children; to prevent them from going to the rich man's plot, he dug a deep ditch; the rich man's cow tried to go down to drink and broke his leg; rich sued; judge: the one who can answer what is the richest, fastest, sweetest is right; the poor man's daughter told him not to worry; the rich man replies that he is the richest, the fastest is his stallion, the fastest, the fastest sweet is his honey; bndnyak: God, thought, dream; when he learns that the answers are suggested by her daughter, the judge tells her to come not naked or dressed, not on horseback, on foot, on the road or on the side of the road; let him tie the horse between in winter and summer; she wrapped herself in a net, came on a goat walking with one foot along the road and the other along the side of the road; tied the goat between the sleigh and the cart; the judge ordered the girl to be dressed up as a servant, but when he saw her beautifully dressed, he married himself; when he left, he forbade his wife to interfere in legal matters; two came; one lent the other a cart wheel, and at night the mare got necklaces; wheel owner: if not if he borrowed it, then there would be no foal, which means that his foal; the judge's wife ruled; the judge ordered her to return to her father, taking what she wanted; the wife offered to have a feast at last; the husband became drunk and fell asleep, the wife brought him to her father's house; her husband brought her back, they began to live well: Löwis of Menar 1927, No. 88:287-289; Lutsie (4 records, 1 from Russian and 1 from latgalka) [the straw king took the guy as a blacksmith, pleased with him, ordered him to marry, went to war; the queen and wife of the blacksmith are about to give birth; the blacksmith's mare gave birth to a foal; the blacksmith and his wife went to visit the Queen, the foal followed; the blacksmith's wife: gave birth to a foal cart; blacksmith: no, mare; queen: who is the foal following, for a cart or for a mare? blacksmith's wife: behind the cart; {it is clear that the queen took her side}; the Queen's unborn son: he's judging in a damn way, a mare gave birth to a foal; the queen hated her son and, when he was born, told kill him to the cook, cook his heart and let her eat; the cook killed the puppy; the queen: the dog smells like a dog; the old woman advises leaving the baby in a pile of straw in the field; from the king a letter: who was born? the queen tells the blacksmith to give her his son, otherwise he will kill; offers any price; cook: ask for a bunch of straw; the blacksmith found a boy in the straw; he grows by the minute; came to the shepherds, stamped his foot, everything animals jump; tells frogs to be silent - they are silent; says he will become straw king; on the third day he tells all trees and bushes to bow to themselves; the king begins to guess that the blacksmith has - his son, and he has a blacksmith's son; tells the blacksmith to come without eating or on an empty stomach; son: make a chatter out of oatmeal and take three sips; king: who taught me? no one; king: then arrive not on foot, on horseback, not on the road, not on the side of the road; son: sit on a goat, go where the railroad rails are; same; come naked or naked; son: wrap yourself in a net; then But; king: since no one taught me, let your son come to me tomorrow; but he ran away; the king told me to send a golden carriage and ask everyone how much it costs; on the road there is a boy: in good times, unthinkable much, but nothing for bad; the servants said, king: this was my son; the straw king went to return his fleeing wife; {apparently, she is another king's mistress}; she wants to hang him on a copper gallows; king: I don't even hang dogs; they put him in a chest, his wife sat on the chest; then they hung him on the silver gallows (the same); on the gold one; he asks for a pipe to play; he began to play, he appeared the army, everyone was beaten, the wife was brought, tied to the horse's tail, the horse scattered her]: Annom et al. 2018:63-69; Lutsie (recorded in 1931 in Russian from a gypsy woman) [two cousins, the poor only has a goose ; told his wife to fry, took it to the pan; the pan demands to divide into 6 parts; poor man: panu - head, lady - heart, daughters - wings, sons - legs; And for me, as I am a stupid man, let the whole corpse remain; man awarded; the rich decided to take five geese, he does not know how to divide them into six; they called the poor man; he divides so that he almost gets it himself; the pan is happy, ordered the rich to be flogged and taken from him a hundred rubles, rewarded the poor again; "As if I don't have geese myself"; pan calls both to him again; what is the most pleasant thing, fast, fat and strong? poor man's daughter: pleasant - sleep, strong - water, greasy - earth, quick - thought; the wife of a rich man advises to answer this way: pleasant - my wife and I, fat - our hog, strong - our horse, fast - our hound; the rich is punished again, the poor is rewarded; the pan tells the poor to make his wife weave clothes for six from a bunch of linen; the daughter tells him to take three sticks: let him make a loom; pan tells him to take out chickens from boiled eggs; the poor man's daughter asks him to grow peas by sowing boiled peas; the pan tells him to come unfed, not on an empty stomach, naked or dressed, not horse, not on foot, not on the road, not in the field; the old pan died, and the son was driving past the poor man's house and asking for a drink; he liked the poor man's daughter, he married her; the poor man had a mare necklace, the rich man says that it is his cart; the pan decided in favor of the rich; his wife: if the cart is cabbage turned over, and the heads of cabbage rolled into someone else's garden, whose are they? pan: the one who was carrying them; wife: which means the mare's foal; the pan got angry and ordered a divorce; the wife offers to drink tea for the last time, added sleepy remedy, brought her husband who fell asleep to her; pan recognized his wife's wisdom, no longer quarreled]: Annom et al. 2018:70-74; seto [the king wants to marry an intelligent girl, none fit; the poor man's mare wandered into the royal field; the king demands an answer to questions, otherwise she will not give up the mare and even beat; the daughter teaches to answer; 1) how big the moon is four quarters; 2) how much from earth to sky is day and night on foot; 3) what is the fastest is thought; king returned the poor mare, came to his daughter; asks questions where her father, mother, brother, sister are; she answers with a mystery every time and explains it; the king tells her to come to him not naked or dressed, neither on foot nor dressed on horseback, enter and not enter the house; the girl wrapped herself in a net, sat on a goat, walking on the ground with one foot, stepping over the threshold with one foot, not with the other; the king married on the condition that his wife would not communicate with parents and interfere in affairs; one day her father came to complain that his foal came to another man's stallion and he took him away; king: so the stallion gave birth; while her husband was gone, the wife went to her father and taught him take a net and a sieve, go to the king, start sifting the sand first through a net, then through a sieve; the king will ask, I must answer that I am fishing; king: do fish live in the sand? How can a stallion get a necklace? The king understood who had taught the poor man - his wife broke the agreement, let her leave, but she could take the most precious thing with her; when parting with his wife, the king held a feast; the wife offered her husband a glass of vodka to drink goodbye put a sleeping pill, brought it to her place; when he woke up, she said that it was her most precious thing, so she took it with her; the king took his wife back and had a feast again]: Kalkun 2015:140-142; Finns [two peasants went to St. Petersburg on the same horse; the cart belonged to the rich man, the horse to the poor; at rest, the horse gave birth, the foal climbed under the cart, the rich man says that he was necklace the cart; they went to the emperor; the poor man's daughter advises her father to say that the cart can certainly give birth; his fish came out of the sea and ate bread in the field two versts from the shore; the emperor appreciated the answer and awarded the foal to the poor man, but ordered him to come not day or night, not on foot or by horse, not on the road or on the side of the road, not wearing a shirt or naked; the daughter tells me to wrap yourself in a net, sit on a goat and move through the ditch, to appear at sunrise; the emperor sent the girl 10 boiled eggs to raise the chickens; she responded by sending steamed oats to sow the field to feed the chickens; the emperor sent 10 handfuls linen - weave shirts for 300 soldiers; a girl sent a spruce branch to make a loom]: Concca 1993:145-146; Finns [in the forest, the king knocked on the house, no one opened it; the young man inside answered mysteriously and rude; Where is the father? - He left doing a little bit (when the king later called him to the palace, the young man explained that his father went to sow turnips); Where is the mother? - He bakes last year's bread (they borrowed bread last year, and now her mother is baking bread to return it); Brother? - When hunting, he leaves the birds he meets in the forest, and brings the birds they meet home (i.e. kills lice); Sister? - She mourns last year's laughter (she gave birth to an illegitimate child); after receiving the answers, the king wants to punish the guy for his audacity; asks what is lighter - light or milk? - Light. King: If milk is spilled on the floor and the light falls, the milk is lighter; the king put the boy in jail; he put a bowl of milk on the threshold; in the morning the king came in, stepped into a bowl in the dark and fell on his back; boy: the light is still brighter; the king let the boy go, but ordered him to come tomorrow day, night, road, road, road, horseback, or on foot, naked or dressed, neither go inside nor stay outside; the guy covered himself with a goat skin, came along the edge of a roadside ditch, attached a sieve to one leg and a brush to the other, crawled into the yard at dawn; seeing strange footprints, the king went out into the canopy; there the guy had one leg He put him across the threshold, but not the other; the king told the boy to come again tomorrow, was going to let the dogs down on him; the gatekeeper warned him; he released the hare hidden under his clothes, the dogs rushed at him, and the guy left]: Salmelainen 1947:85-87 (version from Salmelainen's collection in Concca 1991:268-272); Karelians (southern Karelia) [poor brother's horse, from a rich stallion; born at night a foal climbed under the cart of a rich brother; he says that his cart is necklace; the king promises to judge the brothers if they say that they are softer, sweeter, fattest; the godfather advises the rich to answer that our down jackets, grandson, pig; seven-year-old daughter of a poor man: her fists, sleep, land; the king sends her 500 eggs - let the chickens be tomorrow; the seven-year-old tells the chickens to send millet to the chickens so that they can be plowed and sown in a day, concise, threshed, they do not eat anything else; king: let him appear neither dressed nor naked, nor on horseback, nor on foot, nor with a gift, nor without a gift; the seven-year-old wrapped herself in a net, sat on a hare, brought a quail that immediately flew away; Seven years old: my father is fishing on the dry shore, I carry it and cook it with my hem; Tsar: it can't be; Seven years old: and the cart cannot be necklace; the tsar married the girl]: Konkka, Tupitsyn 1967, No. 46: 343-347.

Volga - Perm. Tatars: Zamaletdinov 2009, No. 24 [the padishah feeds the poor man; he answers every time that he has eaten and continues to eat; the padishah orders to explain; the poor man's daughter filled the bucket with pebbles, then sand, then with water - everything fits; the padishah tells her to come neither hungry, nor full, nor naked, nor dressed, neither on horseback nor on foot; the daughter sews clothes for her father from the net, puts seeds into her pocket, puts them on a goat; the padishah gives smaller than a coil of thread, tells me to sew a shirt and pants; the old man's daughter handed a twig: let the padishah make a loom; the padishah gave a ram - let him hug tomorrow; the padishah came himself; daughter: father in the bathhouse gives birth; the padishah married a girl; tells him not to decide anything in his absence; three beggars came; the mare alone necklaces, but blood fell on the cart; the owner says that she gave birth to a cart, the owner of the bag what a bag; the padishah's wife: he went to guard the wheat poisoned by the fish; the padishah returned, telling his wife to leave, taking what she wanted with her; she gave him drink, took him to her place; explained that she wanted it; the padishah ordered to return home], 25 [the king orders to sew a shirt out of stone, otherwise he will kill everyone; the old man's daughter tells me to ask for a measure, let the king hide it; the king orders that the girl should not come to him on the way or not without a road, with or without a gift, dressed and naked; the girl wrapped herself in a net, crossed from one side of the road to the other, brought a sparrow, and he flew away; the king married a girl; punished his wife not to judge in his absence; three men came: with a horse, with a cart, with an arc; a foal appeared - whose he is; wife: who will the foal run after (ran after the horse); the king tells his wife to leave, taking the most precious thing; his wife put him to sleep, brought him to her father; said that her husband was the most important to her; they returned home], 46 [someone steals the padishah's golden apples; the eldest, middle sons fall asleep; the youngest throws in a 15-pound weight that has arrived; the bird has become human, runs away, disappears in failure; the older brothers remain, the youngest descends; at the intersection there are inscriptions: "death road", "satiety", "road of hunger"; a young man is on the road of death; there is a padishah girl of a copper treasure; a young man finishes off a diva, a girl gives him her seal, sends a silver treasure to the padishah girl, so to the padishah girl of gold treasure, those they also give seals; the older brothers pulled the girls out, left the youngest one downstairs; he came to the blind old men; they do not tell the diva to herd cattle on earth; the young man goes there, brings living water, returns it to the elderly sight; revives the tree-turned warriors of the old man who himself was a padishah; he gives the young man a mare that takes him to the ground; only he gave the clothes the girls demanded; came to the wedding, not dressed or undressed, wrapped in a net; showed the seals; took a girl of gold treasure; gave the other two brothers whom he forgave]: 85-91, 92-93, 190-199; Chuvash: Sidorova 1979: 168-169 [=Eisin 1993:317-319; Patsha sent 12 stupid soldiers to skin a stone at a crossroads; they met a 12-year-old girl, she advised to ask Patsha to cut a stone first; when they found out , who taught the soldiers the answer, patsha told the girl to weave bast shoes out of stone; she suggests that patsha make a bast rope out of the sand; patsha tells the girl to appear day or night, naked or dressed, or on foot , not on a horse, to stop outside or in the yard; she came at dusk on a goat, wrapped in a fishing net, stopped the goat with her front legs in the yard, with her back legs in the street; patsha marries the girl; she instead of dowry, she asks 12 wolves and 12 hares to drive them into one barn; patsha says you can't keep wolves and hares in the same barn; girl: a 60-year-old cannot marry a 12-year-old either], 165-168 [ Gordey is rich, his neighbor Artemy is poor; the mare G. gave birth, the foal lay under A.'s cart; he says that it was his cart that was necklace; the king promises to decide in favor of someone who says that everything in the world is sweeter and more pleasant; G.'s wife advised me to say that honey; Orina, daughter A., is a dream; king: what is stronger? wife G.: our piebald mare; daughter A.: water; who is faster than everyone else? wife G.: hare; daughter A.: thought; king: how much from one end of the earth to the other? G.: You can't pass in a century; A.: the sun passes in a day; how much from earth to sky? G.: no one can get up; A.: no more than a mile - when the lights in the sky turn on in the evening, you can see, and when you drive through the clouds, you can hear thunder; how far is it to the bottom of the earth? G.: fathom; A.: the father left 30 years ago, has not yet sent a letter; the king gave the foal to A.; marries his daughter, but gives the bull: let her calve as a heifer, she will grow up and give milk for the wedding; O. ordered the bull should be slaughtered, and when the king came, she replied that the father had gone to give birth; the king ordered the wedding dress to be sewn out of a flap; O. ordered that hemp be grown from the seed in three days and made threads; the king orders that O. came neither in the field, nor by road, nor on foot, nor on horseback, with a gift that is visible but not accessible to her hands; O. appeared riding a hare, gave a pigeon as a gift, which immediately flew away; the king married O.; orders do nothing against his will; two argue whether the cart or the mare is necklace; O.: Whoever the foal follows is the mother; the king executed his wife]; Marie [the king is blind, the queen has a lover; the son from the mother's belly speaks of this; the king saw the light; when the queen gave birth, she ordered the maid to kill and bring the heart and liver of the son; the baby tells the queen to bring the heart and liver of the dog, and put him on the straw in the forge; the boy is grown up, strong, beats others if they hurt him; he is complained about; the king gives the blacksmith 100 boiled eggs, tells him that there should be chickens tomorrow; the boy advises him to go to the middle of the street and cook rye; tell the king what to sow; if rye does not grow from boiled seeds, then there will be no chickens from boiled eggs; the king sends 100 rams, let each give birth to a lamb by morning; the boy teaches his father to lie down on the stove, and Let the mother answer the king when he comes that her husband is giving birth; if a man cannot give birth, then a ram cannot either; sheep must be slaughtered, only one must be left; the king should answer that the sheep have eaten each other friend, the last one left; the king tells you to chop firewood and count how many chips have flown off; the boy tells me to ask: how many times did the wheel of your carriage turn before it reached us? The king tells the blacksmith to come neither on horseback nor on foot, naked or dressed; bring what you love and don't love, stay neither in the yard nor on the street; the boy tells you to ride a goat wrapped in a net; take with you a dog you trust and a wife you don't trust; stop with one foot in the yard and the other on the street; the blacksmith whipped his wife and dog in front of the king; the wife ran away, and the dog ran away and returned; the king promised to come for the boy in the morning; he left; sat down out of great need, eats and presses lice himself; answers the king's servants that he releases the old, renews others, kills the people; what does the carriage cost? the last piece of bread; the servants give everything to the king; he explains that it was that boy, tells him to be brought; he is building a king, and moss is already on it; king: again they did not recognize him; next time he digs a pond; tells me to tell the king: you want to kill me, and I am your son]: Beke 1938, No. 41:362-375; Marie [the poor and rich brother went to town; at night in the inn, the poor mare gave birth to a foal, and he climbed under the rich man's cart; the policeman and the judge, having received money from the rich, decided in his favor: a cart gave birth to a foal; the king promises to decide in favor of the one who will correctly answer the questions: what is the most in the world gently; fat; fast; the godfather of the rich teaches him: down pillows, our pig, our horse; 9-year-old daughter teaches the poor: hand (man puts it under his head), earth, thought; the king decided in favor of the poor; having learned that his daughter gave answers, tells her to weave and sew a shirt out of silk threads; the girl pulls a twig out of her broom: let the king make a loom out of it; the king gives 10 eggs: let the girl for they will eat chickens for a day; the girl tells her father to ask the king for wheat that will ripen within a week after sowing: the chickens will only need this grain; King: let the daughter come neither on foot, nor on horseback, nor with with a gift, not without it, naked or dressed; the daughter tells her father to get her a hare and heron alive; she arrives on a hare, wrapped in a net, gives her a heron, which immediately flies away; the king asks: how Is the sky high and the earth deep? The king could not answer, let the girl go, rewarding her; (then the girl grew up, got married - another story)]: Beke 1938, No. 46:409-418.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [poor Zhirenshe-Sheshen is smart; asks women about the brod; Karashash: the one to the right is far and close, and to the left is the opposite; the JSH understood, went to the right; the other riders went left to to a close ford and almost drowned; it began to rain, all the women brought a wet dung, and K. dry covered it with her body; K.: your father will slaughter a ram for you, and not get two sheep; Father K. asked for a ram at the bay, he did not give it, he slaughtered the only sheep that was waiting for the lamb; in the yurt, ZhSH and K. speak with gestures, the father gave it; the khan tells the ZhSH to serve him, intending to take away his wife; tells him to catch up with the roll- the field, ask him where it is heading; JSH: the tumbleweed replied that the wind knows where, where the ravine comes from; Khan orders him to come day, night, walk, or on horseback, stop either in the palace or outside; K. advises to come at dawn on a goat, stop under the crossbar of the gate; Khan gave sheep, orders them to hug like sheep; K. orders to slaughter sheep in autumn; Khan came in the spring; K.: the husband went milk the hand quail, he will return soon; when K. grew old and died, the JS also died]: Sidelnikov 1962:383-391 (=Daurenbekov 1979:365-369, =Zhanuzakova 1977:263-268); Kazakhs Mongolia [Akkaishy ("white scissors"); was Khan Alip, he has an ugly, stupid and weak-willed son; khan was afraid that after his death his property would fall to ashes; viziers advise marrying his son to an intelligent girl; khan tells the artist to depict in the picture everything that exists in our lands, animated and inanimate; the khan ordered the painting to be hung at the beginning of the gorge through which people descended from mountain pastures; the khan ordered see if anyone finds a flaw in the picture; the daughter of a poor old man: the artist forgot about the leopard and the moon; the khan came to the old man when the girl was not at home; tells her to ferment tomorrow by his arrival ox milk roll; when the khan arrived, the girl says that you can't go to the kibitka - the father has just given birth; the khan admits defeat; orders to make fetters out of the ashes; the girl told her father to make a lasso out of dry herbs, burned on an iron sheet; the khan tells the old man to arrive not on foot or on horseback, not to enter the house or stand in the yard; the daughter tells her father to come on a bachelor goat, climb between the upper felt with a yurt cloth and inner mats; the khan married his son to a girl and gave them Akkaisha, in the sense that she has a sharp mind; once tells his son to come on a two-headed horse; A. tells the mare to ride a mare on childbirth; when the son arrived, the head of a foal appeared from the mare's belly; the khan orders three red horses to be prepared for the races, they should be sent directly to the pasture, they should not be tied and confused; A. orders the horses to pull their tongues; the khan ordered three immense four-year-olds to be brought, giving only one belt into the fathom long; A.: drill their hooves, thread the belt through; a large army of another khan attacked, seized land, Khan was captured; a foreign khan tells Alip to make all his people enslaved; A. promises to write a letter for everyone to migrate, let Khan send him with three reliable people; Khan Alip wrote to the vizier: "I live among this people in prosperity and pleasure. I put black silk under me, cover myself with blue silk. Ten people support me when walking behind me; the property allocated to me by the khan here does not count; so move all here; relocate all the people completely; three poplars that are planted in front of with a palace, cut down one and burn it as soon as these three messengers come to you; burn another poplar on the way, bring the third to me, I must see it with my own eyes; when migrating, all cattle let it go ahead; after reading the letter, the khan's wife, his son and viziers were happy; the Akkaishy were sad, secretly gathered the khan, viziers and the most worthy people as his wife, explained the meaning to them; lay under themselves black silk means that he has nothing to lay under him, he sleeps on bare ground, covered in blue silk, means that he has nothing to hide with, he sleeps in the open air. The fact that 10 people support him from behind when walking means that his hands are tied and he holds 10 fingers behind his back; three poplars in front of the palace; kill one right there, another on the road, and the third bringing Khan Alip alive; letting cattle in front means that heavily armed warriors must enter first; the army was led by Akkaishi herself; suddenly attacking, it took possession of a stranger Khanate; Alip freed himself from captivity, handed over the throne to Akkaisha]: Babalar Sozi 2011 (79): 71-75; Kyrgyz: Brudny, Eshmambetov 1968:87-97 [=Brudny 1954:87-97, =Ledenev 1987:15-22; on the way Jerence-Chechen (LC) asks Telemirza's son to cook food on the horse's mane; then shorten the path; T. tries to set fire to the mane, level the mounds with ketman; LC: you should have got food and eat without getting off; entertain with conversation; LC is looking for an intelligent wife for T.; during the rain, the girls ran away, and Karachach covered the brushwood with a robe: the firewood remained dry and her mother would not scold her; Zhanybek Khan married her son came with his questions, K. answered; he tells the LC to come neither on foot, nor on horseback, nor on the road, nor across the field; K. teaches you to ride a goat along the steppe between two roads; tells you to pull tendons out of the stone and sew sand boots; K., under the guise of another woman, asked Zhanybek Khan about the same, he replied that this was impossible; then Zhanybek Khan captured ZhCH and his son; ZhC gave a letter: burn crops before winter; black Throw a blind goat into the lake; make a goat with straight horns the leader of the herd; I have a knife with a sharp blade, and there is also a worthless one, don't forget about it; K.: kill enemies, kill them and throw them into the lake Zhanybek Khan, put his younger brother Berdibek in his place, me with a sharp knife, my husband, worthless; everyone did so], 173-174 [Khan called Apendi to hunt, swore; it rained, everyone galloped away; And . took off his clothes, put it under himself; told the khan that the nag was like the wind and immediately rode home; the next time the khan sat on the oath himself, got wet and frozen in the rain; A.: I should have done like me]; Uighurs [the old man accidentally pushed the khan, who orders him to sew clothes out of stones; the daughter tells the khan to be allowed to take a measure and cut off the sleeve of the robe with his hand; the khan gives 20 boiled eggs, tells his daughter the old man to sit their chickens; the daughter and father ate the eggs, the daughter sends the khan a jug of stones - let her chew the chickens for food; the khan demands that the girl come to him neither by road, nor in the field, nor on foot, neither on horseback, nor dressed or naked, with or without gifts; she came to the roofs of houses, wrapped in a fishing net, holding a goat between her legs, and presented a sparrow, which immediately flew away; khan forgave and rewarded the girl's father]: Aliyeva, Kabirov 1989:47-51.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Teleuts: Potanin 1883, No. 100 [Eren Checheng wants to marry a stupid son to a smart girl; it's raining, all the girls sat on their bunches {?} ; one undressed, covered the firewood with her clothes, covered her breasts with her hands; EC: why? I will have to start a fire at home immediately; my father and mother saw my genitals, but no one saw my breasts; EC married her son; Yara Checheng decided to take my daughter-in-law, ordered me to make boots out of stone; daughter-in-law collects sand: I want to make a rope; YACH: is it possible? daughter-in-law: and boots made of stone? YACH: let the bull give birth to a calf, treat the bull with milk; the daughter-in-law tears the grass: the father-in-law gave birth to a child, grass must be laid; YACH tells you to arrive neither in a shirt, nor naked, nor on a horse, nor on foot, nor by road, stop neither in the yurt nor outside; the daughter-in-law tells you to put on a net, ride between two furrows on a stick, step into the yurt with one foot; YACH threw EC into the hole, sent seven ambassadors to his son with his letter; EC: I'm lying on 6 layers of white silk, covered with seven silk blankets, playing checkers, drinking sweet light wine; I have 7 rams at home; kill 6, prick out the seventh's eye, break your arm, let him read the letter daughter-in-law; daughter-in-law: wine - tears, silk - snow, checkers - stars, 7 rams - ambassadors; six were killed, the seventh's eye was gouged out, he led them to YCH, they killed him, EC took his place]: 362-363; Funk 2004 [Ermen-Chechen sent his son to look for a bride; asks the girl where his parents are. - Let's go get firewood. - When will they come back? - If they go around, they will spend the night, and if straight, they will spend the night (on the road). - How many trees are placed on the horse during transportation? - But one is good, two are bad, and some are three. ECH calls his son a fool because he does not understand the answers; if straight, then without a road; good people go one piece of meat, stupid, scooping a few; ECH sent his son to ask the girl to sew shoes made of stone; she tells you to make threads out of the sand; the girl tells the guy to come neither in a shirt, nor naked, nor on horseback, or on foot, not on the road or along the side of the road; ECH tells him to go wrapped in a net, sit on a twig, another pick up, put one leg in the house, leave the other outside; girl: why a rod? guy: with spikes, but not a tree (rose hips); the guy married the girl; ECH was captured; two people came to say hello from him: my bed is black down, the blanket is black (white?) fluff, drink - black vodka, food - horse fat intestines; there is a gold cutter under the pillow, bring it with you; two goats are coming; two eyes are pierced, take guides and bring them with you; daughter-in-law: he was in the summer captured, lying on black ground, now white snow is falling; two thumbs suck, rain-snow serves as a drink; the gold cutter is her; let those who come to poke out the eye, let them show the way; daughter-in-law won enemies, released by EC]: 41-43; Khakas [childless old men decided to slaughter the only sheep; when the old man fell asleep, the wife fried and ate the sheep's tail alone; the old man was offended; after a while the old man hears the child's scream; called him a tail, born from a sheep's tail; the boy began to hunt with onions; two other boys began to persuade him to go steal; told him to go into the house - he little; the boy shouts loudly: which lasso to take; the khan's soldiers woke up, the tail hid under the arcana, then slowly took out the lasso; the thieves took out the ox; sent a tail behind an ax; he again: what take it? they did not find him again, he brought an ax; they sent him to remove the skin from the ox; the same thing; he was given only his lungs; he started hitting them and shouting: why did he steal? He answers in a different voice: it was not me, it was the boys who stole; the boys ran away, ate his tail and returned home; the khan arrived; the tail cut off his stallion's lip, it was cooked; the khan ate, was satisfied; He did not find an ox; he was going home; the khan's daughter: probably the father found an ox, his horse laughs; then the khan sent a letter to the boy: to appear neither equestrian, nor on foot, not on the road, not off-road, neither dressed nor naked; the boy wrapped himself in a net, sat on the wheel of a cart, walked along the side of the road; the khan, surprised and cursed, drove him away]: Torokova, Sychenko 2014, No. 43:577-581; South Altai Tuvans [Haraat Khaan and Jechen Khaan they hate each other; DH has an unfit son; he left a sign on the ovaa with the inscription; the poor girl read it and said: if an eagle is drawn, why write "kite" if a woman is drawn, why write "man"; Khan decided that she was fit for daughter-in-law; Khan: How many times did she stretch her skin under a leather stick? girl: how many steps did your horse take? khan orders to latch a rope from the ashes; the girl burned the rope; khan: make tarak from bull's milk; girl: the father is now having labor pains; since a man cannot give birth, then the bull does not milk; khan: let the father will come and be neither inside nor outside, naked or dressed; the girl tells her father to wear pants, shirt and stockings and climb between the wooden lattice wall and the felt of the yurt; the khan tells the girl's father to count years of a bear's life; daughter tells me to bring her two skulls that have turned white in the sun; painted them red and tied them to her father's shoulders; bear: there are 75,000 trees on the mountain, and I'm 75 years old, but I've never seen one; find out hare age; daughter: smear honey and sugar on trees in a hare meadow; hare: 60,000 trees on the mountain, and I am 60 years old, but I have never tried such sweets; XX married my son to a girl; was captured; two heroes and XX was tied to iron stakes, XX was given one louse a day, heroes two lice; XX said that his people were warlike; to take prisoners, you must send his son a letter: you need to gather people with the lower reaches of a large river and from the upper reaches of a small river; the droppings of a sheep and a neutered goat are a value, it cannot be left; daughters-in-law say: let sheep and goats with horns go ahead, and without horns follow them; in front of 4 iron poplars with my doors; let two cut down and uproot two and bring them here; I win, I lie on 9 blue silk carpets, lean on 4 iron backs on all four sides of the world and eat every day sheep soup; son is going to saw poplars; daube: gather warriors, they will need weapons sent to kill two at once, take two with them; the soldiers freed the khan and brought the loot]: Taube 1978, No. 50: 254-259 (=Taube 1994, No. 39:255-258); Buryats (Okinsky District of Buryatia) [Bardunay is rich, has three sons; his younger brother Balamja is poor, he has a daughter; the youngest came to the elder to ask for a cart; Seeing that the youngest mare would soon be necklace, he said that his cart would be necklace - do not dare to take the foal; Taisha promises to award a foal to someone who says by morning what is sharper, fatter, fastest; Bardunai's sons: razor, pig, horse; Balamja's daughter: noyon power, land, thought; Taisha gave the foal to Balamja, ordered him to arrive neither on foot, nor on horseback, nor by road, nor without a road, nor dressed, nor naked, nor with a gift, not without a gift; Balamja came on the side of the road on a goat, gave the bird, which immediately flew away; Taisha tells us to milk the bull, cook tarak; Taisha arrived, the daughter went out, said that the father gave birth; Taisha sent two people, Balamja's daughter offered to tie horses to winter or summer; Taisha married his son to Balamja's daughter]: Bardakhanova, Gympilova 2008, No. 4:26-29; Mongols: Dulam, Molomjamts 2010 (Khalkha ; the exact location of the recording is not specified) [the khan decided to marry his stupid son to an intelligent girl; called her old father, ordered her to bring horse fetters made of ashes with three legs (an ash hobble with three legs) legs), while walking neither on the road nor off the road, nor in boots, nor in boots, doing it day, night, inside or outside; the old man gave this to his daughter, who explained what to do; the next in the morning the old man came to the Khan; Khan: Where are you? old man: neither inside nor outside - between a wooden floor and a felt roof; Khan: When did you come? old man: at dawn; khan: what way? old man: along a narrow path; Khan: How did you make horse fetters with three legs out of ashes? old man: made fetters with three legs, put them on a stone, burned them; khan: I'll come to your house, give me bull milk; the girl put the old father in a yurt, went to the khan and said that the father was giving birth; khan: is Can a man give birth? girl: does a bull give milk? Khan married her son; ordered him to bring a horse with two heads; the son tried to tie two horses, turned to his wife; she explained: we must bring a mare who will soon be necklaces; the khan told his son cook meat in a wooden cauldron; the son burned a wooden cauldron and turned to his wife; she explained: it is necessary to string pieces of meat on dogwood sticks; the khan ordered to make a man who can speak out of ice; son I made an ice man, he was silent; my wife explained: I must say that my body consists of water, and water is ice; Khan was satisfied; once he went hunting, he was caught by two people who wanted to seize the throne; they allowed him to send a letter; Khan wrote: above me there is a blue vault, a green silk cloth under me, ten people support my back, I always have two wineskins of milk and plenty of lamb, I live happily, send cattle in front of you, hornless behind, drive the white hare into the pen, there are two aspens, they are local spirits, cut down one, use the other as fuel, To come here, my son has a file at his feet (? file), my daughter-in-law knows this, let her cut down the lock and open the chest; two people brought a letter, my daughter-in-law deciphered it: above the khan is the sky, there is grass under him, his hands are tied behind his back, we must send it forward those who are armed with guns and spears and leave the unarmed behind must hide during the day and move at night, two pines are two messengers, one must be killed and the other left as a guide; they did so, the enemies were killed, the khan was saved; when the khan was old, he decided to hand over the throne to his daughter-in-law; before that he wanted to test her: you must write a phrase without the words araq, sawar (dung stick), aduu (horse), khomil (pellets, sheep droppings), honi sheep (), huts (sheep), chono (wolf), qol (river), mod (tree species), idekh (tree species), but to mention them all; gave her a box and stick to collect dung; meanwhile, a wolf dragged a ram out of the herd, dragged it across the stream and ate it; daughter-in-law: when I carried the basket on my back, held a curved wooden hand and collected what the runners had lost, a howler appeared and grabbed my father bleating, crossed the water stream and swallowed the person captured near the tallest plants; the khan was pleased, handed her the throne]: 37-38; Mikhailov 1962 (probably khalkha) [the khan had a stupid son; officials advised : "Find a smart wife for him so she can conduct public affairs. Tell me, Khan, to draw all the animals in the world, written signs, plants, the sun, the moon and stars, put these pictures on the main roadway, and make all your subjects worship them images. An intelligent person will immediately notice the shortcomings in the drawings"; the Khan approved this, and a decree was read out everywhere: "A prayer has been posted for the faithful at the pass. I command everyone, without exception, to come to that pass within three days and pray. Whoever does not pray will be severely punished"; all subjects prayed; when the old man and daughter passed through the pass, his daughter dissuaded him from praying: the drawings are inept, the artists forgot to depict a hare, the text of the prayer lacks the "huvm" sign; the khan found out, wanted to see the girl; when she was collecting argal, he came to the old man, ordered him to milk the bull by morning, and cook tarak from milk; in the morning, daughter she scattered manure on the west side of the yurt, put her father on a mattress, and at the entrance to the yurt she drove two stakes and held a hairrope between them (this is done when there is a sick or newborn in the yurt); when the khan came for a cockroach, the girl went out and said that it was impossible to enter the yurt - the father was giving birth; the khan asked where it had been seen for a man to give birth; the girl: "Didn't you, O Your Lordship, /You saw that eccentric, /What makes yogurt/From bovine milk? /If he has appeared like this now, /Why not give birth to a man?!" ; khan returned home; when the girl went to get the argal, came to the old man, ordered him to twist the horse fetters from the ashes by morning; in the morning the girl weaved fetters out of hay, set it on fire - it turned out to be fetters of ashes; showed them to Khan , he left; she went for the argal, the khan came back, told the old man that he would come again tomorrow, and ordered the old man not to let his daughter go outside or leave her in a yurt; he came in the morning and could not find her (she stood between the wall and the felt tire of the yurt); when she went out, she returned to the palace; the girl went for the argal, the khan came to the old man again: "Ride a double-headed horse and come to me at the turn of day and night, between today and tomorrow. But you can't go on the road. If you do otherwise, don't blow your head off"; the girl told the old man to catch a mare about to get necklaces and explained: "When you arrive, say: "The sun is setting there, it's night here , and it's dawning in the west." When asked which way you went, say, "On the grass between two roads." When they ask: "Did you come on a double-headed horse?" , say yes. When they look at your mare, she will already have two heads"; the old man came to the khan, answered as his daughter told her; the khan married his son to her; went hunting with him, said: "Go, son, in front of his father, so that the horse's tail moves"; he jumped off the horse, began to twist the horse's tail; the khan scolded him, beat him; killing and cutting the beast, ordered him to make a fire, prepare a wooden cauldron and fry the meat; the son made a fire, knocked down the tree, sawed off the lower part and began to hammer it; told the khan what he was making a wooden cauldron; the khan beat him again; killed another beast, the khan asked him to start a fire, fry the meat and spread the black litter; the son made a fire, roasted the meat on a spit, tore the felt off the saddle and spread it; the khan beat him; at home, the son complained to his wife, who explained what was going on; khan went hunting again, took his son with him, repeated his previous requests; when he heard the first, the son went in front of his father in a quiet trot; when he heard the second, he made a wooden spit and fried meat on it; when he heard the third, fried the meat, and when the ground from the fire turned black, he removed the ash from it so that he could sit down; the khan sent his son home, decided to continue hunting himself; went to a foreign state, was captured; three years old I was lying in a dirty yurt; when they decided to execute him, I asked permission to send a letter; wrote: "I show mercy to all relatives and friends, /I write to my homeland with a low bow /And I inform you that in a foreign country/ My life is nice and free./Will I ever come back? - I don't even like the thought of it! /It's so wonderful to sleep under a canopy blue/On an emerald silk bed! /I lie in scarlet pillows day and night, /I drink goat milk in large bowls, /And eight servants in an eight-story palace/They serve me so respectfully and important! /I live here as a master, not a guest, /I'll die, let my bones decay here./If you want to share my happiness, /Well, pick up the cattle and come./And the first person to go to my country/ Let him drive him cattle in front, /And lead hornless cattle back./Take your belongings, - it will do on the road, -/ Carry everything... Yes, I almost forgot: /The foal was scabies /And the mare in our herd./You can part with them/Leave them, scabies, in place: /A contagious horse will not bring us honor./Two my sandalwood trees/They shine with a hat of gold leaves. /You need to leave one in place, /Try to transport the other. /Go deep into my large rooms. /Gold scissors hang there/At the head of the headboard in the bedroom, for a nightma/You must definitely take them with you..."; the messengers handed the letter to the khan's son, who believed and was happy; my wife deciphered: "A great trouble has happened to me./I ask my relatives; to me show mercy. /Find out: I'm captured in a foreign country, /And I'm in danger of dying here every hour./My fate is incredible, /Will I ever come back? /I sleep and eat in the open air, /Bed is earth, and I'm completely waste./Eight guards out of an eight-walled yurt /They don't even let me into the steppe; /I won't die today or tomorrow/And bones here in someone else's the country will decay. /But if you want to save me/Then come with the army as soon as possible: /Armed in the lead squad, /And let the unarmed man walk behind. /The messenger who rode with my letter, /Make him walk behind. be a guide on the way/And if there are two of them/And kill one on the way./So that your son and khansha mother do not interfere with you/You hardly need to take them with you on a camp./There is no smarter than my daughter-in-law in the khanate./ Ask her for advice on everything, /She will always find a solution./So let her boss go camping!" ; daughter-in-law gathered an army; one of the messengers was killed, the other was forced to be a guide; they seized the lands of the neighboring khanate, freed the captive khan]: 78-86; the Mongols of Ordos [Shurguljin Khan wants marry a stupid red-faced son to an intelligent girl; gathers people, asks questions; a tree with 12 branches, 360 flowers looking up, 360 down; an old man's daughter explains to her father that this is a year; five myriads of yellow hares led by a hare with a white spot on its forehead (stars and moon); ten myriads of bushes and a red stump (mountains and Mount Sumeru); bring three measures of meat wrapped in bones, two measures of bones wrapped in bones in meat (egg and yuyuba); when he learns that the old man has a daughter, S. promises to come, tells me to cook koumiss from the milk of a castrated bull; girl: father gives birth, I am going to get a midwife; S. married his son to this girl; tells greet him on a horse with two heads (wife: pregnant mare); greet him neither in the yurt nor outside (between the bars and the nightmare); prepare ashes (weave fetters from dry couch grass, set fire, an ash trail will remain); S. decides to seize the neighboring kingdom, the son chatted everything; the enemies seized Sh., put him in a well, he eats his own lice; the neighboring king sends the nobleman to bring the people Sh.; Sh.: they will go if they find out that I live well; asks me to tell you: I live happily in a house dark as a coffin; I eat only goat meat and lamb; the carpet on which he is sitting is made of colorful brocade and striped yellow silk; I spend my days contemplating five jewels - turquoise, corals, mother-of-pearl, ruby and lapis lazuli; lying on a piece of blue silk that has no boundaries; when you come, let your cattle in front of you, and let me go ahead horned ones come, followed by hornless; there is one red ram with curved horns that is always behind everyone - kill him; there is a black rough file at the head - take it with you; there are a pair of sharp scissors at the feet - take it with you; there is no need to go in large numbers, it will be enough if three go; the daughter-in-law understood everything: the file is the wife of Sh., the scissors are herself; the ram is the son of Sh., kill him; the horned are the army; the enemy is defeated, S. was released; he married his daughter-in-law to the son of his younger brother, handed over the kingdom to him]: Mostaert 1937, No. 9 in Solovyov 2014.

Eastern Siberia. Evenki (Podkamennaya Tunguska) [the prince asks the poor hunter to find him a beautiful bride; she asks to tie one deer to winter, the other to summer; the guests do not understand, but they tie one for sledge, another by the saddle; bride: what to serve - what is afraid when it is cooked? (wild geese eggs) fry what is decreasing? (bear fat); boil what arrives? (reindeer milk); the matchmakers decided that the bride was a fool, but the poor man understood; told her to come naked and unnaked, foolish and unshod, not to be in the plague or on the street; the brides put reindeer stockings on their feet, threw a fishing net, one leg outside the threshold, the other across the threshold; wedding]: Suvorov 1956:43-44.