Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M114b1. What's the fattest, sweetest, quickest thing? .

When asked what is the sweetest thing (fat, fast, etc.), the clever calls abstract concepts and entities (and a fool refers to specific objects or creatures).

Arabs of Morocco, Germans (Tyrol), Arabs of Syria, Syria, Oriya, Hungarians, Romanians, Moldovans, Croats, Czechs, Slovaks, Russians (Vologda, Moscow), Northern Ukrainians (Chernigov), Belarusians, Crimean Tatars, Kalmyks, Abkhazians, Ossetians, Ingush, Avars, Dargins, Lucks, Persians, Lutsi, Livs, Mari, Chuvash, Bashkirs, Uighurs, Shors, Buryats.

North Africa. Moroccan Bedouin Arabs [the sheikh's wife says her family is also part of his Hilali tribe; sheikh: if your brothers answer questions, I'll believe that the easiest thing that burns the hardest is that itself sweets; brothers: feather, pepper, raisins and honey; on the way back, a woman meets her son and he teaches her: gunpowder in a gun; the sight of a deceased lover or lover; daughters and sons laughing in bed; the sheikh immediately realized that his son had taught his wife the answers; shouted that his son had been killed; mother: yes, I just saw him; (followed by other episodes in which the youngest son is the smartest and made an heir against the wishes of those who supported the older sons)]: Bushaq 1987:28-30.

Western Europe. The Germans (Tyrol) [two peasants, rich and poor, argued and went to a judge; the judge promises to decide in favor of whoever says that the world is the most beautiful, powerful and richest; rich: my wife , my oxen and myself; the daughter teaches the poor man: spring, land, harvest; when he learns that the answer was given by the peasant's daughter, the judge tells her to come to him not naked or dressed, not day or night, not down the street or not side alley; if she does, I will marry her; the girl came at dusk, wrapped in a net, across wooden bridges (über den Bretterweg); the judge married her on the condition that she would not to intervene in his affairs; one day a peasant came to her, asked for advice, and she gave her on the condition that he would not tell me who had taught him; but the judge guessed it and told his wife to leave; she asked for permission last time to eat with him and take his expensive plane with him; the husband fell asleep and his wife took him on the cart; when the judge woke up, his wife said that he was the most precious thing; they lived together for many years]: Zingerle 1852, No. 27:162-167.

Western Asia. The Arabs of Syria [the king demands that the vizier tell him tomorrow which of the stones is more valuable, which sounds are sweeter, what life gives us after God; the vizier's daughter tells us to say that the most valuable stone is a millstone, sweet sounds are a call to prayer, water gives life; then the king gave the vizier a gold-made chicken with chickens and ordered them to determine their value; the vizier's daughter: more expensive than a chicken with April rain is more expensive than a vizier's brains; then the king gave the vizier a lamb and demanded that he cook food from it, get money for it and return it alive; the daughter ordered the lamb to be killed, prepared and sold wool yarn, the vizier met all three requirements; after finding out who helped the vizier answer, the king married his daughter]: Bushnaq 1987:354-355.

South Asia. Oriya (dombo) [King Bhromo has sons Kolia (smart and rich) and younger and Holia (poor); X.'s wife gave birth to a daughter Rongoni and died; when she was 12 years old, K. gave her brother a cow; she had a calf and K. demanded it for himself; H. said that since the cow is now his, the offspring belongs to him; the judge awarded the calf K.; the king promises it to the one who will answer three questions; each time H. answers what to him the daughter suggests; that 1) the fastest (K. is a black horse, H. is a thought), 2) the fattest (K. is one of the king's servants, H. is the earth), 3) is the best (K. regality, honor, happiness, H. is a dream after hard work) ; when he learns that R. has given answers, the king sends her 7 eggs with an order to remove the chickens by morning; in response, R. gives her 7 grains so that the king can grow rice by morning and collect grain for the chickens; the king gives a ball of cotton thread and tells you to weave a handkerchief by morning; R. asks to grow cotton from the seed by morning; the king promises to marry R. if he comes out to him dressed and undressed, with or without a gift; R. wrapped herself in a net, kept him in to the sari's hand and immediately dropped it; after the wedding, R. promised not to interfere in her husband's affairs, but stipulated that if the promise was broken, she would leave, taking with her what she cared about; one day R. stood up for the minister, who was innocently imprisoned; the king let him go, but told R. to leave; when the king fell asleep, R. ordered him to be carried on the bed to his father's house; the king returned his wife, making her his own Privy Councillor]: Tauscher 1959, No. 122-125.

The Balkans. Hungarians [the king tells his subjects to refresh the millstone; demands that the peasant who brought the golden mortar bring the pestle to it; the rich and poor peasant quarrel, the king will decide in favor of who will say that the fastest, fattest and softest girl in the world: let the king first remove blood from the millstone; warns her father in advance that the king will demand him to pest; says that the fastest thought, the fattest is the earth, the softest is the hand of man; the king tells the girl to weave a handful of threads; she asks that the king make a spindle and a spinning wheel out of a piece of wood; the king orders to repair it a leaky jug so that no traces remain; girl: let the king first turn the jug inside out; the king tells the girl to come to him and not come, come naked or dressed, neither on a wagon nor on foot ( not on horseback), neither on the road nor off-road, with or without a gift, greet him and not greet him; the girl wrapped herself in a piece of cloth, drove a donkey or goat along the side of the road, bringing the hidden between two bowls, the bird, at dusk, bows to the king, but does not say a word; the king marries her on the condition that in his absence she will not interfere in affairs; otherwise he will leave the palace, but he may take the most precious thing with you; one person claims that the calf (foal) did not give birth to another cow (horse), but his bull, or the owner of the cart says that she gave birth; the king decides in favor of the owner bull (cart); the queen replies that her husband is not there - he chases fish from the millet field; or advises the victim in front of the king to fish in the sand; the queen leaves, but takes the king with him, to whom she gave sleeping pills; when he wakes up, he returns his wife]: Benedek 1884, No. 875:388-390; Romanians [the poor man dug a hole to make a dugout, and the neighbor's sheep fell there and died; the boyar does not know who is right; promises to decide in favor of the one who says what is the fattest, the fastest, the best; the rich man: my pig, my horse, the judgment of your mercy; the poor man: land, thought, truth; the boyar decides in favor of the poor; he admits what his daughter taught him; the boyar tells her to come naked or dressed, neither on horseback, nor on foot, nor on the road, nor on the outskirts; the girl wrapped herself in a net, rode next to the road on a goat, dragging her legs along the ground; boyar he let the dogs go on her, but she let the cats go after them; the boyar married her on condition that he did not interfere; one farmer borrowed a cart wheel from another; his mare necklace; the other says that his wheel was necklace; both came to the boyar; the wife says that he went to see if the frogs ate the corn; the peasants are surprised; the wife: the wheel cannot give birth; the boyar tells his wife to leave, taking the most precious thing; she gave him a drink, brought him to her father; said that he was the most important to her; the boyar returned his wife]: Vazhdaev 1962:364-371; Moldovans [the tsar tells the shepherd sell the sheep and come back with a flock and proceeds; the daughter advises to shear the sheep, sell wool; after that, the king gave the shepherd a heifer; she wandered to the boyar, who took it for himself; the king promises a heifer to him , who will answer what is fatter, faster, sweeter; boyar: our pig, our greyhound, our honey; shepherd's daughter: earth, thought and look, sleep; when he learns that the shepherd's daughter gives answers, the king gives a spindle, hemp, tells the king to hide the canvas on the entire army; the girl sends the king a sliver to make a machine, reel, etc.; the king gives 10 boiled eggs - let him bring out the chickens; the girl cooked two handfuls of seeds, sent the king to raise feed the chickens corn; the king sent the boyar to find out about the girl; she apologizes: the house has no ears; the brother went to change the name of the seeds; he will go straight - he will be late, and all around he will come quickly; the mother went out of two an old woman to do one young; explained: a house without a dog is like without ears; the brother went to the mill, there will be flour from the grain; if he goes past the tavern, she will stay; the mother makes one new one out of two old shirts; the king tells the shepherd that his daughter come neither on horseback, nor on foot, nor on the road, nor across the field, neither dressed nor naked, with a gift, nor without a gift; the girl wrapped herself in a net, saddled a stick, a hare under her arm, in Two pigeons in her hand, one leg on the edge of the road and the other across the field; dogs rushed at the gate, she released a hare for them; she gave them pigeons, they flew away; the king married her on the condition that he would be the first to judge the people; the mare gave birth; the other two say that his cart gave birth to him; his harness; queen: first lock the foal and then release it; he went to the mare, not the cart or harness; the king decided to drive his wife away, but agreed to feast first and let him take what is most important to her; the king became intoxicated and fell asleep, his wife took him to her place; then they lived together]: Botezat 1981:325-332; Croats [before old people when they reached the age of 60, they killed; the son took him to the forest and hit you on the head with a mallet; carrying his father, one son asked where to do it; he indicated the place: your son would kill you here later; the son felt sorry for his father and hid ; the king sent young men to the land of darkness for gold; from where no one returned; when it came to the young man, who felt sorry for his father, he advised him to ride a mare and leave the foal at home. collect gold, and then the mare will bring it home on its own; the young man brought gold to the king; he now demands that a jug of gold be taken out of the water, the brilliance of which is visible; father: a jug on a tree, only a reflection of it in the water; third requirement: bring a grain of millet the size of a nut; father: get a lump of millet grains collected by mice in their hole; after asking the young man who had taught him the tricks, the king came to the old man and ordered him to answer to three questions; if he answers, he gives him life; what is more pleasant, what is more nutritious and what is the fastest? Old man: dream, land, thought; the king told old people not to kill anymore]: Eschker 1992, No. 41:192-184.

Central Europe. Czechs: Nemtsova 1977 [Manka, the daughter of a running brother, works for a rich man for a heifer; he does not want to give it back; the father went to the judge; he asks what is faster, sweeter and richer; M. tells me to answer like eye, sleep, earth; gets a tulka, but the judge tells his daughter to arrive night or day, dressed, naked, or on foot, or on a cart; M. put a bag, a stocking on one leg, a shoe on the other, at dawn rode a goat; the judge married her on the condition that she did not interfere in his affairs; one man brought a stallion, the other a mare, arguing whose foal; M. advises the owner of the mare to fish with a net on grief; if the stallion can necklace, then there is fish on the mountain; admitted to the judge that M. taught him; the husband tells his wife to leave, taking what is most important to her; M. gave him a drink, told him to go with the bed take her father to the house; the judge forgave her and stayed with her]: 41-48; Slovaks [a rich peasant has 10 sows and the poor has one thin mumps; she often goes to feed on a rich man; he hit her and killed her; the poor man complained to the local manager, the rich man filed a counterclaim - the poor man's pig ate him; the manager promised to decide in favor of whoever says the fattest, fastest, cleanest ; the wife of a rich man told her husband to say: our pig, which we fattened for three years, our horse, our well; the poor man's daughter to her father: the earth, the moon (goes around the earth and sky in four weeks), the sun; the manager rejected the rich man's lawsuit and gave the poor man his fat pig; but he realized that the answers were not invented by the poor man himself; gave a bunch of linen and told his daughter to process it in three days and sew him a wedding shirt; in response, the girl sent a branch to make all weaving and spinning tools out of it; the manager told her to come day or night, on foot, on horseback, or in a wagon, naked or dressed, with or without a gift; she appeared at dawn riding a goat, dragging her legs, wrapped in a net, handed two turtles that immediately flew away; the manager marries her on condition not to interfere in his affairs; once a mare gave birth to one person, and the foal climbed under someone else's ox; the manager awarded him an ox to the owner; his wife advises the mare owner to start waving a sickle in the water at the sight of the manager, and on the shore throw a net; the manager gave him the foal, but told his wife to leave, allowing him to take the most precious thing; she gave him a drink and brought him to her father's house; when the husband woke up, the wife said he was for her most precious thing; the manager returned his wife and took her father to live with him as well]: Dobšinský 1970, No. 37:199-203; Russians (Vologda) [older brother's wife died after giving birth to a daughter; younger they gave him a thin cow, but decided to take it away as well; we came to the king; he made riddles: what is fatter, nicer, faster; the wives of the younger brothers teach them: our pigs, our wives, our horses; the seven-year-old teaches father: earth, sleep, eyes; when he learns what the girl has answered, the king sends her a basket of baked eggs - let her bring out the chickens; the seven-year-old sent burnt wheat: let her grow wheat to feed the chickens with millet; king arrived - where to tie a horse? seven years old: by winter or summer (to firewood or to the cart); the king tells her to come neither equestrian, nor on foot, nor naked, nor dressed, nor barefoot, nor shod; she wrapped herself in a strap, cats on her feet, sat on a ram, took the cat with him; the king released the dogs, the seven-year-old let the cat go, the dogs after the cat, and let her go; she stopped with her front legs {a ram} in the yard and with her back legs on the street; the king took her and her father to him]: Smirnov 1917, No. 47:224-225; Russians (Moscow, Moscow, St. Ruza, 1903) [rich brother gave her poor daughter a chick; A seven-year-old (name, not age) raised her and she brought a chick herself; S. is ready to give the chick, but the rich brother demands to give the cow; the judge will decide the benefit of the one who gives the right answer; what is the fastest (rich: my horse; poor at the suggestion of my daughter: thought); what is the sweetest (my wife/sleep); fatter (my pig/land); the judge awarded the cow poor brother; tells the Seven-year-old not to come and come, not wearing a shirt or naked, would not bring gifts or giveaways; S. wrapped herself in a net, came on a goat, brought pigeons, which immediately flew away; the judge marries her on the condition that he would not interfere in matters; once there was no judge, two men argued; one mare got necklaces, and the foal climbed under the other's cart, he thinks he his own; S.: whoever the foal will go to, that mother; the foal went to the mare; the judge tells his wife to leave, let him take the most precious thing; she offers to arrange a farewell party; she gave her husband a drink, brought him to her father: I took the most expensive thing; and I was there, I drank honey beer, it flowed down my mustache, it got a little into my mouth]: Vedernikova, Samodelova 1998, No. 68:190-192; northern Ukrainians (Chernigovskaya, Nezhinsky y.) [A rich brother has no children, but the poor brother has many; the rich man's wife sent her husband to overhear what the poor is doing; he plays the pipe and the children are dancing; the rich goes to the lord: the poor does not give the borrowed money, let will give at least the child; the pan will decide in favor of the one who says that the fastest, most satisfying and pleasant in the world; the daughter of the poor, seven years old: sun, earth and sleep; the wife of the rich: our horse, our pig, I am with you; pan tells the rich man to give 50 rubles and gives them to the poor; when he learns that the defendant is a seven-year-old, she gives 20 eggs to sit the chickens; girl: let the pan harness oxen, plow on the stove and sow millet, otherwise chickens will have nothing to eat; pan praised her]: Malinka 1902, No. 68:353-354; Belarusians [a rich man's chick calved, the poor man's wife gave birth to a girl; the rich man's wife decided that the calf would die, and threw it away, and the poor man picked it up; after 7 years, the calf became a fat chick and the newborn became a smart girl; the rich man demanded that the chick be given to him; the pan would give it to the one who guesses the riddles: what is fatter, richer, faster; rich man's wife: our boar, ourselves, our horse; poor man's daughter: land, God, thought; pan gave the heifer to the poor man; came to his house, daughter at home; asks what to tie the horse to; girl: at least winter, even by summer (to the cart or sleigh); the pan gives a basket of eggs: let the chickens be panu for breakfast by morning; the daughter sends her father to the lord with a request to immediately sow the field, grow millet and pour grains into the pot to feed the chickens; the pan tells the girl not to come on horseback, on foot, naked, not in a shirt, with or without a gift; she appears on a stick wrapped in a net; the pan released the dogs, and she is a hare, the dogs ran after the hare; the pan married her, telling her not to dare to judge the serfs; two men went to the fair, one's mare necklaces, the foal climbed under the other's cart; Mr.'s wife tells one to drag the cart, the other to the mare: who the foal would run for, she gave birth to him; when she found out that his wife had begun to judge herself, the pan decided to kick her out of the house, allowing her to take what was nice; she gave her husband a drink and brought him to her father's house; the pan brought his wife back]: Vasilenok et al. 1958:257-261.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars (Akay {Karasubazar District?}) [the end of a long tale; Khan suspects that Beautiful Tomalai is very clever; asks what is heavier, bitter, sweeter and best; other women answer that iron, pepper, honey; T.: heavier and more bitter - to part with the place where I grew up; the sweetest and better is the human word; the weakest is the human heart]: Zherdeva 2020, No. 56; Kalmyks: Vatagin 1964 [three brothers share property; sister advises the youngest should take only her and the black cow; only this cow is cash; the older brothers complain to the khan that the division is unfair; khan: what is the most beautiful, sharp; older brothers: mother's dress, bay horse; sister teaches the younger: the moon, but the sun is even more beautiful; the wind, but the thought is faster; the youngest has to admit that his sister taught him; the khan tells her to come and sit neither in the kibitka nor outside; the sister sat between the bars and with yurt felt; the khan married a girl; the merchant tied the mare to someone else's cart, the mare necklaces, the owner of the cart claims to have given birth to his cart; the khan agreed, because the owner of the cart is his countryman; his wife tells the owner of the mare to ask the khan to weave a net to fish near the palace; khan: the fish does not live on land; the merchant: the cart does not give birth; the khan makes him admit that the khansha has taught him; the khan tells his wife should leave, taking the most precious thing; his wife gave him a drink, took him to the steppe - he is the most expensive for her; the khan returned his wife]: 235-238; Abkhazians: Bgazhba 1983 [the poor man borrowed the bull from a neighbor, and when he returned it, he through a month is dead; the neighbor demands compensation; the judge asks questions; the poor man's daughter answers correctly: the fastest is the thought, the fattest is the earth, the sweetest dream; the judge refused the rich man, took the poor man's daughter as his wife with the condition that in his absence she would not judge people herself; the rider and the owner of the arba came; the rider's mare necklaces, the foal was under the arba, the owner of the arba said that he was given birth to an arba; his wife judges: I was late because I was extinguishing a burning stream with dry leaves; debators: the fire is extinguished with water, not with leaves; woman: and the arba does not give birth; the judge tells his wife to take everything she needs and leave the house; she wants Have lunch with him first; got drunk and brought him to her place; in the morning: you are most needed; they returned to the judge together]: 245-247; Shakryl 1975, No. 68 [poor and rich man came to the judge; he promised to decide in favor who guessed what is faster, fatter, sweeter; the daughter of the poor man teaches: thought, earth, sleep; the judge orders to weave a cloth from the flax stem and sew clothes; the daughter threw the stalk into the fire and sent a sliver to the judge: let will make a loom; the judge married the girl, forbiding her to interfere in affairs; at night, the rider's horse necklaces, and the barber let the foal go to his buffalo; the judge's wife: the husband took cotton wool and went to extinguish ice on the mountains; if this does not happen, then the buffalo cannot give birth to a foal; judge to his wife: you broke the agreement, go away, taking the most precious thing; she gave him a drink and brought him home; the judge admitted defeat, returned his wife]: 314-316; Ossetians [the king gathers people and animals and asks them questions: what is best in the world, what is more beautiful and what is the richest. The flatterers say that the king is the best, and he is also richer and more beautiful. The king is pleased, but he asks the question again - what if anyone thinks differently or is there no one here to give a different answer? The king is told that all those under control are present here. But here comes a breathless hedgehog. He replies that the land that feeds people is good, spring is beautiful, which decorates the land, and autumn, which fills the bins with bread, is rich. The king is surprised by the clever answer and asks him another question: who is more alive or dead? Hedgehog: "There are more dead, because they include those alive who don't have a fur coat in winter and burkas in summer." The king says to the hedgehog: "You told the truth, but because you did not say anything good about me, you will live in a hole from now on, and that your skin is prickly." Since then, the hedgehog has been prickly]: Kaloev 1976:34-36; Ingush [the prince could not answer questions about what is softer, sweeter, faster and fattest; the interlocutor explained: human hand, sleep, thought, earth; another question: that the living eats, has a soul, but does not recover; a child, a foal, a calf in the womb]: Sadulaev 2004, No. 55:143-144; Avars [khan orders to answer three questions, otherwise he executes; the poor man's daughter went instead him; replies that the most sensitive is ears, the fastest is his eyes, the fairest is Khan's anger; the khan orders to sew clothes from threshing boards; the girl sends him stones, asks him to make threads out of them; khan gives him 15 eggs, asks him to remove chickens from them by tomorrow; the girl sends him a handful of barley: let him grow grain to feed the chickens; Khan has stopped killing people]: Atayev 1972, No. 38:59-60 (=Aliyeva 2013, No. 7:56-57, =Saidov, Dalgat 1965:42-45); Dargins [the rich brother gave the poor cow, later decided to take it away; he replied that the cow was his; the judge (talhat) promises a cow to whoever says the fattest, softest , tasty; poor man's daughter: answer that the ground, the flesh of the meat, sleep; the judge tells you to remove the chickens from a hundred eggs by tomorrow; the daughter made scrambled eggs from the eggs, and told the judge to sow millet and squeeze it tomorrow to there was something to feed the chickens; they sent for the girl, she speaks in riddles, the judge married her, telling her not to interfere in matters; the owner of the cart and the mare argued who owned the foal born at night; wife judges: the sea is burning; since the sea cannot burn, the cart will not be necklace either; the judge tells his wife to take what she wants and return to her parents; she brought him sleeping; the judge returned her]: Aliyeva 2013, No. 10:66-68; Lucky [younger rich brother wants to take away the last cow from the poor elder to pay for his father's funeral costs; han: I'll decide in favor of the right answer; what is the fattest, fastest, most pleasant, like far from truth to lie; younger brother's wife: neighbor's pig, hare, halva, truth from lies 15 days away; older daughter: earth, thought, sleep, five finger distance (what the eye sees is true that the ear hears - lie); Khan orders that by his arrival, the girl will raise chickens from 40 boiled eggs; the daughter tells me that the chickens have been bred, but let the khan sow millet and harvest by tomorrow to feed the chickens; Khan: Where to tie horses? girl: it is possible by summer, it is possible by winter (in the yard or in the shed); the khan returned their cow and added gold]: Aliyeva 2013, No. 25:112-113.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians [the king asks the vizier what is greener, sweeter, more fragrant; waits for an answer in a month; the vizier's daughter: water, married woman, wheat bread; the vizier admitted that the answers were given by his daughter, the king He ordered her to be brought; she explained: wherever the water flows, the grass turns green; the tsar married a girl]: Romaskevich 1934a, No. 51:248-249.

Baltoscandia. Liwa [the poor man has children; to prevent them from going to the rich man's plot, he dug a deep ditch; the rich man's cow tried to go down to drink and broke his leg; the rich sued; the judge: he is right , who can answer that the richest, fastest, sweetest; the poor man's daughter told him not to worry; the rich man replies that he is the richest, the fastest is his stallion, the sweetest is his honey; bndnyak: God, thought, dream; when he learns that the answers are suggested by her daughter, the judge tells her to come not naked or dressed, not on horseback, on foot, on the road or on the side of the road; let her tie the horse between winter and summer; she wrapped herself in a net, came on a goat walking with one foot along the road and the other on the side of the road; tied the goat between a sleigh and a cart; the judge ordered the girl to be dressed up as a servant, but when she saw her beautifully dressed, he married himself; when he left, he forbade his wife to interfere in legal matters; two came; one lent the other a cart wheel, and at night the mare necklaces; wheel owner: if he hadn't borrowed it, There would be no foal, so his foal; the judge's wife ruled; the judge ordered her to return to her father, taking what she wanted; the wife offered to have a feast at last; the husband became drunk and fell asleep, the wife brought him to father's house; her husband returned her, they began to live well: Löwis of Menar 1927, No. 88:287-289; Lutsie (recorded in Russian from a gypsy woman in 1931) [two cousins, the poor only has a goose; told his wife fry, took the pan; the pan demands to be divided into 6 parts; poor man: panu - head, lady - heart, daughters - wings, sons - legs; And for me, as a stupid man, let the whole corpse remain; the man is awarded; the rich decided to take five geese, he does not know how to divide them into six; they called the poor man; he divides it so that he almost gets it himself; the pan is happy, ordered the rich to be flogged and take a hundred rubles from him, Rewarded the poor again; "As if I don't have geese myself"; the pan calls both to him again; what is the most pleasant thing, fast, fat and strong? poor man's daughter: pleasant - sleep, strong - water, greasy - earth, quick - thought; the wife of a rich man advises to answer this way: pleasant - my wife and I, fat - our hog, strong - our horse, fast - our hound; the rich is punished again, the poor is rewarded; the pan tells the poor to weave clothes for six from a bunch of linen; the daughter tells him to take three sticks: let him make a loom; pan tells him to take out chickens from boiled eggs; the poor man's daughter asks him to grow peas by sowing boiled peas; the pan tells him to come unfed, not on an empty stomach, naked or dressed, not horse, not on foot, not on the road, not in the field; the old pan died, and the son was driving past the poor man's house and asking for a drink; he liked the poor man's daughter, he married her; the poor man had a mare necklace, the rich man says that it is his cart; the pan decided in favor of the rich; his wife: if the cart is cabbage turned over, and the heads of cabbage rolled into someone else's garden, whose are they? pan: the one who was carrying them; wife: which means the mare's foal; the pan got angry and ordered a divorce; the wife offers to drink tea for the last time, added sleepy remedy, brought her husband who fell asleep to her; pan recognized his wife's wisdom, no longer quarreled]: Annom et al. 2018:70-74.

Volga - Perm. Marie [the poor and rich brother went to town; at night, the poor mare gave birth to a foal in the inn, which climbed under the rich man's cart; a policeman and a judge, having received money from the rich man, decided in his favor: a cart gave birth to a foal; the king promises to decide in favor of the one who will correctly answer the questions: what is the most tender in the world; fat; fast; the godfather of the rich teaches him: down pillows, ours a pig, our horse; a 9-year-old daughter teaches the poor: a hand (a man puts it under his head), earth, thought; the king decided in favor of the poor; when he learns that his daughter gave the answers, she orders that silk threads from the arshin she weaved and sewed a shirt; the girl pulls a twig out of her broom: let the king make a loom out of it; the king gives 10 eggs: let the girl sit chickens out of them in a day; the girl tells her father to ask the king wheat that will ripen a week after sowing: the chickens will only need this grain; King: let the daughter come neither on foot, nor on horseback, with or without a gift, naked or dressed; the daughter tells her father to get her a living hare and heron; she comes on horseback, wrapped in a net, gives her a heron, which immediately flies away; the king asks: how high is the sky and how deep is the earth? the tsar could not answer, let the girl go, rewarding her; (then the girl grew up, got married - another story)]: Beke 1938, No. 46:409-418; Chuvash: Sidorova 1979 [Gordey is rich, his neighbor Artemy is poor; The mare G. gave birth, the foal lay under A.'s cart; he says that it was his cart that was necklace; the king promises to decide in favor of whoever says that everything in the world is sweeter and more pleasant; G.'s wife advised me to say , what is honey; Orina, daughter A. - what is a dream; king: what is stronger? wife G.: our piebald mare; daughter A.: water; who is faster than everyone else? wife G.: hare; daughter A.: thought; king: how much from one end of the earth to the other? G.: You can't pass in a century; A.: the sun passes in a day; how much from earth to sky? G.: no one can get up; A.: no more than a mile - when the lights in the sky turn on in the evening, you can see, and when you drive through the clouds, you can hear thunder; how far is it to the bottom of the earth? G.: fathom; A.: the father left 30 years ago, has not yet sent a letter; the king gave the foal to A.; marries his daughter, but gives the bull: let her calve as a heifer, she will grow up and give milk for the wedding; O. ordered the bull should be slaughtered, and when the king came, she replied that the father had gone to give birth; the king ordered that a wedding dress be sewn from a flap; O. ordered that hemp be grown from the seed and threads made in three days; the king orders that O. came neither in the field, nor by road, nor on foot, nor on horseback, with a gift that is visible but not accessible to her hands; O. appeared riding a hare, gave a pigeon as a gift, which immediately flew away; the king married O.; orders do nothing against his will; two argue whether the cart or the mare is necklace; O.: Whoever the foal follows is the mother; the tsar executed his wife]: 165-168; Chuvash tales 1937 [the poor man took a cow from a rich man I will give it back when she brings three calves; when he sees a cow in a good body, the rich man said that the poor man simply stole it; the judges give the poor man a bunch of tow, tell him to weave a shirt by tomorrow and towel; daughter gives her father a piece of spindle, advises judges to make a loom out of it; judges give a boiled egg, let there be a brood of chickens by tomorrow; daughter gives a handful of cereals, let judges will sow it on the stove, harvest it, prepare the grains to feed the chickens; judges: who/what is fatter, tastier, more cunning? rich man: our pig, our bees, our dog; poor man's daughter: land, sleep, human eyes; judges awarded a cow to a poor man]: 58-60; Bashkirs [clever Eget Almiryan hired Khan; Khan Basir tells this say if there are creatures other than humans and animals; how many compartments are in the box and what is in such a compartment; where Khan B was yesterday.. and what he experienced; A.: other creatures live in the sky; in box 7 departments, on average something sharp, but with an eye, which means not a nail, but a needle; Khan B. was in Istanbul and fell in love with the daughter of a local khan, does not know how to get it; A. came to Khan B.; replied that in heaven countless stars; that B.'s concerned face was reflected and imprinted in the box; leaving Almiryan instead, B. came to Istanbul; the daughter of the local khan asks what is sweetest and most bitter; A. came unrecognized, gives the answer: sleep is sweeter, the word is more bitter; B. married the daughter of the Khan of Istanbul and received the throne there, and A. became khan in the Basir Khanate]: Barag 1990, No. 32:84-95.

Turkestan. The Uighurs [the king told the viziers to answer questions; what is heavier, lighter, sweeter; the viziers do not know; three days later one replies that the hardest is stone, the lightest is the blade, the sweetest honey; other answers of the same kind; the king is furious; the girl says she will answer the king easily; the viziers promise her money to give them answers, but she refuses; the most difficult thing is grief, the easiest thought, the sweetest thing is a dream; the king is happy]: Jarring 1948, No. 2:20-26.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Shors [older brother Maas ("gadfly") is rich, younger Arychak ("bee") is poor, he has a daughter Sholban ("Venus"), M. agreed to give her a calf, he gave a big offspring, M. demanded not to return another calf, and the whole herd; both brothers came to Khan, who tells them to solve riddles; M.'s wife gives stupid answers, S. - wise (mother earth is fatter than fat, sun is faster than fast); Khan tells Sh. a mosquito leather fur coat, which in response demands to give her a thread of sand; Khan orders the bull to calve; S. collects grass, says that for the newborn, because her father gave birth; Khan marries Sh. became wiser; Khan goes with his son, tells him to shorten the road, he begins to draw on the ground; S. explains that the khan asked to talk to shorten the path]: Funk 2011 (2): 248-252; Buryats (Okinsky Buryatia region) [Bardunay is rich, he has three sons; his younger brother Balamja is poor, he has a daughter; the youngest came to the eldest to ask for a cart; seeing that the youngest mare would soon be necklace, he said that His cart will necklace - don't dare to take the foal; Taisha promises to award a foal to someone who says sharper, fatter, fastest by morning; Bardunai's sons: razor, pig, horse; Balamji's daughter: noyon power, land, thought; Taisha gave the foal to Balamja, ordered him to arrive neither on foot, nor on horseback, nor by road, nor without a road, nor dressed, nor naked, with a gift or without a gift; Balamja came on a goat on on the side of the road, gave the bird, it immediately flew away; Taisha orders to milk the bull, cook tarak; Taisha came, the daughter went out, said that the father gave birth; Taisha sent two people, Balamja's daughter offered to tie horses by winter or summer; Taisha married his son to Balamdzhi's daughter]: Bardakhanova, Gympilova 2008, No. 4:26-29.