M114G. A long-bearded goat and a tall camel. .
Only a boy, a young man, cleverly answers questions from a powerful character. When he asks why someone older and taller was not sent to him, the boy says that the goat has the longest beard, and the camel is the tallest.
Abazans, Nogais, Dargins, Azerbaijanis, Turks, Uzbeks, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abazins [Arbrykhan led the stallion to a hill filled at his command and the stallion laughed; A. said that the mares on the side where the laughter was directed gave birth to his stallion and his foals; Kabardian people are confused; a 12-year-old boy promises to fix everything; took 40 horsemen, a goat and a camel with him; tells us to kill dogs on the way: when wolves ate our sheep a year ago, these dogs were silent; khan: wasn't there more and more bearded to send to me; boy: here's a camel and a goat; khan dismissed the case]: Japua, Chekanov 2019, No. 15:121-124; Nogais [khan received a message: mine the stallion has burnt, the annual offspring from your mares is mine; old man Jenali goes to the possession of the neighboring khan, tells his companions to kill the dogs there; that khan tells him to bring the biggest of the arrivals to him; J. sent a camel; Khan: better, a bearded one; sent a goat; bring a bearded man to talk to; J. himself came; Khan: why did your people kill dogs? J.: Why didn't they raise the alarm when wolves slaughtered sheep on the other side of the world? khan: dogs could not know this; J.: and mares could not get pregnant because of the stallion's nearing; khan: come not naked or dressed, not on horseback, not on the road; J. wrapped himself in a matting, came on a donkey along the side of the road; then a foreign khan gave J. a wineskin of gold, and his own with 40 wineskins]: Nogai 1979, No. 35:153-155; Dargins [the son of a poor mother brought the only chicken as a gift to the rich man; he orders to divide it; young man gives a head to a rich man, a heart to his wife, wings to sons, legs to daughters, keeps the rest for himself; receives half a bag of gold as a reward; a neighbor wants more gold, brings five chickens; does not share He knows, one of the daughters and he did not get anything himself; the rich man calls yesterday's poor man; he gives one chicken to his husband and wife (three), one to two brothers (three), one to two sisters (three), the remaining two keeps himself (also three); gets half a bag of gold; the nuker says that the rich man will go broke, goes to take the gold; asks the poor man where the middle of the earth is; he tells him to give him his horse, gun and clothes; shoots a nuker under his feet, he runs away, comes to serve another rich man; advises to demand half a herd from the first rich man: because his stallions have burnt, his neighbor's mares brought foals; rich man summons the old poor man; he comes to the village of the second rich man with five nukers, tells him to kill all the dogs: they dispersed the wolves of another village; if this is not possible, then the mares did not necklace because of laughing stallions; a rich man demands to sew an iron fur coat, the poor man tells you to make iron threads; rich man: you are still beardless; poor man: take a long-bearded goat; the first rich man gave his daughter to the poor man]: Aliyeva 2013, No. 31: 144-147; Azerbaijanis [khan's advisers: in order to seize the village, you must first eliminate the old people living in it; the khan ordered the elderly to come to him, put him in prison; then sends a messenger to the village with the requirement to determine which of the apples of the current, which is the past, and which is the harvest before last; to come to him with his favorite animal and so that he can look at the arrived from the bottom up; otherwise through he will take the village for three days; they forgot to take the century-old man to Khan, he taught the boy Ahmed; but he does not know what animal the khan loves; in order to enter the Khan's city, A. put on a ram's skin and on all fours, along with his sheep, passed by the guards; when he saw a goat with gilded horns, A. found out from the shepherd that the khan loved goats most of all; he arrived at the khan, sitting on a tall camel, and with a goat; threw apples into the water: the latter was heavy and drowned, the lung surfaced the year before last, last year's one remained in the middle; Khan released the old people and left the village alone]: Nabiev 1988:148-151; Turks [ the boy {rather a young man} refuses to tell the dream to his mother, father, teacher; everyone hits him, drives him away; the padishah received a stick from the neighboring padishah: if he does not say where her upper end is and where is her lower end, the neighboring one will start a war; the young man promises to answer this question; threw a stick into the water: the lower end has sunk, the upper end has surfaced; which mare is mother and which is daughter; the young man ordered to mix oats with gravel; old ate everything, and the young man chose only grain; sew marble uniforms for the troops; the young man writes a letter asking for marble threads; the neighboring padishah asks for a guessman; the boy took with him a camel, a goat and a cat; when he was told that he was too young, without a mustache or beard, to be like a genius, the young man pointed to the animals: the camel was tall, the cat had a mustache, a goat with a beard; the car threw the young man into the chair next to the padishah, and the mechanical girl served coffee; the young man was not surprised; the padishah gave him his daughter; at home, the Turkish padishah also gave him his daughter; now the young man told a dream: to his left the moon, the sun on the right; the daughter of the neighboring padishah is called Ay (moon), and the Turkish one is Gunesh (sun)]: Walker, Uysal 1966, No. 5:132-135.
Iran - Central Asia. Uzbeks [told the padishah that his horses are losing weight because they do not eat clover, but laugh when they hear other horses laughing; the vizier goes out of town, finds a herd and tells him to tie his horses so as not to laughed; the shepherd obeyed his command; he came on a large camel, taking a long-bearded goat; began to shoot arrows at the drums, which burst miserably; says to the palishah that he is an ambassador from the mountains; he asks Didn't you have someone better, newer in clothes; herdsman: here's a camel, just laid out and tall; the goat has a long beard; the roar of drums does not stand still; the pabishah understood everything and allowed the herd to herd horses; he asked for a piece of land the size of five bovine skins; cut the skins into belts and fenced off the whole city; the padishah gave him the city and retired to the desert]: Afzalov et al. 1972 (2): 328-331 (=Sheverdin 1980:324-327).
Volga - Perm. The Bashkirs [Khan Turakhan's stallion, Khan Yanebakhan threw out the mare 60 versts from T.; Y. accused T.; the bald boy Taz undertakes to resolve the dispute; crossing the river, he puts on boots - not spoil my legs against stones; taking my peers, I begin to kill dogs. - They did not come to the rescue when wolves strangled sheep 60 versts away; I demand a wiser sage, Taz exposes the bull - lives with his mind; then the goat is gray-bearded; Y. gives Taz the name Erense-sesen; T. adopted him; E. went to look for a bride, caught up with the old man; suggests passing the time, making a cauldron out of the ground; says that the straight the road is winding and winding straight; E. comes to the old man's daughter, says that the stove is good, and the pipe is crooked (the girl has a humped nose); girl: but the traction is good; explains to her father E.'s words: he offered to start a conversation, bake a grouse in a hole; the straight road turned out to be uncomfortable; the old man asks for 6 identical mares for his daughter, E. sends 6 rays - the main thing is that they are the same; T. tells the girl to sew stone galoshes; girl: let him send sand threads; T. sent a bull, let him calve; girl: my father gave birth, cannot go out; E. married a girl; for every word he receives altyn from Khan (since then, how he helped to resolve the dispute with Y.); they want to execute Brother E. for lying: an arrow hit the hare's ear through his leg; E.: the hare scratched his ear; the brother was released]: Barag 1990, No. 1:14-19.
Turkestan. Kazakhs [Az-Janibek demands that the Yusuns and Congrats destroy camels, because mares throw out foals because of their scream; Jirenshe Sheshen was still a boy, he volunteered to go to the khan, let them give it like a big camel, a goat with a beard, and a gun; dogs barked, J. started shooting them; says that the barking of these dogs causes Yusun Kongrat camels to throw camels away; Khan: Your camels cannot hear our dogs; J.: and your mares are our camels; Khan: Didn't you find you higher to send me an ambassador? J.: No one is taller than this camel; Khan: is there no elder? J.: This goat has the biggest beard; Khan gave J. a horse and a nice dress; one day J. suggested that his companion make a wooden cauldron boil and replace thin horses with fat ones; he mistook him for a fool; River J. said: I saw two fords, one close but far away, the other far but close; on the close there was a swamp, the satellite barely got out; the companion's daughter explains to him: J. meant to smoke a pipe, feed horses; J. and the girl Kara-Shash exchange signs, then negotiate; J. has only one bull; he stabbed him, hid the meat in the yurt of his future father-in-law, accused him of stealing, eventually got K.; Khan wants it for himself; gives 40 rams - let them bring lambs; when the khan arrives, K. says that J. gave birth to a child; then the khan ordered the bull to be cooked alive; K. teaches how to water the bull with brine; when he was stabbed, there was no blood ]: Potanin 1916, No. 9:67-70; Kyrgyz: Brudny 1954 [Khan Janybek besieged the city of Khan Sultanmamyt; he angrily tells the young man in his old fur coat to clean; the young man comments on the khan's behavior; khan asks the young man where the tumbleweed will stop; the young man: where the air stops; asks him to be sent to J., giving him the tallest camel and the oldest goat; J. is outraged that he came to see him boy; young man: if you need a tall and gray-bearded man, here is a camel and a goat; the khan promises to give what the young man wants; he asks for as much land as he can fit into the camel's skin; the young man cut the skin into straps and surrounded his city]: 91-92 (=Brudny, Eshmambetov 1963:225-227, =197:153-154, =Ledenyov 1987:22-24); Poyarkov 1900 []: 27-29; Muchnik 1944 []: 22-23.