Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M115. The Wolf Eaten .

The character cunningly kills a dangerous predator. Relatives or friends of the victim find out about this and come to take revenge. The character is saved.

West Africa. Tenda [The Hare and the Firefly decided to travel; they killed a goat on the way; the hare always says that it is better to divide the meat later, but here he was born (then he began to walk; etc., stages of life; apparently to take all the meat for himself); night has come, Firefly turned off his lantern, changed the meat in the bag with bones, left; The hare meets the Panther, who hires him to look after the children; the hare kills them, says Panther, that the beans are delicious because he has put some bark; the last cub tells the mother about what happened; The hare changes with the cub signs, at night the Panther strangles the cub; then we are talking about Hare; she gives birth to bunnies at the top of a palm tree; goes to buy food; when she hears her mother's voice, the Bunnies throw off her rope; the Panther asks to drop the rope, the bunnies feel that this is not their mother's voice; then she imitates in the voice of the Hare, the children drop the rope; the Panther climbs, they call her mother, ask her to climb on the leaf they cut the base; the Panther falls, breaks to death; from the skin of her cubs The hare makes a bag to carry children; says Panther (the other?) that the bag is made of Serval's skin, and Serval is made of Panther's skin; The Hare and the Bunnies are hiding in a termite mound, the Panther and Serval climb after them; the Hare and the Bunnies come out unnoticed, close the holes in termite mound, strangle pursuers with smoke; eat (the bird breaks a hole into the termite mound again)]: Ferry 1983, No. 34:173-180.

Sudan-East Africa. Malgashi [fossa (Cryptoprocta ferus) and the turtle were friends; fossa climbed a banana, but did not throw a single one to the turtle; it came across sharp sticks around the banana, fossa fell and injured herself to death; when meeting other foss, the turtle admitted that it carries fossa fat; says it cannot be shot or stabbed with spears; advises to wrap it in banana leaves and throw it into the water; swam laughing over fosses]: Rodman 1965:56-57.

SV Asia. Kereki [{Baboshina has Koryaks; cm. Leontyev 1983:83-84}; The Raven and the Wolf ride down the mountain, the Wolf falls into the water; for promising to give his sister, the Raven pulls him out; he does not give it; the Raven turns into a piece of meat, the Wolf swallows it, the Raven cuts it from the inside; turns the intestines into wolf bait; the Wolf brothers eat it, die; Volkov's mother gives birth to a new son, he revives his brothers]: Baboshina 1958, No. 27:68-70; coastal Koryaks: Zhukova 1980, No. 11 ( Palana) [walking along the shore, Kuke scatters all parts of his body; they are eaten by the Wolf; K. comes to life in his stomach, advises him to go to his house, where he squeezes the Wolf's heart; K. and his family fry lupus, Magpie reports other Wolves; they are invited into the house, strangled to death with smoke]: 161-164; Menovshchikov 1974, No. 126 (Kichiga) [after riding a sleigh, the Wolf walks, finds and swallows parts of the crow's body to Kuikynnyaku; he comes to life inside it, kills (like the Kereks); another wolf calls animals to kill K.; K. strangles terrestrial smoke in a dugout, kills water ones, pouring paint from alder bark into the sea, presses worms while skiing; shakes off the kitchen above the wolf's dugout, the dugout is filled with snow, wolves die]: 402-405; Jochelson 1908, No. 115 [K. drops his legs, arms, kidneys, liver one by one; The wolf swallows them first, then what is left; from his belly, K. tells Wolf to go to his (K.) house, where Wolf breaks off his heart; Mitya rips Wolf's belly open, K. leaves]: 309.

NW Coast. Bellacula [from a woman (she is a bird) is the son of Winter Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes); someone steals dried salmon soaked under a rock; the wren guards, it's the Grizzly; he sucks three times with his nose, but he flies out of his anus three times; Grizzly covers his nose and anus with plugs; with a fire drill, Wren makes a fire inside the Grizzly; the Grizzly fell, his womb burst, sparks rose to the sky became stars; other Grizzlies, Black Bears and Wolves came to take revenge; Wren sang, grew a stone uphill, and with their mother they heated stones at the top, killed animals by rolling stones down]: Boas 2002, No. 10:520-521; Nootka: Sapir, Swadesh 1939, No. 4 [Quatyat kills the Wolf; the tribe of the murdered man is guessing to identify the murderer; Quatyat confesses to what he did, runs away; abandoned crest turns into a mountain; spilled fat into a lake; Qatyat sails away in a boat]: 33-34; Boas 1895, No. 2 [Kwotiath went ashore to collect fish; someone collects it before him; he sees a wolf, calls him to into his house, runs earlier, kills the wolf with a spear, buries it under the floor, pretends to be sick; the other two wolves are looking for a friend, K. replies that he has been ill for a long time; takes a comb and a bubble of fish oil, dances , shouts that he killed the wolf leader, runs away; sticks a comb, he turns into a mountain; spills fat - the sea; so four times, the wolves have stopped pursuing]: 98-99.

Southeast USA. Chirokee: Kilpatrick, Kilpatrick 1966, No. 1 [The wolf catches the Turtle; she asks not to eat it, promises that her friend Opossum will drop the Wolf's persimmon; for the fourth time, Opossum throws flint, the Wolf dies; friends make spoons out of wolf ears; other Wolves catch a Turtle; she braves not to be afraid of fire, boiling water, a deep hole; thrown into the river]: 398-400; Mooney 1900, No. 31 [Opossum drops his persimmons To the Turtle's friend, the Wolf takes the fruit for himself; the Opossum throws a large fruit or bone into the Wolf's mouth, which dies; then like Kilpatrick]: 278-279; catavba [Opossum advises the Deer to get the fruit persimmons run against a tree; the deer dies; the Opossum sticks sharp pegs, invites the Wolf to jump for the persimmon, he dies; other Wolves dive into the river, seeing the reflection of the Possum; catch him; offer to throw it into the fire, into the water; Opossum pretends to be thrown into a dense bush; runs home]: Speck 1934, No. 16:17; Speck, Carr 1947, No. 7:82-83; choctaw [Opossum asks Puma don't eat it, invites him to pretend to be dead, brings the Deer, the Puma jumps up, kills the Deer, the Opossum gets a spinal ridge; climbs a tree above the river, the Wolf sees the reflection of the reindeer ridge, dives; Opossum tells him to open his mouth, throws his spine down the Wolf's throat, he dies; Opossum cuts off his head, carries him in the basket, tells the Wolves that he goes to his mother to make a clay pot; the lame Wolf opens the basket, the Wolves ask the Opossum to choose the type of death himself; he sends them for a tree growth to beat him; the Wolf remains lame, his Opossum sends for another growth hides in a hole; Wolf puts his paw in there, Opossum pierces a thorn into it, Wolves believe there is a rattlesnake in the hole, they leave]: Mould 2004:213-217.

Mesoamerica Tseltal [The opossum pretends to flatten its testicles with a stone, gives Puma fruits under the guise of testicles; the Puma agrees to flatten his own, dies, the Opossum calls two more, they eat Puma meat ; invites two Pumas, they realize that they ate their older brother; Possums hide in a tree by the pond, Cougars see a reflection, try to drink water, are a little alive; Opossums run, hide under a stone; Cougars are not recognize them, agree to hold the stone for a while; Possums run away; Cougars jump out, the stone does not fall; the Opossum muddies the river, tells the person that it is deep, offers to move them to the other side; another time takes his wife away; man and wife come back, see that the river is shallow]: Stross 197:19-23.

Guiana. Makushi [the jaguar invites the Turtle to race; its relatives placed at a distance are responsible for the Turtle; the Turtle claims to hunt tapirs; the jaguar suggests comparing their excrement; The turtle shows the star's jaguar, at this moment it replaces the secretions; the jaguar believes; the turtle is the first to hunt tapirs; says tapira that it can only drink from a vessel; this vessel is the tapir's penis; the tapir lets her take it in her mouth, the Turtle bites it off; pierces poisoned arrows into the already dead tapir; throws poison into a portion of the jaguar, which dies; the turtle sings that she has a necklace from the teeth of the jaguar; the jaguar's wife wants to kill her; the turtle replies that he will die only in the water; swims away; next time she tells the jaguariha that a tapir is running down the slope; lowers a stone instead of a tapir, the jaguariha is killed]: Soares Diniz 1971, No. 15:88-92; carinha (Guyana) [The turtle rolls rocks into the river; the jaguar also wants to play; the turtle takes him elsewhere, quietly sticks a colha, a jaguar, into the bottom of the river rolls on them, dies; a turtle makes a necklace out of his teeth; another jaguar notices him; a turtle offers to throw it against a tree trunk; it has a shell, it ricochet into the water; the jaguar thinks that she drowns; she meets her again, comes with her to where the jaguars drink alcohol; they all shoot the Turtle, she puts arrows under her shell, they think they killed her; she sticks arrows in the grass; suggests The jaguar who meets her eat it there; he attacks arrows and dies]: Gillin 1936, No. 10:200-202.

Southern Amazon. Iranshe [the jaguar kills the deer; asks the anteater to go get the basket; he invites the jaguar to go by himself; transfers the meat to the tree; the jaguar throws only one bone; later Y. meets M. finds deer bones in his excrement, scratches his eyes; the bird heals them; M. asks Cayman to kill the jaguar; K. pretends to have a toothache, asks the jaguar to touch the tooth with his penis, this is will help; bites off the penis; I. dies; M. roasts pieces of jaguar skin, gives it to his wife and children to eat; runs away from jaguars]: Pereira 1985, No. 72:236-240.