Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M116A. I also stayed here, ATU 980.


A man drags his father, intending to leave him to die in a deserted place, take him to an almshouse, throw him into the abyss, etc. He stops along the way. My father says he also stayed at this place when he was dragging his father. Either the boy asks to keep the sleigh, the skin, etc., on which his father drags his grandfather (or takes half of the cape with which his father covered the old man): it will come in handy when he drags his father himself. Or the old man is given a wooden (broken, etc.) plate to eat, and the boy says that he will give the same to his father when he is old. A person returns his father home (begins to take care of him).

Amhara, Arabs of Tunisia, Egypt, Catalans, Galicians, Aragon, Italians (Lazio, Campania), French, Irish, English, Dutch, Frisians, Flemish, Germans (south?) , Aramaians, Jordan, Syria, Kuwait, Tibetans (Amdo), Nepalis, Hindi (?) , Konkani, Koreans, Chinese (Zhejiang), Bulgarians, Macedonians, Albanians, Gagauz people, Hungarians, Slovenes, Greeks, Russians (Vologda), Ukrainians (Ivano-Frankivsk), Belarusians, Poles, Adygs, Abazins, Ingush, Nogais, Dargins, Tabasarans, Georgians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Kurds, Mountain Tajiks, Rushans, Uzbeks, Turkmens, Shina, Swedes, Latvians, Lithuanians, Leaders, Mordovians, Mari, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Japanese, North Ryukyu.

Sudan-East Africa. Amhara [when the elderly father did not follow the monkeys who were ravaging the field, his son dragged him to throw him into the abyss; old man: stop, at one time I also only dragged my father to of this place]: Gankin 1979, No. 214:252.

North Africa. Tunisian Arabs [when a son drags an elderly father to the doorstep, he advises not to drag any further: he only dragged his own to the doorstep]: El-Shamy 2004, No. 980C: 680-681; Egyptian Arabs [The half -carpet (child undutiful towards old parent)]: El-Shamy 2004, No. 980A: 680; Arameans [the Tiarian had a custom: when his father was old, his son dragged him on his back to the edge of the abyss and threw him down; the old man to his son: and I rested on this stone when I was carrying my father; and your son will throw you off; the young man took his father home and this custom was abandoned]: Belov, Wilsker 1972:442.

Southern Europe. Spaniards (Murcia): Hernández Fernández 2013, No. 980 (1) [homemakers give the old man a wooden plate to eat; the boy starts making another for his father when he is old; after that, the old man is seated at the common table], 980 (2) [the man decides to take his father out of the house; his own son asks for the cloth he used to cover his father, cuts it in half and takes half for himself: she it will be required when he is carried from his own father's house], 980 (4) [a man carries his father to the almshouse; stops to rest by the stone; father: I myself rested here when I dragged my own father; son returns old man home]: 171, 171, 171-172; Spaniards (Asturias, several options) [the son decided to drive his father away: take an old cloak and go away; his own son: give only half of the cloak; I'll give you the other, when I'm going to kick you out]: Quintía 2020:211-212; Catalans (incl. Minorca) [when the old father drops the plate, the son gave him a wooden plate; then sees his own son making a wooden plate to give it to him when he is old; or the son carries the old father to shelter (asylum); stops on the way and sits on a rock; father: I sat on this rock myself when I was carrying my father; a man takes my father back home]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 980:196-197; Galicians : Contos 1972, No. 63 [a young woman speaks ill of her elderly father-in-law and her husband decides to take her father to the almshouse; on the way she sits down on a rock; old man: and I sat here when he led me to the almshouse his father; the man returned home with his father and has taken care of him ever since]: 63-64; Quintía 2020 [son tells his father to pack and brings him to a place where old people were left to die; father: how are you here If you leave your son alone, so does your son; your son brings your father home; (and more; many similar options related to specific rock ledges, etc.)]: 191-192; Aragon: González Sanz 1996, No. 980B [a man gave an elderly father a wooden plate to eat; his own son says he does the same to give his father when he is old], 980C [a man carries an elderly father to an almshouse and sits on a rock to rest; father says he also rested here when he dragged his own father; the man brings his father home]: 105; Italians (Lazio, Campania): Cerise, Serafini 1975, No. 980:610 -611.

Western Europe. The French (Haute-Savoie) [the man does not respect the old father, gives him food on a wooden plate; asks his young son what he is doing; boy: I cut out a plate to give it to you when you Grow old]: Tenèze, Bru 2000, No. 980:197-198; Irish, British, Dutch, Friesians, Flemish, Germans (south?) : Uther 2004 (1), No. 980:610-611

Western Asia. Syria, Jordan, Kuwait [The half-carpet (child undutiful towards old parent)]: El-Shamy 2004, № 980A: 680; Syria [Wooden drinking cup for the old man; like treatment awaits son by his son]: El-Shamy 2004, No. 980B: 680; Arameans.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Amdo): Tshe dbang rdo rje et al. 2007:86 [When her mother was old, her son and daughter-in-law carried her in a chest to the top of the mountain and left; their own son said he would go and bring the chest: when the parents are old, he will also carry them in a chest up the mountain; the parents are frightened, returned the mother, began to take care of her], 196 [about the same; the boy asks his father not to throw away the basket, he will take it to the cave when he is old; the man is ashamed to return his father, but he is already dead.]

South Asia. Nepalese [son and wife decide to get rid of their elderly father; the son puts his father in the basket, says he will carry him to the temple, and he carries him off the mountain; his own son ran after him, ordered not Throw away the basket; it will come in handy when he grows up and carries his father up the mountain; the son takes his father back home and takes care of him]: Sakya, Griffith 1980:187-189; Hindi? (there is no data on the origin of the text; the collection contains texts from Rajasthan, Bengal and Central India; the classification of the text as Hindi is completely arbitrary} [the old man complains to his nephew that his sons and their wives are completely about he is not cared for; his nephew brings an iron chest, leaves the key to the old man; believing that there is money in the chest, the family cares for the old man; when he died and the chest is opened, there were only three bundles old shoes and a wooden plate on which the old man was given porridge before the chest appeared; the little son of one of the old man's sons asked not to throw the plate away - he would give it to his father when he gets old]: Shyama-Shankar 1924:33-35; konkani [the poor man loved his only son very much and spent all his savings to educate him; the son grew up, achieved success and became ashamed of his illiterate father; put him in a shack in the yard and forbid him to enter the house; only his grandson visited the old man; when he died, his grandson brought his plate to his room; when he saw her, the father became swear; the boy said he took this plate for him and that it would be useful when his father was old and lived in that shack]: Gangeyee 1975:61-63.

China - Korea. Koreans [people took old people to die in the mountains; grandson followed his father, who took his grandfather to the mountains on a hauler; tells him to take the drag back so that he can take him later; ashamed father takes grandfather home; custom abolished]: Cho 2001, No. 119:233-235; Chinese: Eberhard 1937, No. 201 (Zhejiang) [son mistreats father and wants him dead (or daughter and mother); child a man or woman notices that when a parent is old, he will treat him the same way]: 256-257; Ting 1978, No. 980A (no place of recording) [a woman gives an elderly mother-in-law for food a dirty or broken bowl; her own young daughter-in-law asks to keep the bowl, she will give it to her when her mother-in-law is old; or the young daughter-in-law persuaded the old lady to break the bowl and pretends to resent: What will mother-in-law eat when she is old; a woman understands the hint and begins to treat her elderly mother-in-law well; or a person takes her father to a deserted place with the intention of leaving him there; him the little son asks to bring the cart back: he will be lucky on it when the person is old].

The Balkans. Bulgarians: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 980B [a man (at the instigation of his wife) makes a wooden plate for his elderly father (or mother); his own son also begins to carve such a plate and explains what he will give it to his father when he is old], *980A* [the person decides to pull his sick father out of the house with a hook and leave him to die in the woods; his little son asks him to bring the hook back - it will be useful to carry him when he is old; the man brings his father home], 980C [the person decides to throw his old and sick father out of the house; when he has dragged him to the doorstep, he notices that he is also so dragged his father, and his grandson would drag theirs; man returns his father]: 365; Macedonians [in one country it was a custom to leave old people in the mountains to starve; the son wanted to keep his father in one place, but he asked to take him further - this is where he once left his father; the son decided to bring his father home; the king wanted to abolish this custom; told everyone who still has a father and everyone who still has a father The father is gone, to make a chain out of sand; the young man's father told him to answer: I will make a chain if the king gives a sample; the king ordered me to tell him who told the young man to answer this way; he forbid killing old people]: Martin 1955: 111-120; Albanians [the sons drowned the elderly; one old man asks not to drown him in the same place where he drowned his own; the son guessed that he would be drowned himself, spared his father; the old people were stopped drowning]: Serkova 1989:185; Albanians [when the merchant's wife died, he married his son to a poor girl, believing that she would be a good wife and daughter-in-law; he left all his wealth to his son; the daughter-in-law treated her father-in-law everything worse, and then demanded that he be kicked out of the house; even refused to give him clothes even though winter was coming; she only agreed to donate an old blanket; the son sent his son to bring it; the boy cut off half; the second will come in handy when he kicks his father out of the house; the man fell to his knees in front of his father and drove his wife away]: Dozon 1881, No. 19:153-158; Gagauz people [son put his father in the basket, threw him into the swamp; own the son is angry that his father threw the basket: when he gets old, what should I carry it in? Father brought his father home and looked after him until he died]: Moshkov 1904, No. 104 (Var.): 176-177; Hungarians, Slovenes, Greeks: Uther 2004 (1), No. 980:610-611.

Central Europe. Russians (Vologda), Ukrainians (Ivano-Frankivsk), Belarusians () [Grandfather (grandmother) and granddaughter: a married son mistreats an old man father; little grandson promises Treat his father the same way and this corrects him]: SUS 1979, No. 980A: 250; Poles [1) the son gives his elderly father food in a wooden plate or dresses him in rags; the grandson promises to do the same with his father when he is old; 2) a man puts his old father in a sledge to take him to the forest and leave him; his own son asks him not to forget to take the sled back: he will be lucky in it when his father will grow old]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 943:287.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Adygi: Lipkin 1951 [=Andreev-Krivich 1957:165-170; sledges carried decrepit old people to the top of Mount of Old Age and lowered down the cliff in a basket; Badynoko carried his father Badyn to the mountain; rolling down, the basket caught on the stump; Badyn laughs: when your son dumps you, and your basket may catch on the same stump; Badynoko leaves his father alive, hides you in a cave; during a crop failure wants to grab 3 apples floating in the river, but they disappear; my father advises not to look for apples in the river, but to raise your head, they hang on the branches; when cattle die, you should drive the sheep to the Amysh pasture - animal patron; when all the millet has died, it is necessary to plow the roads along which Thagoledge himself drove millet; sledges ask Badynoko to tell us how he found out what to do; he talks about his father, sledges the custom of killing old people is abolished]: 213-217; Ploskov 1967 (shapsugi) [old people were taken to a rock, thrown into the river; during an attack by enemies, 90-year-old Tahir's son carried him to a rock, stumbled, fell; T. laughed, saying that when he was carrying his father, he also fell at this place, and did not throw off his father, but hid it, and in the same year the village was saved from the conquerors; the son did not throw T., he took people out by underground passage to the clearing where they defeated their enemies]: 77-78 in Kislyakov 1970:73, in Pachulia 1986:98-100; Abaza [(Western 1957); the elderly were buried alive; the man carried his father to the cemetery, sat down to rest; father smiled, explained that he had once sat on the same stone, carrying his father to be buried; the man decided to take his father back, hid it in a hole; when hungry, the prince ordered him to think until morning how to escape; the old man advised his son to plow the roads; the prince called a man to him, found out that the rescued father had given advice; ordered the elderly not to be buried alive anymore]: Tugov 1985, No. 123:338-339; Ingush [old people they put him in a basket and rolled into the abyss; the father became decrepit, the son began to weave a basket for him; his own son asks for a stronger weave so that he can throw his father into the abyss in the same basket; since then, people stopped getting rid of old people]: Dakhkilgov 2012, No. 37:45; Nogais [Khan orders everyone to kill their father when he turns 60; Kenji led his father to death; along the way stopped to rest, putting his father on a stone; he said that he was resting on the same stone when he led his father; advised him not to kill - it would be useful; K. hid his father in the arba; the monster Ak-Köb attacked Ök-kara-köbök; father advises you to dig a ditch and hide; your head will appear in the morning and your torso by noon; you must hit the body, and after killing the monster, take the stones in it; K. did; the cattle are thirsty; the father asks if the cattle are gathered in one place, if they are roaring - a well must be dug there; water was found; once they saw a piece of gold and a piece of silver at the bottom of the well, no one can get it; the father asks if there is a tree nearby; tells him to cut down when everyone leaves, K. finds silver and gold in the branches; everyone told the khan that they killed the monster, but K. brought stones; also pieces gold and silver; the khan handed him power, they stopped killing old people]: Falev 1917:194-196; Dargins [the old people were thrown into the abyss; three brothers have an old father; the youngest answers him what he was doing a basket in which his father will throw off; father: make it stronger, you will also need it when you are old; then the young man hid his father in a chest; during a drought, his father advises you to sow millet; people sowed millet, it ugly; the young man admitted who gave good advice, after that the old people were no longer killed]: Aliyeva 2013, No. 5:50; Dargin residents [khan orders everyone to be thrown off the bridge when they reach the age of 60; the son leads his father, he cries: your own son will also bring you here; the old man hid his father in the basement of his house; 15 years later, a neighboring khan sent two bars of wood and two foals: which is closer to the butt, which foals are older; hidden father: in the water, a bar closer to the butt will sink deeper; the eldest foal will be the first to approach the watering hole; the khan canceled his order]: Khalilov, Osmanov 1989:220-222; Tabasarans [blind Ahmed's father is so old that his daughter-in-law orders him to be killed, otherwise she will leave and take the children; A. takes his father, throws him into the abyss; after 70 years, A. himself became all the burden; his son took him off the cliff; A. admits that he killed his father, asks his son to spare him; the son is horrified, the custom of killing old people has stopped, and A. died three days later]: Aliyeva 2013, No. 6:52-54; Georgians (Zap. BUT. Glonty, no area specified) [the man decided to get rid of his old father, lowered him into the ravine, putting you on buffalo skin; father: take the skin away; and my son explains: in this skin I will take you down into the ravine ; the man returned his father and apologized to him]: Virsaladze 1973, No. 186:251-252; Armenians [when his father was old, his son carried him in a bag to the mountains, threw him off a cliff there; he grew old himself, now he carried him his son; he asks his son to throw him off the cliff from which he himself threw his father; the son was afraid that they would do this to him later, brought his father home]: Nazinyan 2014:218; Azerbaijanis [Khan's advisers: in order to capture the village, we must first eliminate the old people living in it; the khan told the old people to come to him, put him in prison; then sends a messenger to the village demanding to determine which of the current apples, which is from the past and which is the harvest before last; to come to him with his favorite animal and so that he can look at him from the bottom up; otherwise he will take over the village in three days; the century-old man has been forgotten He taught the boy Ahmed to take him to the khan; but he does not know what animal the khan loves; in order to enter the Khan's city, A. put on a ram's skin and walked past the guards on all fours with his sheep; when he saw a goat with gilded horns, A. learned from the shepherd that the khan loves goats most of all; came to the khan, sitting on a tall camel, and with a goat; threw apples into the water: the latter was heavy and drowned, The year before last, the lung surfaced, last year remained in the middle; Khan released the elderly and left the village alone]: Nabiyev 1988:148-151; Kurds (Kelbajar district of Azerbaijan) [guy married; wife began to demand that he get rid of his old father; the guy put his father in the basket, took him to the mountain and left it; the father shouted after him: "Son, take the basket, it will be useful to you"; the guy said that he did not you will need it; father: "When your son grows up, he will put you in this basket, bring you here and throw you away"; the guy repented and brought his father home; then drove his wife away and took another one]: Bakaev 1965:141.

Iran - Central Asia. Mountain Tajiks: Kiselyov 1970:71 (b. Vanj) [the old people were taken to die in a cave; one man carried his father, sat down to rest; the father said that at one time he also carried his father, rested on the same stone; the son took the old man back home], 71-72 ( Howaling) [old people were left on the mountain tops; one man took his father, went back, heard his father laughing behind; the father explained that he thought how his grandson would bring his son here in a while; son brought his father home; war broke out, the father advised his son to take him with him; in the desert he ordered him to dig a well where mint grows; the army quenched his thirst; the son admitted to the ruler that to dig a well where mint grows, his father taught him; the ruler ordered no more old people to be killed]; Rosenfeld, Rychkova 1990 [Vanja has the Kofarsiloh Cave (the "cave of the infidels"); sons took their elderly fathers to die there, leaving them food for a few days; this custom no longer exists]: 194; Rushans (Huf Valley) [in a dream a man came to the king and ordered him to move with the people and kill the old people; var: king ordered the old people to be killed so that the young people would listen only to him; the two brothers took their father to the mountains where they were going to leave him; sat down on a stone to rest; the father said that when he was young, he also his brother carried his father here and rested on this stone; the brothers return, secretly carry their father in the chest; the father gives wise advice and leads the army out of their predicament; the king tries out who persuaded the brothers; makes the brothers' father an adviser, repeals the law to kill old people]: Andreev 1958 (1): 210-211 (=1963:210-211); Uzbeks [the shah orders to expel the elderly into the desert; the young man accompanies his father; the father sat on a stone, wondering what the Shah will say when his own son brings him to this stone; the young man returned and hid his father; during a drought, the father teaches him how to find water (birds hammer the stone, and there is water under him); the young man asks for permission to live in villages as a reward; the shah did not know what to say; people brought water; the shah began to drink from gold, silver, copper vessels, burst; the young man and his father made advisers to the new Shah, for whom they always carried three water vessels: copper, silver, gold]: Rogov 1980:278-281; Turkmens [padishah orders to take old and old women to the desert; one The nuker carried his father, he laughed: when I was carrying my father, he also rested on this hill; the son came back, hid his father in the chest; the son accompanies the padishah to the Zemzem spring; the father tells me to take the bull with him, fish, watermelon seeds; the son also takes him, putting him in a chest; when the water runs out, the father tells the bull to be let in, he finds a place to dig; before moving on, the father tells him to pour it into the spilled water watermelon seeds; they pass by a person who has fallen from fatigue, a plane tree has grown nearby; they get to 40 springs, we must let the fish, the one in which it comes to life, is Zemzem; on the contrary the paths all ate ripe watermelons; when they walked through the fog, the father tells me to pick up stones, say that he took little and what he did not take little; when he returned, the young man tells the padishah everything; the stones picked up were gold, pearls and diamonds; the padishah forbade killing old people]: Stebleva 1969, No. 49:269-272; tire [in the time of Alexander (Sultan Sekunder Zul Karnain), old people were killed, dumped in a basket with mountains; one young man carried his father there; when he got there, the father laughed: I also carried my father here, and your son will carry you; the son decides to save his father, who advises to hide him in a cave behind the house; Alexander promises a reward to those who show the way to a source of living water; the father explains that the seven-day journey through the land of darkness; you should take mares and foals with you; mares see in the dark and, when they are thirsty, they will come to the spring; they will call their foals, we must follow them; we must take dried fish with them, put living water in every spring in which it will come to life; A. demanded that the young man tell us who he is taught; he promised the king to forgive anyone who knows any guilt; spoke about his father; A. abolished the custom of killing old people; obtained living water, it was carried in vessels; a pile of bones gives a voice; this is a fox: she drank immortal water, but this did not save her from old age, now she is unhappy because she cannot die; the same crow; A. ordered to pour out the water; until recently, puppies that were not going to be raised were given children, and they would drop them down the mountain in baskets]: Haughton 1913:199-204.

Baltoscandia. Swedes: Klintberg 2010, No. T62 [son drags his aged father up the mountain to throw him into the abyss where old people were usually thrown; stays by the stone for a break; father laughs: I'm also here stopped when he was dragging his father], T63 [older people used to be killed with a baton held by the whole family; some families still have such batons], T64 [Lappers they killed old people by sledding down a steep mountain, drowning them in an ice-hole, or leaving a tree in a hollow]: 350, 350, 351; Latvians: Arais 1968 [the king orders that old people be taken to the forest; peasant took his father, he advises not to throw a sledge, his son will be lucky with them; the son hides his father in the cellar; during hunger, the father advises threshing straw from the roof of the ram, sowing grain; the king demands to say where the peasant got grain; upon learning, he cancels the order to kill the elderly]: 23-25 (similar version in Alksnith et al. 1958:496-497); Brivzemniax 1887, No. 130 (Livonia) [it was the custom of old people to kill or leave in the forest; the son took his father on a sled, wanted to leave his sledge, but his own son resisted: we will take the sledge, which I will take you on; the son decided to return his father, hid it in the cellar; in case of poor harvest, the father advises threshing straw from the roof, enough seed grain; next year everyone wonders where a person got rye; the master found out that they decided not to kill old people anymore]: 270-271; Lithuanians [the person is bad to an elderly father; his own son promises to treat him the same way later; man changes his behavior]: Balys 1936, no.*996:109; counselors: Kecskeméti, Paunonen 1974, No. 980A: 241 .

Volga - Perm. Mordva, Marie: Kecskeméti, Paunonen 1974, No. 980A: 241.

Turkestan. Kazakhs (recorded by G.N. Potanin) ["From the late Kyrgyz Musa Ch. Chormanov (Chokan Valikhanov's uncle), in 1880, I wrote down the following legend, which he probably read in a Muslim book"; in the kingdom of Garun al-Rashid, it was a custom to kill people over 60 years old age; the son took his father to the place where the elderly were killed; the father sat down on a stone and laughed; when asked by his son, he replied: "I led my father to death on the same road, we were both tired at this very stone, and now Like me, my father sat down on a rock to rest; I didn't think sixty years would come to me so soon. This is what I smiled at. Soon your son will lead you to death in a similar way"; the son took his father back, hid him and kept him a secret from everyone for twenty years; GR ordered to get living water (myangi su); the old man explained to his son where and how to find it; they walked with the others for forty days, the water supply ran out; the old man, whom his son was carrying in the box, told the bulls to be released; they sniffed the ground, began to dig it; they found water there; the old man explained to the son: "Not all water is "alive". Throw dead fish into the water! Only a spring with "living water" in which fish come to life"; the son did so; people began to take stones from there; the son, on the advice of his father, took a whole bag; when they returned, the stones turned gold; the son carried his GR bag; GR decided to check the water he had brought him, began to throw dead fish into it; only the old man's son had water alive; it was hung in a bucket on a pine tree; the wandering Alimbet Khan said that he had drunk water and cannot die for a thousand years; GR decided not to drink; it was drunk by a crow that flew in, so he lives for a thousand years; drops fell from his beak; because of this, the pine tree does not rot; juniper grew under it, which also became a "strong tree"; Kazyr and Ilyas also drank water; both have not died so far; K. appears to every person three times in his life in a plain form; I. helps those suffering from water crashes; where he passes , there, in his footsteps, the grass turns green]: Gomboev 1890:143-144 (a handwritten and incomplete version of the same text was published in Potanin 1972, No. 8:99-100); Kyrgyz [old man and old woman, they have the only one the son grew up, got married, and he also has an only son; the old woman has died, the old man is decrepit, blind, and burdened; the daughter-in-law saws her husband that she is tired of her father-in-law, the son decided to take his father to the top of the mountain and leave him there; He lies to his father as if he wants to take him a walk in the fresh air, the old man is happy; the son took his father to the top where the waterfall, left there, left himself, lying that he would return soon; the old man, desperate to wait, fell blindly from the top, died, his corpse became the prey of crows; many years later, the old man's son grew old, widowed, and also blind; now his daughter-in-law and his son have decided to get rid of him; his son took him to the same peak, the old man asks: "Is there a waterfall?" The surprised son asks: "How do you know this?" The old man told how he once left his father here; the son is ashamed, says that such a crime will not happen again, took his father home and began to take care of him]: Mederaliyeva 2017:150-152.

Japan. Japanese: Ikeda 1971, No. 980A (from Tohoku to North Ryukyu) [60-year-old people were left to die in the mountains; the old man marks the way with chopsticks or pebbles to prevent his son from getting lost on the contrary paths; it touches the son, he brings the father home; or the grandson follows, wants to pick up the basket in which the father carried his grandfather to carry his father later; the ashamed father returns the grandfather; the custom of killing old people canceled], 981 [the prince orders the old people to be left in the mountains when they reach a certain age; one son 1) hides his father under the floor, 2) is unable to obey the order, 3) takes his father to the mountains, but Seeing that he throws twigs on the path so that his son does not get lost on the way back, returns the father back; the enemy attacks the prince's domain, sets difficult tasks; listening to the father, the son solves them, the enemy refuses to attack; 1) twist the rope out of the ashes; 2) thread the thread through the spiral shell, 3) find out where the log has the top and bottom, 4) find out which of the mares is the mother and who is the daughter, 5) find out the sex of two identical serpent, 6) bring a self-playing drum, 8) weigh the big bull; the prince learns that the father found solutions; choosing a reward, the son asks to save his father's life; the prince cancels the order to kill the elderly]: 218 -219, 220-221.