Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M116B. A monstrous stalker and an old man's advice. .29.33.


monster drives people away. The old man gives advice on how to kill him in an ambush.

Kabardian people, Nogais, Kyrgyz.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kabardian people [killed old people; Kaza's three sons hid him in a coffin; the dragon wants to seize the source of the river; K. tests sons; only the youngest Khatokshuko cut the crossbar in the house with a sword; father : "You can kill a dragon. Go quietly dig a hole, and the dragon won't hear: he's deaf. Hide in the hole. When the dragon crawls past that hole, go up quickly and hit the dragon in the neck. Just don't get excited, be calm. If you hit it properly, my old sword will remove the dragon's head. My sword is maize {high quality steel}"; the next day H. did as his father ordered; the dragon was killed; H. came to the village and said that he followed his father's instructions; since then, old people have not been killed]: Sokolov, Broydo 1936:106-108; Nogais [Khan orders everyone to kill their father when he is 60 years old; Kenji led his father to death; on the way he stopped to rest, putting his father on stone; he said that he was resting on the same stone when he led his father; advised him not to kill - it would be useful; K. hid his father in the arba; the monster Ak-Köbök-Kara-Köbök attacked; father advises you to dig a ditch and hide; your head will appear in the morning and your torso by noon; you must hit the body, and after killing the monster, take the stones in it; K. did so; cattle are thirsty; father asks if the cattle have gathered in one place, if they are roaring - a well must be dug there; water was found; once they saw a piece of gold and a piece of silver at the bottom of the well, no one can reach it; the father asks if there is any a tree nearby; tells them to cut down when everyone is gone, K. finds silver and gold in the branches; everyone told the Khan that they killed the monster, but K. brought stones; also pieces of gold and silver; the khan handed him power, They stopped killing old people]: Falev 1917:194-196.

Turkestan. Kyrgyz: Ledenev 1987 [Khan orders to kill everyone over 40 years old; then ordered to bring black worms: until they bring it, he will levy a tax; one horseman hid his father in a chest; he ordered dig up bay's grave, there were worms; next time Khan; Khan wanders all the time; father: kill the black dog that makes the khan move from place to place; stopped, but there is no water; father: dig there , where the cows would stop and start beating with their hooves; the young man had to confess that he had a father; the khan repented, but told the young man's father to find living water; he led him to a rock from where water was dripping; said that under his feet a man who drank living water and lay for centuries until he turned into green juniper; Khan was frightened and ordered to pour out living water; the old man poured it on juniper; since then it has been evergreen]: 128-130; Sabyr uulu 2008 [The old sage has aged and is in the care of his only son and his wife. They take good care of him. An era of turmoil is coming - everyone is fighting with each other, rushing from place to place, people are exhausted. Even Khan is in trouble. The old man tells his son that it is the fault of a black moth, who haunts everyone and drives everyone from place to place. She undertakes to teach her son how to destroy this moth. He sends his son to Khan with this news, the khan is delighted, agrees, gives the old man's son gunpowder and a good gun. The old man teaches his son how to find a black moth - the son must separate himself from everyone and, when he migrates again, monitor the last rows of nomads, in which poor and disadvantaged people walk, who do not belongings, livestock, mounts and pack animals. They will be immediately followed by a frozen black, four-eyed dog, which is this haunting moth. The old man's son shot this dog and gave it to Khan; according to the old sage, this dog's skin and carcass are a very valuable medicine. Peace comes, the people are blissful. Khan generously gives Starikov's son, making him his horseman. After a while, the khan summons the horseman, says that he hopes for his prowess and the wisdom of his father, asks him to find a source of living water for him, and wants to become immortal. The old sage reluctantly shows his son the way to a source of living water. Dzhigit collects a wineskin of living water, when he leaves, stumbles upon a decayed corpse, which begs not to drink living water by example - he was mortal, drank water, and now he has not been able to die for many years. Dzhigit brings water to the khan, talks about a living corpse, the frightened khan does not drink water, and hangs his wineskin on a pine tree. Khan wants to see the immortal dead, and the horseman brings him to the place. Khan asks the corpse if it is possible to restore its human appearance. The skeleton asks for four fifteen-year-old girls, and the khan brings him four girls from poor families. Two are put in the arms of a skeleton, they are rapidly aging and dying. The skeleton grows flesh, becomes human, but very decrepit. Two more girls are put back in his arms, they also grow old, become old women, and the skeleton becomes middle-aged. The raven finds a wineskin, tears it apart, living water flows to the pine tree, the raven drinks it until it vomits, he feels sick of juniper, so the crow regains longevity, and the pine and juniper become evergreen]: 217-218.