Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M118. The source of valuables has been wanton destroyed.

(.10.) .11.-.

The character gets valuables or gets shelter inside an animal, tree, or room. Another follows suit, but destroys a source of value, or makes it impossible or too dangerous to access it.

(Hottentots), Sekiani, Mpongwe, Benga, Rwanda, Gusia, Fang, Venda, Suto-chwana, Ekoi, Bambara, Kassonke, Gola, Wolof, Malinke, Kono, Dogon, Mbai, Dagari, Loma, Kpelle, Wai, Guro, Mosi, Tenda, Temne, Grussian, Lobi, Fulbe, Ngambaye, Jukun, Kapsiki, Songhai, Ashanti, Yoruba, Ekoi, Zaghawa, Joluo, Masai, (Nubians), Arabs and Berbers of Morocco and Algeria, Arabs of Tunisia, Egypt, Corsicans, Sicilians, Italians (Veneto, Lombardy, Tuscany, Umbria, Rome, Campania, Abruzzo, Molise, Basilicata, Calabria, Puglia), Sardinians, Maltese, Catalans, Portuguese, Spaniards, Aragon, Basques, Ladins, Germans ( Grimms, Austria), French (Picardy, Lorraine), (cf. Upper Brittany), Walloons, Irish, Dutch, Flemish, Arab literary tradition, Palestinians, Arabs of Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Harsusi, Tibetans (Amdo), Bhutan, Kumaoni, Punjabi, Chinese , Greeks, Bulgarians, Macedonians, Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, Slovenes, Hungarians, Albanians, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Vologda, Moscow, Oryol, Ryazan), Ukrainians (Galicia, Podolia, Pokutye, Kiev, Poltava), Belarusians, Poles, Czechs, Ossetians, (Karachays), Turks, Veps, Karelians, Western Sami (Inari), Norwegians, Faroese, Swedes, Icelanders, Danes, Estonians, Livonians, Finns, Lithuanians, Latvians, Mari, Mordovians (?) , Komi (?).

(Wed. SW Africa. Hottentots [The Jackal climbed onto the white cloud, began to eat it; when he went down, asked Hyena to support him; now Hyena climbed in; when she was full, asked the Jackal to support her; he pulled back, shouting, that he pricked her leg, Hyena knocked off her hind legs, now they are short]: Pozdnyakov 1990:33-34).

Bantu-speaking Africa. Sekiani [The leopard sees the Turtle approaching the bull, says, "White clay, red ocher - open it!" , The Ox opens its mouth, the Turtle climbs inside, cuts off a piece of meat, goes out; The leopard says the same words, climbs into the Ox, hurts the heart, the Ox dies; the Leopard hides in the lung, the Turtle in the intestines; the bull gutted, its guts thrown away, the Leopard is found, killed; The turtle screams that it has been smeared with rubbish, gets a share of the bull's meat, and eats the leopard killed]: Raponda-Walker 1967:460-462; mpongwe [ the merchant will give his daughter and wealth to someone who performs difficult tasks; all animals try and cannot; the Turtle and the Leopard remain; the Turtle brings water to the leaky calebass, covering the holes with glue; gets fruit from the top of the tree, tearing up its roots and knocking it down; on the way back, he replies to the Leopard that his stomach is big because she has eaten mushrooms; the leopard does not believe, tells him to regurgitate what has been swallowed; mushrooms fall out, then wealth, people, woman; the leopard takes her away; there was a big goat that allowed her pieces of meat to be cut off from the inside but not to touch her heart; the goat is hidden from the Leopard; the turtle deliberately reveals the secret; together with the Leopard climbs into the goat's mouth; the leopard cuts off the heart, they stay inside the goat; the leopard hides in the stomach, the Turtle in the gallbladder; others cut the goat, the baby throws the bubble into the bushes; the Turtle shows up, pretends to be outraged: this filth was thrown in his face; says that the goat killer is most likely in the guts; the leopard is killed with spears, the Turtle takes his wife and property]: Nassau 1912, No. 4:30 -37; benga [The turtle regularly steals dried meat from people's homes; the leopard sends his son to add ash to the Turtle's lamb, make holes; follows the trail; stays in the house to cook meat; come people; the turtle hides in cassava leaves, the woman sweeps it with the leaves into the yard; the leopard hides in the bedroom; the woman gives the baby food, the leopard eats it right away, the baby is hungry; finally A leopard is found and killed; once Leopard's son met a Turtle and killed him]: Nassau 1912, No. 19:153-158; Rwanda [The hare lures Hyena out of the cow they were supposed to use together, offers to open his mouth, throws a hot stone instead of meat, Hyena dies]: Hurel in Werner 1924:394; fang [the turtle utters the magic word and enters the room where the cannibal keeps his supplies; the leopard notices that the turtle's son is eating pork; pretends to have a pain in his leg, asks the turtle's son to pull it out; when he arrived, the leopard begged for meat; quietly poured ash into a bag of holes in the turtle, found a place where supplies are stored on an ash trail; because the leopard gnaws bones, the door closes; the leopard hides in the basket and the turtle in rotten leaves; the cannibal kills leopard, and throws away leaves without noticing turtles in them]: Klipple 1992, No. 676:234-235; gusias: Vinogradov 1984, No. G3 [The hare spies on Leo bringing meat into the cave, tells her" Open" and then "Shut up"; Hyena asks the Hare to take her into the cave; continues to eat, although it is time to leave; Leo finds Hyena, beats her, throws it away], 13 [The hare and Hyena go to steal sheep; one is killed, here but they eat; Hyena crunches its bones; The hare hides, the hyena is grabbed, hung over the fire; the hare sets fire to the barn, the Hyena can hardly escape after being burned]: 309-310, 319-320; Venda [starved man and his wife came to bush and came across a square house with four doors; the wife turns to her perfume, the door opens, there is food inside, the couple ate and brought food to the children; the next day, her husband's brother and his wife; the door let in but did not open again; three hid in beer jars, one under the roof; the elephant ordered him to be brought beer; the animal that went to obey the order ate the hidden ones]: Klipple 1992, No. 676:233; suto-chwana [The fox shows Hyena a crack in the cattle pen; after eating meat, she gets out before she gets fat; the Hyena eats everything, cannot get out; the owner of the cattle hits her with a stick, she has difficulty ran away; The fox pretends to be beaten harder, the Hyena agrees to drag her on her back; the fox sings "The dead man is lucky alive"; the Hyena hears, the Fox rushes into the cave, pretends to support the ceiling, otherwise the vault will collapse; Hyena agrees to hold until the Fox brings the stake; The monkeys explain that the cave will not collapse; the fox holds honeycombs in her hands, pretends to read, advises Hyena to take the book too, the bees have bitten Hyena face]: Olderogge 1959:40-42; (cf. Swahili (Zanzibar) [a hungry hare discovers a hollow of honey; goes to town to look for a companion for a meal, the rat agrees; after climbing a tree, animals smoke bees; a lion notices animals in the tree crown, tells them to give their names; the hare forbids the rat to answer, the rat says its name; the hare tells the rat to distract the lion, wrap it, the hare, in straw, lower it down and see what will be; the rat lowers the hare, he runs away; the rat goes down, the lion eats the rat; the hare invites the turtle to collect honey; the lion notices animals, tells them to name themselves; the turtle calls itself, lowers the hare from the tree ; the lion watches the hare, the hare runs away again, the lion eats the turtle; the hare and his wife leave home; the hare returns to the house; the lion is waiting for him in the house; the hare deceives the lion; tired of catching a hare, the lion leaves]: Bateman 1901:31-46).

West Africa. Ekoi [god Obassi Osaw has sons Oro and Agbo; after his death, O. inherited everything, A. only hunted; one day he went down to earth and saw white people bringing treasures into the house, and then left; A. collected valuables and returned home; so several times; A.'s wife asked O.'s wife to measure the money; O. begged O. to show him the treasury; when he found out where she went by himself, he began to try on jewelry, white, came, cut it into pieces; A. collected it, brought it to the tailor and asked them to sew it; the servant of the treasure owners found a tailor and found out who was plundering the treasury; marking the pillars of A.'s house with paint, went to tell the owners; but A.'s son painted all the houses in the village; then the servant put 12 soldiers in empty barrels, rolled them to A. and said that it was a gift - barrels of palm wine; at night, A.'s son stabbed them guest, poured boiling water into each barrel; seeing the dead guest, A. took his son to court, but everything was clarified; A. gave his son half of the treasure and made him his heir]: Talbot 1912:389-393; bambara [vo time of hunger The hare penetrates the belly of a ghost bull, cuts off pieces of meat, brings it home; Hyena's wife comes for a hearth head, gets meat; Hyena pretends to have toothache; when the Hare puts his hand in his mouth, clenches his jaws, demanding to tell him where he gets the meat; inside the bull, the Hare warns not to cut his heart; the Hyena cuts, the bull dies; the hare hides in the bladder, the Hyena in stomach; perfume throws out a bubble; The hare pretends to sleep next to him; pretends to witchcraft find out that the cause of death of the bull is in his stomach; tells his stomach to beat; Hyena dies]: Bramont 1985:144-145; cash register [the hare slowly taking provisions from the house of spirits; the hyena began to eat there greedily, the spirit caught her, cut off her ears like a thief; the hyena sent the hare to bring firewood to fry it; moving away, the hare pretended to be talking to someone; told the hyena that the hunter was looking for his dog with his ears cut off; the hyena ran away]: Monteil 1905:143-144; gola [Dwarf Antelope secretly walks to the house of the forest spirit is to steal eggs; the Spider's dog discovers the cache, the Spider follows its trail, the Antelope has to discover the secret; the Spider eats eggs greedily, the spirit finds it; the Spider convinces the spirit that it cannot be burned, shoot him, break his legs, throw him into the river; gets ashore, returns home to his children]: Westermann 1921, No. 29:110; wolof, malinke, catch-up, mbai [approximately like a bambar]: Bramont 1985:145; Dagari: Hien 1995 [when the king's elephant laughs, its ass opens, the Hare climbs there, cuts off a piece of meat, goes out; Hyena asks for a secret; tells her do not touch the heart; Hyena says she is older than the Hare, she knows what to take, swallows her heart, the Elephant dies; the Hare invites Hyena to be the first to choose where to hide, she offers the Hare a choice; he chooses lungs, here Hyena insists on her birthright, hides in choosing where to hide, she offers the Hare a choice; he chooses his lungs, then Hyena insists on swabs; children are told to throw their guts into grass; The hare, all dirty, accuses the children of getting him dirty; tells the king that the Elephant did not die on his own, he was killed; tells him to beat his lungs; Hyena jumps out, runs away, but her hind legs remain short]: 66-80; M& #233; tuolé Somba 1991:49-52 [Näbagle goes to a perfume house with a lot of food; to do this, he says the magic word, the wall opens; Der wants to go with him; N. tells him to come when the child he will cry, the old man coughs, the donkey will roar and the rooster will sing; D. wakes up the child (he cries), throws the pepper into the hearth (the old man starts coughing), beats the donkey, disturbs the rooster, comes to N., he sends him back; D. wakes up, runs to the perfume house when N. is already inside, fills his pockets with meat, the door does not open; N. says you can't take anything with him; next time D. comes by himself with his wife and children ; they argue for a long time about who has meat in their pockets; perfume comes, D. hides in a cesspool with the family, the perfume throws bones there; D. and his family cried, the spirits got scared and ran away, D. went out with his family], 67 -68 [during a thunderstorm, Der and the hyena climb into the elephant's womb through the anus, cut off pieces of meat; D. warns the hyena not to touch the heart, it cuts it off, the elephant falls dead, the hyena remains sitting in the stomach, D. in guts; people cut the elephant, the monkey takes the guts away, D. jumps out, says that he has just come up, and excrement has been dumped on him, everyone scolds the monkey; D. tells him to beat the stomach with sticks without paying attention to screams; the hyena was beaten to death], 69-71 [about p. 49-52]; scrap [from the fork, the orphan walked along one of the roads, came to the Devil's hut, opened the door, saying Dulu ("little child"), there were 4 eggs, he took one, put greens on top on the way back, the Devil he met did not notice anything; the orphan ate the Polish, fed everyone with the other half, but the egg did not run out; the egg was given To the dog, the Spider saw it, ate the egg, asked the orphan to bring it to the Devil's house; took 4 eggs; next time 6, forgot to cover it with greenery, the orphan passed, and the Devil grabbed the Spider, swallowed it at home, he came out him with signs on his body worn by members of the Poro cult; The spider was the first to receive these signs]: Schwab 1937:449-450; kpelle [starved the boy found a house full of food; overheard the words which the hell says to open and close the door; once fed his dog; the spider saw rice on her teeth, asked him to bring the devil into the house; refused to go out, ordered his wife to be sent to him and children; they came, then the hell came; The spider from the inside told the doors to close; when there was no food left, he ate the children, his wife, died himself]: Westermann 1924, No. 21:147-148; kono [Orphan saw how the spirits were enter their home, saying, Stone, get up; in the morning Orphan said the same words, found a lot of food in the spirit habitat, including eggs they had laid; the Spider found out about this, went too, decided take it all away at once; perfume came in the evening; The spider only managed to hide under the roof. became a spider]: Holas 1975:261-262; vai [The rabbit finds a tree on which, instead of flowers, food dishes; if he wishes they fall down; the Spider finds out about it, the Rabbit has to bring him to the tree, he asks for the biggest dish, is crushed; the Rabbit hardly saved him; the tree no longer gave food to the Spider, his descendants crawl on earth]: Creel 1966:38-41; guro [poor Spider hides by the tree where Diebikouo lives; hears them say doors "Open!" ; when they leave, the Spider opens the door himself, takes gold; when they leave, he tells the doors to close; the wife of a rich Leopard tells him that she saw Spider's wife wearing a gold belt; the Leopard makes the Spider reveal the secret; The spider and the Leopard go together; the Spider takes the treasure and the Leopard stays to eat; the first time the perfume just throws him away, the second time they kill him]: Klipple 1992, No. 676:236; mosi: Klipple 1992 [Frobenius, Atlantis 8, no. 103:239ff; Kinkirsi's house has huge supplies of dried meat; Somba gets there, brings meat home; Jackal's wife came to S.'s wife to ask for fire, saw meat; Jackal persuaded C . take it with you; The Jackal and his son leave early in the morning; S. says Kurie, kurie! and the vault door opens; S. took as much as he needed and left, saying Kurkib, kurkib! ; the door closed and the Jackal kept eating; Jackal's son runs to ask S. what to say; but when Kurkib says, the door closes even more tightly; Kinkirsi came, found the Jackal, killed him]: 236-237; Tauxier 1917, No. 91 [the hare lay in the shade of the baobab; "Is the shadow good, but the fruit?" ; the fruit fell, the hare liked it; "Is the fruit good, but the tree itself?" ; the trunk opened, inside the jewelry, valuables; the hare brought them to his wife; the hyena's wife began to reproach her husband: why didn't you bring me jewelry? Upon learning what the hare was saying, the hyena went inside the baobab, but wanted to carry the entire baobab to it; the trunk closed, locking the hyena inside; since then, the baobab trunk has not opened]: 491; pears [first universal peace and hunger; God gives an egg that will split on the seventh day; the hare enters the egg, brings food to the family; the Hyena finds out about this, makes her show the Egg; contrary to warning, pulls out the embryo, lets his wife cook it; God is investigating, Hyena is expelled from the community, the rest are endowed with wealth]: Bramont 1985:154; Lobi [in scarce times only the Hare's children they are getting fat; Hyena's wife scolds her husband, he asks the Hare to take him to the forest; you have to make the elephant laugh, he will raise his tail, you have to climb through his ass to his belly, cut off the fat, but not touch his heart; the Hare and the Hyena Have gained fat safely; next time Hyena hurts the heart, the Elephant dies; The hare hides in the intestines, tells Hyena to get into the stomach; The boar and others do an autopsy, tell the children to throw their guts away; The hare says he went to rest and was dumped with sewage; says that Hyena is not enough, we need to look in his stomach; Hyena is found and killed]: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010:131-134; Tenda: Ferry 1983, № 10 [every time the Hare tells the chief's cow to open his anus, goes inside, cuts off a piece of fat, goes out; Hyena's wife sees the Hare's wife frying fat; the hare has to share a secret with Hyena, he warns not to cut off the lungs or the cow will die; Hyena cuts off, the cow dies; Hyena hides in the stomach; The hare says the chief will get the stomach; the Hyena climbs into the stomach, the Hare hides in the stomach ; Hyena is found, his stomach is thrown away; The hare pretends to be sitting in the bushes, a dirty stomach has been thrown at him; the hyena is beaten, the Hare is given meat, he refuses, wants only a head and tail; buries them in the mud, shouts that the leader's cow is bogged down; people pull off their head and tail, run away, leaving a load of salt; Guinea fowl smears its head with salt, they believe that its load is; when Guinea fowl's rice is ripe, the Hare tramples the path from the field to his house, says that the rice is his, they believe him; Guinea fowl buys his rice in exchange for salt], 27 [with the words "Stove, open", the hare regularly enters the cave, whose owners keep chickens; from takes an egg for each clutch; leaves, saying "Stove, close"; Hyena's wife comes in for fire, brings eggs to her husband from the Hare; Hyena follows the Hare; does not listen to instructions, takes all the eggs, kills the hen; Hearing the owners approach, he hides under the mats; a hot iron rod is put in his ass; the hare hides in a tree, the Hyena begins to cut it; the hare shouts that "The Hyena is here"; he runs away]: 67-71, 144- 148; dark: Bramont 1985 [same or similar text in Cronise, Ward 1903:233; the frog has found a magic crown; it can be used to be swallowed and spewed; the frog enters the cow, cuts off some fat, comes back; agrees to take the Spider with him, warns not to cut the heart; The Spider hurries, arranges a false dawn; after being in a cow, the Spider returns alone, cuts off the heart, hides in entrails, slips away, complains that he was smeared with sewage, receives compensation for the cow's head; buries, says that the cow is stuck in the mud; passers-by pull their heads, "tear off"; The spider gets in compensation for three cows]: 150-151; Schlenker 1861 [a spider suggests that Taba (a character) kill the king's cow; tells the ant-eater that he dug holes, the cow may fall into them; as long as pangolin sleeps, pushes the cow into a hole; pangolin is executed, the spider, etc., eats the body; the spider invites T. to climb into the cow, cut off pieces of meat; when the cow blows the winds, you can get out of it; T. hurts the heart, the cow dies; the spider hides in the liver, T. in the rectum; the cow is butchered, the spider is found, beaten; he says that T. was with him, but they don't believe him; T. was thrown away with the rectum; he screams that he was nearby and he was drenched in manure; the king apologizes, gives him new clothes; the spider continues to be beaten with palm leaves, so he has many legs; he was released, he disappeared into the forest]: 45-57; fulbe [The hare is coming on the left road, Hyena on the right; the hare finds a tree with food and clothes inside; brings it to his wife; after learning the secret, Hyena goes to that tree, wants to take everything with him; tells the tree to fall on him, crushed]: Vinogradov 1984, No. 6:277-279; ngambaye [Antelope asks Spider's wife to cook her food after giving birth; as a reward, she allows her to enter her belly and cut off meat there; The spider changes clothes a woman, comes to Antelope to offer her services; once in his belly, cuts off Antelope's heart; Antelope dies, her relatives come; A spider from his belly screams that he is a disease that kills their daughter; now he will go out and kill them; everyone is running away; the Spider and his son are cooking meat; the son gives up his share, follows his mother in anger; she paints white, appears before the Spider as having come for Death; Spider runs away in horror, his son and wife take their prey]: Bremont 1985:151-152; jukun [during hunger, the Hare overheard the Lions talking to Po w⠀ when opening the door of their home, and Ba gâ ;, closing it; when the Lions leave, the Hare enters there, there is a lot of meat, he brings meat home; Hyena's son finds out about the wealth of the Hare, Hyena asks to be taken to the Lions house; does not listen carefully to instructions Hare, only Ba gâ remembers; Lions tore it to pieces; The Hare offers the Lions to help inflate blacksmith's bellows; sings, the Lions dance, leave; The Pigeon helps the Hare put all the blacksmith's accessories on his head; when approaching the house, the Hare throws the burden on the ground, believing that he can lift it again; he cannot; so people got everything (the origin of blacksmithing)]: Meek 1931:486-489; capsics [The gopher (meke, ground squirrel) marries Rain's daughter, pays for the elephant's bride; secretly eats the elephant from the inside; the Leopard climbs inside the elephant with him; the Gopher adjusts so that the Rain finds that at the crime scene]: Beek 2008; Songhai [during hunger, the Hare praises the shady Baobab; he consistently tells him the words, saying which he sheds leaves, fruits, and opens his trunk , which has even more delicious food; Hyena's children see meat in the Hare's house; Hyena pretends to have an abscess in her mouth, asks the Hare to touch, grabs his finger with her teeth, forcing him to discover Baobab's secret; goes inside, tries to grab everything at once, eat everything; forgets the word koul-ouahou, says koul-koul, the trunk closes; The hare comes, opens the trunk, the Hyena jumps out, but the Baobab has not given anything since]: Hama 1967:264-266; (cf. Prost 1956 [during hunger, the Hare takes a stick, bag, drum, pot, knife; comes to guinea fowl; they ask why the hare needs a stick, pot, etc., he always answers what to dance (qu'il la fait danser ); guinea fowls come up, he pours water on them, hits them with a stick, killed seven, put them in a bag, hid the feathers, brought the meat home to cook; the hyena's child came to take the fire, saw the meat, told his parents, all they took it; the hyena put a stone by the cheek as if a tooth was hurting; the hare put his hand, she clenched it with her teeth, forcing her to say where he got the meat; answers the guinea fowl that the stick is to beat them, etc.; guinea fowls ran away]: 177-179); Ashanti [everyone is starving, and Kofi, Ashanti's relative (spider), is in no need; A. made him admit that he found a stone that grinds flour himself and honey flows nearby; they agree to go to the forest as soon as the women go up to the field; A. wakes up the children in the middle of the night to make noise; K. falls asleep again; so twice; the third time A. entered K.'s house, put ash in his bag, found it on an ash trail; took the stone with him; went to villages selling flour, earned money; but the stone could not be removed; he crushed A.; so there are often many spiders under large stones]: Barker, Sinclaire 1917, No. 13:81-84; Yoruba [the lizard noticed the owners of the site say, Rock, open up, go inside, take yams out of the rock, says Rock, close; the lizard begins to walk by itself in the morning to rock; talks about this turtle, agrees to go with him when the rooster sings; in the middle of the night, the turtle screams with a rooster, the lizard tells him not to wake him up; when the rooster really sang, they came to the rock; typing yam, the lizard tells you to return, but the turtle refuses; the lizard leaves, covering the rock; the turtle forgot the right words; the owner found it, beat it, he says he was brought by a lizard; the lizard pretended sick, says that he did not get up for three months; the owner smashed the turtle; he asks the ant and cockroach to sew it up; since then, the turtle shell has stitches]: Ellis 1894, No. 6:271-274; ecoi [Talbot, p. 389; poor brother Albo sees Europeans unlocking the door in the forest, taking out treasures and locking the door again; A. also enters the treasury; at home he took action from his rich brother Oro; his wife sees that A. measures money; A. and O. go together to the treasury; next time O. goes alone, caught, cut into pieces; A. brings pieces to the tailor and asks to sew; from the tailor, the owner found out who entered treasury; a European servant marked A.'s door, but A.'s son marked all the doors around him with the same sign; a European servant brings 12 barrels of oil for A.; A.'s son stabbed the servant and poured boiling water into each barrel; And . takes the son to the judge; when he finds out what is the matter, the judge releases and rewards the young man; the father gives him half of the property]: Klipple 1992, No. 676:235.

Sudan-East Africa. Zaghawa [Amm Embréré calls guinea fowls, some kill, give others a necklace; her husband Abou Embréré watches, goes by himself, kills everyone; Amme does not know what to feed the children; the bird leads her to the cannibal's cave, there is a lot of cattle and food; if you say "sum, sum", the door will open, "these" will close; AmMe finds out about it, eats and drinks in the cave, forgets how to open the door, hides in the drum; the cannibal hears the sound of a drum, comes running, AbuE pretends to be dead, jumps up when the ogre is going to burn him with iron; he tells him to take him to his wife and children; demands to cook their fingers for him, AmMe cooks only nails; the bird shows her where the horse's corpse is, she gives the horse's meat for her child, then they run instead of herself, instead of her husband; the cannibal hears voices from their hiding place, thinks that there are spirits; everything animals are afraid to look, only Ostrich sticks his neck, feels sorry for the fugitives, he gives a sign that spirits, animals and cannibals are running away inside]: Tubiana, Tubiana 2004 (1), No. 17:101-109; joluo [Abvola divorced A crocodile, married the Elephant; when it rains, he raises its tail, everyone hides there; to feed people, the Elephant puts its foot in a boiling pot, it pours fat; the Spider, Brother A., sees it, calls the people, pokes feet into the cauldron, just burned them; in the rain he raised his ass, screams in pain when they try to get into it; the Elephant raises its tail, the Spider, along with everyone else, climbed into the Elephant's belly, pierced his heart with a spear; people ripped his belly apart to go outside; then A. goes beyond the Red Tree; warns him not to intervene if the Red Trees fight; The spider intervenes, gets stuck between branches, tells his sister to divorce ; passes off as Termite; discovers that the termite mound is walled up, he can't get his sisters back]: Katsnelson 1968:217-220; Masai [in words "Stone, open up!" The hare opens the door in the rock where the Lioness keeps supplies; the Hyena sees that the Hare's lips are shiny; does not lag behind until he says where he gets the meat; after eating, the Hare leaves, the Hyena stays on; instead" Stone, open up" says "Stone, close"; the Lioness enters, agrees to make Hyena a servant to take care of the lion cub; tells her to break the bone when she goes across four rivers; a bone fragment kills the lion cub; The hyena puts a hornet in his nostrils to think that it died from bites; carries his mother's lion cub three times, eating one leg each time; then eats everything; the Lioness ties the Hyena to the tree, leaves for whipping sticks; Hyena tells another Hyena that she is tied because she does not want to drink oil in which flies; the other tells her to be tied first; The lioness discovers the deception, ties her again Hyena, beats to death]: Hollis 1905:212-215 (quail in Radin 1952, No. 29:120); (cf. Nubians [after working for the owner for 35 years, he gives him smokes and incense with which he can open a wall in ancient ruins and take treasures; taking them, he does not must not stay for a minute; he gets treasures, gets rich; three years later, neighbors reported him to the king; he sends people to destroy the wall, but they fail]: Klipple 1992:234).

North Africa. Arabs of Morocco, Tunisia: El-Shamy 2004, No. 676:367-369; Berbers of Morocco (Fez) [the evil rich brother has 7 sons of fools; the poor has 7 smart daughters, the youngest is the smartest; every day a rich woman sends a black woman to carry a bucket of milk to "this abandoned grave"; she pours milk on the grave; younger girl: if God wants to help, he will help; she is one and the oldest son of a rich man Brothers go on a journey: who will earn more and get it; the boy took a lot of food, but forgot water; the girl gave him a drink in exchange for his food; then he ran out of food; for a piece of bread he gave her a horse; at the fork, he walked along the white road; in the city he decided to buy gifts for his relatives - each in the night pot; the girl came to the mountain, climbed a tree and waited; seven cannibals told grief in the name of God open up, came in; when all seven went out, the girl also told the grief to open; there were many prisoners; she told them to load the jewelry on the animals, went home; staying away from her caravan, pretended not to bring anything; her parents needed a measure to measure gold; the rich brother's wife smeared the measure with glue; found gold coins stuck; the rich sent the eldest son to the mountain; he did not notice that not 7, but 6 cannibals came out of the mountain; the seventh grabbed him; he said that he did not come to rob, but to tell him who took everything; let the robbers sit in the butter wineskins and he would bring the caravan donkeys to the guilty person's house; but at night the maid decided to take oil, since the drovers had brought him, poked him with an awl; robber: what, it's time? The maid understood everything, began to sing; the girl also understood; they lit a fire in the hole, threw their wineskins there; the rich brother's son came in the morning, but to his disappointment, it was not the girls who died, but the cannibals]: El Fasi, Dermenghem 1928:140-150; the Arabs of Algeria (Blida) [two brothers, one of them king; the poor brother decided to leave, came to the area where the guli climbed a tree; the guli came, told the cave to open, brought in the corpses of the dead, devoured them; then they went out; the man named the cave, went in, loaded treasures on the donkey, brought his brother king to the country; the king threw him into prison: tell me where he found the treasures; then released; removed from power, impoverished; came to that cave; when he collected treasures, forgot the name, could not leave; the guli tore him to pieces; his brother found his liver and lungs, brought him, buried him; the guli found their way through a bloody trail; some turned into camels, others into buttered wineskins, another into the owner of the caravan; the imaginary caravan asked permission to spend the night in the yard; the owner let the camels in, but not himself caravan; black maid decided to oil her hair, opened one wineskin; ghoul: what, it's time? the maid rubbed the grain and sang loudly so that the owner could guess; he went down, understood everything, gathered people with outposts and pickaxes, dug a hole, lit a fire in it, threw wineskins there; in the morning he came caravan, he was also thrown into the hole; then the man came back to the guley cave, climbed the tree; guli children came; they smelled a man but did not find him; he collected treasures again; married royal daughter, mobilized people to dig a new hole, the guli died in it]: Desparmet 1910:183-205; kabila [rich brother has 7 sons, the poor has 7 daughters; the poor man's wife died; the rich agreed send food to the poor's daughters in the morning and evening; a few days later I met the poor man - he did not receive anything; it turned out that the maid poured everything on the grave in the cemetery, because she understood Tombe-á-Souper (so her mistress put it allegorically) literally; the poor decided to leave his daughters and go to earn money; on the way an old man, a man standing next to him and another lying head down; old man: the first is your fate rich brother, the second is your fate; the poor man has come to the castle; noise is heard; 7 cannibal giants came out of the gate, each with the same child on his shoulders; when the cannibals fled, the poor man went to the castle, passing 7 doors; on the table there are 7 plates of couscous, partridges, mugs of water, spoons; he ate, drank a small piece, a sip of everything; put a handful of seven piles of gold in his bag; went out, went back; to try on gold, sent one of the daughters to his brother for a measure; the brother's wife smeared the bottom with glue; when she got it back, she saw a gold coin; sent her husband to find out everything, he went to the castle; on the way he met him an old man and his brother's fate nearby; he began to eat greedily in the castle, then put gold in a bag; he could not be picked up; cannibals came, the man hid in the back room among the corpses; he was found when they began touch the soles of all the dead with a hot iron; he told everything; they ask where to start eating it; man: first the head (brought here), then the legs (came), the stomach (all for him), the arms (not resisted the temptation); he was eaten with one leg left; brother will come, see, pick up, find the way by drops of blood; brother goes to look for the missing; old man: standing is your destiny, and lying upside down is the fate of your brother; in the cannibal castle, a man noticed his brother's hanging leg; thought they left it to eat later; took it away without noticing that blood was dripping; the wagtail covered the drops with earth, but the man drove her away; then she scraped off the ground, exposing the drops; the man invited her brother's widow to marry her and marry their sons and daughters; she agreed; cannibals found the brothers' home by drop of blood; their the children pretended to be oil merchants, asked them to spend the night; the man placed them in a room with straw, advised them to lock the doors; in the dark, the maid went to buy oil, came across someone; he: it was time should I go eat them? maid: it's not time yet; a man and his household set fire to straw, all cannibals died except one child; the man decided not to kill him; heard him talk out loud how delicious pink should be father's ears; killed him by hitting the wall; all is well]: Mammeri 1996, No. 7:116-132; Arabs of Egypt [after his father's death, a younger brother married to a Turkish slave got a shop and an older house; the youngest became, like a father, a merchant, and the elder squandered everything; decided to go to the desert to be eaten by a hyena; saw 40 robbers approaching the cave, climbed a tree; when the robbers left, he took gold and brought it to his wife; then he brought more; the wife took a measure from her younger brother's wife; she smeared her with honey, gold stuck to the honey; the younger brother asked the older brother to explain how he got rich; they went to the cave together; then the younger brother asked the elder to explain how he got rich; they went to the cave together; went again; the robbers had just returned, cut it apart and put the pieces in the basket; the younger brother came to the cave, took the basket, told the barber to sew the pieces, buried his brother; the robbers became looking for someone who knows about their cave; found a barber, found out from him who took the chopped body out of the cave; the chieftain brought good oil to his older brother and agreed to bring more; brought the caravan camels loaded with large jugs, each with a robber; they stopped in the older brother's yard; the chieftain fell asleep; the older brother's wife guessed that the jugs were robbers; she and her husband took A hot iron rod and everyone was killed; the bodies were thrown into the Nile; camels brought all the treasures from the cave]: Sayce 1920, No. 14:187-197.

Southern Europe. Corsicans [Francesco is a rich brother, Stevana is poor; S. went to look for happiness, climbed a tree in the forest; saw seven thieves say "Serchia, open up", the rock opens, in it treasures; when leaving, they say, "Serchia, close yourself"; S. enters the cave, brings a bag of gold and gems; tells his wife to ask F. for a measure; he smears the bottom with glue, sticks to gold; S. has to tell everything; F. brings mules, loads jewelry on them, but forgets how to open and close the door; the robbers cut him apart, threw him into the corner of the cave; S. took the remains, spread a rumor that F. was ill, and then that he was dead; the robbers went to ask who had recently become rich; the shoemaker said that S.; the robbers came to S. under the guise of olive oil sellers, six sat in wineskins; S. guessed, ordered servants boil oil and fill the faces of the robbers; the chief was captured and burned in the square]: Ortoli 1883, No. 20:137-148; Sicilians [lived two poor brothers; one went to work; saw 12 robbers, hid; the chieftain told the doors to open and the door in the rock opened; when they left, they said "The door, close"; the poor man, repeating these commands, went inside the rock, filled his pockets with gold, returned home; another brother asked how the first one got the wealth, he said; he went to the rock, but noticed only 11 thieves; when he took the gold and began to leave, the twelfth killed him; the first brother took his wife and the second's children came to himself and took care of them]: Godzenbach 1870, No. 79:122-124; Maltese [the poor man sees robbers entering a hollow tree after saying a magic word; remembering the word, he penetrates himself inside the tree, takes treasures; the rich man gives the poor a scale, a gold coin sticks to them; after trying to find out where the poor man got the money, the rich man came to the cave, but forgot the word that opened the way back; killed; or brings robbers into the house of a poor former man, hiding them in a large chest; robbers are killed]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 676:220-222; Italians (Lombardy, Mantova) [(full story of Ali Baba and 40 robbers")]: Crane 1885:153; Italians (Veneto, Lombardy, Tuscany, Umbria, Rome, Abruzzo, Molise, Basilicata, Calabria, Puglia), Sardinians: Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 675:147-148; Italians (Campania, Capri): Zschalig 1925:94-97; Ladins: Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 6 [three brothers; the eldest came to the pit where the hell is in one cauldron, his grandmother in the other; discovered an iron door, behind it corpses and severed heads; behind the other door are the weapons and tools of the robbers, behind the third door there are treasures; he collected treasures and brought them home; the same with his middle brother; when the younger one went, the robbers had already noticed that someone was taking the treasure, grabbed him, cut off his head, hanging it with the others], 48 [the fairies called the shepherdess into their cave, offered to take as much gold as possible, no less; when he found out where the shepherdess got the gold, the knight also went, took too much, dropped his bag, the cave closed and the knight flattened]: 34, 132-133; Brunold-Bigler, Widmer 2004, No. 59 [{the text is short and schematic}; the poor brother has 7 children, the rich is childless; the poor man went to the forest for firewood, saw thieves who opened the rock, and then went back and galloped away; the poor man also said, "Rock, open up!" , took gold and brought it to his wife; she took a measure from the wife of the rich brother; when she returned it, a gold coin stuck to the measure; the poor man's wife told everything; the rich brother went to the rock himself; the robbers tore it into pieces so small that the chicken could peck]: 307-308; Catalans (Mallorca included) [poor brother sees robbers say the magic word and enter the cave; when they leave, he repeats the same word, brings home treasures; the rich brother tries to repeat everything, but the robbers find and kill him; the chieftain pretends to be a carter, hides his comrades in a large oil vessel ; they are found and beaten]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 954:192-193; the Portuguese [poor man sees the robbers say the magic word, the rock opens, there is a treasure cave; when the robbers leave , the poor man opens the rock, takes some of the treasure; a rich friend or brother tries to repeat everything, but the robbers find and kill him; the robbers find the house in which the treasure thief lives, put a mark on the door; a man puts the same ones on the doors of neighboring houses; the chieftain brings the vessel in which the robbers are hiding; a clever maid pours boiling oil into it]: Cardigos 2006, No. 954:247-248; Spaniards [there were two brothers, both poor; one saw someone bring a mule loaded with gold, said, "Open up, window!" , and when you leave, "Close!" (ciérrate al punto); bringing gold home, the first man sent the child to measure, after which the second brother found a gold coin stuck in it; demanded that everything be told; went to that door; there were corpses in the first room, and the wine that came in got drunk; began to remember how to say it; forgot the word "ventanita", began to remember: ventanón, ventanuco...; robbers came and killed his]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, No. 676:693-694; Basques [some entries similar to Spanish versions]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995:694; Aragon ["Rock open, close and be disappointed!" ; the lumberjack noticed a cave in which robbers hide treasures and from time to time take valuables from there; his greedy rich brother tried to take a lot at once; robbers found him, killed him; robbers they come to the lumberjack's house hiding in oil vessels, but the lumberjack's wife discovers them and kills them]: González Sanz 1996, No. 676:90.

Western Europe. The Germans [the rich brother does not help the poor; the poor sees 12 guys approaching, climbed a tree; they go to the rock, say "Earth Mountain, open up", and when they leave, "Earth Mountain, close" ( Semsi); the poor man repeated the spells, took it in the treasure cave, returned home; healed well; when the rich brother lent him the measure, he smeared the bottom with resin, a gold coin stuck to it; I had to tell everything; the rich man went to the mountain, but when he went back, he forgot the word and began to say "Simelei Mountain"; the robbers killed him]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 142:454-455 (=Grimm, Grimm 1987:361-363); the French (Upper Brittany, Picardy, Lorraine) [the poor man sees robbers hiding treasures inside the mountain; the rocks open and close when they say a certain word; when the robbers leave, poor man, remembering the words, opens the cache, takes part of the treasure; takes a measure from his brother (neighbor), he lubricates the bottom with resin, a coin sticks to it; the brother or neighbor comes to the cache himself, but cannot get out of it, thieves kill him]: Delarue, Tenèze 1964, No. 676:593-595; (cf. French (Haute-Brittany) [a man was collecting firewood; unnoticed he sees three robbers arrive, say the words, Secundum, open up! the door to their house opens; when they come out, they say, Secundum, close; the man himself said what he should, collected money and went out; borrowed a sieve from a neighbor to measure money, 5 francs stuck; the neighbor asked bring him to the home of the robbers; the man collected three bags of money and the neighbor one; everything is fine]: Sébillot 1894, No. 10:107); walloons [after the wedding, the wife sent her husband to herd the cow; he saw the grass on the wall, pulled the cow in there to eat the grass, the cow in the noose suffocated; the husband brought home the skin; his wife did not unlock the door for him; he spent the night in the tree and saw seven robbers They tell the rock to open: Jean-Marie's door, go away! then they go out, close the door behind them and leave; the man came in, put diamonds in his pockets, and put the gold in his skin and brought it home; they had to pour gold into the chimney - the wife did not want to believe; to find out how much gold they had, the wife borrowed a measure from a neighbor, one louidor stuck; the wife explained that her husband sold cowskin in Amiens for royal drums and received a lot of money; the neighbor stabbed his cows, went to sell his skins, he was driven away like crazy; he had to tell the truth; the neighbor filled the bags with diamonds, but forgot the formula that unlocked the door; the robbers came and killed him, and parts of his body hung them on trees to intimidate; the man found the remains and, calling for help from a shoemaker, secretly buried them; the robbers realized that they were known; the chieftain, disguised as a beggar, went to ask if he had died who recently; the shoemaker told everything; the chieftain put six comrades in bags, loaded them on mules, brought them to the village, asked the young couple for the night; the wife overheard the conversation in the room where they put them bags; first stabbed the chieftain; then touched one bag with her foot, the robber stuck his head out, her husband cut it off; so with everyone; the couple put the bodies in bags, loaded them on mules and drove the mules away; all good]: Carnoy 1883:273-283; Germans (Austria), Irish, Dutch, Flemish: Aarne, Thompson 1961, No. 676:238 {in Uther 2004 this type was combined with 954; considering the French and German versions are extremely likely to have the same episodes in other Western European ones}.

Western Asia. The Arab literary tradition ("One Thousand and One Nights") [two brothers K. and A.; K. is married to a rich woman; A. buys an ax with his last money, Ali's brother becomes a lumberjack a woodcutter, sees robbers in the mountains coming to the door in the rock, opening it, saying, "Sesame (=sesame), open the door", bringing treasures there; after the robbers leave, A. tells the doors to open, finds a lot of food in the cave, brings home gold; wife A. asks his wife K. for a measure for grain; measures gold; wife K. watches her; tells her husband; K. asks A. about wealth; A. shows K. the way to The treasury says, "Sesame, open the door"; K. opens the door; cannot remember words to go out; robbers kill K.; cut into four pieces; hang at the door; A. finds his brother's corpse; takes in wife's widow brother; entrusts the corpse to a cunning slave; the slave buys medicines as if for the owner; blindfolds the shoemaker and confuses his path; demands that K.'s body parts be sewn; stitches; requires the shoemaker remain silent; K. is buried; A. hands over his brother's shop to his son; the robbers discover the loss; one dresses in a merchant's clothes; the shoemaker brags about his work to the robber; the robber blindfolds him; the shoemaker restores the way to K.'s house; the thief puts a sign on K.'s gate to find it later; a cunning slave puts similar houses to neighboring houses; robbers cannot find a house; kill an infiltrator; summoned another; repeats manipulating the shoemaker; marks the house; the slave marks the neighbors; the second infiltrator is beheaded; the leader goes to town; remembers the house; thieves climb into the wineskins for butter ; two wineskins are filled with oil; the leader of thieves dresses as a merchant; asks A. to spend the night in A.'s house; according to his sign, thieves must jump out of their wineskins; the slave runs out of oil; she goes to the wineskins; hears thieves talking; answers in the voice of the leader; pours boiling oil into each wineskin; thieves die; the leader finds the thieves dead and runs away; the slave talks about everything A, he gives her freedom ; the deceiver opens a shop in front of son A.'s shop; son A. invites the thief into the house; the slave recognizes the thief; pierces her with a dagger while dancing; A. marries her son to a former slave]: Salya 2010:1168-1204; Arabs Syria [one of the two brothers goes on a journey; finds treasures in the cave; in the city he buys a slave who is actually the daughter of a sultan; as a result, he becomes a sultan himself; his He makes a brother a vizier; he decides to go to the same cave; the robbers have long been looking for who robbed them, kill the person who came; the chieftain realizes that the one who robbed them has become a sultan, sends his men to the Sultan, hiding them in chests; the Sultan's wife found out about this, told her husband; the chests behind them or with nails and threw them into the sea]: Nowak 1969, No. 142:153-154; the Arabs of Oman [Abu Navas went through the desert and was thirsty; the leopard offered to go inside; there was a place with salt water, a place with brackish water and a place with fresh water; but let the NA not look up; after getting drunk, the NA wanted to eat; raised his head, saw two hanging objects and ate one; these were the internal organs of the leopard and he died, but the NA stayed inside; it rained, the leopard's carcass got wet and the NA managed to get out; saw women herding goats; they went to the party, agreeing leave the goats under the supervision of the NA; the NA has a vision: a white river and a red river; he milked the goats, creating a white river, and stabbed them, creating a river of blood; one woman came up and was horrified, called the others; they were bad hear; NA explains: she shouts for you to leave all the gold jewelry for the NA; the women did it, the NA took the jewelry, hung it on a tree, and climbed it himself; explained to the caravan merchants that Jewelry grows to this tree; they gave all the camels along with their luggage for the tree from the decoration; the NA took them and disappeared; the merchants were left waiting for new ornaments to grow on the tree, and are still waiting]: Taibah, MacDonald 2016:47-48; harsushi [fox, wolf, leopard, hyena, vulture and raven went hunting; vulture flew away, fox and raven found nothing, hyena found a basket of dates, wolf stole a kid, a leopard killed a camel; they gathered around the fire to cook meat; the hyena went to bed, told her to wake her up when everything was ready; the fox ate both dates and meat intended for the hyena in her ass bones and bones; in the morning she told the hyena that she had already eaten everything herself, told her to relieve herself, bones and bones were under the hyena; the fox asked the hyena to carry it to the acacia, and then she would carry it; jumped, screamed that the hyena was tired; hyena: it was the fox tired; but others rushed to the hyena and ate it; the fox offered to jump off the cliff - this is what their fathers did when they were circumcised; the fox and the leopard jumped safely, and the wolf broke his leg, was eaten; the fox offers to jump off a high cliff, jumps; the leopard crashed; invites the fox to start eating it; the fox: will eat it when the leopard dies; eating it leopard, the fox told the donkey that she was dying of thirst; she allowed her to get inside through her ass - she had water in her stomach; the fox drank water, ate the donkey's insides, she died; the fox wanted dew has fallen, then it will fill one wadi with blood and the other with milk; the dew has fallen out, the donkey's ass is softened, the fox has got out; tells the woman and daughter that they are called to be circumcised, and she is ready to guard them herd; the fox milked the goats, filling the wadi with milk; slaughtered them, filling another wadi with blood; arranged the carcasses as if the goats were grazing; the woman and girl returned without finding anyone; the girl saw them slaughtered goats, shouted to her mother to hold the fox; woman hears hard; fox: she screams that robbers are coming, let the woman give her the necklace, she will bury it and hide it; daughter screams again; fox: she tells me you gave herself; the woman is furious, the fox runs away, taking away jewelry; hangs them on a dry tree, relieves herself by throwing sand at excrement; tells the caravan that the tree makes jewelry; he gives for the tree is his herd; warns that if he copes with the need near the tree, it will not give ornaments; the caravan waits three days, catches up with the fox; they come back, the fox tears off its excrement, says that this caravan could not resist; the fox brings its camels to places where there are many others; she is told that her camels may be trampled by local camels and horses; but the fox refuses to take her own; her camels died, she received a large ransom for them]: Stroomer 2004, No. 2:5-17; Palestinians, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen: El-Shamy 2004, No. 676:367-369.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Amdo) [the poor man went to the mountains to buy firewood, fed the lion every time; he said he could put his hand in his mouth and get gold; but he had to take his hand out before sunset; when he learned that the poor man got rich, the rich man decided to repeat everything, but did not take his hand out of greed; the sun rose, the lion closed its mouth]: Tshe dbang rdo rje et al. 2007:118; Bhutan [poor shepherdess looking for a missing cow came across a rock next to which a toothy wrinkled old woman was sitting; trembling with the cold; said, "Cave Father, open the door," the door opened in the rock, the old woman came in; {the door closed}; the boy said those the same words, he entered the treasure cave; the old woman was warming herself at the hearth {and did not notice the boy}; in the morning she left, saying the same words; the boy picked up jewelry and went out; the rich boy also entered the cave; the old woman ate it; she ate the visitors because she was old and could no longer hunt]: Choden 1994:107-108.

South Asia. Kumaoni [poor Khima went to get firewood, saw 40 thieves, climbed a tree; when they left, he climbed into their treasury, brought everything home; his rich brother Sankar decided to do the same; thieves noticed him, killed him, his wife was raped; when she died, she said that wealth was in her brother-in-law's house; K.'s wife noticed the thieves, boiled oil; when they climbed one by one, she threw everyone in oil; all K.'s wealth remained]: Minaev 1966, No. 27:73-74; the Punjabi [the neighboring king defeated the kingdom, the princes began to get food by harvesting firewood in the forest; seeing the robbers, the elder prince climbed a tree; they said the magic word, entered the house, brought treasures; the prince remembered the word; he brought his mother's treasures on a camel; the younger prince tried to repeat everything, but forgot or confused his words and could not leave; the robbers tore him to pieces; the elder prince found his remains, took him away with another batch of treasures; the robbers decided to find out if there was someone in the city who suddenly became rich; when he learned this, the spy marked the house; the elder prince noticed the sign and marked the neighboring houses with it; the robbers still found a house, the chieftain became friends with the prince; the mother understood everything, began to dance with with a sword, she cut off the thief's head; the other thieves separated, and the prince married and became a banker]: Knowles 1888:267-271.

China - Korea. Chinese: Dennys 1876 [the shepherd sees someone look like a rock, says "Stone door, open, Kwei Koo comes in", the rock opens; then the same thing, "Quey Koo goes out"; the shepherd went inside; there are amazing halls, although there are no treasures; the shepherd's grandmother asked me to show her the cave; inside they parted, the shepherd went out and only at home realized that his grandmother was in the cave; he returned to the cave, but she was not open; KK approached him and explained that fate had predetermined this way; if a man remained in the cave, all his descendants would gain princely dignity; but if a woman remained, the descendants would be have power over demons]: 134-135; Ting 1978, No. 676 [{there are a lot of records, although their distribution by province is impossible to determine}; a treasure cave is sometimes discovered with the help of something that is not magical words, but a magic melon (cucumber, pumpkin, etc.) or an ax, mortar, golden key or bell, etc.; in some cases, you can't re-enter the cave because the key was forgotten inside; or because two people entered, but only one is allowed; or it opens only on special occasions] {page number in pdf is not visible}.

The Balkans. Greeks (Lesbos): Dawkins 1916 [The widow has two sons; the eldest saw 40 men lead 40 mules to the cave; when they left, they were also 40; the man went into the cave, collected treasures; younger brother He also went, but he didn't think well: 39 men came out, and he thought all 40; he went in and was killed]: 363-365; Rouse 1896, No. 3 [the poor man has three daughters; he sees 40 thieves opening the rock, saying Ach Karakiz, close, saying Kapka Karakiz; after the robbers leave, he enters the rock, takes jewelry from each pile; next time he takes one pile; the robbers leave one watchman, they kill a man; one pretends to be a merchant, others sit in bags; an imaginary merchant comes to sell, that man's daughter pays with a diamond; after finding out where the thief lived, the imaginary merchant stays in the house for the night; a girl burns bags of robbers and an intoxicated imaginary merchant in the oven; the sisters took all the treasures; the evil neighbor borrowed a sieve, smeared it with honey, a gold coin stuck to it; the neighbor's husband went into the cave, the rock crushed him; the neighbor took a new one, the same with him; she lured the sisters' husbands, they took the treasures, went to her; the devil met the older sister, left him in the cave, told him to eat her leg an animal on which the meat went bad; she hid the meat in ash, the meat responded to the devil, he turned the girl into a broom; the same with her second sister turned into a jug; the third takes a cat, meat with her replies that it is in the stomach (without saying who); the devil is torn to pieces, the younger sister revived the elders; sisters free suspended sinners, find three young men, take them as husbands; the youngest's husband agreed only to be engaged, took the girl to her parents, went ahead despite the warning, spoke to her mother, forgot her bride; she built a mansion, forgot to go there, she told his lion tear her apart; the ruler justified her]: 155-159; Georgeakis, Pineau 1893 [the fox has found a hole through which to enter the church and regularly steals prosphora; the wolf asks to take it with him; in the church begins sing; when a priest comes in, the fox runs away and the wolf cannot stick his face; the fox promises to help if the wolf gives her bread; the wolf gave her bread, asks for another way out; fox: the priest will show]: 321-322; Bulgarians [an orphan goes for firewood, sees how the robbers open the door to the cave (hollow, house) with the magic word, hide their prey there, leave; the orphan says the same word, takes gold is getting richer; his brother (son, friend) finds out about it (by pieces of gold stuck to the bottom of the borrowed vessel), enters the cave, greedily grabs the treasure, but forgetting the magic word, he cannot go out and dies (killed by returning robbers)]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, #676:235; Slovenes: Aarne, Thompson 1961, #676:238; Hungarians [story known]: Domotor 1988, #676:463; Macedonians, Albanians, Bosnians, Serbs, Croats: Uther 2004 (1), No. 954:593-594 {since Poles, Greeks and Bulgarians have a motive, it is highly likely that he recorded in most Balkano-Carpathian traditions, although there is no data on the distribution of individual episodes in the ATU 954 Uther 2004 plot; the "Serbo-Croatian" version is also noted in Aarne, Thompson 1961, № 676:238}.

Central Europe. Poles [a man sees a hermit coming to the cave door, telling them to open, takes out gold; he does the same thing himself, takes a little each time; one day he takes a sieve from a lieutenant to measure money , coins get stuck in it, the man is forced to tell everything; the lieutenant goes, wants to take everything, forgets how to get out, telling the doors to open; the man comes to find out what happened: the treasures and the lieutenant have failed underground]: Dombrovsky 1992:292-300; Czechs: Aarne, Thompson 1961, No. 676:238; Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Vologda, Moscow, Oryol, Ryazan), Ukrainians (Galicia, Podolia, Kievskaya, Poltava), Belarusians [Two brothers and forty robbers ("Ali Baba"): a poor man sees robbers entering the mountain, saying "open up"; does the same and finds it in the mountain treasure; rich brother imitates him but is killed; robbers enter the poor man's yard in barrels on carts, his wife exposes and kills robbers]: SUS 1979, No. 676:174; Russians (Arkhangelskaya , 1908, p. Kolezhm) [Two brothers, Vasily and Ivan, go to steal money from robbers, open the stone with the words "Stone Adam", go inside, take gold and leave. Ivan goes to get the money alone, but forgets to say the second word and can't get out. Robbers come, realize that Ivan is stealing from them, cutting him into six pieces. Ivan's wife tells Vasily that his brother is missing. Vasily goes to the stone, brings his dead brother and a bag of money. Shvets (sewed fur coats from pieces) sews Ivan together, and he is buried. Shvets drinks with the robbers and tells them that he sewed a man, they come to Ivan's widow, 12 robbers sit in jugs in a cart, and the thirteenth asks them to spend the night in the house. The cook realizes that the robbers have arrived, and at night she coats the robbers sitting in jugs with hot oil. The thirteenth robber goes out into the yard at night, sees that his comrades are dead, suspects a cook. He asks the hostess to dance with her, the girl realizes that he wants to kill her, pulls out her sword and hits the robber first. She tells the hostess that robbers came to kill her. That cook "took her for her daughter"]: Tseitlin 1911, No. 14:14-15; Russians (Moscow) []: Chudinsky 1864, No. 4:41-44; Ukrainians (Pokutye) []: Zinchuk 2005b, No. 87:435-440; Belarusians []: Romanov 1887, NO. 66:312-317.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ossetians (recorded in 1970) [the poor man sees the robbers enter the mountain; says, like them: "open up" (etc.), takes gold from the mountain; the rich brother wants to do the same, is killed by robbers; the robbers are trying to find the robber their poor man finally enters his house in barrels (as if they were filled with butter), but a maid girl kills robbers]: Sokayeva 2004, No. 676:96; (cf. Karachays [a story about Ali Baba, his brother Kasim and forty robbers, told in Karachai (using Russisms like "open" and "shut down") and read by an informant in Russian school book]: Pröhle 1909a, No. 9:298-302); Turks [a rich single brother does not lend money to a poor married man; he goes on a journey; spies on the devas open the door in the rock in the word Chung, they close with the word Chang; the devas leave, the man collects treasures, returns home; the rich brother follows in his footsteps, entering the cave, forgets the word Chang, the deva they find him, kill him]: Tsvetinovich 1969:91-93 (=Dmitriev 1967, No. 41:238-241).

Baltoscandia. The Veps [the man sees the robbers enter the mountain saying, "Open up!" He does the same and finds treasures; a neighbor reports this to the robbers who try to kill the man, but thanks to the maid who scalds the robbers hiding in jugs, the man remains alive]: Onegin, Zaitseva 1996, No. 163:213-214; Karelians, Western Sami (Inari): Kecskeméti, Paunonen 1974, No. 676:234; Norwegians [a person sees robbers bringing treasures, they say," Blue Mountain, open up!" ; he slowly takes it from the treasury, but when his neighbor comes there, the robbers grab him and kill him; the maid deceives the robbers and saves the man]: Hodne 1984, No. 676:151; Faroese ( Nyman 1984, No. 676, 954): Uther 2004, No. 954:592-594; Swedes [the motive is known; the ideal version is retold, no specific data on Swedish variants]: Liungman 1961, No. 676:191-192; Icelanders , Danes: Aarne, Thompson 1961, No. 676:238; Estonians, Livonians, Finns, Lithuanians: Aarne, Thompson 1961, No. 676:238; Latvians [Poor man in the woods peeking, how robbers, when they say certain words, open a rock, and when they leave, they cover it again with words. The poor man discovers the mountain in the same way and makes a lot of money. His wife borrows a quadruple from a rich man to measure his money; the rich man throws a piece of resin into the bottom of the quadruple, and money sticks to it. The poor man tells us how he got rich. The rich man also goes to the mountain, but forgetting the right words, he cannot get out of it. The robbers, when they return, kill a rich man]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 676:310.

Volga - Perm. {The Mordovians and the Komi are probably like Marie's}. Marie [the poor man sees the robbers go inside the oak tree, does the same and finds gold under the oak tree; a rich neighbor imitates him but is killed; the robbers try to find the poor man who robbed them, they enter his house in barrels on carts (as if they were filled with butter), his maid girl kills robbers]: Sabitov 1989, No. 676:40 (about the same in Lewy 1989, No. 57 [the word "sesame" is used]: 66-70); Mordovians, Komi: Kecskeméti, Paunonen 1974, No. 676:234.

(Wed. Southeast USA. (African borrowing). Caddo [The Coyote intends to kill the Rabbit; he offers to kill the bison together; they climb into the bison's ass, the Coyote bites it from the inside, the bison dies; the man comes to cut the carcass; the Coyote hides in guts, found, killed; Rabbit in the gallbladder, thrown away, runs away]: Dorsey 1905, No. 62:99).