Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M118B. Cache bull. 11.-.13.17.

Once inside the animal, the character gets food there without harming the animal.

Sekiani, Mpongwe, Rwanda, Bambara, Kassonke, Wolof, Malinke, Dogon, Mbai, Dagari, Lobi, Tenda, Temne, Songhai, Ngambaye, Kapsiki, Joluo, Oman Arabs, Harsusi.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Sekiani [The leopard sees the Turtle approaching the bull, says, "White clay, red ocher - open it!" , The Ox opens its mouth, the Turtle climbs inside, cuts off a piece of meat, goes out; The leopard says the same words, climbs into the Ox, hurts the heart, the Ox dies; the Leopard hides in the lung, the Turtle in the intestines; the bull gutted, its guts thrown away, the Leopard is found, killed; The turtle screams that it has been smeared with rubbish, gets a share of the bull's meat, and eats the leopard killed]: Raponda-Walker 1967:460-462; mpongwe [ the merchant will give his daughter and wealth to someone who performs difficult tasks; all animals try and cannot; the Turtle and the Leopard remain; the Turtle brings water to the leaky calebass, covering the holes with glue; gets fruit from the top of the tree, tearing up its roots and knocking it down; on the way back, he replies to the Leopard that his stomach is big because she has eaten mushrooms; the leopard does not believe, tells him to regurgitate what has been swallowed; mushrooms fall out, then wealth, people, woman; the leopard takes her away; there was a big goat that allowed her pieces of meat to be cut off from the inside but not to touch her heart; the goat is hidden from the Leopard; the turtle deliberately reveals the secret; together with the Leopard climbs into the goat's mouth; the leopard cuts off the heart, they stay inside the goat; the leopard hides in the stomach, the Turtle in the gallbladder; others cut the goat, the baby throws the bubble into the bushes; the Turtle shows up, pretends to be outraged: this filth was thrown in his face; says that the goat killer is most likely in the guts; the leopard is killed with spears, the Turtle takes his wife and property]: Nassau 1912, No. 4:30 -37; Rwanda [The hare lures Hyena out of the cow they were supposed to use together, offers to open his mouth, throws a hot stone instead of meat, Hyena dies]: Hurel in Werner 1924:394.

West Africa. Bambara [during hunger, the Hare penetrates the belly of a bull belonging to the spirit, cuts off pieces of meat, brings it home; Hyena's wife comes for a hearth head, gets meat; Hyena pretends that her teeth hurt; when the Hare puts his hand in his mouth, clenches his jaws, demanding to say where he gets the meat; inside the bull, the Hare warns not to cut his heart; the Hyena cuts, the bull dies; the hare hides in the bladder, the Hyena in the stomach; the perfume throws out the bubble; the hare pretends to sleep next to him; pretends to witchcraft find out that the cause of death of the bull is in his stomach; tells his stomach to beat; Hyena dies] : Bramont 1985:144-145; cassonke [the hare slowly takes provisions from the house of spirits; the hyena began to eat there greedily, the spirit caught her, cut off her ears like a thief; the hyena sent the hare to bring firewood for him fry; moving away, the hare pretended to be talking to someone; replied to the hyena that the hunter was looking for his dog with his ears cut off; the hyena ran away]: Monteil 1905:143-144; wolof, raspberries, dogons, mbai [like bambar]: Bremont 1985:145; dagari: Hien 1995 [when the king's elephant laughs, its ass opens, the Hare climbs there, cuts it off a piece of meat, comes out; Hyena asks you to trust her with a secret; tells her not to touch her heart; Hyena says that she is older than the Hare, she knows what to take, swallows her heart, the Elephant dies; the Hare offers Hyena first choose where to hide, she offers the Hare a choice; he chooses the lungs, then Hyena insists on his birthright, hides in choosing where to hide, she offers the Hare a choice; he chooses the lungs, here The hyena insists on swindlers; children are told to throw their guts into the grass; the hare, all dirty, accuses the children of getting dirty; tells the king that the Elephant did not die on his own, he was killed; tells the lungs to beat; Hyena jumps out, runs away, but her hind legs remain short]: 66-80; Métuolé Somba 1991 [during a thunderstorm, Der and the hyena climb into the elephant's womb through the anus, cut off pieces of meat; D. warns the hyena do not touch the heart, it cuts off, the elephant falls dead, the hyena remains sitting in the stomach, D. in the intestines; people cut the elephant, the monkey takes the guts away, D. jumps out, says he just came up, but he was dumped excrement, everyone scolds the monkey; D. tells him to beat the stomach with sticks, ignoring the screams; the hyena was beaten to death]: 67-68; loby [in a scarce time only the Hare's children grow fat; wife Hyenas scolds her husband, he asks the Hare to take him to the forest; you have to make the elephant laugh, he will raise his tail, you have to climb through his ass to his belly, cut off the fat, but not touch his heart; The Hare and Hyena safely have gained fat; next time Hyena hurts the heart, the Elephant dies; The hare hides in the intestines, tells Hyena to get into the stomach; The boar and others do an autopsy, tell the children to throw their guts away; The hare says he has lay down rest, and sewage was dumped on him; says that Hyena is not enough, you have to look in the stomach; Hyena is found and killed]: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010:131-134; tenda [every time The Hare tells the cow the chief opens his anus, goes inside, cuts off a piece of fat, goes out; Hyena's wife sees the Hare's wife frying fat; the hare has to share a secret with Hyena, he warns not to cut off his lungs, otherwise the cow will die; the hyena cuts off, the cow dies; the Hyena hides in the stomach; the hare says that the chief will get the stomach; the Hyena climbs into the stomach, the hare hides in the stomach; the hyena is found, the stomach is thrown away; The hare pretends to be sitting in the bushes, a dirty stomach has been thrown at him; the hyena is beaten, the Hare is given meat, he refuses, wants only a head and tail; buries them in the mud, screams that the leader's cow is bogged down; people they pull, supposedly tear off their head and tail, run away, leaving a load of salt; Guinea fowl smears its head with salt, they believe that the load is hers; when Guinea fowl's rice is ripe, the Hare tramples the path from the field to his house, says that rice him, they believe him; Guinea fowl buys his rice in exchange for salt]: Ferry 1983, No. 10:67-71; dark: Bramont 1985 [same or similar text in Cronise, Ward 1903:233; the frog has found the magic crown; with it can be used to be swallowed and erupted; the frog enters the cow, cuts off some fat, returns; agrees to take the Spider with him, warns not to cut the heart; The spider hurries, arranges false dawn; after being in a cow, the Spider returns alone, cuts off his heart, hides in his entrails, slips away, complains that he has been smeared with sewage, receives the cow's head as compensation; buries says that the cow is stuck in the mud; passers-by pull their heads, "tear it off"; the Spider gets three cows as a refund]: 150-151; Schlenker 1861 [the spider offers Taba (a character) to kill the king's cow; says The pangolin (ant-eater) that dug holes may fall into them; while the pangolin sleeps, he pushes the cow into the hole; the pangolin is executed, the spider, etc., eat the body; the spider suggests T. to climb into the cow, cut off pieces of meat; when the cow blows the winds, you can get out; T. cuts the heart, the cow dies; the spider hides in the liver, T. in the rectum; the cow is butchered, the spider is found, beaten; he says T. was with him, but they don't believe him; T. was thrown away with his rectum; he screams that he was nearby and drenched in manure; the king apologizes, gives him new clothes; the spider continues to be beaten with palm leaves, so he has many legs; he was released, he disappeared into the forest]: 45-57; songhai (zarma) [the jackal wanted to steal the kid, but he was chased; the ostrich tries to teach him how to knock fruit off the tree; the elephant opens the anus, allows the jackal to get inside and drink water; but he should not touch what hangs there (heart, etc.); the jackal touches, the elephant dies; they began to share meat; the jackal unnoticed got out, and the hyena threw the contents of the elephant intestines in the other direction; the jackal pretended to read the Koran and now the hyena spoiled it; everyone began to cook meat on the fire; the jackal went to bed, mistaking the moon for fire; when he got up, the meat was raw; then he changed his food and that of the hyena and said that it was the hyena who cooked food in the moonlight and it also killed the elephant; the hyena was killed]: Calame-Griaule 2002:261-263; ngambaye [ After giving birth, the antelope asks the Spider's wife to cook her food; as a reward, she allows her to enter her belly and cut off meat there; the Spider disguises himself as a woman, comes to Antelope to offer his services; in his belly, cuts off Antelope's heart; Antelope dies, her relatives come; A spider from his belly screams that he is a disease that kills their daughter; will now come out and kill them; everyone runs away; The spider and his son they cook meat; the son gives up his share, follows his mother in anger; she turns white, appears before the Spider as Death has come for him; the Spider runs away in horror, his son and wife take the prey] : Bramont 1985:151-152; capsiki [Meke, ground squirrel) marries Rain's daughter, pays for an elephant's bride; secretly eats an elephant from the inside; Leopard climbs inside the elephant with him; Gopher makes it so that Rain finds him at the crime scene]: Beek 2008.

Sudan-East Africa. Joluo [Abvola divorced the Crocodile, married the Elephant; when it rains, he raises its tail, everyone hides there; to feed people, the Elephant puts its foot in a boiling pot, and fat flows from it; The spider, Brother A., sees this, calls the people, puts his feet in the cauldron, only burns them; during the rain, he raises his ass, screams in pain when they try to climb into it; the Elephant raises its tail, the Spider climbed into the Elephant along with everyone else his belly, pierced his heart with a spear; people ripped his belly apart to go outside; then A. goes beyond the Red Tree; warns not to intervene if the Red Trees fight; the Spider intervenes gets stuck between branches, tells his sister to divorce; passes him off as Termite; discovers that the termite mound is walled up, he will not return his sisters]: Katznelson 1968:217-220.

Western Asia. The Arabs of Oman [Abu Navas was walking through the desert and was thirsty; the leopard offered him to climb inside; there was a place with salt water, a place with brackish water and a place with fresh water; but up the NA not looks; after getting drunk, the NA wanted to eat; raised his head, saw two hanging objects and ate one; these were the internal organs of the leopard and he died, but the NA stayed inside; it rained, the leopard carcass got wet and the NA managed to get out; saw women herding goats; they went to the festival, agreeing to leave the goats under the supervision of the Academy of Sciences; the Academy of Sciences has a vision: a white river and a red river; he milked the goats, creating a white river, and stabbed them, creating a white river a river of blood; one woman came up and was horrified, called the others; they did not hear well; AN explains: she shouts for you to leave all the gold jewelry for the NA; the women did it, the NA took the jewelry, he hung it on a tree, and climbed it himself; explained to the caravan merchants that there were ornaments on this tree; they gave all the camels along with their luggage for the tree from the decoration; the NA took them and fled; the merchants We were left to wait for new ornaments to grow on the tree and they are still waiting]: Taibah, MacDonald 2016:47-48; harsushi [fox, wolf, leopard, hyena, vulture and raven went hunting; vulture flew away, the fox and the raven found nothing, the hyena found a basket of dates, the wolf stole the kid, the leopard killed the camel; they gathered around the fire to cook meat; the hyena went to bed and told her to wake her up when everything was ready ; the fox ate both the dates and the meat intended for the hyena, shoved bones and bones into her ass; in the morning she told the hyena that she had already eaten everything herself, told her to relieve her need, and bones and bones were under the hyena; the fox asked the hyena to carry it to the acacia and then carry it; jumped, screamed that the hyena was tired; hyena: it was the fox that was tired; but others rushed to the hyena and ate it; the fox offered jumping off a cliff - this is what their fathers did when they were circumcised; the fox and the leopard jumped safely, and the wolf broke his leg, was eaten; the fox offers to jump off a high cliff, jumps; the leopard crashed; invites the fox to start eating it; the fox: will eat it when the leopard dies; after eating the leopard, the fox told the donkey that it is dying of thirst; she allowed it to get inside through the ass - she has water in her stomach; the fox drank water, ate the donkey's insides, it died; the fox wanted dew to fall, then it would fill one wadi with blood and the other with milk; the dew fell out, the donkey's ass softened, the fox got out; says a woman and daughter who are called to be circumcised and she is ready to guard their herd; the fox milked the goats, filling the wadi with milk; stabbed them, filling another wadi with blood; arranged the carcasses as if the goats were grazing; the woman and the girl returned without finding anyone; the girl saw goats slaughtered, shouted to her mother to hold the fox; the woman can't hear well; the fox: she screams that robbers are coming, let the woman give her the necklace, she will bury it and hide it; daughter screams again; fox: she tells you to give yourself to me; the woman is furious, the fox runs away, carrying jewelry; hangs it on a dry tree, relieves herself by throwing excrement with sand; tells the caravan that the tree makes jewelry; he gives his herd for the tree; warns that if he meets his need near the tree, it will not give ornaments; the caravan waits three days catches up with the fox; they come back, the fox rips off its excrement, says it's the caravan who couldn't resist; the fox brings its camels to places where there are many others; she is told that its camels may be trampled local camels and horses; but the fox refuses to take her own away; her camels died, she received a large ransom for them]: Stroomer 2004, No. 2:5-17.