Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M11C. It removes fat from the body. 11.-.

Without harm to himself, the male character cuts off, pierces, roasts, holds a part of his body (or that of his wife) above the fire, etc. The character cooks and treats the guest with meat, fat, etc. obtained in this way. This food is not perceived as unclean (cf. M11B and M38 motives).

Bulu, Eton, Yebecolo, Songe, Liberia, Kono, Baule, Mamprusi, Mofu-Gudur, Pygmies Mbuti, Joluo, Sandave, Sikkim Tibetans, Swedes, Negidals, Tagish, Tlingits, Haida, Tsimshians, bellacula, quakiutl, nootka, chilcotin, shuswap, thompson, lilluet, quinolt, quileout, comox, upper chehalis, cowlitz, lower chinook, clackamas, kurdalen, yakima, ne perse, kutene, menominee, western ojibwa, illini, mikmak, crowe, santee, omaha and ponka, osage, iowa, arapaho, arikara, skidi pawnee, kiowa apache, kaddo, yuchi, chiroki, natchez, catawba, hichiti, screams, alabama, koasati, yurok, vintu, chumash, kawaisu, serrano, cahuilla, western and northern shoshones, ute, jicarilla, chiricahua, lipan, navajo, hopi, tiva (Picuris, Taos), western ceres (Laguna), javasupai, yavapai, mojave, diegeño, varigio, cora, nahuatl Western Mexico, Macushi, Wapishana, Maue, Munduruku, Tenetehara, Kayabi.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Bulu [The dog comes to the Elephant; he cooks bananas, puts his foot in the fire, fat drips from it, he fills the banana pot with it; he comes to the Dog; he puts his foot in the fire, his leg burns]: Schwab 1919, № 7:433; ethon [The elephant calls Beme to visit; puts the cauldron on the fire, puts his leg there, the fat drips, fills the cauldron, the Elephant feeds them B.; B. says this witchcraft was bequeathed to him by his father and the Elephant stole it; calls Elephant to visit; tries to repeat the trick, burns his leg, yells in pain; his wife fed the guest chicken and B. recovered for three months]: Abega 2002:82-84; yebecolo [Beme (see ethon) sees birds rushing from a tree to pick up an abandoned grain on the fly; decides to repeat the trick, breaks painfully; The elephant calls him to visit, puts his foot on the fire, then pierces it, fat pours out of his leg, Elephant pours it on baked cassava, gives it B.; B. calls the Elephant, puts his foot on the fire, burns it, screams; The elephant repeats his trick himself; falls asleep; B. ties a vine to his leg, ties the other end to the banana; The elephant gets up and leaves, dragging a banana and B. entangled in vines; B.'s wife cuts off the vine; B. hits her, says he has almost caught an elephant; goes to live alone]: Abega 2002:85-88; songe [Karlikova's wife The antelope is pregnant, wants meat; the elephant allows the Antelope to cut pieces off its thighs; when Elephant is pregnant, the Antelope also allows the meat to be cut off its thighs, dies]: Frobenius 1983:301).

West Africa. Liberia [Nymo and Goat agree that whoever marries first will come to visit another; Goat marries, comes; N. cooks palm oil, cools, collects pepper in his mouth and hands, says tie himself hand and foot, put it in oil; when the Goat tries to cut meat in a pot of butter, he cuts the ropes that tied N., he jumps out, throws pepper into the eyes of Goat and his wife; Goat invites N., does the same thing, but tells him to put himself in boiling oil, cooks]: Bundy 1918, No. 4:408-409; kono: Holas 1975:240 [The rat invites the Spider to lunch, tells his wife to rub cassava on his back; The Spider invites the Rat, also tells his wife to rub cassava on her back, screams in pain, runs into the forest], 251 [The caterpillar calls the Spider to work on his field; jumps into a boiling pot before lunch, feeds workers with its melted fat; the next day, the Spider calls the Caterpillar to work for him, jumps into a boiling pot, dies]; baule [the edible woodworm calls the Spider to visit, climbs into a pot placed on fire, heats fat; The Spider calls the Worm, climbs into the pot, burns]: Himmelheber 1951b: 72-73 (translated into Himmelheber 1960:94-96); mamprusi [during famine The spider notices that Grasshopper and his children are getting fat; sees him asking his wife to serve a hot frying pan, rolling on it, melting fat; trying to do the same at home; howling in pain, becomes a spider, hung on the web]: Anpetkova-Sharova 1966, No. 19:37-38; mofu-gudur [Varan calls Squirrel to mow the grass; tells him to return alone if he is not there by noon; at home tells his wives to make sauce out of it; The squirrel comes to Varan's houses, his wives feed him a delicious sauce; The squirrel hears Varan's voice from her stomach, runs in horror; Varan announces to leave when the Squirrel gives him two goats; invites him The monitor lizard mows the grass, goes home, tells herself to cook; unable to rush into the fire, into boiling water; hides in the cooled sesame sauce; The lizard notices the Squirrel's eye, intends to pierce it with straws, Squirrel jumps up, calls his wives for help; Varan says you can't fool him]: Sorin-Barreteau 2001, No. 6:47-50.

Sudan-East Africa. Mbuti Pygmies [Nbali went to his friend Elephant; he told his wife to make banana porridge; held his leg on the fire to stack fat into the porridge; when the Elephant came to visit N., he put his leg into the fire, screamed, almost died; The elephant filled the mess himself, brought N. to life]: Turnbull 1959:53 (=1965:265-266); joluo [Abvola divorced Crocodile, married the Elephant; when it rained, he raises its tail, everyone hides there; to feed people, the Elephant puts its foot in a boiling pot, it pours fat; the Spider, Brother A., sees it, calls the people, puts his feet in the cauldron, only burns them; in the rain raised his ass, screams in pain when they try to climb into it; the Elephant raises its tail, the Spider, along with everyone else, climbed into the Elephant's belly, pierced his heart with a spear; people ripped his belly apart to go outside; then A. marries the Red Tree; warns not to intervene if the Red Trees fight; The spider intervenes, gets stuck between branches, tells his sister to divorce; passes off as Termite; discovers that the termite walled up, his sisters cannot be returned to him]: Katznelson 1968:217-220; sandave [The giraffe calls the Hare to visit, the wife cooks millet, there is no gravy; the giraffe tells him to put a bowl, hit him on the leg with an ax, from there fat is shed; when leaving, the Hare asks the Giraffe to come to visit; repeats everything, but fat does not flow from the wound on his leg; the friendship between the Giraffe and the Hare ends; the hare made friends with the Pigeon; comes to him; the wife says that the body is at home, and the husband's head has gone to visit his mother; the Pigeon's head returns; the Hare asks the Pigeon to visit him on the third day; tells his wife to cut off his head with an ax before the arrival of the Pigeon, put it in chest; the wife replies to the Dove that the Hare's head has gone to visit her mother; he hears a rustle in the chest, the Hare's wife replies that it is a rat; the Dove returns home, the Hare is dead]: Dempwolff 1916, No. 58:162- 164.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Sikkim) [a wife named Fat always cooks fatty foods for her husband Meaty; he spies, sees her rolling in the pan to fill it; after sending his wife, the husband lies down on himself frying pan, fried; the wife is looking for a llama to perform a rite on him; Dove, Magpie, Raven do not know Lamsky words, the woman drives them; the Kite utters Buddha's epithets, the woman hands him her husband's body; when returns, the Kite replies that he ate the body, mistaking it for a treat; she throws a cup of sour milk at it; since then, there has been a white spot on the kite's head]: Krapivina 2001:41-47.

Baltoscandia. Swedes (West 1926, Värmland) [the old man and his wife live in the forest, they have three daughters, all named Kari; no grooms; the old man decides to pass his daughters off as trolls; consistently brings Bolshaya, Middle and Little Kari at the crossroads, announces that she wants to marry; they are taken by Bumblebee, Goat, Seagull; the old man goes to visit his daughters; the Bumblebee sits on the edge of the porridge dish, flavors it with honey {obviously defecates}; at home, the old man tells his wife, suggests repeating the trick, she does not tell {apparently he spoiled the mess, but these details are omitted in the translation}; The goat beats his head against the wall, fills the vessel with blood , blood is boiled to prepare blood pudding; at home, the old man beats his head against the wall, lies down for a long time; The seagull dives, gets fish; the old man at home also throws himself into the water, his wife barely pulled him out; Bumblebee, Goat, Seagull became princes, they brought their wives in carriages; they were bewitched by a witch, they remained animals until someone agreed to love them]: Blecher, Blecher 2004:234-238.

Amur-Sakhalin. Negidals [Nevkhan brings fat every day; his younger brother Ivchan follows his trail to a house full of moose; The elk roasts his leg, fat drips from it; I. beats him, moose run through the forest; N. brings Jukola; I. follows in the footsteps, robs the old Koseri woman's barn, she catches him, tears his stomach with her claws; next time he puts a cauldron on his stomach, makes claws for himself, kills an old woman, brings her to the barn; N. comes to the old man, who gives him a cat, tells him to feed him whole cakes; at home, the cat turns into a beauty; I. does the same, but feeds the cat halves; his wife has half her face]: Cincius 1982, No. 30:150-157; Wilta [Old Man: "We need to take our girls to the woods to get lost. When we're alone, we'll catch three trouts, we'll leave one to eat tomorrow, we'll catch two, and we'll eat them all. And this is how children eat half. The father took his two daughters to pick berries. He put his hat and jacket on the stump and left. The sisters came to the broken house, a small child was sleeping in the cradle, they rocked it, and stayed overnight. Fresh fish at the doorstep in the morning. We decided to watch secretly. The child got up, went to the doorstep and began to take the fish out of the anus. The girls ran away, and the child turned into a healthy old man, chased them. On the other side of the river, grandmother and girls ask to stretch their legs. They ran over her legs like a bridge. Old lady: "You go faster, my little sister lives there. You'll go into the house." On the shore where the grandmother was sitting, the old child also asks to stretch his legs. She pulled it out, he began to cross, and when he came to the middle, the birds flew in and began to peck at the old woman's knees. The man fell into the water and said: Old lady, you can make a boat out of my back, an oar out of my hands, a pot from my head, a stern paddle out of my legs, and a kettle out of my testicles. I swam downstream. The girls came over. Old woman: "When the sun goes down, you will sit quietly, you will not talk or cough. I'll cover for you. My brothers are coming." Brothers enter the smoke hole: one eye in the middle of the forehead, arms in the middle of the chest, and a large mouth. They say it smells human. The old woman had a hard time convincing her that no one was there. In the morning he gives the girls wings and tells them to fly high. The younger sister is flying higher and the older sister goes down. Someone grabbed her, pulls her, and the youngest is pulling her towards her. She tore off her top to her lower back, put it on her back and flew to good ground. I left it on a tree broken by thunder. She looked around and her sister was crying, she took her again. Found a tree broken by a bear. I looked around - half of my sister was smiling happy. The youngest flew to the house, the man shot, the wings fell off, the girl fell off. She agreed to marry, the house is rich. My husband went to see what happened to his older sister. There are two bears playing there. One has a front part from a person (like a person), and the back is from a bear. "Whoever has a human head must be his wife's sister." I went into the house and saw a girl at the door without a lower part, one back torn off. And a man sits in the middle of the place of honor. The house is full of wild deer meat and dried fat. "Take dried meat for your little sister," the girl suggests. The youngest's husband refuses gifts to the brothers, but agrees to tell his wife how her sister lives. Younger: I'm the one who tore half off and the devils ate half. Husband: Apparently, the bear connected the back of his sister to hers and she became like a bear. Their backs were bearish and the front parts were human. They saw me and ran to their house. When we entered our house, they became real people. I went to their house, she sat half by the door, and her husband was a young man, a real man. The youngest is afraid to visit the eldest. A few years later, the husband went back to his wife's younger sister. There is no one in the house, the fire is a little burning. The owners have returned - just human beings. My husband went hunting and never came back. His wife remembered him once saying that he would go overseas to look for people who killed his parents. He sailed to the island, put his spear into the seal, which left with his spear. It goes on top of the water, does not fall under water. He sees lots and lots of houses. A bald man came out of one: "What kind of person? Mergen manga or what?" {From this episode, the man's name is Manga}. A person carries a bunch of firewood. The manga lay in the middle of a tree split by thunderstorms. When the man started stepping over it, Manga squeezed him (killed) him. He put on his clothes and pretended to be a lumberjack worker. People: There'll be a wedding tomorrow. Many people came to marry the girl, all dressed in silk clothes. Healthy, tall. They try to move a stone the size of a deer, they try, they suffer, they can't. Manga's relative recognized him. The manga picked up a rock, threw it to a relative, who caught it and threw it back. He says that since they were little, the rock has grown. Whoever will pick it up is a good person. When the party was over, a relative married a neighbor's daughter and took him away, and Manga sailed in a boat to those who ate his parents and killed everyone. These people scooped water out of the bay, Manga home in shallow water, as if skiing, the proposed girl did not take the proposed girl. But when he got home, there were already two wives there, and he started living with them]: Sam et al. 2012:134-143.

Subarctic. Tagish [The Raven (Yéil) comes to the Grizzly, who cuts his back, melts fat above the fire, gives the Raven mixed with snow; the Raven cuts his hand, holds it over the fire, only foam bubbles; the Raven goes with the Grizzly in a boat to catch halibut; only the Raven bites, he tells the Grizzly he is bait (apparently from bear fat); the Grizzly kills himself; the Raven gives the servant a louse, he opens his mouth, he pulls out his tongue, the servant cannot tell Grizzly's wife what happened to her husband; the Raven explains that the servant caught the fish, so he only mooes; gives Grizzly's wife fat by putting hot fat inside stone; gives water; it explodes, dies]: McClelland 2007, No. 73e: 363-364.

NW Coast. The Tlingits [The bear cuts through the back of its hand, from there fat flows; cuts the meat off its thighs; the raven is injured]: Swanton 1909, No. 1:6; hyda [The seal holds its fingers over the fire, drips from them fat; The raven burns his fingers; Dipper hits his ankle, caviar pours from there; The raven only hurts himself]: Swanton 1905:132-133; Tsimshian [like Hyde; because the Raven burned his hand, in People's hands are crooked in old age; the bird screams, the bowl is filled with caviar; the raven puts unripe caviar in a bowl, cannot make it ripe]: Boas 1902:47-50; bellacula: Boas 1895, No. 1 [The seal holds hands are on fire, fat is dripping, he feeds the Raven; the bird quickly fills its body with berries; the raven returns with a body full of crap]: 245; 1898 [The raven marries a widow, he likes her daughter; he asks various trees burn like they; thuja replies that sparks from it fly off to women's genitals; The raven advises the girl to cure the burn by sitting on a plant in the forest; hiding, exposes her penis, that sits down; the Raven is not invited to the party; pretends to be sick, comes up secretly, screams, tells his sons to sprinkle ash on him as if he had never left home; says that those screams mean enemies are approaching; people leave, the Raven eats holiday food; asks the Deer when it is fattest; leads to the meadow to the edge of the abyss; says that he, the Raven, was already there when the mountains began to grow; the deer replies that he was when the Sun was just beginning to give the world its current form; the Raven pushes the Deer off the cliff, eats; when he enters an empty house, sees fish stocks; tells his sisters to load everything into the boat; invisible hands beat him and sisters; The raven goes to the guests, asks for return visits; the bird cuts its leg with a stone knife, caviar falls from there; the seal holds her hands over the fire, fat drips; another bird sings, fills the box berries; the Raven only hurts himself, there is excrement in his box; he sails to the Salmon; tells his sisters to hole the boats; asks the chief's daughter to help carry food to his boat, takes the girl, Salmon in leaky boats are not may stalk him; at home tells his wife to make his hair as long as hers; she warns that salmon hanged to dry will get tangled in his hair; as it happens, the Raven screams that they are not wants to catch them again; the offended wife jumps into the water, all the salmon come to life and sail for her]: 90-95; McIlwraith 1948 (2) [Dipper makes a hole in the leg, caviar flows from there; only a little fat or even at all nothing comes out of Raven's leg; it's covered in bruises; the seal holds its fins above the fire, fat flows; the Raven burns its arms or legs; Drozdikha sings, her basket is filled with berries; the Raven's body is filled crap]: 386-389; quakiutl: Boas 1895, No. XVIII (tlatlasicoala neveti) [1) Vaquacoli defecates in a vessel full of berries; Omeatl (Raven) fills the vessel with excrement; 2) water the bird cuts its leg, salmon falls from there; O. injures himself; 3) The seal holds his hands over the fire, fat is pouring; O. burns]: 177; Boas 1910, No. 12 [Drozdikha turns green berries into ripe ones, gives guests; Dipper hits his leg, play pours; Mink can't repeat both tricks; Hawk grabs salmon with its claws; Mink gets Hawk's clothes, falls into the water, his intestines cling to the tree and hang], 18 [Thrush turns its excrement into berries; the omial (the raven) serves excrement to the guests; the seal holds its fingers over the fire, fat drips from them; the omial burns its fingers; the Kingfisher harpoons the fish, The omial falls into the water; animal people burn his mouth with hot stones]: 151-157, 237-241; Wallace, Whitaker 1981 [1) Kingfisher hits salmon with a spear, Raven borrows a spear, falls into the tail, salmon beats, the Raven almost drowned, he was pulled out; 2) The sparrow asks to bring bushes into the house, sings, berries appear on them; the raven tries to do the same, only one half-rotten berry appears; he is given to laugh a piece of meat, putting a hot stone inside, the Raven screams, flies away; then returns; 3) The seal holds its paws over the fire, fat drips from them; only one drop of fat falls from the Raven's paws, the paws remain dry, cracked; 4) The bear bathes, tells him to slap him on the back, the vessels are filled with berries; the raven repeats everything, there is only dirt in the house]: 86-91; Nootka: Boas 1895, No. XIII/3 [The bear melts fat from its paws, the Raven burns its paws]: 106, 177; 1916, No. 4 [The Raven and the Egg visit Cod; he bakes his ten daughters, they turn into cod; he throws the bones into the sea, they turn back into girls; The raven bakes his twelve daughters, they die]: 897-900; Clutesi 1967:63-69 [The bear holds his hands over the fire, fat drips from them into the empty shells placed on the coals; the raven asks to be applied to him return visit; his wife Squirrel frightened the last salmon to the coals; The raven sits above the fire until it turns black and his hands shrink into claws (the origin of the crows's appearance)], 85-90 [the snipe hits his leg with a stone, salmon caviar falls from there; the raven calls guests but only cripples himself]; Sapir, Swadesh 1939, No. 9 [like Hyde]: 45.

The coast is the Plateau. Chilkotin [the little bird's wife magically fills the basket with berries; the raven whispers incorrectly, the basket is filled with feces; a black waterfowl hits the leg with a stone, caviar falls; The raven breaks his leg to the bone, only catches one egg]: Farrand 1900, No. 6:18; shuswap: Teit 1909a, No. 1 [The fat man roasts his back; Fish-Fat holds his hands above the fire, drips from them fat; in both cases, Coyote eats fat; burns while trying to fry himself; Beaver gives alder juice and cambium for lunch; Coyote eats with pleasure; gives Beaver inedible bark, he throws it away; Kingfisher dives between floating logs, brings fish; Coyote almost drowns; comes to the Spirits, sees snowshoes dancing; one grabs, invisible Spirits hit him], 53 [Kingfisher takes sticks, dives, turns sticks into fish; Coyote as in (1); Beaver (as in 1); Black Bear (like Fat Man in 1)]: 627-628, 739-740; Thompson: Teit 1898, No. 8 [Black Bear holds her hands in front of fire, fat drips from her fingers; Coyote burns hands (the origin of the coyote's paw), the Bear extracts fat again; Kingfisher (?) dives into the ice-hole, brings fish; the Coyote's neck gets stuck in the ice-hole, the Kingfisher saves him; the magpie teases the deer, lures him into a trap, hits him to death; the Coyote falls into the trap himself, the deer butts him]: 40- 42; lillouette [The deer sits with its back to the fire, fat drips from his back; the Coyote only scorched his hair; the dumper dives to the bottom, brings eggs; the Coyote pulls only sand; the kingfisher hits the fish into the ice-hole with a spear; The coyote puts a spear in his nose, holes it]: Teit 1912b, No. 8:305-306; quinolt [Blue Jay and his wife Jui go to visit; 1) Magpie cooks a pot of caviar, throwing one egg into the boiling one water; Jay can't repeat the trick; 2) The duck sends the children to bring salmon; Soyka's children are frozen, almost drowned; 3) The bear melts the fat from the sole of the foot, cuts the meat from his wife's back (since then bears have no fat on their soles and little meat on their backs); Jay hurts himself and his wives; 4) The otter sends children for fish, as in (2); 5) The beaver tells his wife and children to bring berries, they bring branches and dirt; Jay does not eat This, Bobrov feeds the same at home; they are happy; 6) Quet's wife and daughters (songbird) quickly pick up baskets of berries; Soyka's family spends all day, collects little; 7) Kingfisher, as in (2), (4); 8) B Soyke's Spirit House feels like objects are moving by themselves; he takes clothes and jewelry, and the perfume screams not to pull; Jay leaves with nothing; 9) The sea otter kills his youngest son, tells the others to jump into the water, There are five of them again; Jay cannot revive his son; Squirrel and Black Diver mock Blue Jay that he cannot revive his child; he and his wife tie them up, take them in a boat across the river; Black Diver replies that it is safer to tie him not with ropes, but with grass; in the middle of the river, he tears his fetters, dives overboard; the squirrel replies that it is best to throw it into a pile of brush-pile; runs away]: Farrand 1902, No. 2:85-91; Quileout: Andrade 1931, No. 15 [The bear melts the fat from the sole of its feet; the Raven's feet burn] and 39 [as in (15)]: 43-45, 113-115; Farrand, Mayer 1919, No. 6 [The raven came to visit A bear; he holds a paw above the fire, fat flows from it into the vessel, the Bear treats the Raven; asks if he wants a dog, a human or an elk; the Raven replies that he eats only elk; after eating a little, he takes the rest is with him; stops on the way, devours everything; the bear comes to the Raven; he asks if he wants a dog, a man or an elk, begins to fry his paw on fire, burns it to the bone, but there is no fat; Raven's wife asks what he intends to do now; The bear laughs, goes home]: 259-261; comox [1) the bird pulls mountain sheep fat out of its ass with a wooden hook, feeds guests; The raven pulls out his gut; 2) another character cuts his ankle, caviar pours; The raven only hurts himself; 3) The seal melts fat with his hands over the fire; the raven is burned]: Boas 1895, No. 5:76; Puget Sound [The raven marries his sons to the daughters of other characters; goes to visit his relatives; the bear holds his paws above the fire, fat drips into the oyster shells; the Raven's paws are dry and cracked]: Ballard 1929:98; upper chehalis [1) the bird sends children to pick berries, they quickly return with baskets full; Blue Jay's children, although they say quick, quick, nothing they bring, only tired; 2) The Beaver feeds the Blue Jay with clay and branches; Jay treats the guest the same way, he is satisfied; 3) The bear cuts his paw, holds it over the fire, drips fat; Blue Jay hurts himself; 4) The Sea Lion cuts the meat off his side, Jay hurts himself; 5) The seal kills his youngest son, he comes to life; 6) Duck's children bring fish; Jay's children are tired, soaked, caught nothing; 7) when Jay comes to Spirits, there is no one in the house; he pulls a low bead, someone shouts: Oh, it hurts! Jay invites the Spirit to his place, but does not see him and the guest leaves]: Adamson 1934:3-10; Coyote's son is married to Grizzly's daughter and Duck's daughter (Fish Duck); Duck dives, breaking the ice, brings salmon; Coyote hit the ice painfully; Grizzly cuts fat out of his wife's chest, keeps her hands above the fire, they're dripping fat; Coyote cripples himself and his wife; plus she's too thin]: Adamson 1934, No. 45:249-250; lower Chinook [Blue Jay and her sister visit 1) Magpie (cooks one egg, gets a pot full of caviar; the Blue Jay pot remains empty), 2) Duck (sends children to swim, they catch trouts; children Blue Jay and his sisters are frozen in the water), 3) The bear (he cuts off pieces of meat from him; Blue Jay only hurts himself), 4) Beaver (he offers twigs and clay; they can't eat it; the Beaver eats this food from they are visiting), 5) The seal (he kills one of his five children and five children again; Blue Jay has to bury his murdered child)]: Boas 1894a, No. 16:178-182; clackamas [Sturgeon kills his wife; she comes to life; they bake her meat together; Blue Jay can't revive his wife]: Jacobs 1958, No. 26:222, 225; curdalen [hungry in winter, Coyote has a wife Mole and five children, Magpie has a wife There are also many children; Coyote asks his powers (i.e. his excrement) what to do; one replies that he will turn into irgi berries (irga - serviceberries, Amelanchier; probably irga alder, A. alnifolia, or Canadian, A. canadensis);]: Reichard 1947, No. 14:132-133; yakima [The elk cuts off a piece of meat from his wife's breast, puts two sticks in her nostrils, collects blood into the cauldron, cooks delicious food; when Coyote tries to do the same to his wife, she screams, doesn't give in; The elk feeds them with her flesh and blood, goes home]: Hines 1992, No. 39:111-112; ne perse [four daughters The Coyote is married to Moose, Mountain Sheep, Otter, Osprey; taking his young son, Coyote goes to his sons-in-law; 1) The elk bakes a stick, it turns into sausage; stabs himself in the ass, camas tubers fall out; The coyote wounds his wife with a stick, with a knife; 2) The ram cuts off a piece of his wife's dress, turns it into meat; the Coyote spoils the dress; 3) The otter brings fish from under the ice, the Coyote almost drowns; 4) The osprey dives into the ice-hole, returns with fish; Coyote jumps off a tree, breaks her head on ice]: Spinden 1917, No. 2:181-184; coutenay [an old woman tells hungry children that their Uncle Kingfisher has plenty of food; the Coyote hears it himself runs to Kingfisher (the same beginning with Moose, Puma); he pulls fish out of the ice-hole, the Coyote breaks on the ice, his wife revives it; the elk bakes the roots, they turn into brain bones; cuts off his wife's nose, feeds it Coyote, his wife sprinkles ash on his nose; since then, moose have such a nose; Coyote hurts his dog wife, since then dogs have a short nose; Coyote takes meat from Puma while he is not, sends his wife; Puma beats her; Coyote kills him with a magic arrow, lives in his house; kills not two deer at once, as his wife tells him, but many; deer roll stones at him; he turns into a board, swims along the river to the top; it is owned by three women; one picks up a board; at her house, the Coyote turns into a baby; left alone, breaks the top, releasing salmon into the rivers]: Linderman 1997, No. 8:73-89.

The Midwest. Menominee: Bloomfield 1928, No. 74 [Menapus says every time that it fails when his wife kindles the hearth; 1) Woodpecker climbs a tree, knocks, pulls out a raccoon; leaving, M. deliberately leaves the mittens; the Woodpecker's children bring them, he asks them to give their father an invitation to visit; inserts horns into his nose, hurts himself, falls off a tree; the woodpecker pulls out a raccoon; 2) The squirrel pierces himself with a testicle awl, wild rice falls from there; an episode with mittens; M. injures himself, falls, Squirrel cooks; 3) The skunk gets up backwards to the exit from the house, kills the deer; gives M. two volleys; the episode with the mittens; by on the way home, M. fires volleys, knocking down a pine tree and breaking a boulder; when Skunk comes to visit, M. only defecates; Skunk catches deer], 75 [M. cannot get anything hunting, his family is starving; episode with Woodpecker like in (74); M. puts an awl in his nose], 76 [episode with Squirrel as in (74)]: 187-197, 197-205, 205-213; Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. 12 [Moose cuts meat and fat from his wife's ass; Myanyabush's wife screams in pain; The elk also cuts off the meat without harming her; Myanyabush explains his failure by saying that his wife is now on her period], 13 [The squirrel climbs onto a pole, cuts its testicles, and falls out of them wild rice, fat is flowing; M. has difficulty climbing a pole, injuring himself; explains the failure by the fact that his wife is now on her period], 14 [Woodpecker climbs a tree, pulls out a worm, turns it into a raccoon; M. attaches a copper beak to himself, hurts his face, falls off a tree; explains his failure by the fact that his wife is now on her period], II20 [=No. 14, but Blue Jay as M. ]: 278-286, 387-389; Ojibwa: Jones 1916, No. 60 [An elk cuts off a piece of his wife's clothes from behind, cooks it; Nanibozo only bares his wife; Moose cuts off a piece of meat from his wife, N.'s wife cooks it; Squirrel crumbles his testicles into the cauldron, cooks; N. injures himself; Woodpecker knocks on wood, cooks worms, makes delicious food; N. inserts sharp sticks into his nostrils, hurts himself, falls off a tree]: 390-391; Radin, Reagan 1928, No. 7 [Pokvis brings ice, turns it into fish; Manabozo makes only one skinny fish; Woodpecker climbs a pole, pulls out raccoons; M. sticks sticks in his nose, hits a pole, hurts himself, falls to the floor], 8 [each time M. deliberately leaves his mittens to come back and ask the owner to pay a return visit; Andahaunahkvodishkung cuts off a piece of meat from his wife's ass; M. injures his wife; The squirrel stabs itself with an awl, fat flows; M. hurts itself; The woodpecker pulls out raccoons and the bear (as in 7); The duck cooks some rice, it fills the entire pot; M. dives for rice, but only gets mud (it turned into a duck not the kind that wild rice bites)]: 76-84; illini (peoria) [an episode of Belke's imitation and a futile attempt to carve meat out of his wife's ass - like Ojibwa; the Beaver episode is like Sauk, Fox and Potauatomi ]: Michelson 1917:494.

Northeast. Mikmak: Leland 1968:212-213 [The bear cuts the meat off his leg, cooks; The rabbit just hurt himself, the Bear gave him his meat again]; Wallis, Wallis 1955, No. 99 [The bear cuts the meat off its paw, cooks; Rabbit hurts himself; Otter brings eels from the ice-hole; Rabbit can hardly swim out; Woodpecker knocks on the trunk, pulls out eels; Rabbit breaks its nose]: 414-417.

Plains. Crowe [Owl and Vulture wives pierce their husbands eyes, from there fat flows into the bark, it turns into meat; Moose and Raven turn bark into meat; Moose's wife cuts off pieces of skin for him and cooks it; wife Crows pierce his beak, fat pours out from there; Coyote cripples himself when he calls them all to visit]: Lowie 1918:38-41; 1960:182-185; Santi [The chipmunk climbs a pole, cuts off his testicle, throws it at the cauldron, which is filled with wild rice; the Spider calls the Chipmunk to his place, does the same, but will only mutilate himself]: Wallis 1923, No. 21:90; Omaha, Ponca [Iktnike comes to visit his grandfathers wives; each time he deliberately forgets a bag of tobacco to come back for it and call the owner to pay a visit back; Beaver kills one of his children, serves his meat; asks not to break his bones; I. breaks a finger; the beaver comes to life, since then the beavers seem to have one finger broken; The beaver stops I. when he starts killing his own child; The muskrat boils water, the cauldron is filled with wild rice; I. there is only water in the cauldron; Kingfisher dives, brings fish; I. almost drowns; The flying squirrel climbs onto a pole, stabs its testicles with an awl, nuts fall from there; I. injures himself]: Dorsey 1890:557-558; Osage : Dorsey 1904c, No. 8 [The bear calls the Wolf to visit; kills his four children, tells the Wolf not to swallow bones; he swallows his rib, kneecap, wrist, ankle; children are born lame; when The bear comes to the Wolf, who also kills children; they do not respawn], 11 [The Bald Eagle calls the Wolf to visit; catches fish in the river; the wolf calls the Eagle, tries to catch fish, drowns]: 13, 15; iowa [ The squirrel stabs its testicles with an awl, nuts fall from there; The elk cuts the meat from his wife's thighs; Mink clicks fish, crochets; Vanshike clicks turkeys, climbing into an empty deck, kills one ; Ishinki injures himself and his wife, is swallowed by fish (Mink saves him), gets stuck in the deck, turkeys bite his ass; explains his failures to guests by being old]: Skinner 1925, No. 32:491-493; arpaho [Nihansan's friend tells his wife to fry poplar bark, the bark turns into meat; N. repeats the trick; a friend hits his wife on the head with an ax, pulls out the brain, it turns into bone fat, the wife is unharmed; N. kills his wife, a friend resurrects her; see motive M37]: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 60:119-120; Arikara [Coyote comes to Beaver; he pierces his testicle with an awl; fat flows from there, he treats the guest with pemmican ; returning home, Coyote tries to repeat the trick for his children; dies of blood loss]: Park 1996, No. 53:362-363; throw off Pawnee: Dorsey 1904b, No. 60 [Beaver tells Coyote to cut his scrotum; The fat that drips from there onto a rotten tree turns into a pemmican; Coyote does this trick too often, is maimed for the third time; Squirrel pulls pecans out of its scrotum in the same way, Coyote crippled], 67 [The beaver pierces the scrotum with a peg, the fat with the rotten tree turns into a pemmican; the Coyote repeats the trick; one of his children replaces the peg, the Coyote dies]: 246-247, 267-268; 1906, No. 124:439- 441; Kiowa Apache [man asks his wife to scrape his back with a scraper while cutting meat; treats Coyote; Coyote's wife only hurts him]: McAllister 1949, No. 22:74-76.

Southeast USA. In addition to the caddo: The bear invites the Rabbit, removes the fat from his side; the Rabbit tries to repeat the trick, is injured; except yuchi and catavba: The Vulture comes to heal him and eats him. Caddo: Dorsey 1905, No. 57 [The raven fires an arrow up; falling, it pierces its right side; from there comes bison meat and fat; the Coyote hurts himself, the Raven laughs; the bear leans against the persimmon (persimon) , the fruits fall; the Coyote cuts down, brings home and sets up a tree without fruit; steals fruits from the Bear, hangs them from himself; shakes the tree, it falls on his head; the Bear laughs], 58 [the Woodpecker has light ( red feathers) on his head, he treats a Coyote; Coyote puts straw on his head and sets fire; burns badly]: 93-95; Yuchi: Speck 1909, No. 20:153; Chirokee: Kilpatrick, Kilpatrick 1964:26 [The rabbit asks the Bear where he gets the fat to become so fat; the bear replies that he cuts himself by taking fat from his chest; at home, Rabley tried to repeat the trick, cut off his nose, he has no fat it turned out], 27-28 [The bear fills the beans with fat that flows from the cut he made on his god; the Rabbit tries to repeat the trick, injures himself; The crow, the Turtle say they can't heal; The vulture causes the Rabbit to be treated, asks them to be left alone, eats], 28-29 [as on p. 27-28; The turtle hit the Vulture in the nose, he fell]; Mooney 1900, No. 23 [The bear calls the Rabbit to his place for lunch; cuts his side, fat flows from there; the Rabbit asks the Bear to pay a return visit, hurts himself; the Bear has difficulty healing him]: 273-274; natchez [The bear cooks a piece of its own meat; cuts his stomach, pours fat into a pot of beans, feeds the Rabbit; he invites the Bear to his place; wounds himself with a knife, the Bear calls the Vulture Doctor; he tells him to leave him with the patient by opening a hole in the roof; eats The rabbit flies away; animals shoot after him, shooting a hole in the nose; he is only happy]: Swanton 1929, No. 30:254-255 (=1913, No. 5:198); catawba [The bear came to visit Rabbit, plunged himself into his head was awl, fat poured out from there; The rabbit pierced himself with an awl, seriously wounded, died]: Speck 1934, No. 114:84; screams [The bear called the Rabbit to visit, tells his wife to cook peas; cuts his leg between fingers, there is no fat; then less often his side, fills peas with spilled fat; The rabbit calls the Bear, cuts between his toes, then pierces the knife in the side, is seriously injured, falls to the ground; the bear calls Vulture doctor; he tells him to be left alone with the wounded; Rabbit's wife asks why he is screaming; Vulture replies that he is treating the wound; four days later, the wife finds her husband's gnawed bones]: Swanton 1929, No. 61:55-56; hichiti [The bear calls the Rabbit to visit, fills the beans with the fat he cut out of his body; Rabbit calls the Bear; stabs a knife into his stomach, is seriously injured; Bear calls the Vulture Healer; he tells him to be left alone with the patient; replies to the Bear that the Rabbit is screaming because he is afraid of treatment; the Bear finds the Rabbit's gnawed bones; tells an orphan young man Shoot Vulture with a bow; kills, hangs over fire; since then, vultures are yellowish]: Swanton 1929, No. 35:111-112; Alabama: Martin 1977 [The bear calls the Rabbit to visit, carves from fat, his wife roasts beans on it; The Rabbit calls the Bear, hurts himself; the Bear leads Vulture to be treated; he tells him to be left alone with the patient; replies that the Rabbit is screaming because the treatment painful; flies away; Bear finds Rabbit bones, shoots Vulture, since then he has wide nostrils]: 39; Swanton 1929, No. 59 [The bear calls the Rabbit to visit, pulls fat out of its body, refuels peas; Rabbit calls the Bear, tries to repeat the trick, injures himself; The bear brings the Vulture Doctor, who tells him to be left alone with the patient; replies that the Rabbit is screaming because the treatment is painful; flies away; Bear finds Rabbit bones]: 162-163; koasati [The bear calls the Rabbit to visit, cuts out its fat, roasts, feeds the guest; Rabbit calls the Bear, cuts himself, is seriously injured; Bear brings Vulture doctor; he tells him to be left alone with the patient; replies that the Rabbit is screaming because the treatment is painful; flies away; the Bear finds the Rabbit's bones; Vulture is shot, hit by the beak, that shouts that he's happy, now at least something hangs from his nose (not clear - jewelry?)] : Swanton 1929, No. 61:210-211

California. Yurok [Puma has his wife Blue Jay (childless, loved) and Olenikha (she has a daughter); Olenikha sends her daughter to take acorns to her father every time, but Blue Jay says that the food is not good, she eats everything herself; spies on how Olenikha prepares acorns; she splits her elbow, fat flows out of her bone; Blue Jay does the same, hurts herself, bleeds; Puma eats delicious acorns for the first time; Deer and her daughter leave; Blue Jay is leaving too, crossing the stream, someone said she soaked her dress; she replied that she didn't care, tore off her genitals, put it on her head; Puma is starving, after Olenikha's acorns Doesn't want anything else]: Sapir 1928, No. 11:261; screw [The bear cuts himself, takes out fat, puts it in beans; when he comes to visit Rabbit, he tries to do the same; dies]: Demetracopoulou, Dubois 1932, No. 69:494-495; chumash [The vulture hits its knee in a big way, from there cooked juniper berries pour in; pierces its nose with an awl, from there sage seeds fall; Coyote only hurts himself]: Blackburn 1975, No. 40:224-225; kawaiisa [in all cases, Coyote gets food to his family on a visit, but eats everything along the way; asking for a return visit, promises to give" star shirt"; after Coyote dies, his wife tells the guest that her husband did not bring food home and that he does not have any star shirt]: Zigmond 1980, No. 20 [two options; Red Runner climbs into the bush, rubs his body against the ground, scrapes meat, feeds the Coyote; Coyote rubs against the ground, scratches, bleeds, dies], 21 [three options; The raven sets fire to the shrubs around him, kills many rabbits and rats, jumps over the fire, treats the Coyote; by setting fire to the bush, the Coyote kills few rats, burns himself; his wife is a red-breasted bird], 22 [The Red-headed Bird sticks its head into a boiling pot, it is filled with something like rice; repeating the trick, the Coyote dies]: 93-95, 97-99, 101; serrano [1) The Wild Cat tells his daughters to bury him in hot coals; they get the baked larvae from there, the Cat comes in into the house on the other side; the Coyote is baked to death; 2) The Wild Cat is pounding his blanket, from there mesquite nuts fall into the basket; the Coyote only has a swollen knee on which he put the blanket]: Benedict 1926, No. 17:16-17; cahuilla [Coyote comes to Wild Cat; 1) late summer Wild Cat feeds the Coyote with baked caterpillars that only appear in spring; explains that he has ripped his stomach, they are from there fell down; at home, the Coyote rips open his stomach, his insides fall out, the Cat heals him; 2) The cat feeds the Coyote with mesquite bread; explains that his wife split his forehead with a stone pestle, from there flour fell down; Coyote asks his wife to do the same, killed]: Modesto, Monut 1986:58-63.

Big Pool. Western shoshones [Rabbit turns grass into roasted rabbits; Otter catches fish with a split willow branch; Beaver cooks, eats, revives its children; Mountain Sheep fires an arrow into the air, she falls into his anus, he gets fat; Coyote can't do it]: Smith 1993:87-89; northern shoshones [Coyote visits his wife's brothers (or sisters' husbands?) ; The owl pokes its awl in the eye, the fat flows; the Coyote does the same, cuts off pieces of meat from him; the owl does not eat; the Widotc bird kills birds with arrows; the Coyote cannot lure them so easily, but then kills them too ; A rabbit roasts a rotten tree, makes a fried rabbit; the Coyote fails; The beaver kills his sons, cooks; bones thrown into the water turn into beavers again; the Coyote kills his sons, Beaver does not eat; The otter dives, brings salmon; the Coyote feeds him stale salmon, the Otter does not eat; the deer fires an arrow, it falls on him, he feeds the Coyote with his meat and fat; the Coyote repeats the trick; secretly kills a Deer, advises its relatives to throw a corpse into the river; catches and eats]: Lowie 1909b, No. 17:265-266; Utah [Wolf or Coyote visits other human animals; invites them to his place; imitating them, fails]: Kroeber 1901 (Wintah), No. 3 [Mountain Sheep (like Western Shoshones); Snowbird turns firewood into nuts; Magpie bakes blood from its nose; Coyote gets only a little meat, its nuts are small, he only hurts himself in the nose]: 264-266; Lowie 1924 (southern Utah) [Wolf], No. 9 [Hawk roasts rotten wood, it turns into fried ground squirrels; Bison sticks a stick in his nose, drips fat; Osprey catches fish by rushing into river; Wild Goose pulls out edible roots by hitting its knee], 9b [Osprey, Goose, Beaver as in No. 9, 9a; Mountain Sheep prepares its kidneys and lungs]: 19-23.

The Great Southwest. Hicarilla: Goddard 1911, No. 37 [1) Kingfisher catches fish by rushing against the ice; 2) The bison pulls meat out of its body, fat from its nose; 3) The elk cuts the meat from its thigh; 4) Woodpecker has a red head; The Coyote imitates their actions and appearance]: 231-233; Russel 1898 [Kingfisher catches fish by rushing against the ice and breaking through it; the fox breaks its head, the Kingfisher revives it, catches fish; The gopher sticks it in coals sticks, takes out baked gophers; Fox's sticks burn, Gopher repeats his trick; Bison shoots up, arrow falls, pierces him, takes out kidneys and fat, adds a piece of nose; Fox runs away from the falling arrow; The elk cuts the meat from its side; the fox unsuccessfully tries to turn the blood from the nose into meat; the cougar kills the horse; the fox gets entangled in its mane, dies]: 265-267; chiricahua [ The woodpecker flaps its wings, the Coyote is frightened; ties colored cow skins to his hands, flaps them; the woodpecker is not frightened; The deer sticks a stick in his nose, fat pours; the Coyote attaches branches to his head, from his nose blood flows; The goat butts the rock, pieces of meat fall into the basket; the Coyote breaks his head; The bumblebee shakes the stem, food falls; the Coyote sticks pieces of food to the stem in advance; dirty crumbs fall; Bumblebee: This is the same food I gave you; Gopher roasts arrows, they turn into fried gophers; Coyote's arrows burn]: Opler 1942, No. 18, 20, 21, 23, 24:42-47; lipan [Bison sticks a stick in his nose, on The rotten tree drips fat, it becomes meat; the Coyote's nose bleeds; the woodpecker hits himself on the head with a stone, pulls out pecans; the Coyote smashes his head; the deer shoots into the air, the arrow falls, pierces his side, kidney fat pours; Coyote attaches branches to his and his wife's heads, ties deer ears; his arrow falls to the ground; he burns his children with hot fat; another Deer shoots at a cliff by the river, where a vazhenka and deer appear; Coyote has nothing; Osprey dives, brings two turtles; Coyote breaks his head on ice]: Opler 1940, No. 19-23:137-142; Navajo [Porcupine turns pieces of bark and blood from his nose into meat; Coyote imitates]: Haile 1984, No. 5:36; Hopi: Voth 1905, No. 73 [Coyote comes to visit Porcupine; he sticks sticks in his nose, blood drips and fat, he bakes it; Coyote tries to repeat the trick, blood flows from his nose, floods the fire, Coyote is barely alive], 74 [Mole, Badger, Coyote steal food from people; Badger tells Coyote he is cutting fat from his side; The Coyote cuts himself, dies]: 202-204, 204-206; Tiwa (Picouris): Harrington 1928 [The old Coyoticha comes to the Raven; the floor is slippery, it falls; the crow says he smears it with clay and lies on it; he hits himself on the nose with a poker, piñons fall out of his nose; at home, Coyoticha tells the children to sprinkle clay on the floor, lies around; the floor is not slippery, but the Raven pretends to be slippery; the Coyoticha beats himself bleeding down her nose, she dies; the crow pecks out her eyes]: 375-377; 1989:66-68; Tiva (Taos) [Bison puts a sharp wand in his nostrils, pulls out his brain; Coyote tries to do the same on himself wife, children; blood flows, they all die]: Parsons 1940a, No. 69:127-128; Western Keres (Laguna) [Coyote comes to visit Woodpecker; Woodpecker's mother hits her leg with a pestle, corn falls from there; when the Woodpecker comes to visit, the Coyote's mother hits her leg, the corn does not fall; the woodpecker leaves asking him to visit him again; the Woodpecker's mother tells the Stone to roll, lays the wood, the stone turns over, Flat corn tortillas fly out from under it; when Woodpecker comes to Coyote, Coyote's mother calls Stone, he rolls, presses her and Coyote to death; Woodpecker returns home]: Boas 1928a: 171-174; havasupai [A deer shoots up, an arrow falls into his anus, he pulls fat out; a Coyote is killed with his arrow; a hard-shell beetle lies on the road the sheep are walking; they step on him, slide, fall, he finishes them off; feeds the Coyote; he promises to hunt in the same way; The beetle finds him dead]: Smithson, Euler 1994:122-123; yavapai [Coyote's opponent takes his widow]: Gifford 1933a: 383 [like havasupai], 391-393 [The turtle hunts by letting deer step on its shell; their hooves slide, their legs break; the Coyote is trampled; the Wild Cat hits its legs with a rock while peeling off meat; the Coyote breaks legs, dies]; mojave [like havasupai]: Kroeber 1948, No. 6:49; diegueño [Rabbit, Coyote's wife, went to the red-winged blackbird; Coyote approaches the creaking willow , thinks it's a Rabbit; burns his shoulders to make them red like a Starling; the Rabbit chases him away; he comes to the willow, his penis is pinched, he has to tear it off; he is left without a wife; comes visiting the Wild Cat; he hits himself on the forehead with a stick, the chips fly into the boiling pot, turn into food; the next time he defecates into a pot, it's also food; the Coyote calls everyone to him, hits himself on the forehead with a stone blood flows into the pot; defecates into the pot, it is not edible; the Wild Cat tells him to light a fire around him in the thickets, falls through the ground, reappears, tells him to pick up the rabbits that have died in the fire; The coyote tells you to light a fire around him, burns out (Var.: The cat climbs a tree from the fire, the Coyote jumps but cannot climb, burns)]: Spier 1923:332-334.

NW Mexico. Varigio [The Honey Deck invites the Coyote to visit; puts his paw in the trough, asks one of his children to hit it with an ax, honey pours; the Coyote invites the Honey Deck, tells him to cut his paw with an ax, bleeding, Coyote injured]: Relatos Guarijíos 1995:43; bark [Rooster squeezes eggs out of his wife; Coyote tries to crush his own, Hens stop him, eat tortilla without eggs; Bob beats beans are pouring in his house with a stick; Coyote hits his own, Bob: You'll break the house! The bee hits itself with an ax, honey flows from its body; the Coyote hurts itself]: Preuss 1912:202-204; Nahuatl Zap. Mexico [The deer eats fish when visiting the Heron; the fish appears when the Heron knocks on the floor with its reed; the Deer treats the Heron to beans, pulls it out of the bins; the Heron comes to Honey; he hits himself on the leg with an ax, honey flows; the Heron hurts itself; Honey comes to the Morning Star; he jumps across the hearth, the hearth is full of porridge; Honey jumps, falls into the hearth, the Star pulls it out; Coyote eats corn when visiting Opossum; steals Morning Star corn; his wife suggests poisoning corn at the Possum house; Opossum and Coyote die]: Preuss 1968, No. 28:183-189.

Guiana. Macushi: Mayer 1951, No. 1 [human sons-in-law Dove, Otter, Mosquito, Tick]: 76-79; Soares Diniz 1971, No. 16 [sons-in-law Nightingale Opossum, Otter, Drake]: 92; Wapishana: Wirth 1950:205-208 [1) The opossum consistently passes off his daughter as different animals; every time she almost dies out of his own stupidity, he drives his son-in-law away, marries his daughter to another; Ariramba (Kingfisher?) defecates into the river sitting on a branch; fish splits, he catches it; Opossum falls into the river, is swallowed by fish; Kingfisher kills it, saves its father-in-law; 2) The tick collects fruits, descends from the tree on a falling leaf; The opossum falls, hurts painfully; 3) The otter catches fish; tells you to beat its nose; fire from the nose, the firewood lights up; the Opossum catches tadpoles, freezes; blood flows from the broken nose; 4) Pigeon (Leptotila rufaxilla) strings leaves on a vine, throws them into water, leaves turn into fish; at Opossum they turn into crustaceans, tadpoles; 5) The chameleon tied a vine, climbed into hot coals; his wife threw it into the water , he swam out, fish are strung on the vine; Opossum drowned after dying of burns], 208-210 [1) The tick sucks honey, tells his wife to pierce his stomach, honey pours into the pot; blood flows from the Opossum's abdomen; 2) Woodpecker Hollows out a wooden object from a standing tree; the possum falls, hurts; 3) The pigeon tells his wife to split his head with a stick; cassava cakes are inside; the opossum is killed, his son-in-law has revived him].

Central Amazon. Munduruku: Kruse 1946, No. 22 [The old possum has a wife and daughter; he consistently marries his daughter to different animal men; asks them to bring him a product; learns from his daughter how they get it; do the same thing himself, fails; tells her daughter to drive her husband away, he supposedly bullies him; each husband does not start working in the morning, but has fun with his wife until noon; 1) The dove Opossum can't get honey by crawling into the hollow; 2) The hummingbird collects honey from the flowers, the Opossum cannot; 3) The deer fills the weeds with its urine; they continue to grow at the Opossum; 4) The tick, having collected chestnuts from the tree , sat on a leaf, went down; The possum sat down, crashed, the tick revived it; 5) The kingfisher defecates into the river, the fish splash, he catches them with its beak; the Opossum sat down, it was swallowed by Tukunare fish, his son-in-law caught it, took it out father-in-law's belly; 6) The otter made a kukan from a vine, made a fire, lay in hot coals, threw himself into the water, swam out with a bunch of fish; the opossum began to burn in the fire, his wife pulled his tail, the wool from the tail went down, now he's naked; the possum is dead, his soul has become a possum; his wife has also become an opossum, she has a bag on her stomach]: 628-630; Murphy 1958, No. 39 [as in Kruse]: 118-120.

Eastern Amazon. Tenetehara [1) The woodpecker cuts trees with its beak; the Opossum has a swollen face from blows; 2) The hawk rushes to prey from the tree; the Opossum fell to the ground; 3) The otter takes the bag, rushes into the fire, from there to river, bag full of fish; Opossum is burnt; 4) The pigeon drank the lake, collected fish from the bottom; Opossum can't drink, it feels bad; 5) The kingfisher dives into the river, grabs the fish swimming; the Opossum falls into the water; 6) The tick climbed a tree, dropped sapucaia nuts, sat on a leaf, planned on the ground; The possum sat on a leaf, crashed to the ground; 7) Jacamin's bird is beautiful, does nothing, has been a son-in-law for a long time; 8) The monkey sucks honey, makes a hole in his throat at home, pours honey into the pot; Opossum has a hole in his throat, blood has flowed, he dies; The Honey Monkey stayed with his daughter]: Wagley, Galvão 1949, No. 26:152-154.

Southern Amazon. Kayabi [taking the form of different birds and animals, Janerup marries the same girl; father-in-law imitates his son-in-law in ways of obtaining food, dies every time; his son-in-law revives him; in the form of The woodpecker stabs firewood with its nose; in the form of juriti -vermelha (Leptotilla sp.) he drinks the lake, the wife collects fish from the bottom; in the form of a Crane, she rushes from the tree into the water, grabs the fish (father-in-law drowns); Zhanerup cuts his stomach with an ax, pulls out honey; when his father-in-law revives him this time, he drives him away]: Pereira 1995, No. 8:57-60.