Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M12. Unlucky hunter. .10. (.11.) .

Unable, unwilling or unable to catch game (fish), a hunter (fisherman) cuts flesh from his body, pulls out his entrails, and collects blood. It usually offers it to others under the guise of animal meat or fish. Or a woman cuts her flesh off her leg to feed her husband.

Hottentots, (Xhosa), Narran, Udege, Forest Yukaghirs, Chukchi, Koyukon, Taltan, Bellacula, Puget Sound, Takelma, Modoc, Mikmak, Penobscot, Wichita, Tonkawa, Caddo, Yurok, Karok, chimariko, yana, achomavi, vintu, southern payut, yute, tarahumara, hikake, yupa, yanomami, lokono, shuar, munduruku, tenetehara, urubu, ashaninka, machigenga, surui, sinta larga, nambikwara, iranshe, paresi, shavante.

SW Africa. Hottentots [Haiseb did not get anything, took out his intestines, brought it to his wife under the guise of animal meat; the wife began to cook; the brew began to say that it was H.'s intestines; the wife poured out the brew]: Schmidt 1995, No. 25: 60-61.

(Wed. Bantu-speaking Africa. Scythe [when hungry, Kenkebe's wife sends him to her father for food; he gives him 7 bags of corn {and, obviously, meat too}, sends his daughters to carry them; before reaching home, K. sends the girls back, hides grain in a cave, bakes cakes; brings home wild onions, which they eat when they are hungry; gives a piece of meat, says she cut it off from her leg; the wife cuts off her; the children say that meat and Father's cakes are delicious, but his mother is not; his wife watches him, lowers a stone by the cave, he rolls after K. everywhere, stops only at his house; his wife tells K. not to fool around anymore; he catches an antelope eland; you need a calf to milk her; K. eats it, dresses one of her dogs in calf skin (the other refused); one day she howls, the antelope understands the deception, chases K., his wife screams him to jump on a stone, an antelope breaks against a stone; they fresh the carcass, K. sends his son to cannibals for fire; tells them not to take meat from them; the boy takes it, gives it to the old woman, she cooks meat, the cannibals smell, chase as a boy; everyone hides; cannibals find and eat K. and the old woman in the house, they do not notice the boy, take K.'s wife to their place; she prepares beer for them, sets fire to the house where they drink, the cannibals burn down, woman saves]: McCall Theal 1882:148-155 (=Radin 1952, No. 79:292-295).

Australia. Narran: Waterman 1987, No. 1725 [Curlew hunts for his mother Hawk and other women; cannot catch game, cuts meat from its feet, women cook and eat it; they feel bad, they watch With a curlew, they discover deception; they hit Curlew on his bleeding legs; since then his legs are long, red, and he himself screams, Oh, my poor legs]: 62; (author's record without reference to ethnicity) [male- The kite cannot get an emu; it cuts pieces of flesh from its feet, carries it to children and women; when people see its bloody legs, they reveal the deception; out of shame, the hunter turns into a curlew; screams at night Oh my poor red legs]: Kudinov 1980:47.

Amur - Sakhalin. The Udege people [the old man finds a snake at the top, he and the old woman adopt him; the youngest sister agrees to marry a snake; at night, the wife sees a handsome man shining, hides snakeskin; older sisters they come to tickle her, want to know where the skin is; the husband lets her say, they throw their skin into the fire, the husband flies to heaven; before that, he gives his wife half the whetstone; the boy, the husband's younger brother, comes to her; crows in the storage shed eat meat left by his older brother; the younger one cuts off his thigh, gives it to the woman, she roasts, eats; in the morning finds the boy dead; red deer, duck transport her across rivers; she finds her sleeping husband, puts half a whetstone to his half, they grow together, her husband wakes up and lives with her]: Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 24:187-197.

SV Asia. Forest yukaghirs [the old woman had a hare with a son; the wolf invited the hare to go fishing; and then play; let's fight: whoever wins whom will break his belly; the wolf cub defeated the hare; the hare: do not tear my belly off, because they played; the wolf picked it up; fought again, the hare won; wolf: after all, the hare killed him, brought him into the house, the hare's mother was happy; the she-wolf followed the trail, promised Bring the bosses; the hare made a big grass house by night; wolf, bear, elk, wild deer came; bear: hare householder, wolf complains about you; hare: first come in, I'll feed everyone; come in, hare the door was locked from the outside, the house was set on fire, everyone died; the fabulous old man looked through the chimney: give me food; the hare ordered to lower the belt, tied it to a pole: pull; old man: why is it so tight? hare: a lot of meat; the old man pulled, the hare cut off his belt, the old man fell off the roof, crashed; the food ran out, the mother sent the hare to fish, he did not get anything; hit himself on the nose, blood in the snow of the glass, her hare froze, told his mother that he had brought a male wild deer; the mother made porridge out of it, the hare did not eat, said that he was full; the mother ate, went to bed, died; the hare put her on a sledge, left her by the tree, went into a house where the old man has three daughters; he also tells his mother to invite; hare: she is in poor clothes; the old man sent daughters with good clothes; the old woman does not answer, they pulled, she fell, broke in half; hare: they My mother was killed, now who will repair my clothes? old man: choose any daughter for yourself; the hare took the youngest; met a black-brown fox: food in the barn, bring everyone; the foxes gathered in the old man's barn, the hare locked him; the old man: here are the deer - the bride's ransom; the old man killed all the foxes, the hare and his wife live]: Jochelskon 1900, No. 6:11-16; the Chukchi [the younger brother is smart, hunts; the elder stays at home, cuts off his buttock so that the brother can eat when he returns, cooks; brother refuses to eat it]: Baboshina 1958, No. 41:108.

NW Coast. Bellacula [Lynx and Raven live together; Raven caught salmon, did not give Lynx to children; Lynx made arrows, went to the mountains; Toalalit (the patron spirit of mountain sheep hunters) asked who made his arrows; threw them down the mountain, each hit the ram; T. said that it would be so until the Lynx lost his arrow; the raven also went hunting, T. replied that Raven had made his arrows; T. said that The raven is bad, threw arrows, they hit the stones, broke; the Raven took out his interior fat, brought it in his bag; the wife put fat by the fire, the Raven screamed in pain, put the fat back; the Lynx gave meat to the Raven's children]: Boas 1898:45-47.

Subarctic. Koyukon [The Raven refuses to take Blue Jay with him, takes the fat Whale; suggests that everyone cut off their legs, eats kitten, lures Keith into a viscous place, eats, giblets throws them under larches, they turn into larch roots; cuts out some of its own giblets, turns animals into meat; at home, tribesmen smell this meat a strange smell; the raven marries; forgets that his intestines are circumcised, plugs his anus with his youngest son's mittens; he sees them, the Raven flies away; Mink knocks him down the larch with an arrow; the water rises, the son of the Raven swims along the river, says to various trees that his father was dead; the trees were like a wife to the Raven; the fir stings itself out of grief, now the trunk is scaly; Alder scratches itself, now bleeds; Poplar cuts itself with a knife, now her flesh hangs in shreds; Raven's son rewards them all, they are now useful trees]: Attla 1989:151-169; taltan [a lazy young man marries the leader's daughter; does not know how to chase game; one day he cuts himself the anus, pulls out the intestines, brings it instead of game; the father-in-law notices that the game smells bad, forbids his daughter to cook it, tells his son-in-law to cook it; his insides fall out, he dies]: Teit 1921a, No. 33:225-226.

The coast is the Plateau. Puget Sound [Beaver wants to kill his son-in-law; cuts flesh off his legs, tells his daughter to give it to her husband instead of game; man kills father-in-law and mother-in-law; turns their children into beavers]: Ballard 1929:80-81; takelma [The cougar killed so many deer that he almost destroyed them; the deer sent him to his Deer Wife; after that he could no longer get deer; the wife brings mossy firewood from the forest, and by morning they are without moss; cuts the meat off her feet, cooks, eats it, feeds it to the Puma; early in the morning, Puma spies, sees her eating moss, cutting the meat off her leg; he shot but missed; his wife snatches his pancreas, runs away, gives the Reindeer together, now they play her like a shinney-ball in the morning; no one could return this trophy to Puma; the Wild Cat covered himself with moss, crept up, grabbed the pancreas , ran, climbed the tree, the Deer surrounded him, knocked him down, but he told the tree to fall towards the house, jumped softly, ran on; the next time the deer around him fell asleep, he went down, stepping cautiously At the feet of the sleepers, the last one woke up, but the Wild Cat ran; at home he threw her through the ribs of the dying Puma; he ran to the steam room, where the Coyote was; the Deer ran; the Wild Cat and the Coyote shot, killing the deer The cougar killed adult males; the deer are back on the ground and can be hunted]: Sapir 1909:50-54; modoc [old Marten sends two daughters to marry Eagle; poor and weak Hawk pretends to be him; in the evening, as always, he is invited to share meat; says to his wives, Why do they always call the leader for this? The chiefs play by throwing pieces of supplies into the Hawk's open mouth; to feed his wives, the Hawk cuts the flesh off his own feet; the youngest says the meat tastes bad; the sisters come to the eagle's house, see what's going on there; five Eagle Brothers kill five Hawk brothers; the older sister violates the ban on watching the Eagle carry Hawk's head to the sky; she falls, kills Chyatyrekh Orlov; takes sisters are back married; the eldest must carry her head in the basket; the head rolls, kills the deer; Kumush invites her to take a steam bath, walled up the exit from the steam room; her head dies; K. and the woman instead They find the corpse of a beautiful young man; they burn it]: Curtin, 1912:186-190.

Northeast. Mikmak: Parsons 1925, No. 12 [lazy hazel grouse does not hunt, brings his wife meat cut from his back (hazel grouses have been skinny since then); the wife puts the children in the basket, ties them to the top of the tree, tells people to migrate; the bear tells Marten to save the children; he moves the basket to the teepee, leaves the fire; Hazel grouse runs after his wife; she lets the dogs down, they kill him; the children ask the Month to make them tall, turning into a boy and a girl; they have a lot of meat and the tribe is starving; they send meat to the Bear and Kunica; people come back; brother and sister feed them poisoned meat, they die]: 79-81; Rand 1893, No. 7 [about Whitehead]: 118-136; Whitehead 1988 [Spruce Partridge starved to death in winter, Birch Partridge took his family; he can't find game, feeds homemade meat, cut off first from his back and then from his feet; the wife is surprised that the meat has neither bones nor fat; spies on him cut off strips of his own flesh, makes them a lot of meat; sits in a teepee, falls into the lower world, comes to the house of Marten and his grandmother Bear; Marten sends a woman to the chief's house, marries the chief's son; her son and daughter descend to her from the ground; her mother is reluctant to give them meat, they they go to Kunitsa and his grandmother; her ex-husband Partridge comes to the woman, she tells him to let the dogs down on him, pull his skin over the door frame; the game disappears, people believe that those two children, theirs, are to blame they hang them by the heels of a tree, leave them; The bear grandmother hides the fire for them; the marten burns the tree trunk; when it falls, she puts a pile of moose hair, the children fall on it; The marten gnaws fetters, catches up with the departed; the boy hunts successfully, and the departed are starving; the boy on the arrow sends a moose skin to the Bear Grandmother as a sign that he is alive; the crow flies to peck the corpses of the children, but they feed her; she brings meat to her children; people send a girl to the Raven, but she only sees the mushrooms she cooks; her brother asks the Month to make him and her sister adults; when she goes hunting, she only tells her sister to go out when she hears his voice three times; his sister greases her hair every day, goes to the lake, where the Big White (white, not polar) Bear licks her fat; brother wonders where the fat goes; c the mountains see his sister and the Bear; she explains that otherwise the Bear will eat them both; brother pierces his heart with an arrow; Bear: shoot in the paw! brother pierces his paw, Bear dies; people come back; brother and sister greet grandmother and marten, do not want to see the mother; after eating Bear meat, both people die; brother and sister come to the sea; people believe that they have dispersed the game; they put the horn of the Horned Serpent on the young man's head, which grows through it and around the tree; the sister tries to saw off the horn with a shell; the Killer Whale takes her away, she gives birth to him son; Killer Whale's sister tells you to make a circle on the horn with red ocher; the killer whale is first sent for ocher, then for a piece of red cloud; the killer whale chases his wife, sister and son; pieces of clothing are thrown at him the boy, then his cradle, he picks them up, wasting time; the woman frees his brother, the Killer Whale's sister marries him; one day she returns to sea, taking her son and the woman's son from the Killer Whale]: 24-43; penobscot [Hazel grouse is unlucky hunting; he cuts flesh off his hips, brings it to his wife, a jug; when only bones remain from his legs, he grows them with birch wood; hazel grouse legs acquire the current one species; The jug gets a lover bear; asks him to cut the meat off his legs, this is how he feeds the family; the children inform the Hazel Grouse about her behavior; he kills the Bear; after feeding his wife meat, he tells her what she ate; she runs away into the forest, she still wanders there]: Speck 1935b, No. 38:83-84.

Plains. Wichita [the leader's daughter marries the Deer Lover; they live separately; he shoots a deer, misses, loses his luck; at night, his wife hears him cutting meat from his legs and eating; The sparrow advises her to run; gives her a ball and a stick to fly at them; deer hair, bush bark, red stones to throw behind her; abandoned objects turn into deer (the husband hunts them) dense bush, red plants (husband collects them); husband and wife come running to her father; he tells his daughter's story all night; at dawn, husband falls dead]: Dorsey 1904a, No. 35:234-239; tonkawa [the hunter cannot get game; cuts off his leg, lets his wife cook; she runs; the crane stretches her neck across the river like a bridge; pulls back when a one-legged man steps on the bridge; he gets to shores; Skunk hides a woman in his anus; throws a stream into Odogom's face when he looks there; the giant eats turkeys raw; crumbles One-legged to pieces; a woman offers herself to a giant as a wife , he refuses]: Hoijer 1972, No. 18:62-67.

Southeast USA. Caddo [Hawk is a bad hunter; the Eagle agrees to get him an antelope, takes half for himself; at home, Hawk says that he killed an antelope, gave half to another hunter; a friend finds out that the Hawk A good hunter, comes to visit him; he only catches mice; in shame he cuts meat off his legs, brings it to a friend; since then, hawks have thin legs]: Dorsey 1905, No. 49:83.

California. Yurok [two girls pick up a bunch of foam in the river, find a baby inside; he grows up to turn meat cut from his thighs into deer; this is how deer appeared]: Kroeber 1976, № K1:327; karok [an unlucky hunter cuts off his leg, brings it to his wife; she runs away; he dances, goes to the mountains, tells people to sing a song that brings good luck to hunters]: Kroeber, Gifford 1980, no. I12:132-133; chimarico [ the hunter cannot get game; he cuts off his leg, brings it to his wives; the next day he brings his insides, then the other leg; the wives suspect that they do not eat this meat; they say they will go get water, run away, while her husband sleeps]: Dixon 1910b, No. 3:304, 349; Yana [two sisters are looking for Marten to marry him, come to Coyote's house; his wife, the Ox Frog, says Marten's house is farther away, and bear skins are in He stole the Coyote's house from a neighbor; his older sister says that their father told them to stay in the house where these skins hang; Coyote returns, says he just generously distributed all the meat; they throw him at Marten's house bones; he cuts off the flesh from his thighs, brings them under the guise of venison; the girls feel that it is human, go to Marten; his mother feeds them, but one of the hunters says that the girl smells a divorced Coyote wife; the Coyote causes rain to make people gather in the main dugout; sets it on fire; the spider began to lift people to the sky in the basket; the Coyote lay down to the bottom, made a hole, everyone fell into the fire; Loon made a necklace out of their hearts; an old woman (or her grandson?) killed Gagara, revived people from their hearts]: Sapir 1910, No. 10:133-136; achomavi [like Yana; Hawk instead of Coyote]: Dixon 1908, No. 3:164; screw: Dubois, Demetracopoulou 1931, No. 30 [Flying The mouse gives its two wives their own fat instead of deer fat; they go to the Hawk; the Bat looks for them; they hide in the tree, throw resin into his eyes; the Bat makes small holes in the resin ( the origin of small eyes in bats)], 40 [a hunter marries a teenage girl; after the birth of a child, he can no longer catch game; cuts off his leg, carries him behind his back like a deer, jumping on one leg; comes home; enters the cave; transforms (without details)]: 337, 364-365.

Big Pool. South Payut (Moapa) [Coyote sees two girls, makes clay breasts for himself, turns his penis into a baby, sits down to weave baskets, tells the girls that her (imaginary woman) husband will come back in the evening; the girls took the baby; at night it turned into the Coyote's penis, met both; the girls went to another camp, where they were taken by a man who feeds them some roots instead of meat; they leave to Nantö-nab (some snake-shaped animal); he brings meat cut from his back under the guise of game; at the next camp they married Hawk, he brings them game every day; but they are tired of meat, they went on; the next husband went to the mountains, stayed behind because of the rain; Grasshopper came, refused to lie on the girls, agreed at the head; in the morning he straightened his legs, knocked out the eyes of both girls; the husband returned, put deer eyes in them; killed Grasshoppers]: Lowie 1924, No. 13:177-179; southern Utah [The bat does not hunt; under the guise of animal meat, brings its wives its kidneys and flesh cut from the back; gives ice under kind of fat; wives throw it]: Lowie 1924, No. 5 [he dies], 5a [they marry Blue Jay, he kills the Bat]: 11-13.

NW Mexico. Tarahumara [an unlucky hunter brings his pleiade wives blood from his own caviar under the guise of deer blood]: Lumholtz 1902 (1): 436

Honduras - Panama. Hikake [wife does not want to feed her husband; cuts off a piece of meat from her leg, gives him paki rodent meat brought by his mother; dies of blood loss; Guatecast comes for her, her husband asks take him too, goes with his wife, hiding under her skirt; his wife's sister (also dead) tells him not to touch anything in her house; he scattered everything, killed frogs and lizards (in another world you can't kill little ones animals, you can only kill game for food); he tried to hit a vulture that came to peck at his bowel movements, he scolded him; the Sun takes a man to collect crabs in the river; he leaves to illuminate the world, man remains in darkness; he is brought to the ground by monkeys; he is speechless; his mother tells him to climb a tree, a tree falls down, the man speaks from the blow; died a few days later; He was a scoundrel here, but he became good in the next world]: Chapman 1982, No. 60:241-242 (=1992, No. 59:244-247).

The Northern Andes. Yupa [the unlucky hunter finally brings meat; others have returned without prey, he asks his wife to invite everyone; the next day he dies; preparing the body for burial, people discover that he is cut off all the meat from both legs; everyone feels sorry for the hunter]: Wilbert 1974, No. 30:116-117.

Southern Venezuela. Yanomami: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 133 [(Lizot MS); Opossum was in a nearby village, left a love remedy there, two girls followed him, he met one along the way; came back, got together on the second, her name is Honey; both came to his house; his mother Smelly Mushroom cut the meat off her thighs, gave them tapir under the guise of meat; the sisters went from the Opossum to Honey; the Opossum made a witchcraft remedy from rodent hair and vegetable fibers, sent him to Meda; also to the Lizard, but he survived, said that the Opossum was only pretending to be grieving, he was the murderer; the Opossum fled, the Woodpecker saw him in a recess on the rock; the Earthworm was sent to cover the Possum with a stone; people began to cut the rock; many axes (=beaks) broke; the rock began to fall, but it was held by a vine; the Sloth cut it, Opossum crushed; birds and animals stained with its blood, excrement, brain, turned into hekura spirits; Smelly Mushroom became a mushroom; ash from burned Honey became bees], 134 [(Lizot MS); two girls came marry a handsome man, entered the house; sat to the right of the entrance where Opossum and his mother Smelly Mushroom lived; Opossum returned from being lucky (pretending to work), dressed up, cut off a piece of meat from his thigh, gave it to the girls disguised as tapir meat; they saw Honey, went to him; at night, Opossum hears their laughter; makes a witchcraft, tries it on the Lizard, he survived; Honey is sick, died; Opossum lies as if his "little brother" bequeathed wives to him; the lizard tells the truth, the Opossum is running, the Woodpecker sees him on the rock; the Earthworm climbed, covered the recess where the Opossum took refuge; the birds began to cut the rock, axes (i.e. beaks) they were dull, bent; the rock began to fall, hung on the vine; the Sloth cut it, the Opossum crashed, the birds and the sloth painted his blood, brain, became hekura spirits]: 247-256, 257-262.

Guiana. Lokono [the hunter, without catching game, brings his severed leg wrapped in leaves to his beloved mother-in-law; when he rises to heaven, he turns into Orion (more precisely, Orion's Belt and Sword, Mabukuli, "One-Legged")]: Roth 1915, No. 208:262.

Western Amazon. Shuar [an unlucky hunter brings his mother-in-law cut off pieces of his muscle (muzo); she is surprised that meat is always boneless; he watches his son-in-law; he turns into an anteater out of shame]: Pelizzaro 1993: 98.

Central Amazon. Munduruku [the hunter falls behind the others every time, cuts the meat off his thigh, screaming, Ay, ah (which also means "sloth"), sticks a piece of deer skin to the meat as if it were venison; mother is cooks; other hunters followed him; his mother brought cooked meat to the men's house, exposed her son; he clung to a hammock and turned into a sloth]: Murphy 1958, No. 41:121.

Eastern Amazon. Tenetehara [The turtle brings his daughter, disguised as tapir meat, pieces of its own flesh cut off from her leg; his wife's relatives (brothers-in-law) ask them to be taken to where the tapir was killed, they reveal a lie; they are going to burn the Turtle, the Turtle says that the fire is his father, he will not die in the fire, it is better to throw it into the water; screams, teasing those who threw it into the river]: Wagley, Galvão 1949, No. 29: 155; urubu [The turtle brings to relatives, under the guise of tapir meat, pieces cut off from its body; fumigating itself, it becomes whole, the wounds are not noticeable; his brother has followed, told others; people refused to eat the meat they had brought in; the turtle threw it on the ground, and all types of turtles originated from it]: Ribeiro 2002:604-606.

Montagna - Jurua. Ashaninka (river camps) [an unlucky hunter gives others pieces of his own meat (from the leg?) ; turns into a deer]: Weiss 1975:356; ashaninka [the deer was a bad hunter; he brought his wife meat cut from his legs and covered his wounds with magic achiote; when wife and relatives revealed the deception, the hunter turned into a deer with almost no meat on its feet]: Zolezzi 2014, No. 29:233; machigenga [(two almost identical options); the hunter always brings only boneless meat and only when he leaves alone; he cuts the meat off his body, smokes, then lies in a pile of leaves, his bones become flesh again; he tells his wife that he has obtained tapir and ate his bones and head; everyone eats, and he refuses himself; one person followed; the wife asked the other women to undress and hold him, poured water and pepper over him; all burned, he ran away, turned into a toteine bird, making a characteristic scream]: Carlson 1985:91-94, 95-99.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Surui [lonely Iapeab copulates with a tree, inserting his penis into a crack in the trunk; the tree gives birth to two girls, the eldest is Kabeud, the youngest is Samsam; I. their mother educates; Peshire (bird), Mokoba (owl), etc. come to the party; sisters fall in love with P., laugh when M. dances; I. lies to M. as if they consider him handsome; P. leaves his a feather on the path to his house; M. replaces him with his own; sisters come to M.; his mother feeds them meat, he feeds them honey; S. realizes that these are rats and mucus from the owl's eyes, but K. eats; S. puts his fingers like vaginas where M. inserts his penis, but K. does copulate with it; sisters run away; the redfin bird Oyo hides them in her mouth, tells M. that her teeth hurt, pushes him, M. turns into an owl; at home offers eels to the sisters, K. eats; then the sisters see that O. digs up worms, calls them acne; turns it into birds, and then turns him into birds; finally they marry the Jaguar; his mother kills K.; sons K. and S. kill Jaguar's mother]: Mindlin 1995, No. 22:73-77; synth larga [the hunter cut off a piece of meat, brought home disguised as a boar; wife wonders where the head is wild boar; father-in-law followed, saw everything, told his daughter; the wife told the returning hunter that he was giving her his own meat; the husband turned into a night bird, flew away, now sings at night]: Leonel Queiroz et al. 1988:85-86.

Southern Amazon. Nambiquara [son-in-law brings only pieces of boneless meat from hunting; father-in-law watches him, sees him cut flesh from his caviar; kills him, throws him into the river, his son-in-law becomes a caiman; throws him two pieces of his meat separately, they turn into two lizards]: Pereira 1983, No. 21:37-38; an Iranian woman [the husband does not fish, but brings meat cut from his hand to his wife under the guise of fish; her brother watches him; he jumps into the river, turns into a caiman, cut meat into a crucian carp]: Pereira 1985, No. 82:248-249; paresi [man runs away from the vulture basket; so as not to return to his mother-in-law empty-handed, cuts off meat from its leg, brings it under the guise of prey]: Pereira 1986, No. 2:70.

Eastern Brazil. Xavante [men don't come back from hunting so long that women get tired of waiting for them, turn into bakers, capybaras, old women into chameleons, children into parrots and other birds; men notice an old woman in a tree, told to go down, copulate with her, inserting her penis into all parts of her body; she dies; she is cut to pieces, every man bandages his piece with ambier fibers, leaves it in their bed; returning from hunting, the men send two scouts forward; they report that new ones who have arisen from pieces of flesh are cooking food in the huts; they lie that one hut is empty; its owner gives the meat to another man; when she finds out that she has been deceived, she cuts off a piece of her caviar, roasts it, gives it to his wife; she does not take it, kicks her husband out; he turns into a bird in a series, screams plaintively; the wife also becomes poultry; men find traces bakers are ex-women; they hunt them to avenge them for their care]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 162:476-493.