Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M120C. Common children.

Two animals agree to raise their children together. One of them eats the other's children, continuing to pretend that the children are common and it doesn't matter which ones are missing.

Bulgarians, Ingush, Chechens, Dargins, Khvarshins, Avars, Rutulans, Uzbeks, Kazakhs.

The Balkans. Bulgarians [the fox and the wolf decide to raise their children together; the wolf carries food, the fox looks after the children; the cubs die one by one and the cubs grow up healthy; the following year the wolf leaves the fox]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, no.* 37**: 48.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ingush [the crane and fox each had a couple of cubs; they decided to get food together; the crane went hunting; the fox stayed at home and ate the cranes; when the crane returned, the fox began rushing around home and say that the cubs are gone; crane: long-necked or short-necked? fox: doesn't it matter, all ours; the crane kept silent, but told the fox that there was a dead horse in the sky; the fox sat on the crane's back, he picked it up and threw it off; when it fell, the crane asked how she was doing herself feels; fox: you would know if I had something to lean on my feet]: Dakhkilgov 2010b, No. 192:98-99; Chechens [Lisa began to live with the Crane; eats his children when the Crane is gone, complains that" our child is gone", when asked which one, answers that he is "long-legged"; at this time Lisa's children have grown up; the Crane invites Lisa to show her the sky; the Fox falls, the Crane does not pick her up]: Baranov 1903, No. 1:55- 57; Dargin residents: Ganiyeva 2011a, No. 35 (Kubachi residents, 1967) [The fox looks after the baby Crane, eats it, says that one child died, does not remember which one child, the children are common, but the neck was long; Crane breaks up with Lisa]: 126 (=Atayev 1972, No. 11:20); Uslar 1892, No. 3 (Hyurkilins) [fox and crane live together, both have three cubs; the fox ate one; says that the best child is dead; what difference does it make, Yours or mine, but the neck was long; so with all three; crane? go to God, ask why this is so; fox: I have no wings; a crane put a fox on its back, threw it from a height]: 237-238; Avars [Fox and Goose raise children together; Fox eats goose, tells Goose who returned that one cub is missing, that yours and mine are not, but this one was long-necked]: Ganiyeva 2011a, No. 35:126; khvarshins [wolf and fox live together, each with three cubs; one day we went hunting together; on the way, the fox says: "I'm worried about our cubs, I'll go see and then catch up with you"; the fox went and strangled one wolf cub; caught up with the wolf, says that one cub is missing; the wolf asks, "Yours or mine?" Lisa: "Do we have a concept of "mine or yours"? One big-headed is missing"; that day they came back with nothing; the fox sent the wolf along a long road, ran along the short road itself; ran earlier, bitten to death the remaining two cubs; the wolf got angry, climbed into the fox hole, but got stuck; the fox came out from the other end, began to gnaw the wolf from behind; replies: "I'm pulling you out of the hole, but your meat has become flabby and comes off in pieces"; the fox ate wolf]: Musayeva 1995; Rutultsy [The Fox and the Bear decided to raise children together; while Lisa is hunting, the Bear ate the fox, says that one child died; no matter which one, because the children are common; ate second; The fox offers to go to the cave to pray for sins; the Bear gets stuck, the Fox eats her from behind, the Bear asks her to come from her face; Fox: and I'll get there]: Ganiyeva 2011a, No. 29:116-117.

Iran - Central Asia. Uzbeks [the stork and the fox began to live together; the fox ate one stork, meets the stork with tears: one of yours is missing, the frogs must have been eaten; the storks flew to catch frogs, the fox ate the second chick; the stork offered to move to the other side of the lake, move the fox; when the fox replies that the land is no more than a coin, it drops it, the fox crashed]: Afzalov et al. 1972 (1): 40-41.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [Lisa and Zhuravlikha decided to raise children together; once Lisa killed one crane, cubs strangled the others; Lisa tells Zhuravlikha that not all children returned home; reproaches for asking - yours or mine]: Bosingen 1985:106-107 (apparently the same in Kaskabasov et al. 1979, No. 68:135-136).