Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M122. Advisors inside .

In a difficult situation, the character asks for advice from his tail, penis or some creatures in his stomach (such as excrement, intestinal parasites, his "sisters", etc. ).

Helmet, Chilcotin, Shuswap, Thompson, Lillouette, Puget Sound, Snohomish, Cowlitz, Upper Cowlitz, Lower Chinook, Sunpual, Flathead, Okanagon, Curdalen, Kalispel, Catlamet, Tenino, klikitat, clackamas, ne perse, yakima, kalapuya, takelma, upper coquil, malesit, shasta, maidu, tubatulabal, serrano, northern payut, northern shoshones, goshiute, southern payut (kaibab, shivvitz), chemeuvi.

Subarctic. Helmet [among episodes related to Raven, Raven defecating and asking his additions for information]: Teit 1917a, No. 5:444.

The coast is the Plateau. Thompson: Teit 1917b, No. 23 [one of the boulders kills people; Coyote's excrement tells him which one; at the foot of the hill he sticks his arrow squeezer with the sharp end up; the boulder rolls, falls to pieces; they can be seen there and now]: 10; 1937, No. 1 [Coyote's advisers were his excrement; the Grand Chief said it was inconvenient, gave him paper; but he lost it, so the Indians don't know how write]: 173 [The fox throws up and catches his eyes; finally the Raven takes them away; the Magpie suspects that the Fox is blind; he says he sees a star; Magpie peers, he pulls out her eyes, inserts himself ; old woman Illness says that her granddaughters go to a party where everyone dances with Fox's eyes; argues that stone, club, water, fire, magic root cannot kill her; Fox's excrement advises to beat her nettles; she dies, he puts her skin on; an old woman's granddaughters carry him on her back, on the way he inserts his penis first into his older sister, then into his younger sister; he sings in the guise of an old woman, grabs his eyes, casts a fog, pursuers can't catch up with him]: Haeberlin 1924, No. 20:407-411; chilcotin, shuswap, lillouette, flathead, catlamet, ne perse [(helmet motif)]: Teit 1917a: 444 (note 3); the Okanagon [The Coyote asks his excrement how to defeat the Ice (Cold) people - husband, wife and their daughter; the excrement tells him their names; the Coyote names the owners pretends to be one of the same breed of people, complains about the heat; lights dry needles, the sun melts the house of Cold; the daughter was saved, otherwise the cold and ice would disappear altogether; but killing people as before is Cold can't do it anymore]: Teit 1917c, No. 5:74; sanpual [Grizzly killed everyone, he had a dog; Coyote came, he killed him too; The fox revived him from his bones; the Coyote asks his excrement for advice, they answer that they would be his dog and flint; a dog with flint claws appeared; she jumped into the Grizzly's mouth, tore his insides, came out of his anus; Coyote tells the grizzly to be only occasionally someone in the future killed; comes to Ice, there is an icicle boy on his head, his parents are Ice on his head and Ice-on-skirt; the Coyote froze to death, the Fox revived him; the Coyote asks for advice from his excrement, who say that he is always in trouble, the Coyote threatens to wash them away with rain, they promise to turn into resin, let the Coyote bring it to the Ice House; the resin burns, the Ice melts, the Coyote tells him to freeze only a few in the future lonely travelers in the mountains; Trout, standing on the ice, invites everyone to fight, kills Coyote; Fox revives; excrement turns into salmon fat, Coyote splashes it, its legs freeze to ice, Trout can't knock him down, he throws her on the ice, she goes into wormwood, becomes trout; Coyote meets a stranger; they argue who should call whom older or younger brother; the stranger suggests The coyote move the mountain, then back, move the island; the Coyote does it; move the island back, move the mountain again; the Coyote can't, but the stranger moves; says he's God, the Coyote recognizes him seniority]: Ray 1933, No. 14:160-162; Sanpual [Rabbit (K.) tells her granddaughter Chipmunk (B.) to pick berries, says that Owl (S.) is not dangerous during the day; S. pretends to be K., asks B. to go down from bush; she does not believe, tells her to hide under the basket, S. peeks, manages to scratch B. with her claws, the trail still remains; K. hides B. in the basket, under the pillow, the Lark in the shell; S. threatens to eat K., who has to be given to B., she asks for the bones back; S. wants to be white like K., she replies that she fried herself on hot stones; S. goes for resin, K. revives B. from bones, they burn S.; at night, the owl's eye bursts, hooting is heard, K. says that S. will be an owl; S.'s three sisters tear her grave, eat meat, recognize her sister; the youngest did not eat; the Coyote fools them, runs; asks his feces what do; he says he will be home with the dancers, let the Owls dance with their eyes closed; the Coyote sets fire to the house; the youngest S. does not enter the house, screams to the elders; the Coyote asks for permission to kiss her, bites off his tongue, runs, hides in a hole; feces turn into a noisy camp, S. goes to look for Coyote there, he runs away]: Ray 1933, No. 18:165-167; curdalen: Reichard 1947, No. 3 [Coyote and Antelope have four children each; Coyote's children are kidnapped in a village where the chief is the Sun, a shining disc; they run, passing it on the baton, everyone dies; the latter hands the Antelope's children, they bring the disc; the Coyote takes it away, is going to throw it in the river, the Antelope returns; the Coyote goes to take revenge on the Sun; steps on the Lark, immediately heals his leg; the Lark only walks at night, hide during the day; the Coyote rewards him with a black pendant on a black lace, owned by Blue Jay; his four advisers (apparently excrement, or penis, testicles, excrement) tell him to dig a hole at the spring, where the Sun stops at noon and drinks, to dig a hole and hide in it; to cut off what hangs down to the Sun is his heart; the Coyote cuts it off, it turns dark; the Coyote goes, stumbles over the corpse of the Sun; advisers tell him to lower what is cut off to the ground; it becomes light again], 4 [y Coyote son, wife Tern (teagle-headed tern - Sterna aurantia, tern) and Black Swan (CL); CL has a child, everyone loves her, Tern is childless, disliked; Coyote decides to take the Tern for himself; asks his own" counselors" (excrement); while the young man climbs up the tree, the Coyote looks at him with his eyebrows raised, thereby forcing him to rise to the sky; he marries the Tern himself; in the sky, the young man killed an elk; hears voices cannibals; each has two sticks, one with the bones of dead people tied to the other, moose to the other; one knocked the other to the ground with a stick, has long spider legs; he asks for an elk in exchange for protection; two beaver women bring a young man to them; a young man kills a deer, then another; the first carcass disappears; the beavers say he killed their husband, they smile; the young man kills the deer again, sees how long-legged, round-bodied comes to eat him; kills him; wives cry, it was their father; the young man revives him, the Spider calls him his son-in-law; wives know that the husband misses his wife on earth, ChL; the young man comes to two blind strands , quarreling over a hemp stem; gives them hemp, they lower it from the sky in their box; it goes down in four steps, in jerks like spiders go down; on the ground, a young man pulls a rope, a box returns to heaven; son recognizes him, CH talks about how badly Coyote treats them; the young man beat Coyote, Tern, his brothers and mother with a stick], 14 [hungry in winter, Coyote has a wife Mole and five children, Magpies are also a lot of children; Coyote asks his powers (i.e. his excrement) what to do; one replies that he will turn into irgi berries (irga - serviceberries, Amelanchier; probably irga alder, A. alnifolia, or Canadian, A. canadensis)]: 73-76, 77-80, 132-133; Puget Sound: Ballard 1929:144-147 [Coyote's son has 4 wives - 2 Gorlinka sisters and 2 duck sisters; the eldest has 4 wives Gorlinki is a baby son; Coyote asks his two sisters for advice; these are berries in his stomach; on the advice of the "sisters", the Coyote makes an eagle out of his excrement; asks his son to take off his clothes, get an eagle from rocks; takes his form, puts on his clothes, takes his Duck Wives; Gorlinka wives do not believe in her husband's death, leave food for him; The spider lets the hero down, his son recognizes him; he becomes small, wives- Turtles carry it in their luggage; the Coyote returns his son's clothes, she stinks; the young man causes rain, the Duck Wives find themselves in the water, turn into ducks; the Coyote swims down the river to the dam, beyond which five women (these are carrier birds, Sandpipers) keep salmon; Coyote turns into a baby; five sisters (birds Transporters) keep salmon behind a pond; Coyote turns into a baby, women they pick him up; he breaks the dam, releasing salmon into the river; cooks salmon, falls asleep; 5 wolf brothers smear fat on his lips, eat salmon, leave], 147-148 [Coyote's son has 4 wives - 2 Gorlinka sisters and 2 Salmon Milks; Coyote likes them because they are white; he makes a nest and eagles out of his crap, puts them on a rock, asks his son to climb with his clothes off; the rock grows, the birds turn into crap again; the Coyote The Milk Wife takes for himself, the Gorlinka wives live separately, leave their husband baked tubers; the Spider lets the hero down, his son recognizes him; he becomes small, the turtle wives carry him in their luggage; the young man calls it rains, the Coyote swims down the river to the dam, behind which five women (these are carrier birds) hold salmon; the Coyote's "sisters" advise him to turn into a baby; women pick him up; he breaks it a dam, releasing salmon into the river; follows them, cooks them, falls asleep; 5 wolf brothers smear fat on his lips, eat salmon, leave; Coyote does the same to Wolves; arranges a waterfall above which salmon is not get up]; snohomish [Fox and Norka went traveling; Norka said he would go see what was ahead; wrote in water, turned urine into salmon, gave Fox; he fried and ate; got sick; asks there are two little girls in it (probably their excrement), they laugh, Fox became pregnant; gave birth to a boy, who grew up quickly, married Butterball (?) and the bird, he loves the first, the second does not; the fox wants to take possession of his son's wives; asks the "counselors", who tell them to turn them into white birds; the son Fox undressed, climbed a tree, it is higher and higher, to the sky; "birds" returned to Fox; he put on his son's clothes, came to his wives, said that his father was dead; B. understood what was going on, the bird wife believed; the fox took the bird, B. did not agree with him; in heaven, Fox's son came to the gray-haired man the old man; this is the Spider; he said that the country where the young man came from was the third below; began to let him down; when it was warm, the young man realized that he was on earth; in gratitude he gave the spider 4 dressed reindeer skins; bald; caught up with his faithful wife, she touched his head, his hair grew again; first she carried her husband in her basket; then he told Fox and his bird-wife to bring the deer he had killed; bewitched the strap, that constantly eager; the fox and his wife rushed to catch up, his wife was carried away by the river, the Fox hardly swam out; his advisers said that there are two women down the river, they have a dam with a salmon trap; the fox turned into a wooden dish, swam into a trap; the women picked it up, she devours all the meat they put in it; they threw the bowl on the floor, it turned into a baby; when the women are not there, the fox goes to the dam and takes salmon from there; counselors tell you to break the dam; the head and back must be covered with baskets - these are the only vulnerabilities on the body; the women rushed to the Fox with the jails, but they are stuck in the baskets; the Fox led fish up the river; came to a woman with her daughter, married her daughter, speaks a miraculous language as if he were a mountain leader; salmon ran out; wife gave birth to a girl, left her Lisa and left; she grew up in a few days , married Mountain Sheep's son; the fox went to visit them; the baby, whom the daughter gave birth to, had fat diapers, the Fox ate them; when the Fox stole the stone hammer, his daughter kicked him out; the fox began to play, throwing them up his eyes, the Raven took them away; Magpie suspects that the Fox is blind; he says he sees a star that Magpie does not see; when she came, he pulled out her eyes and put her in; the fox came to the fat old woman- illnesses; she says that her two granddaughters went to a place where Raven shows Fox's eyes to everyone and the audience is dancing around; the fox asks the old woman in detail about her usual behavior, wants to kill; she claims that you can't kill her with a stone, a club, water, fire, a magic root; Fox's excrement is advised to beat her with nettles; she dies, the Fox put on her skin; counselors: spots under the eyes, tell your granddaughters that you are hurt; the granddaughters carried the imaginary old woman, the Fox copulated with both; the fox began to sing, everyone liked it, he called his eyes, they returned to his eye sockets, he ran away, the pursuer showed his penis, everything was enveloped by the fog, the Fox escaped]: Haeberlin 1924, No. 20:399-411; kalispel (spokane) [the Coyote advisers he turns to are four spools of crap, he releases them from his ass every time]: Thompson, Egesdal 2008:141; clackamas [Coyote tells Fasaniha he is her brother; asks her children to dance (with their eyes closed?) , quietly curls their necks; some escape, they are the ancestors of today's pheasants; Coyote comes to the house where mother and daughter; says that a short girl, let her come to the beach, will find healing means; hid in the sand with his penis out, the girl sat on it; the mother tells her daughter that she has grown up; Coyote sees girls on the other side of the river; they call him to copulate; the Coyote swims across the river, but The girls are now on the side he was before; Coyote's excrement tells him they're not girls, but... (the informant did not know the translation); the Coyote tells them to become two rocks; comes to a man whose body oozes; he collected it, baked it, gave it to the Coyote; the Coyote does not eat, the owner put it in his bag; when he opened it, there was sturgeon; the Coyote returned, water instead of home; relieved his need, his excrement says that the owner was Sturgeon; the Coyote helps the man put brushwood on his back; he says he has the wife gives birth; the Coyote squeezes pus out of the woman's finger, tells the fetus to be carried in the womb rather than in the finger, shows how to copulate; another person cuts trees into chips, feeds his long penis with chips; Coyote exchanged penises with him; if you do not give his penis chips and branches, he bites his legs; Coyote lets his penis underwater into the younger girl; fears that she will be carried away by the river, tells her to cut off the penis with a sedge; comes disguised a shaman treats a sick person; pretends to be weak, 5 girls, 5 widows, 5 abandoned women should carry him; copulates with them; tells Cranes, Vultures, Geese to sing loudly; Flea comes in, sees that a shaman copulates with a girl; Coyote runs away, girl has recovered; see further K1H motif]: Jacobs 1958, No. 9:80-92; upper coulitz [Soft Basket woman lures men, bites off their penises with her own with vaginal teeth, meat warps her five children; Coyote asks her to close her eyes, inserts one long stone into the vagina first, then the second; it turns into a rock, a waterfall flows from her vagina; Coyote beats her children, but they come to life; his excrement sisters explain that children's hearts hang separately; he pierces them, the woman's children die]: Jacobs 1934, No. 5:188-189; colitz [The chipmunk raised by a grandmother A deer; he climbed a tree, ate berries; a dangerous woman came, pretended to be his grandmother, promised to give her camas roots; he threw her branches, jumped away, but she had scratched his back (since then) stripes on her), licked the blood from her fingers, she liked it; the grandmother hid it under the basket; the grandmother promised to make the dangerous woman white and beautiful; you have to cover yourself with resin, jump on a white stone, then tear off old skin; tried with one finger - it all happened; grandmother cut her neck with a sharp stone, covered her with stones; 5 sisters of a dangerous woman came, each tasted the meat given by her grandmother and died; Coyote found out that the children of dangerous women were still alive; asked his "sisters" what to do; they: then you'll say you knew everything yourself; Coyote: start, it's raining! they were frightened: the souls of dangerous women's children hang on the walls; the Coyote cut them; when people come now, they will populate the whole world, there will be no dangerous creatures]: Adamson 1934, No. 26:218-220; Tenino [the leader The coyote is five sisters in his stomach, they are blueberries (rather Coyote excrement); every time he asked them for advice, they said they would not answer this time, because he would say again that he knew all by himself; the Coyote threatens them that it will rain, they will get wet; Blueberries agree to give advice; to kill Nash-lah, who swallows boats with people on the river, you need to take firewood, tar and 5 flint knives; Coyote says he thought so himself; Coyote calls NL, forcing himself to swallow; finds hungry people inside frozen; makes a fire, cuts off and roasts the monster's heart; N. regurgitates swallowed, dies. coughing up swallowed; Coyote gives first ancestors (animals) names (you will be an eagle, you will be a rattlesnake, etc.); now new people (Indians) will come; NL will live at the bottom, but will stop swallowing humans]: Hines 1991, No. 1:12-15; clickite: Jacobs 1934, #28 [see K8A motif; Coyote travels, killing or transforming monsters; defecates, his two excrement sisters It is said that a man with one leg and one hand harpoons salmon; the Coyote turns into salmon, but One-legged knows it's a Coyote; hits him with a harpoon, pulls him ashore, lets him go], 31 [Luca's wife turns into a Grizzly, kills people, stalks a son and daughter; they run away, marry each other, they have a boy; a Grizzly meets and kills a son, comes to her daughter; she pushes her into ravine, she dies; the Coyote appears, the woman throws her things into the fire, then burns herself; the Coyote raises the boy; this is the Eagle, he grows up, marries three Mice, Gorlinka, Cricket; Coyote He puts willow branches in the fire, the flame breaks out, the women lift their legs; the Coyote sees that the Mice have white, the other two wives have black genitals; he likes white ones; he turns his excrement into eagles; sends the Eagle to the rock to get feathers; makes the rock tall; takes the form of a son, puts on his clothes, takes his wives Mice, mistreats Cricket and Gorlinka; the Spider lowers the Eagle off the cliff; the son Gorlinka recognizes her father; the eagle kills the deer, tells the Coyote to carry it, it rains, the Coyote is washed into the river, swims downstream, turns into a dead deer; a girl picks him up; her grandmother knows it's a Coyote , wants to hit, he swims away, turns into an old man, stays with five unmarried sisters; they own a salmon lake; he makes them digging sticks, digs a drain from the lake himself; his sisters hit him, breaking five bone spoons with which he covered his head, but he releases water and fish; he catches fish in the river, bakes it, falls asleep, Wolves eat it; Wolves fall asleep, Coyote steals bird eggs from them; makes it on the river thresholds above which salmon should not rise; (paraphrase in Lévi-Strauss 1971, No. 606a: 233-234)]: 68-69, 79-91; yakima: Beavert 1974 [Coyote goes east to look for buffalo; falls asleep at night, wakes up in the same place; so four times; his "sisters" (excrement) say that it is the Sunwoman who is mocking him; they advise him to become a feather so that the wind carries him away; to land, he becomes a branch; enters a rich tipi, asks the owner's five daughters to marry; they are bisonichs; the owner warns not to have sex with them for five days; they go west, spend every night in the same tipi, who is magically carried; the Coyote becomes a bison; the older girl doesn't like the new country; she lies down, exposes her genitals, the Coyote copulates; the bison returns east, the Coyote again becomes a coyote]: 45-51; Hines 1992, No. 44 [Coyote's son is married to three sisters, the youngest Coyote wants himself; asks his son to climb a tree for eagle feathers, advises to take off his clothes; leans against a smooth trunk a tree with branches; then cleans up, puts on his son's clothes, migrates with his wives; two days later, the son goes down; the youngest wife hides him in her bag; he kills Coyote with a truncheon, throws him into the river; Coyote turns into a baby, swims to a dam, behind which five sisters hold salmon; while they are away, he breaks the dam with five wooden scoops; sisters break scoops, but not the head of the Coyote; the Coyote threatens his "sisters" with rain if they don't teach him how to catch salmon; where he gets wives, he makes good fishing spots, where they don't give him bad]: 121-126; takelma [Fox and Coyote live together ; The fox brings the prey, the Coyote asks his little daughter every time to ask the Fox how he caught partridges, bears, salmon, etc.; The fox comes up with a ridiculous way, the Coyote believes and tries this method; The fox said he asked the Grizzly to swallow him, cut off his heart, went out through his ass; Coyote really kills the Grizzly in this way, comes out cutting a hole between his ribs; the woman explains to Coyote that the Fox He mocks him, tries to destroy him; the Coyote asks his excrement what to do; they advise him to create an eagle's nest on the spruce tree, send the Fox to get the chicks, make the tree tall; the spruce grows to the sky, then bends down, the Fox falls into the sea; the Catfish woman revives him in the steam room; the Fox returns, the Coyote runs east, hits his head against the sky, his bones rattled]: Sapir 1909, No. 5:79-85; lower Chinook [Coyote catches salmon, cooks; there are no salmon the next day; he asks his excrement why; gets an answer exactly how to cut and cook the first salmon; violates again rules; catches a lot of salmon for the third time; problems again; excrement teaches Coyote all the prohibitions and rules associated with harpoon fishing for salmon; Coyote and his younger brother Snake weave a net; excrement teaches the rules of salmon fishing with a net]: Boas 1894a, No. 6:101-106; kalapuya [see motif K35; Keith's daughter comes to Puma, becomes his wife; Puma's brother Coyote puts willow in the hearth; sparks fall on the woman's legs, she lifts them up, he sees her genitals; the next time he put the willow intentionally; the Coyote dives, asks his excrement if he now looks like a Puma; the fifth time he looks like; returns to a woman in her husband's guise, copulates with her; a cougar rips open a woman's belly, takes her son out of her womb, leaves Coyote's five children; the father of the murdered woman causes a flood, everyone dies]: Gatschet et al. 1945, No. 2:215-221; upper coquil [The coyote turns into salmon, swims in shallow water; two girls undressed and began to catch him; he pokes his vulva with one head and the other with his tail; runs away to become a Coyote; they squeeze his semen out of each other's belly; he sees girls from afar; asks his crap what to do; crap advises sending his long penis to the girl he likes; The girl notices the penis, cuts it with a digging stick; the Coyote dies; comes to life, but when someone bites it]: Jacobs 2007:258-259.

Northeast. Malesit [Laks (probably wolverine; aka Loup Cervier) sees women fishing on the other side; asks his brother (i.e. his anus) how to master them; he advises cutting off the penis, tie to a long pole; in the middle of the river, the penis is swallowed by fish; "brother" advises taking a boat, harpooning a big fish, hitting not in the stomach, but in the tail; L. pulls his penis out of the fish's belly, but by mistake puts it backwards on herself (when wolverine urinates, her penis is pointing back between her legs)]: Mechling 1914, No. 19:81-82.

California. Shasta [during the flood, the Coyote asks his tail first, then his penis if he will die; both answer that the Coyote will be saved]: Farrand 1915, No. 3:211; Maidu [Coyote excrement is advised cover his stomach with a layer of resin; the cannibal offers to eat each other's fat; cuts off and devours resin; the Coyote cuts the cannibal's stomach, he dies]: Dixon 1902, No. 10:85-86; tubatulabal [during battle Coyote says Lapapille's heart is in his head; L. is killed; Coyote comes to children playing with the eyes and head of the murdered man; kills children, divides himself into parts, taking the form of children; Coyote's anus speaks to him that he is moving too fast; he slows down; he grabs L.'s skin, runs away]: Voegelin 1935, No. 5:203; serrano [Takvich kidnaps children and souls; Coyote promises to kill him; asks their eyes, ears, how to do it; they don't know; the penis replies to shoot the penis; Coyote kills T. with an arrow; E.'s spirit still flies in meteor form]: Benedict 1926, No. 11:13.

Big Pool. Northern Payutes: Kelly 1938, No. 18a [Nümüzóho sits by the trail; tells passers-by that there are mountain rams below, colliding off a cliff; Coyote dodged, N. fell down himself; Coyote pretends to be sick, another Nümüzóho comes, Coyote refuses to play with him, says he is weak; N. offers to grind each other in a mortar; Coyote asks his worms for advice; those they tell you to sit down so that it only touches the skin; the Coyote jumps out of the mortar alive; pushes N. to death with a stone], 18b [the same, but first the Coyote kills the one with the mortar, then the one who is pushing him off the cliff]: 410-411, 411-412; goshiute [Wood Mite called Coyote "copulating with his own daughter"; Coyote began to trample on him, but he only grew up; Coyote wrote on the children of Wild Hen, their mother scared, he fell into the river; at night someone steals Coyote's edible cane (Cattails), which he cooks; Coyote asks all parts of his body one by one; the penultimate is his penis, the last is his extra penis; he replies that the Mole stole; the Coyote waited for the Mole, stabbed him; the Mole's mother calls Coyote (not knowing who he is) to cure his son; he pretends to suck the wound, sucks fat himself; in the morning he killed with a knife and The mole and his mother; then see F9A, J12 motives]: Smith 1993:8-11; northern shoshones [when Coyote covers himself with a blanket, a girl comes to dance on his feet; he chases her to the seashore, she carries him on his back to his house on the island, he tries to copulate, she leaves him; he comes to her and her mother; sees them chewing ducks and eggs with their vaginas; quivers of the dead hang on the walls men; Coyote's excrement advises him to replace his penis with his horn scraper; teeth break against a scraper, Coyote copulates with both women; they send him for water, give birth to many children; wash Coyote washed them only by shoshones; if everyone, all people would be shoshones]: Lowie 1909b, No. 1:236-239; southern payutes (kaibab) [The wolf sends a Coyote to bring edible seeds from their aunt Grizzly Bear; The bear comes back, asks her two children to give her an object to masturbate; the Coyote offers his services; the bear hugs him, does not let him go, rips the meat off his back; The wolf heals the Coyote, sends the Bear to kill, warns not to leave anything there; Coyote puts the Bear and the cubs to sleep, kills, forgets the bear bubble; thunder is heard, it is Rain that throws lightning; Wolf many times sends the Coyote to hang in a tree (apparently a play on words); the Coyote asks his tail, which explains that the Wolf wants arrowpoles; the wolf tells Coyote not to look at him during the battle, the Coyote looks lightning strikes the Wolf; the Coyote meets two old women (his tail explains what they are talking about); kills, puts his penis in one himself and his penis in the other; imaginary old women come to where everyone is gathered with Wolf's property; killing children they trust; Coyote takes his form, takes his property; turns into dog crap; gopher crap; pursuers only suspect that it may be Coyote, they kick a bunch; the Coyote revives the Wolf; asks which trees sparkle when burning; the spruce answers last; the Coyote puts it in the fire, sparks fly, the Coyote discovers that the Wolf has a wife; in his absence rapes her; she sticks it to an aspen; The wolf rapes him; tells him to bring a jug, then brushwood; they stick to the Coyote; The wolf sets fire to the firewood, the Coyote burns]: Sapir 1930, No. 1:338-345; Lowie 1924, No. 1 (Shivvitz) [Coyote and Wolf's aunt is the Bear; Coyote spies on her masturbating with an artificial phallus; offering her services; hugging the Coyote, the Bear ripped off his back; the Wolf cured him, attaching the deer's muscles; sent the Coyote to kill the Bear, giving her a wineskin of blood with cream inside; he gave her a drink to the Bear's sons, they died; when the Bear asked her sons to give her phallus, Coyote said that they were sleeping, offered to drink blood; the bear died; the wolf ordered to collect all the remains, but Coyote forgot the bag of blood; asks the tip of his tail why the Wolf tells him to uproot the bush; tail: to make arrows, the Bear's blood will try to kill you; lightning is approaching from the south, the Wolf shoots; killed when Coyote draws attention to the Wolf's beautiful armor; Wolf's property has become stones; a Coyote comes to two women, asks about their customs, kills them, puts the skin of one on himself, the other on his penis; their sons wonder why old women eat so fast; Coyote sees lying girls, they were taken care of by his secret penis, he himself killed the sons of old women; while dancing, Coyote jumped out of the old woman's skin, grabbed the clothes of the killed Wolf, ran; turned into a year old coyote droppings ago; then into the pen; each time the pursuers guess, shoot, but the Coyote runs away; the pursuers caused snow, the Coyote the wind, hid in an acorn on an oak tree, rolled with an acorn through the snow to their cave; put tracing paper and bones in Wolf's clothes; when he woke up, he wasn't; Coyote found Wolf sleeping with a woman; broke his bow to come back; tried to rape a woman who climbed into an oak tree, Coyote's penis stuck; Wolf cut off his penis, Coyote asked to be called "with a short penis"; Wolf killed him; found Coyote cock in his wife's vagina; he stayed there forever (cause of genital odor)]: 93-101; chemeuevi [The coyote sees her mother-in-law's genitals when she weaves; invites her to hunt for rabbits; tells her to close herself from the thorns with her skirt over her head; copulates her several times from behind; rapes her at night, killing with his "heavenly penis"; asks his tail (possibly his penis) what to say at home; he advises to explain everything by attacking enemies who killed his mother-in-law and wounded him, Coyote; Coyote pierces his stomach puts a rabbit's giblets in the wound, leaving some of it hanging outside; pretends to be dying; tells three daughters to marry whoever brings bison skins and whoever brings paint not to marry him; son of Coyote The Red Tail turns around, notices that the dead man has jumped from the funeral fire; the widow scolds her son; the Coyote turns the yucca stalks into bison skins; the widow does not tell her daughters to accept the man who brought red paint; an unrecognized Coyote comes with imaginary bison skins; tells his wives to lay beds behind the house, copulates with them; while hunting, Coyote's son recognizes his father by his damaged tooth; runs home; mother and children rise to heaven; Coyote tells them to become Pleiades and his wife tells him to become a coyote]: Laird 1974b: 220-224 (retelling in Zigmond 1980:18-19).