Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M123D. The raven is a garbage eater. 39.-.41.43.


Raven groom is rejected after the bride or her relatives discover that he is eating carrion or sewage.

Far Eastern Evenks, Tundra Yukaghirs, Bering Strait Inupiate (Seward Peninsula Kingikmiut), Koyukon, Kuchin, Tanaina, Chippewayan, Upper Coquil.

Eastern Siberia. Far Eastern Evenks (Uchurian?) [God created the swan, and the hell was a crow, both were white; the swans had a wedding, everyone was treated to grass and leaves; the crows cannot eat grass, they began to eat discarded droppings; this will turn black; the swans said that he is not a swan and they told them not to live with them]: Myreyeva 2009:169-170.

SV Asia. Tundra Yukaghirs [The Raven and the Partridge go to the Sun; he has beautiful daughters; the Sun sees the Raven swallow dog crap, drive the grooms away; the same for Month, Ursa Major, Morning star, Northern Lights, several plant species; finally, at the Steep Coast, the Raven abstains from eating crap, stays there; Partridge married Willow's daughter]: Jochelson 1926:289; (cf. Itelmen [Elthehenai's children ask for a fairy tale; she replies what old woman Ivlikelhen will tell; I. sings, trying to put E. to sleep and then eat; she digs a dig from home, runs away with children; the youngest knot stays, lives with I.; contrary to the ban, unties the bags, all birds and animals fly away from them; I. chases the knot; she turns herself into a woman caught ermine into a baby; I. does not recognize her, stays overnight; the knot cuts off the back of I.'s pants, pierces star holes in them, covers I.'s face, I. sees the Big Dipper, the Pleiades, Orion, thinks what else is night; the hat falls, I. continues to pursue; the cuckoo Kekukemtalkhan carries the knot in a boat across the river, marries her; says I. that she crossed after drinking water in the river; I. drinks, bursts; Upon learning that his wife eats crap, the Cuckoo kills her]: Jochelson 1961, No. 9:71-74 (translated into Menovshchikov 1974, No. 201:583-586); Chukchi [a lonely reindeer herder hears a voice from a pile of snow; there is a house, a woman in it; she teaches him how to make love; gives birth to a son and daughter; they marry, people come from them; people ask Wagtail to get light; T., Kurkil the Raven, the Caggelin Partridge (Coughing), Ground-Creeper flies east, hammers the sky, breaks their beaks; K. sharpens them again, but now they are short; K. breaks through the sky, enters the outside world; there the girl plays with balls; K. grabs them and throws up; they turn into the sun, a month (two balls stuck together), stars (one ball has crumbled); K. throws the girl, she sticks to the month, is still visible; K. scorched clothes, became white black; created rivers; the first people went west, became Russian; K. finds new ones in the grass; the Wolf says that the Raven eats crap; then K. hides the sun, moon and stars; rejects deer, agrees to return luminaries in exchange for two wives, Wolf's sisters; wives bandage his tongue, since then the raven has not spoken]]: Bogoras 1928, No. 2:301-303).

The Arctic. Bering Strait Inupiat (Seward Peninsular Kingicmiut) [girl rejects suitors; while she sleeps, Raven puts human bowel movements in her bed; agrees not to tell anyone if the girl will become his wife; one day the Raven sees a dog's skin, bites it in the form of a crow, leaves traces of a three-toed paw; father-in-law tells all men to take off their shoes to see who has three toes on their feet; Raven Disgracefully expelled]: Lucier 1954:222-223.

Subarctic. Koyukon [the sun is gone; people tied a rope to the Bear so that when he looks for berries, they will find it; The bear thinks it's okay, let it be dark; people ask the Raven help, give him as much food as he wants; the Raven flies away; turns dust and grass into good clothes and shoes; the sun owner suspects it's a Raven, but others say he's a handsome rich man; his the daughter fell in love with Raven, he began to live in their house; he noticed a dog, asked to hang it; people notice that someone with a three-toed paw pecked over the corpse; everyone should show bare feet; the raven tells the veil covered their eyes, the audience did not notice that he had three toes on his feet; sent his wife to fetch water, threw a fir needle into the water, the woman drank and swallowed it; gave birth to a boy; in the same place where she remained it's dark, the foxes sang, Let there be light; rattles are tied to the sun and moon in the house so that no one can touch it secretly; the boy cries, asks for the sun to play, the grandfather gives; the raven wants the dog she grabbed the salmon; everyone rushed to the yard for the dog, but the Raven back into the house, grabbed it, released the sun, it was light; kicked the child, who turned into a bunch of fir needles; grabbed the moon, began to tear off a piece by piece giving everyone the name of one of the months of the year; December became Nameless; the Raven is back, everyone is happy with the light]: Attla 1983:89-105; Kuchin: McGary 1984 [The raven swims down the river, sees a duck girl; paints himself with his crap, becomes handsome, a necklace of dentalium shells around his neck; The duck covers the path to the shore for him with dressed skins; the Raven marries; carries the Duck in a boat, she sits on stern, the rain washes the crap off the Raven, his wife is all sprayed; she ties the end of his shirt to the boat, jumps quietly into the water, swims away; he thinks she drowned; comes to another woman, gets her daughter; says he is disturbed by a dog; he is killed; at night he pecks out the dead dog's eyes and cheeks; people notice a three-toed paw, migrate, leaving the Raven alone]: 204-212; McKennan 1965 [parents Beautiful ducks refuse all suitors; Raven dresses up, paints clothes as if they are covered with beads; Ducks feed him well in the house; he sees a dog in the corner, asks him to be strangled before he starts eating; at night he leaves the house and pecks out the dog's eyes, his outfit has been damaged in the rain; in the morning everyone says that someone with three toes pecked out his eyes; everyone takes off the moccasins, the Raven is quick puts them on again, but the boy notices his three-toed paw; the Raven replies that this is a lie; takes his wife away; the paint from the Raven costume is completely washed off; the wife quietly ties him to the boat, asks let her go ashore; the Raven ties a rope to her, she ties her to a tree, runs away, returns to her parents]: 92-93; tanaina [Chulyen (raven) marries Goose (species of geese with black ones) heads, necks and legs are his descendants); in autumn he also wants to fly south; first geese help him, then get tired and leave him; he falls, tells the rock to be under him; Belukha offers to climb into her breath , takes him ashore; C. eats her fat, lies that the shore is still far away; Beluga whales jumps ashore, C. throws stones into her breath, she dies; people appear, he flies out, returns in human form; people It is said that something black came out of the beluga whale's womb; C. says that his relatives ate white whales under similar circumstances and all died; gets the foreman's daughter, eats white whales at night; people they find fat on his mustache, beat him to death, throw him in the trash; the old woman cuts off his beak; Magpies defecate on C., he comes to life; creates enemies; covering his face with his hand, shouts to run and that's it throw; finds a beak, hurriedly puts it, now it's crooked]: Vaudrin 1969:35-40; Chipewayan [Big Bird is the leader's widow, she has a son and daughter; the Raven comes to marry disguised as a handsome rich man; says that he will not eat until the big dog is killed; in the morning the dog's eyes are pecked out, with three-toed paw marks nearby; the hostess tells the guests to take off their moccasins; the raven refuses; agrees when he they promise new ones; the hostess's son notices a shabby paw; the raven takes his wife to him; on the way, the rain washes away the coloring book, the wife sees black feathers; ties the Raven's tail to the boat, says that he will go collect birds eggs, runs away; The raven turns into a crow, flies away]: Bell 1903, No. 1:77-78.

The coast is the Plateau. Upper coquil [the raven takes his wife; asks that crap be put in the food they cook for him; he eats it with pleasure; the wife and her parents leave the crow, leaving him a basket of crap]: Jacobs 2007:261.