Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M124. Oxtail, ATU 1004. .11.-.16.21.-.23.26.-.34.

The character buries the pet's tail (head, ears), claiming that it has fallen into the ground. He usually asks others to pull the tail (head) and when it "comes off", he accuses others of missing the cattle.

Malawi [human], kikuyu [squirrel], kamba [hare], safwa [hare], sukuma [boy], nyaturu [hare], ganda [hare], tutsi [hare], baule [spider wife], tenda [hare], manden [hare], guro [spider], mosi [hare], bulsa [hare], mankanya [hare], dark [spider], wolof [hare], songhai (zarma) [jackal], sarah [trickster Su], Somalis [jackal], tigre [abunuvas], sandave [boy], Nubians, Sudanese Arabs [ human], murle [jackal], shilluk [hyena], kabila, Libyan Arabs [human], Basques [human], Spanish [fox; man], Portuguese [man; fox], Galicians [man], Aragon [human], Catalans [man; fox], Corsicans [human], Italians (Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Molise, Basilicata, Calabria) [Giufá; Pírolo], Sicilians, Sardinians, Irish, French [cunning Jean], Wallons [cunning Jean], Friezes, Flemish, Germans (Schleswig-Holstein, Austria) [human], Eastern Tibetans [children], Lavrung [hare], Bhutan [tiny boy], Bengalis [human], Kachin [human], Viets [cunning Kuoi], Tamils, Miao [ anthropomorphic ancestor], Chinese, Slovenes, Romanians, Bulgarians, Greeks, Slovaks, Czechs, Luzhitans, Poles [people], Russians (Karelia, Moscow, Voronezh), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Galicia) [ person], Belarusians [human], Crimean Tatars [cunning], Circassians [man], Abkhazians [cunning], Karachays or Balkarians [people], Turks, Turkmens [Aldarkose], Bukhara Arabs [beardless], mountain Tajiks [ Human], Jagnobes [human], Finns, Estonians, Sami, Latvians [human], Lithuanians [human], Swedes [human], Norwegians [human], Danes [human], Icelanders [human], Karelians [cunning thief], Mordovians [man], Udmurts [man], Bashkirs [Khuzhi Nasreddin], Kazakhs [Aldarkose], Kyrgyz [Aldarkose], Uighurs [pleshivets], salars [pleshchivets], Mongols [badarchs (wandering lama)], Oirats [fox?] , (chirokee).

Bantu-speaking Africa. Malawi [The deceiver gives others food, then demands it back for more than he gave; at the end of a series of exchanges, he gets the goat for feathers, leaves it in the barn, kills it himself, gets it for it a cow; a cow's tail is buried in the ground, asks for help to pull out a supposedly stuck cow, says the helpers have torn off the tail, gets 40 cows]: Elmslie 1892:92-95; kikuyu [Hyena goes to marry, He companions a Wakahare squirrel; on the way, he first suggests making wooden knives for food, then advises him to throw it away, but hides his own; when the bride is served food, she sends him for a discarded knife; almost He eats everything himself; Hyena, who has returned, puts shells, says that she should not eat so greedily; at night he cuts off the sheep's tail, smears Hyena's lips with blood; the owner drives Hyena away, does not give her daughter, tells her to take it brought cattle; near the house, V. runs ahead, sets fire to Hyena's house; Hyena rushes to the house, V. cuts off the animal's tails, sticks them into the ground, steals the herd, says that the animals have gone into the ground; Hyena pulls tails, they "break off", she is desperate]: Gagnolo 1953, No. 29:128-129; nyatura [The hare cut off his ox's tail, buried it half in the ground, said the ox has failed; people began to pull, the tail remained with they were in their hands; they gave the Hare three oxen; then the Hare brought the old one hidden, said that he was born without a tail; boasted that he would kill the Elephant; told him that there was a treasure under the boulder; the Elephant hardly picked up, became hold the stone; The hare supposedly ran after the log to prop him up; shouted that enemies were coming; The elephant jerked, the stone crushed him]: Sick 1915:50-51; kamba: Lindblom 1928, No. 14 [while the hyena is hunting, hare cut off the tails of the cattle, shoved them into the ground, took the cows, the hyena believed that they had fallen into the ground; came to the hare, saw that all its cows were without tails; realized that they were her cows, became friends with the hare]: 39 (translated into Okhotina 1962:236-237, summary in Arewa 1961, No. 442:33); Hobley 1910 [seeing a sleeping shepherd, the hare stole cows, goats and sheep, cut off their tails and stuck them on the path in three rows - cows, goats, sheep; the shepherd believed that the land had swallowed his cattle; the shepherd began to pull, the tails "broke off"; the shepherd returned to the village, and the hare drove his cattle and came across a lion; said that he had caught animals in the military on a campaign, killing nine men; and now he will kill a lion; the lion called another lion, they growled, the hare was frightened and offered to share the prey; the hare offered to perform a reconciliation ceremony - jump over the fire; the lion jumped, the hare threw hot ash into his eyes, he fell into the fire and burned; since then, lions have not attacked hares]: 111-114; safwa [the hare gave the fisherman a fish, he ate it, the hare demanded back; fishermen they gave him oil, the hare gave oil to the frogs, they hid; the hare caught one, put it in the chickens, the rooster pecked her, the owner gave the rooster; in the same way a goat instead of a rooster, an ox instead of a goat; the hare cut off his ears and tail, people began to pull them, ears and tail seemed to come off; the hare got a cow from each, got rich]: Kootz-Kretschmer in Arewa 1961, No. 4266A (1): 246; ganda [elephant and hare set up a field on the land of the hare; each time the hare offers the elephant to do another job, promising that he will take on the next one himself, and then was sick; the elephant sold the grain; the hare asked for a little and received a handful; he carried it, showed it to the guinea fowl, she pecked, the hare began to say that the grain belonged to the elephant, the guinea fowl gave him an egg; he came to the people who threw stones to knock down the plums; put the egg on a pile of stones, his smashed; hare: this is a tsasarkino egg (etc.); he was allowed to take a plum; the rhino bird exchanged plums for two beautiful feathers from its tail; when the hare crossed the river, the feathers fell and swam away; the river gave in return water; there is no water in the forge, the blacksmith gave an ax for water; the butcher who broke the knife gave a cow's head for the ax; the hare put his head between the hummocks, shouting to the shepherds that his cow had fallen into the swamp; shepherds they began to pull, their heads "came off"; they understood everything, but asked the hare to tell stories, they gave him a beautiful white cow in the morning; he brought it to an elephant and they became friends again]: Baskerville 1922:60-65 ( quoted in Klippe 1992:310); Tutsi [hyena would like to marry; the hare says the chief wants to marry and has already seen a hyena; teaches how to show modesty befitting a bride; when offering food, the hare eats everything by himself; when lying down, he lies down on his own; the hyena does not move, looks at the ground, although terribly hungry; at night the hare puts two fireflies over his eyes; the hyena thinks that the hare's eyes are open and does not dare yes; the same morning; the guests were presented with a cow and the hare took her; asks some strength if they both had a cow as a gift; Yes? the echo of the hills confirms - Yes! The hyena agrees to the hare's offer to raise sorghum, but for now he gets the cow; he killed the cow and then ate it, and put the scalp and horns in the swamp; tells the hyena that the cow is bogged down, let the hyena try pull her out; she "tore off" her horns; the hare asked her to dig - let her at least pull her head out; the hyena drowned in the swamp, the hare has enough meat]: Pinguilly 1997, No. 15:181-191; sukuma [the boy gave his grandmother honey, she ate it, he demanded it back, his grandmother gave it to two chickens, they pecked the grain, gave it an egg; the shepherds played ball, he gave them an egg instead of a ball, the egg broke, the shepherds had to give the staffs; the boy asked the elephants to break their staffs, if they were so strong, they broke them; they gave them a knife in return; the shepherds gutted the bull, the boy gave them a knife; quietly hid it, demanded back, got a bull tail; stuck in the swamp, screamed that his bull had drowned; people were pulling, pulling out his tail; the boy demands compensation for the dead bull; each of a hundred people gave him an ox, that hundred oxen]: Basset 1903, no. 104:266-268.

West Africa. Tenda [every time the Hare tells the chief's cow to open his anus, goes inside, cuts off a piece of fat, goes out; Hyena's wife sees the Hare's wife frying fat; the hare has to share with Hyena In secret, he warns not to cut off the lungs or the cow will die; Hyena cuts off, the cow dies; the Hyena hides in the stomach; The hare says the chief will get the stomach; the Hyena climbs into the stomach, the Hare hides in the stomach; Hyena is found, his stomach is thrown away; The hare pretends to be sitting in the bushes, a dirty stomach has been thrown at him; the hyena is beaten, the Hare is given meat, he refuses, wants only a head and tail; buries them in the mud, screams that the chief's cow is bogged down; people pull off their head and tail, run away, leaving a load of salt; Guinea fowl smears salt on its head, they believe that the load is theirs; when Guinea fowl's rice is ripe, The hare tramples the path from the field to his house, says that his rice is his, they believe him; Guinea fowl buys his rice in exchange for salt]: Ferry 1983, No. 10:67-71; manden (group not specified) [hare offers hyena sell her mothers; leads her to the bazaar on a rotten rope, quietly tells her to escape, run away, hide in a hollow; the hyena brings its own on a strong rope, sells it, buys a cow, they are together slaughtered; the hare sends a hyena for fire, carries the mother's meat, buries the cow's bones, buries its head so that the horns protrude; tells the returned hyena that the Earth ate the cow; the hyena pulls the horns, pulls out the skull - the Earth has eaten; at night, the hare's mother eats meat, throws bones at the head of a sleeping hyena; he thinks that hail is coming; then he realizes, promises to bring an ostrich; she sticks her head into the hollow to get it meat, the hare throws a noose, two eggs fall out of the ostrich; hyena: one for me, one for you; the hare lets the ostrich go, says that it was the hyena who was going to kill her; the ostrich drives the hyena into the hole, leaves there is a feather at the entrance; the hare and its mother take the remaining meat and two eggs, go home; the hyena is afraid to go out: when they see the feather, they think that an ostrich is watching her; an old woman walks by, says that there is no ostrich; a hyena hungry, she sees a lioness, she does not have milk to feed the lion cubs, says that the old woman knows the remedy; the old woman: cut off the hyena's buttocks, cook it in a pot on her head; the lioness does so, the milk appears, the old woman visits the lioness, the crippled hyena runs away; the old woman meets her, the hyena cuts wood to burn the old woman, tells her to cut her own; the old woman climbs a tree; screams that the lioness is coming for a new dose of medicine; the hyena runs away; this is repeated elsewhere; the third time an old woman kills a hyena with an ax]: Frobenius 1922b, No. 53:110-114; guro [the spider pretends to put food in the pot, a leaf on top; son of Diebikouo eats a little bit, and the spider says he ate a lot; takes an ox from the village of Diebikouo, eats it with the young man, leaves his head; the spider buries it in a ditch, asks to drag it, accuses it Diebikouo is that he broke his ox's neck; he is given two cows, a loincloth and they apologize]: Tauxier, No. 21:283 in Klipple 1992:272; mosi [the hare and hyena were ordered to bring honey to the king ; the hyena filled its vessel with crap, smeared honey on top, the hare's vessel is smaller, but it contains only honey; the king gave the hyena his main wife and the hare a second; realizing what was going on, the king decided to teach the hyena a lesson; wives they made hyena cakes from rotten flour, put them on a hill, flatbread with meat for the hare, put it on the ground; the hyena specially drops pieces of its cakes into the hare's bowl so that they are smeared in sauce; the goat tied on a strong rope, a bull on a thin one, offered to choose without seeing animals; the hyena is strong enough, gets a goat; next time, on the contrary, the hyena has a goat again; on the way back, the hyena eats the goat, gives the hare a liver (apparently in the hope that he will eat it, and she will require him to have a bull's liver); the hare does not eat, returns it; he offers to slaughter and eat the bull, sends the hyena behind the fire; hides the meat in the skin in a baobab hollow, the tail sticks into the ground, tells the hyena that the Earth has swallowed the bull; the hyena drags its tail, eats it; the hare admits that the meat is in the hollow, promises to raise the hyena; throws the rope, the hyena falls, from those since she has a lame gait]: Frobenius 1922b, No. 101:233-237; bulsa [the animals went to heaven for food; the hyena got a cow, the hare got a ram; along the way, the hyena tore off and ate the cow's legs, then ate all; the hare brought the ram home; the hyena asks to be called when the hare slaughters the ram; the hare: this will be when the rooster sings; the hyena beat the rooster twice so that he screams, runs to the hare, but the ram has not yet stabbed; when the hyena left, the hare cut the ram and the tail stuck in a pile of garbage; the hyena came, pulled, fell]: Schott 1996:195-199; mankagna [at the wake The hare asked to give him his head with horns from the cow eaten; shoved it into the mud near the shore, pretended to be trying to pull a stuck cow by the rope; the fulbe agreed to help, his head "came off", the Hare received another cow in compensation; Having crossed to the other side, he shouted to Fulbe that he had deceived them; they did not hear them, they asked again; the Jackal understood and told them; they could not hear him either; the hare screams that the Jackal was calling them names, the Fulbe harassed him dogs]: Mendelssohn 1971:70-71; dark [the frog has found a magic crown; it can be used to be swallowed and erupted; the frog enters the cow, cuts off some fat, comes back; agrees to take the Spider with him, warns not to cut his heart; the Spider hurries, arranges a false dawn; after being in a cow, the Spider returns alone, cuts off his heart, hides in his entrails, escapes, complains that he was smeared with sewage, receives compensation for the cow's head; buries him, says that the cow is stuck in the mud; passers-by pull their heads, "tear off"; the Spider receives three cows as compensation]: Bramont 1985:150-151; baule [The chameleon saw a tree with fruit, but Spider said he saw it earlier, ate all the fruits; put his head in a hollow of honey, got stuck; sent Chameleon to get an ax; he agreed to go, getting the fruits hidden away from the Spider; the Spider managed to pull his head out, but his skin came off; he pulled his scalp back, and when his wife began to comb it, accused her of ripping off his skin, demanded a ransom - a bull; the wife noticed the deception, buried the oxtail, said that she bought the bull from the goddess of the earth Assie, let the Spider pull it out himself; the tail remained in the hands of the Spider, he burned with shame]: Himmelheber 1951b: 89-91 (translated into Himmelheber 1960:87-90); kpelle [an orphan pulls an egg out of a bird's nest, allows a potter to polish the vessel with its shell; the egg broke, she gave the vessel to an orphan; orphan lends it to the manufacturer of poisoned arrows, the vessel is broken; the orphan gets an arrow, gives it to the chimpanzee, who breaks it, gives it to chimpanzees in return; the orphan gave it to the blacksmiths to make furs; the blacksmiths tore the skin, they gave the orphan a hoe; he gave it to the workers who cultivated the field with a wooden hoe; they broke the iron one, gave the orphan rice; in exchange for rice, the stream gave the orphan a jar of oil; the tree branches turned the vessel upside down , the tree gave branches; the orphan gave their people to fry fish; they gave him the head of an ox, he threw it into the swamp, asked the traveler to help pull out the ox; the head "came off", the traveler gave the orphan an ox, he brought him to the king {it follows that it is a cow}; the orphan cow has calved, the king says that his bull has calved; orphan: give me a knife, for my brother gave birth and the umbilical cord must be cut; king: how can a man give birth? orphan: how can a bull calve? an orphan takes a calf]: Westermann 1924, No. 38:177-178; wolof [during hunger, the hare offers the hyena to sell its mothers; the hyena tied its own by a strong rope and the hare by a thin thread; the hyena exchanged her mother for a donkey with a bag of grain; the hare's mother, by agreement with him, cut off the thread and ran away; hyena: one donkey is enough for two; on the way, the hyena rushed to nibble on the fallen horse; the hare took the donkey home, unloaded the grain, cut off the donkey's tail and put it in the termound: the donkey allegedly disappeared into the termite mound; the hyena began to pull and believed that the tail was cut off; gave the hare a shovel, they began to dig up termite mound; when he found out what they were doing, the lion also began to dig; the hare cut off his testicles with a knife and shouted that it was a hyena; at home he pulled the skin from the lion's testicles onto the drum, began to beat and sing about what had happened; hyena persuaded her to sell her a drum for three low shell beads; getting ready to fight the lion, she began to do what the hare taught her: beat the drum and sing about how she had scoped the lion; when she heard this, the lion heard this hit her that the hyena fell through the ground]: Copans, Couty 1988, No. 62:158-162; songhai (zarma) [during hunger, the Jackal offers Hyena to sell his mothers; tied his own by a fragile rope, agreeing that she would tear it up and run away; Hyena chained her mother; after selling her mothers, they bought grains and loaded it on donkeys; as soon as Hyena went to relieve her need, the Jackal hid the donkeys and luggage there The same as the mother; the tails and ears of donkeys, as well as the legs of the skins that make the wineskins; Hyena believes that everything is drowned in the quagmire; the Jackal tells Hyena to stay away from him at night; he eats with his mother the grain is its own and stolen from Hyena; when Hyena tried to approach the fire, the Jackal hit her nose with a burning head, Hyena ran away]: Calame-Griaule 2002:78-80.

Sudan-East Africa. Sarah (mbai) [Su invited the warthog to cultivate the field: we'll stick it from different ends on the hoe, they'll work themselves, we'll play the harps ourselves; the warthog caught the grasshopper, put it on the harp and he started playing; Su believes that the warthog himself is playing (and therefore does not work); he dug up the field in four days and Su was playing the harp; it started raining, both hid in the hut; a lion also went in and killed a warthog; asked his nephew Su to bring fire to cook meat; Su said he could not do it as quickly as a lion; when the lion went for fire, Su carried the meat to the tree and his head with He dug into the ground with his fangs; told the lion that the meat had swallowed up the earth; the lion pulled his head out, pulled it out forcefully, his fangs pierced his chest and he died; the lion's son was looking for his father's killer, but Su sealed one eye for himself and said that he is crooked Su, and the lion cub's father was killed by the one who has both eyes; promises to take him to his father's killer; he allows himself to be tied; Su brought him home and killed him by hitting him with a pestle]: Fortier 1967, No. 20:179-183; the Somalians [The Jackal guarded a herd of sheep and goats of blind Hyena; ate them; when Hyena counted them, he let the same goat or sheep down; to prevent Hyena's relatives from killing him, he stuck him cut off tails into the ground, began to scream that the earth had swallowed the herd; Hyenas began to drag their tails, thought they were cut off]: Kapchitz 1997, No. 25:30-31; tiger [Abunawas dug goats around the well horns; when a man came up, he pulled a goat out of the well; explained that if you pull a couple of horns out of the ground, you would get a goat out of the well; but let the traveler do it tomorrow; said his name was Nargus-Fên ("Where are we dancing?" ; A. took the traveler's camel away from his luggage; realizing the deception, the traveler went to the villages, asking where they were dancing; the people gathered and began to clap their hands; the leader promised the deceiver money if he confesses; A. confessed and received money]: Littmann 1910, No. 24:32-34; Nubians: Kronenberg, Nubische, No. 46:223-227; El-Shamy 2004, No. 1004:696; Sudanese Arabs [dying, father entrusted his son to a childless brother; if that thief, let him teach him how to steal; the nephew stole urine from under his uncle, but he noticed and beat him; then he replaced the man's lamb with a prickly branch, took it away to his mother ; said that he saw the lamb from the merchants leaving; you can't catch up with them on a donkey, let the man run after them; he left the donkey with his luggage, the guy took him away; cut off the dead donkey's ears, put it in the ground, said to the owner of the donkey that his donkey had failed; the owner undressed and began to dig; the guy said he was expected, took the owner's clothes and money, disappeared; he pulled his ears, they remained in his hands; clothes too disappeared; at his mother's house, the guy saw that his uncle had stolen and cut a lamb; the guy started screaming as if he was being beaten; it was not me, but my uncle! his uncle and wife were afraid they were being searched for as thieves, the nephew got the lamb; the boy stole the sultan's ostrich, he and his mother drowned the fat; the sultan pretended to need ostrich fat as a medicine sent his mother-in-law to exchange him for gold (whoever has fat is a thief); the boy's mother changed; he met the Sultan's mother-in-law, promised to give more; killed his mother-in-law, left a corpse in the bazaar at night; the sultan grieved; the guy stole it golden stirrups and bits; the sultan left gold on the roof, put the slave to guard; the slave fell asleep, the guy stole gold; the sultan left his daughter with two slaves; at night the guy killed the slaves, cut off one hand, gave the Sultan's daughter, she decided that she had caught the thief; the Sultan ordered to arrange a holiday, give everyone a drink, eavesdrop; the guy began to brag, the slave heard, shaved off the talking beard; he shaved everyone, including the Sultan; The Sultan gave him his daughter and throne]: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 54:189-192; murle [the jackal refers to the hyena as his mother's uncle; pretends to be only reluctantly ready to show him a tree with honey bees - because he will beat him anyway; the hyena promises not; jackal: find a man wearing a red leather bib and ask him to tie you to a tree; the jackal wears this bib himself, tightly ties a hyena, hits a bee nest with a stick, the hyena returns barely alive; next time the jackal fed the hyena fish: you have to rush from the tree into the pond, the fish will jump ashore; the fish have prickly fins, a hyena wounded; some fruits at the top of the tree; hyena climbed; jackal: you have to break the trunk; the hyena fell along with the top of the tree; you have to put your penis in a hole by the water, the fish will stick; the fish bit off the hyena's penis, since then since he seems to be mutilated; the jackal eats sour cream, sends a hyena to milk the bull; or rather kill, then meat and milk; but first you have to kill your mothers to divide everything into two instead of four; the hyena killed mother, threw the corpse into the river; the jackal hid his own in the forest hut; sent a hyena to carry clay and water to make fish traps; at this time he dragged all his mother's meat, and his head and horns dug into the mud - a bull stuck; when the hyena pulled out his head, the jackal explained that the perfume had taken the rest; while the hyena was herding the cattle, the jackal was feasting with his mother; the hyena revealed the deception, killed the jackal's mother, ate meat; the jackal wrapped the hot pebbles in fat, told the hyena to open its mouth, threw pebbles into his mouth; the hyena asked for water, but the water was far away, he died]: Lewis 1947:137-141; shilluk [the lion and hyena killed the gazelle, there is no fire to cook meat; The hyena sends a lion for fire, points to the sunset; at this time (eats meat,) its head and tail, sticks it into the ground; explains to the returning lion that God ate the gazelle]: Artin Pacha 1909, No. 9:33-34; sandave [the boy caught a sparrow, gave it to his grandmother, she ate it, the boy demanded the sparrow back, received a bowl of millet; gave it to guinea fowls, demanded it back, received feathers from them; gave the hunters to operate arrows, received a knife; he slaughtered an ox, got a rooster; at the night he was placed with goats, they cared for a rooster, the boy got a goat; a goat to the cows, got a calf; a calf to oxen, received an ox; cut off tail, hid the ox, stuck the tail into the crack in the rock, call people to pull the tail of the ox that had gone into the stone; the tail came off, everyone gave the boy free will]: Dempwolff, S. 156 in Arnold 1984:206-208 (retelling in Arewa 196:246-247).

North Africa. Kabila: El-Shamy 2004, No. 1004:696; Libyan Arabs [the woman, taking her son and daughter, went to look for a city where there is no death; she did not see the sick in one city, stayed; the son married; then left wife and went on; the mother told her daughter-in-law that she was not feeling well; she told people that they killed their mother, because sick people were being killed in this city; the mother asked me to give her son her heart and lungs; the sister left the wasteland met a man, he went underground, there was a city, married her; they have a son Muhammad; pointing his finger, he sees what is two days away; the woman's brother, i.e. Uncle M., comes; M. speaks to him that his mother wants to kill him, and his father can turn into a snake; a snake will bite him when his sister asks for dates; M. takes dates himself; next time the snake hides in straw, the son sets fire to straw, his snake father died; his mother wants to poison them, the son quietly turns the plate, the woman takes poison in her mouth, falls dead; M. and his uncle go to the ground, walk on different roads; M. warned not to be hired as an employee with red hair and blue eyes; the uncle did not listen; he was told to herd cattle while dragging the owner's mother on his back and catching 7 birds for his children every day; M. comes replaces him; beats an old woman, makes her herd cattle, catch birds, threatens to kill him if she tells; plugged her throat with a piece of meat, she died, he said she choked herself; gave six children instead scorpion birds, they died; said that the birds fluttered out, and the souls of the children followed them; the father took the bird from the remaining child; M. slaughtered the sheep, pretended to be attacked by robbers; cut off the tails of the cows, stuck it in the sand by the sea, covered the last cow with sea grass - the cows failed; in front of everyone's eyes he pulled the last one out of the grass; the contract was: whoever gets angry first can tear off the strip from the other skin from ear to buttocks; the judge ordered this to be done; M. and my uncle stopped in the Bedouin tent; M.: the dog can eat my leather belt; owner: then take the dog; M. fed her a belt, took the dog; in In another tent, he killed a dog, planted a piece of meat on the horns of a ram, took the ram; the next time he killed a ram, fried the liver, put it next to the owner's daughter; the father gave it to M.; the next time he agreed with As a girl who cuts her forehead a little, she will pretend to be dead, and he will accuse the owner's mare of killing and taking it away; M. gave the girl and two-thirds of the money to her uncle, and he left]: Stumme 1898, No. 4:104-120.

Southern Europe. Basques: Barbier 1931, No. 4 [three brothers go to look for work; mother warns not to be hired by a red-bearded man; red-bearded; older brothers refuse, younger agrees; who is first he will get angry, the other one will peel off his back to make sandals; the guy is told to bring the straightest and most crooked firewood from the forest, he does everything (the curves are the vine); herd pigs, and in these places Tartar lives; the guy took a bird, a son, a skein of thread; T. offers to compete; who will throw the stone next (the guy released the bird); who will crush the stone by throwing it (the guy throws a piece of cheese, that flies into small pieces); you have to separate the guy's pigs, etc.; guy: all those with two ears and one tail are mine; running away from T., the guy wrapped his pork intestines and then threw them, shouting that it's easier to run; T. tore out his guts and died; the guy cut off the tails of the pigs, put them in the swamp, and really drowned a few; the red-bearded began to pull - the tails come off, the guy pulls out pigs; the guy ripped off the skin of the red-bearded man's back, returned home rich]: 81-84; Webster 1879:6-11 [Errua ("madman"), leaves home, is hired by the owner; whoever of them is dissatisfied with the other the other peels off the skin from the back; the owner orders 1) to bring the crooked branches to the firewood (E. cuts down the vineyard), 2) drive the cows to the pasture without breaking the fence in which there is no passage (E. cuts the cows into pieces, pushes into the cracks of the fence), 3) herd pigs on the mountain where the cannibal Tartaro lives; T. offers to compete, 1) who will throw the stone further (the old woman advises releasing the bird), 2) who will throw the next a bar of iron; say: from here to Salamanca; T. does not tell you to throw it, because his parents are in Salamanca), 3) pull out and drag an oak tree (E. ties the entire forest with a rope, T. is frightened - where he will herd pigs); in the house of T. E. goes to bed next to him for the night; puts the dead man lying under the bed in his place; T. hits him with iron, in the morning E. complains that fleas have bitten; E. must separate pigs from T. pigs; E. says he will take those with one mark and two markings; all pigs turn out to be so; in the village of E. sells all but two pigs, cutting off their tails; cuts one, hides giblets under clothes; in full view of people He stabs a knife in his stomach, people believe that his intestines have fallen out, he runs after the last pig; people tell T. that E. released his guts to run faster; T. rips his stomach open, dies; E. drives the pig into the mud, puts his tails in the mud, tells the owner that the pigs have fallen into the mud; the owner sends him for a spade; E. beats the hostess, she yells, he shouts to the owner - "One or both"; the owner replies that both; E. beats the maid, brings a spade with a hoe, hits the owner with them, he can't stand it, E. rips off his skin from his back; var.: E. burns T.'s eye with a hot spit; presses with a crunch nuts, says they are Christian bones; whoever brings more water, E. is going to carry the entire spring, T. is scared], 11-15 [the older brother leaves, gets hired, does not have time to sow a huge amount grains, the owner rips his skin off his back, drives him away without pay; the same average; the youngest buries the grain, says that the order has been executed, the grain is in the ground; cuts down young chestnuts when ordered to bring them to firewood is straight trees, the vineyard - when crooked; the owner sends pigs to herd in the forest where the cannibal Tartaro lives; the young man clicks nuts, says that they will kill T., let him eat the pig; T. ate all 10 pigs , but the young man cut off their tails; ties the forest with a thread, T. is afraid that he will vomit all; at night he burns T.'s only eye with a spit; returning to the owner, he puts pig tails in the mud; the owner does not dare pull them, lets the young man go, giving the promised payment]; Catalans (including Mallorca) [the owner orders to take the pigs to pasture; the servant sold the pigs, cutting off their tails, which he stuck in the ground; tells the owner that the pigs failed]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, № 2005:201; Aragon [the man sold the pigs he was asked to herd, cut off their tails and put them in the ground; the owner tries to pull the pigs out out of the ground, tails "come off"]: González Sanz 1996, No. 1004:106-107; Galicians [master gives laborers impossible tasks; the new farmhand pretends to be a fool and destroys property the owner; he sends him to the ogre's house; at night a man puts one of the previously killed in his place, the cannibal hits him with a club, and in the morning the man says that the flea bit; the owner sent pigs to herd; their man sold, cut off the tails and stuck them in the ground, said the pigs failed]: Contos 1972, No. 75:72-74; Spaniards: Camarena, Chevallier 1997, No. 15 [the fox and the wolf decide to cultivate the field together; buried sheep, leaving their tails above the ground to eat later; the fox says she is called for christening; eats the sheep, sticks the tail back; says that the child was named the Beginning (Mio Empecéme); the same next day - Sequel (Mio Segundéme); third time - End (Mio Acabébe); after work, wolf pulls tails, falls; understands deception]: 40-42; Hernández Fernández 2013, No. 1004 [the servant tasked with herding pigs sold them, cut off their tails and stuck them into the ground; explains to the owner that the pigs have failed]: 176; Italians (Tuscany, Molise, Basilicata, Calabria) Sicilians: Cerise, Serafini 1975, No. 1004:253-254; Italians: Calvino 1980, No. 56 (Emilia Romagna, Bologna) [when he died, the father left each of his three sons an equal portion of money; the average Fiore went to look for a job and hired a bishop with an agreement: whoever gets angry first will give his money to another; (the contract is valid until the first cuckoo - this follows from the future); F. went to the field in the morning, eat and wine was brought to him only late in the evening, and the pot and bottle were sealed so that they could not be opened; F. returned home, losing his money; the same with Giovanni's older brother; the younger Pírolo takes from food with himself, and in the evening he beats off the edge of the pot and the neck of the bottle; the next day he was told to sell 100 pigs; he sold them to the first person he met, cutting off their tails and sticking them into the ground - the pigs fell into hell ; left one pig and buried it whole; when the owner began to pull, the tails broke off, and P. pulled out the whole pig; the next day he sold the sheep; P. took the money for himself, placed one sheep on the top of the poplar and said that the sheep went to heaven by rainbow; the next day, the bishop told P. to go to mass with him; it began to rain, the bishop sent P. to bring him a pair of wooden shoes; P. said that the master told him kiss both maids; P. shouts: isn't it true both? owner: yes, both {I mean both shoes}; to get rid of P., the senior maid put feathers on, climbed onto the roof and started cuckoo; P.: March, and already cuckoo; and shot the "cuckoo"; the owner drove P. and gave all the money; P. returned to the brothers what they had lost, opened a business, got married, and healed well]: 179-184; Crane 1885 [Giufá hired a priest on the condition that he would receive an egg a day and so much bread as much as it can eat with the egg, and the contract lasts until the owl screech-owl in the iwy screams in spring; eats an egg with a needle and bites off the bread every time; the priest thinks J. his ruins, tells him to climb a tree and scream an owl; when he left, J. threw a stone into the owl, which hit the priest's mother and killed her; after that, J. hired a peasant as a swineherd; sold the herd for half the price on the condition that the buyer gave him his tails and ears; stuck them into the swamp; the farmer called people to pull the pigs out of the mud, but their ears and tails came off; J. left with money; borrowed various foods from various foremen With the condition that the money be returned tomorrow, he and his mother ate well; then J. told his mother to say he was dead; the cheese seller climbed into the church to at least pick up the dead man's hat; at night, the thieves came to the church to share the money; J. got up from the coffin, told the thieves to get out; they ran away, leaving the money; the cheese seller had to pay for the silence]: 297-299; Corsicans [the older brother went to look job; the curé hired him on the condition: whoever gets angry rips off the other's back; when the guy goes to herd rams, the owner forbids taking out the bread he took with him, opening the bag on top and drinking wine from the neck of the bottle; ended with the owner ripping off his back; the same with his middle brother; the younger one cuts the bag from below, holes in a pumpkin bottle; like this every day; sold a herd of pigs, cutting off their tails, stuck his tails in the mud, said that the pigs drowned in the mud; the old woman gave a whistle; the guy whistles, the sheep were dancing; losing weight and did not give milk; the curé began to spy, also started dancing; the curé decided terminate the contract, paid money, the guy ripped off three leather belts - for two brothers and for himself]: Massignon 1984, No. 23:53-55; Catalans [the owner tells the worker to drive the pigs to pasture; he sells them to a merchant, cutting off his tails; puts his tails in the mud, tells the owner that the pigs have drowned]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 1004:201; Portuguese: Shishlova 1971 [the swineherd has been working for 7 years, but the owner still does not pays; the swineherd sold the herd, asked him to leave his tails and ears; stuck them in the swamp, told the owner that the pigs were drowning; the owner: go to my wife, let him give you two skeins of ropes; swineherd: my husband told give me two bags of money; wife to husband: both at once? husband: yes; the swineherd comes to the innkeeper with bags, asks the belt to tie his legs more tightly in order to run faster; the owner comes running, the innkeeper tells him about the belt, he asks him to tie it too; jumping to the forest, fell from fatigue]: 176-179; Cardigos 2006, No. 1004 [the trickster is hired as a swineherd; sells pigs with tails or ears; shoves them into the mud; the owner pulls out his tails and believes that the pigs went underground]: 255.

Western Europe. French: Lopyreva 1959, No. 24 (Lorraine) [Pierre was hired as a worker for a peasant; whoever gets angry first beats the other; P. is angry, beaten, returned with nothing; his brother Jean fell; sold a cart with horses; left the other one in the forest; sold threshed bread; when sent to pasture, guard the piglets; when he meets the ogre, puts the porridge in his pocket on his stomach, then pretends to rip open his stomach; the cannibal asks to rip open his stomach, dies; Jean cut off the tails of the piglets, put them in the swamp, sold the piglets, said that the piglets drowned in the swamp; the owner tries to drag the pig by the tail, falls on his back; Jean is sent to guard the geese, sells them; the hostess goes to see where Jean puts the geese; he takes a gun, shoots at the "beast" who allegedly dragged geese, killing the owner; the owner is angry, Jean is him hits and leaves]: 83-86; Sébillot 1894, No. 49 (Haute-Brittany) [the employee was hired by the owner on the condition: whoever gets angry first will cut the belt out of the back; angry, the owner peels off his skin; goes his brother; the owner tells us to cut off so many bunches (grass?) for bedding, how many rams; the worker cuts off the legs of sheep, kills a dog that tried to prevent it; shove horses; the worker cut off the hooves of horses, brings a bag of savvy hooves; sold cows, cut off their tails, shoved them into the swamp, said that the cows fell into the mud; the contract was valid until the first cuckoo; the owner put his wife on a tree and ordered a cuckoo, the worker killed her; the owner sent for a shovel, who is in his daughters' room; the worker tells the girls that the owner told them to meet with them; they protest, the worker asks the owner, didn't he? he replies yes; after that, the owner became angry and the worker cut his belt out of his back]: 340-341; Walloons [after the death of their mother, Jean, Pierre and Jacques decided to take turns to go to hire; the owner warns Pierre that whoever gets angry will be cut off by another; the owner tells him to herd cows and pigs, but does not feed; the owner cut off Pierre's ear; the same with Jacques; Jean sold the oxen for half the price, asking the buyer of permission to cut off one tail; told the owner that the oxen had taken away the whirlwind, he had only the tail of the latter in his hands; then Jean sold the pigs, keeping their tails for himself, stuck them in the swamp; the owner grabbed one tail, fell into the swamp; all this time Jean refuses the food offered by the owner (he has money to eat on the side); the owner orders to cut down the oak tree; Jean sold the oak to the coal miner, killed a fox, put an oak branch in its mouth and said that the fox had eaten the oak; Jean had been sleeping with the hostess all this time; the owner broke the door and Jean cut off his ear; the hostess left with Jean, grabbing her husband's diamonds]: Carnoy 1883, No. 8:316-329; Germans (Austria) [Yokle's eldest son went to work; the priest took him on condition not to be angry; the owner orders to sow the grain first and then collect the seeds back; took all the money from J. and drove it out; the youngest son Hansle comes; he does not sow at all, but brings a bag of grain back; drowns pigs in the swamp, only the tail of one pig sticks out; sold the cows, hung one on the branch, said that the herd went to heaven; the owner told me to cook the soup with parsley and celery in it; H. cooks the master's dogs Peter and Zoller; the priest was angry, H. took his money]: Cerf 1992:223-228; Germans (Upper Palatinate) [the peasant has three sons; the eldest asked for his part of the inheritance, went to look for work, hired a priest; noticing that the worker had money with him, he offered conclude an agreement: whoever gets angry first will give the other property; the owner gave the employee worthless oxen, he became angry, lost money; the same with the middle brother; the younger one lets the oxen go where they wanted to; sold the cows to the merchant, only the worst was left, told the owner that they had run away; sold the pigs too, and cut off their tails and stuck them into the swamp; told the owner that the pigs had failed; then the owner told the guy to guard the garden at night; if something went missing, he would lose all his money; sent the cook to steal something; the guy beat her; the next day the cook is lying down and guests should come; the owner ordered boil water to the employee while he is in church, put leek and parsley; the guy threw a dog named Leek and a cat named Petrushka into the cauldron; after that, the owner became angry, the guy took all the money and returned home]: Schönwerth 1981:29-30; Germans (Schleswig-Holstein), Irish, Friesians, Flemish: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1004:9-10.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Eastern Tibetans (Sichuan) [cunning Aku-Tambe came to the children who were cooking fish soup and offered to cook for them; children: gather the cattle, the ears will be cooked by that time; the children ate their ears, stuck their tails between stones; name AT: run soon, the fish leaves]: Potanin 1914, No. 17:410 (reprinted in Komissarov 1997:206; Lavrung [Hare, Sparrow, Piglet live together; nothing to eat; Bunny suggests telling the Piglet that they eat one of them; let the Sparrow and he say they are of little use, the Piglet will agree; the Bunny sends the Sparrow to steal the seasoning, kills, eats the Piglet, The tail sticks into the crack in the wall; the sparrow is beaten; when he returns, the Bunny says that the Piglet has disappeared into the wall; the sparrow pulls the tail, it falls off; the sparrow notices the meat under the Bunny's bed; poisoned him, Bunny died]: G.yu lha 2012:50-51; Bhutan [the old man and the old woman decided to slaughter the goat but don't know how to do it; the old man began to pull the horns, the old woman by the tail; the tail came off; the old man eats meat is in different forms, and the old woman has only given bones once; the goat tail, which she put on the shelf, laughs at her; she wants to bake it, but he promises to be useful to her; came to the mill; there is a girl she poured the ground wheat into the bag; the tail grabbed the bag, it could not be lifted; she went to call for help lift the bag, the tail took it away and brought it to the old woman; then killed the bull in the royal pasture, brought it to the old woman, and his tail stuck into the quagmire as if the bull had drowned; the king's men began to pull his tail, and the tail boy (he is immensely strong) pulled him deeper into the swamp; everyone thought that the bull was gone; the king has a treasure; who can do it steal, he would give his daughter and half the kingdom to him; the tail waited until everyone fell asleep; fed the dogs with meat; took the dogs to the barn, the cows to the kennel; the horses to the sheepfold, the sheep to the stable; smeared the stairs with slimy juice; tied stones to the fringes of the guards' capes, put leather bags over their heads; carrying the treasure, shouted that it had been stolen; a terrible stir; his wife got a tail; she goes to a party where she sees handsome; on the third evening she remained on guard; his tail lost the appearance of his tail, became a beautiful young man; the wife threw her skin into the fire; the husband: was a little hasty; ordered ash to be scattered everywhere; cattle appeared, household; but that is, ahead of schedule, all with a slight defect; garments have a torn seam or no collar; another rooster without a scallop, and some animals without a tail]: Choden 1994:109-114; kachins [ the swindler stole the buffalo, his friends cut the carcass, he took his tail and stomach, stuck his tail into the mud by the swampy lake; went to the village to borrow pots, saying his name was Maneiva ("in last year"); told the owner that the buffalo was stuck; the owner pulled the tail, the fraudster kept it in the mud at the other end, the owner fell, thought that the tail had come off; the fraudster began to hit the stomach with a stick, scream Oh, don't hit me, I'm not the only one who stole; the people who cooked the meat threw the pots, ran away; the owners of the pots complained to the headman; he thought the pots were stolen last year, drove the petitioners away; the fraudster He buried pots of meat, pretended to be a fortuneteller, said where the meat was over; when the meat was over, he was beaten; he came to the old man and asked for water; he sent him to his wife to give water; the fraudster said to the woman, that the husband told him to give him money; the husband screams from afar, Dai; while sailing in the boat, the swindler told everyone his name was Son-in-law; took the princess away; the king screamed that her son-in-law had taken her away, that's right]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 41:136-140.

Burma - Indochina. Vieta [orphan Kuoy lives in my aunt's house; old man: if you lure me out of the house, I'll give you money; K.: you'd better go out the gate and I'll lure you into the house; the old man went out, K. sold his aunt's pig, buried his tail in the sand, said that the pig had gone to the lower world; his aunt told me to dig, the tail "came off"; K. covered a pile of manure in the bazaar, told his uncle that he had caught a turtledove; uncle ran to get the net, came back, everyone laughed; K. tells his aunt that the buffalo raised his uncle to his horns; to his uncle that her aunt fell down the stairs; they run towards each other; uncle carries K. in the basket to drown; he sends him for a learned book needed in the realm of the dead; tells the leper that he was also a leper himself, but recovered when he was thrown into the river in a basket; the leper changes places with K. leaving him gold coins, he is drowned; K. climbs into the water, holding coins in his hand, tells the dignitary that he has dropped treasures into the water; he climbs into the water, K. leaves on his horse and his clothes; said to his uncle and aunt, that he received everything at the bottom from his parents; they ordered them to be drowned, K. did so]: Nikulin 1970:90-95.

South Asia. Muslim Bengalis ("one of the most popular stories among Indian Muslims"; from Calcutta Review) [Halálzádah is a legitimate son, Harámzádah is illegitimate; Halalzada hired a casiy on the condition: if he leaves (before the contract expires), Kaziy will cut off his ears and nose, and if the casiy chases him away, the employee will do the same to the owner; food for the day must be placed on a sheet; Kaziy began to give the worker food on a tamarind leaf (he is tiny), he could not work, Kaziy cut off his ears and nose; then Haramzad was hired; he immediately began to bring banana leaves with him when he received food ; sold and stabbed goats and cows, said that wolves and tigers attacked; sold the horse, cutting off its tail and sticking it into a rat hole; said that the rats stole the horse; Haramzada cut off the ears and nose; some The details of the narrative are too indecent to be published]: Crooke 1892-1893, No. 263:65-66; Tamils: Blackburn 2001, No. 9 in Uther 2004 (2), No. 1004:9-10.

China - Korea. Miao: Bender et al. 2006 (Guizhou) [Jang Vang and God of Thunder are brothers; JAV has no ox, he asked Thunder for a loan, plowed the field, and then stabbed the ox and ate it; stuck his tail in the mud, said the ox failed; the thunder began to pull and fell into the mud; he rose furiously into the sky and sent rain and hail to drown JAW; he planted a gorlyanka pumpkin, it immediately grew and bore fruit; the flood flooded the ground, calebas { in which, apparently, JAV} rose to the sky; Thunder sent a goose to find out what it was; the goose came back, said that one mountain was still above the water; Thunder hit the goose, since then he had a bump on its beak; sent a duck - the same, Thunder stepped on her beak, flattening it; sent a ram - the same thing, Thunder twisted its horns; the rooster did not dare to tell the truth, said that there was only the sea below; for this Thunder gave him a good beak that is convenient to peck grain; the waters came down, JAV went to the ground, but alone; bamboo prompted him to marry his sister; JAV cut him to pieces in anger, promising to put them together if he did marry his sister; after a while decided marry; made 9 iron cages, put thrushes in them, asked his sister to get them; the cage pinched her hand; promises to release her if her sister agrees to become his wife; sister: go down two mountains in pairs millstones, if they lie on top of each other, I will marry my brother; the millstones lay down; my sister offered to ride horses, let JAV catch up with her; he jumped over the mountain from the other side and met his sister; she does not agree here either; then he made a trap, catching her leg when her sister was breaking rice; she had to agree; she gave birth to a ball of meat, a ball with eyes, without arms, but on legs; JAV furiously chopped it into pieces, from which it arose Many people, but they could not speak; the God of Earth came to Thunder, he was silent; and when he left, Thunder said to himself, "We must set fire to bamboo and when it breaks miserably, people will speak; God The land overheard and handed it over to JAV; he burned down a bamboo grove, people from different tribes spoke their own tongues]: 160-168; Schotter 1911 (Hë-miao) [when the first Mother's husband died, she sat on a rock facing the wind and spread her legs (mouth; but probably a vulva euphemism); conceived in the wind, gave birth to 12 eggs; a cormorant began to incubate them, then an eagle; tired, wanted to fly away; I heard a voice from the egg: wait three more days and we will hatch ; the eggs hatched characters from Miao mythology, including the dragon; when the first Mother's husband died, she sat on a rock facing the wind and spread her legs (mouth; but probably a vulva euphemism); conceived by the wind, gave birth to 12 eggs; a cormorant began to incubate them, then an eagle; tired, wanted to fly away; I heard a voice from the egg: wait three more days and we will hatch; the eggs hatched characters of Miao mythology, including the dragon; Tschang-kou-lao was born from the first egg; after killing and eating the buffalo, he buried its tail and told his brother Louy-kong that he had drowned in the swamp; trying to pull out the buffalo, the brother smeared himself in the mud, went up to heaven and promised revenge ]: 325; Chinese [{apparently Chinese, not minorities}; the fraudster buries the tail and head of a cow and says it has fallen into the ground; when another person starts pulling the cow by the tail, tail" comes off", a person falls, dies or is maimed as a result]: Ting 1978, No. 1004 (1).

The Balkans. Slovenes, Romanians, Bulgarians, Greeks: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1004:9-10.

Central Europe. Slovaks, Czechs: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1004:9-10; Poles [a guy stumbles into a group of thieves in the woods; they are ready to take him in if he proves he can steal himself; he kidnaps a ram (ox, goat), throwing one shoe (or a sword and sheath, etc.) on the road; the owner returns for the first, and the guy takes the ram away; the guy depicts a hangman, then runs in go ahead and repeat the trick; people come back to check if it's the same or different (and the guy steals the property they left behind); or the thief imitates the mooing of cows, cuts off heads or tails, and carcasses takes; or throws sheep into the water, and when the owner rushes to pull them out, he steals his clothes]: Krzyżanowski 1963, No. 1525D: 74; (cf. Poles [fools sow salt hoping it will grow like grain, or plant horns in the belief that they will grow into calves]: Krzyżanowski 1963, No. 1200:26); Luzhitans [clever son hired to the landowner; agreement: whoever gets angry cut a piece of meat from him; the guy was angry because he was not fed returned; a stupid son went; he sold sheep to the butcher, threw his tails into the abyss, said that the sheep the wolf drove, they went to the ground; the owner tells us to cook the lamb that looks at the farmhand; he stabbed everyone - they all looked; "And don't forget about the pepper"; the farmhand threw his favorite master dog into the cauldron nicknamed Peretz; put a stone on the child so that he would not squeak; began to shine in the sheepfold, it burned down; the landowner had to pay a salary]: Romanenko 1962:122-124; Russians (Karelian Pomorie, Sumy Posad) [the priest has a thin horse; Senka rode it, killed it; said that she was missing, asked the priest to buy another one; drove her into the swamp, cut off his head, put it in the quagmire; called the priest to pull it out; pop he pulled, his head "came off", the pop fell, began to sink; then he called the deacon, who looked: his head was cut off; they went to kill S. together; he lives with his sister, agreed with her; tied her gut with blood to her side; pretended to be angry with her and "killed" her; then snapped the whip, his sister "came to life" and "went out to their party with the priest and the deacon"; S. sold them a whip, they stabbed their wives; they came back to S.; he put the horses in advance down the drain of various money; the pop bought a mare; S.: only a week not to remove the bag from under the tail; a week later there was manure; S. pretended to die; the pop and the deacon decided to recover to his grave, he was in their ass with a hot rod; they put him in a kul, brought him to drown, went to make an ice-hole for a shovel; S.: I don't want to be a judge; the passing master agrees to change, drowned; S. took his three, came: God let him go and awarded horses; the pop and the deacon drowned themselves in an ice-hole]: Razumova, Senkina 1974, No. 46:232-237; Russians (Moscow) [the master sends Ivan and Egor to stab the bull; Klim filled his boot with mud, threw it up; they went to look for a second boot; Klim stabbed the bull, threw brushwood at the carcass, left his head on a bump, mooing out of the bush; I. and E. drag their heads, believe that they have come off; (then the master suggests to Klim steal his horse)]: Vedernikova, Samodelova 1998, No. 88:225-227; Russians (Voronezh; also Siberia), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Galicia), Belarusians (1 entry) [Pigs ( sheep, oxen) drowned in the swamp (lake): a farmhand, cutting off pigs' tails and sticking them into the swamp, sells pigs to merchants (sticks scraps of sheep wool into the swamp, and steals sheep)]: SUS 1979, No. 1004:255; Ukrainians (Pokutye) []: Zinchuk 2005b, No. 91:444-450.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars [(episode); Akhmet-Akhay Ozenbashsky stabbed the owner's ox, buried his legs with his hooves up: the wind knocked over the ox and the earth swallowed it]: Mirer 1940:18; Circassians [daughter-in-law, daughter , the woman herself weeps, imagining that their healthy or non-existent husband (son, brother) has died; the owner of the house Mashuko goes to look for someone who would be more stupid than these women; in one place people drag the hill instead of moving closer to him; a woman buys a leaky jug from M. because it is easy to wash on both sides; believes that M. came from the dead, sends him an arba with oxen, a donkey and property for the deceased daughter; when he learns what happened, the woman's son follows him; M. guides him along the side road, volunteering to hold the horse; hides it, cutting off the tip of its tail and sticking it into the ground; a person believes that the horse has failed; the question is: who is more stupid?] : Kapiyeva 1991:424-428; Abkhazians [poor Samkyanyk asked the prince for a knife; he promised to kill him if he lost it; S. lost the knife, called the children, they tore the grass, found a knife, but night came, they came to the old cannibal woman; S.: I can only fall asleep if you take care of me, as my mother took care of me - she brought water in the sieve, cooked and fed me; the old woman went to get water, S. woke up the children, told they ran away, stayed himself; the sieve swelled, the old woman brought some water, cooked them; the old woman found S., put it in a bag, went to get an iron stick; S. put a dog in his bag instead of himself, the old woman killed the dog, found S. again and went to get the stick (he put the rooster in the bag the same thing); ran away, promised the shepherd to cure his eye, smeared him with lamb droppings, ordered him to sit until sunset, took the herd away; the old woman came, explained to the shepherd that he was deceived; then S. tied oxtails to sticks and drove them into the ground: the land caught the bulls; sent the owners behind shovels, at which time she hid the bulls among her sheep, said that the land swallowed bulls; the old woman said that S. was a deceiver; S. pretended to hold the cave vault, asked seven people to hold them, he would bring seven stakes on their horses; the pursuers explained to people that S. deceiver; S. returned to his prince, mixed his herd with his own, taught the prince to order him to forbid guests to go out into the yard at night; the pursuers came, they were fed, they fell asleep, S. got them dirty from behind with the contents of the lamb intestine, and put the gut next to the old woman; at night everyone runs away with shame, the old woman thinks that her gut has come out of her, all the wealth remains with the prince; envious people advised the prince to send C . deliver the adaui; S. ordered to make a strong cart, came to the adaua all in black, ordered him to climb into the cart, locked the door, brought the adaui to the prince; ordered him to open the cart, and he climbed onto the rock and jumped off it ; Adaui jumped after him and crashed]: Shakryl 1975, No. 72:326-333; Karachays or Balkarians [the thief's friend died; his widow asks to take his son to teach him how to steal; an elderly and young thief go to steal together; the man leads the goat, holding its head, the goat behind the goat; the thief threw branches to him, the kid fell behind to nibble on the leaves; the owner tied the goat, followed the kid; the thieves cut off the goat's head, stuck into the swamp; returning without a kid, the owner undressed, climbed into the swamp, began to drag the goat, his head came off, as he decided; the thieves took away his clothes; the khan's warriors mock the naked peasant; the boy decided teach them a lesson; suggests cooking meat, let people sleep; poured the broth into wineskins, put bedding from under the saddles into the cauldrons; offered to look after the horses; rode off, carrying wineskins with broth and meat; warriors left without food and horses; old woman: there is a goat with golden hair; he must be driven to villages, the thief will try to steal it, so we will find the thief; the young man stole it easily; fortune teller: I will go home where they will treat him goat meat, I'll write on the door; the young man wrote on all doors; decided to bait the khan's daughter, let the thief cut off one mustache; but the thief cut off one mustache from everyone sleeping in the mosque; the khan promises a daughter and half the kingdom to whoever catches the thief; the thief, wearing goat skin, hid in the restroom; when the khan came in, the thief called himself Azrail; he agrees not to take his soul if the khan takes off his clothes and gets into the goat's skin; the thief brought it to people naked khan; khan had to marry a thief to his daughter]: Malkonduev 2017:895-901; Turks [Keloglan sticks an ox's tail in the ground and tells the prince that he failed; the prince gives K. his horse to he went to get a shovel, K. galloped away]: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 354 (4): 385.

Iran - Central Asia. Turkmens [Aldarkose scattered camel manure in the field; answered the khan that he was sowing camels; the khan bought a hundred, paying half in advance; when his yasauls came, A. navtykad into the ground camel ears and tails, said that he had just begun to rise; the next time he stayed in the house, pretending to be A.'s daughter; the khan took her to his daughters; the son of bay sent the old woman to choose a wife among the khan's daughters, who chose A.; realizing that there was a man in front of him, bay's son ran away from shame; A. went out into the yard, put his robe over a wooden stupa, disappeared; after a while he met a man who was driving a hundred camels, recognized him as his own" groom"; told a story about the fact that one son of bai ran away from his young wife, and she became stiff; the son of the bay realized that the male bride had disappeared, joyfully rushed home; A. brought Khan his camels, reproached for taking his daughter instead of thanking; Khan paid a lot of money and giving two girls]: Kekilov, Kosayev 1962:81-83; Bukhara Arabs [Beardless takes gold and silver from the emir, so that sow money; when the emir's servants come, he pretends to be the daughter of the Bearded; the emir passes off the imaginary girl as Baja; she asks the mother of the bay not to enter her for 10 nights; on the tenth she asks to come father-in-law; asks him to put his beard in the door hole, hangs him from his beard, takes off his pants, puts a carrot in his ass; the boy in Bearded's house says he is dead; buy sits down to relieve himself at his grave, The beardless man from below pokes him with a hot rod; hires a peasant; asks his wife for their daughter as his wife, is refused; tells the owner that his wife does not give a whip; he shouts to give; the wife thinks , what he orders to give his daughter, gives; on the way he invites the farmer to smell for him; sends oxen and his wife, cuts off the tails, sticks them into the ground, says that the oxen have failed; tells the owner to wrap the sheep his head with his skin, steals sheep; at home he promises to return his daughter, oxen, sheep to those who came; at night he puts a demand in their pants; in the morning he shouts that his mother is dead; those who come think that they have done it, run away]: Vinnikov 1969, No. 41:257-260; mountain Tajiks [Orifak pretended to be a day laborer, asked for a job; the owner promised him a quarter of the harvest; O. hid oxen, cut off others' tails and ears, stuck them in the ground; steel to dig, no oxen were found, the owner drove O. away; he took away the hidden oxen; hid it again when he met two shepherds and a girl; jumped into the water, showed a bunch of wool, said that there were fat sheep at the bottom, asked for help pull them out; the shepherds drowned, O. took the girl and the herd; stood under the rock, asked the drovers to hold him, otherwise the rock would fall on the road; O. stole their donkeys from their luggage, brought all their mothers, married on a girl]: Rosenfeld, Rychkova 1990, No. 46:148-150; Yagnobtsy: Andreev, Peshereva 1957, No. 16 [the bald one tells his mother that he will now earn money; asks the reaper to help reap the sickle; that sends for a sickle to his wife; the bald man tells her that he is a royal man, gathers the girls for marriage; she does not give it, he shouts it to her husband, he tells her to give it back, the bald one takes the girl away; the man lets the bulls down to the pond; bald says that bulls can drown, let him go get the bucket and he guard; cuts off the bulls tails {and obviously puts them in the water, and hides the bulls}; says that the bulls have gone to the pond, advises to scoop out water; a man tries to scoop out a pond, a bald man steals bulls; says to the shepherdess that he will heal his head, rubs him with tobacco, he faints, the bald one steals sheep; three deceived come, the bald man pretends to be deceived himself; leaves those who come to sleep, warns that if someone spoils the air, his mother will die immediately; they ruined the air, ran away; they understood the deception, one returned, puts his head in a hole in the gate, gets stuck; the bald man tells the mother to cut down the knot at the gate; the stuck runs away, carrying the gate leaf around his neck; the deceived are reconciled with fate], 32 [the bald man steals a sheep from the old man; cuts off the donkey's tail and ears, sticks them in the mud; says that the donkey has failed, he and the old man pull them off, "tear them off", the bald one takes the goat and donkey away; the king took the goat; fell ill; the bald man came disguised as a doctor, tied the king , began to beat him with oxtails, he was forced to give him his daughter; on the way to the king's daughter, he cut off the old woman's hand; lay down with the princess; at night he got up out of need, told the princess to hold his hand, gave the old woman's hand, and ran away himself; The king ordered to scatter the money to catch the bald man; he put on women's clothes, put glue on his shoes, went through, took the money; the princess is pregnant, the king gave her for bald]: 98-101, 163-165.

Baltoscandia. Latvians [the owner and farmhand agree that they cannot be angry with each other; the master takes advantage of this, brings breakfast to the farmhand late, only calls home from the field in the dark; the farmhand sells the lords the pigs, keeping their tails, sticks them into the ground; the master is forced to believe that the pigs have gone into the ground; the farmhand sells cows, asks the buyer to help drag the thinnest cow to the roof of the bathhouse, says to the master, that the rest of the cows have climbed into heaven; the master orders to light the road, he sets fire to the ram; the master paid the farmhand and drove him away]: Arais 1968:231-235; Lithuanians [the master takes the farmhand: if he gets angry, he will cut his belt out of his back; his older brother is angry, the same middle brother; the younger one exchanged grain for rolls, killed an ox, sold pigs, and stuck his tails in the quagmire, said they drowned; picked up one cow on the birch tree, gave the rest to the butcher: the cows flew to heaven; the master decided to burn Yu with the house; J. climbed into the money chest; the master pulled out the chest and set fire to the house; the master and his wife decided to drown J., lay down on riverbank, at night he swapped places with the lady, J. drowned both and took possession of everything]: Löbite 1965:330-333; Danes [the poor man tells three sons to find food themselves; the elder Per was hired by the owner on condition not to be angry: otherwise he will not get anything, and the owner will cut the belts from the back and abdomen; the period of work until the first spring cuckoo; the owner, who is actually a troll, makes him work, does not feeds; Per is angry, the owner cut his belts out of his leather, sent it with nothing; the same with Pelle's second son; the youngest Esben threshes rye, immediately changes it from his neighbor for food and drink; the owner tells him to plow there, where the dog will run; E. hits the dog, he runs home, E. with horses followed, broke one leg; E. sold a herd of pigs, drowned his thin beard in the swamp, so that only the tail is visible; tells the owner that the pigs are gone into the swamp; the owner began to pull the tail of the hog, the tail came off; the owner orders to grease the wagon with tar, E. smeared the seat; the owner orders to be more affectionate with the meluzh, referring to his children; E. called the poor, distributed the property; the owner orders the old well to be filled with anything, E. throws property into it; orders him to return to make a fire in the yard, E. set fire to the outbuilding; to terminate the contract, the troll smeared his wife with tar, rolled in feathers, planted him on a tree, ordered her to cook; E. killed her with a stone; the troll became angry, E. killed him]: Braude, Zolotorevskaya 1969:25-38; Norwegians [man herds the giant's cattle; hangs bells high on trees, sticks severed tails into the swamp, hides cattle; explains that the cows (sheep) were blown away by the wind and others drowned in the swamp]: Hodne 1984, No. 1004:214; Swedes [guy herds the giant's cattle; takes the cows to his home, cutting off their tails and sticking them into the swamp; the giant believes animals have drowned in the swamp]: Liungman 1961, No. 1004:254; Karelians (Kalevalsky District) [thief Cliimo sees a man leading a bull along the road; threw up one boot, then the second; when he saw the second, the man left the bull and returned for the first one; K. hid the bull and took his boots; cut off the bull's head, stuck it on pole into the swamp; the man saw a bull's head across the lake, undressed, swam there; K. stole his clothes; the man guessed who deceived him, brought K. to the king; the king agrees to let K. go if he can deceive; let him steal the horse from the pasture; the king puts up guards; K. dressed up as a rich gentleman, brought the soldiers a barrel of wine, they got drunk, and K. left in the best stallion; the king asks to steal a feather bed from the bed on which he sleeps with his wife; K. poured dough between them, they accuse each other of getting the bed dirty, going to wash, at which time K. stole everything; the king asks to steal the chest of money, he himself will sit on it; K. drowned the drunken man, brought him to the king; the tsar shot, thinking that it was K., carried to throw the corpse into the river, K. took the chest; (then K. deceives the priest)]: Onegin 2010, No. 59:487-492; Icelanders [the father kicked the lazy son out of the house; he came to the castle to hire a worker; he was told to herd a hundred pigs; he brought them home, told his father to slaughter them, tied all his tails to a rope and stuck them into the swamp, told the owner that the pigs had drowned there; the owner began to pull them out - not to pull them out; the owner ordered them to herd a hundred sheep; the guy brought them to his father, ordered them to be slaughtered; hid their heads with bells in branches trees on the rock; said that the sheep flew into the sky; the owner hears the ringing of bells somewhere above; on the third day, the guy was allowed to herd 14 bulls, they belong to the king; the bulls ran to the boy's father's cow, he brought them to his home; they were stabbed to death; he threw some into the crevice, set fire to their skins, the owner believed that the bulls had failed almost hell; the owner orders to make 10 braids; the guy does not know how, at night he ran away to parents; they hid it; he asked his father for a sword and goes to marry a princess; comes to the manager, threatens him with a sword and demands to give his youngest daughter; after learning about the boy's adventures, the king made him First Minister]: Poestion 1884, No. 24:199-211; Finns, Estonians, Sami: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1004:9-10.

Volga - Perm. Mordva [the pop tells the farmhand to work on Easter; in church he says that it is a sin to work on Easter; the farmhand reproaches the priest, who is angry, sends him to plow on the third day of Easter; the farmhand sold the bulls, cut off the tail of one, buried it half in the ground; tells the priest that the bulls fell through the ground; began to pull, the tail came off]: Samorodov 1972:368-369 (=Pomerantseva 1973:27-28); Udmurts [three brothers take turns hiring to work for the ass; he sets a condition; whoever gets angry will cut off his other nose; the elder Mikal cuts firewood, does not get food, is angry, remains without a nose; the average Tepan is the same ; the youngest Ivan is not angry and does not work himself; sells cows to the merchant for a pittance, cutting off five or six tails; hangs them on trees, the latter brings his ass, says that the cows ran away, he tried them hold; pop believes that this is the work of the forest owner; I. sells pigs, sticks their tails into the quagmire; pop tells them to dissolve bread, I. pours all the flour into the well; pop goes to the bazaar, tells them to do the same as people; I. sees someone covering the roof with straw; rips iron off the roof of the priest to put straw; pop tells me to slaughter the sheep that looks at I.; everyone looks, he killed everyone; I. got along with the daughter of the priest, that forced to endure; decides to run away, taking valuables and setting fire to the house; I. hides in a chest, the pop carries it, thinking that there are food; in the evening, the pop and his wife agree to push I. into the river; at night I. pushes the priest, he thinks he's a wife, they throw his wife into the water together, and he thinks that I. cut off his ass, married a popovna]: Kralina 1960, No. 72:206-219; Bashkirs [Nasretdin suggests the man smelled for him; cut off the bulls' tails, stuck them in the ground, hid the bulls in the forest; says that the earth has swallowed the bulls, tells them to hold their tails; the owner stayed to hold, and Nasretdin stole the bulls for himself home]: Barag 1992, No. 109 (126): 182.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [rich Zhartybay decided to plow oxen, he is very tired; Aldar-Kose offers him a rest, work for him; cut off the oxen's tails, stuck them in the ground, drove the oxen over the hill, lay down to rest ; J. began to ask where the oxen were, pulled the tails, they "broke off", A. said that J. was to blame]: Daurenbekov 1979:312-314; Kyrgyz [Aldarkose asked to spend the night; he was given a soup from wheat and millet; he hears that the owners cooked lamb for themselves; at night he got up, ate meat, put the owner's pants in the cauldron, lay down again; the owners got up, tried to chew their pants; leaving, A. sees how the hostess gave a hot cake for her husband, and he hid it under his clothes; hugged the owner goodbye, burned his cake, he threw it away in his hearts, and A. picked it up; when he left, returned, asked the old man to fix his boots; he ordered me to go to the kibitka and ask my wife; if my wife does not give it, I will wave my hand, let her; A. tells the hostess that her husband ordered to give him their youngest daughter; the owner waves from a distance and shouts: Give me back (awl); the hostess believes that he is shouting "Give the kyz" (girl, daughter); came to the shepherd, sat down to eat meat; said that everyone in the village was given the meat of a bruised cow; the shepherd ran to the village; A. cut off the tails of the cows, put them in the ground, and stole the herd; said that the cows had drowned in the ground, only their tails were sticking out; the people rushed to save the cows; the girl's father ran up, talked about the swindler; at that time A. drove the cows and came to A bald boy who herds sheep; to get rid of bald spots, he must sit in a hole, put a sheep's stomach on his head and not get out until he, A., allows him; A. brought the cows and sheep home; his mother died; people came, A. looked rich, began to feed everyone lamb; warned that his mother was sick and clean; if she noticed dirt, she would die of excitement; when the guests fell asleep, A. poured out next to the sleepers the contents of the lamb's stomach; in the morning, the guests thought they had diarrhea; A.: mother died! the guests fled, forgetting about the stolen cows and sheep]: Muchnik 1944:35-38; the Uighurs (Guma) [the bald man hired to threshing to the bay; took all the cattle over the hill, tore off the donkey's tail, said that animals failed, that he was pulling the tail, but the tail came off; brought the cattle home, told his two brothers (from the other mother) that God gave it to him; his grandmother died, he painted her, took her on a donkey, left the donkey eat wheat on the current; people first asked the woman to take the donkey, then hit him with a stick, she fell; the bald man said they killed his mother; for her he was given donkeys loaded with bags of wheat; his the brothers killed their mothers and tried to do the same number, but no one pushed their donkeys, they were carefully taken off the current; the bald man noticed that Baya's wife hid the sausage without giving it to her husband; at night A lover came, a bald man gave him castor oil instead of water, he died; the bald man put cake in his mouth and poured oil on him; his wife decided that he died after eating butter cake; gave Pleshivets gold jewelry for taking the corpse away; the bald man put it at the barn, said to bay; that night he went out, hit the stranger with a stick, the corpse fell; the pleshivets said it was his brother; bai gave him the herd; he brought him home; the brothers decided to kill him (end)]: Jarring 1951, No. 3:39-53; salars (Ullagyl, Xunhua-Salar Autonomous County) [Plesivets worked on the threshing floor of a rich man; the rich man ordered him to go to him and bring a lasso; Pleshivets went to the rich man's house and asked his wife: "Let me go!" ; the wife replied, "What do you want?" ; the pleshivets said to the rich man that his wife does not give; the rich man: "Let him give it!" ; the wife asked Pleshivets again what he wanted; he replied that he wanted to take his daughter; eventually took the girl; sat down on the way, supporting the wall with his back; told the rider who was passing by that the wall was falling, and asked help; the rider dismounted, supported the wall; bald man: "You support the wall more strongly and sit for yourself! Don't leave here, if you move, the wall will fall down and crush you! I'll bring someone"; put the girl on a horse, walked himself; told the camel herding man that his name was home; the shepherd left; the bald man slashed the camel's tail with a knife; one end of the tail He buried it in the ground, and grabbed the other with both hands and sat down; when the shepherd returned, he said: "The camel has gone all into the ground. I only grabbed my tail. Hold it too. I'm going to go get a hoe! Let's dig it up!" ; then he left; the rich man returned home from the threshing floor and asked his wife where his daughter was; she said, "You told me to give it back, and I gave it back!" ; the rich man went looking for Pleshivets; met a man who was supporting the wall and a shepherd; explained to them that the pleshivets had deceived them; the three of us came to Pleshivets's house and stayed there for the night; Plesivets: "All of you don't lie on my cana! If you do this, my mother and father will both die!" ; when those who came to sleep, the bald man put porridge under each of them; someone woke up, told another that he had stained the kan; found that this had happened to everyone; the bald man cried, saying: "Father! Mother!" ; those who came ran away, the Pleshivets had everything left: wife, horse, camel]: Tenishev 1964, No. 50:97-98.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Mongols (Khalkha?) [the man lost his horse, he only had a tail; the badarchi (wandering llama) put it in a fox hole, told Noyon that his heroic horse had gone there; the noyon demanded that the horse be handed over to him, grabbed the tail, badarchi rode on a noyon horse and department to whoever took his tail; a greedy man carries a cauldron of meat on his head so that others do not eat meat; badarchi: the sky is burning; he has lifted his head, the cauldron has fallen; the khan orders make him dismount; badarchi: I can't do that, but I can make you jump on your horse; Khan dismounted]: Khoza 1954:20; Oirats (Xinjiang) [The motives of M124 and M177 correspond to the fairy tale "Camel Tail" from the collection "Betege caγān boqširγ" published in 1981 in Urumqi in the series "Xinjiang Oirat Folklore" {no details; original verification required}]: Ubushiyeva, Damrinjav 2020:13.

(Wed. Southeast USA. Chirokee [{apparently an African borrowing}; The cannibal sends the Fox for fire, eats a cow, sticks its tail in the ground, tells Fox that the cow has gone underground]: Kilpatrick, Kilpatrick 1964:31- 32.