M127. Tailless fox, ATU 2A. .11.-.17.23.27.-.30.33.
The character escapes, but is left without a tail (without an ear), and then tries to make other members of his species (social group) lose their tail (ear).
Tete (nyungwe?) [hare], karanga (teve) [human: ear], ikom [hare], shilluk [fox], bilin [fox], amhara [monkey], Masai [hare], Sudanese Arabs [?] , Algeria [wolf; jackal], Morocco [jackal], Tunis [wolf], Egypt [?] , Tunisian Berbers [wolf], Morocco [wolf], Algerian [jackal], Kabilas [jackal], Portuguese [fox], Catalans [fox], Spanish [fox], Italians (Ticino) [fox?] , Irish [fox?] , Germans (north?) [fox?] , Palestinians [fox], Arabs of Jordan [fox], Syria [?] , Arameans [fox], Iraqi Arabs [jackal], Saudi [jackal], Qatar [?] , Uttar Pradesh (Hindi) [jackal], Ancient Greece [fox], Hungarians [?] , Greeks [fox], Serbs [?] , Bosnians [?] , Romanians [?] , Russian written tradition [fox], Ukrainians (Hutsulshchina, Kiev, Poltava) [fox], Ossetians [fox], Balkarians [fox], Georgians [fox], Turks [fox], Kurds [fox], Lurs [fox], Persians [fox; jackal], Tajiks [fox], Yagnobs [fox], Sarykoltsy [fox], Uzbeks [deer], Baluchis [fox], (Turkmens [fox]), (Estonians [fox]), Kazakhs [fox], Kyrgyz [fox].
Bantu-speaking Africa. Tete (nyungwe?) [in the drought, the animals dug a well, the hare refused to work, but comes for water; the buffalo guards; the hare promises to give him honey if he allows himself to be tied; the hare binds the buffalo, collects water, leaves; the turtle tells you to wax its shell, hides in the water; the hare bathes, sticks; the lion ties it up and carries it away; he asks to bury it in a pile of manure before killing it, holding it by the tail; everyone comes with Hit him with sticks; the hare cuts off its tail, runs away; tells other hares that the lion told everyone to cut their tails; the lion sends a hyena to kill the tailless hare; she sees that everyone is tailless]: Mohl 1905, No. 11: 36-38; karanga (teve) [the servant spent the night with the king's daughter; he spared him, but cut off his ear; the servant announced in the village that the king had issued a law: everyone must cut off his ear; when he saw the madmen, the king ordered catch the deceiver, but he was not found among other crazy people]: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 195:467-468.
West Africa. Ikom [the Okuni sorcerer demands that everyone sacrifice animals for his fetishes (ju-ju); everyone who comes must keep their legs closed, otherwise he will get elephant disease; the hare sat spreading his legs, and when he got up, it turned out that his organ had become huge and heavy to the ground; he asked the sorcerer to heal him, but he refused because the Hare did not sacrifice; the Hare asked Elephant The disease (SB) to get off him until he was out of need, but he refused; then asked him to get down so that he could climb the tree and shed the fruits; Sat of tears; the hare began to shed fruit further from the tree; when the SB rolled for a fruit that fell very far away, the Hare went down, rushed to run; at home he told his wife to hide with a neighbor, ran on himself; one and then another group of people hide him, but are afraid of the SB and indicate where the Hare is hidden; then he climbs into Krabiha's hole; she is not afraid of the SB; when the SB rushes at her, it kills him with claws; while she goes to wash the meat, the Hare kills and throws Krabiha's children into the cauldron; meat SB is also cooked; Krabiha finds the shells of his children; The hare grabs a cauldron of meat, runs away; while eating meat, sitting on an anthill, the ants have eaten half of his tail; when he returns to his wife, he tells her not to light it fire - supposedly, he underwent military rituals, a woman should not look; but she sees his gnawed tail, goes to look for another husband; The hare runs ahead, each time pretends to be a different hare and speaks that all the Hares have undergone a ritual of shortening their tail; the Hare's wife returns to him; the Hare convinces the rest of the Hares that he was grabbed by the long tail by a predator, they decide to shorten their tails for themselves, not to be missed; since then, the hare's tail has been short, and men, when going to war, do not trust their wives secrets, sleep with them, or eat their food]: Dayrell 1913, No. 26:71-77.
Sudan-East Africa. Shilluk [the lion brought iron to the blacksmith, asked him to make spears; the fox took them, said that the lion was his slave; he met the lion, pretended not to understand what he was talking about; pretending to be sick; the lion puts it on his back, picks up a whip; with this whip, the fox hits the lion when he comes to the blacksmith's house; the blacksmith makes sure that the fox did not lie; the fox jumps off the hole, but the lion manages to tear off its end tail; the lion calls everyone to the holiday, the foxes also go; walking through the melons, the tailless invites others to tie a melon to the tail; screams that people are coming, foxes are running, their tails have cut off; the lion recognizes his deceiver , but he says that all foxes are without a tail; the lion lets him go]: Westermann 1912, No. 76:186-188; bilin [The fox went with the Elephant, thirsty, the Elephant allows him to climb in his ass and drink inside him; The fox eats the Elephant's inner fat, he dies; the fox meets oil sellers; sends them to the elephant's body on a trail from the intestines, promises to guard the oil himself; eats oil and honey, leaving his crap in the vessels; when the sellers return, the Fox asks not to open the vessels until he goes beyond seven rivers; when they see crap in the vessels, the sellers catch up with the Fox, tear off his tail; he goes to the other foxes, advises to cut off tails - hunters grab them; all foxes cut off their tails; they answer the sellers who come that they are all tailless; hunters make a fire, tell them to jump over; everyone jumped over, and the Fox, who has eaten oil fell and burned]: Reinisch 1883, No. 7:216-220; Amhara: Gankin 1979, No. 26 [the lion and hyena take turns grazing cattle; when the lion herded, the hyena cow calved, the lion took the calf, said that his bull gave birth to him; all the animals confirmed that the lion was right; the monkey said that her father's land had burst, it must sew it up; lion: the earth does not tear; monkey: bulls do not give birth; the lion tried to grab it, tore off its tail; arranged ambush on a tailless one; the monkey told others that the king of animals told everyone to cut off their tails, otherwise he would kill; they cut off, the lion could not find out the culprit], 32 [the calf is left alone, meets, takes as companions a goat, a rooster, a monkey; tells them not to speak, they don't listen, the goat was eaten by a leopard, the rooster was eaten by a mongoose, the monkey ran away from the leopard (but it tore off its tail); the calf fell into the ravine; the monkey asks merchants To get it, she will guard their honey; she ate honey, filled her wineskins with manure and stones; merchants are looking for a short-tailed monkey; she tells others that the Negus cut off her tail when she was his mistress; monkeys also want their tails cut off; merchants tell them to jump across the river; the honey that ate fell, was tied to a tree; she tells the donkey, the hyena, the baboon that she refused to drink or eat; the donkey and the hyena do not they can untie it, the baboon takes her place; he is beaten, let go; she advises him to lie in nettles and call dogs; the baboon is torn]: 39-40, 53-57; Masai [the elephant carries wineskins with honey to his wife's relatives; the hare asks the elephant to transport him across the river, eats honey, putting the stones that the same elephant asked to give him in his wineskins, runs away, hides in a hole; the elephant grabs his tail, ripping it off wool, then by the leg; the hare says it is the root, the elephant grabs the root and tries to pull it out for a long time; the hare runs away, the elephant chases him again; the hare tells the shepherds that the elephant is chasing them, shepherds they run, the elephant thinks they are also running after the hare, running after the hare, the hare has run away; the same is true for women; with antelopes; tells other hares that the elephant is chasing hares whose tail is not peeled off; hares are ripped off tails, the elephant could not find its enemy]: Kipury 1983, No. 17:72-74; Sudanese Arabs: El-Shamy 2004, No. 64A: 28-29.
North Africa. The Arabs of Tunisia, Egypt: El-Shamy 2004, No. 64A [fox or jackal]: 28-29; the Berbers of southern Morocco [the hedgehog and the wolf cultivate the plot together, planted onions; hedgehog: you want the bad and the wrong or good and right? the wolf chose the right one, got the tops; the hedgehog began to fly onions, the wolf dried up green, the wind took everything away; next time they sowed wheat, the wolf chose the wrong one, got roots; the hedgehog offered go to steal figs and grapes; seeing that he could eat too much, he got back through a narrow gap; the wolf ate and got stuck when the owner came out; the hedgehog advises you to pretend to be dead by opening your mouth and sticking it in the ass of a rotten apricot; the owner really threw the imaginary dead wolf over the fence, cutting off the tip of its tail; the hedgehog advised to call all the wolves to threshing, promising a fee; tie it by the tails and shout that the hound approaches; the wolves ran away, cutting off their tails; the owner turned to the judge, but could not determine which of the many tailless wolves were stealing from his property; then he sprayed the grapes, growing flour and pepper; the wolf ran away but starts coughing as soon as he opens his mouth; the hedgehog teaches you to start talking about a girl whose name sounds like a cough; the wolf is saved again]: Stumme 1894, No. 3:396-401; Moroccan Arabs [ The jackal undertakes to sew boots for the lion, demands more and more sheep; the boots tighten, the lion tears off the jackal's tail, which to mark and then punish; the jackal adjusts so that all jackals remain tailless; the lion kills another jackal]: Nowak 1969, No. 30:66; the Arabs of Algeria (Blida), Tunisia [while the hedgehog distracts the sheep, the wolf took three but refused to share the meat with the hedgehog; he requires at least a rectum, and then makes such a noise that the wolf runs away and the meat gets the hedgehog; both climbed into the vineyard, began to eat grapes; the hedgehog watches if he can still crawl through the gap in the fence, and the wolf is so full that he cannot get out; when the winegrower came, the hedgehog advises the wolf to pretend to be dead; the owner grabbed his tail and threw it out; the end of the tail broke; seeing that the wolf was alive, the owner decided to find him and kill him; the hedgehog advises the wolf persuade the rest of the wolves to contact with their tails and then shout that greyhound dogs are approaching; the wolves have cut off their tails, the person cannot know who was in his vineyard; they decided to make a pack saddle; while the wolf sleeps, the hedgehog makes it the size of a wolf; he climbed inside, and the wolf with the saddle on it does not know what the hedgehog is carrying; people let greyhounds on the wolf, he ran, his heart burst; the hedgehog escaped]: Nowak 1969, No. 31:65-66; Algerian Arabs [animals are obliged to feed the son of a panther; the jackal offers to kill him; replies to his parents that their son was killed by cows, elephants, mice, etc.; others say it is the jackal offered; the panther chased him, tore off his tail; the short jackal brings others to the garden, ties everyone's tails to the fence, a false tail of onion feathers, calls a gardener with dogs; everything jackals cut off their tails; the panther cannot recognize the short; invites jackals to jump over the stream, whoever falls into the water is to blame; the short one fell into the water out of fear, the panther ate him]: Lebedev 1990, No. 5:30-32; kabila: Frobenius 1921b, No. 2 [The jackal pretends to read; the Wild Pig asks him to be the teacher of her seven children; he eats a pig a day, flies flock to the skin, buzz; the pig comes, the Jackal tells her to listen, she believes that the buzzing of flies is the muttering of her children; comes 8 days later, the Jackal runs away through another turn; the pig sees piglet skins, chases Jackal, he hides in a hole, the Pig grabs his leg, the Jackal asks why she holds the root; the pig releases his leg, but grabs the Jackal by the tail, tears it off; tells all pigs to look for the tailless; the Jackal leads other jackals to the fig tree, advises to attach themselves to the trunk by the tail to eat safely, calls the peasant, all jackals cut off their tails; they eat pepper, and the Jackal only pretends to eat; the pig tells them to drink water, everyone dies, the Jackal runs away], 11 [the lion's legs hurt, he limped; the jackal offered to lift up the cow: if you cover his legs with cow skin, they will recover; the lion lay on his back, the jackal covered the lion's legs with leather , ate the cow; the skin dried up, the lion's legs got unbearably sick; heron: you will be cured by the hedgehog's blood; the hedgehog: five drops, but you have to mix it with the heron's brains; the lion called both tore off the heron's head, the hedgehog gave 5 drops of his blood; the partridge brought water, poured it on the lion's paws, the cow's skin got wet, it was ripped off; the lion caught the jackal by the tail, the tail came off; the jackal to other jackals: the lion wants to kill the long-tailed jackal, let everyone will cut off and go safely to the lion; this is how the jackal escaped]: 7-11, 31-33; the Berbers of Algeria (Quargla) [the jackal asks the hedgehog how many tricks he has; he replies that one and a half; the jackal has a hundred; they climbed into vegetable garden to steal onions; the hedgehog ate so as to crawl back, the jackal ate and could not get out when the owner showed up; asks the hedgehog to give him half the trick; the hedgehog advises to pretend to be dead; little son the owner stabs the jackal twice with a thorn, he twitches, but the father does not believe his son that the jackal is alive; throws him over the fence; the jackal ran away, taking his shoe away; told the lion that he and all his relatives are famous shoemakers; if a lion wants shoes, let him bring two fat camels; the jackal wrapped his camel's skin around not only the lion's legs, but also his body; the skin is dry, the lion suffers unbearably; the jackal ran away, but the lion tore off his tail; screams to identify him as tailless; the jackal brought the other jackals to steal that bow and tied their tails to a palm tree; the master came, they all cut off their tails; the lion could not identify the jackal; suggested that all jackals eat black pepper, whoever says "Ay" is guilty; jackal: I did not say "Ay"]: Basset 1897, No. 68:12-17 (almost the same No. 69:18-20 from Bejaia); the Berbers of southern Tunisia [the wolf lifted up camel; the owner of the herd hung the gnawed carcass on a tree and set a trap; when the wolf noticed the trap, invited the hyena to eat meat, the trap slammed shut; the wolf ate, then advised the hyena to pretend dead; the hyena managed to cut off the wolf's tail; the owner freed the hyena from the trap, believing that it was dead; the hyena ran away; to prevent the hyena from identifying it by its severed tail, the wolf asked 14 other wolves tie jugs to their tails and lower their tails into the water: whoever brings him water in a jug will give him meat; screamed that horsemen were approaching; wolves rushed, cutting off their tails; the hyena began to reproach the wolf for that he was the one who brought her into the trap; he shows that all wolves are tailless]: Stimme 1900, No. 21:68-69.
Southern Europe. Portuguese: Cardigos 2005, No. 2a [The wolf tears off the Fox's tail; so that the Wolf does not recognize her again, Lisa manages to make other foxes tailless; they agree to learn a new dance, the Fox ties them tails, then shouts that hunters are coming, cuts off the tails, saying that there is no time to untie them]: 19-20; Shustova 1994 [the fox found tattered boots, put it on; answers the wolf that she sewed them; he asks him to sew it too, tells you to bring a bull, a ram, sheep, lambs; when the wolf understands the deception, chases the fox, it is in the hole, he tore off its tail; the fox invites other foxes to teach them how to dance abroad, for this purpose it is necessary to contact tails; shouts that hunters are coming, the foxes ran, cut off their tails; convinced the wolf that all foxes are tailless]: 264-266; Catalans [like the Portuguese]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 2a: 19-20; Spaniards (1 version from Tenerife) [a fox steals food from a lion; he tries to grab it, tears off its tail; the fox tells other foxes that if they want to be as fat and beautiful as she is, they must get rid of the tail; the lion cannot determine which fox was a thief]: Camarena, Chevalier 1997, No. 64:130-131; Italians: Todorović-Strähl, Lurati 1984, no. 2, 6 in Uther 2004 (1), NO. 2A: 18.
Western Europe. Irish, Germans (conditionally - north): Uther 2004 (1), No 2A: 18.
Western Asia. Palestinians [the fox asks the eagle what the world looks like from above; does not believe that it is as small as the eagle says; the eagle offers to carry it through the air and, when the world is gone, drops it; the fox fell on the soft ground where the shepherd's sheepskin lay; ran away with sheepskin; told the leopard that he was making jackets; the leopard agreed to send six lambs; then the fox demanded three more; etc.; finally, the leopard rushed at the fox, grabbed the tail; the tail came off and the fox disappeared into the hole; the leopard left a hornet's nest at the entrance, the fox was afraid to go out for several days because it heard a noise; ate the children and his wife; when he came out, the tailless fox brought others to the vineyard, tied everyone by the tail so that the foxes would not make noise; called people; all the foxes cut off their tails, ran away]: Hanauer 2009:253-256; Jordanian Arabs [the jackal saw Abu l'Hssein (fox) brought sheepskin (clearly stolen) and began to water it; the fox said he had been working as a tanner for two years; the jackal asked for clothes for him; the fox explains what different kinds of clothes require different numbers of skins; the jackal chooses the rider's clothes that require the most skins; the fox asks to bring the whole lambs - he will peel them off himself; a month later, the jackal comes for his order, the fox asks wait another month; then another week - the sleeves were to be sewn on; finally, the jackal grabbed the fox by the tail when it tried to escape into the hole, tearing it off; the fox called his fellow tribesmen and said that knows the vineyard in which the grapes are ripe; so that no one eats more than others, he ties the foxes by the tails, and when the foxes are full, he called the owner of the vineyard; the foxes ran away with their tails cut off; now Abu al-Hsein became like the rest of the foxes and the jackal couldn't tell him apart]: Bushnaq 1987:234-236; Syria, Qatar: El-Shamy 2004, No. 64A§: 28-29; Uther 2004 (1), No. 2A: 18; Arabs Iraq: Nowak 1969, No. 30 [the jackal undertakes to sew boots for the lion, demands more and more sheep; the boots are tight, the lion tears off the jackal's tail, which to mark and then punish; the jackal adjusts so that tailless all jackals remain; a lion kills another jackal]: 66; Stevens 2006, No. 14 [the stork calls the jackal for lunch, leads to the thorny thickets, easily pecks berries there, and the jackal peels off; the jackal calls the stork, pours milk on a stone, licks, the stork is hungry; the stork offers the jackal to teach him how to fly, lifts him on his back; drops when the jackal replies that he no longer sees the ground; the jackal asks God to give him fall on the shepherd's sheep coat; puts it on, the sheep mistake him for a shepherd, he takes them to the cave, feasts with jackals; the lion asks where the fur coat comes from; the jackal says that everyone in his family was tailors; measures lion: you need 20 camels, 50 sheep, 100 chickens; when all this is eaten, he asks for buttons for 20 more sheep and 50 chickens; after understanding what's going on, the lion grabs the jackal, he runs away with his tail cut off; promises other jackals teach them a new dance, ties their tails, shouts that a pack of lions is coming, the jackals are running, now everyone is tailless; the lion has no fault]: 80-82; Aramaeans [the fox is trapped, others above it they laugh; she leads them to the vineyard; the foxes ask the tailless to play the flute and they will dance; the tailless one tells them to tie their tails to a tree so that they do not interfere with dancing; when the owner heard the music, the owner came running vineyard; the foxes ran away with their tails cut off]: Belov, Wilsker 1960:175-176 (=1972:373); Saudia [the stork offers the jackal a ride, lifts it into the air and throws it; he falls on a shepherd, a shepherd runs away, the jackal gets the sheep; he summons other jackals to a feast chosen by the jackal shah; the jackal promises to sew a fur coat for the lion, asks for a considerable price; to celebrate the deceiver, the lion tore off his tail; The jackal set it up so that the other jackals were left without a tail; the lion could not identify its enemy]: Nowak 1960, No. 4:50.
South Asia. Uttar Pradesh (Mirzapur, Hindi) [wife took her husband to the field lunch; jackal: give me a part or I'll bite me; the next day, the ploughman changed clothes with his wife; when the jackal demanded his share, he cut off his tail with a knife; the jackal tells other jackals that he asked the peasant's good wife to cut off his tail - it's more comfortable to sit; jackals came to the peasant to ask him to cut off their tails, he did it; jackals they tore the first jackal and came to kill the peasant; the wife said that after cutting off the jackal's tails, he died; invites jackals to a funeral feast; to prevent guests from quarreling over food, ties everyone to the bench; the husband came in and killed the jackals with a club]: Rouse, Crooke 1899, No. 25:105-109 (=Crooke 1891-1893, No. 1159:209-210).
The Balkans. Ancient Greece [the fox lost its tail trapped; began to convince other foxes to cut off their tails: the tail is ugly and too heavy; one of the foxes said that a tailless one would not give them such advice, if it were not beneficial to her; {there must have been options in which foxes agree to lose their tails}]: Gasparov 1968, No. 17:68-69; the Greeks [the fox was left without a tail, her others teased; she took them to eat pears, quietly tied their tails and shouted that the owner was coming; the foxes convinced them by cutting their tails]: Dawkins 1916:501; Hungarians, Serbs, Bosnians, Romanians : Uther 2004 (1), No. 2A: 18.
Central Europe. Russian written tradition: Tarkovsky, Tarkovskaya 2005, No. 6 ["Proverbs, or Fabulous, by Jesop Frigi" by Fyodor Gozvinsky (1607, more than 20 copies of the 17th - early 18th centuries, including The Book, Verbal Jesop"), which are a translation of a junior edition of Aesop's fables published around 1479. Bon Accurus in Milan: the fox got into the net, lost its tail, but escaped; decided to persuade the other foxes to get rid of their tails; told them that the tail was ugly and an extra burden; one of the foxes responded that the fox would not say so if it had lost it itself]; No. 54 ["The Spectacle of Human Life" by A.A. Vinius (1674, dozens of copies of the last quarter of the 17th century, printed edition of 1712, read and rewritten in the same 18th century), which is a translation and retelling of the collection of fables "Theatrum Morum", published by E. Sadeler in 1608 in Prague in German: the fox lost its tail; began to tell other foxes that the tails were ugly and therefore got rid of its own; advised them all to do the same; foxes they answered that they would do this when its tail grew and she cut it off again]; No. 115 ["Jesop" by Simbirsk captain Pyotr Kashinsky (1675, of the two surviving lists, one dates back to 1684, and the other is from the first third of the 18th century), which consists of three books and is a free translation of fables from the collection "Przypowieśći Aezopowe, z Łacińskiego na Polskie z pilnośćią przełozone. Przydane sů k temu przypowieśći z Gabryela Greka y Laurenthego Abstemiusa", published in Krakow around 1600: the fox broke out of the net and lost its tail; wanted other foxes to were left without tails; told them that their tail not only dishonors them, but also burdened them; the old fox advised her to keep the benefits she had and not strive for others to receive it as well ( Book 1: "The Parable of Jesop Frantsky")]: 213, 259-260, 326, 399; Ukrainians (Hutsulshchyna, Kiev, Poltava) [Tailless Fox: Trying to Force Other Foxes to Cut Off (Tear Off) Their Tails]: SUS 1979, No. 64:61; Ukrainians (Poltava, Romensky District) The bear sees how they plow, sow, harvest, plows everything that remains, carries it into its hole, demands half for himself, and promises to eat all the oxen. The peasants offer the bear what the potatoes have above the ground, they don't like what they get. The fox asks if there is a bear, she is told not, and the cart has a deck. The fox says that an ax should be stuck in the deck, and the bear asks you to stick an ax into it to look like a deck. The fox says that she saved the peasants' lives, asks them for a bag of chickens, they give her two dogs in a sack, they run after her, tear off her tail, she hides in a hole, praises parts of her body, she is not happy with her tail - she sticks out outside, they tear it off. They laugh at her. She goes to the forest, invites animals to collect "oxalis". She twists the rest of the tails, screams as if she sees hunters, the animals lose their tails, she manages to type...]: Gnedich 1916, No. 1476:7-8.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Balkarians [{the book does not have pages 40-42 where this text begins}; (the fox deceived the wolf, ruffled him when he ate a dead bear, lost its tail); other foxes believe that the short one on purpose got rid of her tail; she advised me to wet her tails and sit on the ice; hunters came, the foxes cut off their tails, ran away; the first fox accidentally peeled its hair, turned black; says to the wolf that all foxes are short, and black is the main one above them; the wolf also wanted to go black, tried to jump over the fire, fell and burned down]: Baranov 1897, No. 9:42 (?) -44; Balkarians (zap. 1972) [the wolf went hunting, and the bear and fox stayed waiting for him; they caught the badger; when the fox was sharing it, they hid a piece of fat; bear: what are you chewing? fox: his eye, it's sweet; the bear picked out his eye, it didn't seem sweet to him; fox: which eye did you eat? bear: left; fox: over the right; the bear went blind; the fox led him to the wolf, knocking with a twig; brought him to the edge of the cliff, the bear crashed; the wolf came; the fox (crying): the bear wanted to catch a fly and fell; the wolf ordered the fox divided the meat; the fox left the wolf's bones; then slipped a stone, the wolf broke its tooth; the wolf chased the fox, tore off the tip of its tail; the fox to other foxes: put the tails into the water, the fish will stick; tails froze and came off; the wolf began to look for that fox, but could not find it: all the foxes were short]: Malkonduev 2017:602-604; Ossetians [the fox invites the bear to go bake a cheesecake for the cubs, she He will play with them; throws them into the cauldron, says that the cubs are playing at a distance; the fox runs away, eats a cheesecake, teaches Wolf to go to the iedveditsa to wish her daughter-in-law to give birth to a boy, then the bear will give him cheesecake; the bear beats the wolf; the fox pretends to sew up his ass to be full for a year; the wolf asks him to sew it up; after eating the lamb, he suffers until the rope bursts; the fox weaves the basket, says that He will roll down to the herd in it, put sheep in it; the wolf asks to let him down in the basket; the fox calls the shepherds, they beat the Wolf; the fox tells the other foxes that she caught fish with its tail into the water; the fox tails are frozen, became short; The wolf makes a bridge out of stubble, the Foxes walk along it, he promises to deal with the fallen one; the fox falls, but says that she jumped for fish and escapes]: Byazyrov 1951, No. 49:290-293 (=1971:293-293; = 1972:265-267); Georgians: Kurdovanidze 1988 (1), No. 12 [The fox promises the Bear to cure the cubs of scab, tells him to bring the chicken and go to pray; cooked the cubs, took the chicken; sends the Wolf to To a bear; he howls in grief, hits the Wolf; the fox pretends to be another Fox, weaves a basket, says that he will roll down the mountain to the chickens; the Wolf asks to let him down, bruised, beaten under the mountain by shepherds; Fox pretends to sew his ass with a rope so as not to need food; the Wolf asks to be sewn on; suffers, tears his whole ass to relieve himself; the Wolf tore off Lisa's tail; she pretended to be dead on the road ; she was picked up by the wedding train; she tells the bride to give her the rings, otherwise she will ruin the air and think about the bride; runs away, pretends to be dead again, steals the merchant's fat fish aunt; comes in bracelets and with her aunt to 40 foxes, sends fish, dipping her tails into the lake; the tails are frozen into the ice; brings dogs, the foxes ran away, cutting off their tails, the Fox mingled with them, now all tailless; The wolf drives everyone to the bridge, prays for the liar to fall into the water; the Fox falls, the Wolf grabs her, magpies fly in; the Fox explains that she made them colorful; the Wolf also wants to be colorful; the Fox roasts it on a spit]: 46-49; Chikovani 1954 [a leaf fell on the fox, it ran, tells the wolf that the sky is collapsing, the wolf also ran; bear, goat, ram, rooster with them; stopped at the mill; fox: I am the eldest, the wolf is older (and etc.), and the rooster is younger; everyone rushed at the rooster, ate it; so take turns with the rest of the animals, the wolf remained; the lard was drowned, the fox advises not to eat right away, eats it itself, the wolf opens the pot, the fox runs away, the wolf behind her, stuck between the trees; later freed himself, saw a fox, cut off its tail with an ax; the fox to other foxes: got fat, tearing off their tail; they also want, the fox advises to lower their tails into the water, the river it will freeze, the tails will come off; the wolf stretches out the rope bridge, whoever stole the lard will fall; the guilty fox falls, the wolf wants to kill it, she promises to decorate it; cuts off his head]: 404-406; Turks: Stebleva 1986, No. 13 [Keloglan ("bald) worked for a miller, Lisa stole flour, he waited for her, she promised to do him good; she came to the padishah of Yemen, offered him to marry his daughter to Chimenji's son- Padishah; told K. to throw fez into the river, said that C.'s son's retinue drowned, his clothes were torn, let the padishah send new clothes; K. feels new clothes, Lisa explains that he wears them in his palace servants; tells K. not to look around anymore; the padishah put 300 gold in his pockets of clothes, he scattered them as something insignificant; the fox tells the Bears that people are coming to them, advising them to hide in the hay, burns; K. and his wife settle in the Bears house; K. promises Lisa that if she dies, he will order a beautiful coffin; she pretends to be dead, he throws her by the tail out of the house, the tail is off; the fox reproaches K .; realizing who she married, K.'s wife cries; other foxes laugh at the tailless; she leads them to steal grapes, ties them by the tail so as not to eat too much, calls people; the foxes ran away, cutting off tails; now all foxes are tailless]: 39-42; Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 3 [the fox sees the liver in the trap; tells the bear that it is fasting, the bear falls into a trap, the fox eats the liver; the fox remains without a tail, the bear is looking for her; she calls her friends foxes, throws pears from the tree, tied by their tails - supposedly so that they do not eat all the pears before it comes down; screams that people are coming; foxes rush run with her tails cut off]: 29; Kurds [the shepherd tells the old woman that the fox rides her donkey every day; the old woman smeared the blanket with resin, the fox tail stuck, came off; the old woman agrees to return tail, if the Fox brings milk from the mother of the Zanglo and Hanglo goats; the goat demands onja grass in return; the fox brought grass, the goat gave milk, the old woman sewed the tail, other foxes ask where this came from beautiful; fox: you have to sit on the ice, keep your tails in the ice-hole; the tails are off]: Jalil et al. 1989, No. 169:474-475.
Iran - Central Asia. Lura [the wolf stole a goat and a doodle burka from the shepherd; put it on; replies to the wolf that the burka was sent to her from Hamadan; if the wolf wants one, let him bring 40 sheep; then asks for two more; Seeing the rider in the burka, he tells the wolf that he took the burka intended for him; the wolf rushed at the rider, who seriously wounded him with a sword; the fox smeared with wolf blood, lay down as if dying; the wolf carried her; the fox hums: I saw a dead man carrying a woman; rushes into a hole; the wolf tore off half of the fox's tail, promised to identify the tailless one; the fox led the other foxes to the mountains, tied it by the tails to the tree, said that a lion was coming; all the foxes cut off their tails; when she sees a wolf, she says that he confuses it with someone else - they are 40 brothers and all tailless; offered to put it in a chicken basket and let it down mountains into a herd of sheep; braided the basket, lowered it; the shepherd beat the wolf for a long time, threw the frozen lake on the ice, the wolf died]: Amanolahi, Thackston 1986, No. 9:44-46; Persians: Bystrov et al. 1962 [Mehziyar goes to Mecca, the Jackal promises to guard his sheep; together with the Wolf, they slaughtered everyone; when M. returned, the Jackal says that there was a rumor that the caravan was dead, so he promised to slaughter the sheep if M. escaped; M. hangs the Jackal by the tail; he gnaws off his tail, M. promises to find it; the Jackal advises other jackals to go steal fruits; advises the gardener to say that he allows jackals to eat to their heart's content, but will tie them to this time is behind the tail; tells the jackals that they will now be killed, advised to gnaw off their tails; M. cannot identify the jackal who deceived him]: 318-324; Marzolph 1984, No. 2A (Farce, Kerman, Markazi, Khorasan) [ the fox (jackal) loses its tail; leads other foxes into the garden, persuades them to tie their tails; a gardener appears, the foxes run, everyone is left without a tail]: 35-36; Tajiks (Gissar district)) [the wolf decided take away the fox's fur coat, but the fox promised to sew him too, ordered him to bring fat tails; then said that one sleeve was damaged, bring more; so several times; the wolf could not get into the fox's hole, left it the entrance was a jug, the wind was blowing in it, the fox was afraid to go out; finally he went out, tied the jug to its tail to collect water, the tail came off; the fox tells the wolf that it was not the one who deceived him, it had a tail, but others are tailless; leads the foxes to the vineyard, quietly ties their tails to the vine, calls the owner, the foxes ran away, cutting off their tails; the wolf was afraid of the tailless foxes, and they chose that fox as their leader]: Levin et al. 1981, No. 92:167-169; Yagnobtsy [the fox threw a fur coat on the wolf's head, his head falls into the sleeve, the wolf runs, the fox catches up, says he can sew, the wolf asks to sew a fur coat for him; the fox asks for 20 rams, eats, throws their skins into the river, then asks for 10 lambs, also eats, runs away; hides in a hut, the wolf hangs a leaky vessel over the entrance, says he urinates; the fox believes only after 3 days comes out hungry; ties the jug to its tail, lowers it into the river, the river has carried it, the tail has come off; 4 foxes hit her, she pretends to be dead; gets up, offers to beat the one whose tail breaks off, and she herself ties the chapar to his leg; puts stones on the chapar to others, goes to the mountain to see, shouts that a hunter is coming, the foxes run away with their tails cut off; the fox pretends to be dead, two apricot sellers pick it up, she pokes with a finger in his back, he thinks at the companion, they fight, the fox steals donkeys with apricots; invites the wolf to eat a fat tail, supposedly there is no owner; when the wolf is full, leaves the house, screams that the owner is coming, people they beat the wolf half to death; the same with the vineyard; with fried cakes; the fox leads the wolf to the well it dug, brushwood and fat tail on top; the wolf fails and dies]: Andreev, Peschereva 1957, No. 39:181-184; Sarykoltsy [The fox steals pears from three Armytik pears; he smears him with glue; the fox promises to get him the royal daughter; orders him to sell pear trees, buy 400 hats; when she brings the king, throw them into the river; the tsar believes that Prince A.'s warriors drowned, but he himself is safe and his father will not attack our kingdom; explains to the king that A. is surprised at his new clothes and food, because his groom wore one, the rice was oily; The fox runs forward, tells them to say that the herds and herds are not witches in the iron fortress, but King A.; the witch has poker legs, broom hair; the fox says that an army is moving towards her, advises her to hide under a heap firewood, burns her; A. and his wife live in a castle; Lisa pretends to be dead; A. says there is a way; Lisa forgives A., leaves, pretends that her lamb is missing, gets an old woman's daughter for it; carries her in a bag, goes down to the well for a drink; the young man catches up, replaces the girl with a dog, the Fox hides from her in a hole; the young man leaves the pumpkin vessel buzzing in the wind like the dog is howling; finally, the Fox finds out this, ties the pumpkins to the tail to collect water; the tail has come off; the other foxes ask the little one to shake the mulberries; she climbs the tree on the condition that she ties the tails of the others; she ate berries, screamed that the dog was approaching, the other foxes ran away with their tails cut off]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 64:471-480 (=Pakhalina 1966:95-101); Uzbeks [someone hung a calebas in front of a deer's den; that hears a knock, is afraid to go out; when he goes out, he sees a calebass, ties it to his tail, lowers it into the water, the calebass has suffered, the deer's tail has come off; other deer promise revenge; the tailless offers to grind carry the grain on the threshing floor; you have to contact with your tails - if a hunter comes, it's easy to untie it; when they see a person, the deer flee, cutting off their tails, now all deer have short tails]: Afzalov et al. 1972 (1 ): 51-53; Baluchi [the fox thought there was fat tail in the well; she jumped and hit a white stone; a jackal came up, then a lion; the fox talked to everyone about lard, he jumped down; she suggested eat the jackal on the lion; tied her jackal intestines, then began to eat them, pretending to eat up her own intestines; the lion ripped open his belly and died; the shepherd fell, the fox said that she was sewing a fur coat, promised to sew and him; asked two sheep, then a lamb; then told the dogs to tie and throw the stick away, lower the rope; the shepherd picked it up, the fox ran away; another time the shepherd lowered the dogs on the fox, she hid in a hole, the shepherd left a jug at the entrance; three days later, the fox decided to get out, got angry at the jug, tied it to its tail, began to drown it; the jug pulled, the tail broke off; the shepherd came up, the fox told him not to hit her - she was not the one who deceived him, but she would bring nine tailless ones; the fox took some paper, came to the foxes and said that this paper contained permission to eat whatever you wanted in the garden; so that the other foxes would not prevent each other from eating grapes, the fox tied them; lured the gardener; the foxes rushed and cut off their tails; the fox brought the tailless foxes to the shepherd; he was so amazed that he gave them a sheep]: Zarubin 1949, No. 5:52-58.
(Wed. Baltoscandia. Estonians [a tailless fox persuades others to lose its tail too; they laugh at it; {just one publication and it seems to be just a translation by Aesop}]: Kippar 1986, no. 64:71).
Turkestan. Kazakhs: Bosingen 1985 [five foxes laugh at the sixth kutsa; she leads them into the forest, offers a game: blindfold and then run at the signal; quietly ties their tails to trees; shouts that hunters are coming, all foxes cut off their tails]: 169-170; Kaskabasov 1979 [the short fox invites five friends to tie their tails to the Christmas trees; says that golden eagles are flying, the foxes have rushed to run, their tails have torn off]: 124; Kyrgyz [The fox found an expensive robe; promises the Wolf to sew one if he brings her rams; the fox ate them, disappeared into the hole, the Wolf managed to tear off her tail; the Fox invited other foxes into her hole; said that the Wolf was waiting for the hole, we must tie each other by the tails, go out together; while the Wolf chooses the best one, you can run away; when you see the Wolf, the foxes rushed, all cut off their tails; the Wolf continued to watch the Fox; hung the neck of a broken jug by the hole; the wind howls, the Fox thinks that the Wolf is still sitting; when she went out, she put her head in her neck, went to the river to drown him; poked into the water, her neck dragged to the bottom, she drowned]: Brudny, Eshmambetov 1981:279-280; (cf. Turkmens [The fox sees the caravan, hides in a hole; three days later, the caravans left, throwing a broken jug into the hole; the wind is blowing in it, Lisa is afraid to go out; when she went out and saw that it was broken a jug, promised to punish him; found meat in a trap, offered Wolf, he got caught, the Fox ate the meat; decided to punish the jug by drowning it; tied it to the tail, the jug pulled it to the bottom, she jerked, the tail came off; Wolf with a crippled leg met him; Lisa said she wasn't the one who lured him into the trap - she had no tail]: Fur Fair 1980:60-63).