M128. Colorful animals, ATU 1036.
Having agreed with the enemy that he will get animals with certain external characteristics or behave in a certain way, the hero, when dividing cattle, takes all or almost everybody.
Hottentots, Suto, Old Testament, Portuguese, Spanish, Catalans, Basques, Italians (Calabria), Maltese, French, English, Irish, Romanians, Slovenes, Hungarians, Croats, Bulgarians, Serbs, Greeks, Western Ukrainians (Transcarpathia), Belarusians, Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians, Setus, Livonians, Swedes, Komi, Kazakhs.
SW Africa. The Hottentots (nama, a subgroup of the Koran, Kimberley) [the Koran lit a fire at night, the cattle gathered to it; asked the Bushmen if they would take light or dark; they in ____________________chose light ( i.e. illuminated animals), the Koran said they were taking dark things; in the morning it turned out that the dark ones were cattle, the Bushmen were left without cattle]: Maingard 1962:52.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Suto (pedi, mbire) [(cattle thief changes animal color)]: Sicard 1952:68
Southern Europe. The Portuguese [the giant is going to hire a worker, but not to be called Pedro; Pedro meets three times and the giant, not realizing that it is the same guy, finally hired him; he herds the sheep , drove them into the pen for the night; the giant sent him to fetch water; P. pretends to dig in a well, the giant brought water himself; the next evening he sends P. to bring the pine tree that has already been cut down; P. pretends that He ties the pine grove with a rope to bring everything at once; the giant let him bear the floor of the pine tree; he wobbles under its weight; says he remembered how fandangos dance; the giant said himself; the giant decided that P. is of little use, let him go; P.: first I want to get my share; those goats that have a hole under their tail, let them be mine; it turned out that everyone has a hole; P. sees an eagle: he will now take away all the goats; giant: and me? runs away]: Dias Marques 2019, No. 420:636-639; Catalans [hero and opponent decide to herd pigs together; when they start dividing, the hero demands those whose ears bend and takes everyone]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 1036:205; Spaniards: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1036:19; Basques: Barbier 1931, No. 4 [three brothers go to look for work; mother warns not to be hired by a red-bearded; red-bearded meet; the older brothers refuse, the youngest agrees; whoever gets angry first, the other will peel off his back to make sandals; the guy is told to bring the straightest and most crooked firewood from the forest, he's all performs (crooked - vine); herd pigs, and Tartar lives in these places; the guy took a bird, a son, a skein of thread with him; T. offers to compete; who will throw the stone next (the guy released bird); whoever breaks the stone by throwing it (the guy throws a piece of cheese, it breaks into small pieces); you have to split the guy's pigs, etc.; guy: all those with two ears and one tail are mine; running away from T., the guy wrapped his pork intestines and then threw them, shouting that it was easier to run; T. tore out his guts and died; the guy cut off the pigs' tails, put them in the swamp, and really drowned a few; the red-bearded man began to pull - the tails come off, the guy pulls out the pigs; the guy ripped off the red-bearded skin from the back, the rich returned home]: 81-84; Webster 1879 [Errua ("madman"), leaves home is hired by the owner; whoever of them is dissatisfied with the other will peel off the other's back; the owner tells 1) to bring the crooked branches for firewood (E. cuts down the vineyard), 2) drive the cows to pasture, without breaking a fence in which there is no passage (E. cuts cows into pieces, pushes them into hedges), 3) herd pigs on the mountain where the cannibal Tartaro lives; T. offers to compete, 1) who will leave next stone (the old woman advises releasing the bird), 2) who will throw a piece of iron next (a bar of iron; say: from here to Salamanca; T. does not tell you to throw it, because his parents are in Salamanca), 3) pull out and drag an oak tree (E . ties the entire forest with a rope, T. is frightened - where he will herd pigs); in T. E. goes to bed next to him for the night; puts the dead man lying under the bed in his place; T. hits him with iron, in the morning E. complains that fleas have bitten; E. must separate pigs from T. pigs; E. says he will take those with one mark and two markings; all pigs turn out to be so; in the village of E. sells all but two pigs, cutting off their tails; cuts one, hides giblets under clothes; in full view of people He stabs a knife in his stomach, people believe that his intestines have fallen out, he runs after the last pig; people tell T. that E. released his guts to run faster; T. rips his stomach open, dies; E. drives the pig into the mud, puts his tails in the mud, tells the owner that the pigs have fallen into the mud; the owner sends him for a spade; E. beats the hostess, she yells, he shouts to the owner - "One or both"; the owner replies that both; E. beats the maid, brings a spade with a hoe, hits the owner with them, he can't stand it, E. rips off his skin from his back; var.: E. burns T.'s eye with a hot spit; presses with a crunch nuts, says they are Christian bones; whoever brings more water, E. is going to carry the entire source, T. is scared]: 6-11; Italians (Calabria): Ciresem Serafini 1975, No. 1036:259; Maltese [A man has several sheep; he grazes them with the giant's herd; when they began to divide, the man said his sheep had a hole under his tail and took the herd for himself]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 1036:428.
Western Europe. French, British, Irish: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1036:19.
Western Asia. Old Testament [after serving his mother's brother Laban 7 years for Leah and 7 years for Rachel, Jacob asks for colorful cattle as a reward; after cutting poplar twigs and removing their bark in strips, puts the bars on watering hole, where strong sheep and goats copulate; does not put it in front of the weak; most strong young animals are variegated]: Gen. 30, 28-43.
The Balkans. Romanians [hell agreed with a man to steal pigs on the condition that pigs with a twisted tail get a person and the rest of the line; as a result, only one pig with with a severed tail; since then, the devil has been trying to harm a person]: Bîrlea 1966:503; Slovenes, Hungarians: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1036:19; Bulgarians [smart and stupid brothers share cattle; the clever suggested this: those animals that go to the old barn will go to him, and which animals to the new one will go to his brother; only a lame and blind old ox went to the old one]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 1030*: 375-376; Serbs, Croats, Greeks: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1030*: 18.
Central Europe. Ukrainians (Transcarpathia, Linear 1969:190-191), Belarusians [Sharing pigs: man and devil throw pigs over the fence; pigs with curled tails are for humans, others are a line]: SUS 1979, No. 1036:258.
Baltoscandia. Lithuanians [the farmhand agrees with the owner that he will be given those calves that will be born colorful; scares colorful sticks and throws them into the fence, or holds a colorful stick in front of the animals ; calves are born colorful]: Kerbelite 2001:192, 317; Latvians [in mythological legends, the god of heaven and light Dievs and the god of darkness, land, and dungeons Velns equip the world they created; V. has cows or he creates them; they are black, hornless, tailless, with undissected hooves; D. cunningly lures V. cows to him, makes them cloven-hoofed, attaches horns, tails, repaints from black to white, brown, variegated and other colors; "In the footsteps of his cows, V. comes to Dieves' pen and demands that his cows be given to him. D. says, "Go, see and get them if they're yours!" V. did not recognize his cows and left with nothing"; in other versions, D. left several cows black in color. "Since then, all brown, white, colorful cows have been owned by Dieves. There are few black cows and they belong to Wellns"]: Barovskis, Kursit 2017:153; Swedes [Damn created monochrome cattle; during the day, animals fell asleep in the heat, ran away, chased by insects; God gathered the animals in the barn, sheltered from heat and insects, touched everyone with a willow stick, from which the bark was torn off in stripes, the cattle became colorful; the devil did not recognize his cows; since then he owns only those that wholly white, black or red; such calves are immediately killed or sold]: Dänhardt 1907:188 (=Balzamo 2011, No. 42:76-77; narrated in Albert-Llorca 1987:164-165); Estonians [Damn (Vanapagan) He made cows, began to play the pipe; God made a stable, came to Hell, threw flies, mosquitoes, horseflies, and gadflies at the animals; they ran and fell into God's stable; while the devil was looking for them, God gave horns to the cows and split his hooves; the devil did not recognize his animals, left; since then there were blood-sucking insects; while he was running, the devil threw the pipe, now he began to look; she fell on the branches of the alder, and the Devil saw a reflection in the river thought there was a pipe at the bottom; first I unsuccessfully scooped water with a sieve, then tried to drink, couldn't; left a pipe for people]: Kippar 2010, No. III.8:64-65; seto [God created a beautiful land where they flowed rivers of milk, and bread, rolls and all kinds of food grew along the banks; created Adam and Eve, they finally became lazy; they were tired of going to the river for milk and bread, they wanted everything to be at home; then God destroyed such abundance, only fruit trees were left; and people had to work hard to get their food; but where can they get milk now? At this time, Judas created hell; created filthy animals and birds on earth; and he had a cow; God decided to steal it; created gadflies and horseflies, and they drove the cow to one man; God told him to answer Judas that his cow was; and in order for Judas to be convinced of this, he added horns, a tail and divided her hooves, which used to be like horses; Judas believed that the cow was a stranger and went to look for his own]: Vanahunt 2015:42; The Livs [the hell have one-horned cows; God makes horseflies, they drive cows to God's barn, he makes them two-horned]: Loorits 1926, No. 63:88.
Volga - Perm. Komi [Yong asks the goblin what he did today, says he made such an animal himself; the goblin replies that he also did it, the animals will get mixed up; Yong says they will not get mixed up, his - with signs; then names the characteristic feature of the animal; both call their own; all animals resort to Hen, the goblin says that his animals are gone]: Limerov 2012, No. 9 [burbot: a stone in the head], 12 [capercaillie: thymus (called "man" in games and magic), partridge with red marks, hazel grouse also with "man"; perch in a fur coat, roach with red marks, ruff with sharp bristles], 14 [deer with horns, elk with a comb], 15 [hares with black ear tips]: 13-15 (=2005, No. 10 [burbot], 13 [capercaillie, partridge, fish], 15 [deer and elk], 16 [=Fokos-Fuchs 1951, no. 25.IV: 213-214; hares]: 28-32).
Turkestan. Kazakhs [The devil created monochrome cattle, drove to herd, fell asleep; God touched everyone with fresh willow with white stripes, the animals became colorful; The devil was looking for monochrome animals, the cattle got To God]: Ivanovsky 1891:250.